#zan the panda
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Just some late night doodles of the folks in my friend Toge’s server. He likes to stream on twitch and has gathered many friends from there ^-^ thought these were cute enough to share
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Five days until sign-ups close!
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incorrect-star-allies · 4 months
Zan Partizanne: You saved me... why?
Hyness: Mmm... monkey.
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dandelionsresilience · 3 months
Good News - March 22-28
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on here or Ko-fi, at the end of the month I’ll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn’t use each week - almost double the content! (I’m new to taking tips on here; if it doesn’t show me your username or if you have DM’s turned off, please send me a screenshot of your payment)
1. Scimitar-horned Oryx: A Story of Global Conservation Success
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“Eight years following the first reintroductions of the species in a protected range in Chad, the species has been downlisted to ‘Endangered’ [an improvement from “extinct in the wild”] in the most recent IUCN Red List update.”
2. Thailand moves closer to legalising same-sex marriage
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“Under the law, it describes a marriage union as one between two individuals, rather than a man and a woman. It will give LGBTQ+ couples the ability to adopt, have equal access to marital tax savings, rights to property and the ability to decide medical treatment when their partner is incapacitated.”
3. Juvenile platypus found in NSW: a sign of breeding success
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“A baby platypus was discovered in the Royal National Park less than a year after 10 were reintroduced to the area, marking the end of a half-century local extinction. […] “Finding the juvenile platypus is a clear sign the reintroduced population is not just surviving but thriving, adapting well to their environment, and contributing to the genetic diversity and resilience of this iconic species.””
4. New Laws Protect Bird-Friendly Yards From Neighborhood Rules
“A blossoming legislative trend prevents homeowners associations, which set landscaping rules for a growing number of Americans, from forbidding native plants.”
5. Bookstores Around The World Are Flourishing Again
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“[I]t’s not just the major chains like Barnes & Noble that are flourishing, as the US book sales market continues to both grow and diversify, the majority of the retail book market is controlled by small indie stores.”
6. 'Like a luxury condominium': Providence zoo unveils new red panda habitat
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“"Kendji and Zan's new home boasts a spacious two-story, climate-controlled indoor space designed to mimic their natural Himalayan habitat," the zoo said in a news release. "This ensures their well-being regardless of fluctuating Rhode Island temperatures and humidity."”
7. The first CULTIVATE Mobile Research Lab on food sharing in Barcelona
“[Volunteers] engaged in growing, cooking and eating food together, and redistributing surplus food, as well as other actors involved in food sharing and sustainable food systems in Barcelona and its surroundings.”
8. New Methane Rule Will Reduce Natural Gas Waste, Generate Money for Taxpayers, Help Address Climate Change
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“The Bureau of Land Management’s final rule on reducing methane waste from oil and gas production on public lands will conserve critical energy resources, with the added benefit of decreasing toxic pollution [….] The rule will benefit wildlife, public lands, water resources, and nearby communities. By requiring royalties for wasted methane, the rule will also generate more than $50 million each year for American taxpayers.”
9. 'Exceptional' Two-Headed Snake Undergoes Surgery in Missouri
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“Tiger-Lily's [the snake’s] abnormal ovaries were then removed during surgery at the Saint Louis Zoo Endangered Species Research Center and Veterinary Hospital on March 11. The procedure went smoothly, with her ovaries being successfully removed, and the snake is recovering well.”
10. Aruba Embraces the Rights of Nature and a Human Right to a Clean Environment
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“A draft constitutional amendment would make the Carribean nation the second country in the world to recognize that nature has the right to exist.”
March 15-21 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Lightning Round!!
(Aka, Dess gives quick answers to a whole week's worth of asks else I'll NEVER clear out my inbox! XD ) 10 asks! Let’s get started!!
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Wow, yeah! This actually makes a lot of sense. Zan seeing the culture of the man who saved her life be used that way? (And given Hyness has very sore feelings about Halcandra?) You actually think she'd be a little more upset! Then again, teasing each other on Twitter is probably about the right level of aggression for the Kirby series!
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I'm generally live and let live on the matter, since for some people, the anime is the most accessible form of Kirby (or maybe they just like itty bitty Kirby because cute? Which is true!) but I would personally love to see in increase in a Kirby with wisdom and agency and the canonical ability to handle themselves over a Kirby who needs to be reminded when nap time is. Let's not forget that Kirby's friends are there in the first place not because Kirby requires a parental figure but because Kirby was the one who saved THEM! Multiple times!
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@wyverewings​ Pretty sure that came from DeafeningGardenerPanda's translation of the Dreamy Gears novel. It was called "Kaze no Machi" (Wind Town or Town of Wind) which Panda smartly localized as "Breezeburg." (”Brighton” was another one. I think the Japanese was “City of Light?”)
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Agreed on both points! It makes Triple Deluxe easier to play too! (Such violent inhales in that one! ^^; ) And I get what you're saying about Kirby! (Everyone is a significant other! Hee!) But I feel the exact same! Kirby loves everyone, equally, but it's the love of a friend-shaped friend!
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@thecrashman​ I'm glad that DMK getting neglected in Dream Buffet was a one time thing, because I'd love to see more content putting the mirror opposites face to face! Or back to back, fighting together?! (I've never seen Jack vs The Ninja - must look it up now - but that DOES sound badass!) DMK is seriously under-explored. I think the Sectonia mis-understanding doesn’t help...
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Huh. Just went back to Dream Collections script and he DOES say he's a traveler from "another dimension." Same kanji as used with AD in other places, but not written out in English as it sometimes is.
You know, I really do think this is all going to tie back to the TDX Magolor portrait?? I mean, Sectonia seems to have dimensional abilities. I can’t quite remember now, but I think you're traveling through dimensional portals in the later stages? Implied to be created by her or Taranza? So she probably could have helped Magolor reach there if they attempted to cooperate at one time. 
(DriftwoodMFW had this really great theory that the reason Joronia’s mask was labeled “old friend” wasn’t just because she was Taranza’s old friend but that Magolor thought of her as a friend too! Or didn’t at the time, because he wasn’t good with friendship, but thinks of her that way now?)
But yeah, who knows! Lots of possibilities there! (Fiddling around with Star Dream opened one up, so you could be right that anything Ancient/Energy Sphere-powered can open up a rift! Maybe Magolor even got ahold of a single energy sphere and BLIP! Insta-Halcandra!)
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No problem! It's easy if it's content I'm interested in! (That's how I got so good at Japanese! Back when I was studying, there was a lot less translators/translations around and I was so hungry to learn info that wasn't available otherwise!)
Anyway, you're welcome and thank you so much for your care and concern for me! Gah, everyone here is so sweet, even when I feel like I must get repetitive with my complaining about being tired or needing breaks! But anyway, I'm almost always happy to talk about Marx and Marx speculation! 
...Especially if it helps Marx escape that image of “lol so zany, has literally nothing going on with him outside of having a terminal case of the crazies” that I occasionally get tired of. So I’m glad I was able to share some of what I noticed!
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@driftwoodmfb​ Wah....Ah, thank you so much! You always have such nice things to say! I can't even express how nice it is to have people enjoy my stories!
I don't even know how I ended up this way myself! I kind of have an overabundance of empathy, which has hurt me sometimes but mostly taught me to always be as kind and as thoughtful as possible. Silly Dess fact, but I have this poem, “Desiderata”, that's been hanging on my bedroom wall since I was a very young child. I try to always refer to it when I'm feeling sad or lost. I recommend everyone give it a read. It's really good advice??
Also, the Kirby series really speaks to me. And by playing with it, I can exercise the part of me that wants things to be spooky and sad but also funny and heartwarming! (And if my drawings come off as warm and happy, that's probably me just being so happy that I like where my art is at finally! It’s only about now I realize just how much and for how long I’ve always dreamed of being an artist!) Anyway, I hope I can continue to make people smile!
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I once wanted to make a Marx spin-off game in GB Maker, that was just like Kirby's Dream Land only... different! It would play with the concepts of dreams and “reality” - because I can't stop being obsessed with my own Noddy Marx HC! (I started making sprites for it but fell off quickly.)
I also think Marx would be great in a Magolor like epilogue, starting from almost nothing and having to kick at enemies to survive until you get further along, with him gaining his powers of flight back toward the end!
But I’d also love to combine a Marx spin-off with Kagero Mansion (which I also HC as having been originally designed for him - the stuff with the clock just screams "Galactic Nova was designed for this game!") It would play strongly on having these spooky elements, like the haunted house level in Forgotten Land, but stretched out over a whole game! There'd be all these traps and puzzles, slightly more tricky than your average Kirby game!!
...I should really hurry up and learn Unity... I bought the Corgi platformer engine for myself to push me to learn game programming last year but I got so busy I haven't cracked it open yet, eep! But hey! Watch this space! I may yet make a Marx spin-off of my own!! (Yeah right, Dess, you have NO free time for that... Wahhh, it’s true...!)
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@eliastheownerof0axolotls​ The Soul bosses actually share all sorts of attacks, but since Drawcia and Marx are the original Soul bosses, it really all calls back to them! Which is kind of great?! It just makes sense that Marx and Magolor would have these little things in common! (Even though one is a magician and one is a wizard.) 
I'm really excited about the fact that the Master Tree uses Marx's seed attack! Maybe someday we'll get an explanation as to if there's SOMETHING ELSE connecting all these bosses together?!
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Don’t mind me and my Darkwing Duck reboot wishlist
- Seeing more of St. Canard.
- Launchpad, Drake, and Gosalyn’s wholesome domestic life.
-Gosalyn making new friends who accept her for living dangerously.
-Bulba and his impact in the plot.
-Steelbeak starting a Neo F.O.W.L.
-Seeing more of Drake’s backstory, for life lessons.
-Zan Owlson being a boss.
- The fearsome four with traits that make them look multi dimensional to the audience.
- Negaduck.  Just freaking Negaduck.
-An episode with Ziyi, (and also learning what Launchpad did with his baby Panda from Macaw)
-Also an episode with Oceanika.
-An episode with Captain Crash.
-Morgana Macawber’s revamped design.
-Some episodes with Gizmoduck.  Also Gandra, Gyro, Boyd, Manny and M’ma Cabrera.
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What's happening in Italy? P2
left-wing parties are taking their time from work to remember us how unperfect Fedez is, Fedez replies on IG and Twitter with good facts and admitting he's done wrong in the past...but he's a a rapper (maybe not even that, as he said) and he's doing the best he can to get better.
Rai3 executive director, Franco Di Mare, spoke yesterday in the Supervisory Commission saying that "Rai did not ask for the text" of the rapper, "what he says is false. Rai was in the dark ".
The singer's reply came through IG's stories: "Di Mare claims that Rai has nothing to do with May Day because they only acquire the rights, accuses me of falsifications and alludes to the fact that I would have plotted with reporters. Lega proposes to file charges against me. First lie in front of everyone: after the statement in which Rai says that there was no censorship, I published a phone call in which the object of the communication is to try to modify my intervention. If Rai is not involved as Di Mare says, what is the role of the deputy director of Rai3 who tells me to be cautious with the names and considers my intervention inappropriate? I take on all the responsibilities and I knew very well what I was going to face”.
- stories
“I would do everything again. I know very well that I am privileged and if Rai sues me I have the means to defend myself, if Rai bans me from its networks it doesn't change my life. The problem is: another less privileged artist in my place would probably have given in. The same goes for Rai employees, who have to choose between freedom of speech and let the family eat. Is this behavior right for a state TV?"
- Huffpost
- X 6:36
"It looks like the fair of clichés, my car. Okay, I'll give you something new, I'm selling the Lamborghini, I don't use it much, I don't have the Lamborghini anymore... so? Does this strengthen and give more credibility to the words I say? I mean, if I buy myself a Panda can I- say what I think?"
I was actually waiting for Pio and Amedeo apologies....this is what they shared: 1 - 2 - 3
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Short dramatic story.
Giorgia Meloni went to a press conference to speak about everything, and so, how it usually goes, about nothing.
Then they talked about DDL Zan.
First question:
"What do you think about the alternative text about DDL Zan by Lega and Forza Italia?"
"I haven't read it yet, but I think it's smart."
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Second question:
"Do you know what gender means?"
"Oh, look, I've never quite understood it."
So, in two lines, she has confessed to appreciate suggestions she has never read and dispute things she didn't get. In 10 lines, the sovereign right party has been left undressed and frankly it's not a pretty sight."
Another gem:
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April 25: Anniversary of the liberation of Italy, also known as the Liberation Day or simply 25 April, is a national holiday of the Italian Republic which occurs on 25 April each year and which celebrates the liberation of Italy from the Nazi occupation and the fascist regime.
April 29 Milan 2021:
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About 800 far-right militants met from 6 pm onwards in via Paladini in Milan, Città Studi, for a static garrison, much more than a gathering, with many without masks, in front of the plaque and the words "Ciao Sergio". The event, like every year, is to commemorate the death of Sergio Ramelli, the student and activist of the Fronte della Gioventù (neofascist group) killed in an ambush while returning home by a group of Avanguardia Operaia. The demonstrators did not give up the Roman salute and the "present" rite to celebrate the memory of comrade Ramelli: one of them chanted the phrase "Camerata Sergio Ramelli" three times and those present repeated "Present" three times. X - Video
This made the news on May 3rd only.
Italy and fascism: "Apologia of Fascism" Contrary to the name, in fact, the law is mainly concerned with punishing those who try to rebuild the old fascist party, rather than those who defend it or express opinions in favor of fascism.
Also anyone who "glorify exponents, principles, facts or methods of fascism, or its anti-democratic purposes", establishes Article 4, risks from six months to two years of imprisonment. X
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merrowsong · 6 years
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Yanmei in one of my favorite transmogs.  She’s carrying around a modified Fu Zan, the Wanderer’s Companion. :D 
Because yes, I enjoy punching and/or whacking monsters with a staff and/or fist weapons as a panda in my free time. 
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aw-yea · 3 years
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@lisa-liggin @thelittlehideaway @oddly-drawn-angel @s-erenitatis-blog @sadnexs @ross-fl0w @janetalveron-blog-blog @good-girls-love--bad-boys @m4dd0g55 @w-o-a-h-h @iinesalexandra @thepinganillamc @sammy9792-blog @gtfo-my @sarscoelho-blog @danie-california @the-walls-came-down @black-diamondsxx-blog @cristinavma @olapessoaltudobem @wishingforrainistandinthedesert @rdioactiv-blog @jotactm-y-te-importa @mainl0ser @kendallscripter @brobeans-bro @iliketalkativepeople @simplybelowaverage-blog @iphonesoulpapers-blog @woskywosk @athrepgoods @youngbloodkillin @lion-gurl @moneyspender-blog @zanned @pap-illons @kada-sam-joj-reko-idii @tinapetricevic @the-lights-within @littleboo-x @cathystrit @outubro-de-3-blog @subversive-panda @just-destruction @iamgirafinha @hollywood-soul @shannon-talisa @achka @whatcocaine @mymaimymai 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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This was the original Zan the panda and I made it for a con badge when we went to Blfc 2022
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orpheusterminals · 5 years
Ape-English Dictionary
Apes have a language that they taught to Tarzan when he was a child. That is what Edgar Rice Burroughs says, and he should know. Many of the terms are translatable into English and are used in the Tarzan books. Here is a list of ape words and their English meanings.
there is also an ape-english VOCABULARY with words organized by topic
a light || ab boy || abalu brother || abu knee (kneel) || adu lose || ala rise || amba fall || ara lightning || arad spear || argo fire || aro shoot, throw, cast || at tail || atan male
bal golden || balu baby || balu-den stick, branch, limb || band elbow || bar battle || bara deer || ben great || bo flat || bolgani gorilla || bu he || bund dead || bundolo kill || bur cold || busso fly || buto rhinoceros || b'wang hand || b'yat head || b'zan hair || b'zee foot
dak fat || dak-lul lake || dako thick || dako-zan meat, flesh || dan rock, stone || dan-do stop || dango hyena || dan-lul ice || dano bone || dan-sopu nut || den tree || dum-dum tom-tom, drum, gathering || duro hippopotamus
eho much || eho-dan hard || eho-kut hollow || eho-lul wet || eho-nala top || es rough || eta little || eta-gogo whisper || eta-koho warm || eta-nala low || etarad arrow
ga red || galul blood || gando win || gash tooth, fang || gimla crocodile || go black || gogo talk (buffalo) || gom run || gomangani negro || gom-lul river || gor growl || gorgo buffalo (moon) || goro moon || gree-ah like, love || gu stomach, belly || gugu front || gumado sick || gund chief
histah (hista) snake || ho many || hoden forest || hohotan tribe || horta boar || hotan clan || ho-wala village || ho-wa-usha leaves || hul star
jabo shield || jar strange
kagoda? Do you surrender? || kagoda! I do surrender! || kal milk || kalan female || kalo cow || kalu mother || kambo jungle || kando ant || kargo middle, center || kas jump || klu hen || klu-kal egg || ko mighty || kob hit || koho hot || kor walk || korak killer || kordo dance || ko-sabor mighty lioness || kota tortoise || kreeg-ah beware,danger || kree-gor scream || kudu sun || kut hole
lan right || lana sting || lano mosquito || lat nose || litu sharp || lob kick || lot face || lu fierce || lufo side || lul water || lul-kor swim || lus tongue
mado lame || mal yellow || mangani great apes || manu monkey || meeta rain || mo short || mu she
nala up || neeta bird || nene beetle || nesen grasshopper || no brook || numa lion || nur lie (untruth)
olo wrestle || om long || omtag giraffe
pacco zebra || pal country (tribe's hunting grounds) || pamba rat || pan soft || pand thunder || panda noise || pandar loud || pand-balu-den rifle || pan-lul weep || pan-vo weak || pastar father || pele valley || pisah (pisa) fish || po hungry || popo eat (also so) || por mate || por-atan husband || por-kalan wife
rak yes (also huh) || rala snare || ramba lie down || rand back || rea word || rem catch || rep truth || ro flower || rota laugh || ry crooked || ry-balu-den bow
sabor lioness || sato kind || sheeta panther, leopard || ska vulture || skree wild-cat || sopu fruit || sord bad
ta high, tall || tag neck || tan warrior || tand no, not || tanda dark || tandak think || tand-ho few || tandlan left || tand-litu dull, blunt || tand-lul dry || tand-nala down || tand-panda silent, silence || tand-popo starve || tand-ramba get up || tand-unk stay || tand-utor brave || tand-vulp empty || tan-klu rooster || tantor elephant || ta-pal hill || tar white || tar-bur snow || tarmangani white men || tho mouth || thub heart || tongani (tongoni) baboon || tor beast || tro straight || tu bright || tub broken
ubor thristy || ud drink || ug bottom || ugh okay || ugla hate || ungo (unga) jackal || unk go || unk-nala climb || usha wind || ut corn || utor fear, afraid
van well || vando good || ved mountain || vo muscle || voo-dum dance || voo-voo sing || vulp full
wa green || wala neat, hut, home, house || wang arm || wappi antelope || wa-usha leaf || whuff smoke || wo this || wob that
yad ear || yang swing || yat eye || yato look, see || yel here || yeland there || yo friend || yud come || yut stab, gore || yuto cut
za girl || za-balu sister || zan skin || zee leg || zor in || zu big || zu-dak-lul (za-dak-lul) ocean || zugor roar || zu-kut cave || zut out || zu-vo strong
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lindsglenne · 6 years
I usually don’t do TBR’s, I pick as I go. Maybe sometimes I’ll have a theme to my reading, like summer books during summertime (groundbreaking, I know), but other than that I mostly go on mood. However at the end of the month, I’m heading to the LA Times Festival of Books.  I used to go to this festival when I was young and it was at UCLA, but I’ve been to this iteration at USC for the past four years.  I’m also going to YALLWEST the first weekend in May. I spend most of my time at these festivals at author signings. I bring my suitcase with all my books of the writers I’ll be meeting that day.  I hate going to a signing having not read the author’s book, so my reading for the next month will be dedicated to finishing off the list of the writers I’ll be seeing.  Some I’ve already read but others were recently released so I’m only getting the chance to read them now. I won’t say much about them, obviously, because I haven’t read them yet, but also no spoilers!
Emergency Contact – Mary H.K. Choi
I’m currently reading this right now and so far, I really like it. A big part of that is because it’s set in college
I Have Lost My Way – Gayle Forman
I think her writing is pretty extraordinary so I’m excited to dive into this.  Probably my next pick for the month.
Dream Things True – Marie Marquardt
 Pretty generic, but so am I
The Summer of Jordi Perez – Amy Spalding
I really dig Amy as a person.  She has a funny Twitter and a colorful Instagram.  I really enjoyed Kissing Ted Callahan but I DNF’ed The New Guy. Who knows how I’ll feel with Jordi Perez, but the fact that it’s set in LA is a huge plus.
Leah on the Offbeat – Becky Albertalli
I’M SO EXCITED! A lot of my enthusiasm is because this “world” is fresh in my head after two viewings of Love, Simon.  But a plus-sized badass like Leah? PUMPED!
Tyler Johnson Was Here – Jay Coles
Can you blame me if I said a lot of my reasoning for this book is that cover…?
Something in Between – Melissa De La Cruz
Honestly this book is probably my lowest priority if I don’t get everything else read. I don’t know how I feel about writers who crank out books as fast as she does…
Winner Takes All – Laurie Devore
The cover makes it seem to be lighthearted but the synopsis seems like the opposite.  Surprise me!
Broken Beautiful Hearts – Kami Garcia
This is another book that is pretty low on my list.  I feel like it’s going to be a generic teen romance with not a lot else going on.  I hope I’m proven wrong!
The Dangerous Art of Blending In – Angelo Surmelis
This seems like it’s going to be a really tender and beautiful story.
Other books I’m bringing but I’ve already read them:
Down and Across – Arvin Ahmadi
A little slow at the beginning, but all-around a good story.
Little and Lion – Brandy Colbert
LOVED it.  I’m pretty sure it was in my Best of’s at the end of last year.
The Authentics – Abdi Nazemian
This book went a different direction than what I thought.  Definitely brought more depth to a story that could have been superficial.
American Panda – Gloria Chao
Reviewed a few weeks ago.  Great college book that explored cultural differences between a family.
Dear Martin – Nic Stone
I wanted this to be so much longer! I was so in it, I think I read it in one night.
Grace and the Fever – Zan Romanoff
I’m a sucker for a good music-centered book
E. Lockhart:
We Were Liars fucked me up
Gayle Forman:
I’ve read all her books (except Sisters in Sanity) and I enjoyed all of them, but my favorite is probably I Was Here.  A little more mature, dealing with the grief of losing your best friend.
Marie Marquardt:
I’ve read two of her books (with one on my TBR) in very close proximity of one another.  I think I would have enjoyed them more if I had a separation time between.  She writes a lot about immigration and illegal aliens so the two books felt extremely similar.
The 12 Steps to Normal – Farrah Penn
Review coming Friday!
Becky Albertalli:
Love, Hate, and Other Filters – Samira Ahmed
Heavily hyped but did not disappoint.
One of Us is Lying – Karen M. McManus
This book got me into reading more mysteries!
  Let me know if you’ve read any of these books and what you thought!
April TBR: Festival Addition! I usually don't do TBR's, I pick as I go. Maybe sometimes I'll have a theme to my reading, like summer books during summertime (groundbreaking, I know), but other than that I mostly go on mood.
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
blazblue calamity trigger xbox 360
blazblue calamity trigger xbox 360
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger.
Check PlayStation 3 cheats for this game
Genre: Fighting, 2D Fighting
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: Aksys Games
ESRB Rating: Teen
Release Date: July 2, 2009
Currently we have no tips for BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Unlock Unlimited Characters
Successfully complete Hakumen’s Arcade mode. : Unlimited Hakumen
Successfully complete Rachel’s Arcade mode. : Unlimited Rachel
Successfully complete Ragna’s Arcade mode. : Unlimited Ragna:
Successfully complete V-13’s Arcade mode. : Unlimited V-13
Fight Unlimited Ragna In Arcade Mode
Comlete “Arcade Mode” while having more than 10 distortion finishes and you will unlock the fight with Unlimited Ragna after V-13
Alternate Ending: The True Ending
To view the true ending, you need to clear “Story Mode” for each character.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Achievement List
[ARCADE] Beat Arcade mode on the highest difficulty.Dante (30)[SCORE ATTACK] Beat Score Attack mode.Leonidas (40)[ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] Defeat Hakumen in Arcade / Score Attack mode.I Am the Just Sword (20)[ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] Defeat v-13 in Arcade / Score Attack mode.Murakumo Activated. (20)[Player Match] Experience a Player Match.Wanderer (10)[Player Match] Experience is power.Warrior (30)[Player Match] Learn from the mistakes of others.Voyeur (10)[Ranked Match / Player Match] Fight against different opponents.Ruler of Kagutsuchi (10)[Ranked Match] Experience a Ranked Match.Be Gentle. It’s My First Time. (10)[Ranked Match] Conquer a Ranked Match.That Was Incredible! (10)[Ranked Match] Win several Ranked Matches in a row.You Brute! (20)[Ranked Match] Strive higher in Ranked Matches.100 Trials (20)[Ranked Match] Strive even higher in Ranked Matches.200 Trials (40)[GALLERY] Collect more art!Hands Where I Can See Them (30)[REPLAY THEATER] Collect replay data.I Like to Watch (10)[STORY] Understand the truth of the story.Hello World ! (10)[TRAINING] You still have much to learn.You’re the Best! Around! (20)Increase your level.Legionnaire (20)Increase your level even more.Praetorian Guardsman (30)Performed an instant block 300 times.Their Numbers Count for Nothing (20)Successfully escaped 50 throws.Greased Pig (10)In one match, successfully pulled off “Thirteen Orphans”, “The Great Wheel”, and “All Green”.Hat-Trick (10)Let an opponent get a 5,000 hit-point lead on you, then taunt you.Words Hurt Too (30)Used Distortion Drive over 100 times.Designated Driver (30)Used Barrier Burst over 30 times.Restraining Order (20)[Ranked / Player Match] Get “First Strike” five times in a row.I’m Faster Than Anybody (20)Used all the color palettes of a single character.In Living Color (10)Performed your first Astral Heat.It’s Go Time (10)Performed your first Barrier Crush.You Never Forget Your First (10)Use an Astral Finish with every character.Discouraging Finish! (30)Earned a Perfect victory 30 times.Nothing’s Gonna Keep You Down (30)Used Counter Assault 30 times.Stop Hitting Yourself (20)Used Rapid Cancel over 100 times.Animation Conservation (20)Caused a Double Down to occur.This Just Got Real (20)Performed a 20 hit combo after the round is over.It’s the Only Way to Be Sure (10)Defeated “Unlimited” Ragna, and obtained the power of darkness.Welcome to the Azure Nightmare [ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] (30)Defeated “Unlimited” Rachel.Victory Is an Illusion [ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] (30)Used Ragna’s “Gauntlet Hades” over 100 times.Devil’s Advocate (20)Used Musou Senshouzan or Tosshougeki over 20 times in one round, and finished the opponent off.Ride the Icening (10)Heard Noel say, “Hands off the panda!” over 100 times.This Is Important. (20)Stayed afloat for over 25 seconds with Rachel.Spoonful of Sugar (20)Threw a Kaka kitten using Taokaka’s “Kitty Litter Special!”.Cat-a-pult (10)Hit the opponent with Tager’s “Spark Bolt” more than six times in one round.Irresistible (10)Had a perfect match using Arakune.Beautiful Arakune (20)Fought against Bang as Bang, and both activated the “Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan”.Bangarang! (20)As Carl, decommissioned Nirvana three times in one round.I Can Rebuild Her. (10)Dealt over 10,000 damage using Hakumen, without the use of an Astral Heat.It’s over 10,000! (30)Completed a 60+ hit combo using Nu.Activate Termination Protocol (30)Exceed a total playtime of 25 hours.Carpal Tunnel (20)Saw the True Ending.Duh Dun DUNNN! (30)
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Okay okay okay. Husbando and I have really took a deep dive into the furry fandom in the past year and he finally let me redraw the original oc I had for him. A million references later, I present: THE BOI
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
yu gi oh ultimate masters championship 06 gba
yu gi oh ultimate masters championship 06 gba
Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06 cheats & more for Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06.
Also Known As: Yu-Gi-Oh Ultimate Masters 2006
Genre: Strategy, 3D Real-Time Strategy
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: Konami
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Release Date: March 31, 2006
You can type in a password as many times as you want. The only bad thing is that you have to pay Duelest Points(DP) every time.
Win In 20 Turns!!!!
To win in 20 turns you must have the card final countdown in your deck. To play this card you must pay 2000 LP, but it is worth the loss of LP.
Raviel, Lord Of Phantasms
Uria, Lord Of Sealing Flames
Hamon, Lord Of Striking Thunder
Soul Release
Helios- The Primordial Sun
Golden Homunculus
Helios Duo Megistus
Exodia’s Head
Card Passwords
Enter these passwords in the password screen to get cards if you dp.
24140059 A Cat of Ill Omen 06850209 A Deal With Dark Ruler 49140998 A Feather of the Phoenix 68170903 A Feint Plan 21597117 A Hero Emerges 00295517 A Legendary Ocean 51351302 A Man With Wdjat 05728014 A Rival Appears! 28596933 A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon 13026402 A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit 89718302 Abare Ushioni 27744077 Absolute End 49771608 Absorbing Kid From the Sky 18318842 Abyss Soldier 89801755 Abyssal Designator 41356845 Acid Trap Hole 47372349 Acrobat Monkey 62325062 Adhesion Trap Hole 53828396 Adhesive Explosive 25345186 After the Struggle 16135253 Agido 18036057 Airknight Parshath 48202661 Aitsu 06150044 Alkana Knight Joker 99785935 Alpha the Magnet Warrior 21070956 Altar for Tribute 91869203 Amazon Archer 67987611 Amazoness Archers 73574678 Amazoness Blowpiper 29654737 Amazoness Chain Master 47480070 Amazoness Paladin 94004268 Amazoness Swords Woman 10979723 Amazoness Tiger 95174353 Ameba 67371383 Amphibian Beast 64342551 Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 00303660 Amplifier 23927567 An Owl of Luck 93221206 Ancient Elf 31557782 Ancient Gear 10509340 Ancient Gear Beast 80045583 Ancient Gear Cannon 92001300 Ancient Gear Castle 67829249 Ancient Gear Drill 83104731 Ancient Gear Golem 56094445 Ancient Gear Soldier 54912977 Ancient Lamp 43230671 Ancient Lizard Warrior 15013468 Andro Sphinx 13250922 Anteatereatingant 65064143 Anti-Aircraft Flower 53112492 Anti-Spell 09156135 Apprentice Magician 48539234 Appropriate 85639257 Aqua Madoor 40916023 Aqua Spirit 55001420 Arcane Archer of the Forest 50287060 Archfiend of Gilfer 49881766 Archfiend Soldier 18378582 Archlord Zerato 53153481 Armaill 90374791 Armed Changer 59464593 Armed Dragon LV10 00980973 Armed Dragon LV3 46384672 Armed Dragon LV5 73879377 Armed Dragon LV7 09076207 Armed Ninja 84430950 Armed Samurai - Ben Kei 79649195 Armor Break 07180418 Armor Exe 15480588 Armored Lizard 17535588 Armored Starfish 20277860 Armored Zombie 69296555 Array of Revealing Light 42364374 Arsenal Bug 55348096 Arsenal Robber 85489096 Arsenal Summoner 62633180 Assault on GHQ 37053871 Astral Barrier 02134346 Asura Priest 88236094 Aswan Apparition 87340664 Atomic Firefly 63689843 Attack And Receive 91989718 Attack Reflector Unit 37970940 Aussa the Earth Charmer 71453557 Autonomous Action Unit 99284890 Avatar of the Pot 84914462 Axe Dragonute 40619825 Axe of Despair 22790789 B.E.S. Crystal Core 05053103 Battle Ox 49522489 Beelze Frog 41426869 Black Illusion Ritual 65169794 Black Pendant 98239899 Blast with chain 53183600 Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon 23995346 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon 89631139 Blue-Eyes White Dragon 29401950 Bottomless Trap Hole 30548775 Branch! 71413901 Breaker the Magical Warrior 06214884 Brron, Mad King of Dark World 53586134 Bubble Blaster 80075749 Bubble Illusion 61968753 Bubble Shuffle 27191436 Burst Return 97077563 Call of The Haunted 11384280 Cannon Soldier 48276469 Chain Burst 04031928 Change of Heart 82301904 Chaos Emperor Dragon-Envoy of the End 46910446 Chthonian Alliance 22479888 Clay Charge 10375182 Command Knight 31036355 Creature Swap 52571838 Creeping Doom Manta 68774379 Cyber Barrier Dragon 70095154 Cyber Dragon 01546123 Cyber End Dragon 34124316 Cyber Jar 34124316 Cyber Jar 04162088 Cyber Laser Dragon 74157028 Cyber Twin Dragon 69015963 Cyber-Stein 29612557 Cyclone Boomerang 11321183 Dark Blade 33875961 Dark Catapulter 21417692 Dark Elf 53129443 Dark Hole 46986414 Dark Magician 98502113 Dark Paladin 44763025 Delinquent Duo 44883830 Des Croaking 84451804 Des Frog 11961740 Different Dimension Capsule 67095270 Dimension Wall 49010598 Divine Wrath 34187685 Double Attack 43250041 Draining Shield 13532663 Dummy Golem 60082869 Dust Tornado 29343734 E-hero Eilixer 25366484 E-hero Shining Flare Wingman 83121692 E-hero Tempester 10526791 E-hero Wild Juggyman 53693416 Eagle Eye 59820352 Earth Chant 67105242 Earthbound Spirit 65743242 Earthbound Spirit's Invitation 82828051 Earthquake 46128067 Ebon Magician Curran 97342942 Ectoplasmer 69954399 Ekibyo Drakmord 11324436 Electric Snake 90219263 Elegant Egotist 23118924 Element Doom 30314994 Element Dragon 65260293 Element Magician 92755808 Element Saurus 66712593 Element Soldier 97623219 Element Valkyrie 61411502 Elemental Burs 21844576 Elemental Hero Avian 59793705 Elemental Hero Bladedge 77979666 Elemental Hero Bubbleman 58932615 Elemental Hero Burstinatrix 84327329 Elemental Hero Clayman 29343734 Elemental Hero Erikshieler 35809262 Elemental Hero Flame Wingman 52031567 Elemental Hero Mudballman 89252153 Elemental Hero Necroshade 05285665 Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman 89943723 Elemental Hero Neos 47737087 Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster 25366484 Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman 20721928 Elemental Hero Sparkman 81197327 Elemental Hero Steamhealer 83121692 Elemental Hero Tempest 61204971 Elemental Hero Thunder Giant 10526791 Elemental Hero Wildedge 86188410 Elemental Hero Wildheart 85166216 Elephant Statue of Blessing 12160911 Elephant Statue of Disaster 06390406 Emblem of Dragon Destroyer 28649820 Embodiment of Apophis 28649820 Embodiment of Apophis 53046408 Emergency Provisions 43580269 Emes the Infinity 75043725 Emissary of the Afterlife 06103294 Emissary of the Oasis 58818411 Empress Mantis 96355986 Enchanted Javelin 30531525 Enchanting Fitting Room 75376965 Enchanting Mermaid 08198712 End of the World 98045062 Enemy Controller 26022485 Enervating Mist 76909279 Enraged Battle Ox 91862578 Enraged Muka Muka 74364659 Eria the Water Charmer 95051344 Eternal Rest 11460577 Etoile Cyber 63749102 Exarion Universe 98494543 Excavation of Mage Stones 95451366 Exhausting Spell 74131780 Exiled Force 12600382 Exodia Necross 33396948 Exodia the Forbidden One 99267150 F.G.D. 99267150 F.G.D. - Five God Dragon 21598948 Fairy Box 45425051 Fairy King Truesdale 97687912 Fairy Meteor Crush 20188127 Fairy of the Spring 17653779 Fairy's Hand Mirror 32919136 Falling Down 89731911 Familiar Knight 31887905 Familiar-Possessed - Aussa 68881649 Familiar-Possessed - Eria 04376658 Familiar-Possessed - Hiita 31764353 Familiar-Possessed - Wynn 77910045 Fatal Abacus 28120197 Fault Zone 34193084 Fear from the Dark 19394153 Feather Shot 71060915 Feather Wind 37406863 Fengsheng Mirror 00218704 Fenrir 41392891 Feral Imp 81172176 Fiend Comedian 02863439 Fiend Reflection #2 26566878 Fiend Scorpion 66235877 Fiend Skull Dragon 58607704 Fiend's Hand Mirror 24874630 Fiend's Sanctuary 52503575 Final Attack Orders 95308449 Final Countdown 18591904 Final Destiny 60369732 Final Ritual of the Ancients 43061293 Fire Darts 46534755 Fire Kraken 64752646 Fire Princess 87473172 Firebird 53293545 Firegrass 71407486 Fireyarou 66788016 Fissure 12883044 Flame Dancer 58528964 Flame Ghost 34460851 Flame Manipulator 41089128 Flame Ruler 45231177 Flame Swordsman 96890582 Flash Assailant 75560629 Flint 95952802 Flower Wolf 31987274 Flying Fish 84834865 Flying Kamakiri #1 03134241 Flying Kamakiri #2 97806240 Forced Ceasefire 74923978 Forced Requisition 87430998 Forest 26931058 Formation Union 88753985 Fox Fire 16556849 Freed the Brave Wanderer 49681811 Freed the Matchless General 85359414 Freezing Beast 98818516 Frenzied Panda 81332143 Friendship 38742075 Frontier Wiseman 46181000 Frontline Base 57069605 Frozen Soul 01781310 Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan 09373534 Fuhma Shuriken 48206762 Fulfillment of the Contract 70865988 Full Salvo 38538445 Fushi No Tori 39711336 Fushioh Richie 51632798 Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast 33550694 Fusion Gate 18511384 Fusion Recovery 26902560 Fusion Sage 37684215 Fusion Sword Murasume Blade 27967615 Fusion Weapon 01641882 Fusionist 86281779 Gadget Soldier 49003308 Gagagigo 56594520 Gaia Power 51355346 Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective 66889139 Gaia The Dragon Champion 77491079 Gale Lizard 37313786 Gamble 11549357 Gamma the Magnet Warrior 12800777 Garuda the Wind Spirit 93431518 Gateway to Dark World 07512044 Gather Mind 87751584 Gatling Dragon 05818798 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts 30190809 Gear Golem the Moving Fortress 00423705 Gearfried the Iron Knight 57046845 Gearfried the Swordmaster 69140098 Gemini Elf 34460239 Generation Shift 24668830 Germ Infection 21887179 Getsu Fuhma 13386503 Ghost Knight of Jackal 78266168 Giant Axe Mummy 95178994 Giant Germ 58185394 Giant Kozaky 73698349 Giant Orc 97017120 Giant Rat 13039848 Giant Soldier of Stone 42703248 Giant Trunade 98792570 Gift of the Martyr 98299011 Gift Of The Mystical Elf 43793530 Giga Gagagigo 08471389 Giga-Tech Wolf 47606319 Gigantes 53776525 Gigobyte 45894482 Gilasaurus 69933858 Gilford the Legend 36354007 Gilford the Lightning 51828629 Giltia the D. Knight 84620194 Girochin Kuwagata 78658564 Goblin Attack Force 12057781 Goblin Calligrapher 85306040 Goblin Elite Attack Force 18590133 Goblin King 69632396 Goblin out of the Frying Pan 45311864 Goblin Thief 63665875 Goblin Zombie 11868825 Goblin's Secret Remedy 53493204 Goddess with the Third Eye 39674352 Gogiga Gagagigo 14472500 Gokipon 78004197 Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World 27408609 Golden Homunculus 09744376 Good Goblin Housekeeping 80233946 Gora Turtle 79571449 Graceful Charity 10992251 Gradius 14291024 Gradius' Option 13944422 Granadora 13676474 Grand Tiki Elder 60229110 Granmarg the Rock Monarch 41249545 Grass Phantom 40937767 Grave Ohja 82542267 Gravedigger Ghoul 25262697 Gravekeeper's Assailant 99877698 Gravekeeper's Cannonholder 50712728 Gravekeeper's Curse 37101832 Gravekeeper's Guard 63695531 Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier 24317029 Gravekeeper's Spy 61705417 Graverobber 33737664 Graverobber's Retribution 32022366 Gravity Axe - Grarl 85742772 Gravity Bind 29618570 Gray Wing 11813953 Great Angus 88989706 Great Dezard 02356994 Great Long Nose 47942531 Great Maju Garzett 92736188 Great Spirit 89405199 Greed 41172955 Green Gadget 22910685 Green Phantom King 36584821 Gren Maju Da Eiza 95744531 Griggle 58314394 Ground Attacker Bugroth 90502999 Ground Collapse 34370473 Gryphon's Feather Duster 68007326 Guardian Angel Joan 73544866 Guardian Baou 10755153 Guardian Ceal 74367458 Guardian Elma 55737443 Guardian Exode 47150851 Guardian Grarl 09633505 Guardian Kay'est 89272878 Guardian of the Labyrinth 47879985 Guardian of the Throne Room 40659562 Guardian Sphinx 75209824 Guardian Statue 46037213 Guardian Tryce 73079365 Gust 09817927 Gyaku-Gire Panda 31122090 Gyakutenno Megami 18325492 Gyroid 28357177 Hade-Hade 88789641 Hallowed Life Barrier 80811661 Hamburger Recipe 26412047 Hammer Shot 32491822 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder 98446407 Hand of Nephthys 07089711 Hane-Hane 05640330 Hannibal Necromancer 20060230 Hard Armor 34100324 Harpie Girl 76812113 Harpie Lady 91932350 Harpie Lady 1 27927359 Harpie Lady 2 54415063 Harpie Lady 3 12206212 Harpie Lady Sisters 30532390 Harpie's Brother 75782277 Harpies' Hunting Ground 21015833 Hayabusa Knight 05434080 Headless Knight 64801562 Heart of Clear Water 35762283 Heart of the Underdog 23265594 Heavy Mech Support Platform 19613556 Heavy Storm 54493213 Helios - the Primordial Sun 80887952 Helios Duo Megistus 17286057 Helios Tris Megiste 47025270 Helping Robo for Combat 76052811 Helpoemer 44676200 Hero Barrier 67951831 Hero Heart 32679370 Hero Kid 26647858 Hero Ring 22020907 Hero Signal 21840375 Hidden Book of Spell 02047519 Hidden Soldier 82260502 Hieracosphinx 10248192 Hieroglyph Lithograph 54579801 High Tide Gyojin 00759393 Hiita the Fire Charmer 75745607 Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi 96851799 Hinotama Soul 81863068 Hiro's Shadow Scout 76184692 Hitotsu-Me Giant 57902462 Holy Knight Ishzark 40410110 Homunculus the Alchemic Being 98069388 Horn of Heaven 38552107 Horn of Light 64047146 Horn of the Unicorn 11224103 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 48229808 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 67629977 Hoshiningen 15083728 House of Adhesive Tape 93107608 Howling Insect 65396880 Huge Revolution 30353551 Human-Wave Tactics 46821314 Humanoid Slime 05600127 Humanoid Worm Drake 30243636 Hungry Burger 22587018 Hydrogeddon 22873798 Hyena 62397231 Hyozanryu 02671330 Hyper Hammerhead 21297224 Hysteric Fairy 28546905 Illusionist Faceless Mage 96631852 Impenetrable Formation 61740673 Imperial Order 77084837 Inaba White Rabbit 33031674 Incandescent Ordeal 84173492 Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei 19847532 Infernal Flame Emperor 08581705 Infernalqueen Archfiend 74823665 Inferno 52684508 Inferno Fire Blast 17185260 Inferno Hammer 12247206 Inferno Reckless Summon 14391920 Inferno Tempest 94163677 Infinite Cards 54109233 Infinite Dismissal 79575620 Injection Fairy Lily 97923414 Inpachi 23615409 Insect Barrier 96965364 Insect Imitation 35052053 Insect Knight 37957847 Insect Princess 07019529 Insect Soldiers of the Sky 36261276 Interdimensional Matter Transporter 03056267 Invader of the Throne 26082229 Invasion of Flames 73431236 Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu 04042268 Island Turtle 90876561 Jack's Knight 95214051 Jade Insect Whistle 21770260 Jam Breeding Machine 21558682 Jam Defender 83968380 Jar of Greed 33784505 Jar Robber 14851496 Jellyfish 23635815 Jerry Beans Man 43697559 Jetroid 77585513 Jinzo 32809211 Jinzo #7 94773007 Jirai Gumo 41855169 Jowgen the Spiritualist 05257687 Jowls of Dark Demise 30113682 Judge Man 55256016 Judgment of Anubis 52768103 KA-2 Des Scissors 51934376 Kabazauls 15401633 Kagemusha of the Blue Flame 34627841 Kaibaman 94566432 Kaiser Dragon 52824910 Kaiser Glider 17444133 Kaiser Sea Horse 09653271 Kaminari Attack 97570038 Kaminote Blow 95789089 Kangaroo Champ 23289281 Karate Man 54541900 Karbonala Warrior 71587526 Karma Cut 54878498 Kelbek 80441106 Keldo 88979991 Killer Needle 79853073 Kinetic Soldier 13756293 King Dragun 84686841 King Fog 36021814 King of the Skull Servants 79109599 King of the Swamp 69455834 King of Yamimakai 83986578 King Tiger Wanghu 64788463 King's Knight 84814897 Kiryu 04266839 Kiseitai 60519422 Kishido Spirit 87210505 Knight's Title 69456283 Koitsu 01184620 Kojikocy 19406822 Kotodama 99171160 Kozaky 21908319 Kozaky's Self-Destruct Button 82642348 Kryuel 56283725 Kumootoko 85705804 Kurama 40640057 Kuriboh 88240808 Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer 97590747 La Jinn The Mystical Genie of The Lamp 66526672 Labyrinth of Nightmare 99551425 Labyrinth Tank 82005435 Lady Ninja Yae 17358176 Lady of Faith 94675535 Larvas 28566710 Last Turn 87322377 Launcher Spider 00102380 Lava Golem 07902349 Left Arm of the Forbidden One 44519536 Left Leg of the Forbidden One 60258960 Legendary Flame Lord 25773409 Legendary Jujitsu Master 62543393 Lekunga 55444629 Lesser Dragon 16475472 Lesser Fiend 84397023 Level Conversion Lab 54976796 Level Limit - Area A 03136426 Level Limit - Area B 61850482 Level Modulation 25290459 Level Up! 37721209 Levia-Dragon - Daedalus 44595286 Light of Judgment 37231841 Lighten the Load 49587034 Lightforce Sword 55226821 Lightning Blade 27671321 Lightning Conger 69162969 Lightning Vortex 23171610 Limiter Removal 93108297 Liquid Beast 68658728 Little Chimera 90790253 Little-Winguard 20831168 Lizard Soldier 40320754 Lord Poison 45871897 Lost Guardian 81777047 Luminous Spark 11091375 Luster Dragon 17658803 Luster Dragon #2 83746708 Mage Power 77414722 Magic Jammer 32723153 Magical Explosion 81210420 Magical Hats 31560081 Magician of Faith 99597615 Malevolent Nuzzler 95492061 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands 02460565 Marauding Captain 28933734 Mask of Darkness 29549364 Mask of Restrict 62873545 Master of Dragon Knight / Soldier 22609617 Mataza the Zapper 44656491 Messenger of Peace 50705071 Metalzoa 33767325 Meteor of Destruction 75285069 Moisture Creature 13803864 Mokey Mokey King 83764718 Monster Reborn 47507260 Mystic Swordsman LV 2 74591968 Mystic Swordsman LV 4 98745000 Mystical Knight of Jackal 05318639 Mystical Space Typhoon 38299233 Needle Wall 81843628 Needle Worm 04041838 Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke 71044499 Nobleman of Crossout 52077741 Obnoxious Celtic Guardian 86088138 Ocubeam 19230407 Offerings to the Doomed 79335209 Ojama Black 08251996 Ojama Delta Hurricane!! 12482652 Ojama Green 90140980 Ojama King 29843091 Ojama Trio 42941100 Ojama Yellow 24643836 Ojamagic 98259197 Ojamuscle 45141844 Old Vindictive Magician 56995655 Ominous Fortunetelling 66927994 Oni Tank T-34 58538870 Oppressed People 44762290 Opti-Camaflauge Armor 14531242 Opticlops 63120904 Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness 39537362 Ordeal of a Traveler 78986941 Order to Charge 39019325 Order to Smash 39751093 Otohime 11548522 Outstanding Dog Marron 02311603 Overdrive 58071123 Oxygeddon 73398797 Paladin of White Dragon 24094653 Polymerization 70828912 Premature Burial 02316186 Princess Curran 26439287 Proto Cyber Dragon 26439287 Proto-Cyber Dragon 25652259 Queen's Knight 69890967 Raviel, Lord of Phantasms 74694807 Re-Fusion 74677422 Red-Eyes B. Dragon 32807846 Reinforcement of the Army 75417459 Release Restraint 64631466 Relinquished 78211862 Rising Energy 88279736 Robbin' Goblin 51452091 Royal Decree 46427957 Ruin, Queen of Oblivion 32268901 Salamandra 26202165 Sangan 63035430 Scyscraper 73665146 Silent Magician Lv4 72443568 Silent Magician Lv8 73752131 Skilled Dark Magician 63035430 Skyscraper 78636495 Slate Warrior 45986603 Snatch Steal 86318356 Sogen 68005187 Soul Exchange 68005187 Soul Exchange 97362768 Spark Blaster 18807108 Spellbinding Circle 51402177 Sphinx Teleia 23205979 Spirit Reaper 70781052 Summoned Skull 16589042 Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight 72302403 Swords of Revealing Light 10456559 T.A.D.P.O.L.E. 89698120 Tactical Espionage Expert 91345518 The Agent of Judgment - Saturn 71107816 The Bistro Butcher 97093037 The Creator Incarnate 43434803 The Shallow Grave 95281259 The Warrior returning alive 87997872 Theinen the Great Sphinx 71625222 Time Wizard 15270885 Toon Goblin Attack Force 15259703 Toon World 04206964 Trap Hole 12538374 Treeborn Frog 72709014 Trial of the Princesses 79759861 Tribute to The Doomed 34853266 Tsukuyomi 94568601 Tyrant Dragon 07602840 UFOroid 32752319 UFOroid Fighter 49441499 Ultimate Insect LV1 34088136 Ultimate Insect LV3 34830502 Ultimate Insect LV5 19877898 Ultimate Insect LV7 32240937 Ultimate Obedient Fiend 22431243 Ultra Evolution Pill 22702055 Umi 82999629 Umiiruka 60399954 Union Attack 85936485 United Resistance 56747793 United We Stand 14731897 Unity 92084010 Unshaven Angler 70368879 Upstart Goblin 01784619 Uraby 06007213 Uria, Lord of Sealing Flames 51638941 V-Tiger Jet 75347539 Valkyrion the Magna Warrior 22056710 Vampire Genesis 53839837 Vampire Lord 46571052 Vampire Orchis 95220856 Vengeful Bog Spirit 44910027 Victory D 73219648 Vilepawn Archfiend 58859575 VW-Tiger Catapult 84243274 VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon 96300057 W-Wing Catapult 12607053 Waboku 17078030 Wall of Revealing Light 42994702 Wandering Mummy 75953262 Warrior Dai Grepher 66073051 Warrior of Zera 23424603 Wasteland 02483611 Water Omotics 38992735 Wave Motion Cannon 28604635 Weed Out 91996584 Whiptail Crow 15090429 Whirlwind Prodigy 09786492 White Dragon Ritual 73891874 White Horn Dragon 15150365 White Magical Hat 81383947 White Magician Pikeru 01571945 White Ninja 68427465 Wicked-Breaking Flameberge-Baou 61166988 Wild Nature's Release 87796900 Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 57116033 Winged Kuriboh 98585345 Winged Kuriboh LV10 89258225 Winged Minion 87523462 Winged Sage Falcos 31447217 Wingweaver 75946257 Witch Doctor of Chaos 78010363 Witch of the Black Forest 80741828 Witch's Apprentice 36304921 Witty Phantom 56369281 Wolf Axwielder 35322812 Woodborg Inpachi 06979239 Woodland Sprite 73216412 Worm Drake 06480253 Wroughtweiler 37744402 Wynn the Wind Charmer 62651957 X-Head Cannon 76515293 Xing Zhen Hu 02111707 XY-Dragon Cannon 91998119 XYZ-Dragon Cannon 99724761 XZ-Tank Cannon 65622692 Y-Dragon Head 76862289 Yamata Dragon 59197169 Yami 03078576 Yata-Garasu 13839120 Yellow Gadget 04542651 Yellow Luster Shield 51534754 Yomi Ship 25119460 YZ-Tank Dragon 64500000 Z-Metal Tank 51945556 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch 83133491 Zero Gravity 24311372 Zoa 16268841 Zolga 47693640 Zombie Tiger 88472456 Zombyra the Dark 07459013 Zure, Knight of Dark World 20 Turns duel:Have the Final Countdown card in your deck.Destiny Board duel:Have Destiny Board "F" and the Spirit Messages "I", "N", "A", and L" in your deck. The Forbidden duel:Have Right Arm, Right Leg, Left Arm, Left Leg, and Exodia cards in your deck. Duel Puzzle: Achilles Heel:Follow these steps to complete the challenge:1.Flip Magician of Faith to face-up attack position.2.Return the Cheerful Coffin from your graveyard to your hand.3.Activate The Forces of Darkness. Return Siilva, Warlord of the Dark Lord and Goldd, Wu-Lord of the Dark World to your hand.4.Activate the Cheerful Coffin. Discard Siilva, Warlord of the Dark World and Goldd, Wu-Lord of the Dark World to special summon them.5.Activate Magician's Unite. Select The Unhappy Girl as a target.6.Tribute Magician of Faith to summon White Horns D and activate its effect. Remove all spell cards from your opponent's graveyard.7.Attack Elemental Hero Tempest with White Horns D.8.Attack Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster with The Unhappy Girl.9.Attack with the rest of the monsters.Unlock Batteryman C to Horus Lvl 8This will unlock everything except the Last 3 Tier 5 Monsters and The Special Tier:Batteryman C Defeat All Tier 1 Monsters once Dark Eradicator Warlock and Guardian ExodeDefeat All Tier 3 Monsters three times Des Frog and Water DragonDefeat All Tier 1 Monsters five times Gilford the LegendDefeat All Tier 3 Monsters once Goldd, Wu-Lod of Dark World and Elemental Hero Erikshieler Defeat All Tier 3 Monsters five times Ocean Dragon lord - Neo-Deadalus and Helios Duo Magiste Defeat All Tier 2 Monsters five times Ojama Yellow And Goblin KingDefeat All Tier 1 Monsters three times Raviel, Lord of Phantasms and Horus The Black Flame Dragon Lv 8Defeat All Tier 4 Monsters three times Red Eyes Darkness DragonDefeat All Tier 2 Monsters once Vampire Genisis and Infernal Flame EmperorDefeat All Tier 2 Monsters three times
Z-Tank Cannon
Elemental Heroes
At the password screen enter these passwords
Bladedge-59793705Avain-21844576Bubbleman-77979666Burstinatrix-58932615Clayman-84327329Flamewing man-35809262Necroshade-84252153Neo Bubbleman-05285665Rampart Blaster-47737087Sparkman-20721928Steamhealer-81197327Thunder Giant-61204971Wildheart-86188410
Currently we have no unlockables for Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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