#zarry theory
pathetic-dreamy · 2 years
Niall: Is Harry always like this when he loses?
Zayn: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015.
Harry: You bumped that table and you know it!
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twopoppies · 1 year
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whatiwillsay · 3 months
“kaylor is at least physically possible”
I assume you just mean in the sense something gay could have happened once not in the lsk sense? In the first case I completely agree but would also think Larry (or narry or zarry !) could also be “physically possible.” There is as much hard evidence (zero) for Kaylor is as there is for Larry (and the same kind of obvious obstacles like Josh and Eleanor and Louis/karlie being straight) - but I can believe something gay could have happened once in both cases bc shit happens. That doesn’t make it a relationship or anything beyond a homoerotic moment.
just in the sense that neither theory requires magic to be true. like it’s physically possible it’s within the realm of possible physics unlike many of the fairytales shared in the bible (someone coming back from the dead, walking on water, being possessed by a demon)
it’s not LIKELY but it’s more likely than magic being real.
even late stage kaylor does not require magic and the laws of physics being broken to be real. it requires like every law of human psychology and like occam’s razor to be broken to be real but it doesn’t require magic.
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zot3-flopped · 8 months
On twitter the other day they were debating ndas and how long they last and I swear I felt like I was back in 2014 reading this crap. The larries who were swearing up and down about how louis and Harry always see each other and the power of ndas were all under 24 years of age. They were kids when 1D ended but now swear by larrie. There are also a pocket full of zarries. It's all about what other anons have said, this is how they handle Harry and Louis's real life. It's a cult for them. I've seen some horrific things that reinforce some really vulgar stereotypes, such as Harry going to the Hampstead Pond. Many male stars are going through the same exact treatment, their gfs/wives are whores, relationships are fake, they are being held down by the powers that be, they are crying for help, this is not the real men they love, searching for ways they are gay, etc. All because instead of just saying these men are unobtainable and accepting this, appreciating their music or acting, they have to come up with some crazy conspiracy theories to make themselves feel better.
Harry and Taylor have been together for almost seven months now, it could be longer we don't know and there are still people who don't think they are in a relationship, because they are private. He was just as private with Camille. These very same people didn't think he was in a relationship with Olivia and there was a ton of proof, including court documents filed by Jason Sudekis, that they were in a relationship. Denial is one hell of a drug.
It's astonishing how easily they convince each other that this rumour or the other is established fact, with accounts like PR Anon and Larrie Thoughts viewed as oracles.
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thisiskatsblog · 11 months
What I’ve never understood about the whole “Zarry” relationship theory is why would they use a gay relationship (Larry) to cover up another gay relationship? That makes zero sense. So in this theory, it’s OK for the fans to think Louis and Harry were/are together as long as they don’t think Harry and Zayn were/are together? Where is the logic there?
Thank you anon. Very clearly a weak point in the logic. The whole thing made me laugh so hard I got a bit lazy about the logic but you’re right it’s so nonsensical.
That said, Gryles was also a gay cover-up relationship but it was part of. A number of different distractions together with all the other distractions from the truth, so it’s not completely out there.
Also the question is what was allowed to be seen and what wasn’t. Gryles were paraded around just like Haylor and there was some Zarry on stage as well (I recall an episode with a candy string) but Louis and Harry avoided talking to each other, they avoided sitting next to eachother, and another distraction story was that they’d broken up.
The whole point was that you wouldn’t know what was what. Which makes sense - Larry becomes one rumour amongst many instead of the one consistent big one.
Replacing on gay rumour with another… 1 for 1 , not so much
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Hello, Sabine. Sorry for this ask. Maybe it’s because I’m 16 and I’m still immature, but I can’t explain why he was at the brits? Why harry invited him/told him to go? I’m already seeing many theories from other harries that at this point harry wants the fans to connect the dots. There are already update accounts, blogs dedicated to bradrry. It makes me so sad. I wish I was stronger and smarter. I wish I could explain why certain things happen. Like you or other larries. Sorry for this rant. I don’t have friends that I can talk to about this. 😑
Hi nonnie, happy to rant with you. LOL.
I think first of all, Brad is around because he's got a job as a fitness coach - possibly project focused to getting Harry ready and in shape for Eros/Star Fox.
Knowing Harry, he makes friends easily and I'm sure now that Brad travels around with the crew, (like Louis with his crew) Harry will make sure it's a good time for everybody. I think it's pretty cool that Harry invited all of his entourage to the Brits.
But apparently Brad has a certain attractiveness that makes people wonder. As far as I know, Brad has a girlfriend. I even saw a picture of them together a while ago. If people want to ship Harry with dudes they find hot (hi zarries), I mean, whatever floats your boat I guess.
I just think in this (hi bradrries) case it's antis/rads/assholes (hi xarries) in disguise who want to mock Larries. I wished we could ignore these people, who will be gone in a couple of months as most have come and gone in the last 12 years.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Lmao I was a young and naive Larrie circa 2012 and let me tell you, neither you or any other jikookers I've seen sound like a larrie.
Larrie refers to shipping Louis and harry from one direction. The difference is that larries relied heavily on theories and speculation. Without them larries would have no case except for a few videos early in one direction's career. By the end of One direction, Louis and harry were existing inn the band and pretending like the other didn't exist. You couldn't show people unedited content and have them make their own conclusions like we can we jikook.
that anon is reaching
Oh I know what larries are. Its the circa and 2012 part that threw me. Also I'm pretty sure an accurate comparison would be tkkrs. V has a whole ass gf and here they still are
Jikook continue to dote on eo and only eo thus giving us even more reason to believe that they're together n happy. I fail to see how Jikookers can be larries
That being said I was team Zarry sooooo anon.. you're wrong! Target missed.
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fallingsunflower · 2 years
I sent you an ask in which I defended Zayn and you didn’t post it so this is my second attempt to correct a falsehood. An anon made an accusation that Zayn was engaging in gay hook ups and you posted that…do you think that’s fair? If you do a little research you will find that there is no such rumor about him. It would be really nice if maybe the Zayn is just left off these blogs as he tens to be maligned and when an attempt is made to correct the narrative, it is ignored or ridiculed. Every time I see Zayn’s name on these blogs I can count on it being a character assassination with no evidence provided….no wonder he just stays away. Just please take a breath and consider what it means to post stuff like that. I’m a POC and it just feels like there’s a lot of prejudice directed at him bc of his heritage and constantly attacking him while the other guys just get to be…totally unfair and stupid in 2023. Just to be clear, the anon that accused him of the gay hookups made a point to state that there are no similar rumors about Louise…that was the point of the ask….they wanted to malign Zayn as a whore and it’s just uncalled for.
My posts have nothing to do with prejudice or race. I won't tolerate you suggesting such. And this could very well be a generalized thing and not directly at me, but I just need to clear that up. You know nothing about me.
Second, I rarely talk about Zayn on my blog. He came up randomly, along with all of the One Direction boys. He was part of a larger discussion. Other than that, I don't talk about him often. And to be quite honest with you, I actually like Zayn. My reasons for not posting about him have nothing to do with hating him.
Lastly, if you must know, I omitted all Zayn-related asks following that round of postings. Some bordered on inappropriate and there were also some Zarry theories I didn't want to get into. I also omitted several Larry, Niall, Louis, and Liam asks because I didn't want to continue the conversation due to its increasing intensity. It had nothing to do with the content of your post. I wanted to end the conversation altogether and I had dozens of asks that I was sifting through.
If you, or anyone, feels strongly about me posting your ask, please let me know. I don't post all of them. It's not personal. I have many different reasons for that. But either state in your ask you want me to post it, or send in another ask. Or just remind me. Sometimes asks simply get lost in my inbox and I genuinely miss them
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confuseddirectioner · 9 months
#1 - i dont give a flying furry rats ass where you stand on this. i do however feel the need to remind everyone that there is more than 1 person involved in this. there is not only Louis involved there is a Child, there is a MOTHER and there is Louis' family, there is also F's other family, you are HURTING ALL of these people with your theories and your useless and baseless opinions. YOU don't know jack shit about the above family and what happened in that moment, YOU don't know who said what to who, YOU DON'T KNOW. So lets all stop pretending that you know the details to someone else's life! let me say this so I am 100% clear to you like Fucking CRYSTEL clear.
#2- If you feel the need to post your reply and you think before you post it and you think its ok to post and I read it and see that it isn't... i will find a way to delete it, remove it whatever. If you feel the need to post on my opinion and its respectful and not full of hate for louis or his family or F then great i'll let it stay. Be Respectful to ALL PARTIES.
#3- I am a new Directioner, I am a Larry/Harry/Zarry/WHATEVER ALL of them. if you dont like it happily fuck off. this is my page and i could give a fuck about what you think.
Enjoy your day!
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astrology anon again. Good because i can’t stand that part of fandom. There’s so much overlap between people into new age nonsense and actual conspiracy theories like anti-vaxxers, flat earth, and worse. Larries already look bad enough, we don’t need the association with people who think made up magic and ~vibes~ count as evidence
Exactly. Things like a secret relationship is grounded in reality, but people love to compare us to conspiracy theorists who believe in outlandish, supernatural things. I also can't stand all the old people on twitter who not only believe in Larry but also Shiall and Ziam. I don't care if people get mad at me, but from what I have seen, Ziam has as much "good evidence" as Zarry lol. I don't think these people realize that every Bandom has a million ships that they believe in, but those ships stay within the fandom and no one outside of it hears about it or believes it. Hardly any of those ships end up being true. It took me a long time to become convinced that Larry was actually real, as it seems to be for a lot of people. The only band "ships" I think are or were ever real are Larry and maybe Ryden at one point from Panic at the Disco. Anyway, sorry for the rant, but those people are the real mlm fetishizers, and they do nothing but discredit Larry.
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twopoppies · 5 months
Im a Larry but zayn and harry were very affectionate sometimes, do you think they did this to dispel Larry shit?
Zayn was affectionate with all of them. They were all very tactile people. I think people really focus on Zayn and Harry because they find the idea of them together to be hot.
As for whether it was to dispel Larry, that’s been a theory. But not to make people think Zarry was a couple. And not solely related to Zayn. I’ve seen people theorize that all the boys were told to amp up the affection in order to make Harry and Louis’ chemistry the same as all the others.
That was a big fat fail.
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narrie · 2 years
Between you and the zarries on the dash all the conspiracy theories are really out today. Just missing the larries!
larries could never big brain bs like me
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zot3-flopped · 1 year
That Kaylor post you reblogged really reminded me of zarries who claimed that Harry was hinting at the gender of Zayn’s baby by wearing rose shoelaces in the summer of 2020. All conspiracy theories are the same, indeed.
Yeah, there's always an obsession with colours, clothing and numbers.
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This is one of the most AWKWARD BRUH MOMENT in the universe.
you can really see Liam reaction though when Gigi (Zayn's new gf after exiting band) stands next to Harry 😝
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awesomefringey · 11 months
Zarries are very positive about their theories aren’t they?? 😒😒
I hope they are. At least no one cares about their existence.
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zarryislifex · 6 years
Can the fandom not reach like this please...my poor old ass heart can't take it 😩😭
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