#zechs x heero
stoptellinglieslois · 5 months
Don't forget me 2.
Heero and Zechs are at the safe house and as they start to realise how real and significant this meeting is. As Amuro and Char consciousness is nudging them as they give clips of their memory as they open up more.
Amuro x Char and Zechs x Heero pairing.
As I watched the giant screen in shock I had my friend Chan beside me. I couldn't do anything but be in a state of shock.
It went from bad to worse as Char announced. "I would like to request for Amuro Ray to make an appearance to save your earth this can save you earthlings or it may not." I started to run I didn't want to hear the rest.
I made my way to my car leaving Chan behind I drove crazed down the free way I yelled and screamed. As traffic started to slow down and I was trapped bumper to bumper. I wailed in my car and went crazy tears streaming my face snots oozed out of my nose.
Hitting the stirring wheel like a crazed man here I am in my car as my...husband want's to commit genocide on us I hoped this day would never come I wasn't expecting it to be like this and here I am facing the aftermath of my break up.
Kamille is calling me. I didn't answer it this was the boy that me and Char were a caregiver to when he was in a vegetated state.
I had no words to say to him I was paralyzed with all of the emotions in me that I couldn't come up with a words to give him.
I just kept hitting the stirring wheel over and over again.
I broke up with Char two years ago we didn't agree with our opinions about space.
I found out about certain things about Char but I never thought it would be this.
I wished I would have stayed with him this would have never had happened.
As I am leaving this memory I give this information to the young Heero and Zechs to have. I need them to stay solid because me and Casval never did after this.
I go down the stairs and find Duo and Quatre and greet them. "I can't leave right now guys I am still very much not ready to do anything." I lied I am willing to lie because of who I have tucked away in my closet.
"That's fine. You seem off." Quatre notice.
"....." I didn't want to attract any attention with these two they could pick up on things quick.
"Ok well what do we do here then." Duo with his arms crossed watching me. "We could stay and take care of you and get you ready." I didn't want that at all they needed to leave.
"I wish to stay here. It seems you walked here I need something more comfortable for me. Get a shuttle We will be out of here quick." Duo watched me like a hawk.
I needed to be more careful at this point. "Heero we need to leave here an enemy has been detected in this colony, we have to evacuate as soon as we can." Quatre replied softly. I knew he thought I am a ticking time bomb and I am I would go off at any moment.
"Ok then I will wait for both of you then." Duo sighed. "Uh huh well then we will be back. Get your things because we are leaving as soon as we get back." Duo started for the door Quatre gave one last look a smile on his face as he followed behind Duo.
I waited and looked out the window waiting for them to be completely out of view.
As much as I can I tried hurrying up the stairs to my room. "You could come out now." The door of the closet opened slowly and Zechs larger and taller frame came out of the closet.
"Let's go downstairs." I tell Zechs we quietly go down the stairs and into the living room.
"That was not what I was hoping would have happened today." Zechs deep voice trying to lighten the mood in the room which to my surprise is a bit nice on his behalf.
"I want to go with you." I knew I couldn't stay here not like this not after what I've just learned. "Take me with you right now Zechs." Zechs looked at me puzzled and astonishment adorned his incredibly handsome face.
"I would..hang on... Heero I could keep you. Take you with me but in my part it would have to be extremely tricky. Not that I won't take you if that is your wish but that would mean..."
"That I would leave everything behind."
"You would become a civilian."
"And that all of my past that I've done the blood in my hands everything Heero. You could look past this and look at me as Zechs and not look at me with disgust or hate." I knew what he is doing he is trying to test me.
It's not working.
"I could live past this because I have something I never had before."
"Which is."
"Tools I have Amuro and Char to guide me off the ledge." Zechs blue eyes widen in surprise as I said that.
"I want you to understand the enemy force is fully active here and if we leave now I would have to try my best to hide you if we leave I have to hide you from the world from here on out." I knew he meant Heero Yuy would have to vanish the name people go missing all the time so could I.
"If you don't take me I will go to the gundam and be forced to face you again wing zero will see you as my enemy and I would have no choice but to accept this time I won't think the way I used to. This won't be an option I need out please don't make me go back in it, It won't turn out well Zechs for me for you we could stop this we could do better." I never spoke so much in my life.
Amuro is working inside me.
And I have never been more alive then I ever been in my life.
"I get to keep you close to me not as my prisoner but as...."
"I don't know let's not do that right now the first step is to lead me out of here undetected." I knew we needed to leave I have my suspect they know I am here.
I hope they don't know to what degree Quatre and Duo aren't stupid either.
"Are you saying you are defecting Heero that's big." I love Zechs deep voice, His long blonde hair goes down his back I sit gingerly on the small sofa Zechs crouch down in front of me. "What are you staring at." Zechs eyes mesmerizing me as he says that. "You." I said simply.
He got closer to me. "We need to leave they know...." I say to him.
The door bursts open wood flies and the door frame and panel tumbles forward nails spray everywhere. "Hands up Merquise."
I waited for Amuro in a small cafe we hid in plain site I stood and waited for him.
The sky was so blue and bright as I waited for him I dressed in very casual muted colours of beige, I wore sunglasses for the reason I did in the past not to be recognised.
I see him now wearing head toe all in light blue. Amuro wore sunglasses he is taller than the last time I saw him. He looked and had an aura about him that is basically glowing.
He is a man now we both are no longer the boy I wanted to keep by my side. I knew he was the one who would ruin my plans from the first moment I met him.
Here he is so beautiful the sun catching him picking up on his light as he walked.
I still have him I could do this I could have both do my plans and have Amuro.
I am in love with him I won't let this be my last chance.
As he approaches where I stood I greet him. "Hi." He says not in a good tone. He wore sunglasses that hid his chocolate brown eyes, He wasn't happy he ate his pride he is at my mercy right now.
"Hello young Amuro." I say. I put my arm around him he stiffen from my touch.
"At ease little soldiers it's me your prince." I whisper in his ear. "Let's eat and enjoy the day." Amuro says nothing to that.
We sit and eat in the cafe. "I see you're wearing our wedding ring that's promising." I smiled when he didn't take off his sunglasses and a grime frowned on Amuro face.
The waitress came to take our order.
I order for the both of us because Amuro was like a brick wall and is very silent.
"How have you been doing with yourself, I hope to see you sooner prior to today but you never called me back." I say hoping to bring him out of his mood.
He threw his sunglasses on the table aggressively clinking the glasses of water next to him. "I came here to save earth and nothing more I came here to save the people of earth." Amuro talked in a low voice he didn't want the other patron to here our conversation.
That's when I notice his eye colour and his eyes are this blue colour.
Blue eye contacts.
"Wow you changed your eye colour I liked your brown eyes though."
"Bright is pissed with me. Because of this bullshit you pulled, He quoted go ahead and "whore yourself for Aznable" do you have any idea what kind of shame and treatment I got from the people I love." Amuro hushed tone didn't bother the other people we are talking in such away no one seems to even notice Amuro truly grew up.
"You don't have to carry those thoughts with you I just want you back."
"This is not the way to get me back this is pure evil I can't explain anything to you right now I may explode."
The waitress comes with our order.
"Do you have something strong to drink." I requested this is not going to be a good get together.
"Yes sir we do." The waitress said. I made an order and she wrote my order and left.
When the waitress was clear from earshot Amuro continued.
"Putting me in a hostage situation to save them why don't you just kill me and get it over with." Amuro whispered a vexing tone as he spoke to me.
"Would you come on your own if I truly asked you to come."
"Yes I would have."
"Liar. You would have treated me like a leopard you have made me feel like a dangerous animal."
"You are a dangerous animal that needs to be put down." I didn't know what got over me but my hand slammed the table hard.
A few people look to our direction.
"It's getting late where do I go from here." I didn't get what he is saying.
"I am not understanding what you are saying." I asked.
"Where do you want to fuck me my place or yours." He didn't say it loud enough so everyone could hear but he wanted out of the cafe.
"Mine. You will stay with me for the time being." Amuro got up and walked to the door.
I threw a few bills on the table and followed after Amuro.
Later on that evening in my condo.
I sat on my single sofa with a light blue robe wrapped around me.
Amuro walked nude to the bar and this reminds me of us for the first time we tried to live on our own.
Except this is so not what it was back then the energy between us is tight and thick.
Amuro then felt so free with me here I knew he felt trapped in a situation he never called for.
"Why did you change your eye colour to blue." I asked him. A drink in my hand.
"I wear contact lenses because I know you love my real eye colour and I hate that. Because I hate myself for having sex with you I knew this would get ugly and it did since the moment I saw you on the screen in front of everyone it makes me sick to my stomach on what we've become." What he said made me want to leave my body.
I am a shame to make him feel this way.
"I can't set you free you know that." I told him. Getting up off the sofa I was discouraged from doing so a blade to my throat stopped me from continuing. "Don't get up." Amuro said. Holding the blade close to my throat.
"This is how I feel this is what you do to the people of earth a blade to their throat."
"Kill me. It's messy this way how will you hide my body when you're done."
"I would parade it down the street and celebrate it."
"I would still love you even if you kill me right now."
I close my eyes feeling the blade pierce me a little.
"Kill me Amuro or I will do worse to your loved ones."
The blade fell from his grasp and slid down my torso.
I shot up and grabbed him in an embrace. "You had your chance now come to bed." That day and onwards for three months we stayed together to keep the peace on earth.
I gave these memories to Zechs and Heero for them not to make the same mistakes as we did.
Duo and Quatre had guns in their hands pointing at my head.
I put my hands up as a sign of surrendering to the pilots.
I stay in my kneeling position by Heero. "Get up." Quatre said. In more calmer tone then Duo's.
When the door came crashing down and interrupted us.
I didn't want to make any sudden movements so as not to trigger the pilots. "Guys put the guns away." Heero voice from behind me where he sat.
"Why ? This is Zechs. Heero we need to leave here. Look we don't want any trouble Zechs if you pull anything I will kill you." Quatre said calmly.
"I am not going anywhere with you boys I am leaving here with Zechs." Heero said. I didn't turn to look at him I didn't dare make a move.
"I don't understand why." Quatre said. He watched me not breaking eye contact with me.
Duo neither.
"I want to leave with Zechs I am leaving cause I can't continue on." Heero sounded so sincere I don't know what to do from here I am really tied up with my own agenda, For me to leave it's almost impossible I have to kill much more to flee my situation.
"Heero come away from him slowly."
"You aren't listening to me."
"Yes we are little buddy just come to us slowly alright."
"Heero come away from this monster."
"May I.." Gun fire roared past me it didn't graze me a shot beside my head that was meant as a warning shot Duo made the first shot he meant what he meant.
"Don't move don't talk Merquise." Duo growled at me pointing the gun aiming to my head.
"No. All of you stop." Heero said. Walking in front of me put his hands out blocking them from firing me down.
"Heero are you touched don't answer what's gotten into you man. You can't be serious about this. What did Merquise do to you." Duo never breaking eye contact with me.
"Put the guns down or else."
"Or else what." I wasn't ready for this move that Heero pulled. A small pistol came out like a magic trick and he pointed it to his head. "Or else." Never more shocked and shouts that I have heard of protests I ever heard for human life in my life.
I knew what this meant they are not going to let me out of here alive. I couldn't grasp this type of an exit that Heero is displaying.
"Heero please buddy put that shit down."
"Ok look I am putting it down." Quatre putting the gun down slowly on the floor Duo following suit. "Please Heero don't do this." Quatre begged. I think he is pleading because he wasn't sure if I was holding him hostage of some type or he is simply pleading for his friend and I do believe they are all friends.
Something inside of me pinging like a pinging in my heart it was strong feeling.
"I don't want to repeat myself this is not up for debate."
"Ok we won't ask but my goodness what's going on."
"Heero why the heal turn."
"I made a mistake...." It is hard for heero to express his feelings or to explain about our new development of connection.
It's not easy to explain even if you aren't Heero Yuy.
"I don't.. I want this." Bless him trying to muster words together to convey to his comrades and explain to continue on down this road with them would be grave for all of us.
"May I say a few words to help this along."
"If it will help stop him pointing a gun to his head then yeah." Duo replied. I never had anyone care for me in the way that I see these young boys did for each other.
"Me and Heero....."
"Oh hell no."
"What I mean to say is that we are connected in a way that goes beyond war. I am willing to help Heero I am willing to aid him." I was cut off with peppered questions.
"Help him why will you help him you are the reason actually all of this is because of your whole group of organization terrorist and your wrong backwards reason is why Heero is in this position."
"Yeah that and you want to fuck my friend." I put my hands down on either side of me Duo's crassness halted me for a moment. "I could read the room." Duo said. "Put the gun down Heero ok were all ears now so you could put that shit down." Duo voice was calmer now but I knew any wrong move on my behalf and he would pull the trigger on me.
"Heero slowly pulled the gun away from his head and dismantle the gun letting the bullets fall to the grown.
"Me and Zechs aren't lovers." It is true but something inside me wanted that to change. /Easy big boy./ Char voice creep up inside of me.
I knew I needed to get out of here alive. "We had a past life together those people were also gundam pilots as well the severity of their past was grand. It took this lifetime for us to realise me and Heero are repeating the same road as they embarked which killed both of them weather it saved their situation or not is irrelevant, It only took one wrong agenda or wrong move and it didn't go well they both died." I explained.
I didn't want to explain so much for fear of being misunderstood from These two how am I going to get a point across.
It didn't matter I could explain more if they wanted.
"You're going to leave behind tallgeese white fang for Heero." Quatre dared a step forward he ignored what we are trying to tell him.
"The year was January fifth 0087." Heero said. Closing his eyes I watched him going into some sort of meditated state.
"I waited for Char to drive up to pick me up."
After the battle with Haman.
I waited for Char a few weeks later he told me he would vanish and that he wanted to meet me here.
In front of this old bus station somewhere in California.
It was tricky leaving everything behind after that fight it took a while for us to recover from that.
Char drove up and honked at me making a show of himself in the deserted bus station. "Hey my fiance out of town you wanna hook up."
I grimaced as he teased me and I got in the car top down as we drove down the open air of earth.
"It's hard to get away I didn't think I could get away."
"But you did I am glad you did. Where are we going anyway."
"To a small quiet cottage it needs tlc though we will stay there for a while."
"Ok. Char I left them I can't believe it what will I do I mean they think you're dead I didn't want to lie to them."
"It's easier this way we could hide live the way we want to without any reservation."
"I've never done this before with someone."
"Do it with me that's all I will need."
It was a long drive and we made it and Char is right the place was run down.
We spent the most part of our stay fixing it I never felt so good and free in my life.
We both had changed our identity I was Ray Falcon and Char was Cas Falcon. "It sounds so porn star can't we just fix it."
"It's too late for that. I like the names." Char threw weeds and twigs on the ground beside him we were fixing the front of our garden.
I was watching him while I sat on the dilapidated wooden steps I was lucky I didn't fall through them.
"Are you going to come and help me." Char complained.
"Yes." I lied. Char wasn't wearing a shirt and I eyed him as he was working hard.
I enjoyed my life here with him I didn't need to be in a killer machine I could just be Ray Falcon and live a life of solitude with him.
I didn't want to make my life extra ordinary war made me have my reservation about this type of life.
Chasing evil men around the galaxy and being forced to fight when you don't know how but the only way to survive is to fight or flight.
"Hey you're going to help me or are you going to stare at me all day long." Char said. Standing in front of me waving one hand in front of me trying to get my attention.
"Sorry." I say. "Do you day dream like this often." Char observe. "War kept me in a state of.... if I get the chance yes I will day dream."
"What were day dreaming about."
"How I am not chasing bad guys in the biggest mech known to man." I told him.
"Oh I thought you were thinking about me and my hot bod." Char smiled at me like a sly fox.
"That to."
"Oh. Do you day dream about me often."
"Tell me."
As Char teased me into telling my fantasies about him. I felt free even here even after all the anguish the fighting between each other and hiccuping throughout space. Me trying to dodge him when I was a kid.
I have no experience then and even living here in a cottage I have no experience.
I couldn't believe I was merging my life with my rival.
As Heero told our past in a trance eyes closed telling the two boys about a life that we wanted to have.
This sounded so nice a slice of freedom.
They had longevity at least they were together for as long as they wanted to be for the most part.
Heero opened his eyes and looked at the boys watching them a level stare and kept there gaze on them.
"Boys if I continue I will kill destroy myself and hurt innocent people this whole operation will continue, If we got together and team up like we did I feel I would ruin it for all you because of what I know." Heero spoke the most I heard from the short amount of time I've known him which is not much.
"Heero even if you want to escape this war your notorious. I want to know more about your past lives but we have to do it on the go." Quatre said.
"This is some crazy we gotta go though." Duo said. He had an edge of urgency as he looked at Quatre.
"Yes Heero we need to leave. I am not going to push anything here but on the safe side you need to leave with us and if Zechs slips out with us then ok but as long as we leave here." Quatre said.
"I can only go as far as I can." I told them I wanted them to be safe I would have to make a cover story.
"Lets move." We walked the snowy path down as we walked in silence.
I tower over them and I look over to Heero who seemed so cold. I took off my jacket and draped over his small frame he swam in it.
He said nothing to me no thank you came from him. He tightened the jacket closer to his body.
I loved that.
I didn't know why but him doing that made me feel good like he accepted my offer, A simple offer I didn't ask him I didn't want to use words I just wanted him to feel warm in my jacket suddenly my thoughts were interrupted.
"We need to move." Duo said. quietly and cautiously as we trek down the snowy woodland.
I didn't see anything or anyone that was alarming.
We made it to a black van parked by the side of the road.
We all climbed in and the drive to wherever the destination is, I was not sure where me and Heero sat in the back seat.
"Perhaps we could make a plan to get you to a nearby safe house a bit further away from the tension that's going on."
Heero turned his attention to me. "Yes..."
"There's no possible way we could do that now though I think we have someone tailing us ." Duo exclaimed.
"Fuck." Heero cursed.
"Great." Quatre sighed.
Heero kept staring at me. "If we separate for a while it will be ok." He said watching me.
"If it gets nasty I will make sure you're ok."
"But will you be ok with that."
"Yes Heero."
"they may know you're here in this car with us. How will that go down for you." Duo said. I turly don't see anyone tailing us.
"They may think you are being held hostage." I was a bit of a hostage but the threat wasn't as potent as it was when Duo and Quatre came to the house.
"They wouldn't be worried if I was one they knew I would be taking care of myself." I told them. I grazed Heero's hand with my finger tips it wasn't done on purpose. He stiffened and pulled his hand away quickly.
Heero had a blank stare no emotions showed.
"I am sorry."
"There is no need to feel awkward." Heero blushed this is rare and I liked this it is a wonder to see.
"The jacket will keep you warm but my touch can keep you warmer." I tried.
Still nothing he isn't even looking at me.
"May I." I reach for his hand once more he does not move away the tips of my fingers lightly touching his ice cold hand. "Your hands are like an ice cube frozen to the touch." I lightly skim the back of his hand.
"See I am not so bad." I whisper to him lightly.
A piercing of glass hitting sounds zing past me. "Oh Allah." Quatre hissed.
I looked behind and found three suv vans speeding down the road after us.
As I hear shots fire louder. "Ok boys looks like we need to lose em." Duo said. I did keep a gun on me at all times I had no intentions of using it on the pilots. I was hoping this would all go peacefully it doesn't look like peace would come in this meeting.
I rolled down the window swiftly as I shot a few rounds at the suv one of them swerved to the left and crashed on to the ditch.
One down.
As they saw thier fallen comrade had fallen onto the ditch they answer with rain of bullets hitting the back of the car as Duo dodging every hit.
We excelerate down the road.
As the two other vans were still firing at us Duo abruptly stopped the van stopping at an angle. "Hang in there boys." he went out of the van as his aim was no less than perfect as he tossed grenades and landed on the suv's they went up in flames.
Duo hopped back in the van and we floored it. "Boys we go on to the shuttle where we came from and from there we will exit this colony." Duo announced.
My problem got harder and harder I just had to go with them it wasn't good for me I had no other choice.
I am being tested.
As we got closer to the port I could feel something off with this as we made it to the port. "We made it." Quatre sighed.
"In one piece." Duo said happily.
We climbed out of the car and went into the space craft.
Heero got here in one piece he is fine it's what I wanted. I have to go though I can't go with them, In my part I wouldn't know how to explain to them about this whole ordeal.
"Heero be safe." I told him I turned as a voice stopped me.
"if you leave here right now I will understand but if you leave here knowing what just happened, How will you cope I will leave them to...all though broken but I will cope with being like this twisted and broken I have tools now I have them now." Heero said. His monotone voice kept me frozen in place my back still turned to him.
"We fought before you didn't comprehend defeat. This has stopped me in my tracks now I am hesitating to go inside of a gundam why would I do that and why would you knowing what we've just learned about ourself Zechs this will creep up inside of you every time your in a battle field." Heero's voice started to get emotional.
"My real name is Odin Lowe." Heero's voice sounded so raw and I really didn't even turn to face him I am shocked that he gave me his real name.
"What's yours." I wasn't ready for this today I wasn't ready for this type of deliverance.
A second past. "Milliardo Peacecraft."
"My god."
"Your Relena's Brother....." Heero's voice is a quiet whisper.
I started walking to the exit and I felt something heavy drape over me it was my jacket.
"Until we meet again." Heero said.
A week later since I saw Heero I decided to go live and have a conference meeting and made it live so I could make my point across.
An assembly of politicians and world leaders and colony's officials gather around to hear what the leader of white fang has to say. And I feel like when it's about war is involved it's such a grand movement.
I was backstage preparing as I was ready to step on stage.
I walked on to the stage where all the lights are on me I never been so ready to deliver such news to the colony's and the world.
As I hit the podium applause came as I reached there and looked around.
There were so many people here it was so intense. "I would like to give my own judgement and what I want and I would....." I began and stopped mid-sentence my eyes had found Heero hiding in the assembly.
He is wearing a white fang uniform that couldn't be a good thing.
I watched him and I knew he was in disguise this is such a momentum thing I am witnessing.
I thought Heero left me I thought he ran off it looks like he's found me.
My plans for this announcement could be botched it won't be the announcement they would like to hear.
Heero watched me from the far back of the assembly.
"I am here to reveal to all of you that my name isn't really Zechs Merquise I am Milliardo Peacecraft the presumed dead prince of the Sanq kingdom." The up roar in the place was a sight to see.
This is not what I came here to say tonight I came here to deliver some bad news to earth.
Heero changed that as I saw him standing there with a white fang uniform.
That triggers something inside of me it's spontaneous for me to do this is not like me to be so open and honest.
/you only have one life to live./ Amuro whisper in my ear a sweet youthful sounding voice like a warm blanket that surrounded me like love wanted to in case me in it's embrace.
Shouts as politicians lose their mind as to what I just said.
"This can't be true."
And. "How would he survive that purge on Sanq." I stood there and took it.
"I refuse to back off or undo what I've said I will not take it back." More shouts thrown at the stage where I stood.
Heero walked down the aisle of outraged politicians to the stage as the crowd lost their composure.
Heero stood below the podium and saluted me. I needed for me and him to get out of here.
"This is madness." One white haired old diplomat rose to his feet in shocked.
I did so much damage just saying my origins all of this is because Heero made his presence known to me.
I back peddled my true intentions because of Heero.
I backed away from the mic. "Come with me." Heero climbed on the stage and came to me.
"Let's go." Heero said. A fight broke out and there was our sign to flee.
We left the chaos behind us as we flew off on a shuttle to earth because Zechs thought it was a bit safer for me. "I found out you are going to make an announcement so I followed you all the way here." I beat up a soldier wearing this uniform that I am wearing.
I also drugged him he will be out for a few days.
"You are bold Heero coming all the way here in enemy line to face me."
"To see you."
"Look at you dressed like a.."
"What were you going to say back there." I stood whereas Zechs sat down on a seat while the shuttled roar for take off.
"Does it matter."
"I was going to destroy earth that is my plan but back track when you showed up." Zechs is honest about his answer I made no judgement on his honesty.
"Where are you going now."
"I am taking you some where safe and away."
"And yourself I will stay with you for the time being."
I understood why he would stay with me the whole world at this point on their backs as Zechs declared who he truly was.
"Whatever you did back there you did that because of me didn't you." I asked.
"Yes." His deep voice sounded so truthful I liked that I saw a slither of him coming out like slits of light shining throughout him.
"What would you like me to call you then."
"Zechs is fine."
"We are in... trouble."
"I am in trouble you will be safe." Wow Zechs really pulled the trigger on them.
"So what do I do now." I knew I sounded lost and that's because I am.
"Sit with me." I sit next to him on the seat beside him.
I never knew what silence was because I never really talked but this is in a whole new category. I didn't want to fill in the silence with cheap talk what we are going through wasn't cheap.
Zechs took off his mask he is wearing and I stared at him I wasn't used to him like this all though I met him as a civilian before but this was different.
Somehow with him revealing himself to the world made this different.
"A phone call for you sir." Someone came with a phone and walked off quickly.
"My friend we have so much to catch up on that was something." Zechs put the phone on speaker I didn't know why.
"Treize I am not alone so please mince your words." Zechs looked at me.
"Oh I am sorry is it the young Heero Yuy with you." We both froze I wasn't expecting that.
".........I.." Zechs hesitated.
"There is no need to be that way with your old friend Zechs." I am shocked I wasn't ready for Treize finding me out.
"Your secret is safe with me Zechs I promise not to say anything to anyone. Well it was a great thing you did back there keep going." Treize is even encouraging him.
"My.... thank you." Whatever Zechs was going to say he dropped it.
I didn't get what was going on with the both of them.
"I supposed you would like a safe place to keep young Heero." Zechs was speechless.
"Yes." Zechs breathed exhaled through his nose.
"I have just the place for the both of you to lay low for a while till. Well you come up with another plan." I was nervous because this wasn't normal.
Well at least I didn't think so he was letting me stay somewhere safe with open arms.
Treize is letting me stay with Zechs this is crazy.
Should I say something I wouldn't thank him or anything just.....
"Just tell me one thing." Treize said in a very charming voice.
"What Treize." Zechs replied.
"Why did you change the course of your announcement why didn't you say it was because of your lover." Trieze asked. I didn't like what he assumed and I was quiet for all this time I made myself known.
"He isn't my lover he's...." Zechs looked at me I didn't mean to kill this type of moment.
"Well whatever Mr. Yuy I need to protect my friend do you understand me the world has no idea you marooned yourself from your little cause." Yes the pilots knew I had every intention of coming here tonight and doing this.
It helped prevent whatever debacle would happen tonight without killing.
"The only thing is that he stays safe." Mostly from himself Zechs isn't suicidal but could get himself in trouble or worse innocent people who get hurt because of him.
"Then this is a start we agree on something then." Trieze said.
As Treize went on with Zechs on the phone I got up and walked down the aisle of the shuttle.
And stood and watched out the window.
That this would be the last chance I would have saving myself from repeating itself again just in time.
I had Amuro and Char to thank for that.
End of part 2. of don't forget me.
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Fandom: Gundam
Sample Size: 6,951 stories
Source: AO3
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church-of-lemons · 2 years
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Last call for our Annual Church of Lemons Event! Feb 14-Mar 1!
Pledge your smutty OTP fanworks!
Check out our carrd for more info: churchoflemons.com
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armandg · 2 years
Wing Gundam Zero Versus Gundam Epyon
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gatormeister · 9 months
39 episodes into Gundam Wing. Still enjoying it, I would say that the second half of the show is a lot stronger than the first half, but it is very disappointing to have not one, but two whole recap episodes in here. Unfortunately they confirmed an opinion of mine that I'd been thinking over since my last post.
Gundam Wing actually does very well with story telling in the moment to moment, but zooming out and viewing the events of the show as a whole so far, feels very... off. So much has happened in the show, and yet it feels like very little has changed at the same time.
Plot beats have this odd disjointedness to them. Things just sort of happen to the Gundam pilots and Relena, they can't change anything from where they are now, and haven't really had the ability to do so since the Romefeller Foundation takes over the Earth. They come close when the Sanc Kingdom existed, but that doesn't last very long at all. They're all just being tossed around an unstable environment with nowhere to really go.
I suppose that's what sets Wing apart though. There is no place to go back to. No White Base, no Argama/Nahel Argama, no Tekkadan, no 08th MS Team, no Earth House, no Inglessa Militia. Sure Quatre has something like that, but they don't show up enough for them to be that for the show. The space colonies don't want them back and White Fang just wants the Gundams as a form of propaganda to rile people up, the Sanc Kingdom was destroyed, those scientists are all over the place, and the Gundam pilots barely even want to work with each other half the time.
Which isn't a bad thing mind you, at least not inherently. Interesting developments are happening all the time, but there is so much that it becomes easy to forget a character or plot beat exists until they suddenly get brought back up.
Part of why Zechs sticks out to me so much compared to the rest of the show is probably because unlike a lot of other characters and factions, he does feel like a constant in the show. Even if he doesn't have an appearance for a bit, you can always be sure he'll pop back up in some way soon, and his plot is very easy to keep track of because of that.
Anyway, I'm going to cut off the ramble for now. I look forward to Heero trying to kill Relena (again) when I get back to it. And I've also decided what I'll be watching in Gundam once I finish Endless Waltz. The current plan is to go through War in the Pocket, Stardust Memory, and Thunderbolt, and depending on the length of those three I might include the Igloo OVAs. Once those are finished, I intend to go for After War Gundam X or Reconguista in G, both of which I've had my eyes on for a bit now.
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This Week in Gundam Wing 1 -7 January 2023
Here’s the last week’s roundup! January 1st - January 7th!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make next week!
~Mod Hel
beginning https://archiveofourown.org/works/44052550
Gen, Quatre Raberba Winner, Catherine Bloom
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, background 3x4, their relationship is not the focus, learning to forgive, Building A Friendship, Found Family, cathy tries to be stern, but deep down she's a softy, new year's fic, no beta we die like Treize
New years can bring new beginnings. And maybe, sometimes, they can start to heal old hurts.
Ticket to Freedom (Ch. 29) https://archiveofourown.org/works/27688973/chapters/110768493
F/M, Heero Yuy/Reader, Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker, Trowa Barton/Middie Une, Quatre Raberba Winner/Catherine Bloom, Chang Wufei/Long Meilan, Past Heero Yuy/Relena Peacecraft
Reader, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, Zechs Merquise, Relena Peacecraft, Hilde Schbeiker, Middie Une, Catherine Bloom, Long Meilan, Treize Khushrenada, Howard (Gundam Wing), Dorothy Catalonia
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Romance, Alternate Universe, Band Fic, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Drama, Fluff, Lemon, Lime, Reader Insert, Song Lyrics, Novel, Slight Relena bashing, I’m sorry she is not a likable character in this one
They were your ticket out of the sheltered and married life your parents had planned for you. And to be honest, you had always had a rebellious streak. You needed the freedom they offered, needed to taste life, live a little. But when they ask you to sing in their band, you are not so sure. How would a neatly brought up lady survive with a couple of wannabe rock stars? You’re about to find out.
Burn to a Cinder (Ch. 12) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18781273/chapters/110843250
F/M, Zechs Merquise/Reader, Treize Khushrenada/Reader
Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada, Lady Une, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei, Dorothy Catalonia, OC - Character
Mature, Major Character Death, Romance, Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Violence, Reader-Insert, Lemon, Lime
Your path had been laid out for you from an early age, allowing you to move into the higher circles of society and catch the attention of one of the most powerful men in the Earth Sphere.
As Treize’s mistress, you watch his rise to power and the disastrous war breaking out on Earth and in Space, putting your loyalty to the test. You are torn between your duty to His Excellency, and your unquellable lust for one of the top soldiers under his command. And when he rises to power in Outer Space, there is nothing you can do but stand back and watch them tear each other apart.
This is no game of hearts, but yours is at stake, and the consequences can be felt for years to come. Labeled as OZ’s whore, you struggle to find your way, only for things to fall apart around you again. But then there is still Zechs, and the undeniable way he makes you feel…
Winter Lights https://archiveofourown.org/works/43601565
M/M, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Duo Maxwell
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, mentioned 1x2, Christmas, Fluff and Angst, Sex, Hurt/Comfort, 3 x 4
Christmas is just around the corner and it should be perfect for him and Trowa. But things don't go as planned and Christmas is about to fall through for Quatre.
Only a miracle can keep Quatre's heart from breaking. But do Christmas miracles still exist?
Heart (Ch. 20) https://archiveofourown.org/works/40914714/chapters/110663985
M/M, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei
Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, Post-Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, Minor Violence, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort
All Quatre wants is to help. Even when the war is over, so many people suffer because of the consequences. Helping rebuild is the least he can do. But he seems unlucky, things go wrong all the time and people get hurt.
Trowa hardly recognizes Quatre. He has changed and seems to have problems. He reluctantly tells him about his bad luck, but Trowa doubts that it's just "bad luck" and decides to investigate.
Snow Day https://archiveofourown.org/works/44134011
F/M, Gen, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft & Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Snow, Fluff, Post-Canon, Post-Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
Heavy snow cancels Relena's work obligations, leaving her a few stolen hours to spend with Heero.
Fandom Discourse:
I was missing the old Geocities Gundam Wing websites, so I made a site on neocities where I could promote my favorite GW fanfics, old and new. It's a labor of love for the authors who made this fandom what it was and is.
Calendar Events:
Battle Scars and Kitchen Cabinets
Applicatons Open~ https://gundamzine.tumblr.com/post/705258971113619456/applications-are-open-to-apply-fill-in-the
Applications close on January 31st!
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, January 13th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/705925777657610240/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-january
In need of prompts!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/644080386309275648/events-calendar-update
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
GW Holiday Gift Exchange 2022
Rules https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/giftexchange
Posting has begun! January 8th and 14th!
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
Relena got an opportunity for her Political Career that said she had to invite Dorothy to a party. So I came up with the headcanon that because Duo is Mars president but didn't grow up in the world of socialites and fancy dress, he asks (begs) Relena to organize a social party for the Earth's president's Mars visit.
I like to imagine that Dorothy would stir Duo up pretending to declare war and such lmao. She doesn't mean it of course, but she still enjoys watching others squirm to make her happy.
Anyways here are some pics from the party!
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Naturally, right off the bat Mariemaia and Dorothy get into a heated discussion. Lady Une and Zechs are in the background reading and trying their best not to get involved.
Doctor J wasn't even invited but like the "weed" he is decided to show up anyway.
Heero and Duo are chatting about kids in the back there. Duo offering great advice on how Fenrir was an absolute tyrant growing up (the years he new him lol) but parenthoods all worth it in the end. "Just wait until Selena and Hiruko reach their teens" lmao.
That's Milou in the front but I think he disappeared to read somewhere lol.
Of you're wondering why Relena's dress is like that it comes from this official art, and yes it does look that bad 😂
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Lady Une coming over to chat with the guys, along with Doctor J (knowing very well both Heero and Duo hate him 😂)
This was around Christmas time so it doubles as an anniversary of the Eve Wars as well as the Mariemaia War. It is also why Selena is in her cute Christmas dress ❤.
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Relena doing her bit as peacekeeper and intervening between Dorothy and Mariemaia. Party crisis averted.
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Mission Complete.
Also lol at Heero's "Dr J" thought bubble. "Why is he even here?".
Dr J is just talking about Christmas, probably trying to explain that that's why he's there and no alterior motives like, a new mission for Heero after all these years (The answer will be no x).
Duo has the Politcal speech bubble, thinking about how this campaign party went surprisingly well.
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shanopng · 1 year
In this world there’s good shows and there’s bad shows, there’s many shades in between. New Mobile Report Gundam Wing is none of that.
If this is a good show. (the axes mean nothing and ignore the limited nature of the visual metaphor, art is a lot more nuanced than this)
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And this is a bad show.
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This is Gundam Wing.
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The core of the shows is alright at worse, but there’s some elements that just suck really bad, and a few that are way better but don’t make up for the rest.
The music. The OPs and EDs are really good (all of them), lots of great background tracks too. (The Boy Who Stole the Wings of Adolescence is great)
The costume designs. The design of the costumes is the single greatest thing about the whole show.
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The mechanical designs. The designs of the grunt suits are just great, Leo, Aries, Tallgeese, and later the Serpent are all great designs.
Now for the bad:
The characters. Except for Duo who’s a funny guy there’s really not much to the main cast. Wu Fei’s got 3 things going on: Nataku good, people who fight bad. I’m not worthy of piloting Nataku. Trowa does have a character arc with the whole circus and amnesia things, EW does add a bit to his character but I don’t know if I care much for that. Quatre has the his relationship to the Maganac corps and 3 lines about his family and is imo the least likeable of the main cast with Wu Fei. Heero like to blow his gundam up mostly, the whole shtick about wanting to kill Relena is the most interesting thing going on about him, especially when it comes to Relena becoming queen.
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The Gundams are lame. Gundams are cool, but Gundam Wings didn’t think they were cool enough, so it tried too hard and make them lame. I’m not a big fan of hyper-specialised Gundam, but Gundam X did that worse. They’re also way too powerful for the show’s own good. I don't think there's much fun to seeing Heero vaporize a dozen Leo in 1 buster rifle shot in all that often. The episode in 0079 where Zeon Solders on Wappa placed bomb on the Gundam had weight to it. Now someone is trying to blow the sandrock up, why should I care it won't even get scratch. It just eleminates any stakes for the sake of "wow look at the gundam it's so powerful". It’s not like there’s no instance of the show depicting the suits as strong but not overpowered.
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But then it’s back to this immediately after.
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And finally the ???
The Mobile Dolls. It’s an interesting concept, they show even exploits that concept in interesting ways, until they’re put into mass production and now they’re just cannon-fodder free of any human tragedy and they’re as uninteresting as could be
The plot. I think there’s interesting ideas in there, the early episodes reflect the Zabi’s (mostly implied at the time) rise to power, and that’s genuienly really cool, later events feel like they’re inspired by events of previous show while it adds some unique context around it, and the end is just Zech’s Counterattack. But the end results is just so muddled, so much so that I still haven’t managed to wrap my brain around it. Too many backstabbings / episode.
1st episode. It’s really cool, for the above mentioned reason, but also because it’s just a really well made episode, and then the Gundam shows up and do the things Gundams do in Gundam Wing
Now Endless Waltz
a.k.a “Actually operation Meteor was eeeeeevil” the movie. And it feels very inconsequential
The whole thing about operation meteor is cool but I wonder if it wouldn’t have been more interesting in the show.
At the end of the day I didn’t hate watching Wing, I had a decent time even. I don’t regret watching it either after putting it off for a certain amount of time, but I’d have been just fine not having watched it, I don’t feel like I missed on anything all that time.
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0 notes
rzerox21xx · 2 years
I'm selling some of my more expensive items because I need the money I'm willing to depart with this great series, I loved, it and its good for any Gundam fan, Note that this is out of print Ultra edition that contain goodies. I respond to all questions and offers, but please be considerate as this is more expensive and out of print and I could use the money. so spread this out even if you are not buying if you can. Ask me anything. 
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trowaswife · 3 years
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A nice piece of artwork depicting Canon GW Couples(except Catherine and Trowa. They're siblings)
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stoptellinglieslois · 5 months
Don't forget me 1.
Chamuro fanfiction and also Zechs x Heero reincarnated souls are of them, It starts off with Heero waking up in cold sweats and having a heavy strong dream about two strangers he has never met before.
Zechs and Heero are still at war they have yet to discover what's really happening with them.
Char x Amuro and Zechs x Heero fanfiction
I have no idea about this gold gundam it's strange to me, but I am here with this blonde guy he is ripped biceps and abs are taught and hard.
His almond shaped blue eyes gripped me like a vice.
I was still unfamiliar with him I couldn't point my finger on who he is.
But I felt like I knew him from somewhere but where ?
The emotions inside me tore me hard I couldn't shake this off it is foreign for me to feel things so... wild like this.
I still don't know how I got on top of him as I curse him and tell him what ?
I am not sure what's going on. I know that I am naked. "Casval." I slowly wake up.
Because all of this was a dream and nothing more.
Bits and pieces are scattered as I come to.
I lay in bed with a headache at the safe house injured as cold sweats beaded down my forehead.
I didn't want him to get into battle with Chang I knew this would get ugly with all of us.
I didn't like where this would go.
A flash of warm chocolate brown eyes came into my vision, Like the colour of coffee poured on top of syrup melted together. I feel like I should know who these eyes belong to but I don't.
I have never known anyone personally that has those coloured eyes before.
This side tracked me.
I waited here for a phone call from Duo and Quatre as I waited in the safe house.
I am recovering from a bullet wound on my shoulder and calf muscle.
So I sit upright and wait for them to get further instructions about the next mission and step of action.
I wanted to heal up quick and go.
The dream still caught me off guard who is Casval ?
This is all a blur for me I wasn't clear on all of this.
I sit here watching the news conference on tv it gets more and more crazy each time I turn on that thing.
As Relena came into view on the screen crown and dress glittering making her more radiant. She is more fit to rule then I wouldn't do it the way she would do it I knew things would be different for me even if I wish it differently.
I put the volume higher and that's when it hit me slow and deliberate.
A slow flash came into my vision.
I am the third party as I watched the two males in front of me.
My eyes focus mostly on the brunette one. He looks so young his eye colour of hot cocoa has a faint light red blush on his cheek as he stares at the blonde man.
He looked about to be in his early teens as it seemed like some sort of car trouble and it got stuck in the mud.
The blonde gentleman is helping him out of the mud he had rope.
A velvet voice that pulled you in and as charismatic as he come off.
A petite Indian lady with dark skin tone as lovely as she could be, Giggling in good humour as she watches the two males interact with each other.
Both hiding something from the other or the blonde gentlemen is hiding something.
I could tell he is flirting with the brunette his intentions are clear to me.
He wants him something so forbidden washed over me as I watch them like they are two enemies that are being awkward towards each other.
As if they are not supposed to be this civil towards each other, The calm before the storm as if I am watching the eye of the storm before it hits the fan.
"What's your name." The blonde is wearing all red and helmet goggles that cover his upper face. "Amuro Ray Sir." The young brunette stumbled out.
The blondes velvet voice caress the brunette in a way that was bold.
I am a bit nervous that something told me what would happen if the young lady wasn't there.
Silence waft the air as the older man helped the young Amuro with his car.
The sky is so bright and sunny as it glares this is a nostalgic feeling I am having as I watch these two but I have no idea why.
I moved closer to Amuro I was drawn to him more.
I put my arm around his shoulder. "So sweet." He was taken aback by what I did.
The blonde gentlemen and the girl were gone and it's just me and Amuro my vision started to go haywire as I am being pulled back to reality.
As I sit and Relena goes on about the gundams and earth.
I took my pain killers as I sat down and waited for Duo and Quatre they are on their way here, It would take them two days to get here.
It is a march in this colony snow flowed thickly in the air.
A fireplace roared as I waited I did a bad thing back on earth I didn't defect.
I wish I did.
Which is why I got shot twice I didn't try to kill myself like the last time.
The enemy almost got me I wish he did.
I look out the window and all I see is snow floating down slow and softly to the ground.
My vision has become a blur as I am not ready for what's to come. As I am being pulled I couldn't move my body it is so surreal.
I was in a duel with the Blonde guy I had a dream about not too long ago.
It's like I am fighting for something or someone each time he struck me with a sword I blocked it in pure instincts.
"Come on young Amuro come with me."
"Are you crazy you're insane I would never go anywhere with you."
"You can't run around wild."
"Wild WILD you truly are nuts."
"Casval brother stop you can't suggest things like this."
He got a grip of my upper arm he squeezed hard not wanting to let go even when I struggled against him.
A girl went to my side wherever we were It was crumbling and explosions startled me as the gravity he is unstable.
She pulled me to one side as... Casval tugged the other side.
"Let go of me CHAR." I yelled a tremendous blast ripped his grasp on my arm he finally let go.
This place looked like it was a fancy ship of some sort I looked at a reflection of a cracked mirror this wasn't my face.
A helmet adorned my head the face staring back at me is different eyes wider and brown.
I didn't know what to do.
The blast and explosion got more harsher I needed to escape him yes this place but in me I needed to leave this place because of him, If I didn't leave he would take me that's crazy I am a guy I thought to myself just got into a huge duel with this guy I can't be shaken by him but I was.
none the less I needed to leave a big blast sent me to reality as I fell to the floor.
I was in pain and I have not yet recovered I winced as I got up I felt weird.
I am Heero Yuy right all of this is crazy and it will go away like everything else that is not real.
I breathed and winced again as I got up.
"Zechs are you alright you seem to be a million miles away." Treize watched me a level amuse expression on his face. "I am here my old friend." He didn't believe me one bit.
"I am fine... do you believe in past lives." I dare say to him I just want to see what he would say for my sake.
"It all depends on you my friend who is a villain and who is a hero." Hero the velvet voice of the blonde gentlemen from my vision repeated immediately after Treize said it.
"I am a villain to most I know I am a villain I don't want to be but I am." It is what it is.
"Oh so then some villains get second chances but most don't." Treize sips his wine watching me in complete observation.
We are flying to a colony that I wish I wasn't going. "I see. Do you keep secrets so big you wish you could undo them." I asked.
"No I wish for nothing of the sorts because secrets keep people from getting hurt." Treize seem so difficult but I did ask.
"But I don't mind this little game we are playing." I didn't want to intrigue him.
"I feel what I tell you is not a game at all not for me anyway." I tell him. He studied me silently. "No matter what you're still my friend." I wonder if he means that.
"if you had plans they are so catastrophic and you hurt people. But you fell in love with someone and you wish and regret what you've done." I blurted it out.
"There's no pull backs with these types of plans you made packed with whatever it was sometimes it has to follow through. Sometimes there is no return for these types of things." Treize seem so honest in his answer.
"I have never been in love before Treize doing something and knowing it would kill the person I love that would crush me mentally." I guess talking plainly to Treize was easier than talking in riddles.
"Love is the reason why some people do and act or make plans that are catastrophic, Don't be alarmed it is the nature of that emotion." Treize smiled weakly at me and told me he has experience with love.
Later on I fell asleep in a luxury hotel room the flight here and conversation with Treize made me tired.
Sleep came so fast I didn't know what hit me so hard the dream or sleep.
As I slept this dream took me deep into a place I couldn't be in my waking life.
It was the two of them again they looked older this time like they are in their twenties.
"Char." Amuro said. And bit his lower lip as he addressed the blonde man whose name is Char.
Amuro seduced me as he bit his lip watching me eyes giving me something I wanted to have and never got.
Char behind Amuro holding him tightly putting his thick big hands running it all over Amuro body. "Ha ha do you want to ride the red comet Amuro." The way Char whispered into Amuro ear was a sin all on its own sin Amuro nodded his head yes.
"But he's watching us." Char gazed at me eyes blue as he regarded me travelling my face. "That's fine with me we could teach him something." Char says looking at me.
Amuro looks away with wide brown eyes contemplating what Char said. "Yeah but he's not familiar with me I am technically a stranger to him." Amuro says. Looking back at me are eyes connected I am very aware of Char wandering hands going lower into Amuro's waist.
"Then Introduce yourself to him and make a move." Amuro shook his head no. "It's too soon." Amuro said. I got a little closer to the couple my legs having a mind of it's own.
"See he's coming closer." Amuro says I'm a little nervous as I got even closer to the couple.
"Char I am a virgin."
"It's ok so am I." I bit my lip as they both talked I reached out to touch Amuro. And I started to spiral out and I woke up.
I jolted out of the bed and I am fully erect as I threw the bed covers off of me.
I ate breakfast in silence as I realised these types of dreams and visions of these two men are getting stronger.
Eating my boiled eggs and heavy snow fall made me feel a bit at odds on what is going on with my life.
As I sat in silence.
I never believed in anything in my life I wasn't spiritual and I had no heroism in me. I am built to destroy lives that is my purpose and that is all.
This whole thing is new to me I wasn't made to have anything else in my life but to fight.
This is extra for me.
I knew I was changing. In me Amuro had taken place somewhere in me.
It is small but he is there I got up I am no longer hungry.
I leaned on the kitchen counter I needed more answers from this, I am on my own with this new discovery about myself.
{He will come soon.} That sounded like Amuro.. but it is in my mind he is almost pleading with me to be patient with something.
I couldn't help the feeling I am getting but it felt like hope and wonder which these two things are new to me to.
What do I do here I am really trapped in a place that I don't need to be.
As weeks rolled by and I went here on this colony I felt something I never felt before... heart beat and breathing a voice that I was a bit familiar with I wasn't sure where this is all taking me.
My brain rattled as I sat here watching out the balcony of my hotel room.
I sit here as I watch the street below.
Is this a challenge but I knew better what a challenge is.
And this is something else this is real and it is rocking me from the inside out.
My long hair blew in the wind as the wind picked it up and played with it.
Me talking to Treize is limited I needed more from all of this no I wanted more information.
I drank wine while watching the busy streets.
That when I am being pulled into submission it's like being extracted from one reality to another.
As I am no longer where I was and I am here running after a angry an Amuro.
Who is pelting small objects at me. "I can't believe this shit." Amuro yells at me in this long corridor that I am desperately running in.
"Amuro calm down please." I told him.
"I can't believe your Char."
"You know who I am Amuro you've known since we first met here."
We entered an apartment room I understood we both stayed here together as a couple.
"And I never admitted in front of the team." I say. I feel angry this stung like old wounds that I never even got.
"That letter has been floating around for only a day and look at the damage it's done." Amuro says. Anger rose as he pointed his finger at me.
"What damage Bright doesn't give a damn about me it's old history." Char says. "But not for me." Amuro screamed throwing a book at me I dodge it but barely.
I came closer to him by one step and he backed away.
"I can't believe I gave it up to you." Amuro says. I knew what he meant and that stung me to my core. I stepped closer to him I felt betrayed when he said those words it felt like a rope wrapped around my neck.
"You climbed in there willingly I didn't put a gun to your head when you said yes to me." I looked at myself in the reflection of the mirror on the other side of the room.
This is the blonde man I saw in my dream I am him not Zech is nowhere to be seen.
I kept whatever surprise I had in me because at this moment it was not the time for whatever I was feeling inside. "Why did you choose to be like this when the rest of the world has forgotten about that." I reached out for Amuro and he slapped my hand away.
"I said yes because I.... I hope that I could restart in a more fresher start to my life even if it means to do it with you, I want to rebuild I know it's wrong to go there with you but I did, I was hoping the Quattro persona would never falter and that I could deal with you like this." Tears started falling on his cheek his anger never left him.
I looked at the mirror again and I realised I am wearing sunglasses I took it off and threw it on the nearby coffee table, I looked back at my reflection and I got a big picture the eyes looking back at me regard me a look of mystery a faint scar on the middle of Char forehead.
Blue eyes that looked right into you grabbed you from the inside and pulled you out.
Now Amuro is staring at me like the gloves came off when the sunglasses did.
"I swear I was never safe in that mansion and I was not safe here. Did you follow me here Char didn't you." Amuro was in his own mental despair.
"I wish I did follow you here. Me and you out on our own they feel threatened by us, How did you think this was gonna go down for both of us huh Amuro."Like a rattle snake hissing and waving his tail not yet ready to attack yet ready to wrap my prey up slowly.
This was all in me ready to take him and leave here from all the noise of earth.
"I was hoping for a smoother.. never mind I am not a threat to anyone."
"But to them me and you together would shatter their very core, That means I am being watched even before you come along." I caught him off guard so I eased closer to Amuro.
He looked far away his anger not leaving him yet. "We could leave just you and me." I say getting closer and closer to him. "I waited for you to come around and you haven't let this shake you yet don't let this shake us." Inching closer.
"What are you saying."
"I have a plan but I wanted to ask you sooner than later. Leave here with me please when everything settles down come with me." I reached out again guiding his hand to my chest.
What I thought was a small show of love instead made it hard as Amuro rejected my touch.
I didn't let go of his hand though. "I can't forgive myself if I just got up and left with you." It's like I knew what to say as soon as he said this it looked like I had a lifetime of practice when he said those words. "Lalah would have wanted you to I want you to." Amuro scrubbed his face roughly.
"You don't get it I am ruined."
"So am I."
"You can't be serious."
"I am." Something edged me to root around my pocket on the side of my pants I pulled out a thick gold simple ring.
If Amuro is not shocked then I am but I didn't let it show. "Fuck." Amuro says. Indeed a shock and he put up both hands to halt me from doing or saying anything else. "Char this is too dangerous it's too soon we aren't in the right place right now to commit to each other." Amuro shaken this was scary but I felt the need to go on one knee and do it in that way.
"This is just between us me and you and no one else." I lunged at him kissing him roughly Amuro pushes me away hard I pulled him onto the floor and rolled on top of him as he fought for freedom.
"Get off me." Amuro yelled slap my face hard something shifted inside of me I am aroused I don't know what's gotten over me. I like this and this is not how I thought this would go.
"What are you going to do." Amuro looked so struck as I refused to let him go.
"What do you think." Amuro brown eyes went wide as he watched me cautiously. "Not here. You won't do that to me you can't." He sounded so young so sweet.
"Tell me you want to leave with me and things will go smoother for you." I undid my pants I had no control of my actions as if this was going to happen.
He tried to stop my hands as they fumbled my zipper. "Hang on Char alright let's talk about this." I nuzzled his neck smelling him as he shuddered.
I lifted my head and another hard crack across my check sizzled as I held my cheek.
I cursed him as white hot pain burned my cheek.
I hate Amuro at this point I pulled Amuro jeans down almost ripping his jeans off of him.
Amuro shouted at me promising death when the door knocked to our apartment
A young boy's voice banging at the other end of the door. "What the fuck is going on in there." I heard profanity on both outside and under me.
"Young Kamille coming to your rescue." I say it in his ear softly.
"Get off me Char." Amuro whispers not letting whoever on the other side hear too much of what's going on here.
"Maybe it would be fun for him to hear what I desire and what I crave every night."
The banging never stopped. "Come on Heero give into me." Amuro frowned at me as I laughed and I knew I let that letting Heero's name slip on purpose. It was there for me to understand what to do next.
I pulled my shirt over my head and I snapped back to reality my glass of wine fell out of my grasp onto the street below.
"You fuck." A old man yelled up at where I stood at the balcony.
And backed away slowly into my hotel room.
I was getting strange phone calls I think I have a breather.
Only Duo and Quatre know about this place which I think is strange that someone would call here.
As I limp to go and sit on the small sofa in the living room the phone rings again.
And I sigh I picked it up I hear breathing I don't say one word.
I just listened to the breathing from the other line. "Char." I dared. I hear a crash and curses. "Hello." I asked cautiously.
The deepest and very masculine voice answers back. "Heero." I didn't like where this was going at all.
I could hang up but I didn't I kept whoever it was on the line. "Yes." I stayed quiet with these intense dreams for so long with me I never felt so lonely because I was shone by something so promising and I don't believe promises.
"How do you know about Char." His voice sounded so....sexy.
"You called here so who are you ? what do you want." A pause he is silent for a few moments and answer.
"Zechs." Alarm bells rang as I realised I made one of the worst mistakes in my life as to why I picked the phone. /Because you were so lonely and starved for a connection./ Amuro voice sounded clear in my head.
I still didn't hang up the phone though.
"What is it." This is the last thing I want to deal with right now.
"I just....find it strange you know a name like that I suppose you know about Amuro. He's been creeping around my head for weeks now." I never thought I would ever have to talk to an enemy like Zechs on the phone about something so surreal.
"I wasn't expecting this." I said this was so left field for me and I am very aware of the severity of me talking to him.
"I want to talk more about this it's just that here we are the two of us. We are facing what seems to me is connection." /Newtype/ I hear Char voice lazily saying it over my head.
"I see." I knew what this meant for me and it could mean the very thing for Zechs.
"I know you don't talk as much as the other pilots but Heero I feel even this is ground breaking." I haven't hung up or threatened him I willed myself to stay on the line.
"I think I am Amuro Ray from another past life I didn't have time to research anything about these two."I said they seemed to be well rounded with gundams but whatever I got from the two of them had really nothing to really do with gundams they made it very clear they are more on the relationship side of the past.
"I did and nothing came up." Zechs seemed so lost which is a bit odd but I didn't want to bring that up.
"I believe that I am Char Aznable reincarnation I believe they loved each other very much something doesn't seem to settle between the both of them." Zechs says his deep smooth voice had a need in it that I never thought I would ever hear in my life.
"I see it all the time in my dreams they are passionate." To be fair they are so emotional people and when they get together it's like dynamos.
I never had this for anyone.
"So much passion so much yes I have none of that in my life only war." I wanted to get off the subject but where could I go it's only me and Zechs in this I can't go and tell anyone this wasn't the norm.
"We are enemy Zechs this is not good." I still didn't hang up the phone.
"We are but I am loyal."
"It won't mean a thing."
"I won't hurt you Heero."
"I am not sure about any of this it's too new for me."
"All I could do at this point is talk it's all I could ask is your audience."
"We are in another phase in the war where it would be not wise for us to do that." If he knew to call this number then he is able to get here at the safe house.
"Yes we are but we could be discreet." I can't believe he is even going this length to meet me. "There would be too many questions on your part and mine." I knew this would be a bad idea but all my choices as of now weren't any good.
"Not with the others they would start shooting."
"I would love to see you if that's all right."
"I can't promise anything."
"That's fine but I know where you are I will just show up."
"Ok." I hung up and I forgot Duo and Quatre are coming soon I would call back Zechs but I don't have a number of where he called me from.
Maybe they wouldn't cross paths.
As I got on a shuttle and flew to where Heero's safe house is I sat on my seat thinking about Heero and Char, Amuro. This is crazy A few weeks ago I would have said that I would have fought tooth and nail and been stubborn into not believing in what I just learned but this was to personal and I never had nothing this personal not like this.
This is different and it's with Heero Yuy.
And it is unheard of in this reality in this present lifetime he's my opposition. I am against what he fights for and I feel like with both Char and Amuro my life and Heero mirroring my current life.
Except I never got the chance to get to know Heero the way they both did with eahc other. They even lived together in secret at one point in time. I wish I had that all I have is empty nights and death and destruction.
I never shrug my shoulder and never in public at this point no one is around me right now it's a private shuttle, And I am alone with my thoughts and often if your not fighting your thinking and at this moment I am stealing the moment alone to think.
As the shuttle rattled as we were going through a rough patch. It was fast but Heero flashes in my vision it is quick and fleeting.
Eyes of dark blue hues it's like the night sky not yet night but daylight is on its way out, Eyes wild like a caged feline that has been locked up in its prison for the best part of his young life.
It makes me sad thinking Heero never gets a chance of being free, nor have I if I think about it long and well enough we are both just a pond of war.
I look out the window of late morning sky as I make my way to heero.
A flash of a memory that is not my own it belongs to another life, I keep thinking it's of this one and it isn't.
I am in the cafeteria I am holding a tray of what looks to be steak and mash potato peas and milk, But to be honest all I crave is alcohol anything strong and that will fix me up for the next twenty four hours.
I am not a drinker.
I never really drank or smoked I smell it on myself I am not sure why, I don't crave nicotine but its on my clothes.
I am fighting a hang over so fierce the headache I have is annoying and constant and painful.
I look at my reflection and this is not me it's Amuro ! tight light blue jeans a black jacket that says aeug and a logo of a blue orb I think that's supposed to represent earth and a turtle neck, I feel all covered up.
And dark curly brown hair I could clearly see my wide brown eyes they look tired I've seen a lot in a short span of time it seems.
The caf is busy I sit alone blending in with the crowd a few eyes here and there travelled in my direction I ignore them completely, My mind keeps reeling back to yesterday last night in particular.
My mind wanders to yesterday.
I stand on the side where we are having a meeting of some sort. The room of people I swear I should know but don't.
A young guy with a short bob of teal hair colour is standing close to me. A tall man wearing a space suit with black hair and a screen behind him explaining something serious and it seems so detrimental.
My eyes keep travelling to where Char is standing arms folded muscle bulk up more displaying as he crosses them, All in red his head cocked to the side leaning on the wall behind him.
The afternoon light spilled in the room the sunglasses he is wearing the afternoon light penetrated through it, Blue eyes peeking through the lens Char eyes held mine he smiled realising I've been checking him out.
Char smiled a knowing smile at me god I didn't know what to do. I wasn't use to that.
The boy beside me saw what was going on gave Char a dirty look and turned his attention to the front of the room.
I was taken aback from all of this.
I get pulled back to the caf as I sit alone as a flash forces me back to the previous night.
A bottle of liquor on its side and glasses on the floor discarded clothes thrown on the ground.
My vision moves to the two figures on a small bed Char's beautiful body is on display and his bottom half is covered in navy blue sheets.
Char smoking a cigarette as I lay there covering myself I seemed a bit a shamed as I lay there with him.
"Are you ok." He says inhaling smoke.
"Yeah I better go." I start getting up he stops me.
"This is your room Amuro." I stop on my tracks as I realise I needed to face what we've done. "I don't know what's gotten over me what happened tonight is just a thing. an itch I needed to scratch." I lied.
"Have you been with men before." Char says. I didn't want to comment on it, Char caressing the empty space between us. "Yes I have." If I kept it simple he would leave it alone.
"God you are amazing it felt wonderful I love that side of you I needed more and you took it." I needed to leave whether it was my room or not.
I started to pull the sheets to hide my shame and get off the bed. "We can't do this." I say. looking at the ground I couldn't keep eye contact with him he didn't like that.
"But you kissed me the night before and that led to us getting more.."
"I know what it led to but we need to stop this it's not right."
"It seems right to me."
"We are not doing this."
"You no why this will drive us more crazy then we already are."
"I thought this is what you wanted."
"It's not what I need."
"I won't let you brush this under the rug."
"Brush it. You need to Quattro." He winced at the mention of that name. "That's not what you called me moments ago." I couldn't look at him as we were talking I just couldn't this keeps happening and I didn't know why this was wrong.
Was it ?
"Yeah well whatever this is needs to stop." I could only hold my ground.
"What about the next day and the next day after that come on you know you'll be back and I'll be here letting you back into my bed." I heard a chuckle escaping his dirty mouth.
"Get out !"
"Why Amuro so you could feel better about yourself don't be so self righteous it feels good when we are together." This is big but it can't be. Too many people got hurt in the past a name Lalah spelled in my view.
"Good you're hurt because I hurt too. But it won't kill us to try and make it better but if you want me to leave I'll leave your room." Char sighs.
And I am at the caf the scent of smoke still stung my senses.
That's when Char walks in the caf he doesn't sit with me he sits on the table in front of me. Watching me behind his sunglasses I just knew was.
He pulled down his sunglasses slightly at me his light sky orbs peeking at me.
I knew we would do it again tonight and again and I would deny it once more.
That vision slammed shut on me like a door.
Something told me to look out the back window to the kitchen I see Zechs walking up the hill of the small safe house.
Wearing a muted blue long winter jacket beige pants and black boots that made a crunchy sound when it hits the snowy ground.
My eyes travel to the living room window and in the far distance I saw two figures and I knew I had to think fast.
I limped to the door and almost tore it open. "Get in quick there almost here I need to hide you." Zechs looks at me the tall blonde quietly study's me.
"Who is coming."
"Duo and Quatre I need to hide you upstairs where they won't see you." Zechs comes in and towers over me as he looks down and studies me. "Where's your closet." I start moving towards the stairs and he follows after me not needing any other further instruction.
We came into my room and we stood in front of the closet. "In here I'll tell you when the coast is clear I'll make them leave." I couldn't believe what I was saying to him to myself this is not my way.
"I don't want trouble Heero Yuy."
"I know there won't be just let me chase them." I closed the closet door with Zechs in it.
The door opens and Duo and Quatre voices are heard downstairs calling me to join them.
I leave Zechs in their hiding I never thought in a million years I would leave Zechs Merquise hiding in my bedroom closet.
Don't forget me part 1.
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alphaikaros · 4 years
Gundam Wing Fanon
Where the whole main and secondary characters are invited to Relena's birthday party. And the boys sneaked to watch a HeeroxRelena walk at the garden. And they are all smiling like they are rooting for their bro to make a move on the princess.
And then there's Zechs glaring at Heero, and Heero glares back, and Noin came to grab Zechs out of the scene, like some kind of kid got grabbed by his mom lololololol
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Who to Fight
For when deciding who you want to fight in Gundam Wing...
Heero Yuy
Who wins: Heero
-don’t fight Heero. He bends steel with his bare hands and regularly performs death-defying feats, and can snap your neck with all the bones in his hands still broken without flinching. Addendum: though if he actually threatens to kill you, then he definitely will not. Feel free to fight him to your heart’s content.
 Duo Maxwell
Who wins: Duo
-look, I know that that grin combined with that snarky attitude makes you want to fight him, but don’t. Either he’s fighting you with intent to maim or he’s planning to explode something, but you won’t know until it’s too late. Your only saving grace is that he’s more interested in getting away and into other dangerous things rather than fighting you, so just slap the handcuffs on him and leave him alone. He’ll be gone when you come back but at least you can say you tried.
 Trowa Barton
Who wins: a toss-up
-you have to find the perfect time to fight Trowa. Fighting mercenary!No-Name – you die. Fighting Gundam Pilot!Trowa – you die. Fighting amnesiac!Trowa – you can win, but then the circusfolk lynch you for daring to touch a hair on his head. You might have a chance if you’re a crying woman, as he’ll be too busy soliloquizing about the power of a “woman’s tears” that he won’t stop you from pummeling him.
 Quatre Raberba Winner
Who wins: you, but god, at what cost?
-why are you fighting Quatre. Quatre doesn’t want to fight anyone, he just wants to play the violin with the object of his affections and spend quality time with his beloved friends. Leave Quatre alone, you monster. If you just really wanna fistfight this angel, he’ll let you win provided he can talk you out of your self-destructive tendencies. (warning: if you lack self-destructive tendencies and cannot be talked down, he will obliterate you.) Addendum: if you are trying to fight Zero!Quatre, then yeah, I guess that’s fair – but then you are definitely going to die, and really, you only have yourself to blame.
 Chang Wufei
Who wins: Wufei, but who cares?
-please fight Wufei. Every woman in the universe will thank you.
 Zechs Merquise/Milliardo Peacecraft
Who wins: Zechs
-listen, you could probably easily take him down by just guilt-tripping him with any of the numerous idiotic things he’s done. (“At least I didn’t try to destroy the planet!”) he’s easily sidetracked by his own personal issues, but this has a downside of kickstarting him into Another Idiotic Idea That May Lead To Mass Genocide. So, you know, don’t do that. And besides, if Noin overhears you talking shit about her man, she’s gonna kick your ass and then Zechs wins by default.
 Treize Khushrenada
Who wins: no one
-I mean, you should absolutely fight Treize, the warmongering, rose-scented jerk. But this was all according to whatever his crackpot plan is, and even if you manage to kill him, you still don’t actually come out on top.  
 Literally any of the girls
Who wins: not you
-do you have a death wish? Is that it? Or do you just want to be thrashed by a beautiful woman?? The only one you have a chance of winning against is Relena, but if the guilt of even daring to harm her doesn’t kill you, everyone else certainly will.
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flaminfogelman · 5 years
To the fans of Mobile Suit Abridged: Gundam Wing
As you probably know by now, our channel has been disabled due to troll copyright claims and we've been doing everything we can to get it back. However, since we were just starting out and didn't have a high subscriber count, YouTube hasn't shown any interest in helping us and we're close to just switching to other platforms, even though we'd rather stick to the account we've poured so much time, money, and energy into.
We need your help. We're asking the fans to spam the hell out of YouTube in any way you can about this issue. Facebook, Twitter, Email, even a really angry letter would work. Whatever it takes for someone to actually help us get this fixed.
The show isn't over, but we want our channel back. Share this with anyone who'll listen and let's make YouTube give a crap.
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terrablaze514 · 5 years
★Gundam Wing Masterlist★
₱ = Smut | § = Angst | ∆ = Violence
A/N: Finally! A separate page! Please be advised that links are subject to change, in case this platform fails. Bolded means it exists (somewhere). Italicized means it’s not yet posted/preview only. I hope to catch up on these soon. One day. As always, most fics are strictly for MATURE AUDIENCES unless otherwise stated.* ~ AngelT
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★Secret Magic series★ How Does It Feel? (poem) Touched By An Angel (1x2, 3x4, 5+S) *Teaser* (Heero/Duo)*Official* | Pillowfort | WordPress | AO3 § 13+ Thirsty For Change (4+1) *Teaser* (starring Heero and Quatre) *Official* | Pillowfort | AO3 | WordPress 13+ Sexy Syrup and Sullen Souls (3x4, 2+4, 5x2, 1+4)₱§∆ (+ Duo/Wufei teaser) | WordPress 18+ (not for the faint of heart) Don’t Stop, Please…(2x5, implied 1x2x3x4x5)₱ | WordPress | Pillowfort 18+ Boys Night Out (2x1, 3+1, 5+4) *OT5 teaser* *Official* | AO3 | Pillowfort | WordPress ∆ 16+ *Hello, Other Me (Trowa’s internal struggle)* (implied 3x4)§ | AO3 | WordPress 16+ Sinking Ship (5x4) *teaser here* *Official* | Pillowfort | WordPress | AO3 § 16+
Nothing But Kisses (G-Boys yaoi version) 18+
Dare To Be Different (1x2, OT5) | AO3 | Pillowfort | WordPress 13+
Secret Magic (multipart) 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*12*13*14*15*16*17*18*19*20*21*22*23*24*25*26*27*28*29*30*31*32*33*34 (other installments will also have 30-something chapters) ₱§∆ ★SM HeadCanons★ Trowa’s Strange Dream (and Identity Crisis) Secret Magic, Heero Yuy A tiny look at mental illness and health Wufei’s Unexpected Encounter Trowa’s U-TURN Plan
A Typical Jamming Session…
Silliness in Une’s Office *Flu Bug Munsense*
Trowa’s Musical Inspirations/Favourites: Prince, Santana, Dead Or Alive, Aaliyah, and Matchbox Twenty
No Frozen Teardrop Album! (Alternate link coming soon)
Musical Tidbits
Vocal Ranges
Secret Magic, Duo Maxwell | Duo’s Musical Inspirations/Favourites: Stevie Wonder, Backstreet Boys, Janet Jackson and Tony Bennett | Secret Magic, Trowa Barton | lDomon versus Treize: Management Styles | Quatre’s Musical Inspirations/Favourites: George Michael, TLC and Elton John | Grooming tactics, Sexual assault and Substance abuse: The DMV Side of Secret Magic |Wufei’s Musical Inspirations/Favourites: Linkin Park, Xscape, Jodeci and A Tribe Called Quest, various K-POP | Secret Magic, Quatre Raberba Winner | Growing Up Lady Une - Broken Home | Producer Zechs, big brother figure | Secret Magic, Wufei Chang | Heero’s Musical Inspirations/Favourites: Linkin Park, Billy Joel and Bon Jovi, various K-POP
★Freedom Fighters series★
Believe In Yourself (oneshot) = OT5-Friendship∆ | AO3 | WordPress | Pillowfort § ∆ 13+ Freedom Fighters (multipart) = eventual 4x5 Munsense * Official 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*12*13*14*15*16 | WordPress | Pillowfort | AO3 §∆ 16+ *Duo+Heero teaser*§∆ ★FF HeadCanons★ Growing Up, Without Parents | How the group met | An Unhealthy Father-Son Relationship (Heero and Odin, Quatre and Zayeed) | Multiple Intelligences ★One Shots★ Cuddle (1+2+3+4+5) | AO3 | Pillowfort | WordPress 13+ This Meeting Is In Progress *teaser* *Official* | AO3 | Pillowfort | WordPress K+ Stay (3x5, 1x2(+4))₱ | Pillowfort | WordPress 13+ I Do (1x2x3x4x5, Dorothy x Relena) *teaser* *Official* | AO3 | Pillowfort | WordPress § 13+ Let Down Your Hair (2x5) *teaser* *Official* | AO3 | Pillowfort | WordPress § 13+ You Got Me Open (1x2+5, 3x4+5, 1x2x3x4x5) Heart To Soul (3x4) *Teaser* *Official* | AO3 | Pillowfort | WordPress K+ Infinite Wishes (GW Holiday Exchange 2018 - OT5 pilots, Relena x Dorothy)₱ 16+
★Multiparts★ Ionic Victory, Covalent Destiny (Multiple pairings) *Part 1*∆ | *Part 2 preview*∆§ | *Munsense* | *Post-EW HeadCanon* | *Munsense #2* | AO3 | Pillowfort | WordPress ₱§∆ 18+ Risk > Teaser 1 § | Teaser 2 §∆₱ (9x11) | Official 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*12*13*14*15*16*17*18*19*20 | AO3 | WordPress | Pillowfort ₱§∆ 18+
Marooned > Teaser | Official (1)2(3)4(5)(6)7(8)(9)(10)11(12)(13)(14)15(16) | AO3 | Pillowfort | WordPress §∆ | Marooned (HC) 16+
Death Returns (BP/GW Crossover) 1*2*3*4*5*6 | Pillowfort 18+
★To Kill a Brown Recluse series★ (crossover w/ The Preventers (Gundam Wing)) *Part 1* *2*3 ABANDONED
★Broken 4th Wall★
Muse Alert Episode 3 (Heero and Duo)
Throwback Episode (Quatre and Duo)
Muse Alert Season/Episode 1 (implied 1x5)
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cviperfan · 6 years
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Remember when Toonami was an afternoon block on regular CN that’s the last time I saw Gundam Wing but they have the whole thing on Crunchyroll now so fallin down that hole
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