#zed necrodopolis oneshot
deltaharrington · 1 year
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PAIRING: Milo Manheim x Reader
SUMMARY: Small towns. Everyone knows everyone and everything about each other. How will you and Milo triumph the odds of your relationship?
WARNINGS: Rich Guy, not-so-rich new girl Small Town Forbidden Romance!!
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soft golden glow across the picturesque town as you found yourself standing outside of your boyfriends house. The air was thick with anticipation and a tinge of nervousness, as you contemplated the forbidden romance that had taken hold of your heart.
Milo Manheim, the son of a prominent family in the town, and you, a newcomer to the area, were worlds apart. Your paths should never have crossed, but fate had different plans.
From the moment you laid eyes on each other, there was an undeniable connection, a magnetic pull that drew you closer despite the consequences.
You had heard the whispers, the murmurs of disapproval from the townspeople. They spoke of the divide between your backgrounds, the expectations placed upon Milo to conform to the expectations of his family and social status.
But none of that mattered in the secret moments shared between the two of you.
Behind closed doors, away from prying eyes, you reveled in the stolen moments of passion and intimacy. Each touch, each stolen kiss was electric, sending shivers down your spine and igniting a fire within you that couldn't be extinguished.
The world faded away when you were in each other's arms, the outside judgments and barriers forgotten for a brief, blissful moment.
But the weight of the forbidden nature of your relationship weighed heavily upon you both. You couldn't help but feel a mixture of guilt and longing, knowing that societal expectations threatened to tear you apart.
The fear of being discovered loomed over you, casting a shadow over the love you shared.
Yet, despite the challenges, you were both determined to fight for your love. The heart wants what it wants, and neither of you could deny the depth of emotion that bound you together.
You found solace in the secrecy, cherishing every stolen moment as if they were stolen pieces of eternity.
Late-night rendezvous became your refuge, the cover of darkness providing a veil of protection for your forbidden love.
Whispers of "I love you" mingled with the soft rustling of sheets, the intensity of your connection overpowering any doubts that lingered in the back of your minds.
But the world has a way of unraveling secrets, and eventually, the truth began to seep out. Gossips whispered, disapproving glances were cast your way, and the weight of societal expectations threatened to crush your love beneath its weight.
As the pressure mounted, Milo and you found yourselves faced with a difficult choice. The path ahead was unclear, fraught with heartache and sacrifice.
Would you defy the odds, stand strong against the judgments, and fight for your love? Or would you succumb to the pressure, allowing your love to become a bittersweet memory of what could have been?
No matter the outcome, the romance between you and Milo would forever be etched into your hearts. For in the depths of forbidden love, you had found a connection so profound, so unyielding, that it transcended the boundaries imposed by society.
And as you stood at the crossroads of your love, you knew that no matter the path you chose, the memories of your forbidden romance would forever burn brightly within you, reminding you of a love that dared to defy all odds.
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A/N: Short but sweet! I don’t usually write this metaphorically but I was in the mood!! (I was also LOVING the word forbidden-).
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heliads · 2 years
Zombies imagine being friends with the Zombie group when u where little but u were taken away and Zed sees you hanging out with Mal because ur her adopted sister.
ok but a zombies and descendants crossover is kind of everything
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Your destination is approaching, sooner than you thought possible. It comes without pause, and refuses to take into consideration that fact that you might not be entirely ready for its arrival. Already, you can see the town popping up on the horizon, and although the threat of returning has been vague up until now, you’re suddenly confronted with the reality that you are about to go home.
Home. It doesn’t feel like home to you, not now. You haven’t been to Seabrook in ten years, although it feels like much longer. This is where you were born, where you spoke your first words and learned to walk, but not the place you’d go if you were dying, nor where you’ve spent some of the most formative years of your life. Is it a home, then, or just a place that used to be yours?
The purple-haired girl sitting next to you nudges you in the side. “Are you ready for this?”
You grimace. “I thought I was, but I’m having second thoughts now. I mean, what if it’s nothing like what I remember? I could change for the Isle of the Lost, even for Auradon, but this is an entirely different playing field.”
Mal sighs, leaning back against the seat of the car currently ferrying you towards Seabrook far faster than you’d like. “Either it’s going to be the same, which will be fun, or it’ll be totally different, which will be fun as well. Change isn’t the worst thing to happen, Y/N. I mean, look at all of us. When we first heard Ben was coming to take us away to Auradon, we thought it would be the worst thing in the world, but we ended up loving it.”
The golden-haired prince in question pretends to frown from his seat on Mal’s other side. “Yeah, I’d hope so. If I find out now that you’ve been despising me all along it would really put a damper on this whole trip.”
Evie, one row up, just laughs. “Oh, we would have let you know way before this. If we hated it, we would have stolen the car the second we started on this trip.”
Ben frowns. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
Mal does her best to hide a smile. “We’re happy here, Ben. No matter how many jokes we make.”
The question, then, is whether or not you are truly happy. You only found out that you would be returning to Seabrook a couple of days ago. Ben, Jay, and Lonnie are all playing in the upcoming game against Seabrook High, and so the rest of you are driving down with them to cheer them on.
Hearing that you’d be going back to your supposed hometown was both a blessing and a burden. You grew up in Seabrook on the zombie side of town, and made as many friends as a green-haired kid could hope to have. You still remember some of them; Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo being your best friends. You haven’t heard from them in years, ever since you left.
Leaving wasn’t your intention, either. The night you fled Seabrook is etched into your mind in perfect clarity. Seabrook wasn’t great for zombies, although it wasn’t like you could go anywhere else, or so people thought. A big group of zombies were caught out in the streets after curfew, and they sent in a bunch of non-zombies to try and “keep the peace,” or so they called it.
In the resulting chaos, your parents tried to defend the zombies who’d been breaking curfew. Before they ran to help, though, they told you to hide, to get as far away from the city as you could. You can still hear the shouts echoing through the town, mirrored in intensity only by the pounding of your heels against the ground.
You hadn’t intended to go that far, but you were a kid, scared of what would happen if humans found a young zombie disobeying curfew and trying to run. You ended up going a great distance into the forest, and in the dark, you managed to lose your way. You tried to go back home, but you could never figure out how to make it back to Seabrook.
That wasn’t the end of your story, though. A couple of hours after dawn, you noticed something strange. The very air around you was starting to shimmer, turning a strange blue in the early morning light. A few moments later, a woman dressed all in pink and white appeared, offering to take you back to her home. She was just visiting the forest to gather up a few magical ingredients, but she didn’t like the thought of some kid wandering the woods alone.
The woman ended up bringing you back to Auradon, although she left you in the Isle of the Lost before heading to her own home. Apparently zombies are too weird for the picture-perfect world of fairytale characters, so you ended up amongst the villains. It wasn’t the worst twist of fate, as you ended up meeting a young Mal. Mal’s mother found a spell that could alleviate the less exciting parts of being a zombie, like wanting to kill people, and soon you could go without your Z-Band for good thanks to her magic.
You’ve grown up alongside Mal ever since, and went with her to Auradon Prep alongside Jay, Carlos, and Evie. You always knew that the Isle of the Lost wasn’t your real home, but you had no way to get back to Seabrook. As an associate of the Villain Kids, you’ve always been on thin ice. As much as people like to pretend otherwise, they still believe in some of the stereotypes, and you’ll always be one thread away from an enemy to them.
It’s not that you didn’t want to go back to Seabrook; you did, honestly, but there was never really a future in which you could leave Auradon. You’d have no idea how to find the town in the first place, and you’ve got a really good thing going with your adoptive family, so why leave?
Traveling with your friends to the upcoming game is the perfect way to make both worlds meet. Or, it should be the perfect way, but you can’t deny the surge of nerves currently threatening to choke you out. What if Seabrook is nothing like what you remember? What if your friends have all moved on and forgotten you, or worse, they just don’t care that you’re back?
Your abrupt exit was a long time ago, after all. There’s a fairly good chance that all of your zombie friends let you fade back into the barest recesses of their memory, scarcely more than a name and a cautionary whisper.
Still, it’s not like you can back out now. Seabrook awaits on the horizon, drawing ever closer. Within minutes, the car is pulling up inside the town limits, driving through the place in search of the hotels where you’ll be staying for the next couple of nights.
You stare out the window as the car progresses through the town, unable to stop yourself from searching for any trace of your former life. You remember buildings, the sharp divides of both sides of town, but something is different.
You realize it after a moment. When you were still living here, Seabrook thrived on separating zombies and non-zombies. All of the barrier fences, however, seem to have been torn down, and you don’t see a single anti-zombie sign anywhere. It’s enough to make your undead heart skip a beat.
Zombies and non-zombies walk together everywhere you look, chatting as casually as if they’d never been apart. It’s marvelous, and you can’t help but wonder what happened to bring about the change.
After leaving your suitcases in your hotel rooms, the lot of you decide to go out and explore the town. Apparently, there’s a citywide festival of sorts happening near the high school in preparation of the upcoming game. It seems like the perfect place to get to know the town, and also to give you an excuse to see if you can track down your old friends.
The car drops you off a few blocks away from the school, just enough time to get your nerves all aflutter again.
Jay laughs at your obvious tension. “Y/N, you’ve been here before. It’s not like anyone’s going to get mad at you for leaving, they know you had no choice. Take a breather.”
You shrug. “I’m trying, Jay. It’s still weird to be back, though.”
And it is weird. Being back in Seabrook is something out of a dream, as if any moment you’re going to wake up back in Auradon Prep and smile at how close you came to believing that you could have ever gone back to your hometown. You instinctively remember the layout of the streets, and every new building feels like a stranger, not just you.
When you arrive at the school, you’re blown away by the amount of people there, just milling around to support the team.
“This is crazy. I remember everyone in Seabrook mainly loving sports games because it gave the cheer team a chance to show off their skills, but this is way different. I wonder what made them like football as much as cheer.”
Carlos points to a row of posters plastered across the walls of the school and just about every available surface. “Maybe it wasn’t a what but a who.”
You follow his line of sight and stop moving in surprise. Dead center in every poster is the face of the football captain, someone who has everyone talking about how excited they are to see him play. This star athlete is also Zed Necrodopolis, one of your old friends back when you still lived here. He’d always wanted to play football, and it looks like his dream came true after all.
You smile at the sight of it. Good for Zed, he must be delighted with this twist of fate. You look around you, hoping against hope that you’ll be able to see him and congratulate him on his newfound status yourself. As you, Ben, and the VKs walk through the festival, you search every silhouette for some sign of him. There’s no way you would be able to tell him from anyone else; you’ve changed, and he has too, but some part of you still firmly believes that you should be able to find him if you look.
At last, you see him, and you swear your heart freezes in your chest. All you can see of the boy is his back, the set of his shoulders as he talks, but you swear it’s Zed. Your footsteps pick up a little bit, and you entertain the hope of catching up to him, of seeing the look of overjoyed surprise when he realizes that you’re back.
You come crashing back down to reality just as soon as the thought occurs to you. What would you say to him, anyway? This is the boy you talked to most of all when you were five, the one who knew a preschooler’s most pressing secrets, who pretended to get married to you when you first learned about what wedding rings meant and chased you through the streets in games of tag.
This is also the boy who has grown up into a teenager, and he doesn't have any more in common with you than Mal or Evie by your side. Isn’t it bizarre, that someone who used to be your whole world can be such a stranger at the very same time?
So, you slow your footsteps again, and watch Zed drift away into the crowd. He’s talking to someone who might just be Eliza, and he goes on living his blessedly different life with no idea that his childhood soulmate is a short distance behind him. Or, he doesn’t, until Zed starts to turn around a corner and happens to glance over his shoulder as he goes.
For a moment, time freezes, and it is just you and Zed staring at each other across the festival. The noise of laughing voices, the screech of car tires, it all disappears to a dull roar. You see each emotion cross his face like a flash of lightning- confusion, the faintest traces of recognition, and then a stunned surprise as he realizes that he knows exactly who you are.
Then he’s breaking into a run, heedless to Eliza’s bewilderment as he leaves her behind. You match his slow jog and meet him in the middle, all the while feeling such a rush of pure happiness that finally, finally, it’s all just what you’d hoped it would be.
Zed’s grinning through his surprise when he reaches you. “Y/N? Y/N L/N? I haven’t seen you in years. What are you doing here? How’d you come back?”
You laugh at his exuberant questions. “I’m here with your rival football team. Some friends of mine were playing and we decided to come down to cheer them on.”
Zed seems unable to tear his eyes off of you. “Why did you leave? We all searched for days, but we couldn’t find you.”
“I tried to come back,” you say, “dozens of times. My parents told me to run in that awful fight, so I did. Guess I ran a little too far. Someone found me and brought me to the Isle of the Lost, where I met my friends.”
Zed blows out a low breath. “I thought you were gone. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
You smile, although this time it’s more bittersweet. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again either. I’m glad we were both proven wrong.”
Zed’s face lights up again with a beaming grin. “I’m glad too. Say, Y/N, how about you come back with me? I’ve got a bunch of our old friends who would love to see you again.”
He pauses, and when he speaks again, his voice is quiet. “I’d love to see you some more, too.”
You open your mouth to say yes without a second thought, but you belatedly remember that you didn’t come here alone. You turn back to look at Ben and the VKs, raising your brows as if to ask the silent question if you can go with him.
You see Mal’s face first, which is happier than you’ve seen in a while. She just flashes you a proud thumbs up, and that’s all you need.
“Yeah, I’d love to go. Where are we headed first?”
Zed all-too-casually loops an arm around your shoulders, bringing you close as he leads you away. “Anywhere you want. We’ve got the whole place to see again.”
There’s a lot of ground to cross, a lot of memories to drag back into the light again. For once, you can’t wait to try.
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42
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Zed Necrodopolis Masterlist
none yet!
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wyatt-and-addi · 3 years
Hey! Just my little introductory post I guess, I might end up writing some stuff on here. On that same note, I'm a horrible procrastinator and there's a good chance that I'll plan to do something and then not get around to it! If I ever just randomly make a short post with an idea for a story, feel free to write about it yourself! All I ask is to be credited for the idea, and maybe tag me in it - I would love to read what you create!
Also, a fair heads up, I AM a multi-shipper - I just hope y'all forgive me when I inevitably interpret Wyatt x Addison into everything I write. :")
Kind of related to that last bit: I am fine with literally any pairing from the series as long as it's legal. If you have a soft spot for Wynter x Bonzo, that's perfectly okay! Eliza x Willa? Me too! As long as you aren't going out of your way to ship one of the FEW adult characters with an underage one, I don't have a problem with any ship you might have. ♡♡
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voidedtrisha · 3 years
Requests are open!
Hiya everybody! My Imagine/oneshot/preference requests are open!
I am literally down for every type of request - except smut and adult x child pairings - so feel free to request!^^ Also don’t be afraid to ask me to do an imagine/preference/oneshot with a character or fandom I didn’t list!^^
Fandoms that I will write imagines about:
―The Lost Boys (1987):
Michael Emerson
Sam Emerson
Edgar Frog 
Alan Frog 
―Stand By Me (1986):
Chris Chambers
Gordie Lachance
Vern Tessio
Teddy Duchamp
John ‘Ace’ Merrill
Richard ‘Eyeball’ Chambers
Billy Tessio
Charlie Hogan
―Young Guns I-II (1988/1990):
Billy the Kid
Chavez y Chavez
Joshia Gordon ‘Doc’ Scurlock
Dick Brewer
Stave Stephers
Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh
―Footloose (1984):
Ren McCormack
Willard Hewitt
―Gravity Falls (2012-2016):
Mason ‘Dipper’ Pines
Mabel Pines
Wendy Corduroy
Robbie Valentino
Stanford Pines
Stanley Pines
―Class of 1999 (1990):
Cody Culp
Sonny Culp
―Stranger Things (2016- ):
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Robin Buckley
―Grease (1978):
Danny Zuko
Sandy Olsson
―IT (1990/2017/2019):
Bill Denbrough
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier
Mike Hanlon
Stanley Uris
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Victor Criss
Reginald ‘Belch’ Hugins
―Changeling (2008):
Sanford Clark
Gordon Northcott
―Bones (2005-2017):
Zack Addy
Lance Sweets
Seeley Booth
James Aubrey
Temperence Brennan
Jack Hodgins
Arastoo Vaziri
Wendell Bray
Finn Abernathy
Jared Booth
Vincent Nigel-Murray
―Z-O-M-B-I-E-S I-II (2018/2020):
Zed Necrodopolis
Eliza Zambini
Wyatt Lykensen
Wynter Barkowitz
Willa Lykensen
Bucky Buchanan
Addison Wells
―Jeepers Creepers I-II (2001/2003):
Darry Jenner
Izzy Bohen
Scott Braddock
Andy Bucky
The Creeper
Billy Taggart
―Descendants I-II-III(2015/2017/2019):
Carlos De Vil
Harry Hook
Ben Beast
―Teen Wolf (2011-2017):
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Theo Reaken
Kira Yukimura
Allison Argent
―Ed Edd n Eddy (1999-2008):
Double D
The Kanker sisters
―Five Nights at Freddy’s (2014- ):
Freddy Fazbear
Toy Bonnie
Toy Freddy
Toy Chica
Funtime Freddy
Funtime Foxy
Circus Baby
―Big Mouth (2017- ):
Nick Birch
Andrew Glouberman
Jay Bilzerian
Jessi Glaser
Val Bilzerian
Kurt Bilzerian
Leah Birch
Judd Birch
―Harry Potter:
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Oliver Wood
Hermione Grager
Fred & George Weasley
Marcus Flint
Adrian Pucey
Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Seamus Finnigan
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heliads · 2 years
Zombies imagine being a human and your being nice to the zombies and just chill with them at lunch and you show Zed your art book because your into art and the group compelements it.
man i love z-o-m-b-i-e-s what a classic film
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It is another bright, sunny, beautiful day at Seabrook High School, and you could not be happier about what is to come. You’ve been excited for this day for a while now, as it’s the first time that you’ll be decidedly switching up your usual routine. Zombies are the norm now, and they’ve already become good friends to you. What’s more, you get to sit with them during lunch today, and seeing as they’re only in a couple of your classes, you’ll finally be able to stick around and talk like you’ve always wanted.
Also, you’re not alone. Somehow, your best friend Addison has already managed to make friends with the zombies, probably because she’s able to befriend just about anything or anyone so long as they draw breath and aren’t too critical of her beloved cheerleading dreams, so she’ll be joining you today as emotional support. Bucky and his overly judgmental cheer squad are already shooting death glares at the two of you as you breeze past them into the cafeteria, but you couldn’t care less. It’s time to see your friends.
Besides, one of the boys in the group means more to you than Bucky ever could. Maybe you’ve been harboring a little crush on Zed ever since he first started at your school, maybe you haven’t just been going to the football games to cheer on Addison but Zed as well. What can you say? He’s cute, he cares about his friends and the community. He’s practically perfect.
Addison nudges you in the ribs as you walk. “No need to look so excited, Y/N. It’s just one lunch period.”
You roll your eyes. “Speak for yourself. We’re making friends, aren’t we? That’s practically your favorite habit.”
Addison gives you a look. “What can I say? I like talking to people.”
She drops her voice to a quieter pitch as if about to impart the greatest secret of all time. “Wait, let me guess. You’re not just excited about sitting with the zombies, you’re excited about sitting with Zed.”
You elbow her in the arm. “No need to shout it to the entire school! And for that matter, it’s not just about Zed. My world doesn’t revolve around him, you know.”
Addison raises an eyebrow. “No?”
You grin in spite of yourself. “Well, maybe a little bit.”
Once you’re halfway across the cafeteria, a tall boy with shaggy dark green hair falling into his eyes stands up and waves at you. You and Addison wave back in unison, unable to resist the boy’s cheeriness.
“That’s Bonzo,” Addison whispers, “one of Zed’s best friends. If you want to win over Zed, you’re already off to a great start.”
You make a face at your friend. “I don’t remember asking you for help on how to get Zed to fall madly in love with me. No need to offer advice.”
Addison smirks. “Don’t worry about it. My advice is free of charge. I’m helpful that way.”
You let out a slow breath. “Yeah, helpful. I’ve never felt more relieved.”
Before Addison can issue back a similarly sarcastic retort, you arrive at the preordained lunch table and take a seat. You specifically choose the first seat in front of you to make sure Addison stops poking fun at you, but you’ve barely sat down before someone slides into a chair to your right. You look up with a start when you realize it’s Zed. Of all the places to sit, he wanted the one next to you. Doesn’t that say something?
Indeed, when you glance over at Addison, who’s sitting opposite you solely so you can make dramatic eye contact in moments of need, she’s grinning a little too wide. She winks rather obviously at you, and quickly starts up a conversation with Eliza before you can call her out on it.
Zed, seemingly oblivious to it all, smiles over at you. “Hey, Y/N. Have a good day so far?”
You shrug, reaching for your backpack so you can get your lunch. “As good as it gets, you know? Math quizzes are making me miserable, but that’s just how it goes.”
Zed winces in sympathy. “Tell me about it. I’m starting to think that trigonometry was a tool specifically designed to torture high school students.”
You laugh. “I’d believe it.”
You’re a little too lost in Zed’s eyes, too caught up in the fact that you are sitting right next to your crush, and when you go to put your backpack back down, you accidentally knock it over on the ground. A few folders spill out, and you bite back several choice words. Most of the stuff is close enough to you that you can pick it up without worry, but Zed still helps.
“Here, I think you dropped this.”
You reach for the notebook without thinking, but do a double take when you realize what he’s holding. It’s your sketchbook, the one you carry around from day to day in the hopes that inspiration will strike you in some way. The muses are infrequent with their blessings, but you’ve been able to produce a few good works regardless.
Zed is smiling at the doodles on the cover, the splashes of paint from where you were too closely involved in a project. “This is cute.”
You feel your cheeks heat up, but do your best to pretend you’re utterly unfazed. “Oh, that’s nothing. Just my sketchbook.”
Zed arches a brow. “I’d hardly argue that’s nothing, but you do you.”
He wavers a moment longer, then hands it back, careful to shut the cover that had flopped open before he can see anything inside. Zed glances over at you as if he can sense your gaze upon him.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t peek. I would never look inside someone’s sketchbook if they didn’t want me to, I’m not a monster. Well, not more than the usual.”
He gestures haphazardly at himself, the green hair, the Z-Band still locked around his wrist. You laugh at the joke, and he looks utterly pleased with himself.
“Actually, it’s fine. Nothing in there is all that special.”
You keep the sketchbook on the table, somehow excited over the curious glances Zed keeps stealing. “You can look if you want.”
He beams, eagerly flipping over the cover once more. “Oh, I like that. And that. You have a good sense of proportion. That’s a thing, right? It’s been a while since I last took an art elective.”
Addison briefly turns away from Eliza to look at the two of you. “Y/N, is that your sketchbook? I thought you hated showing it to people.”
You decide that you’re not entirely fond of her very suggestive tone, no matter if she’s right or not. “That’s mainly with people I don’t like. Zed’s fine.”
Zed looks very happy to be called fine. In fact, the delighted glow in his eyes is so bright that you wish you could draw it right away. Every time you attempt a portrait sketch, you swear that you never get the expression quite right, as if depicting something in graphite or charcoal somehow lessens the pure emotions of someone’s face. All the same, Zed looks so thrilled to be important to you that any drawing of him would still look just perfect, still just as ecstatic.
Zed doesn’t look up until he’s finished paging through the sketchbook, commenting on the appropriate pages and nodding as appreciatively as if he’s an art critic strolling through a museum. At last, he closes up the book reverently, handing it back to you with the air of a curator examining the finest of treasures.
“It’s been an honor, Y/N. If I ever get famous, I’m going to commission you to design my portrait. The one that will go viral for its grandeur, of course.”
You grin, carefully tucking the sketchbook back inside your backpack. “I would be delighted. If the opportunity presents itself, I had better be the first one you call.”
Zed’s gaze lingers on you, even when he’s no longer thinking about your art. “You’d be the first one on my call list even if I wasn’t famous.”
If you thought you had butterflies in your stomach before, they’ve become a fully fledged storm now, a hurricane of swirling winds and bottomless pits lined with fluttering wings. “I could say the same thing about you.”
You think you could spend the rest of the world in that one half-hour block, just chatting with Zed about everything that comes to mind. You’ve never had a chance as good as this to get to know him, but it already feels as if you’ve met years and years ago. He’s still just as much of a sweetheart as you’d hoped, plus more.
When the bell finally rings to dismiss you to your next class, you can’t deny the thrill in your heart when Zed sighs, clearly disappointed that you have to part ways. He does offer to walk you to your next class, an offer you eagerly take up. And, when he bids you goodbye with a smile and a promise to talk again soon, you realize that you can’t wait until the next time. As it turns out, you have much to discuss.
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42
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heliads · 2 years
Zed Necrodopolis Masterlist
Being the Youngest in the Zombie Group and Loving Art Would Include... Headcanons
What's In a Hometown? - Based on this request: "Zombies imagine being friends with the Zombie group when u where little but u were taken away and Zed sees you hanging out with Mal because ur her adopted sister." Z-O-M-B-I-E-S x Descendants Crossover
Masterpiece - Based on this request: "Zombies imagine being a human and your being nice to the zombies and just chill with them at lunch and you show Zed your art book because your into art and the group compliments it." Imagine
Team Player - Based on this request: “Zombies req!!!! Zed x bruh girl reader where she just transferred and is human, on the football team friends w tension to lovers?” Imagine
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heliads · 3 years
Team Player
Based on this request: “Zombies req!!!! Zed x bruh girl reader where she just transferred and is human, on the football team friends w tension to lovers?”
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You don’t think you’ve ever been this nervous in your entire life. Your heart is racing, your palms sweaty, everything. One task lies before you, one impossible task that you’ve been dreaming about since you moved to Seabrook in the first place. Football team tryouts await. 
It’s not like you’re a stranger to football- you played on your team back home, and were pretty good at it. This, though, is different: it’s the middle of the season, and for the Seabrook team, tryouts have already ended. No one here thinks the football team needs another player. You’re here to prove them wrong. 
You take a deep breath, then square your shoulders and walk out onto the field. The football team is just starting drills for the day, so you’ll have plenty of time to see if you can join them for it. You head towards the football coach, who’s currently tapping his fingers against a suspiciously empty clipboard. He glances over at you when you approach. 
“Cheer tryouts are in the gym.” He says, pointing back towards the school before you even have a chance to speak. 
You shake your head. “I’m not here for cheer. I want to try out for the football team.” 
The coach frowns. “You what?” 
You force yourself to stand tall. “I’m here for football. I missed the start of season tryouts because I just moved here, but I still want to make the team.”
The coach rocks back on his heels, looking contemplative. “I don’t know. I mean, we just had another newbie join a month or so ago, and I don’t want the team sponsors to feel like we’re letting anyone in. Then again, that newbie was Zombie Zed, so that’s saying something.”
Zombie Zed. The coach says the name almost reverently, like this Zed guy is the patron saint of pink and green clad football teams. 
You raise an eyebrow. “Who’s Zombie Zed?” 
The coach smiles proudly. “A new addition to the team. Helped us turn a long losing streak into a series of wins worthy of the cheerleaders. And he should be here now,” the coach continues, looking around the field in vain, “but he’s late.”
You sense an opportunity. “How about you let me try out while we wait for him to show up?” 
The coach hesitates a moment longer, then shrugs. “Alright. Um, I don’t entirely know how to do one person tryouts, so just join the team in drills and we’ll see how you do.” 
You nod, trying to hide a grin. Finally, your chance is here. 
There’s one open spot in the ranks of players, so you head there. They’re currently about to start sprints down the length of the field, something you’ve been practicing since you first decided you want to do football years ago. As opposed to the grim looking football players, you’re the only one there who actually looks ready to go. 
When the whistle blows, you take off like a flash of lightning, running down the field as fast as you can. You reach the finish line ahead of the others, and are already turned around and ready to go again by the time the last of the players stagger across the line. You repeat this process a few more times before you look up to find someone standing in your place on the opposite side of the starting line. 
There’s a boy waiting for you, foot tapping impatiently over the dyed turf. When you come to a stop in front of him, he folds his arms in front of his chest. “You’re in my spot.” 
You raise an eyebrow. “I don’t see your name on it.” 
The rest of the players have crossed the line, so you turn around, ready to race once again. However, the boy just moves to stand by you, forcing you to shuffle a few inches over to avoid running into him. When you shoot him an irritated glare, he just grins, pushing a few stray pieces of dark green hair out of his face before getting in a starting position. 
Now you’re annoyed, so you turn to the sprints with renewed vigor. You run even faster than before, but the boy still keeps pace with you. Frustrating. You beat him on the way back, then he beats you, back and forth until Coach finally announces that sprints are over. The coach heads towards you, smiling proudly. 
“Good work, I don’t think I’ve seen someone outpace that many of my players in a while. And I see you’ve met Zed! Excellent.” 
You turn to see the green-haired boy from before standing beside you. “You’re Zed?” 
He spreads his hands proudly. “The very same. Who are you?” 
You straighten up. “Y/N.” 
The coach claps his hands together. “And the latest addition to the football team.”
You and Zed look at Coach at the same time, your eyes alighting with excitement at the same time that Zed’s face twists with something almost like horror. 
“Really? You’ll let me join?” 
At the same time, Zed steps closer to the coach. “You’re letting her join? This late in the season, and after only doing sprints?”
The coach holds up a hand. “Yes, I am. As you might recall, Zed, I let you on with much less preparation.” 
Zed looks like he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “That’s because we were losing. We’re winning now, we don’t need anyone else.” 
You fold your arms across your chest. “You might as well learn to deal with it, because I’m not going anywhere.” 
Zed turns the full force of his withering glare on you. “Fine. But if we lose, I’m blaming you.” 
You can’t help yourself, and toss him a casual wink before heading back to continue practice. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I always win, huh?” 
Zed looks like he’s ready to kill you. It’s very funny. 
Thus begins a rivalry to end all rivalries. You and Zed compete on everything you can- sprints, push-ups, throws, you name it. This even extends past athletic ability and turns into smug looks after receiving praise for helping lay out cones, or getting to sign autographs right in front of the other. The tension whenever you have to work as partners is so thick you could cut it with a knife. 
To be honest, it’s kind of fun. Football practice is amazing, of course, and playing on the team is everything. When you win the first game you play, you and Zed celebrate like everyone else, wrapping your arms around each other and jumping up and down. You remember yourselves soon enough, of course, and hurriedly break away when you remember that you’re supposed to be rivals, but you still catch him grinning at you from across the field a few minutes later. 
It’s just nice to have someone like Zed to motivate you. Even on days when you want nothing more than to go crawl into your bed and sleep for the days, the sheer thought of him holding it over you is enough to convince you to go to practice anyways, no matter how tired you feel. 
One day after a particularly difficult afternoon of training, you’re just starting to grab your stuff from the bleachers when you realize that someone is there. There’s a little zombie girl with pigtails hiding in the piles of backpacks, and she looks at you with wide eyes. 
You smile in spite of yourself. “Can I help you with anything?”
She nods vigorously. “Zed is supposed to be walking me to the library after school so I can work on a project, but I can’t find him. He’s my brother.” 
She tacks on the last bit as a proud afterthought, and you can’t help but grin. “Well, I just saw him helping pack up. Want to find him with me?”
The girl beams at you. “Yes, please. I’m Zoey, by the way.” 
You offer her your hand with the gravest of ceremony, and she takes it. “I’m Y/N.” 
Zoey nods understandingly. “Oh, I know you are. Zed talks about you all the time, you know. He says you’re one of the best players on the team.”
You almost stop walking out of surprise. “Zed said that? Are you sure?” 
Zoey nods, apparently unaware of the shock rippling through you. “Yeah. He says you like to make fun of each other, but he thinks you can run really fast and he likes that. He’s glad you moved here, although he’d never say it.” 
She eyes you suspiciously. “You’re not going to tell anyone about that, right? I don’t think I was supposed to tell you that.”
You grin. “Of course not. My lips are sealed.” 
You mime locking your mouth and throwing away the key. Zoey laughs, and you can’t help but laugh at her reaction. 
You almost forget about where you’re going until someone walks in front of you. “Zoey?”
You look up to see Zed looking between you and his sister, confused. You hold up Zoey’s hand, which is still interlocked with yours so she wouldn’t get lost. 
“You know, I hear you’re supposed to be walking Miss Zoey over here to the library.”
Zed smacks a hand to his forehead. “Yeah. I can’t believe I forgot about that. Thanks for helping her find me.” 
You let go of Zoey’s hand, and she walks over to Zed, although not without a little reluctance. 
“It was nice meeting you, Y/N.” She says, waving goodbye. 
You wave back. “It was nice meeting you too.”
Your eyes meet Zed’s before you go, and you’re surprised to notice that he’s smiling quietly at you. He looks away quickly when he realizes that you’ve caught him staring, but you can’t help a small smile in return. Maybe what Zoey said is true, and he does like having you on the team after all. 
Even after you pack up and leave for the day, your mind still returns to that one moment. Zoey said that Zed talked about you all the time, about how he only pretended to have the rivalry because he thought it was a joke between you too. Was he right? There’s no good reason why this should make you smile in between classes and when you’re going to sleep at night, yet it does. You’re not sure that you can explain it.
All the same, you keep going to school and practice like nothing out of the ordinary. At football practice, you watch the way Zed looks at you, how he talks to you after drills are over. If something is different, though, you’re going to have to learn how to deal with it. There’s a big game coming up on Friday, and it’s one that Seabrook has to win.
Your friends all know that you’re stressed about the game, but that can’t stop them from talking about it anyway. One day, when you’re walking with a few friends to class, they bring it up, albeit mainly just to talk about the cheer team. 
“Bucky and his team are going to be playing at your game, right Y/N?” 
You nod. “They usually make it to the games. I just hope we win, or Bucky and the Aceys are going to have our heads.”
Your friend laughs. “That’ll be no problem, though. You guys have been winning every game to come your way. I never thought I’d say it, but you and Zed are actually a pretty good team.” 
You frown at her. “What does that mean?” 
She holds up her hands. “Nothing, just that I remember you guys trying to outdo each other all the time when you first moved here, and now, you get along just fine.”
You have to admit that she’s right. When did you and Zed go from fierce rivals to something almost like friends? 
“He’s not that bad. Actually, he’s a pretty good guy.” 
Your friend gives you a surprised look, but shrugs and continues on to a different topic of conversation. When you turn a corner, you notice Zed getting a folder out of his locker. For some reason, he’s smiling like he’s just won a football championship, and you have no idea why.
The day of the big game comes anyway, despite your nerves. In the end, you do your best to collect yourself. The adrenaline will help you during the game, anyways. You stretch and warm up with the team, then head over to where Coach stands so he can give you one last pep talk before you begin. Strategies have been worked and reworked over the last few weeks, so all you can do now is go out there and win.
From the second you step onto the field, you’re ready to go. You lock eyes with Zed, and notice that he’s feeling the exact same way. You take your starting position and wait for the whistle to blow. The shrill note seems to hang in the air, and then you’re off, twisting through the ranks of opposing players to reach an open spot in the field. You’re starting on offense, so you have to get going fast.
Zed sees you open and throws you the ball. You watch as it spirals through the air towards you, and start to run. It connects with your hands with a definitive thunk, and then you’re sprinting as fast as you can towards the end zone. For a few moments, you feel like no one can even touch you. You’re going so fast, no one can even see you. For now, you feel free.
People catch up to you, of course, and you manage to evade them for a few seconds longer before getting tackled. Someone offers you a hand up and you take it. When you stand up, you realize that your helper was Zed, and you’re now standing only a few inches away from him. 
He flashes you a wink through his football helmet. “Nice start, teammate.” 
You grin back at him. “Nice throw.”
The rest of the game goes off without a hitch. Seabrook quickly rises to the lead and stays there. Although the opposing team is good, they’re just not good enough for your school. You score your fair amount of touchdowns, and so does Zed. In the end, when the final buzzer rolls, you look to the scoreboard to see that your school won, once and for all. 
You only have a few moments to admire the winning streak before someone knocks into you with the force of a hurricane. You recognize him by the laugh alone and start laughing too. 
“I thought the opposing team was the only one who was going to tackle me!” 
Zed just grins. “Foolish mistake.” 
Maybe it’s just the post-game exhaustion getting to you, but you start to laugh in earnest. “Foolish mistake? Who are you, Shakespeare?”
Zed takes off his football helmet with a dramatic flourish. “Does that make you Juliet? It would only work that way.” 
You reach for a usual sarcastic retort, but you can’t seem to come up with one through the heat rising to your cheeks. Instead, you draw on the old classic, and shove him in the arm. 
“Shut up.” 
Zed, however, does not shut up as directed, and instead takes a step or two closer to you.
“Shut up? How else would I congratulate my teammate on our excellent win?”
There’s a risk you’re willing to take here. The only problem is that you don’t know if it will play out or not. Then you hear the shouts of the crowd and your other teammates, they way they swell in your ears but become distant whenever you look at Zed. So, you straighten up, as if to force some last bit of courage into your heart, and then turn back to Zed.
“Like this.”
Zed doesn’t react at first when you kiss him. For a moment, you think it’s a mistake, and that you want nothing more than to sprint off the field and pretend it never happened. Then he reaches for you and pulls you even closer to him, kissing you back with all the shock of a firework. When you break away at last, he’s grinning at you. 
“You know, I was wondering if you liked me or not.”
You snort. “The answer is yes, if you couldn’t tell.” 
He raises an eyebrow. “Oh, I can now. I guess it’s a good thing to mention that I like you too.” 
Maybe it’s just the rush after winning the game, but you swear you’re floating through the sky, the ground disappearing beneath your feet. This is what it feels like when everything’s good, isn’t it? This is perfect. You couldn’t ask for anything else.
requested by the loml (btw the movie slapped and i’m currently watching the second one) @rogueanschel​
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heliads · 3 years
Disney Masterlist
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Ben Florian
Happily Ever Afters - Based on this request: “Ben x VK!Reader. Soulmate AU where the bad things you think about yourself are marked on your soulmate's skin. Reader only has 1-2 things because Ben has a good life. Ben has around half a dozen. During the lake scene they notice Ben is their soulmate and try but fail to hide it thinking he deserves better” Soulmates AU
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One Story Leads to Another - Based on this request: “AU where everyone is "chosen" to be parts of fairytales. Heroes get love ballads and villains get traditional villain songs. Reader and Harry are friends on the isle and get chosen for a story, and are both super excited because they think they'll both be villains together. So imagine their surprise when they get their first song together and it sounds an awful lot like a love song.” Imagine
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