#zelda Mer-May
links-in-time · 5 months
Mer-malon might be a cool one
I dont think ive seen a mer malon yet, so this’ll definitely be interesting!
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Mer-Malon for @nimja
The Linked Universe Malon was definitely my inspiration for this. I also wanted to give her sexy pinup vibes because I don't think Malon gets to be sexy very often. She's always depicted as being very homely. So I gave her a bit of sas. Time eat your heart out!
I hope everyone likes it!
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zelda-a-new-age · 5 months
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Have a whale shark Zelden for Mer-may!!
I really love how he turned out so so much!! Trying to find a sea creature to fuse him with was really tough, but I think whale shark works really well!!!
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mellifera38 · 1 year
Valiant effort to work on commissions this morning while my brain is Screaming at me to draw zelda as a mermaid for Mer May. Why is life so hard.
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The Negotiator [Reader + Mer!Warriors]
This was not in your job description. You don't get paid enough.
The self-indulgent is spewing forth even stronger than usual with this one. This particular topic was supposed to happen differently, but I was seduced by the unceasingly posts of the scarf on my dash. It be that way sometimes.
Part: 1 / 2
TW: Implied things. Not specifying, so be warned.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise. Linked Universe is the fan creation of jojo56830.
You hadn't aimed for the welfare department when you'd signed up for an entry level position at a mer rehabilitation center. In fact, you hadn't expected to be considered at all, nevermind accepting the position even if you did get a call. It had been a fit of fancy sending in that application. A shot in the dark, when honestly you'd already been accepted for another job.
And yet, here you are. Just like you'd taken a chance in sending out that application, you took another one when you turned down the job you'd lined up previously in favor of a pipe dream.
You just hadn't expected that dream to become a nightmare so quickly. You hadn't expected the glamor of media and public perception to be so skewed by romantic bullshit it had become more akin to a lie than an embellished retelling.
In the time you'd been working there, you learned something about Mers that should have been obvious from the beginning (was obvious, you just hadn't wanted to accept it at first). Furthermore, you learned something about humans you'd always known but now had deep, intimate experience with.
And that was that Mers are dangerous, feral creatures. And that humans are damned idiots.
"Wars." You called softly (you knew he'd hear you. he always did), staring down cautiously into the enclosure from the safety of a catwalk far above. The water rippled at the surface, just the slightest of movements giving away the presence of the Mer you currently had the most concerns about.
Wars, for better or worse, was a charmer as far as mers go (honestly, as far as any male species goes). A handsome face, elegant features, charisma for days and a flare for the dramatic. And also, a flirt. An insatiable flirt who knew how to woo a female of any species into giving him a second look.
It was what made him so valuable to the center. So damned profitable. The picture perfect fantasy come to life, all wrapped up in a saucy little wink and a sweet (fake. so fake) gesture of affection for the throngs of desperate humans clambering to meet the real life prince charming. The perfect act. An act made by a predator that thrived on deception.
And those ignorant center visitors were none the wiser. Just throwing their money away to coo and sigh at the smiling face that had learned to keep his fangs securely behind an upturned pair of lips.
It's not hard for a creature as intelligent as mers to lie, after all. Despite what the law may interpret the existence of mers as, when it came down to it they were sentient predators. And humans were just as likely to end up on the menu as anything else.
The water shifted again, and suddenly there he was. Golden spun hair shimmering in the sunlight like gold dust, gorgeous blue eyes half-lidded and a smile (fake. fake. fake.) turned delicately against the plush shine of full lips.
He did a little turn in the water as he looked up at you with a damn good imitation of bedroom eyes, making a soft cooing sound and letting the long, silky sapphire fan of his fins flare out across the water's surface like a great billowing cloak. By the end of the flashy swirl, he's wrapped his glimmering curtain of tail fins around himself, blowing you a kiss in a very humanlike gesture. Of course, throwing in his signature wink at the end, delicate head fins folded back and eyes so liquid they were practically melted.
Ever the performer. And currently the bane of your existence.
"Yes, yes. Beautiful as always, Wars." You drawled, rolling your eyes before continuing. "Now. If you're done trying to kill me for the day-" He made a wounded (fake) sound in the back of his throat. "-I have to talk to you." You leveled his pouting face with a serious stare. "About my co-workers."
It was instant. The way War's melted sugar eyes hardened like cold chips of ice, the pupils within constricting so rapidly you could see it even several meters above the water. His fins pulled close and held perfectly still atop the water's surface, the lithe muscles of his tail working so fluidly in his element he hardly seemed to move at all.
He sank just the slightest bit until it was just his dark, predatory eyes watching you from the eerily still surface. Waiting. Watching. Assessing.
It took everything in you not to take a step back. Away from the catwalk. Away from the predator curled tight in the water below, tense as a coil in a spring-loaded trap (you wondered sometimes if he might not make the leap one day and drag you down to your death. he had the power for it, no matter what your coworkers seemed to think).
You pushed away the unease, instead taking a step forward. Ignored the way his eyes tracked you like pinpoints against the whites of his eyes. "I'm sure you've heard that management are thinking of putting someone in the water with you. For- performance potential." You grimaced at the idea of it.
It would be a blood bath. Warriors was territorial. Far too territorial to allow just any random trainer in the water with him (which shouldn't have ever been a concern at all. because there were restrictions put in place for a reason. and no direct human-mer interactions was at the very top of the list damnit).
Wars was silent, as was to be expected. He hadn't yet learned human speech, and if you had your way he never would. Because he wasn't even supposed to be at the center anymore. He should be back in the wild where he belonged. Seducing fish and seals to their untimely deaths or whatever it was this particular mer did to get by before he arrived at the center.
But he was a money maker (and a damned good one). He was basically the face of the center by this point (featured on so many postures it was nearly sickening). And the big bosses were hard pressed to let such a cash cow go without a fight.
You understood. You really did. Money didn't grow on trees and mers were expensive to upkeep. Not even accounting for the gray-area bullshit that was mer standing in the political sphere. Mers were not an easy subject to acquire funding for, given the hazy line between sentience and non-sentience the world at large couldn't seem to agree on (you knew where you stood on that line).
However, (and as you've said so many times before) forcibly keeping him (or any mer) here with the intent to gain profit went against the very purpose of the center. Which was to rehabilitate mers affected by human-made incidents and to release them back into their natural environments as soon as possible.
Simple. Effective. Routine. And then Wars had showed up with a badly torn (shredded) fin from an illegal nighttime boating incident. He was put into the isolation tank (just like any other new arrival) where he had then proceeded to mimic his handlers' playful (you damned well hoped it had been playful) gestures out of boredom.
He's intelligent. Very, very intelligent. He learned very quickly which gestures got him the most attention. And food. And the rest, as one could say, was history.
Which had snowballed into the issue you were now addressing. That some grade A idiot up top thought it would be a good idea to get someone in the water with a potentially deadly (very much deadly. actively deadly) mer just because he learned how to blow a kiss and smile pretty for treats.
"Wars. I am trying my best to get you back to the ocean where you belong." You saw the way his pinprick eyes dilated and flickered briefly, and you resisted the urge to grit your teeth. "Yes, Wars. The ocean. Where you actually belong. Not here in this tank, lovely as you seem to think it is."
Silence. As was expected. Except for the way Wars had flicked his head fins in slight irritation, upset that you were talking of releasing him again when he had made it abundantly clear that he preferred it here. Where all his wants and needs were provided for and life was just so easy to coast through with a few mimicked expressions.
You leaned against the catwalk, arms crossed and head hanging at the shoulders. Not looking forward to a potential one-sided argument with Wars. Exhausted as you were from a long day of arguing with your superiors and trying your damnedest not to call them all conceded fools and ignorant morons.
You sighed. "But that's not the point right now." You moved away from the topic before it could throw you off track. And thankfully, Wars let you (for now). "I'm doing everything in my power to keep all these overzealous idiots out of your territory." He made a pleased coo at that, but you silenced him with a tired glare. "You aren't making it easy, Wars."
From the water, the blue-finned mer unfurled his elegant tail fins and began waving them gently through the water, chirping and squeaking at you in appreciation. It was so convincing you almost wanted to smile, but you didn't because you weren't an idiot.
"Cute. But no takers, love. Your eyes are still doing that thing they do when you're contemplating ripping someone's throat out." Wars blinked at that, before finally (finally) pulling his lips back until his fangs were on full display. Long and sharp and predatory to the very core of him. "Ah. There he is. Good to know we know where we stand with each other."
And he snickered. Honest to God snickered. Pupils no longer flickering between too large and too narrow, just settled into some state of in-between you've come to learn was his version of relaxed.
It was unnerving. But better than the fake ass smiles and doe eyes he seemed intent on practicing on you. Anything was better than knowing you were being actively hunted (even if just for casual sport. especially because it was just for casual sport).
You picked up the bucket at your side now that you had his actual attention. "Back to business." You grabbed a fish from it, a beautiful female salmon nearly half your size (eggs still intact, just how Wars preferred them). "They're going to evaluate you tomorrow. I need you to be- less pleasant." That was definitely an unimpressed snort, but his attention was still on the fish and therefore you were still negotiating. "And by that I mean hissing, snarling. Hell. Even some tail thrashing wouldn't be amidst."
You held the fish out over the catwalk, and his eyes pinpricked again, tracking it with interest. Now for the hard part. "But no biting." His eyes. Flickered. Contracted. Dilated.
"No biting, Wars. Don't kill them." His eyes were fully blown now. Looking you right in the eye. Quiet. So quiet.
"I'm going to give you this salmon. Okay, Wars?" No response. "And if you don't bite, kill or maim anyone, I'll bring you three more. Just like this one."
That caught his interest, and you pressed your advantage. "You know I'd never break my promise to you. I never have before, right?"
He blinked. And his eyes were neutral again. Tracking the salmon with new appreciation. Something almost like enlightenment entering his eyes.
"Is it a deal?"
You were making a deal with the devil. Because this was an intelligent mer. And when he learned how to get what he wanted he'd grasp it with both of his clawed hands and never let it go.
He nodded. And you knew future you would rue this day for the rest of your life (or just until you got this fucker back to the wild, because you would. for sure).
But still. Tension you hadn't even realized was in your chest loosened. Relief flooded your body, so great you nearly went limp with it.
You didn't want to think about what the alternative would have been. Even if it meant Wars now had a new trick in his arsenal to make your life a misery, it would be worth it (it had to be).
It would have been a bloodbath. You were sure of it. Wars was territorial, after all. Of his space. Of his food. Of his resources.
It was why he didn't want to leave.
"Okay." You said, smiling finally. "Here you go."
And with a toss the deal was struck. And you prayed to whatever deity would listen that Wars kept his end of the deal. Because he was an accomplished liar, and he always had been.
And you knew, beyond logic and beyond evidence, why Wars had been hit that night. Why he'd been so close to that boat when he'd been ensnared in their propeller. Why he'd been right under them, so close he could reach out and touch it. In shallow water. With the lights off and the moon full.
Why he'd had injuries on his hands that weren't from propellor blades. Why his claws had damn near been ripped off.
He was territorial, after all. And a predator. The top of the food chain.
And humans were just another animal.
Back to the shadow to rest. It's so late.
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sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
Mermay Prompts??? Maybe?
Hello everyone! It is May 1st, and I would like to participate in Mermay! Except there are a million prompts out there and I can’t choose one!
So I’m asking you all for help! Please send me prompt suggestions! They can be Cryptid au, general Zelda, or just regular Mer-themed! Depending on how many I get, I might not be able to do them all by the end of the month!
If you have suggestions, please leave them in the comments!
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Soooo. I've been gone a while. What was supposed to be Week Six became more like "Two Months" Six. My bad. I can't promise that random breaks won't happen, but I'll do my level best to not let them become longer than a week if they do (knock on wood - the last time I said "I'll try not to take anymore random breaks" i dipped for a month).
Anyways, here's a very delayed Week Seven! Thank you to everyone who stuck around while I vanished.
Darkiplier - Markiplier
The Puzzler - Generation Loss
The Extinguisher - Jerma's 2022 Holiday Awards Show Extravaganza
The Giant Rat - Rat Movie: Mystery of the Mayan Treasure
Candace Flynn - Phineas and Ferb
Venus aka Kanamori - Heaven's Design Team
Han Ying - Word of Honor
Michealangelo - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Carrie White - Carrie (all media)
Steve the Trooper - Chuggaconroy’s Pikmin videos
The Thunderhead - Arc of a Scythe
Haruki Nakayama - Given
A - Tomorrow Will Be Dying
Doris Frances Barbara - Blood & Syrup: A Vampire the Masquerade Podcast
Juliet Capulet - & Juliet
May - & Juliet
Castiel Supernatural - Supernatural
Derek Hale - Teen Wolf
Lúthien Tinúviel - The Silmarillion
Potamos - Wedding Peach
Jiang Cheng - The Untamed
Poe Dameron - Star Wars
Asterion - Baldur's Gate 3
Dalian - Dantalian no Shoka
Shulk - Xenoblade Chronicles
Solid Snake - Metal Gear Solid
Zanza - Xenoblade Chronicles
Kuu - Haibane Renmei
Cole MacGrath - Infamous
Captain Olimar - Pikmin
Raku-chan - Nyan Neko Sugar Girls
Annie Wintersummer - Unprepared Casters
Yona - Akatsuki no Yona
Shane Schofield (Scarecrow) - Scarecrow and Jack West Junior
The Medic - Team Fortress 2
Sailor Jupiter - Sailor Moon
Orbulon - WarioWare
Mike - WarioWare
Cure Honey - Happiness Charge Precure
Crazy Barks - Drawn to Life
Ninjini - Skylanders
Cure La Mer - Tropical Rouge Precure
End (Endymion) - Beyond the End
Kansuke Yamato - Detective Conan
Mr. Crow, AKA Aldous Vanderboom - Rusty Lake/Cube Escape
Vega - Street Fighter
Izumi Miyamura - Horimiya
Aldark - Drawn to Life
M. Bison - Street Fighter
Aoi Inuyama - Yuru Camp
Klara - Pokemon
Virginia Lewis - The 10th Kingdom
Muriel - Good Omens
Nene Kusanagi - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Michiko Malandro - Michiko to Hatchin
Suzuki Shinya - 10 Dance
Miles Maitland - Bright Young Things
Diavolo - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Burly, Blabberwort, and Bluebell - The 10th Kingdom
Natsume Takashi - Natsume's Book of Friends
Faust - Guilty Gear
Sugiki Shinya - 10 Dance
Cure Finale - Delicious Party Precure
Igarashi Vice - Kamen Rider Revice
Mitsumi Iwakura - Skip and Loafer
The Corinthian - The Sandman
Shizuku Hinomori - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Mickey Muldoon - The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns
Natsuki Shinomiya - Uta no Prince Sama
Sasha Braus - Attack on Titan
Virtue Courtenlock - Krillverse
Goop Lyn - veryextraincorrectfegbaquotes.tumblr.com
Jean-Francois - Bunny Maloney
Tome Kurata - Mob Psycho 100
Seras Victoria - Hellsing
Pang Pawaret - The gifted
Viren - The Dragon Prince
Brawne Lamia - Hyperion
Dai Lee - Let Dai
Haruka Kiritani - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Minori Hanasato - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Cube - Gather Ye Power
C-53 - Mission to Zyxx
Cynte - Endoparasitic
Ged/Sparrowhawk - Earthsea
Sniff - The Moomins
Soren Baltimore - Camp Here & There
Mellow - Endacopia
Eunhyung Song - Let Dai
Rufus - Deponia
Sheik - The Legend of Zelda
Lee Ping - Detentionaire
Kasane Fuchi - Kasane
Shigure Sohma - Fruits Basket
Aymeric de Borel - Final Fantasy XIV
Meta Knight - Kirby
Luka Couffaine - Miraculous Ladybug
Satō - Ajin: Demi-Human
Mudkip - Pokemon
Death of the Endless - The Sandman
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charbon-et-feu · 5 days
Hey, I'm Jess!
Welcome to my main blog!
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I'm a hobby artist. Pokémon and Zelda are two of my favorite things, so you can expect to see a lot of fanart for those two series. I tend to obsess over one thing for a while, but I have other interests that may sneak into my art from time to time. And on rare occasions, I might even draw some original art!
This is my main blog. I reblog my art here, but I also use this blog for everything else, so you'll see my art mixed in with reblogs of cool art, references, shitposts, and anything else relevant to my interests. If you mainly want to see my art, I recommend following my art blog and turning on notifications. However, I will sometimes share WIPs and sketches here that I might not share on the art blog.
Anyone is welcome to follow, but please be aware that I sometimes share nsfw stuff. Also, I am very liberal with the block button and will not tolerate bigoted, entitled, or generally hateful behavior. I will also block anyone who spouts pro-censorship rhetoric and supports harassing creators over fiction.
Art blog: @charbon-et-eau
Other socials:
🐘Aethy (Mastodon)
I'm not currently taking commissions, but if you'd like to support me financially, feel free to donate to my Ko-fi.
I also have a Discord server for my art where I share sketches and WIPs. Sometimes I stream and chat in vc while I draw. Please DM me for an invite link if you're interested in joining the server.
More about me and my interests and some handy links under the cut.
I may add to this later, so it can be a masterpost for my favorite art and fandom thoughts. But this works for now.
Favorite ships
Volo/Akari Cogita/women Cynthia/Dawn Volo/Cynthia/Dawn Steven/Wallace/Brendan Cynthia/Diantha Geeta/Rika
Age headcanons for some of the ships I've drawn the most
Hoenn Boys (Steven/Wallace/Brendan)
Sexuality and top/bottom headcanons
Mer!Wallace AU
How often does Steven kiss Brendan?
Volokari (Volo/Akari)
Distortion Volo AU (aka Gira!Volo)
Reversal AU (Akari betrays Volo)
Favorite ships
Urbosa/Zelda (BotW) Midna/Zelda (TP) Sidon/Link (BotW) Ghirahim/Link (SS) Link/Zelda (SS is my favorite version) Link/Malon (OoT) Kafei/Anju (MM)
Majora's Mask mini comics(WIPs): 1-3, 4
Fire Emblem: 3 Houses
Favorite ships
Linhardt/Lysithea Mercedes/Constance Caspar/Hilda Leonie/Marianne Balthus/Lysithea Edelgard/Lysithea F!Byleth/Edelgard Claude/Petra
I try to avoid discourse and drama, but since I like to draw characters kissing, I have unsurprisingly received asks about character ages and whether or not certain characters should be allowed to kiss, and I'm sure I'll get more. I'd prefer not to answer the same question twice so here's what I've already answered.
My response to being called a "fucking proshipping bastard"
My thoughts on people assuming the ages of anime/cartoon characters
Also, I want to make it clear that the proshipper ask is the ONLY ask of that nature that I will ever respond to on my art blog. I will most likely delete any future similar asks, but if I do decide to respond to one, I will do so by making a post on my main blog and including a screenshot of the ask. I refuse to clutter my art blog with aggressive asks from people who just want to be mad at nothing.
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charbon-et-eau · 5 days
Hey, I'm Jess!
Welcome to my art blog!
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I'm a hobby artist. Pokémon and Zelda are two of my favorite things, so you can expect to see a lot of fanart for those two series. I tend to obsess over one thing for a while, but I have other interests that may sneak into my art from time to time. And on rare occasions, I might even draw some original art!
I use this blog mainly for sharing finished artwork, but I'll also sometimes post sketch dumps and respond to asks related to my art. I only reblog my art posts to my main blog, so if you don't want to miss anything, I recommend clicking on the "get notifications" button for this blog or following my main blog.
Anyone is welcome to follow, but please be aware that I sometimes post nsfw art (I always put it behind the filter). Also, I am very liberal with the block button and will not tolerate bigoted, entitled, or generally hateful behavior. I will also block anyone who spouts pro-censorship rhetoric and supports harassing creators over fiction.
Main blog: @charbon-et-feu
Other socials:
🐘Aethy (Mastodon)
I'm not currently taking commissions, but if you'd like to support me financially, feel free to donate to my Ko-fi.
I also have a Discord server for my art where I share sketches and WIPs. Sometimes I stream and chat in vc while I draw. Please DM me for an invite link if you're interested in joining the server.
More about me and my interests and some handy links under the cut.
I may add to this later, so it can be a masterpost for my favorite art and fandom thoughts. But this works for now.
Favorite ships
Volo/Akari Cogita/women Cynthia/Dawn Volo/Cynthia/Dawn Steven/Wallace/Brendan Cynthia/Diantha Geeta/Rika
Age headcanons for some of the ships I've drawn the most
Hoenn Boys (Steven/Wallace/Brendan)
Sexuality and top/bottom headcanons
Mer!Wallace AU
How often does Steven kiss Brendan?
Volokari (Volo/Akari)
Distortion Volo AU (aka Gira!Volo)
Reversal AU (Akari betrays Volo)
Favorite ships
Urbosa/Zelda (BotW) Midna/Zelda (TP) Sidon/Link (BotW) Ghirahim/Link (SS) Link/Zelda (SS is my favorite version) Link/Malon (OoT) Kafei/Anju (MM)
Majora's Mask mini comics(WIPs): 1-3, 4
Fire Emblem: 3 Houses
Favorite ships
Linhardt/Lysithea Mercedes/Constance Caspar/Hilda Leonie/Marianne Balthus/Lysithea Edelgard/Lysithea F!Byleth/Edelgard Claude/Petra
I try to avoid discourse and drama, but since I like to draw characters kissing, I have unsurprisingly received asks about character ages and whether or not certain characters should be allowed to kiss, and I'm sure I'll get more. I'd prefer not to answer the same question twice so here's what I've already answered.
My response to being called a "fucking proshipping bastard"
My thoughts on people assuming the ages of anime/cartoon characters
Also, I want to make it clear that the proshipper ask is the ONLY ask of that nature that I will ever respond to on my art blog. I will most likely delete any future similar asks, but if I do decide to respond to one, I will do so by making a post on my main blog and including a screenshot of the ask. I refuse to clutter my art blog with aggressive asks from people who just want to be mad at nothing.
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monarchburdi · 3 months
I figured I should probably give myself a quick little introduction, so hello!
I go by either Burdi or Moonie (though the prior will probably be easier to remember)
Pronouns? Yep. I use 'em all, so feel free to mix it up as you see fit!
Demisexual and demiromantic
I'm an artist and, on occasion, a writer. I primarily focus on digital art and like to experiment with different styles so you're bound to find quite the contrast between some of my art pieces. My writing may also be a tad rusty, as it's been some time since I've properly written anything, so bear with me-
Burdibee on both discord and twitch (though I don't use either of them very often)
Things that reside in my brain rent free
Fable SMP
Bound SMP
Legend of Zelda
Kingdom Hearts
Stardew Valley
My tags (will likely gain more in the future)
Burdi draws
the Burdi has thoughts
bound SMP pokemon au? In this economy?? (silly au tag to drop thoughts because there are a lot)
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links-in-time · 5 months
Thank you so much for your suggestion @peepthatbish
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Mer-Aryll 🧜🏼‍♀️
I literally can't remember the last time I drew a mermaid. Must be at least way back before I was like 12! I dunno. But the amount of childish joy I had drawing this was euphoric!
I think I'm gonna do a couple more of these just because this was so fun. So if you have any more LOZ characters you'd like to see as mer-folk, please leave a comment or send me an ask.
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driedupeyeballs · 7 months
🚗& 💯 for your fankids!
Due to the fact you didn’t specify which ones I will be rambling about all of them so. Have a seat ALSO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LOJG TO ANSWER
🚗 - “does your OC have a drivers license? Can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars?”
Ok I was not expecting anyone to pick this I have like. Never thought of this??? Like I’ve never looked at my fankids and thought “hmmm. Which one of you is forklift certified?”- (Rico definitely owns a shirt that says “I’m forklift certified” but he’s not) After giving this a bit of thought I’ve come to a somewhat conclusion- I think most of my fankids can drive, Ik Zelda can’t bcuz she’s too scared to be outside in a light rain in case she somehow gets struck by lighting so there is no way in HELL she’s getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. And obviously my malleus kid can’t bcuz he’s uh. Blind- but he isn’t relevant bcuz I haven’t even drawn him yet- I’m sorry aihan 😔 Ember tho. Ember would get his license revoked for modifying a car so much that it’s no longer street legal. And I do not trust Shenzi driving bcuz she gets distracted so easily- we’d have to put her on medication 😭 but everyone else I think is good to go
💯 - “share three random facts about your OC that others may not know”
This one was interesting when it’s like. Any of them- I already answered this for Skye in my other post so I’ll limit this to my other kids tho
On the topic of ashengrotto kids tho, we all know Skye couldn’t be trusted around baby mers as a kid cuz they’d eat them. Akram sort of had the opposite issue?? He was terrified of anything that swam, especially eels. Which was pretty awkward for the first few years of his life, he was very anxious around the eel kids in their merforms and refused to go anywhere near the adult eel mers
Okay my basketball trio is something remarkable I swear- three completely different energies there. But Ember was actually briefly banned from playing real games cuz he kept using Moxie to cheat, he actually added a specific program in Moxie’s code to predict the other teams movements. He was thus banned from bringing any robots to basketball 😔 (I realize I haven’t talked abt moxie publicly- or Ember much for that matter. Moxie is a robot beetle that’s like a mini ortho, Ember built him and he just kinda hovers around him like Idia’s skull thingie)
Okay I have plenty of facts I could put here but I’m gonna opt for a mysterious little thing here; not one, but two of my fankids have indeed killed someone in their lifetime! Whether by accident or not! I will say one of them is my Malleus kid, (I rlly need to draw him he’s just the forgotten child), just cuz he has insanely powerful magic and as a kid he didn’t have great control of it. Unfortunately a random civilian found this out firsthand! The other one tho. That reveal I’ll probably save for when I drop all of her lore. Which will be soon! Cuz I plan on doing a lot more loredrops for these dudes soon!!
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hanryuu · 1 year
Rules: Shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
i wasnt tagged but @ogerpon inspired me to do this. here we fucking go lads ( im also stealing their post layout ) also im not tagging anyone feel free to do it yourself if you see this. shits under the readmore vvvvv
Hacker (Death Grips) - "Most loved therefore most hated/Come and knock on the door we've been waiting for you"
i really just think this song is really catchy thats it ASUDGHSIOGJ i also love the meme with the cats. with this song. so yeah
2. Whoever Brings the Night (Nightwish) - "We seduce the dark with pain and rapture/Like two ships that pass in the night"
this song just fucks so hard i love nightwish so much. i recommend anyone to listen to this song also this album in general is my favorite nightwish album
3. Life Itself (Glass Animals) - "Said that he loved each of my two million freckles/When I grew up, was gonna be a superstar"
whenever i listen to this song i think of the legend of zelda amv that gothfrog did because its so fucking good. this album is pretty good overall too, i think this is my favorite off of it
4. Romantic Dreams (Deftones) - "So why wait to discover your dreams?/Now here's your chance"
i dont have a lot to say about this song i just really like it lol. jam to it pretty often
5. Wem die Stunde schlägt (OOMPH!) - "Wem die Stunde schlägt, sollte bereit sein/Erst wenn nichts mer geht, wird es vorbei sein"
the lyrics above translate to "for whom the hour tolls should be prepared/only when nothing more can be done, it will be over". apparently. i just liked the song because it fucks. i need to listen to more oomph for real
6. 祝福 (YOASOBI) - "The future you choose, the path you wish to take/Wherever they may lead/Those stars will be living it with you"
FUCK ME this reminds me i have watch season 2 of the witch from mercury but this song goes so hard. its in japanese but i couldnt be assed to find the original lyrics so theres a translation for you. sigh. i love sulemio :)
7. Kaisarion (Ghost) - "It is the truth of candor shown/Through a prism of deceit"
i just saw these guys in concert!! like within the past couple weeks! they were super cool and really had a silly awesome stage performance lol i enjoyed myself immensely. i went with @mangotigerr and i bought the ugliest plush known to man. this album fucking rules btw
8. The Kill (Thirty Seconds to Mars) - "What if I wanted to fight/Beg for the rest of my life?"
AHHHH WARRIOR CATS MEMORIES they ring so sweetly in my ears. i just started listening to this song again after not hearing it since like 2013 and it still rocks so
9. The Pallbearer Walks Alone (The Dark Element) - "Maybe we can keep on trying/And one day we'll become/Beautiful in the eyes of someone"
i just discovered this band this year and they fucking rule. and also a previous nightwish singer is the lead singer if i remember correctly so im way into that. they only have two albums out i believe? but i really like them
10. My Will Be Done (Powerwolf) - "When from the sacristy I rise/To bring the final sacrifice"
what can i say im a bitch that loves powerwolf. this song goes so hard. thast really all i have to say LOLOL
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (7-13 May 2023)
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ᵗʰᵉ ᵗʳᵘᵉ ᵏᶦⁿᵍ
😍👂‍Gilded Cage (Lilywhite Boys #2) (KJ Charles, author; Cornell Collins & Victoria Aston, narrators) - I fucking love Susan Lazarus so much. Love a prickly, irritable female character that ISN'T softened by 'true love'.
🥰The Scandalous Letters of V & J (Felicia Davin) - an epistolary historical fantasy romance with two nonbinary main characters - read this via email and it was great, can't wait to reread in book form
🥰Do Not Meddle in the Affairs of Grad Students (for They Are Caffeinated and Quick to Nerd Out) (theemdash) - 46K, stucky no-powers modern AU - roommates-to-lovers where they're both HUGE LOTR nerds
🥰when i don't touch you it's a mistake in any life, in each place and forever. (antithetical_dreamgirl) - 48K, steddie AU - actual AU where Eddie dies (apparently) in the Upside Down and then wakes up 10 years in the future in an alternate universe, more or less married to Steve - lots of good angst with an HEA
💖💖 +140K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Lucky Screwdriver (Zenaidamacrouras1) - MCU: stucky, 6K - a ridiculous bit of fun, riffing on that grindr screwdriver borrow tweet/post - just left me with the biggest grin
Gold Sunlight and Deep Water series (justanotherStonyfan) - MCU: stucky, 19K - great short series with mer!Steve; the 2nd installment in particular has some really, really quality monsterfucking
my soul's adorning grace (goseaward) - KJ Charles' Lilywhite Boys series: Jerry/Alec, 1.6K - Jerry buys some lingerie for Alec - hot af + nailed the character voices
No School of Desire (drunktuesdays, michaud) - AEW: OC/Chuck, 6K - I know zero about wrestling but I do know this is a hilarious and hot af fic
The Haunting of Harrington House (Kedreeva) - Stranger Things: steddie, 8K - Steve Harrington inherits a haunted house - absolutely DELIGHTFUL (and tho it's tagged with MCD it's not actually sad)
Finding Your Roots - s9, e3 (Carol Burnett & Niecy Nash)
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s9, e5
Ted Lasso - s3, e9 [x2]
Um, Actually - s2, e10, e12-16; s8, e4
Eurovision 2023 - Semi Final 1
Eurovision 2023 - Semi Final 2
Dirty Laundry - s2, e12
Eurovision 2023 - Grand Final
Re: Dracula - May 7: Stranger in a Strange Land
Re: Dracula - May 8: Foul Bauble of Man's Vanity
Into It - 'Mrs. Davis' Just Wants You to Be Happy
Re: Dracula - May 9: Castles in the Air
Switched on Pop - The Jonas Brothers' Yacht Rock Revival
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - National Poo Museum
The Sporkful - The Musical History Of Jelly
⭐Decoder Ring Plus - Who Owns the Tooth Fairy?
ICYMI Plus - We’re Sorry
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Best TV Series Finales
Strong Songs Bonus Episodes - The Light and Dark of Music, with Lily E. Hirsch
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Close to the Edge
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Iowa Remnant Prairies
Vibe Check - Britney Spears Was Onto Something
⭐99% Invisible #536 - Nuts and Bolts
Re: Dracula - May 11: Pray for my Happiness
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - A Guide to Midwestern Conversation (with Taylor Kay Philips)
Ologies with Alie Ward - Invisible Photology (INVISIBILITY CLOAKS) with Greg Gbur
Dear Prudence Plus - My Co-Worker Repeatedly Ignores My Boundaries. Help! (with LeVar Burton)
⭐Endless Thread - #BlackFaeDay
Into It - Are We Into a New 'Zelda' Game, the End of MTV News, and 'Jury Duty'?
Re: Dracula - May 12: What Manner of Man is This
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Butter Sculptures
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Songbugs
American Hysteria - Munger Road | Urban Legends Hotline
Overinvested - Ep. 279: Jurassic Park
American Hysteria - Hysteria Home Companion: The Vanishing Hitchhiker
lofi hip hop radio 💤 - beats to sleep/chill to [LoFi Girl]
synthwave radio 🌌 - beats to chill/game to [LoFi Girl]
Dub Instrumentals
Back To The Yacht
Eurovision 2023
The Album [Jonas Brothers]
The Family Business [Jonas Brothers]
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tidbits-of-art · 1 year
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*Bursts through the door, sweating and covered in blood* M-mer- Mermay
May was a...really intense month for me. I got a promotion at work at the same time that all the college kids quit, I was overworked, stressed and didn't have time for almost anything except mobile games and Zelda
But! I survived and I really wanted to participate in Mermay, I just finished inking it yesterday
Chloe (upper left, she/her) is a half human merfolk child of a secret merfolk queen. She finds this out when she meets Riko (lower right, they them) a battle merfolk who wants to take Chloe to the underwater merfolk kingdom to reclaim her title. Chloe is resistant to leave her life behind so Riko uses some questionable methods to get her into the water, but they do mean well, even if they don't realize that Chole's phone can't survive a little swimming lesson
Might color this later, but I added a mature tag cause of Riko's chest, even though I don't think they need a mature label :/
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floraplune · 1 year
The Legend of Zelda, Skyward Sword Forgoten Legends
Prologue partie 2
Zehila ouvrit les yeux. 
(Je suis encore en vie, elle avait raison. Mais... j'ai une drôle d'impression... quelque chose est différent.)
« ...Dis, pourquoi la barrière à décidée que je partagerais mon corps avec toi, Zehila ? »
S'interrogea une voix aiguë totalement inconnue, alors que la vision de la jeune fille avait du mal à redevenir nette...
«Hein !?
-Tu viens à peine de t'en rendre compte ? »
Cette voix était bien plus aiguë et nette que la première.
« Qu...
-Bon... alors, je vais te dire ce qu'il s'est passé de mon côté, tu vas mieux comprendre... après avoir capturé le papillon, je suis venue te voir mais tu es tombée de la plateforme d'envol. Alors que tu allais atteindre la Mer de nuages, elle s'est écartée et tu est tombée vers la Terre. La Mer de nuages s'est agitée et une lumière venue de ton corps s'est approchée de moi et m'a entourée. Cela t'as permis de "ressusciter", en quelque sorte.
-A- Attend- Nan... MIOU !? C'est- t- tu...
-Oui. Tu es maintenant un lemly. Ça va vraiment être bizarre...
Miou retourna à l'école, tandis que Zehila se creusait le crane pour trouver un moyen d'annoncer la nouvelle à Zelda et à son père...
(D'abord Zelda, elle comprendra sûrement mieux... mais je ne sais vraiment pas comment ni quoi lui dire...)
-Pour "comment", tu peut écrire. remarque Miou. Pour "quoi", c'est à toi de voir...
-Allons récupérer une feuille et de la peinture, ce sera plus simple... Après avoir essayé plusieurs fois, Zehila finit par réussir à rédiger une lettre. Bonjour Zelda, Bon, comment dire... Pour résumer ce qu'il c'est passé, ce matin, je suis sortie pour peindre. 
Je n'aurais peut-être pas dû. 
J'ai eu une migraine. 
Vraiment, je ne sais pas ce qui l'a déclenchée, mais j'avais vraiment mal à la tête. 
Je ne faisait plus attention à là ou je mettais les pieds et... je suis tombée... mais la Mer de nuage m'a elle ne m'a pas tuée... j'ai mon âme s'est retrouvée dans le corps de Miou, sûrement parce qu'elle était la plus proche... donc... voilà... 
Je ne sais pas si tu vas me croire car même moi j'ai du mal... Tu peux me poser des questions, Miou dis qu'elle nous comprend, donc ça ne devrait pas avoir changé...
Donc, bah... maintenant, je suis une lemly, enfin, on partage ce corps plutôt... c'est pas simple à expliquer mais bon... voila...
Zehila, ta soeure, "réincarnée" en lemly et qui n'y comprend rien à rien... (...J'espère qu'elle comprendra mieux que moi...
Je stresse un peu... Vas savoir pourquoi.) -Bon, je l'appelle parce que sinon, tu vas attendre encore une heure et ce sera plus difficile avec du monde autour de nous... -Miou, il est 6h30 du matin, tu pourrais éviter de me réveiller aussi tôt...
La voix ensommeillée de Zelda résonna fort aux oreille de sa sœur, peu habituée à des sens aussi développés.
-Donc ça fait 1h30 que je suis réveillée.
-Oui, j'arrive...
-C'est drôle la manière dont vous comprenez nos paroles.
-Tu parle, on entend "miaou" nous, on ne peut pas vraiment comprendre...
-Oui, Miou, qu'est ce qui se passe...
Zelda sortit, visiblement ennuyée par cette discussion qui s'était résumée à "Mia. Maw. Miaou." pour elle.
Elle remarqua étonnée la feuille et les écritures en pattes de mouche dessus et la récupéra.
Elle dû la relire deux à trois fois avant de relever la tête, de récupérer les autres feuilles vierges et la peinture qu'elles avaient utilisé et leur fit signe de venir dans sa chambre.
Elle ferma la porte puis s'installa sur le lit tandis que Miou s'installa sur le bureau, où l'hylienne venait de déposer les feuilles et le pot de peinture...
Après quelques longues minutes de réflexion, elle s'installa sur sa chaise, devant la lemly. -Bon, Zehila, pourrais-tu m'expliquer ce qui se passe... Écrit sur les feuilles.
-Tu me crois ?
-Tu n'as jamais été douée pour mentir, même par lettre. Et puis tu serais plus sûre de toi et inventerait quelque chose d'autre. De plus, tu viens de me répondre en hylien, ce que Miou n'as jamais fait. Ensuite, je viens d’apercevoir ton célestrier, seul, au niveau de la cascade. Enfin, je ne sais pas vraiment, mais quelque chose me pousse à te croire... Pourrais-tu me raconter ce qu'il s'est passé exactement ?
Zehila lui écrivit tout, Miou l'aidant lors de la chute. Elle choisit cependant de ne rien dire sur la voix, étant donné que celle-ci avait dit qu'elle préférait que personne ne sache qu'elle lui avait parlée. Et qu'elle devait elle aussi assimiler les informations et qu'elle en parlerait sûrement plus tard.
Ainsi, elles étaient en pleine discussion quand le père des jumelles était arrivé, étonné d'entendre des bruits si tôt dans la chambre de Zelda... et encore plus surpris de découvrir qu'elle "parlait à Miou". Lettres et miaulements à l’appui, le trio de filles lui expliquèrent ce qu'il s'était passé. Zehila s'attendait à pire, et se mit en tête de lui faire plus confiance par la suite. Gaboera finit par décider d'officiellement "adopter Miou" mais de cacher la vérité derrière la "mort" de sa fille. Les affaires de Zehila furent déplacées dans la chambre de sa sœur au cas où et elle était désormais libre pour les nouveaux élèves, pour éviter de créer des problèmes.
Les patrouilles furent renforcées et la vie continua.
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arcturite · 3 years
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With grace, I cannot fail
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