#zelda cares not for any laws
monstrous-fusion · 4 months
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[ID: A painting of Skyward Sword Link with beautiful white kuffiyeh draped around his neck. There are red poppy flowers on his shoulders and in his hair. In the background, there is the net symbol that is common in Kuffiyah designs. /end ID]
"No one is free, until all of us are" - Emma Lazarus, 19th century Jewish American Activist.
In collaboration with Operation Olive Branch's "pass the hat" movement, we would like to raise funds for one of the many families trying to evacuate Gaza to get to safety.
Our family is Nashwa and her family. (HERE'S THE DONATION PAGE LINK)
Nashwa is the owner of Beauty Garden Clinic "I had a clinic that I had started from zero and it became one of the most famous in Gaza, but suddenly everything turned to dust, my home got bombed while we were inside it, I got injured on my back." Fatma has Diabetic Foot condition and she has been injured (minor injury) in her foot. She was able to show it to a doctor but we think it could further develop without proper care.
Here's the message from the gofundme that one of her family members posted. It reads:
"Hello My name is Nashwa Ashour, I live with my mom, my sister in Law and her kids, I am the only breadwinner for them. I had a clinic that I had started from zero and it became one of the most famous clinics in Gaza, but suddenly everything turned to dust, my home got bombed while we were inside it, I got injured on my back , and all my certificates, clothes, everything I had, vanished in my damaged house .
now I am homeless without any certificates to start a job, all I need is your help, thank you"
Nobody deserves what the people of Gaza have faced in these past few months. Even if you cannot donate, please share this post, share her story and support her. Her goal is only 12,000$, as of writing she has only gained 3,794 of that. Here's a picture of her.
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Please consider donating. Even 5$ makes a huge difference in helping her reach her goal and escape to Egypt.
I know that this account is a Legend of Zelda AU account, but we are a human right's activist first and foremost. It is difficult, and ill advised, to pretend like everything is fine as innocent men, women and children are being slaughtered. Thank you to those who donate, to those who share and spread this cause through word of mouth. Thank you. Please help Nashwa reach her goal.
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Unsung Hero [TP!Link + Veterinarian!Reader]
The care and management of domestic animals is not new to Hyrule, but your kind of practice is.
The indulgence is growing out of control. The other piece for the results of this Poll.
Companion piece:
Fall Birds [BOTW!Link + Reader]
TW: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise.
Seven little fluff balls wait contently within their holding pens, five young females, one adult and a male not even old enough to have a tween's characteristic lank. Three have taken a liking to the soft rags and old shirts you've crafted into makeshift beds, two still picking cautiously at their food bowls, one is grooming with quiet concentration. The kitten is up against the bars, meowing loudly for your attention.
These cats have been well taken care of. They are not afraid of people, many of them want to be picked up. None of them have any issues accepting the food you've given them, they all having been pawing at their enclosures expectantly the moment you'd passed through the doors with food in your hands.
This is a good village. You can tell, for there is no greater indication of a community's character then how they treat thier animals. Creatures whom often rely upon their human caretakers to provide basic needs. Truly, the most vulnerable in any civilized society, safeguarded not by the reigns of biology or sacred law, but by will of the people who keep them.
You smile as you approach, and no less then three of the younger females join the male up against the bars. You are forced to dodge little paws as you crack the doors open just enough to reach in and switch out thier water bowls. Though you give into temptation once or twice and capture their little paws between your fingers, squeezing softly against their smooth beans.
It is harder than you'd like to admit to pull away from them, especially when they are just as eager for attention as you are to give it. But you have work to do, and unfortunately, they only partially involve playing with little beans.
So you eventually leave the room, old water bowls in hand and steadfastly ignoring the pitiful little meows chasing after you. Sometimes you have to play the villain, but that's just an unavoidable consequence of the profession you lead.
And so, unfortunately, is this.
"May I help you." You ask pleasantly enough, irked that this unknown man (hyrulian?) had entered the back of your workplace uninvited, but not really surprised either.
Hyrule and the lands surrounding it is, strange, as far as privacy and security is concerned. No door is truly locked unless it's physically barred, by the locals reckoning. No shop guards their precious stock with carefully maintained distance, no home sacred to the eyes or ears of their community.
Even thievery is taken in stride, rarely punished but for the occasional snide remark or displeased glower. Occasionally, the victimized shop owner may strike at the thief, maybe lecture them, and by the eyes of social justice this seems to make right the wrong.
So, no. You are not surprised. Nor are you surprised by the untrusting tension corded through this man's body.
This is to be expected, or more precisely, this should be expected. And rather than make you feel unnerved or frightened, you are gladdened by this man's formidable presence.
You are happy, because someone cares enough about these animals to ask you what you're doing with them. Cares enough to notice their absence. Cares enough to confront potential abusers with righteous fury, because you can see that in his eyes. That unrelenting need to protect burning in this man's gaze, waiting for a reason to unfurl like Hellfire.
"Why are you taking the cats." He says simply, so honest and to the point. Your heart is gladdened further, because finally, someone who's not going to meekly dance around the issue to avoid offense.
Let them be damned offended. Priority is the wellbeing of the animals. It always has been, and if you're going to dig into other people's business, you best be prepared to get in their face too.
You smile at him, and he seems taken aback by it. "I'm a veterinarian from overseas, specializing in spading and neutering small mammals."
He blinks, long lashes framing wide blue eyes now brimming with cautious curiosity. "A veterinarian?"
You grin, taking the opportunity. You always take the opportunity to educate people. It's just as, if not even more important, than what you actually do.
And so, you talk. You speak of eventual overpopulation, of a single female cat's extensive breeding potential. Of bird populations decimated, of entire litters lost to the dangers of the wilds and the inevitability of disease and death. Of the benefits of fixing felines young, of the health hazards avoided and the behavior issues soothed.
All the while, his eyes get wider and rounder and softer. His world opens up, the light of newfound knowledge enters his inquisitive gaze. At some point he sat, ushering you to sit too. He leans forward as you talk, riveted, asking questions when you begin to slow. Spurring you onwards one breath at a time.
Minutes turn to hours, hours become a promise extracted from the man himself. A promise that you would continue to explain to him the purpose and riggers of your little known profession.
You'd agreed readily. Heart fluttering with the quiet hope of like-minded companionship.
He returns the next day. And the next.
All seven of the cats are fixed by that time, safe and recovering in their pens. And the man, Link, is there for two of their operations. Witness to your practice.
He is enthralled by the precision of your blades, the skill of your hands. Not once does he shy away from the unsavory sight such a profession entails, asking questions only after you've placed the last stitches into shave-short fur. His eyes burning with the need to know and to learn.
You give him everything you have. Every scrap of knowledge and wisdom accumulated after years of education and trials. You share it freely, anything within your power to give is his should he ask.
And he- replies in kind.
Time, effort, rupees. You'd tried to deny, but he could not be moved. The fire in his spirit burning too hot, too intense for you to have any hope of outlasting it's blaze.
He brings in more stray cats, dogs, squirrels (?) than you have holding pens, children trailing behind him with proud expressions of excitement and pride. You give them candy for their efforts, they give you hugs and little scraps of cloth for more beds.
He hands you rupees, brows fixed in stubborn defiance, unwilling to back down from his contributions. There's more than you've ever seen in one place, more than a year's worth. It's too much, but the gleam in his eyes tells of a man who will burden you with untold excess should you refuse his first offer.
The threat is nearly tangible in it's closeness. Take the damned rupees, or prepare to drown in them.
Collars appear like magic overnight upon a precious few cats and dogs, bands of every color staking a bold claim. You leave those ones be, waiting for the loving hands of owners to bring them to you.
Your clinic grows, your place within the community settles. Your new friend becomes your best friend and your most trusted confidant.
Link buys a goat ranch (the one he's been working on for years now), beaming with pride as he tells you how he finally convinced Old man Fado to pass over ownership to him. You congratulate him of course, overcome with pride for his persistence and success.
Your not surprised though. While many might have questioned his hesitance to settle, those who knew him well saw this coming years ago. It was only ever a matter of when the man would pluck up the resolve to fully commit.
The long wait had not been wasted though. A stack of worn books, old and new, sitting prominently at your bedside spoke quietly of that.
"Hey, Link. Now that you're a respectable ranch owner, want to go into business together?" You smile, eyes crinkled at the corners as he caught your gaze in (unnecessarily) hopeful disbelief. "I've been doing a bit of light reading on the biology of ordon goats, after all."
You held out your hand to him, and he gripped it back fiercely, a suspicious shimmer at his lower lashes as a bright smile stole across his lips.
"Might as well not let the knowledge go to waste. Right?"
Back to the safety of the shadows.
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britt-kageryuu · 6 months
I can't get the idea of any version of the Turtles getting tossed into different media, out of my head.
Like I wondered how well they would do in different anime worlds, a few game worlds, some book series, I could go on.
The first one that popped into mind was One Piece, but I can't really get a good idea of how that would work. Other than them not being the weirdest beings out there.
Next was Zootopia, they would probably fit in pretty well once they get used to needing to wear clothes, the real question more lies in why they get tossed there, and if April and Casey go with what animals would they get turned into (if they don't stay human). Maybe the Aggretsuko, or Beastars worlds would be a bit similar.
Then I wondered how they would deal with a Sword Art Online and the game system from it, though most of that was how the Full Dive system work interact with them being mutant turtles. Maybe BOFURI aswell.
Many different Isekai genre worlds. It just more depends on which ones. Thought 'Restaurant to Another World' would be a very interesting crossover if only because it's a restaurant where no one will care they're turtles and a giant rat if Splinter goes with them.
Video game worlds are also just a mess of wanting to spiral into world building. Like I want to spend a ton of time world building a TMNT × Pokémon story. Animal Crossing would be an interesting place for them to be tossed for a bit.
The Legend of Zelda games are more of a 'depends on the game' kind of thing, like the stories would be vastly different between them in Twilight Princess, and them in Tears of the Kingdom. I can't fully wrap my mind on how this would go.
Dr. Stone would definitely be a very interesting crossover, if only to see the interaction between any Donnie and the Science Team, especially the 87 Donnie and his constant refusal to follow the laws of physics. At least one other part is how this would work with the Rise timeline, like would the turtles, Splinter, and the yokai be petrified or not, and the possibilities from there.
I won't attempt to go into detail on how they would be with the Harry Potter universe.
There are a few that I find interesting ideas, but there's already fanfiction for some of them, like Marvel, DC, Spiderverse, AtLA, BNHA/MHA.
I want to ramble on about my ideas more, but I should cut it short.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Do you remember the asks I sent a while ago about how another hero would have risen faster if Zelda had let link die in the calamity and the new hero’s « imaginary friend » was the spirit of botw link acting as the companion for the new hero? And how it would make botw link’s family feel? Do you think you could write something with that?
(@wildsage00 @luckybyrdrobyn @artisticgamer)
There was chatter of a strange swordsman amongst the gossipers in Hateno.
Abel was wary of it. He didn't like when there was "exciting" news in Hateno. He preferred it when the village was quiet. It had been quiet for so long, any change in the status quo immediately put him on edge.
He could only handle so much these days. Hylia knew Lyra was enough of a handful.
It had been fifteen years since the Calamity. Fifteen years since he'd lost nearly everything, fifteen years since he'd failed in his duty as a knight, as a husband, and as a parent, fifteen years since he'd buried his soldiers, civilians, his father-in-law, his wife, and his son all within the span of a few weeks.
He still had never spoken of it since then.
In a way, it was foolish of him not to bring it up. Clearly Lyra was just as affected as him, and she had far more of her mother's temperament than his own. He handled the matter silently while she fell apart. He held her while she cried herself to sleep night after night, shivering from nightmares, begging him to make it better and find a way to bring her family back.
She'd stopped crying, after a while. He'd hoped it meant she was improving, but he knew better. His daughter's one saving grace was that both her parents were stubborn, and she had inherited that. It had been interesting, watching which child took after which parent and how they blended them together. Link had always been sensitive, and he had grown quiet under pressure, putting duty above all else like his father. Lyra had always been louder like her mother, understanding the importance of duty but always questioning it; despite this, she held much of her father in her, growing resistant, angry, driven, outright frightening in the face of pressure. She would rise to the challenge and destroy any obstacle in her way out of pure spite if she had to.
As the years had gone by, Lyra's stubbornness and anger came to a head in her adolescence, that horrid time when a desire to grow, naiveté to the world, and self centered viewpoint all mixed into a stubborn and emotional teenager who wouldn't listen.
Those years had been difficult. Abel and Lyra had fought many times, and he'd had to leave the village in search of her more often than he cared to recall. She'd been insistent on learning how to fight, on reclaiming Hyrule as if she could do so by herself, on picking up her brother's sword and killing Ganon singlehandedly.
Those years had... strained their relationship. But they were trying to rebuild. Abel had compromised, teaching her a little of how to fight. She patrolled the forest just outside of Hateno and fought off monsters. Every time she returned with excited tales of her victories his smile grew a little more. It was a fair arrangement, and it kept things quiet and peaceful.
Until the talk of a swordsman started.
Visitors to Hateno Village were a rarity. No one dared venture out of whatever safe haven they had found the first few years after the Calamity. Refugees trickled into town the first few years and Hateno could barely support them. It wasn't until close to a decade later that anyone dared explore once more, and that was when word spread of the dangers of travelers. Strangers were watched warily these days.
Abel washed some dirt off his hands by the pond as he listened to some women gossiping. He heard feet shuffling and glanced to see Uma, one of the village teenagers, approaching him.
"Sir Abel, Mom says there's a swordsman in town," she noted.
Abel hummed noncommittally in acknowledgement.
"Have you seen him?" Uma continued gently.
Abel sighed. Uma was one of the chattier kids in the village, and she found events outside of Hateno fascinating. Naturally, she gravitated towards those who had any sort of experience with the rest of the world, so Abel had been victim to her interrogations in the past. An exciting visitor was definitely likely to pique her interest. "No. And you'd best be careful about him."
Uma gave a small pout, nodding a little in acknowledgement before asking, "Do you know where Lyra is?"
As a matter of fact, Abel did not know. Given the current excitement buzzing through town, he probably should look for her. "No."
"Oh. Ok. Can I get you anything before I go, Sir Abel?"
Abel paused from drying his hands on his tunic. The question was spoken innocently from the lips of a child who didn't know any better, but its origin was something he didn't care to think about.
Hateno Village was not a large place. Everyone knew everyone. They had all known Abel and his family, they had all seen Link walk through town to get home with a legendary blade on his back. Though many didn't know the happenings of Hyrule, word spread of the Hero of Hyrule, the Princess' Champion, and his role in destiny. Just before the Calamity it had gotten bad enough that Link no longer spoke in to anyone in the village and barely uttered a word in the safety of his family's home. When everything had fallen apart...
Well. Abel didn't care for the way people looked at him. Most did so with pity. Some with curiosity, eager to hear what had actually happened. The mayor had been kind enough to prevent any sort of interrogation. Over the years the concern and nosiness had transferred to their children. Uma was a kind soul from a kind family, and had clearly been told that Abel was in need of help, and so she always offered when she could.
He hated it.
"No," he answered quietly, and the teenager traipsed off, likely in search of Lyra, unbothered by his short responses.
Sighing, the world weary man turned and nearly ran into yet another teenager, though he immediately realized this one was not from the village. Based on the boy's dark complexion and black hair, he looked like he could be from Lurelin Village, one of the few remaining hamlets in the entire country. He was built strong; though short in stature, his muscles were apparent, sculpted from training though still softened by youth. He wore garb from the fishing village, all the more confirmation to Abel, and, as suspected based on the rumors, he had a sword on his back alongside multiple travel supplies.
Abel watched the boy warily. He hadn't expected the swordsman to be this young, but he still didn't trust him. What was he doing here, anyway?
"Um... hi," the teenager said, shifting in place awkwardly. "I... heard that girl--Uma? She... she called you Sir Abel. Are you Sir Abel?"
"What do you want?" Abel asked, crossing his arms and staring the boy down.
The teenager shriveled a little under his gaze before glancing to his right, staring at something for a moment. He took a shaky breath, his hazel eyes darting back to Abel for a moment.
Something about this kid was off.
"My... I..." the kid tried awkwardly, and then gave a sharp bow. "Sorry! I'll leave now!"
With that, the boy rushed by him, heading for the village inn. Abel watched him go, hackles less raised than before as he grew bemused.
The inn was really nice. Like, much nicer than the one back home. Of course, he guessed more people came here. Hateno was more centrally located. Maybe that was it.
Link didn't know. All he knew was this place was so big and overwhelming. He missed home.
After paying for a place to rest, he dragged his feet upstairs, thankful that he had the place to himself. Then he looked hesitantly to his right. "I'm... I'm sorry. He's... I..."
"It's okay," came the always quiet voice as the Hero reappeared, eyes downcast. "He can be intimidating."
Link watched his companion worriedly. The Fallen Hero often had an air of sadness to him, but he usually tried to hide it behind a neutral face or a small smile. Today had been a nerve wracking day for both of them - as soon as he'd been given this new task he'd seen the tension in his companion increase, and he'd spoken even less.
"You said he was the captain of the guard," Link offered with a shrug, trying to cheer him up and also trying to figure this out. "I mean... captains sound intimidating."
The Hero huffed a little, not commenting, still gazing somewhere far beyond where Link could reach. He wondered if it had to do with the Hero's guilt. Link had seen his friend through the years, playing with him, and as he'd grown older the visits had been fewer and far between until the Hero had finally admitted his true destiny with reluctance. He had apologized, stating that the fault was his own, but had promised to be with him every step of the way. Link had found what answers he could from his family and his village, but not much was known about the Hero of Hyrule except that he, alongside all the other Champions, had been killed.
Link supposed the true issue, then, was that the Hero's guilt made him think that he had failed the captain of the royal guard. After all, he had been tasked with protecting not just Hyrule, but the princess specifically. Now she was trapped in the castle.
This entire side quest was... terrifying to Link. He had been traveling with his friend for a good while now, but after many battles and growing in strength, the Hero had said they needed to find Sir Abel, who would be able to help him find the legendary sword that they would need to defeat Ganon. That had led them to Hateno Village.
The idea of taking the mantle of Hero had not quite sunk in until he'd realized that once he accepted that sword, he accepted his destiny. Having to do so was already weighing heavily on him... having to speak to such a scary looking man didn't help.
He kind of looked like his friend, though. That was weird.
"I'll talk to him, I promise," Link said as he sat on the bed. "I just... need to come up with a good way to approach him. Got any tips?"
The Hero hugged himself, looking opposite of Link.
Well, great. His friend was really upset about this. Link sighed. "Hey. It's... don't feel bad about... him. The Calamity destroyed the entire country and killed all the Champions. You know that it's... it's okay, right?"
He'd been trying to have this conversation for a while now. It was obvious his companion bore the weight of the entire Calamity on his shoulders. He'd tried dancing around the subject, thanking him for his help, saying he was great fun to be around. It had been complicated at first - he'd wondered if the Hero had befriended him as a child just to manipulate him into doing his duty when he was older. But he knew this person - he knew the reason he'd befriended him was out of shame, not some devious ulterior motive. So he'd been trying to cheer him up, because any joy he'd seen in his friend had slowly drained out of him as their quest had progressed.
The Hero looked back at him, face stony.
Link huffed. "It's okay. I wouldn't expect you to stop an entire freaking army of guardians. They look really creepy."
"You haven't faced one yet."
"Yeah, yeah, so I don't know how strong they are, whatever," Link said dismissively. "They still look freakishly strong."
"That's why I've told you stay away from Central Hyrule."
"Okay, but like, there were a million of them at the fort on the way here."
The Hero grew silent.
"Did... did Sir Abel fight them?" Link asked hesitantly. When he got no response, he sighed. "We'll figure it out, okay? I'll get the sword."
"Please," his friend suddenly said. "Don't... don't try to do this for me. I don't want you to do this for me."
"You want me to do it for Hyrule?"
"I want you to choose to do it."
"I already did," Link answered immediately. "I chose this. And I'll, uh... choose to maybe try some of the local food and go fishing before I get near that guy again."
His companion chuckled, a rare smile pulling at his lips. "I'll think of a way you can approach him in the meantime."
"Great! You think about it so I don't have to," Link chirped happily, hopping to his feet. "Maybe we can talk at dinner?"
"You know I can't maintain my form that long."
His companion pointed outside the window, and Link slowly walked to it. This was another trial, wasn't it?
"Get the spirit orb from the shrine," the Hero instructed. "I'll meet you after that."
"Spirit orb. Got it." Link nodded, turning to smile only to find himself alone in the room. He felt a little cold and empty all of a sudden, sad and lonely, but he tried to shake it off. He wished his friend could just stay with him, but he guessed it took work being a spirit in a land of... not spirits.
Link looked back outside, catching sight of the knight he was supposed to talk to. The man was wandering by the inn, throwing a wary glance its way. The fisherman gulped.
Later. He'd deal with it later. It was time to relax for the day, and then defeat the shrine in the morning so he could talk to his companion.
They'd figure this out together, like they always did.
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🎶 Oh, all that I long for, worship and adore 🎶
For the first time in years, Zelda and Antoine had a brief moment where their days and nights belonged to them, and only them. Tante Marguerite had taken Violette for the weekend, and they had spent their long, lazy days and nights alone the same way that they used to.
But when Josephine and Giorgio invited them over for dinner they happily accepted. Their own attempts at cooking had amounted to nothing more than a burnt roux, and Jo had been bragging on Gio’s cooking for years.
Unexplainably happy, they made the long walk from Storyville into Tremé together, marveling at the sunset and not caring one bit if they were late.
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When they arrived, their tardiness didn’t seem to matter, as Gio was still cooking as Jo smoked on the counter. She immediately hopped down and offered to pour them all drinks, clearly glad for their presence.
Barely a cocktail later, Gio set an eggplant Parmesan down onto the table as though it were his pride and joy. Jo placed another beer in front of him with a wry smirk, “Looks beautiful mon amour. What will the next scheme be, a restaurant?”
He ignored her quip and looked over to Zelda, offering her the first serving and beginning their dinner. Despite the pointed looks that Gio kept directing toward Jo or her concentrated efforts to ignore them, their meal was filled with conversation and laughter.
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After dinner the two men went onto the balcony to have a smoke, leaving Zelda and Jo to talk alone at the kitchen table like they had years before when they were roommates.
Gio took a long drag off his cigarette and looked over at Antoine, “Hey, old sport. Do you remember that talk we had a while back about business? Well I meant what I said, see, it’s just…how’s a guy supposed to start anything in this world? I went to the bank to get a loan and they flat out told me no, Wops like me don’t get loans.”
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Giorgio looked over his shoulder to make sure that Jo was still in the kitchen, “So I figured one gig. One payout and I can go legit. I scheduled a massive liquor shipment to run through my uncle’s grocery. He’d be furious if he knew, of course, but it’ll just come in the night with the fruits. And you know, I feel terrible about all that business between you and the cops, so I figured you could use a cut. What do you say? It’ll only be a lookout, someone I can trust to have my back if things go south?”
Antoine nearly laughed aloud. As if he could make his situation with the law any worse, fucking bootlegging. But what he hadn’t told Zelda was that the cops had come back not once but twice, demanding a higher cut of his profits each month. The club was bleeding out, and he had little choice.
“Alright, Gio. Count me in.”
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jungle-angel · 6 months
Lessons In Dinner Prep (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: You and Calvin are busy preparing for the chaos that is Easter Sunday and nowhere is that more apparent than in your own kitchen.
Tagging: @floydsmuse
Looking at your list, you could already tell that Saturday and Sunday were going to be hectic. The house was immaculate, but the nightmare that was prepping for Easter dinner was already giving you a headache.
You looked over at your husband who had been laying on his back on the red checked picnic blanket, arms straight up as he did gentle little airplanes with Ellen, your daughter, her little baby giggles causing you to break out in a smile. Up above, the birds were already chirping, the flowers in the front garden blooming while you remained protected from the sun under the shade of the big trees in the yard. Six-Thirty lay in the grass, lifting his head when he heard Ellen erupting into a fit of giggles.
"Why does this have to be so frustrating?" you groaned.
"What's frustrating sweetheart?" Calvin asked.
"Holidays," you answered. "Last time I was this stressed out was at Thanksgiving and Christmas."
Calvin drew Ellen protectively to his chest as he sat up, kissing her head. "Alright," he said. "Do we know who's coming?"
"Your mother and father, your brothers, your sisters," you rattled off. "I think Dr. Powers said he, his mother and Doris were both coming."
Calvin made a face as he tickled Ellen's cheek. "What about the chain?" he asked. "Anyone we know there?"
"Henny, Marie and a couple of others," you told him. "Rose said that she and Abe were gonna try and come since we celebrated Passover with them."
Calvin could easily see the dilemma you were in, unsure as to how many people would be convening en masse to the house. "Not sure when Ma will be getting together with the ladies for mah-jongg but maybe they can help."
You weren't so sure yourself, but perhaps it was worth a shot.
Friday came at last and you were home early since classes at the college only went half days. Calvin had gone to help his father for a few hours, leaving you and Six-Thirty a little time to relax.
Into the house you went, not surprised in the least at hearing chatter in the dining room. Sometimes Pat and the other ladies played until dinner, especially on days like today.
"And ya'll should've seen the shade of red that ol' witch turned," Henny King laughed.
"Oh my God, she must've been redder than Zelda's lipstick," Rose laughed.
"That's still no excuse for being nosy," Marie Bianchi said, handing two of her tiles off to Rose. "And if Freida thinks that she's going to be getting any of my seven layer cookies at the bake sale next week, she has another thing coming."
Six-Thirty yipped and all eyes were suddenly on you, the ladies all greeting you happily and rushing to give you a hug, beckoning for you to come into the dining room with them.
"Oh honey you look stressed," your mother-in-law remarked. "What's on your mind?"
"Just trying to figure out Easter dinner that's all," you said. "The usual stuff."
"Oh God I remember my first Easter when Louie and I moved here," Marie groaned. "First time I ever burned a ham."
"That's nothin," Henny chuckled. "When Paul and I moved it on up here from Georgia, I tried my hand at making a pecan pie and the damn thing turned to mush on the inside. Almost made my mother-in-law sick."
"Oh you wanna hear horror stories," Rose said. "Thanksgiving, my mother-in-law and I made a turkey and it sat too long in the oven. Drier than a popcorn fart."
You laughed a little bit, but you were still a little anxious about the whole thing.
"Don't worry dear," Marie assured you. "We'll finish this round and then maybe we'll see if we can help."
You waited patiently until they all finished before descending on the kitchen to help you with whatever you needed. You and your mother-in-law took care of most of the preparations while Marie and Rose ran to the store to grab all the grocery items on your list.
"Now honey, remember," Henny told you. "The secret to a good blackberry pie ain't just the berries. Gotta put a little bit of lemon zest in it and some cinnamon."
You took it all in, following their advice as best you could and in no time at all, you had everything prepped and ready to go into the oven or the fridge on Saturday.
"Oh wow!" Calvin remarked as he and his father came through the door with Ellen in tow. "You guys did an amazing job!"
"Thank you," you chuckled, kissing your husband. "Though I did have a little help."
Calvin kissed you sweetly before joining you and Six-Thirty in the living room, relieved that after all the chaos, you could finally relax.
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luimagines · 2 years
Soulmate’s From The Start Part 3
Another commission.
They asked for part three of the soulmate series for Twilight.
First Chapter/ Previous Part
Content under the cut!
You were having a small crisis.
After Link had finished his adventure, you wanted to know everything you could about his home. It hadn’t taken very long on your part to find what you needed. You had also found the fandom of others who loved his story and wrote about him and occasionally… shared your feelings…
You would be lying if you said that surges of territorialism would spark when you thought of someone in love with your soulmate.
Was it irrational? Sure. They didn’t know him like you did. They didn’t know he was real. And was afraid and brave and caring and soft and everything you could have hoped for.
You found his game fairly quickly.
You didn’t know what to think about it. You had considered playing it. It’s not like you saw everything that Link went through and you felt like you had been missing some context on a few, frankly important, matters about his adventures. But this was Link’s story. You knew him virtually inside and out. If he wanted you to know, he would tell you. Right?
But that’s not to say that you didn’t find other Links.
There was more to this whole universe than you bargained for.
You played nearly every game.
Every time you had a moment to spare, even if your life went on, even if your old friends grew apart, Hyrule was waiting for you at the end of the day. You had to admit you had grown fond of Champion of the Wild and Toon Link. Wind Waker wormed a place into your heart and you loved the concept of the Minish. Your heart bled for the Hero of Time and everything that young boy went through.
And then you learned that that young boy is the forefather of your soulmate. If Link had it his way, that would make the Hero of Time some ancestral father in law to you. And that was a headache that didn’t leave you for eight days straight. Not to mention that further research and your personal vision through Link showed his final form as the Hero’s Shade. Now that hurt to learn in every way, shape and form.
It wasn’t necessarily out of character of you to cry over these boys. If they were anything like your Link then they also wouldn’t have known what was coming. Such peace and innocence ripped away from them. It wasn’t fair.
Now despite all of this, you didn’t want Link to know any of it.
You were afraid of what he would think. Would he freak out that his whole world, himself and the people he’s risked everything for were games for others to enjoy and poke fun at. They were entertainment.
It’s why you put off playing his game as much as you could. Not only did it not feel right because it seemed personal to Link. But you knew what he was thinking. How he felt. And you could see things that happened to him and what he went through and frankly, the game’s graphics don’t do it justice. 
You hadn’t intended to do it for so long. But you didn’t want Link to see it. This was something you wanted to go through with and be done with it and Link would be none the wiser. You had to block him out whenever you were looking something up, reading it or playing anything related to the Legend of Zelda.
You didn’t know it would take as long as it did or that it would have such an iron lock on you. You wanted to share everything with him, you realized. He was your best friend. The love of your life, you were certain of it. But this could do more harm than good.
You kept this new hobby and interest of yours silent.
And then he was walking through the forest by his village and found another portal. Your heart sank when you saw it through his eyes. You could tell he felt it.
Hey. I’ll be ok. It can’t be as bad as before.
You had wanted to scream. But Link wouldn’t be Link if this wasn’t something you knew he would do anyway. I love you, idiot. Just come back with your head on your shoulders and your heart beating in your chest please.
Of course, Darlin’. Anything for you…. I love you too.
And then your vision warped back into your living room. 
You sighed and hung your head, pressing your palms into your eyes. Here he goes again. Your only consolation is that at least this time he knew what he was doing. He knew how to use his sword, he knew how to use his items and his wolf form to every advantage possible. If the universe really wanted him dead it would have killed him off when he was literally fighting evil and hatred incarnate.
But that didn’t stop you from worrying.
Until you felt that he had found other people. People like him. Other heroes. All young but experienced and ready to defend their home with every fiber of their being.
You panicked. This was bad. Link had found the other Links. You knew them. You knew what they had gone through and what laid in store for some of them even now.
And then you shared your vision once more. You’re not sure if Link knew it at the time. You had your doubts, you never knew when he connected to your vision until he had announced it. That did little to stop your fear of giving yourself away when you saw them all. You had recognized half of them almost instantly.
The Hero of Winds. The Hero of the Sky. The Champion of the Wild. The Hero of Warriors. You recognized the armor of the oldest and his tattoos looked more familiar than you were comfortable with… The Hero of Time.
But the last three…  A simple boy with brown hair and soft brown eyes, the shortest of the group with multiple colors on his tunic and a snarky teenager with a pink streak in his hair, loaded with jewelry and personality.
You had to block it out. He couldn’t know. He shouldn’t know. He wouldn’t know.
Every part of you was vibrating with nervous energy with no clear way to expel it. Your parents were worried about you. What little friends had managed to keep in contact were also worried about you. As days turned into weeks turned into months- sleep was a fruitless endeavor. You had to be reminded and hectored to eat. You found that there was little you could do to be productive and get your mind off of it.
You knew that Hyrule was a real place. You knew that the heroes were real people. You knew Link was real. And you sought them out anyway. You learned everything that you could. You learned information that did not belong to you. You knew that they wouldn’t have told anyone even if they met you in person. You knew things that they would have taken to their grave otherwise.
You felt sick. You felt guilty. And there was no one who would believe you even if you tried to explain. Therapy seemed like an attractive option at this point, but the possibility of judgment frightened you. Or maybe they would convince you that none of it was real. It was something you made up as a child and had clung onto all these years, desperate for a soulmate and to be like everyone else.
You didn’t want that.
You didn’t want anything to tear you away from Link. You wanted to be with him with every fiber of your being. You love him. You were sure of it.
Every time you felt his care for the younger ones, the protectiveness he felt over the small group, the way he spoke about them even when he thought you weren’t listening. Your heart softened each and every time. Your yearning grew with each passing moment. And so did your guilt.
You had taken to walking a lot outside. Nature was few and far in-between where you lived. But the creek was nearby, and it was quiet and if you stopped for a moment and really thought about it, you could imagine that Link was by your side the entire way.
You kicked a rock down the gravel path and watched as it tumbled and rolled, eventually stopping its course when it fell into the dribbling creek beside you.
A sigh leaves your lips right after. Your emotions felt all over the place. You didn’t want to think about it. If you thought about it you might crumble and start crying. Maybe you should cry. It would feel nice to have a good cry. Healing even. It’s not like there’s anyone there anyway.
You walk further down the path.
There’s a small alcove in a tree that it’s clear people have used as shelter before, if the cigarette butts and pieces of shattered glass thrown about have anything to say about it. Part of you says that someone might come back and see you, but if people have been here, the spot must be comfy.
You sit down.
You try to breathe. You’re still fighting the need to cry. You want to be stronger. You don’t want to deal with it anymore. You want to go back to before that first attack started. You wanted to go back to before you knew who he was. Before you’ve thrown yourself down the rabbit hole and gone against such simple values and people who you’ve never met before. They’re owed an apology on your part and they don’t even know you exist.
The tears start before you fully register it. Within minutes, the floodgates have opened and you can’t remotely control yourself. Your sobs rack your entire body and you curl in on yourself. If you squeeze yourself hard enough then maybe you can squeeze out the hurt that’s been plaguing you since you first felt Link go unconscious. It’s hard to think it’s already been years since. Life seemed more simple when it was just the two of you.
Darlin’, what’s wrong?
You freeze but the tears don’t stop. All you can do is shake your head. You didn’t mean to open the connection. You didn’t want him to see you like this. He deserves so much better than you.
You try to shut the door to keep him from looking. But you’re weak. You’re not as strong in this moment as you would have been otherwise. You left the door unlocked and now that Link found his way in again, he’s going to put his foot down and keep it open.
Talk to me please. Why are you... Are you ok? Are you hurt? Did something happen?
He wants you to stop, you know this. Link never liked to see you cry.
You gulp and swallow down more words even as they try to escape. You can’t even think. Your emotions have gotten the better of you, finally. You try to scramble and put together a coherent thought but all you can come up with is: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
Link says your name slowly but with as much concern he can get across. Darlin’, you’re scaring me. What happened?
“Oh well no wonder, Link seemed distraught.” A new voice speaks. It’s low, menacing and close.
You gasp and shoot up.
You see him. Or.. it… You don’t know what you’re looking at. It’s tall, dark and imposing. It has the form of a man but you can’t make out anything distinct. The only thing that strikes you are the two beady red eyes that bore into you.
“It’s ok, sweet thing. Come with me.”
Link sees him too.
The shadow man smiles.
You run.
Next Part
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mango-fizz · 1 year
do you have any thots on. Mia Fey?
i do actually because i feel like phoenix is the protagonist right but mia is like. its like the legend of zelda. mia haunts the narrative. figuratively and literally, and something that i love about bridge to the turnabout specifically is how it all goes back to the fey family and it just wraps a tragic little bow on it and i love how she probably was next in line for khurain master and she probably was generally good at channeling spirits but she chose to leave that behind for a career in law because of her mom and shes like a strong and smart career woman and i love how maya loves her and i love how phoenix loves her and i love how godot loves her so much that it extends to maya like she's the last thing he has left of her and he's willing to sacrifice so much because he feels like he owes that to her and i dont know if any of this makes sense but im just always thinking about the feys dude theyre connected to everything though arguably its just dl6 itself and the feys just happened to be connected but skfhekfhsjdn i love that even in the wright anything agency they still keep charley around even though hes later revealed to be plastic but it still makes me emotional i dont care. i love mia so fucking much
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sonicasura · 7 months
My mind for the last few days: Transformers x Weretoons idea go brrr.
I have an idea for three specific iterations of the franchise. Those are Prime/Rescue Bots, Animated, and Bayverse. Although the latter two choices I can't really got into depth as there is going to be involvement with a Weretoon OC not designed yet.
Luckily for you folks, Prime/Rescue Bots aren't in that category since there's two perfect characters to experiment with! Who you may ask? How about Miko Nakadai and Cody Burns!
The reason behind it is I can give them two completely different backgrounds for their respective Weretoon sides. Plus both sides of the continuity get dragged into Looney Tunes style mayhem. Transformers Prime shall not escape the insanity this time.
Let's start with the female member of the Jasper Trio. Miko is an afflicted Weretoon as she gotten into an incident at 6 years old. She had to get a blood transfusion to save her life with everyone unaware of what the donor actually is.
Her toon has two sides to it. Miko's usual appearance looks exactly like herself as a cartoon but with obvious differences. She shrinks to 4'8 in height, her fingers are mole claws, a pair of little black bat wings, a pink dragon tail, sharp teeth with two peeking out her upper lip, and two little pink tipped black horns on her head.
Her secondary toon form is a MOLE DRAGON. This is because of Miko's trope: Beast Among Us. A toon who possesses takes a mostly inconspicuous normal form to hide their true monster nature. Miko is no exception either.
Her beast form has a 22 ft long Eastern Dragon/Mole hybrid with 7 ft long arms/legs. Miko's fur covered hide is predominantly obsidian in color for the hot pink scaley underbelly, pink tips on her mane, silver whiskers, light brown muzzle, black bat wings, pink bushy tail tip, salmon(color) nose, pink lavender antler like horns and red back spikes. Her muzzle alongside long arms/legs are mole like in nature.
Despite being able to fly, Miko's more dangerous in the ground. She can dig up to 75 mph and spit out blasts of sand like a cannon. A feat that made her first shift a sheer nightmare. Miko ran away from home and later found herself under the loving care of a demolition worker Weretoon.
Cody Burns is a natural born Weretoon from his mother's side and came into his heritage at age 4. (Got it from his great great grandfather with his mother not inheriting it.) Griffin Rock houses a few Weretoons as the place's secluded but also whacky nature keeps them safe from hostile Cartoon Hunters.
Cody's toon form is (ironically) a 6 ft tall bipedal gryphon. His bird half being a Laughing Gull but his arms are hand like wings similar to the Rito from the Legend of Zelda specifically BotW/TotK. Instead of a lion, Cody's lower half is a Pallas Cat with thick fluffy fur and surprisingly eagle feet than said feline's.
He can fly but not for long as his wings aren't fully developed yet. At most Cody can glide without straining himself too much. His trope is Understudy which means he can learn any skill extremely fast if he witnesses in toon form.
Kade, Dani and Graham are his half siblings as he was born from a failed relationship. They love Cody all the same but being left out of everything hurts much more thanks to this common knowledge. He unconsciously clings to the Rescue Bots once they arrive on Griffin Rock.
Speaking of the bots, both sides are in for a wild ride especially the Prime cast. (Rescue Bots got more available knowledge plus Griffin Rock is already insane on it's own.) Toons don't follow the same laws that everyone else does and Weretoons bask in this unique privilege.
Decepticons will not look at humans the same again once Miko pulls out an ink bottle. She can back up her sass as Starscream is getting stared down by a mole dragon straight from a cartoon. And quickly learns that explosions don't do shit either.
What can I say other than I like chaos?
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little-lucub · 6 months
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An agere look on Genshin Impact
I didn't know a better title for this but hey! Agere review of Genshin Impact. Basically just looking if Genshin is a kid safe game for others to play when little :3
Genshin Impact basics
Genshin Impact is an open-world game with main focus on exploration, story and fighting. I personally have been playing this game for a good 3 years as of now and I've enjoyed a majority of it. With it's wide selection of characters and insanely big open world, it's gained a lot of traction across the world. This game is rated PEGI-12, so teens and older. Parents zone mentions that this game does not ask for age verification, so it does not contain sexual content. But it does contain revealing clothes for certain characters (I personally don't thing of them as too sexual, as Genshin has to conform to the Chinese censorship laws.) Genshin is entirely free with only not needed payments being available. You can beat and play the game comfortably without spending any money whatsoever. Genshin does not feature blood or gore, but minor character death and video game violence does appear. Genshin often gets compared to the Nintendo game Breath of the Wild, so if you think that game is suited for your age regression, Genshin probably is too
The Story
The story of Genshin is one of it's most important parts. The game having insanely good world building and the story going very in depth with backstory and character development. There are currently 5 of the 7 countries in Genshin. I think I should mention that the main story and practically all other quests have a good ending! Although I do think some parts of the story get dark and are not suited for children. With mentions of war, death and similar stuff. I'd say most Genshin quests are child-friendly, but just be careful. It's okay to quit the game if stuff gets too dark or to avoid story whatsoever when little. The Mondstadt quest is overall child-friendly, and after completing it, the entire world is open for exploration! (Besides Inazuma). The only quests I'd actively avoid are any quests involving Dainsleif (Specifically, Traveler and The Chasm quests), parts of the Sumeru storyline (As they include psychological horror) and parts of Fontaine's storyline (As they include trials, murder and crime). The rest of the story I'd say is quite tame, but if necessary, parental guidance/a caregiver looking after you is recommended.
As of writing this, there are 80 playable characters in Genshin. So as you might suspect, there's A LOT of selection. Every character has a different job, attacks, backstory, etc.! One of the things I enjoy the most of this game is collecting and playing different characters! You collect characters either for free from Main Quests, for free from Events, or you wish for them on the Banners (Also known as Character Event Wishes). Genshin is a gacha game, meaning you need to unlock characters mainly with luck. Same thing for weapons. Characters all have a weapon type, rarity and elemental type assigned to them. (e.g. Chiori, who is a 5 star, geo sword user.) But there are several things necessary to level a character up. Which I won't get into detail with here! Just know it'll take some time, especially to max out characters...
As said before, as there is a ton of selection of characters. And I wanted to mention that you can play as a small girl (e.g. Klee), but there are sadly no small boys yet. But there are medium girls and boys (e.g. Amber, Chongyun). There are also tall girls and boys (e.g. Dehya, Kaeya)
Fighting mechanics
As I mentioned before, as characters have an assigned element, Genshin's combat is mainly element based. You don't actually need elements in a team... But it does do more damage! I, again, won't go into detail, but most enemies really aren't scary. If you've played Breath of the Wild or practically any Zelda game, they are WAY scarier.
Other activities
Besides running around or slaying monsters, you can also do other things, such as events, customizing the Serenitea pot, collecting materials, leveling up your characters, or just reading the lore!
Co-Op Mode
Once you reach AR (Adventure Rank) 16, you unlock the Co-Op feature. The ability to play in a world with up to 4 people. If you are little, I'd recommend putting the Co-Op setting to 'Reject Join Requests' if you do not want to play with others, or 'Join After Approval' if you want to play with Friends. I do not recommend playing with random people, as some can be weird. You do not want to interact with others when in a venerable state. If you wish to play in Co-Op, I'd recommend parental/caregiver's guidance.
Genshin is really fun to play with a friend you trust, a fellow little or your caregiver!
When in Co-Op mode, you can explore, do domains together, or just have fun! Some events allow Co-Op mode, so you can do fun little minigames too. Most quests, whether Archon, story, or world quests, get blocked and cannot be done in Co-Op mode. You can also visit each other's Serenitea Pot, although editing it is not possible.
Thank you for reading and have fun if you decide to pick this game up!
Might make more of these in the future about other games I really enjoy :D
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Chihiro and Chiaki, two people so different yet so similar. 
Both are geniuses in different forms. Both are rather androgynous in certain ways. Both have the best relationship in small families. And both have heavily doting lovers that can be much for the quiet beans.
“No Mondo, you should move the ribbons higher up!” Shouted Kiyotaka as he carries a box of streamers in. The ex biker leader looked at the rule stricker with curious yet slightly annoyed beautiful eyes. “It’s fine Taka, they don't care anyway.” Across the large room Jataro sits on Nagito’s shoulders as he finishes tying up a set of balloons with a smile. Questioning green eyes stare at the set up as a head tilt, “Maybe we should’ve gotten the blue balloons–” Started Hajime but the white haired lad stops him with a smile, “Chiaki will love the balloons darling. They look like Kirby so I’m sure she’ll love them even more.”
The four adults and the three past Warriors of Hope work like busy bees in a hive with different decorations of many colors for the two special adults in both lives, lovers for one side and in-laws on the other side. As the two birthday people are away for work they all work very hard on the party perfect for any and every birthday they have.
And speaking of the two—
“And that’s the folder complete for the day.”
Chihiro stretched and cracked his back with a soft grunt, his shorter hair being fixed by his hands. He looked to his right at Chiaki yawning and chugging the last drops of her special made coffee, her whole mode relatable for the equally tired adult. The gamer locked eyes for her step-brother and smiles droopily as she stands on her feet, dressed business casual but with a Legend of Zelda tie around her neck and Sailor Moon jewelry attached to her. “Shall we go Chihiro?” The shorter smiles and stands, dressed in a rather cute business casual attire with a cute pair of black shorts over black tights and his white button up tucked in and hugged with a dark green closed waistcoat. “We shall.”
Back at the party location the final touches were completed as guests started to fill in. One side of the room was perfectly measured and balanced of the green gamer aesthetic with a few fountains already working with the chocolate and some type of soda drink in perfect harmony of the sweet and savory snacks and treats on the tables, slowly fading to the soft pinks and blues of the Kirby themed decor equally measured well but also a touch messy but in a way it was still charming, and both tied beautifully as the center of the party was perfectly meshed with a 80’s arcade theme of nostalgia and amusement that’s fun for everyone of all ages as shown with the food and games.
Masaru glanced at the large window and hurried to the others in a happy beaming grin that made his trio of parents so proud as he ran and leapt over the stairway’s bar and skidded to a stop by the snack bar, “The limo is here!” Everyone was quick with last minute touches and putting gifts away before Mondo and Hajime came out at the same time to welcome the two who exit from the long black car.
Mondo was first to welcome the two with a sweet kiss on the head of his partner, while the detective was a bit slower as he hugged his wife close and kissed her nose, causing both of them to scrunch their faces up and giggle. “Welcome home.” They both said, both mildly glaring at the other as if they stole a project idea. The reaction alone caused more laughs. “Thank you Mondo.” Said Chihiro as he bent his way up and pecked a kiss on the tallest cheek. “And thank you Hajime.” Said Chiaki as she steals a kiss on her husband’s mouth by surprise. The group of four walked towards the building, the guides a bit more eager in steps than the smaller ones which earned some soft humorous smiles from the gamers. The second the two entered the building with the doors being held the sweet scent of goodies and the happy smiling face quickly waft them both hard on their feet, instantly sounds of streamers popping and glittering gleams of shine fall onto them are quickly heard and witnessed right at the same time.
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
Dude, I just had an idea for the trial ask. What if the court recognized Ganondorf's tendency towards belligerent behavior & decided that neither sealing nor death would stop this from happening again.
Rather, his sentence will be to face the full consequences of his own actions.
Oh? Did he think the judge meant in regards to Hyrule?
The judge chuckles at the very idea. No. Because Ganondorf doesn’t care about that. He sees Hyrule as a prize. And its people as lesser. (In the case of TotK, as little more than animals.) The judge says with a weary sigh.
Instead, Ganondorf will have to face the consequences that he brought upon his own people.
Looking upon the Gerudo's expression of confusion, the judge seemed to realize something. “You… don’t know how badly the backlash of your gambit was, do you? Specifically, for the Gerudo more than anyone.”
For TP, specifically, “You really thought that Hyrule would just… what? Kill an entire people for the crimes of a few? If that's how you think, perhaps you should consider taking the log out of your own eye before pointing out the dust in another!”
“Gánōendōrfè Drāgamīr, you killed people. I know that that isn’t anything new to you. However, something you seem to forget at times is that those people have those who cared about them. And what do you think happens when someone has lost a loved one, but are unable to seek retribution upon the one who committed the crime?”
For TotK, “Consider something for a moment. You order your soldiers to ‘exterminate Hyrule & all her allies.’ Yet, even after you've been sealed away for 10,000 years. When you wake up, the Gerudo are still alive & thriving as a culture. Not only that, but they maintain their own autonomy as people & are able to enforce their own laws despite the exclusionary nature of some of them. Yet, they are our allies & they stand with us against you. What's that tell you?” (His thoughts & feelings, please?) “It should tell you that they're ashamed of you. Because, you lead them against a much bigger, much stronger, much more technologically advanced at the time civilization with far more people & far more resources. The civilization where they get their men. So, once you, the person commanding the bulk of their army (monsters), were sealed away, where did that leave them?”
"In your arrogance, you failed to consider what would happen to your people if you failed, because the very idea of failure likely never crossed your mind. As such, they were left without a security net to catch themselves, so they were forced to take the full brunt of it."
“When people are angry at a leader, they forget the fact that the leader isn't the same as the common man. They forget that the rich, entitled pratts in charge do not equal each & every member of their community. You certainly did.”
“So, since you have so little regard for us, your punishment will not spring forth from the lips of Hylians, but from those of whom you had supposedly wished to aid.”
“We will deliver you to the Gerudo, they will try you, not based upon the laws of Hyrule, but on the ancient laws upheld by the Tribe of the Sand Spear. You will look upon the faces of those you failed. Those you left to the wolves in your mad dash for power. You will look upon the faces of those you have harmed most with your actions & they will decide, free of any outside influence, what to do with you barring execution. For it has been determined that capital punishment will be ineffective in your very unique case.” (Keep in mind that TP Gan would still be unaware of the fact that the Gerudo still lived here.)
“Here’s hoping that you’re a more hands-on learner… For everyone’s sakes…”
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How would the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) and Demise (From Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword) be sentenced to if Death and Sealing were not an option? What could they do to repent for their crimes?
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Sentence: Wind Waker Ganondorf would be sentenced to a lifetime of service to the Gerudo people, directly aiding in their survival and prosperity. He would be stripped of his magical abilities and forced to live among his people as an ordinary Gerudo, experiencing their daily struggles and challenges firsthand.
Building and Rebuilding: Ganondorf would be required to participate in the construction and rebuilding of Gerudo infrastructure, using his strength and knowledge to improve living conditions.
Teaching: He would be tasked with educating the younger generation about the consequences of his actions, instilling a sense of responsibility and caution in future leaders.
Healing: Ganondorf would have to work closely with healers and caretakers, aiding in the recovery of those affected by his past actions and providing physical and emotional support.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Sentence: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf would be sentenced to a lifetime of exile within the Gerudo Desert, confined to a remote area where he must fend for himself. He would be denied the use of his magic and forced to rely on his wits and physical abilities.
Desert Survival: Ganondorf would be required to document his survival techniques and share them with the Gerudo, turning his punishment into a resource for the tribe.
Meditation and Reflection: He would have to spend time in deep reflection, documenting his thoughts and realizations about his actions and their impact on his people.
Guard Duty: Ganondorf would serve as a protector of the desert, using his strength to safeguard Gerudo territory from external threats.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Sentence: Twilight Princess Ganondorf would be sentenced to live under Gerudo rule, stripped of his royal status and magical abilities. He would be treated as a common Gerudo and subjected to the same laws and punishments as any other member of the tribe.
Labor and Service: Ganondorf would be required to perform manual labor, contributing to the agricultural and economic development of the Gerudo.
Restitution: He would be tasked with making amends to the families affected by his actions, providing support and resources to those who suffered the most.
Community Involvement: Ganondorf would have to actively participate in community activities, working to rebuild trust and repair relationships within the tribe.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Sentence: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf would be sentenced to serve as a protector of the Gerudo, stripped of his magical abilities but allowed to retain his combat skills. He would be placed in a position where he must defend his people from external threats, using his strength for their benefit.
Training and Mentorship: Ganondorf would be required to train the next generation of Gerudo warriors, passing on his knowledge and skills to ensure the tribe's safety.
Defensive Strategies: He would be tasked with developing and implementing defensive strategies to protect Gerudo territory, using his strategic mind for the good of his people.
Public Apology: Ganondorf would have to publicly acknowledge his past mistakes and express genuine remorse, working to regain the trust and respect of his people.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Sentence: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would be sentenced to a life of service and repentance among the Gerudo, stripped of his magical abilities and treated as an ordinary member of the tribe. He would be placed under the watchful eye of Gerudo elders, ensuring his compliance and dedication to his people.
Cultural Preservation: Ganondorf would be required to study and preserve Gerudo culture, documenting traditions and practices to ensure their survival for future generations.
Environmental Restoration: He would be tasked with restoring damaged areas of Gerudo territory, working to heal the land and make it more livable for his people.
Conflict Resolution: Ganondorf would have to mediate disputes and conflicts within the tribe, using his wisdom and experience to promote peace and unity.
Sentence: Demise would be sentenced to an eternity of servitude to the people he once sought to dominate. Stripped of his immense power, he would be forced to live as a mortal among the Gerudo, experiencing their lives and struggles firsthand.
Manual Labor: Demise would be required to perform the most arduous and menial tasks, contributing to the well-being of the community through hard work.
Teaching and Wisdom: He would be tasked with sharing his knowledge and experiences, helping to educate the younger generation about the dangers of unchecked ambition and power.
Guardian Role: Demise would serve as a guardian of the Gerudo, using his strength to protect them from external threats and ensuring their safety.
Each Ganondorf and Demise would face unique consequences tailored to their actions and personalities, emphasizing the importance of redemption, service, and responsibility. By living among their people and experiencing the repercussions of their deeds, they would be given a chance to truly understand the impact of their actions and work towards genuine atonement.
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drsteggy · 5 months
Link wandered through a daydream as he brushed down Zelda's horse. It was a rare hour, a quiet one, because his princess was sleeping in. He guarded her late into the evening so that she could map the stars far from any village's light.
Peace suited her.
He wasn't quite sure he felt the same. Protecting her was much easier now, with monsters being fewer, their strength deeply diminished, and thanks to their bond- Zelda did not try to ditch him at every bend. He was sure that he could take a nap and still be able to protect her. That's exactly how shit goes wrong, but he's still sure he could.
She had so many purposes. So many things she wanted to do and discover and wrangle into the laws of the world she understood. He had one purpose- to guard her.
And, in truth, she really didn't need him anymore.
She asked every fourth day what Link wanted to do. She disguised her concern in jokes- "What terrible monster do you want to make cake out of, today?" And every time she giggled through his explination that monster extract is not the same as monster parts, and a moblin cake would be a terrible thing indeed. She would ask if there was enough sugar in hyrule to make a moblin cake better than fireproof lotion.
The one time he tried to do something, anything, that was his idea instead of hers, was monster chai. It was so bad they were sick for two days. Certainly a funny story, but not one worth repeating. Ever.
Tarrytown thrived.
Travellers were more common.
The Yiga were cowering around the grave of their master.
The castle was safely roped off and a new settlement was in the hands of Purah.
"Honestly, I should have looked for you here, first." Zelda's voice drifted through the stable's beams. "You should eat."
"Ate." Link stroked the brush down the horse again. "Good omlette. Should try it."
"Oh," she leaned on the gate with a hand to her chest in mock surprise. "One omlette? And you're full? We must get you to the healers right away. I will abide no such tragedy."
Link snorted. "I mean there's no danger hiding in the breakfast. I'll take care of things."
"Link." When he turned, she stood properly, squared and firm. Regal. "We have the day to rest and relax. There is nothing that needs taking care of, except for you."
He paused. He hadn't meant to.
"You will not learn to live in the now without practice." She said, quieter- but not softer. "So long as I am a princess, I will uphold my duty to nurture and protect my people."
He furrowed his brow. "I thought... you weren't building a new throne."
"I will not," Zelda agreed. "However for each of my subjects that remain from the days before, I will dedicate myself less. So, let me ask you again. Am I still your princess?"
He found himself in the trap, but did not evade it. "Always."
"Then your well being is my investment." Now she softened her voice. "Would you like to have breakfast with me?"
He nodded.
"Good, because I heard the omlettes were good; I will enjoy them better with good company."
Defeated, and smiling a little, he hung up the brush. "Better still paired with a little bacon."
She swooned- a little exaggerated. "You always know just the right thing to say. I'd be lost without you. Bacon it is."
She didn't need him.
But she wanted him there, and slowly he learned that's what he needed.
I forgot this was in my inbox. Thank you, Saph, I was having a crappy week when you sent this and I really enjoyed it
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happybunny999 · 29 days
The goddess with pink hair and rose gold eyes
(Hyrule warriors age of calamity x human goddess reader fanfic) (various x reader) botw alter universe
Part 1
( the reader is a powerful goddess with in inner god of her own abilities and was in the multiverse looking over people and when a strange portal opens and brings her to hyrule where she must find a way back to the multiverse and help hyrule’s warriors with their problem against the calamity)
Calm , quiet, peaceful… is what you can call the void I am in as I watch over the multiverse and keep it protected from any thing that might pose a threat to it and I find it interesting that with the entire multiverse and everything in it is at my command and control but I’m not corrupt I just find it enjoyable to watch over it.
I have been keeping the multiverse in order for a very long time and yet still look the same as I did before as I still have the appearance of a 17-18 year old girl and have been caring for the whole multiverse at a very young age since then. And I still have extremely beautiful, long, light pink hair, and light dark skin. Wearing a beautiful,cute, and colorful three layered flowing and frilly pink and sky blue dress (that resembles an alternative version of madoka kaname goddess dress) with tights and pink and white Thigh boots that go above my knees and long finger gloves and on my right hand is a symbol of a big star with 8 sides and 4 dots on the point angles with white wings in front of it and lastly My beautiful yet powerful rose gold eyes. (The rest of the design is up to you if you want) (the star on your hand represents the law of cycle and cause and effect along with everything else. I took the symbol from madoka’s law of cycle) 
Oh, and while I do watch over the multiverse I also use my power to summon video games for me to play with to keep myself entertained but my most favorite game the legend of Zelda game series especially the DLC called “Hyrule warriors; age of calamity”
“I love this game so much but I wise I could help them” I said with a bit of an hopefulness but I knew that would never happen.
Suddenly As I turn around to check the multiverse for the one hundred times I saw something that I hadn’t seen before it was a purple and black portal that appeared out of nowhere and it started pulling me towards it as I tried to get away but it was too late as the portal pulled me in and everything went black.
A warm and bright light is what greet’s when I slowly open my eyes confused and wondering about what was going on as when my eyes full opened and adjusted to the bright sun above me and the feel of dirt and grass
Wait…sun light, grass, dirt… my eyes shot open and I immediately sit up from where I was laying down quickly looking around my surroundings and saw a pond and crawled over to look and saw how my appearance had changed my dress had turned into a white, small, frilly dress with golden sandals laced up my legs (to which I didn’t like at all) and also realized that I’m in an open field with lots of grass and beautiful flowers and as I stand up I caught sight of a castle not to far way from me which made me confused and started to remember the strange portal that I got pulled into and realized that I might have brought me to a different world so I take a deep breath and close my eyes and try to use my ability to see which world I’m in and not the void. As my eyes were closed and take a calm and focused stance I could feel the wind start to whirl around me as I open my eyes start to glow bright and as I peer through the eyes of a random person and what I see shock and excited me at the same time because the castle from afar had a familiar symbol that I knew immediately as the Hyrule Triforce symbol and I couldn’t help but smile with excitement because I couldn’t believe that I’m in my favorite game?! “Omg I’m actually in Hyrule!” I shout with pure enthusiasm.
After a few seconds I had calmed down and started to think what to do and how to find way back to the void since I had no clue until I hear loud and destructive noises from the village just a few feet away from me and see monsters attacking the people who lives there so decided that I should help them so quickly used some magic and changed clothes I was comfortable with which was a modern long sleeved shirt and style pants along with soft boots and created a pink cloak and put it over my head so that I covered my face so it would be hard to see my face.
As I made my way to the village I see monsters everywhere and the soldiers having a hard time fighting them with their large numbers and some tried to attack me but with my abilities I defeated them easily and help the wounded soldiers by using healing magic as they looked on shock and confusion about my sudden appearance and my ability but I didn’t answer their questions and just started running and fighting the other monsters while helping other people until I found my self outside the gate of Hyrule Castle and turn to see the all too familiar egg shaped teapot laying on the ground powerd down for now and when I approached it to use magic on it to start it without the skein slate(sorry if I miss pronounce it wrong) but as soon as I tried to power it I hear foot steps and turn to see a young man in armor and bright sky blue eyes, dirty blonde hair with his sword drew at me and I recognize him immediately as my favorite character Link.
As we both looked at each other I could see that he is confused and suspicious upon seeing me and my weird looking outfit with my cloak covering my face and doesn’t lower his sword but I didn’t want to blow my cover just yet so I tried to walk away but heavy and loud footsteps caught my and Links attention as we both turn to see a whole group of monsters chasing a young woman with white hair and wearing a ninja outfit she look at us and called for our help while running towards us and ends up tripping over and allowing the shaekin slate to fly in the air. I watched as Link runs forward towards the woman named Impa ( I learned the name with the ability to see the future) as I watched the tablet fly in the sky in slow motion and stare back at the small robot start to power on and the ground begins to shake leaving both Link and Impa confused as I looked on unfazed then a monster try’s to move towards to attack and Link was ready to defend and I start to smile as a huge tower erupts from the shaking ground while Link and Impa looked on surprised and confused. Me and Link turned around to see that Terrako was standing and happily beeping at us and it made me smile even more.
After that “dilemma” Impa was looking up at the tower wondering and Link was keeping an eye on me and Terrako as I played with the small robot with a big smile on my face. Soon Impa turned her attention towards me and started to ask me questions “um… hello there who are you” and “what’s with the weird clothes you are wearing” as Link looked at me suspiciously with his hand close to his sword but I didn’t pay attention to it and was already running with Terrako to the castle with Link and Impa chasing after us yelling to stop. (This is going to be a fun adventure)
I said with a smile.
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
Here Before the Eyes of the Goddess
gonna release this onto the tumblrs before i second guess myself and start to hate it. here ya go! 100% cannon secret oot zelink marriage secret wedding!
i’mma go sleep now
The inside of the temple was a dance between light and darkness; bright moonbeams falling through the tall windows to pool in silver upon the floor, and yet shadows clung to the walls, lurking beneath pillars and archways, and in between the swathes of light cast by the windows.
It was dark, but not dark enough that Link dared to pull back the hood of his cloak, hiding his face and his wedding-white tunic from any who might look within. He was not alone, for on the other side of the alter the priest Impa had chosen stood, but he might as well have been for all the he Link paid the priest—his whole being was focused on the door, waiting for it to open.
Then, with nary so much as a creak, it did; and in strode two figures. Impa, in her most formal attire, striding as proudly as if they were before all the court, and on her arm was a woman, draped in white, with a veil of white lace over her hair.
Link’s breath froze in his chest, and he could not move, only watch the hopes and dreams of years walk down the length of the temple to where he waited.
Impa came to a stop just in front of the alter, and held out one imperious hand.
Without hesitation Link put his in hers, and in one swift movement Impa joined their hands together.
Link looked into the eyes of his bride, beneath the overhanging shadow of her veil, wide and blue and oh so beautiful, and it took all of his willpower to not kiss her right there and then.
“Take care of each other,” Impa said brusquely, and gave Link a Look.
Link, for once in his life, wasn’t even phased by Impa’s look. He knew he wasn’t worthy of Zelda, but he’d stand by her side and gladly give his life to defend her. His princess, his love, his bride. His bride. His heart felt like it could fly.
They stood before the altar, facing each other, Zelda’s hands resting on top of Link’s. The priest was speaking, reciting the ancient words that had been passed down from the primeval days, invoking the blessing of the Golden Goddesses and the power of the White Goddess. There was an old legend that said that Nayru had once presided over marriage, as she who put forth laws, but that duty was long passed on to the only goddess who had ever been married. Link didn’t know if he believed it, but seeing Zelda standing there, clad in bridal white, she looked like the white goddess herself come down to wed an undeserving mortal.
Or perhaps very deserving, for she loved him, too.
“Speak your vows, here, in the presence of the Goddess.”
Link could feel Zelda’s hands trembling in his grasp, but her eyes were unwavering, and while her voice was soft it was firm and devoid of all hesitation.
“I, Queen Zelda Harkinian Hyrule, here before the eyes of the Goddess, now take thee for my husband.”
His heart beat frantically in his chest, like an echo of Bongo Bongo’s drums, but it was a beat of joy instead of dread.
“I, Sir Link of the Forest, here before the eyes of the Goddess, now take thee for my wife.”
Zelda let out a quiet sob, her eyes shining with wonder in the moonlight, and Link squeezed her hands, feeling like sobbing himself.
“Your vows have risen from your lips to the Goddesses’ ears, and they will remember them and bless them. Now bless each other, honor each other, defend each other, serve each other, love each other, and walk the same path hand in hand, until death leads you upon separate ways. May your love echo that of the Goddess and the Hero, a shining testament that shall last throughout all time.
“May your lives be long, your marriage be blessed, your joy be complete, and your love everlasting.”
The priest raised his hands above his head and clapped once. “By the power vested in me by the Queen of Hyrule and the Goddesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” He lowered his hands, and smiled at the pair in the gloom, though they did not notice.
“You may kiss your bride.”
Link raised trembling hands to her face, sliding beneath the sides of her veil to slip into her hair. Zelda looked up at him, almost shy, which Link would think was odd if he didn’t feel the same.
“Hi.” He whispered.
Zelda smiled, tears beginning to swell at the corners of her eyes, and would have fallen if Link hadn’t been so quick to sweep them away with his thumb. “Hello…” she swallowed. “Husband.”
“Wife,” Link said, his voice rough with need, and he kissed her.
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margindoodles2407 · 11 months
The Vagueness of an idea for a modern AU based on my Links:
Ages (these are literally the same as in regular Margin Canon):
Paladin: 19
Dawnbringer: 18
Engineer: 18
Forger: 18
Orpheus: 17
Luminary: 17
Fractal: 17
Odysseus: 16
Genesis: 16
Graffiti: 15
Awakener: 12
Familial Relationships:
All the boys grew up in the same neighborhood and that's how they know each other; their community was very tight-knit and so they- along with their Zeldas- grew up together and have all been friends from a very young age. But a few of the boys are more closely related:
Odysseus and Graffiti are brothers, and Genesis is their cousin
Ravio is Graffiti's best friend and they happen to share a birthday
Engineer and Awakener are NOT related but people outside of the group tend to think they are because they look very similar
Awakener (and Aryll), Orpheus, and Paladin are all adopted brothers (and sister in Aryll's case). They live with Grandma (AKA Mrs MacIrvine- it means "Son of Green Water" and is the last name I picked for Awakener and his family since my interpretation of the Great Sea is very influenced by Scotland), who is Awakener and Aryll's biological grandmother. (Paladin and Orpheus were foster children she was taking care of for many years, and when Awakener and Aryll's parents died and she took custody of them, she was like, "Eh, why not officially adopt all of them". At the time, Paladin was 11, Orpheus was 9, Awakener was 4, and Aryll was a newborn)
Paladin can drive, is the designated driver, and runs the group carpool out of his big blue 15-passenger van
Dawnbringer can drive, is the backup driver, and drives his family's ranch's beat-up, rusty pick up truck. How and why it still drives is a mystery and a miracle.
Forger can drive, is the backup-backup driver, and owns a little red Volkswagen Beetle, which he loves very much. No one else can drive it because he won't let them. It also smells very nice because he is addicted to those little clippy Febreze car things.
Engineer can drive but is not often asked to on account of his disregard for any and all traffic laws and speed limits. He does have a car, though: a strange, monster hybrid-car he built himself during his free time Niko and Alfonzo's mechanic shop.
Luminary can, in theory, drive (i.e. he has a license) but does not have a car. He doesn't like driving very much.
Orpheus could, in theory, drive, but he doesn't have a license. This is for two reasons: first of all, both Paladin and Grandma can drive, as can most of his friends, so if he needs to go somewhere far far away he can just ask one of them. Secondly, while he's not extreme about it, he is the most environmentally-minded of the boys and prefers to ride his bike to cut down on carbon emissions.
Fractal has his permit but not his license, as does Odysseus.
Genesis is eligible for his permit but hasn't gone in to get it yet.
Graffiti and Awakener are too young to drive.
Relationships/Relationships to their Respective Zeldas:
Paladin and Valkyrie, who is a little under a year older, have been dating since Junior Year of high school and love each other very much. He plans to propose when he turns 21.
Dawnbringer is good friends with Eos. However, he is still processing that his girlfriend of 3 years, Midna (who was also a close friend of Eos) moved to another city far away about a year prior and, because she didn't want a long-distance relationship to fall apart, thought it better for them to break up.
Engineer is so so in love with Phantasma (who likes him back just as much) but hasn't yet officially started dating her.
Forger and Goddess have been a thing since they were like. 10. and have been officially dating since Sophomore Year of high school. Everyone agrees they are the cutest thing ever.
Orpheus's romantic life is... complicated. He's been inseparable friends with Sonata ever since he moved in with Mrs MacIrvine, and has had a crush on her for many years, but is also slightly attracted to his good friend Malon. He hasn't figured it out yet. But he will, don't worry. Just... give him some time.
Luminary and Sunshine used to not get along, for several reasons that I haven't fully fleshed out yet, but she immediately warmed up to him after he got himself beat up and nearly killed by a gang (the Yiga Clan) while trying to stop them from harassing her as she was walking home from school one day. They've been joined at the hip ever since, even two years later, and she clearly has a thing for him. He's pretty sure he likes her back, but needs to figure out his complicated relationship with his childhood friend Mipha first.
Fractal has been besties with Radiance since they were practically babies. Even during his mental health crisis a few years back, she was always by his side taking care of him. He hasn't yet officially asked her out, but at this point it's a matter of when, not if.
Odysseus and Visionary are in a similar situation to Dawnbringer and Eos, however, tragically, the girl who previously held Odysseus's affections (Marin) didn't just move away, she died in a terrible accident. He's still mourning her and Visionary doesn't want to be insensitve.
Genesis and Dawn have been so so close since they were 10. They have been dating for a little over a year, as they officially started a relationship at 15. Things got a little complicated for a while when Dawn's sister Somnia entertained a brief crush on Genesis, but that ended up resolving itself with no ill-feelings between anyone.
Graffiti has a small but blossoming crush on Iconography, but would never admit it. He's too busy helping Ravio and his girl troubles with Hilda.
Awakener is best friends with Tetra and has a massive crush on her, but will deny it until he's blue in the face. Tetra knows, however, and finds it hilarious, but never picks on him about it. She's still trying to process her feelings about him as well.
A Fun Little Mini-Trivia Tidbit I Wrote
Once, on a weekend trip to Death Mountain National Park, the boys made the mistake of passing the Aux. Here are their music choices, ranked:
Luminary: Vine Audio. Everyone loves this and quotes it in unison, but Paladin had to ban it on account of the number of times he almost crashed the van from laughing so hard he lost focus on the road.
Odysseus: Classical music of all genres. His favorite composer is Tchaikovsky. No one really understands his love for it, but they all appreciate it.
Fractal: Depends on his mood (aka which Color is fronting). Generalizations are Indie Rock, Classic Rock, Video Game Scores, Screamo Metal, and/or Early 2000s Emo and/or Scene Music (shadow). Everyone can appreciate at least one genre, so it's always a safe bet to let Fractal pick the music.
Engineer: Podcasts, usually about Mechanical Engineering or the Industrial Revolution. While it might not be the first choice, the others like it because they're good to nap to.
Forger: Indie Pop, usually love songs. Orpheus finds this sweet, and the rest of them simply tolerate it.
Genesis: Everything under the umbrella of "80s Music". Everyone is indifferent.
Graffiti: Punk. He gives punk-y vibes in this AU, okay. Everyone is indifferent except Paladin, who can't stand it.
Dawnbringer: Country. Everyone but Graffiti dreads it.
Paladin: Silence. The others find it insufferable, but there are two options that are even worse...
Orpheus: He prefers not to listen to music, but rather to attempt to play it on his Ocarina. Notice I say attempt. Everyone- and I do mean everyone- DREADS this.
Awakener: Sea Shanties, full volume, bass boosted, and singing along. Though his singing voice is quite good, when you have been on the road for 3 hours and just want some peace and quiet, this is a horrible combination of factors, and Paladin even went so far as to angrily snap that he'd rather listen to Orpheus play the Ocarina than another round of "Roll Northumbria".
@whyoneartheven @ladye-zelda @uniquevoidflowers
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