#zelda dobinski
incorrectcharliebone · 2 months
Asa: Manfred has a... challenging personality. Zelda: He's mostly a bitch. But, every once in a while, he can be a jerk. Manfred: I'm standing right here.
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dagbert-endless · 2 months
also Zelda Dobinski :D
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she was so cool. I wish she got to stick around.
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hoardingpuffin · 2 years
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Is this gonna reach a lot of people? Probably not, but I need to get this written down and out there so whoop, Tumblr has become my vent space yet again.
So – Children of the Red King. Brilliant series, one of the best book series about magic and stuff out there, not to mention with an author who, as far as is known, is not what The Youth TM would call problematic. So that is that.
I cannot stop thinking about how good of a TV series it would be. Two books would be turned into one season, meaning there would be 4 seasons total, and it could be glorious (not to mention, how many headcanons one could add, seen as it would be an adaption which comes with certain creative liberties). They could even flesh out the other kids more, instead of just focussing on Charlie. Have on episode just dedicated to Tancred and his insecurity issues (and his autism, which I am convinced he has, like, look at him, that boy is autistic). Have an episode focussing on Gabriel, one on Emma, one on Lysander. Make more of the characters PoC. Make more characters queer (nonbinary trans-masc Tancred dating Lysander by the end of the series, anyone?). Flesh out the amazing world Jenny Nimmo already gave us, to create an even bigger, modern and inclusive piece of media that people can fall in love with.
I even already have a concept for how the first episode could open in mind. Fair warning, headcanons are included here.
So, we’d see a lot of glimpses of all the main characters as they get ready to catch the bus. We’d see Lysander’s hands and he packs up his drawing supplies and neatly straightens out his tie and jumper before putting on a green cape.
We’d see Gabriel’s gerbils, see him in a blurred background, putting some stuff away before leaving the gerbil farm, a blue shape blowing behind him.
We’d see Tancred putting a pin with the nonbinary flag and a pin with the autism symbol on, then a shot of his parents sitting in the kitchen as their stormy son walks past the doorframe – and then back the other way because he forgot his cape.
We’d see the wonderful chaos of the Gunn household and Fidelio flits out the door, auburn curls bouncing in tact with the blue cape’s swoosh.
We’d see Emilia Moon straighten out her white comforter on her white bed in her white room, a glimpse of a pale girl with tight blonde braids and a green cape in a mirror as she walks downstairs.
We’d see Olivia Vertigo slipping into some atrocious purple shoes and putting on wild make up.
We’d see Asa Pike trying to brush his wild red hair, we’d see Zelda Dobinski put on her purple cloak, we’d see Manfred Bloor pulling his hair into a ponytail, we’d see Billy Raven stare into the mirror in the small dorm bathroom, a shock of white hair and huge glasses.
We’d see feet on the road as many-a-student runs to catch their bus. We’d see a blue bus, a green bus, a purple bus, rolling down the road, past a window. Then, the camera would pan in through the window, and only then we would see Charlie Bone for the first time.
…uh, yeah. Um… thoughts, anyone?
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yonetee · 4 years
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Drama kids of Bloors Academy. ...I'm sure those know EVERYTHING about drama.
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'Forget it!' Tancred tossed his shock of electrified hair. As far as wind was concerned, he had kept things remarkably calm, but now not to be boring, he sent out some new weather. A few raindrops pattered onto the table, and everyone pulled their books onto their laps. 'Pitter patter,' sneered Zelda Dobinski. 'It's pathetic. Call that rain?' Everyone wished she hadn't said that. The next minute the small black cloud that had been floating near the ceiling suddenly burst and a torrent of water poured onto their heads. It filled their eyes, drenched their clothes, and soaked their books.
Jenny Nimmo, Charlie Bone and the Blue Boa
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Asa: You know what I’ve realized? Zelda: Some thoughts are better left unsaid? Asa: Nice try. Anyways-
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incorrectcharliebone · 2 months
Tancred: There’s something stupid going on inside my head. Zelda: It’s called a thought.
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incorrectcharliebone · 2 months
Zelda: You may have noticed this morning, you're not so good at small talk. Manfred: Yeah, I like big talk. What's your deal? Zelda: That's not small talk? Manfred: What's your deal, and is God dead?
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incorrectcharliebone · 2 months
Manfred: I’m not going to conversate with you, I’m not going to inves- Zelda: It’s ‘converse’. Manfred: Huh? Zelda: Just say ‘talk’.
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Zelda: You're right. Asa: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
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Asa: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death? Manfred: How am I supposed to know? Zelda: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult. [Manfred sighs] Manfred: You wouldn't be trapped.
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dagbert-endless · 2 years
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god i love the perchance incorrect quote generator (more under the cut)
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yonetee · 4 years
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The Ruin Game Run, Charlie... these three are after you!  --- This book is so dark! Almost all grown-up character are evil or incompetent in cotrk series. His family just send him to ruins to be murdered... to punish him for saving girl from being hypnotized for her whole life. <3 
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Charlie Bone Timeline: Pre-Series
Timeline of events before the series. Contains spoilers for all Charlie Bone books, including Henry and the Guardians of the Lost.
Circa 1804
·        Marigold disappears through the Time Twister while playing hide-and-seek with her brother.
·        Maybelle Bloor is born to Cecilia and Septimus Bloor.
 1835 or 1838
·        Beatrice Bloor born to Cecilia and Septimus Bloor.
·        Bertram Babbington Bloor is born to Cecilia and Septimus Bloor.
·        Donatella da Vinci is born.
·        Yorath Yewbeam is born.
·        Maybelle Bloor marries Lucius Raven.
·        Daniel Raven is born to Maybelle and Lucius Raven.
·        Vera Kuragina is born.
·        Roland Raven is born to Maybelle and Lucius Raven.
·        Evangeline Raven is born to Maybelle and Lucius Raven.
·        Septimus Bloor forges a will leaving everything he owns to his daughter Maybelle and her heirs. He dies soon after.
·        Bertram Bloor marries Donatella Da Vinci.
·        Gideon Bloor born to Bertram and Donatella Bloor.
·        Gudrun Solensson born.
·        Manley Yewbeam born to Yorath and Vera Yewbeam.
·        Grace Bloor is born to Bertram and Donatella Bloor.
·        Lydia Raven is born to Daniel and Jane Raven.
·        Hugh Raven is born to Daniel and Jane Raven.
·        Ita Raven marries Simon Bone.
·        Yolanda Yewbeam is born in Yewbeam Castle to Yorath and Vera Yewbeam.
·        Everard Raven is born to Roland and Ann Raven.
·        Ezekiel Bloor born to Gideon and Gudrun Bloor.
·        Hilda Hansoff born.
·        Henry Yewbeam born to Grace and Manley Yewbeam.
·        Daphne Yewbeam born to Grace and Manley Yewbeam.
·        James Yewbeam born to Grace and Manley Yewbeam.
·        Solange Sourzac born.
·        Daphne Yewbeam dies of diphtheria in the winter of that year (January)
·        Henry Yewbeam disappears while staying at Bloor’s Academy with his brother James. (January 12)
·        Manley Yewbeam is killed in battle during the Great War.  
·        Yolanda inherits her father’s castle at age 21.
·        Hugh Raven marries Sally Milne. Evangeline Raven gives the pearl-inlaid box to Sally on her wedding day.
·        Susan Raven born to Hugh and Sally Raven.
·        Bartholomew Bloor is born to Ezekiel and Hilda Bloor.
·        Mary Chance is born.
·        Brutus Raven born to Hugh and Sally Raven.
·        Thomas Raven is born to Everard and Harriet Raven.
·        Timothy Raven is born to Everard and Harriet Raven.
·        Maisie Jones is born.
·        Grizelda Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Monty Bone is born to Clara and Eamon Bone.
 1940 or 1941
·        Ankaret's family is killed during a bombing raid; Ankaret accidentally travels forward in time after looking into the Time Twister.
·        Lucretia Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Eustacia Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Treasure is born.
·        Pearl is born.
·        Venetia Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Harold Bloor is born to Bartholomew and Mary Bloor.
·        February: Paton Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Dorothy de Vere is born.
·        Grizelda Yewbeam marries Montague Bone.
·        Lyell Bone is born to Grizelda and Monty Bone.
·        Titania/Miss Chrystal is born.
 1962 or 1963
·  A week before his death, Monty returns to his hometown of Neverfinding. Monty makes a will leaving all that he owns to his son Lyell. He also writes a letter to be read by Lyell when he turns eighteen.
·  Monty Bone dies in a plane crash (possibly contrived by the Yewbeams and Bloors).
·  Bartholomew Bloor disappears while mountain climbing in the Himalayas with friends; Mary dances herself to death. Bartholomew turns against his family and becomes an explorer.
·  During a stay at Yolanda’s castle, Solange falls and breaks her neck, Yolanda turns James’ four daughters against him, and James and Paton escape in fear for their lives.
·  Hector Bittermouse causes some trouble with the Bloors (?)
·  Lord Grimwald drowns Pearl and Treasure's sweethearts and family in revenge because they refused to marry him.
·        Grace Bloor dies at age eighty.
·        Amy Jones is born to Maisie and Mr Jones.
·        Julia Ingledew is born.
·        Rufus Raven is born to Brutus and Maud Raven.
·        Ellen Raven is born.
·        Manfred Bloor is born to Harold and Dorothy Bloor.
·        Asa Pike is born in the land of the Merromals.
·        Zelda Dobinski is born.
·        Beth Strong is born.
·        Mr and Mrs Pike travel with Asa to the Red King’s city to live.
·  Lyell Bone elopes with Amy Jones to Mexico; they marry there.
·  Tancred Torsson is born.
·  Lysander Sage is born to Judge and Jessamine Sage.
·  Charlie Bone is born to Amy and Lyell Bone in the first week of January.
·  Emma Tolly is born to Nancy and Mostyn Tolly (During fall or winter).
·  Gabriel Silk is born to Cyrus and Mrs Silk.
·  Naren Bloor is born to Chinese parents.
·  Olivia Vertigo is born sometime in September.
·  Fidelio Gunn is born to Chloe and Mr Gunn.
·  Dagbert Endless is born to Lord Grimwald and a mermaid.
·  Benjamin Brown is born to Mr and Mrs Brown in late October.
·  Dorcas Loom is born.
·  Charlie turns one in the first week of January.
·  Bartholomew returns to the city to visit his family, who refuse to acknowledge him. Lyell and Bartholomew become friends, and they go mountain climbing together.
·  Idith and Inez Branko are born to Bogdan and Natalia Branko.
·  Joshua Tilpin is born to Matthew and Titania Tilpin.
 Sometime between 1990 and 1994
·        Rufus entrusts Lyell with the box containing Maybelle’s will.
·        Rufus and Ellen marry.
·  Charlie turns two in the first week of January.
·  Nancy Tolly dies from illness just before Emma’s second birthday; a few days later Mostyn decides to give Emma away. (during fall or winter).
·  Lyell disappears while trying to stop Emma Tolly’s abduction. (during fall or winter).
·        Billy Raven is born to Rufus and Ellen Raven on May 4.
·  Rufus and Ellen die in a contrived car accident; Billy is sent to live with an apathetic aunt.
·  Christopher Crowquill is framed as a robber and sent to prison for seven years.
·  Naren’s parents die in a flood; Naren is adopted by Bartholomew and Meng Bloor.
·  Miranda Shellhorn is born to Arthur Shellhorn.
·  Charlie starts school.
·  Charlie and Benjamin become friends.
·        Dorothy Bloor tries to leave Bloor's Academy forever; her violin hand is crushed by Manfred in the attempt and cursed by Ezekiel to never work again. Losing all hope, Dorothy becomes 'the Dark Lady'.
·        Lucy comes out of the Time Twister into the Littles' House.
·  Eric Shellhorn is born to Arthur Shellhorn.
·  Una Onimous is born.
·  Dr Tolly asks for Emma to be returned to him; he is refused.
·  May 4: Billy’s endowment is revealed, and he is sent to live in Bloor’s Academy.
·  Tancred Torsson starts school at Bloor's Academy.
·  Ollie Sparks disappears in the old part of the Academy for three days. Cook throws a feast for him, and soon after he leaves the school. However, he disappears while going to get orange juice at the train station (or so Matron Yewbeam says).
·        Charlie turns ten in the first week of January.
·        Emma turns ten between January and October.  
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yonetee · 12 years
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One hour of doodling... I just could't sleep. All important child characters from Charlie Bone Series. I'm reading the fifth book. And it's sometimes quite interesting. X"D I think I'm starting like Joshua cos he's skinny. I love skinny people.
By the way, my most favourite characters actually are: Henry, Oliver, Gabriel and Joshua. :"D
And I'm looking forward next book, because I'm so curious about Dagbert...
Hmmm.. it doesn't matter. I'm going to sleep.
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