#Naren Bloor
Charlie and Naren are cousins (kind of)
Charlie and Emma are cousins (kind of)
Naren and Emma are cousins (kind of)???
Naren and Billy and Emma are cousins (kind of)?
Also: Henry and Charlie call each other cousin, too, so
Charlie, Naren, Billy, Emma and Henry pseudo-cousinship
Found family moment?
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Truth or Dare
Everyone knew that Gabriel and Fidelio were crazy about each other but those two idiots still hadn’t made a move yet. Why, Olivia couldn’t understand. So she’d devised a plan—get them to admit their feelings for one another via a game of Truth or Dare.
Olivia loved Truth or Dare. There was something rather thrilling about being made to confess your deepest truths or do embarrassing things. It was even more thrilling to make other people do those things. 
But anyway. Olivia was hosting a party at her house, and all her friends were invited, Gabriel and Fidelio included. This was where she would strike. Emma wasn’t sure about her plan, for what if something didn’t go as planned, or what if they got mad at her? You don’t have to worry, Olivia reassured her. Everything will do exactly as planned. And besides, everyone knows that Gabe and Fido like each other. They just need some encouragement to finally get together.       
The party started; all her guests arrived. They spent the first hour or so in the dining room catching up, listening to music and munching on the delicious snacks her mother had obligingly prepared for them. Then Olivia led them all to the living room, where they sat in a circle facing each other.  
“For our first game, we’re going to play Truth or Dare,” Olivia announced gleefully, and ignored the groans from several of her friends who hated the game.
“I’ll start. Charlie, I dare you to use your endowment for fun. Pick a random photo and tell us what it’s saying.”
Charlie groaned. “Really, Liv? We’re not supposed to use our gifts for frivolous reasons.”
Olivia shrugged. Charlie had grown so serious over the past few years. Sure, they shouldn’t misuse their endowments, but there was a difference between using them to have a bit of fun and abusing them. What was the harm if they did it for a bit of fun as long as no one got hurt?
“No one else is here except us,” Olivia pointed out. “Besides, you’ve got to do it. It’s part of the game.”
Charlie sighed. “Fine. Give me that magazine over there.”
Olivia handed him her mother’s Celebrity Weekly magazine that was sitting on the coffee table next to her. Charlie flicked to a random page that had a photo of two female celebrities sitting on the edge of a pool dressed in bikinis, smiling brightly at an unknown camera man. He stared at the image for a few moments, until Olivia grew impatient with curiosity and blurted out, “Well, what are they saying?”
To her surprise, Charlie blushed a little. “Well… the two women—they’re models-- are gossiping a bit. One of them is talking about how someone called Tiffany is having an affair with her manager who’s married. The other woman is laughing and the camera man is coughing and asking them to focus so they can finish the shoot. He doesn’t sound very happy. One of the women says, Come join us, we’ll give you some fun. Then—and I don’t know why—the scene starts shaking and going all blurry. I think the cameraman says, This is the last time I do a job for a pair of rich bitches. And that’s all.”
“Wicked!” Olivia exclaimed.
“Yeah,” Tancred agreed, his hair crackling with excitement. “Awesome!”
“I think it’s horrible,” Emma said. “Those two models treated the poor cameraman terribly!”  
“I think it’s a frivolous waste,” Lysander said severely. “You shouldn’t have asked Charlie to do it, Olivia.”
Olivia stuck her tongue out at him. “You’re being way too serious, Lysander Sage. It’s just a bit of harmless fun.”
Lysander frowned at her. “Still, we shouldn’t use our gifts like this.”
Olivia shrugged. “Anyway, Charlie’s done the dare, so now it’s his turn.”
The following half an hour was great fun. Olivia laughed and gasped along with the rest of her friends as each of them either told a truth or did a dare. Emma picked Truth and admitted that there was one time where she got stuck as a bird and spent a day and a night like that until she remembered how to turn herself back. Tancred was dared to balance an apple on his head while reciting a silly poem, which he failed at spectacularly because he kept laughing and blowing the apple off. Naren also chose Dare and managed to scare the group using her gift to conjure shadowy monsters on the walls of the living room that were shining with the moon’s light.  
And finally, it was Olivia’s turn again. She smiled brightly and said, “Gabriel, I dare you to ask Fidelio for a kiss. On the lips.”
Gabriel started in surprise and went an interesting shade of pink. He looked at Fidelio, who looked back at him with a friendly grin on his face. He hesitated. 
“Come on, Gabe!” Tancred laughed. “We all know you. Stop being so scared! Nothing bad is going to happen if you try it just this once.”
“I… all right.” A determined look crossed Gabriel Silk’s face. He squared his shoulders, stood up and walked to where Fidelio was now standing waiting for him. “Fidelio… ah… would you mind if I kiss you? Just this once?”
Fidelio smiled at him. “I wouldn’t mind in the slightest.”
Shyly, Gabriel Silk leaned forward. Fidelio did too. Olivia watched with wonder as their lips met and their world narrowed to only each other, as if nothing else mattered.  
After a few moments the two boys broke apart, grinning wildly at each other. Olivia and the rest of her friends cheered. They had all known about the boys’ feelings for one another, and to see them finally make the move was a joy to see.  
An hour later, when the group had left the living room and scattered to do their own thing for a while, Olivia came across Gabriel and Fidelio sitting close together on the sofa, murmuring quietly to each other. Yes, she thought jubilantly, they were definitely sitting closer than any friends would.   
Olivia smiled to herself. Her work was done. 
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[Charlie and Naren are sitting on a bench] Ben: Why do you guys look so sad? Naren: Sit down with us so we can tell you. [Ben sits down] Charlie: The bench is freshly painted.
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Do you ship...
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dagbert-endless · 2 years
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god i love the perchance incorrect quote generator (more under the cut)
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calixcasual · 4 years
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Meet Me
By Mickey Valen (feat. Noé)
Naren Bloor
Ancestor Unknown
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nerdgatehobbit · 2 years
I still have some COTRK thoughts kicking around in my head, so, uh, sorry but I wanted to get them out.
John Boyega remains my ideal fan cast for the Red King himself, Timoken. Lately I’ve liked the notion of Angel Coulby & Santiago Cabrera as Charlie’s parents, as I know how well they can pull off a star-crossed dynamic, but I keep reminding myself that the kids & tweens need to be cast first. As long as whoever plays Billy doesn’t have to bleach their hair & wear red contacts, I’m flexible. Billy’s albinism is plot relevant as the Bloors falsely claim it is the reason he hasn’t been adopted, but I don’t want story accuracy at the expense of a child actor. Though I’m not sure it ought to be moot if it’s an animated adaptation.
As much as I do love the books, I think it really would be interesting for an adaptation to go further into what the adults were up to off-page. Because the books did a great job of implying that there was a adult fantasy series going on in the background.
In an adaptation, I suspect Charlie’s family would be streamlined a bit. I like Maisie but it’d be better to give Amy some more focus and it would more briefly/clearly explain why Amy moved in with her in-laws following Lyell’s apparent death. Similarly, as much as I like ‘the three Yewbeam aunts’ as a dark witch trio, there could be some shuffling around and have it be the three sisters. I’m just reluctant to determine who should be cut out.
I think Bartholomew Bloor’s arc could get expanded upon to actually show that cutting off toxic family members is an important step in breaking the cycle, but not the only one. Also Meng should get some actual characterization. She seems to exist solely so that Naren has a mother figure.
Speaking of whom, considering that Naren got adopted after her parents died in a flood, then an adaptation could add that it was caused by Lord Grimwald, giving the family multiple reasons to be living in the wilderness outside the city.
I think Officer Singh could get an expanded role. I’d prefer a job change, particularly as I got the impression that his primary purpose in the city is keeping an eye on the conflicts going on between the endowed, likely reporting back to his father who is a headmaster in a distant school that does a better job of nurturing endowed kids rather than seeking to control them like the Bloors. A check on the Charlie Bone Wiki says he first appeared in the fourth book, so an adaptation could have fun with the idea that he came in advance of the Hundred Heads dinner to get a more accurate look at daily life for the endowed in the city.
A setup like Bert in Mary Poppins or Douxie in Tales of Arcadia might be best- a character that occasionally pops up doing an odd job only to turn out to be rather important to the narrative. I think an adaptation might be better off calling what Singh & Manfred can do “telepathy” opposed to “hypnosis”. I don’t know why the latter term was used, as telekinesis was used. Although now I’m imagining Singh being Dev Patel in a blue woolen sweater and fingerless gloves.
Also I admit it: it would add a lot of interesting tension if there were small enclaves of well-meaning adults who weren’t sure who else to seek out. With what the Bloors & their allies are capable of, it’s an understandable fear. Especially if they all panic upon learning that there’s a power booster in the city and if they could be turned to the Bloors’ side, completely unaware that Paton proved his determination by staying neutral for decades rather than siding with his sisters. There are reasons the villains immediately went for violence and kept doing so once Paton picked the opposing side.
Ideally the existence of mermaids would be more than a throwaway line. I wonder if there’s overlap between them & the Merromals. Obviously the descendants of the Red King are the focus of the series but I appreciate how clear the series is that there are plenty of other magical sources in this world rather than restricting it to them. And how the ‘masquerade’ is fairly thin, especially in locations like the city.
Hopefully the series’ setting doesn’t get an update; I think the early 2000s works for it. It’s hard to believe the series has been around for two decades already.
I’m well aware that an animated adaptation would be far less complicated, but let me dream about a live action one.
At this rate, I’m going to end up rereading COTRK & Young Wizards at the same time. … Now that would be a fun crossover.
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charliebonewillbebig · 13 years
Charlie Bone & the Hidden King Mockup
Image via Wikipedia
(haha! it all comes down to this...) Benjamin: Yay! We're home! I can't wait to tell Charlie! Tancred: (to cats) You want me to create a storm? Ok. (creates storm) Charlie: Man, I feel angsty and pubescent today and I hate my life! I'm taking it out on everyone I care about! Griselda: Darn. He's feeling his age. Maisie: I know. It always starts with the angst. Billy: Charlie, I got a message from the flames! Charlie: What did they say? Billy: HARK! Charlie: Hmmm, we better watch our backs then. Can't have anyone harking up behind us! Benjamin: I'm home! Where's Runner Bean? Mr. Onimous: He ran off. Benjamin: What? Emma: My duck is gone! Charlie: Well, this is great! All the animals are gone! But why? Naren: I can take you to the animals. Charlie: You must be kidding. Naren: I know where they are. Charlie: Do you take me for an idiot who would jump at the chance and search for trouble? Naren: Duh. Manfred: Dang, you're all gloomy. Emma: I lost my duck. Manfred: Well, your story is sadder than mine...all my Hello Kitty stuff is gone! Students: (groaning) Joshua: Hey, turn those frowns upside down! I've got a song for you! (sings) all the animals in the city are gone... / and everyone's all forlorn / well you had a bad day / your all losers / shouldn't have bad-mouthed Harry Potter...(students cover their ears and scream. Ezekiel screams until his neck bleeds and he faints) Charlie: Joshua, you idiot! You've gone and done it now! Olivia: Ezekiel burst a blood vessel! Manfred: And if he dies, you'll be expelled! Charlie: Man, this is interesting! Disappearing pets, everyone's all edgy, strange girls in yellow coats are stalking me? What's next? Manfred: Charlie Bone, you never hang out with me anymore! Charlie: I've been busy. Manfred: And next, you'll be disappearing like your father... Charlie: Manny, I'm not him! Manfred: Prove it! Charlie: I will! Emma: Is it just me or are they having a lover's quarrel? Asa: Yeah. Naren: Charlie, you must come with me. Charlie: I'm kind of involved with someone else... Naren: It's about the animals... Charlie: Well, if you say so... Bartholomew: It's a pleasure to meet you, Charlie Bone. I knew your father, Lyell. Charlie: You did? Bartholomew: And I just happen to be the son of Ezekiel and the father of Harold. And Manfred's grandfather. Charlie: Oh fuddlebombs! He's gonna find out I've been involved with Manfred! I'm a dead man! Joshua: Oh Charlie, I hate you! Charlie: Why? Dorcas: Joshua's been lusting after you for 2 years now. Charlie: But I'm dating Manfred! Alfred: You're a homo! Albert: We don't like homos! Dorcas: Leave him alone! It's not like he asked for your permission to date Manfred anyway! Paton: We've got a feast to remember! Maisie: Let me taste something...(bites prawns and freezes) Amy: Mom! Charlie: Maisie! Paton: Darn! Somebody must have rigged them to try to knock me out! But Maisie is their unfortunate victim. Griselda: I'll call a doctor. Meanwhile, stick her in the tub and keep the temperature cold. We don't want her to melt. Charlie: OK, now why are you on my case about Manfred? Asa: Are you dating him? Dorcas: Charlie, don't answer that question. Asa, stop being an idiot. Inez & Idith: Tell us the truth, Charlie. Is he good in bed? Charlie: Gaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! (he storms off) Inez: Was it something I said? Joshua: Oh Charlie, how could you reject me? We are meant to be! Charlie: Oh shut up, you Ginny-wannabe! (slaps Joshua across his face. everyone laughs) Joshua: You're mean, Charlie! (starts crying. Miss Chrystal shows up) Charlie: Mama's boy. Miss Chrystal: Charlie, how dare you reject Joshua! Charlie: He's a freaking stalker! Miss Chrystal: You will apologize to him! (to Joshua) And as for you, young man, you know who we are. And we get what we want! Amy: Hello, I'm Amy Bone and I need your help. Hart: Why? Amy: My mother's been attacked and my son is being chased by a young boy he dislikes. Hart: Don't worry, I'll help you...for a price. Amy: Name it. Hart: Will you go to the annual Bloor's Ball with me? Manfred: Too bad you got detention, Charlie. Charlie: Yeah. Joshua's being a little prick. Manfred: Which brings me to my next question: will you go to the annual Bloor's Ball with me? (at the 100 Heads Dinner) Wilfred Mathews: And here we are at the 30th annual 100 Heads Ball. I'm Wilfred Mathews reporting to you live on the Black Carpet, where the headmasters of over 100 schools are expected to make their appearance before this cheering crowd that is behind me, isn't that right, Sophie? Sophie McGinnis: (think of her as Joan Rivers in Charlie Bone) I see the people coming in, and the clothes are gorgeous! I see child stars Jasmine Skinner and Leroy Bentley coming this way, but what's up with the rags? And who's that I see? Why it's Marcos Pineda and Victoria Simons, don't they look great? Also making her way is Chelle Lang...wait, hold the phone, I've just received word that a famous celebrity is coming out...and it's no one other than Jacquel Romanov! (crowd really goes wild as Jacquel steps out wearing a strapless mauve taffeta gown embroidered with peach diamonds and bedecked with silver braid) Jacquel: Hello, Freadwardbobertmc'hammerhimesmitpolis!!! Can I get a wassup??? I'm glad to be here in this great city!!! (crowd cheers) Announcer: Stay tuned for the live presentation of the Grand Ball after these commercials! (watching the action unfold) Tancred: Awwww, I hate those stupid ball shows! Fidelio: You and me both, dude. Gabriel: They always bore me to tears! Lysander: Who wants to watch the Real Housewives of Xanynea? Paton: No! Not until we see Charlie! Emma: So do we really HAVE to watch this filth? Olivia: Charlie goes to the ball without me? I'll teach him a lesson soon enough! (at the ball) Charlie: (he is wearing a scarlet satin tunic embellished with gilt lace, and matching velvet pants) Dang this ball sucks! Over 1,000 mentions of everything else and not one mention of Bloor's! How's about you, Billy? Billy: (he is wearing an orange satin tunic and kilt) This is so boring. I should have just stayed home. Charlie: Yeah, but I got detention, plus I had to deal with a bunch of jealous girls. Aaarrrggghhhh! (they notice Miss Chrystal in a corner crying) Why are you crying? Miss Chrystal: My life is not fair! Charlie: Well, tell me. I promise I can make things right. Miss Chrystal: You can't, Charlie! You just can't! Charlie: Why not? Miss Chrystal: Because 14 years ago, I was engaged to a man named Lyell Bone. But then stupid Lee Evans had to break up our engagement by implying that Lyell had been false and cheated on me with another girl and they ran off and got married. Then he himself knocks me up and tries to kill me. I then marry some other guy and we had Joshua. Charlie: No wonder why Josh is chasing after me! Miss Chrystal: Oh, it gets better. Charlie: How does the story get better? You said it sucked! Miss Chrystal: Josh is magnetic; he makes things stick to him. He can even bend your mind to his will! Last year, I found out that I was a descendant of Lilith, the Red King's eldest daughter and her husband, Count Harken Badlock. Billy: Hark? Charlie: I knew it!!! Miss Chrystal: So that's why you can't fix this problem, Charlie...because I released the shadow from the painting! (dramatic chord) All: WHAT???? Miss Chrystal: And next, I'm gonna mess Lyell up for breaking my heart and believing the lies of his friend over his true love! Charlie: You...you...can't! Billy: Can't you just mess up the other guy? Miss Chrystal: Oh, but I already did. I burned down the house and killed him and his wife. His kids are now orphans and at my mercy! Hah! So little Charlie Bone, you've made a fine enemy! Now date my son or else!!! Charlie: This is unfair! It's like my love story is being played out like some...cheap gay version of Twilight!!! Miss Chrystal: Well...yes. Yes it is. You are Bella, Manfred is Edward, and Josh is Jacob. So there you have it. Charlie: I'm heading home. You've given me a lot to tell my mom. Amy: Oh, Charlie, you look so handsome in your new outfit! Here, I want you to meet Mr. Hart Noble. Charlie: OK, mom. Hart: You appear to be a very likable young man, Charles. You and I will get along great! Charlie: Yeah, I hope so. Paton: So, how was the ball? Charlie: Terrible! The music was boring, everyone was being weird, and Josh is a descendant from an evil count. Fidelio: Oh, Charlie, that's terrible! Charlie: And worse, Josh declared his undying love for me! Olivia: Ok, this is messed up. Charlie: You got any pictures of my dad? Amy: Just one. (gets picture) Be careful with it; Lyell told me to hold on to it until you were ready. Charlie: So dad...knew? Amy: I'm not one to talk, but yes. Julia: (hears knocking at door) Hmmmm, I wonder who that could be. (opens door and sees Robbie Lee, Louise, David, Felix, and Molly Evans) Now, how did you guys get here? Louise: Uh, some old lady freaked out when she saw some shadowy thing behind her. Julia: Oh dear! Felix: HARK! The Shadow! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!! Bartholomew: The Shadow wants my diaries! (brings out diaries) We can't let him have them! Paton: How about Charlie puts them somewhere where he can't get to them. Julia: Good idea. Charlie: I need to know advanced sorcery in order to stop the Shadow. Skarpo: Well, you need to know this: Harry Potter and his friends are after you. Charlie: WHAT??? Skarpo: But don't worry about them; Harry is stupid and he needs to go down. And don't worry about the books; the Shadow can't come here. Charlie: Shoot, looks like a battle happened here! Emma: You bet it did! Harry Potter and his cronies tried to raid Bloors last night! Charlie: No duh! Manfred: And he messed up my face! I look worse than Prince Zuko on a good day! Olivia: (quietly) Mind if I scare them off? Charlie: Bad idea. Paton: Girls we need to talk about Amy. Lucretia: Why? I never gave birth to her. Paton: She's dating the Shadow. All: WHAT??? Paton: And even worse, Harry Potter is going to steal her away! Grizelda: Say it ain't so, Paton!!! Eustacia: What are we gonna do??? Paton: It's not you who's going to do something about it, it'll be Charlie if we all play our cards right. Grizelda: Oh no. If Charlie goes up against Harry Potter, he's done for! He'll be that boy's slave to do what he wants. It's over Paton. We've lost. Paton: No. It is NOT over!!! Charlie: Dang, you didn't get caught, Liv. Olivia: Yeah, I got lucky. Manfred: Charlie, we never talk anymore. It makes me sad. And you know what I do when I'm sad? Charlie: What? Manfred: I...BURN THINGS!!! (sets hall on fire) Students: Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! The roof is on fire!!!! Run for your lives!!! Lysander: Ok, all systems go. Let's cue everyone's favorite theme song! Tancred: (turns on radio and "Mission Impossible Theme Song" plays while a battle between the endowed and the Shadow takes place in the Vertigo house) Charlie: Well, that was quite intense! Gabriel: I'll say! Tancred: We're gonna pay for that! Olivia: Yeah, but first off, let's kidnap that rich celebrity girl and hold her hostage until Harry Potter concedes. Lysander: Good idea. Miss Chrystal: Charlie, Josh has the mirror! You can get it back if you agree to date him! Charlie: Date this! (he cracks the mirror) Joshua: Oh Charlie, you're horrible!!! Charlie: Shut up! Paton: What? You broke the mirror? Charlie: They threatened me! Paton: Yeah, silly Tilpins! But Charlie, I think we have a way to save your father, who's at BLOOR'S! Charlie: Good. let's hear it! Paton: (reads poem) Lure the girl away from her friends / find the ones who are lost and at their wits' end / band together under the tree / the Red King will come and set them free! Charlie: Whoa! Paton: It's very simple. We must follow these instructions in order to beat the Shadow and save your father. Jacquel: Hey, Uni, how about this: a pink ensemble of a scarf, nail polish, and lipstick! (her tiny pet unicorn neighs in approval. just then Lysander and Tancred show up dressed as cops) Can I help you, sirs? Tancred: You're under arrest for associating with a criminal. Jacquel: What? I'm no criminal! I've never even committed a crime in my life! Lysander: But your friendship with Harry Potter is indeed questionable. We're taking you in. (they take Jacquel and her pet away) Tancred: We got her, guys. Gabriel: Good. Now it's our turn. (he and Olivia approach Robbie) Olivia: Robbie, would you like to see something unusual? Robbie: Sure! Gabriel: Charlie, we're all set! See you tomorrow! Emma: (in her bird form) Ok, now let's see, find the Queen and I'll find the tree, I mean King...(sees Mrs. Tilpin and Joshua) Crap! Joshua: Hey, look, mom! It's Hedwig! Let's capture her and hold her ransom! Miss Chrystal: Of course! Harry Potter would do anything to save his owl. But not his friend; shame on him. (Asa in his wolf form growls at him) Joshua: Aaaaaahhhhh! A wolf! (just then more wolves show up) Miss Chrystal: Let's get outta here, Josh! They are way too many for us!! (they flee) Emma: Hey, thanks a lot, Asa. Asa: Sure, no prob, Em. (to wolves) Thanks a lot! Jacob: Yeah. We'll pay for that, right? Emma: Yeah. Amy: Oh Charlie, I'm getting married! Isn't that exciting? Charlie: And I have to fight a wizard and perhaps die...(he bursts into tears) Mom, you can't get married! I'll die!! Amy: Cheer up, Charlie. I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding. Paton: Don't worry. She'll be back to her old self soon. Emma: So the King is sad because his kids ran away and never returned? Queen: That's right. bring your friends here tomorrow and we'll set things right. (the next day) Jacquel: I don't even know why I'm here; I haven't even had the chance to pay for my new clothes yet! Robbie: Same here. I came to see something weird. Mr. Onimous: Is everyone ready? Kids: Yeah! Mr. Onimous: Follow me! (they all go into the tunnel) (at the tree) Charlie: Ok, we all line up and hold hands...(everyone surrounds the tree and Charlie counts to ten) Billy: Darn! The spell isn't working! Mr. Onimous: I was so sure it said bring everyone who was lost and the girl...and you guys! Charlie: And the rules say you have to be under twenty.... Mr. Onimous: Darn! Now how do we find a replacement at this hour? (Asa shows up) Asa: Mind if I join? Charlie: Asa! All: What??? Asa: Of course. I'm through pining over Manfred. And besides, you need me. Mr. Onimous: Ok, guess we're all set! (Charlie counts to ten--nothing happens!) What are we doing wrong???? Robbie: Well, first off, neither Louise, Dave, or I are endowed, but Felix and Molly are. Guess this means we're out. Mr. Onimous: Let's do this again! (Charlie counts to ten. just then, something strange happens...) (strange things happen) Amy: What??? (looks at Hart) I'm sorry, but I don't think it'll work between us. I have a son. Hart: Noooo!!! I can change! Really!!! Maisie: Now how did I end up in the tub? It's freezing in here!!! Griselda, I hope that wasn't you playing with the thermometer!!! Ezekiel: Yay! Leaves! Let's jump in the leaf pile!!! (everyone cheers and plays in the leaf pile) Aren't you coming, Manny? Manfred: I love my dignity. Ezekiel: Oh well, your loss! Let's have fun!!! (everyone joins in the biggest leaf pile the school has ever seen) Jacquel: Hey...what the---I'm wearing PINK??? I HATE PINK!!! (all gasp) Just the color, not the singer. I guess I better go home and change. Robbie: Hey, we're back to normal! And Molly can walk and talk again! (back at home) Amy: What happened, you two? Charlie: Mom! I thought I would never see you again! Maisie: Something strange has happened. Grizelda: You bet it did! Now, let's have a family meal; we haven't had those in a while! Paton: Good news, everyone: we found Lyell! (everyone cheers) Griselda: Well, where was he? Paton: He never left Bloor's. Charlie and Amy are gonna fetch him tonight and bring him home. Griselda: This calls for a party! I'll call the girls and Maisie can whip us up something to eat! It'll be a celebration to remember! Maisie: Yes, it will...if we succeed, that is. (final confrontation) Charlie: Just wait, we'll be a complete family! Amy: That we will. (they walk into the church, where Manfred is watching Lyell play the organ) Manfred: Ok, I'm sorry I hypnotized your father and lied to you. But now he's here. Charlie: You're not doing this just to score some points with me, right? Manfred: Charlie, I love you. If I didn't love you, would I have snuck your father out of Bloor's and brought him here? Amy: He has a point there, Char. Charlie: Yeah. (Lyell stares at everyone) Hey, where's that bottle I just had 5 minutes ago? Harry: Oh my...looking for this??? (he holds up the bottle) Manfred: You....prick!!! I should have known you were behind this!!! Harry: Oh, please, Bloor! You think it's easy being an orphan? No! I had to fight for my rights while other children had their parents! In fact, I finished off that grandfather and father of yours... (15 minutes before...) Ezekiel: Hey, little boy! Play in the leaves with us! Harry: No. I've come to destroy you! Dr. Bloor: I want you to get the hell out of this place! Harry: I'm sorry, I ran out of those this morning. All I can serve you is UNTIMELY DEATH!!! (zaps Dr. Bloor and he dies) Ezekiel: Noooooo!!!! You murdered my grandson!!! You are a monster!!! Harry: Don't worry, you'll be joining him...(zaps Ezekiel and he dies) Ezekiel: I'm coming, Elizabeth!!! Manfred: HOW COULD YOU!!! Harry: Oh, come on now! I'm an orphan, you're an orphan, and so will that little boy standing right next to you. Manfred: I'M GONNA MURDER YOU!!! Harry: Well, I'm gonna mess you up if you do. Charlie: You...sick...BASTARD!!! (lunges at Harry and knocks him over. in the struggle, the bottle breaks) Lyell: Hey, what in the world--- Charlie: Prepare to get your ass kicked, Harry Dumber!!! Harry: No, you die!!! (just then the cats rescue Charlie and Jacquel zaps him, Ron and Hermione) Manfred: Well, I thought he'd never shut up! Harry Killer, that's what he should have been named. Jacquel: Yeah. And I'd like to see you first thing in the morning. (she leaves) (reunion) Lyell: Hello, what's this? (cuts his finger) Ouch! What the...(sees Amy and Charlie) Amy? Charlie? Charlie: Yeah, dad. We're here. Amy: Lyell, it's good to see you again! (they all hug) Manfred: Ahem??? (Charlie stares at him) Charlie: I love you, Manfred! (gives him a big hug) Jenny Nimmo: Well, let's say that the battle against the shadow didn't end just yet. In the next story, a young boy named Dagbert Endless had the power to drown people showed up at Bloor's and he and Tancred got into a fight that ended not-so-well. Also, Venetia got married and her stepson was not what he seemed. There was also a huge battle where Lyell disguised himself as the Red Knight and slew Count Badlock and the villains were defeated. The End.
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Only One Bed
It was a nice summer’s day in June, and Naren and Charlie were camping in the wilderness. It had been Naren’s idea—she’d always been the more adventurous out of the two of them. Charlie had objected, unable to get out of his mind the terrible stories of the wilderness he’d heard about as a child. But Naren had laughed and said, “Don’t worry, Charlie, I know it like the back of my hand! We’ll be perfectly safe! And if something does happen, I can protect you.”
Though he knew Naren was joking about protecting him, he felt surprisingly reassured by her confidence and enthusiasm. And so he agreed. A week later, they packed their things and set up a camp in the wilderness close to Bartholomew’s cottage. They spent the majority of the first day exploring, chatting, and snacking on dried fruit, granola and biscuits that they’d managed to gather up for their trip.
Then when the sun began to set, they found a good camping spot and began setting up their campsite. Charlie started setting up their tent while Naren began trying to build a campfire so that they could cook their dinner.
It didn’t take Charlie too long to set up the tent, and he then put their belongings in. While he was doing that, he made a horrible realisation and his face fell in dismay.       
“Uh, Naren?”   
“Yeah?” Naren looked up from where she was trying to ignite the campfire.
“We have a problem. Or really, I do.”
“What is it, Charlie?”
Charlie flushed slightly and scratched his head. “Uh, well… I kind of forgot to bring my sleeping bag.”
Naren fought back an urge to laugh, and unwillingly a smile creeped across her face. Charlie smiled back sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to forget it. It just slipped my mind when Ben came over with Runner Bean. We were in the kitchen and Runner Bean tried to eat an apple pie Mum accidentally left on the kitchen table. He caused so much chaos that we had to take him for a walk and I forgot about everything else.”
Naren laughed so hard she fell over onto the grass. Her laughter was so contagious that Charlie began laughing too. It was funny, after all, so he wasn’t offended at Naren’s amusement. After a few moments their amusement died down and they looked at each other.      
“What should we do now?” Charlie wondered. “There’s only one sleeping bag.”
“Well…” Naren thought for a moment. “You can sleep on the tent floor, but you might be cold. Or we could take turns using the sleeping bag. Or,” and here she smiled mischievously, “we can share my sleeping bag. We’d both be warm that way.”
Charlie’s eyes went so wide they looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets. Naren almost laughed again seeing it. “That would be cozy…” he stammered. “And tight.”
Naren smiled at him. “It wouldn’t mean anything, Charlie. Unless you want it to.”
The problem was that it would mean something to Charlie. He’d liked Naren for years—if he was honest with himself, he’d had a crush on her since she’d first come into his life when he was twelve years old as the girl in the sunshine coat.
He always thought she was pretty cool and smart, and recently he’d also begun to notice how attractive she’d become. So if they did this, everything would change. He wouldn’t be able to hide how he felt about her any longer. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for that, or how Naren would feel about it.       
But Naren looked at him with a merry smile on her face, the smile he loved most, and he found himself saying, “Let’s do it. It—it wouldn’t mean anything.” What a lie, he thought to himself.
Naren thought he looked cute with that awkward but also sweet look in his eyes. She also noticed the desire lurking in his eyes—desire for her. A warm feeling bloomed in her heart. No one had ever desired her before. And even if they did, she’d rather it was Charlie. She liked his steady presence, his eagerness, his joyful nature, and even his impulsiveness, how much he cared and his clumsy attempts to help other people. She didn’t think there was anyone else she wanted to be with, at least for now.
So, once it was time to go to bed, Charlie snuggled into Naren’s sleeping bag, along with Naren herself. They were lucky her bag was reasonably big, Naren thought with a giggle. Otherwise both of them would never be able to fit inside.
Once he was settled inside, Charlie became very conscious of how close he and Naren were to each other. He’d been right about it being cozy and tight—he and Naren were pressed together so closely that he could feel the curved shape of her against him and the feel of her body breathing in and out. It made him flush a little, but all in all, he found himself liking it a lot.
Naren found herself feeling the same way. With Charlie’s body so close to her own, she would only need to move her head slightly to rest it against his shoulder. The thought thrilled her a bit. Should she make the move? she wondered to herself. It didn’t take long for her to decide. She’d always been pretty forward and brave in these kinds of situations. So she rested her head on Charlie’s shoulder and found herself drifting to sleep shortly afterward.   
Their closeness put them both into a thoughtful silence. Eventually Naren and Charlie drifted off to sleep, but hours later Charlie woke up suddenly to find Naren’s head resting on his shoulder. Naren’s eyes were closed, and she was breathing evenly; she was clearly still asleep. But there was a peaceful smile on her face that touched Charlie.  
He didn’t want to wake her up and risk ruining the moment, so he kept quiet and just watched her sleeping.
It was that moment that convinced him. He would tell Naren Bloor how he felt about her, as soon as he could, and if she didn’t feel the same way then at least he’d know. If it changed their friendship forever, then so be it.   
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incorrectcharliebone · 2 months
Charlie: An alarm clock except the alarm is set to every time Ben: We touch Naren: I get Fidelio: This feeling
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Naren, setting down a card: Ace of Spades. Charlie, pulling out an Uno card: +4. Olivia, pulling out a Pokemon Card: Leafeon, I choose you! Ben, trembling: What game are we playing?!
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Another thing I really appreciate about Charlie Bone/Children of the Red King is that it never feels like it exists in a void
Like, yeah, most of the protagonists (and a good chunk of the villains) go to Bloor Academy and a lot of Plot happens there.. but
Benjamin doesn't attend Bloor Academy. Naren does not. Paton and Julia and Katya don't. The other Yewbeams don't. The Badlocks don't. The Onimouses don't.. And still they're all relevant, and some of them really often
There's an entire street of endowed people who become villains at some point, and there's actually okay and supportive adult characters that just live somewhere. and some of them don't even have magic, they're just plain awesome.
It feels realistic
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dagbert-endless · 3 years
Incorrect Quotes under the cut.
Dagbert: You saved me. I owe you my life.
Lysander: No, thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not very impressed.
Count Harken: So there I was, committing various war crimes-
Joshua: You were WHAT?
Titania: Committing various war crimes, didn’t you hear him the first time?
Dagbert: I can't do that. It'd go against my moral compass.
Charlie: Your moral compass is a fucking roulette wheel.
Younger!Grizelda: You know, it wouldn’t kill you to visit your mother once in a while.
Younger!Lyell: We don’t know that.
Asa: Can we talk? One Manfred stan to another?
Dagbert: I don’t see why not.
Asa: Has anyone in your life told you they love you?
Manfred: Does family count?
Asa: Yes.
Manfred: Then no.
Manfred: There’s a dead boy in the sculpture room.
Dagbert: Oh, hey, how did he get here?
Manfred: What did you do?
Dagbert: Me? I didn’t do this!
Manfred: Tell me, then, what exactly you were doing before you left the sculpture room.
Dagbert: All right, well, I was standing in there, waiting, and Torsson walked in to trade, so I went up to him…
Manfred: Go on.
Dagbert: ...then I flooded the room and left him underwater.
Manfred: Dagbert, that kills people.
Dr. Bloor: I was able to raise a fully functional child!
Charlie: You have a kid that we don’t know about?
Lysander: Was macing us really necessary AFTER you realized who we were?
Emma: After what HE did to Tancred?!
Dagbert: I returned the corpse, okay!
Asa: I love you guys. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Charlie: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Asa: Yeah.
Billy: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Quiz: What kind of beverage are you?
Joshua: A milkshake.
Inez and Idith Branko: We’re seething cauldrons of rage.
Dorcas: I’m a sweet smoothie.
Dagbert: Water, I guess. Whatever.
Joshua: What would you do if I was kidnapped?
Titania: Wait thirty minutes until they let you go voluntarily.
Dagbert: Guys, what color would you say Joshua’s eyes are?
Idith and Inez: Silver?
Asa: Yeah, silver.
Dorcas: A silver, yeah.
Dagbert, to Joshua: Now, tell them what color you said.
Joshua: ...Pale gray.
Asa: I just want some recognition!
Ezekiel: Yeah, well, I want an alpaca but we can't all get what we want.
Asa: Aren’t you rich? Why don’t you just buy one?
Dr. Bloor: You bought a WHAT?!
Ezekiel: His name is Reginald Roosevelt Romeo Ramsey.
Dagbert: If I'm really as evil as you say I am, then have the gods strike me down where I stand!
[Lightning strikes Dagbert]
Dagbert: Ha! Nice try, jackass! Next time, give it your A-game!
Amy: What do you think, Grandma Bone?
Grizelda: I wasn't listening, but I strongly disagree with Maisie.
Dagbert: I’m feeling too sad right now. Nothing you say can make me feel better.
Fidelio, whipping out a guitar: I can mock your sad ass with a song.
Naren: We need to talk about your sleep schedule.
Asa: I have it penciled in for next Friday at 4, why? Is something going on that day? Should I cancel?
Naren: No, don’t-
Asa: Too late. I already cancelled it.
Asa: I didn’t really want to go anyway.
Tancred: Listen here, you son of a bitch-!
Dagbert: Don’t you dare talk shit about my mother!
Tancred: I meant your father.
Dagbert: Fair enough, carry on then.
Manfred: Of course I know all of the endowed. There's myself, Asa, Zelda, Charlie, Billy...
Manfred, looking at smudged handwriting on hand: Em & Em, Tmanfred, Lysanderoth, Ienzo, Ith, Dag Dag...
Manfred, squinting: Gerbil, Binder, Jesus, Bath, Orange, and Doorknob.
Dorcas: When I was younger, I used to plan my future wedding~
Dagbert: Really? I used to plan my future funeral!
Emma, to Olivia: I love laying my head on your chest when you sleep so I can hear your heart beating.
Lysander, to Tancred: I recorded you snoring so you can hear how fucking loud you are and why I can't fucking sleep.
Dagbert: Can you imagine not being human and just living out your days as a weeping willow, though? Beautiful? By the water? Unburdened? Ideal.
Joshua: I wanna be the one from Harry Potter that beats the shit out of everything and everyone.
Fidelio: Can I play some music?
Uber Driver: Sure.
Fidelio, pulling out a saxophone: Do you like Veggie Tales?
Dagbert, very seriously: You can’t tell a soul.
Charlie, equally seriously: No one I know will care.
Billy: You played me like a fiddle!
Ezekiel: Oh, no, Billy. Fiddles are actually difficult to play. I played you like the cheap kazoo that you are.
Dagbert: You remind me of the ocean.
Manfred: Why? Because I’m deep and mysterious?
Dagbert: No, because you’re salty and you scare people.
Manfred: Your first impression of me may be that I’m a terrible person. But, in time, Charlie, I hope you’ll come to realize... you haven’t the faintest idea.
Ezekiel: Hey, daddy issues! Where-
Dagbert: Stop calling me that. I don’t have daddy issues, I have biological father issues.
Ezekiel: What? You’ve got a foster father or something?
Dagbert: I’m still looking for one.
Dagbert: Are you availabl-
Ezekiel: No.
Emma: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.
Dagbert: Sea water being toxic was made up by people afraid of flavor. “It has too much salt in it :(“ ok English boy I’m about to get it.
Inez: Seawater pulls water out of your body when you drink it, so actually you are the drink.
Dagbert: It is like an arm wrestle! Loser gets drank!
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Charlie Bone Timeline: Book 6
*Note: This book takes place in February 2004.*
Sunday 8th February: Charlie and Paton look at Diamond Corner; Asa’s parents are sighted. Dagbert and Lord Grimwald enter the city. Grandma Bone returns to 9 Filbert Street after a falling out with her sisters.    
Monday 9th February: Dagbert starts his first day at Bloor's Academy; Charlie is assigned to look after him. Dagbert creates conflict between Charlie and his friends.
Thursday 12th February: Dagbert tells a bedtime story after lights-out, causing Charlie to get detention when he is caught.
Friday 13th February: Charlie and Billy have detention. Billy tells Charlie about Dagbert and the howling.
Saturday 14th February: Gabriel sees his father give the Red Knight the Red King’s cloak. Venetia marries Arthur Shellhorn.
Sunday 15th February: Gabriel asks to put on the cloak, but his father tells him that it’s disappeared. Venetia forces Emma and Miss Ingledew to babysit her stepchildren Miranda and Eric Shellhorn. Charlie, Billy and Benjamin visit Mrs Kettle’s shop and later help Miranda and Eric retrieve their dog Chattypatra from Darkly Wynd. Mrs Kettle gives Charlie Feromel’s kettle. In the evening, Charlie sees the two not-quite-humans outside 9 Filbert Street (through the window); Paton confronts them and is bitten.  
Monday 16th February: The town holds a meeting to discuss the Wilderness Wolf and decides to hunt it down. Benjamin figures out that Asa is the Wilderness Wolf and comes up with an idea to find him.  
Tuesday 17th February: The Red Knight visits Mrs Kettle to ask her to make a special, unbeatable sword for him. The hunt for the Wilderness Wolf begins.
Wednesday 18th February: Bart’s family leaves the wilderness because of the hunters (early morning, close to 1am). Naren sends Charlie a goodbye message. Dagbert turns twelve at exactly 1am and confides in Charlie about his endowment. Benjamin contacts Cook to tell Charlie to get some of Asa’s clothes so that Runner Bean can track him. Charlie, Fidelio and Olivia search for some of Asa’s clothes in the drama room.
Friday 20th February: Billy decides to stay in Bloor’s Academy for the weekend. Paton leaves to visit his father at Ocean View.
Saturday 21st February: Early in the morning, Charlie, Olivia, Benjamin and Runner Bean go into the wilderness to search for Asa Pike; they end up rescuing his mother instead. The Red Knight is at the wilderness end of the bridge when the kids and Mrs Pike are trying to cross. He rescues Runner Bean when the dog falls into the river. Once safe in the Pets’ Café, Mrs Pike tells the kids about Merromals and that the Bloors are searching for a pearl-inlaid box. Later on, Charlie, Olivia and Benjamin meet Lauren, Lysander’s new girlfriend, and her parrot Cassandra. At night, Emma Tolly uses her endowment to explore Piminy Street and sees Mrs Kettle forging a sword and Eric animating a stone creature. 
Billy Raven is trapped by the Shrivelling Shroud and temporarily loses his ability to understand animals.  
Sunday 22nd February: Emma and Olivia go to Mrs Kettle’s shop to ask her about the sword she is creating. Charlie is already there Mrs Kettle tells Emma, Olivia and Charlie about the sword she is making for the Red Knight. After leaving the shop, Charlie runs into Benjamin who has lost Runner Bean. The two boys go to Darkly Wynd after realising that Runner Bean has gone to see Chattypatra. At Darkly Wynd, the boys encounter Miranda and save her from the animated stone troll. Charlie agrees to take Chattypatra away from Darkly Wynd to protect her.
In the afternoon, at the meeting in the Pets’ Café, Gabriel tells Charlie and the others about the missing cloak, prompting Charlie to think that the Red Knight might be an impostor. After leaving the Pets’ Café, Charlie goes to the kettle shop to warn Mrs Kettle about the Red Knight. However, on the way there he is lured into a trap by the Branko twins and Joshua Tilpin, who want him to stop trying to find and rescue Asa Pike. Charlie is saved by Tancred, who blows the twins and Joshua into a field outside of the city. Tancred then accompanies Charlie to the kettle shop. Mrs Kettle tells Charlie and Tancred about the magical hilt she wants to add to the sword. Charlie travels into the kettle and sees where Feromel hid the magical hilt. Charlie, Mrs Kettle and Tancred find the hilt and attach it to the unbeatable sword.
The Red Knight goes back to Mrs Kettle for the completed sword.
Monday 23rd February: Asa Pike is rescued, with Bartholomew’s help. The Red Knight fights the stone knight that Eric conjures up.
Tuesday 24th February: Charlie receives a postcard from his parents with a message written in his father’s hand.
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nerdgatehobbit · 4 years
Pokémon AU for COTRK
I’m probably missing a few people but this is a good overview. And it was a lot of fun to do!
Claerwen is absolutely a Shiny Dustox (a white one). But she is Charlie Bone’s 2nd Pokémon. The first one is probably a Chikorita, as Charlie does try to be a calm protector.
Emma Tolly has a Swablu, a Tailow, and a Farfetch’d. Her aunt Julia has a Sylveon and a Grotle.
Olivia Vertigo has a Buneary & a Zorua.
Rembrandt has to be a Rattata. Once Billy is 10, he’ll be his.
Runner Bean is a Growlithe. He & Benjamin are super close.
The Gunn family has a deaf Persian. Fidelio has a Jigglypuff and an Illumise.
Gabriel Silk has a Ralts, a Togepi, and a Riolu. These choices are half because they suit his personality & powers, and half because I’m giving him some of my favorite Pokémon.
Tancred Torsson has a Castform, and I want to give him a baby Lugia. Especially if this AU means that the humans don’t have powers. In that case, his father has a grown Lugia, a Flygon, and a Gyarados.
Lysander Sage has a Chatot (so does Lauren) and he also has a Cubone, a Stufful, and an Ivysaur.
Asa Pike has a Mightyena & a Houndour.
Manfred Bloor has a Hypno, a Beheeyem, a Grumpig, & (later on) a Quilava.
Joshua Tilpin has an Abra and a Magnemite. I’m less sure which Pokémon the Branko twins & Dorcas would have.
Titania Tilpin has a Zoroark, a Mismagius, and a Gothorita.
Alice Angel has a Tsareena, a Ninetales, an Espeon, and a Gardevoir.
Blessed is an elderly Granbull. I did consider a Stoutland but Blessed isn’t meant to be fluffy. Ezekiel Bloor likely also has a Mismagius. Harold Bloor might have a Pokémon but more likely he leaves that to his relatives.
Bartholomew Bloor has a Jangmo-o, a Pidgeot, and an Absol. His adoptive daughter Naren has a Murkrow & a Sunflora.
Solomon is definitely a Dragonair. I’m still waffling on the Flames. Either they’re 3 Littens that can briefly insta-evolve into Incinearoars, or they’re a Vaporean, a Jolteon, & a Flareon that can shift into Suicune, Raikou, & Entei. The first option keeps the fiery theme but the second stresses their Legendary status. There are also rumors/legends of the Red King also having a Camerupt.
Queen Berenice is likely reincarnated into a Rapidash.
Lyell has a Flyon, a Wigglytuff, & a Salamance, all of which vanished when he did. They return to aid him against the Bloors.
Due to his seaside upbringing, Dagbert Endless already has 5 Pokémon. He has a Feebas, a Magikarp, a Froakie, a Mudkip, and a Tirtouga. It’d be during the near-drowning that Magikarp would evolve, and after Dagbert opts to join Charlie’s side that Feebas would.
Lord Grimwald has a Walrein, a Feraligatr, a Beartic, a Gyarados, a Sharpedo, and a Starmie.
Cook keeps her Shiny Clamperl secret, but she’s open about having a Kangaskhan and a Grovyle. Her sister also has a Shiny Clamperl along with an Empoleon and a Vaporeon.
Katya Kettle would have an Aggron and a Charizard. Later she adopts Solomon, of course.
Paton Yewbeam has a Luxray, a Decidueye, an Amaura, a Wartortle, and a Raichu.
I’m not sure what Pokémon Paton’s 4 sisters have. Venetia likely has a Liepard (Eric Shellhorn has a Geodude). Eustacia has an Exeggcute. Grizelda & Lucretia probably don’t bother with having Pokémon.
Amy Bone has a Leafeon. Maisie has a Delcatty.
Count Harken has a Lunatone, a Haunter, an Arbok, an Aerodactyl, and an Alakazam.
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Charlie Bone Timeline: Pre-Series
Timeline of events before the series. Contains spoilers for all Charlie Bone books, including Henry and the Guardians of the Lost.
Circa 1804
·        Marigold disappears through the Time Twister while playing hide-and-seek with her brother.
·        Maybelle Bloor is born to Cecilia and Septimus Bloor.
 1835 or 1838
·        Beatrice Bloor born to Cecilia and Septimus Bloor.
·        Bertram Babbington Bloor is born to Cecilia and Septimus Bloor.
·        Donatella da Vinci is born.
·        Yorath Yewbeam is born.
·        Maybelle Bloor marries Lucius Raven.
·        Daniel Raven is born to Maybelle and Lucius Raven.
·        Vera Kuragina is born.
·        Roland Raven is born to Maybelle and Lucius Raven.
·        Evangeline Raven is born to Maybelle and Lucius Raven.
·        Septimus Bloor forges a will leaving everything he owns to his daughter Maybelle and her heirs. He dies soon after.
·        Bertram Bloor marries Donatella Da Vinci.
·        Gideon Bloor born to Bertram and Donatella Bloor.
·        Gudrun Solensson born.
·        Manley Yewbeam born to Yorath and Vera Yewbeam.
·        Grace Bloor is born to Bertram and Donatella Bloor.
·        Lydia Raven is born to Daniel and Jane Raven.
·        Hugh Raven is born to Daniel and Jane Raven.
·        Ita Raven marries Simon Bone.
·        Yolanda Yewbeam is born in Yewbeam Castle to Yorath and Vera Yewbeam.
·        Everard Raven is born to Roland and Ann Raven.
·        Ezekiel Bloor born to Gideon and Gudrun Bloor.
·        Hilda Hansoff born.
·        Henry Yewbeam born to Grace and Manley Yewbeam.
·        Daphne Yewbeam born to Grace and Manley Yewbeam.
·        James Yewbeam born to Grace and Manley Yewbeam.
·        Solange Sourzac born.
·        Daphne Yewbeam dies of diphtheria in the winter of that year (January)
·        Henry Yewbeam disappears while staying at Bloor’s Academy with his brother James. (January 12)
·        Manley Yewbeam is killed in battle during the Great War.  
·        Yolanda inherits her father’s castle at age 21.
·        Hugh Raven marries Sally Milne. Evangeline Raven gives the pearl-inlaid box to Sally on her wedding day.
·        Susan Raven born to Hugh and Sally Raven.
·        Bartholomew Bloor is born to Ezekiel and Hilda Bloor.
·        Mary Chance is born.
·        Brutus Raven born to Hugh and Sally Raven.
·        Thomas Raven is born to Everard and Harriet Raven.
·        Timothy Raven is born to Everard and Harriet Raven.
·        Maisie Jones is born.
·        Grizelda Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Monty Bone is born to Clara and Eamon Bone.
 1940 or 1941
·        Ankaret's family is killed during a bombing raid; Ankaret accidentally travels forward in time after looking into the Time Twister.
·        Lucretia Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Eustacia Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Treasure is born.
·        Pearl is born.
·        Venetia Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Harold Bloor is born to Bartholomew and Mary Bloor.
·        February: Paton Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Dorothy de Vere is born.
·        Grizelda Yewbeam marries Montague Bone.
·        Lyell Bone is born to Grizelda and Monty Bone.
·        Titania/Miss Chrystal is born.
 1962 or 1963
·  A week before his death, Monty returns to his hometown of Neverfinding. Monty makes a will leaving all that he owns to his son Lyell. He also writes a letter to be read by Lyell when he turns eighteen.
·  Monty Bone dies in a plane crash (possibly contrived by the Yewbeams and Bloors).
·  Bartholomew Bloor disappears while mountain climbing in the Himalayas with friends; Mary dances herself to death. Bartholomew turns against his family and becomes an explorer.
·  During a stay at Yolanda’s castle, Solange falls and breaks her neck, Yolanda turns James’ four daughters against him, and James and Paton escape in fear for their lives.
·  Hector Bittermouse causes some trouble with the Bloors (?)
·  Lord Grimwald drowns Pearl and Treasure's sweethearts and family in revenge because they refused to marry him.
·        Grace Bloor dies at age eighty.
·        Amy Jones is born to Maisie and Mr Jones.
·        Julia Ingledew is born.
·        Rufus Raven is born to Brutus and Maud Raven.
·        Ellen Raven is born.
·        Manfred Bloor is born to Harold and Dorothy Bloor.
·        Asa Pike is born in the land of the Merromals.
·        Zelda Dobinski is born.
·        Beth Strong is born.
·        Mr and Mrs Pike travel with Asa to the Red King’s city to live.
·  Lyell Bone elopes with Amy Jones to Mexico; they marry there.
·  Tancred Torsson is born.
·  Lysander Sage is born to Judge and Jessamine Sage.
·  Charlie Bone is born to Amy and Lyell Bone in the first week of January.
·  Emma Tolly is born to Nancy and Mostyn Tolly (During fall or winter).
·  Gabriel Silk is born to Cyrus and Mrs Silk.
·  Naren Bloor is born to Chinese parents.
·  Olivia Vertigo is born sometime in September.
·  Fidelio Gunn is born to Chloe and Mr Gunn.
·  Dagbert Endless is born to Lord Grimwald and a mermaid.
·  Benjamin Brown is born to Mr and Mrs Brown in late October.
·  Dorcas Loom is born.
·  Charlie turns one in the first week of January.
·  Bartholomew returns to the city to visit his family, who refuse to acknowledge him. Lyell and Bartholomew become friends, and they go mountain climbing together.
·  Idith and Inez Branko are born to Bogdan and Natalia Branko.
·  Joshua Tilpin is born to Matthew and Titania Tilpin.
 Sometime between 1990 and 1994
·        Rufus entrusts Lyell with the box containing Maybelle’s will.
·        Rufus and Ellen marry.
·  Charlie turns two in the first week of January.
·  Nancy Tolly dies from illness just before Emma’s second birthday; a few days later Mostyn decides to give Emma away. (during fall or winter).
·  Lyell disappears while trying to stop Emma Tolly’s abduction. (during fall or winter).
·        Billy Raven is born to Rufus and Ellen Raven on May 4.
·  Rufus and Ellen die in a contrived car accident; Billy is sent to live with an apathetic aunt.
·  Christopher Crowquill is framed as a robber and sent to prison for seven years.
·  Naren’s parents die in a flood; Naren is adopted by Bartholomew and Meng Bloor.
·  Miranda Shellhorn is born to Arthur Shellhorn.
·  Charlie starts school.
·  Charlie and Benjamin become friends.
·        Dorothy Bloor tries to leave Bloor's Academy forever; her violin hand is crushed by Manfred in the attempt and cursed by Ezekiel to never work again. Losing all hope, Dorothy becomes 'the Dark Lady'.
·        Lucy comes out of the Time Twister into the Littles' House.
·  Eric Shellhorn is born to Arthur Shellhorn.
·  Una Onimous is born.
·  Dr Tolly asks for Emma to be returned to him; he is refused.
·  May 4: Billy’s endowment is revealed, and he is sent to live in Bloor’s Academy.
·  Tancred Torsson starts school at Bloor's Academy.
·  Ollie Sparks disappears in the old part of the Academy for three days. Cook throws a feast for him, and soon after he leaves the school. However, he disappears while going to get orange juice at the train station (or so Matron Yewbeam says).
·        Charlie turns ten in the first week of January.
·        Emma turns ten between January and October.  
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