#Lysander Sage
mossnrocksnbogwater · 2 months
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lysander and tancred doodles from while i'm waiting for it to bne time to take my meds again
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I've been going through the Charlie Bone series like "ah yes, Tancrid and Lysander are much older than Charlie; they must be at least fourteen in the first book" only to find out in book four that they're only in third year when Charlie starts his second year? They're like, 11 or 12!?! Who is letting these preteen kids think they're supposed to be the responsible ones???
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Lysander Sage from the Children of the Red King series. He is thirteen. He normally has spirit-summoning powers, but even without them, he would be a formidable contestant. He has the ability to remain levelheaded in even the most dangerous and bizarre situations, he's intelligent, he always seems to be in the right place at the right time, and he's artistically talented to the point that his art is photorealistic, so he could disguise himself very effectively.
Tribute Name: Lysander Sage
Age: 13 (taking anon's word here)
Restrictions: No spirit-summoning abilities
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If you would like to see a character aged 12-18 enter the Hunger Games, please submit them through my asks. 19+ aged character submissions are currently closed.
Please also look at my pinned post for submission rules as well as a list of previously submitted characters prior to submitting your character.
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Truth or Dare
Everyone knew that Gabriel and Fidelio were crazy about each other but those two idiots still hadn’t made a move yet. Why, Olivia couldn’t understand. So she’d devised a plan—get them to admit their feelings for one another via a game of Truth or Dare.
Olivia loved Truth or Dare. There was something rather thrilling about being made to confess your deepest truths or do embarrassing things. It was even more thrilling to make other people do those things. 
But anyway. Olivia was hosting a party at her house, and all her friends were invited, Gabriel and Fidelio included. This was where she would strike. Emma wasn’t sure about her plan, for what if something didn’t go as planned, or what if they got mad at her? You don’t have to worry, Olivia reassured her. Everything will do exactly as planned. And besides, everyone knows that Gabe and Fido like each other. They just need some encouragement to finally get together.       
The party started; all her guests arrived. They spent the first hour or so in the dining room catching up, listening to music and munching on the delicious snacks her mother had obligingly prepared for them. Then Olivia led them all to the living room, where they sat in a circle facing each other.  
“For our first game, we’re going to play Truth or Dare,” Olivia announced gleefully, and ignored the groans from several of her friends who hated the game.
“I’ll start. Charlie, I dare you to use your endowment for fun. Pick a random photo and tell us what it’s saying.”
Charlie groaned. “Really, Liv? We’re not supposed to use our gifts for frivolous reasons.”
Olivia shrugged. Charlie had grown so serious over the past few years. Sure, they shouldn’t misuse their endowments, but there was a difference between using them to have a bit of fun and abusing them. What was the harm if they did it for a bit of fun as long as no one got hurt?
“No one else is here except us,” Olivia pointed out. “Besides, you’ve got to do it. It’s part of the game.”
Charlie sighed. “Fine. Give me that magazine over there.”
Olivia handed him her mother’s Celebrity Weekly magazine that was sitting on the coffee table next to her. Charlie flicked to a random page that had a photo of two female celebrities sitting on the edge of a pool dressed in bikinis, smiling brightly at an unknown camera man. He stared at the image for a few moments, until Olivia grew impatient with curiosity and blurted out, “Well, what are they saying?”
To her surprise, Charlie blushed a little. “Well… the two women—they’re models-- are gossiping a bit. One of them is talking about how someone called Tiffany is having an affair with her manager who’s married. The other woman is laughing and the camera man is coughing and asking them to focus so they can finish the shoot. He doesn’t sound very happy. One of the women says, Come join us, we’ll give you some fun. Then—and I don’t know why—the scene starts shaking and going all blurry. I think the cameraman says, This is the last time I do a job for a pair of rich bitches. And that’s all.”
“Wicked!” Olivia exclaimed.
“Yeah,” Tancred agreed, his hair crackling with excitement. “Awesome!”
“I think it’s horrible,” Emma said. “Those two models treated the poor cameraman terribly!”  
“I think it’s a frivolous waste,” Lysander said severely. “You shouldn’t have asked Charlie to do it, Olivia.”
Olivia stuck her tongue out at him. “You’re being way too serious, Lysander Sage. It’s just a bit of harmless fun.”
Lysander frowned at her. “Still, we shouldn’t use our gifts like this.”
Olivia shrugged. “Anyway, Charlie’s done the dare, so now it’s his turn.”
The following half an hour was great fun. Olivia laughed and gasped along with the rest of her friends as each of them either told a truth or did a dare. Emma picked Truth and admitted that there was one time where she got stuck as a bird and spent a day and a night like that until she remembered how to turn herself back. Tancred was dared to balance an apple on his head while reciting a silly poem, which he failed at spectacularly because he kept laughing and blowing the apple off. Naren also chose Dare and managed to scare the group using her gift to conjure shadowy monsters on the walls of the living room that were shining with the moon’s light.  
And finally, it was Olivia’s turn again. She smiled brightly and said, “Gabriel, I dare you to ask Fidelio for a kiss. On the lips.”
Gabriel started in surprise and went an interesting shade of pink. He looked at Fidelio, who looked back at him with a friendly grin on his face. He hesitated. 
“Come on, Gabe!” Tancred laughed. “We all know you. Stop being so scared! Nothing bad is going to happen if you try it just this once.”
“I… all right.” A determined look crossed Gabriel Silk’s face. He squared his shoulders, stood up and walked to where Fidelio was now standing waiting for him. “Fidelio… ah… would you mind if I kiss you? Just this once?”
Fidelio smiled at him. “I wouldn’t mind in the slightest.”
Shyly, Gabriel Silk leaned forward. Fidelio did too. Olivia watched with wonder as their lips met and their world narrowed to only each other, as if nothing else mattered.  
After a few moments the two boys broke apart, grinning wildly at each other. Olivia and the rest of her friends cheered. They had all known about the boys’ feelings for one another, and to see them finally make the move was a joy to see.  
An hour later, when the group had left the living room and scattered to do their own thing for a while, Olivia came across Gabriel and Fidelio sitting close together on the sofa, murmuring quietly to each other. Yes, she thought jubilantly, they were definitely sitting closer than any friends would.   
Olivia smiled to herself. Her work was done. 
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poparthuriana · 7 months
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icarus-fli3s-high · 1 year
my stars i've just found a community of people revolving around a book series i've read since i was a kid. Charlie Bone books seemed to never quite catch on, but it was my Harry Potter growing up and to know i'm not the only one only makes me happier.
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
The Bloors’ biggest mistake was not taking Lysander “deus ex machina” Sage off of the chessboard, but at the same time, I get it, because…what could they have done. Literally what could they have done. If they had tried to do to him what they did to Billy and have him sucked through that painting, Harken would be run through with a ghost spear before he could say a vaguely ominous hello
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cotrk-poll-fun · 12 days
Best Paton Yewbeam Quote Bracket
Round 0.5b - Poll 21
Spoilers for Charlie Bone and the Red Knight below the cut!
Quote 130, Charlie Bone and the Shadow of Badlock, chapter 19
Paton: Is young Billy hurt? He’s making a devil of noise.
Charlie: It isn’t Billy,
Paton: No? Who then?
Lysander: Mr Yewbeam, you have a very large man in the back of your van.
Paton: WHAT?
Quote 152, Charlie Bone and the Red Knight, chapter 11
The question I have often asked myself is, why, Grizelda, why? Now I believe I know.
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dagbert-endless · 27 days
I still think Lysander would look good with freckles
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incorrectcharliebone · 2 months
Manfred: Are you- Asa: Fucking. Manfred: -kidding me? Lysander: What was that? Asa: Dr. Bloor banned Manfred from swearing, so I volunteered to help him out. Tancred: I think you just like saying 'fuck'. Asa: That doesn't make my job any less important.
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sunshinies · 1 year
✧⚕ Baizhu inspired names/pronouns/titles ! ⚕✧
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art by x ! rq by anon !
🐍 names:
acanthus , adrian , alder , aldwin , aloe , ambrose , basil , caduceus , cain , chiron , cypress , enoch , eryx , euanthe , evander , everett , hawthorne , herb , hyacinth , lucian , lysander , oleander , quentin , sage , seraphius , serpens , serpentius , silas , thistle , vipin
🌿 pronouns:
heal/heals/healself , medi/medis/mediself , med/meds/medself , pill/pills/pillself , snake/snakes/snakeself , vipe/vipes/vipeself , vivi/vivis/viviself , sprout/sprouts/sproutself , bloom/blooms/bloomself , serp/serps/serpentself , hiss/hiss/hisself , vine/vines/vineself , venom/venoms/venomself , doctor/doctors/doctorself , dr/drs/drself
💉 titles:
he who lives beyond mortality , his perceptive discernment , he of serpentine secrets , he of the immortal coil , his verdant vision , the carrier of everlasting legacy , he who holds adeptal art , he of the healing touch
prns and gendered terms may be replaced.
additional tags: @eternoelle @hauntingidol @delusielle @puriette @the-astropaws @cocajimmycola
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mahvaladara · 2 months
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Syra took in all his words. Well, maybe her brother could help Lys speak with the Sages. He knew them and so did Fannar. Maybe they could help so that the other, friedlier werewolves weren't permanently stuck inside Moonwood Mill.
Syra: So, what now?
Lys: I'll need to head to Glimmerbrook. Though I can't enter the Realm of Magic, I could speak with the spellcasters there and get an audience with Simeon Silverweather.
Syra: Maybe I can talk with my brother! Arlo knows the Sages! He can help!
Lys: Arlo? He's still alive?
Syra stopped and looked away, before hiding her worry and sadness behind a smile.
Syra: He is! And I am sure he can help!
And then she played with her fingers, giving Lysander a hopefuly glance.
Syra: Till then, you're free to stay here!
Lys: Thank you, Syra. But I wouldn't feel well taking your bed for another night.
Syra: It's okay! I have a tent! She said excitedly.
Lys chuckled.
Lys: Alright! But you have to let me help out around your ranch!
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lenzimanotmoved2 · 2 months
since i gained some more followers with b.g3 characters I tried to compile all the info about my own characters who are either b.g3 based or have a verse for it from old blogs. hope that helps <3
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Alinor Leaffoot
my first original b.g3 character ( & first playthrough) who always has a special place in my heart
half wood elf ranger
character sheet
rundown of decisions I made in the playthrough
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Niame Argumen
my tiefling & trickster cleric
the masterpost for them
also their muse page
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Will Reckless
my beloved guy from another world who now passes as a druid <3
stats masterpost
more background info
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Lysander Durante
former noble, human bard
grew up in the upper city of B.aldur's Gate, but is now on the run from his family's soldiers with his best friend Achilla & his lover Ridvan
useless in battle, but here to cheer his more badass companions on with his lute
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Achilla Fiore
wood elf & ranger (perhaps ranger/druid multiclass)
background: sage
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Ridvan Biancardi
tiefling (though human father) & rogue
background: urchin
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Do you ship...
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acidheaddd · 6 months
༺♰༻ 𝐦 𝐚 𝐬 𝐭 𝐞 𝐫 𝐩 𝐨 𝐬 𝐭 ༺♰༻
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𝐢 𝐧 𝐝 𝐢 𝐯 𝐢 𝐝 𝐮 𝐚 𝐥 𝐭 𝐚 𝐠 𝐬
🇬‌🇪‌🇳‌. 🇴‌🇳‌🇪‌ binx • tomax 🇬‌🇪‌🇳‌. 🇹‌🇼‌🇴‌ poppy • alistair • amethyst • lucas • fionn • alexander 🇬‌🇪‌🇳‌. 🇹‌🇭‌🇷‌🇪‌🇪‌ dorian • isaac • lennox • atlas • sage • nell • lysander • dove • felix • zephyr
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
utter surprise and shock that I was reintroduced to lysander sage and tancred torsson and immediately went "so, mary and shannon"
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