#zhong chenle fanfic
moonlezn · 9 months
Jo Malone & Pinot Noir
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chenle x leitora gênero: fluff; friends to lovers. Chenle reconhece que ser amigo de infância teria suas vantagens: te conhece bem, sabe como te agradar e te faria feliz como ninguém; no entanto, até hoje a confissão está presa na garganta.  parte 2 parte 3 wc: 1.2k a/n: essa aqui nasceu de um devaneio caótico com a @ncdreaming​. eu sou lelé pelo chenle. ele não queria parecer emocionado, mas falhou, viu? espero que gostem. :)
você: po aí 
você: nem p apresentar né
você: os de vdd eu sei quem são
Chenle revirou os olhos ao ler tuas respostas ao seu mais novo story, que contava com a menção ao instagram de mark, seu colega da faculdade. Foram almoçar juntos antes de iniciar um projeto cuja data de entrega se aproximava, e resolveu postar pra registrar o momento descontraído do outro. 
Sentiu seu interior borbulhar de ciúmes e respondeu com um emoji de sobrancelha levantada, sem coragem de falar a verdade. Quando o assunto era você, o chinês de confiança quase inabalável perdia a postura. Ele reconhecia que ser amigo de infância teria suas vantagens: te conhecia bem, sabia como te agradar e te faria feliz como ninguém; no entanto, até hoje a confissão estava presa na garganta. 
Nos últimos meses, esse lance tinha tomado proporções intoleráveis, e o menino começou até a evitar sair com você para festas, pois odiava ver o tanto de babaca que te dava mole. Era agoniante perceber seus risinhos forçados, acompanhados dos carinhos sedutores nos ombros de um qualquer… detestava ficar passando vontade.
Abrindo o arquivo, viu você acompanhada de Jaemin e Hyuck, no supermercado. O último escondeu o rosto com um hangloose e deu uma risadinha, enquanto o primeiro só tirou os olhos do celular pra fazer um biquinho e exibir uma piscadela. 
você: chama ele p hj
você: o jaemin disse q n liga
você: [vídeo]
Chenle xingou os amigos mentalmente. amigos da onça, isso sim. Os dois estavam bem cientes de como ele te enxergava, ainda assim deixariam um pseudo interesse amoroso, parceiro dele, ir na resenha e possivelmente pegar a mulher que queria para si?
Inspirou fundo, contou até dez, e a irritação momentânea passou. Recobrando a sobriedade, decidiu-se: essa enrolação acabaria hoje mesmo, no bendito jantar – para qual não convidara mark, obviamente. 
Despedindo-se do colega após finalizar a tarefa, entrou na X6 e suspirou pesado, jogando a mochila no banco do carona. Precisava bolar um plano de ataque. Caso chegasse na casa de Jaemin despreparado, a coragem repentina poderia evaporar.
Dirigiu calmamente pela cidade, necessitava colocar a cabeça no lugar e pensar em como chegaria em você. Tinha receio de parecer emocionado, mas, principalmente, não queria assustá-la. Com todo o estresse atrelado à tentativa de esconder os sentimentos, ele nunca se permitiu reparar o tanto que te queria. Como seria bom se vocês ficassem, puta merda. Agora vislumbrava com clareza o quanto era doido pra te ter assim; pretendia, todavia, fazer tudo com calma e deixar que você se ajustasse a ideia de vocês dois juntos. 
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Chenle não mediu esforços para se apresentar bem. Teriam apenas uma noite de pizza e vinhos, então seria desnecessário, e suspeito, usar peças mais refinadas; sabia, porém, como suas roupas casuais mexiam contigo. Vestiu-se de forma simples, all black, dando o toque final com teu moletom favorito dele, além do Jo Malone que também gostava – sempre elogiava seu cheiro. Dando-se por satisfeito, partiu em direção a tua casa, que não era longe dali. Haviam combinado a carona uns dias antes, você não precisou insistir pra que ele aceitasse.
“Tá cheiroso, Lele.” Disse ao entrar no carro, inclinando-se para depositar um beijinho carinhoso na bochecha do rapaz, que torceu o rosto bem a tempo do canto da boca roubar o contato. 
“Valeu, gatinha.” Sorriu trêfego, mesmo esforçando-se para fingir que nada tinha acontecido. O rubor na tua face acabou camuflado na meia-luz da bmw, e ele deu partida, retomando o caminho até o destino. 
Rapidamente chegaram, e o jovem se preparou para estacionar o carro largo numa vaga complicada, mas bem em frente à casa de Jaemin. Tirando o cinto de segurança, apoiou o braço direito no banco do carona e virou o pescoço pra trás. Sua mão esquerda se mantivera no volante, conduzindo facilmente. Teus olhos acompanhavam cada movimento, observando o cabelo desalinhado, a mandíbula definida e o pescoço exposto... tão lindo.
“Teu carro não tem câmera traseira?” Indagou rindo fraco, não imaginava que o chinês fazia de propósito. Ele bem sabia que julgava o ato atraente. 
“Que mané câmera, bebê.” Deixou o apelido escapar. “O pai sabe o que tá fazendo.” Completou, parando o automóvel com sucesso. “Tá maluco, sei muito!” 
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Mirando-se no espelho do banheiro, percebeu os lábios arroxeados pela bebida que lhe deixara leve. Tô meio alegrinha, concluiu para si mesma. Saindo do cômodo, notou o corredor escuro e logo franziu o cenho. Jurava que a luz estava acesa antes de entrar ali. 
“Procurando alguma coisa?” Surpreendeu-se com a voz mansa do melhor amigo, que enlaçou as mãos na tua cintura, sem permitir que o visse de frente. 
“Não, eu tava…” Ele pousou o queixo sobre um dos teus ombros, o bendito perfume atingiu teus sentidos e te impediu de racionar. “sei lá, nem lembro.”
“Vamo’ ali rapidinho?” Sinalizou com a cabeça, mas pegou teu dedo mindinho com o próprio, te conduzindo para entrar na varanda iluminada somente pelo luar. 
Chenle entrou primeiro e te observou cerrar a porta balcão. Sentou-se em um dos bancos altos e te trouxe para mais perto de si, posicionando-a entre suas pernas. Levantou uma de suas mãos para acariciar tua bochecha macia, fixando os olhos nos teus, em total silêncio. Você não se reconhecia capaz de desviar o olhar, e muito menos de se afastar do menino para voltar pros amigos. As conversas abafadas no andar de baixo já não eram mais importantes. 
Com toque sedutor, dedos cálidos seguiram até tua nuca, aproximando os rostos mais um pouquinho. Questionava-se se o tempo estava passando mais devagar, ou se Chenle mexia-se com lentidão. A verdade era que ele não queria que aquilo fosse imaginação, nem que terminasse.
Você apertou as pálpebras pesadas, então Lele aproveitou para afagar a ponta do teu nariz com o próprio. Estavam tão perto, isso estava te matando. Ele não tinha pressa alguma, testaria teus limites somente por provocação; não previu, entretanto, que você tomaria iniciativa.
“Me beija, Lele.” Declarou num sussurro suplicante, completamente envolvida.  
“Posso?” A voz grave perguntou baixinho. Não te beijaria sem uma resposta, mas, te esperando, não resistiu roçar delicadamente os lábios. 
Com isso, atingiu teu máximo. Capturou os lábios carnudinhos dele nos teus com paixão, e descobriu que era muito superior ao que já havia fantasiado. Beijavam-se vagarosamente, o gosto de lar e Pinot Noir nas línguas desfazendo qualquer pudor restante. As digitais acariciando teu quadril te incendiavam, enquanto as outras ainda te guiavam pelo pescoço; as suas, ora agarravam com força o capuz, ora os braços musculosos. 
“Duvido que outro te beijaria assim.” Murmurou no selinho demorado, como se te confiasse um segredo. Estava entorpecido não mais pelo vinho, mas por você. Como não recebeu resposta, afastou-se minimamente e indagou: “Fala pra mim. Quem, hm?” Mordiscou o lábio sensível.
“Só você, Lele.” Mal compreendia a própria fala, só ansiava voltar a beijá-lo. E o fez.
Contudo, ouviram um burburinho bem próximo da varanda. Exigiu muito de Chenle se separar de você e fazer de conta que estavam apenas trocando uma ideia esse tempo todo. 
“Vocês estão bem?” Hyuck estava debruçado na porta, inclinando a cabeça para dentro da varanda. “Geral já tá indo embora.”
“Sim, sim, já vamo’ descer.” Você anunciou, admirando as unhas recém feitas, disfarçando o melhor que podia. 
Assim que o moreno fechou a porta novamente, você e chenle trocaram um olhar arteiro e reprimiram as risadas baixas, querendo discrição. Ele depositou vários selinhos cheios de carinho entre os sorrisos, sem acreditar que quase haviam sido pegos. 
A volta pra casa foi diferente, definitivamente. O polegar do chinês afagando sua coxa ao dirigir, e os risinhos ao se olharem nos sinais vermelhos, e a despedida prolongada dentro da X6 denunciavam: não importava quanto tempo havia passado, eles tinham apenas acabado de começar. 
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endthedream · 6 months
three sins to hell
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pairing: devil!chenle x human!reader
summary: the devil, a creature so sinister he seduces humans into sins so he can have their souls in hell.But if you’re his next target, what would you do? Would you even notice that the devil is standing right in front of you?
words: 10k
story colour: orange
warnings: vulgar language, toxicity, manipulation, heavy makeout/almost smut (nothing happens tho)
note: I hate this story with a passion, but I didn't have the nerve yet the time to rewrite it again. I hope you can still somewhat enjoy it. It's my halloween story (a few days too early). I will try to get something out on Halloween as well, but I can't make any promises. Hope you guys are doing well! Feel hugged~
masterlist of ‘nct dream as supernatural creatures‘
You have known of the existence of the devil, have heard stories about him when you grew up. Warnings, wherever you go. ‘Don’t go near the devil. He will suck out your soul and bane you to an eternity of hell and misery.’ People would tell you stories about him, how he seduces men and women to doing sins, how he hides among the common folk, how easily he gets into your head. They called him the fallen angel, who was banned to ruling over hell for his sins. Some say he is a frightening, red creature with three heads and a mouth with teeth so sharp they can break through any bones. Some say he is a demon with wings and horns, and a tail so long and sharp he will pierce through your heart. But some also say he is a man, a very handsome one. He was once an angel graced with an eternity of beauty; hell couldn’t change that as well. They say the reason why he is able to seduce so many people is because of his piercing beauty, his sharp features and hypnotizing eyes. They say that one look from him and you’re gone, fallen into a pit of longing, no matter how pure you swear to be.
You heard so many stories, got told so many warnings and still you found yourself not believing those words. You found yourself thinking it was all just a tale, trying to make you scared to keep you in control. But you were never one to believe in fairy tales, never one to look for the truth in them.
But all this changed. All this changed when you looked the devil right into his eyes.
There is something in the air this morning, something different. You can feel it filling up your body, clouding your senses. You take a deep breath of the fresh morning air, before grabbing the straps of your backpack and beginning your walk to school. It isn’t far from your home, just about six minutes, but you like to take those few moments to be grateful for everything you have. You go over it, over and over again, in your head. ‘I’m grateful for the roof over my head, the food in my stomach, the friends that I have, the clothes that I wear, all the luxury items I have at home and every single day that I live on this planet, protected and healthy.’
It is something you like to do to remind you that nothing in this life is given, nothing in life is permanent. Some people don’t have a house, or food, or clothes. It keeps you on your toes, never lets you stray away or complain about unimportant things. It keeps you down to earth.
“Y/n.”, you can hear your best friend Jisung, calling your name and see him sprinting in your direction. “There you are. I was starting to get worried about you. You are always on time.”
“On time?”, you ask confused as you look at the time on your watch. It’s five minutes before class starts. Five minutes? Normally you are always here ten minutes before it starts, never five. But you walked the same path you always do every single morning, you left at the same time you always do. How come you arrived five minutes later than normally? Something is weird, you felt it this morning when you left your house. Something is definitely weird.
You almost fell asleep three times in class today, which isn’t like you. You are a straight A student, with a perfect attendance record. You don’t sleep in class; you pay attention and write notes. You ask questions and answer the teachers’ questions. You don’t fall asleep, that is not like you.
“Ms. Lee.”, your teacher says, a sympathetic look on her face. “I have seen you doze off three times today and I must say this genuinely surprised me. You are my ace student, Miss. I have never seen you like this, so I wanted to tell you if you have anything in your heart, or if there is anything that is bothering you, private or in school, you can always talk to me, okay? You don’t have to go through this alone.”
“Wait so she really offered you therapy hours?”, Jisung says, amusement lingering in his voice. You shake your head at the boy, opening the main doors and walking out of the school. All you want to do now is to get home as fast as possible and forget all about this awful day. You want to drown yourself in your books and studies and wake up the next morning to your normal routine again.
“You are so funny, Jisung.” Said boy ignores the roll of your eyes and the annoyance in your tone, and bumps your shoulder with his, showing you a sheepish grin.
“Come on, princess. I didn’t mean it like that. Everyone has a bad day every once in a while, even you little Miss perfect.”
“I am not little Miss perfect.”, you protest, crossing your arms and showing Jisung a pout. He just laughs at you, ruffling your hair in an adoring manner.
“Are you sure? Aren’t you the person who follows a strict routine every single morning? Aren’t you the person that volunteers at every event, helping the poor and caring about the ones who are lost? Aren’t you the person who goes over a list of things she is grateful for just to stay down on earth and never take things for granted? Sounds like little Miss perfect to me.”
“First of all, a routine is good for your mental health. It gives you stability, helps you stay organized and clears your head. Second, I like helping people in need and volunteering in places where they need someone. It’s better than playing video games every single day.” Now it’s Jisungs’ time to roll his eyes at your words. “And lastly, I just see so many horrible things every single day. So much agony, pain and suffering, I just want to remind myself that having luxurious things is not a normal thing and that I should always be grateful for being born into a family that doesn’t have to turn every penny twice and fear they won’t make it out alive until next week.”
You can see Jisungs’ mouth open and close a few times, contemplating what to say to your words, but right when he feels ready to answer, someone clearing their throat interrupts you.
“I’m sorry I don’t want to interrupt your nice talk, but I’m looking for someone named Y/n.” Jisung and you turn around almost immediately, looking like dears caught in a headlight. A boy is standing in front of you, hair a bright orange. He is wearing all black, black ripped jeans, black shirt, black leather jacket and black shoes. A smile is present on his lips, well more like a smirk, his posture is straight with his head held high. He is oozing with confidence, oozing with something you can’t name. And he looks, well, breathtaking. He looks like came straight down from heaven, like he was created by God himself. He simply doesn’t look real.
“Uhm, that’s me.”, you speak up, voice breaking with those two words. You have to clear your throat a few times, ignoring the teasing look Jisung is giving you. “How can I help you?”
“I just transferred here, and the principal said you would show me around school tomorrow. I just thought I would search for you and introduce myself already.” The stranger softly takes your hand in his, but instead of shaking it, he places a soft kiss on the back of your hand, showing you a charming smile afterwards. “My name is Chenle. It is very nice to meet you.”
There is something in his aura, something about the way he talks, the way his eyes bore into yours, that makes your heart skip a beat. “It’s, uhm, very nice to meet you too.”
It is like Chenle can sense the effect his simple presence has on you by the way his head cocks to the side and cockiness takes over his whole face. “How about we meet here in our lunch break and then you can tell me all about the school, and you, of course.” You can’t do anything but nod at the suggestion, suddenly losing the ability to form sentences with your mouth. “Wonderful. Till tomorrow then.” And with one last smile in your direction, he walks away, turning his back and leaving you and Jisung alone yet again.
“Well, that was… weird.” Your friend just mutters, shrugging his shoulders before grabbing your arm and pulling you in the other direction. “But as I said, you are way to tedious…”
Chenle is already waiting for you at one of the tables outside of the school. It seems like nothing has changed from yesterday, he is wearing the same clothes. His orange hair stands out in the crowd, earning stares which he just ignores. Because the moment you step out of the door, his eyes are on you, and only you. He doesn’t pay attention to the girls a few tables from him who are giggling and yearning for just one look, he only looks at you.
“Just be careful.”, your best friend says as he walks you out. “I have a bad feeling about him. I mean, he didn’t even look at me once yesterday. He is weird. I heard some rumors about him. They say he was in prison in China and broke out two months ago. Some say his father is in some kind of gang and they earn their money with human trafficking. Some even call him the devil. I just don’t want you to get into whatever weird thing he is in.”
“Jisung.”, you call say his name, looking up at him with stern eyes. “He is new and needs help around school, that’s all. He is not in a gang; he did not escape from prison, and he is definitely not the devil. Stop feeding into cruel rumors and give him a chance. And even if you don’t want to give him a chance because you have a bad feeling about him, then don’t. No one is forcing you to be friends with him, just don’t be one of those judgy people, okay?”
Jisung sighs, throwing his head back with a groan and rubbing his forehead with one hand. “You are right, I know that I’m just worried about you, that’s all. Be careful, okay? And you remember our codeword, right? Just scream it or text it or send an owl, I don’t care.”
You smile at him, wrapping him in a quick hug. “Don’t worry, I will. See you in thirty minutes.” And without one last glance you walk in Chenles’ direction, showing him a small smile and a wave.
“Hey.”, you say as you stop in front of him. “Are you ready to take a tour through the school?” Chenle looks down at you, eyeing you for a few seconds before nodding his head at you and following you into the school.
“I’d rather hear more about you.”, Chenle says as he stands in the middle of the gymnasium. “I don’t care about the boring stories of how this school was founded. Tell me something about you. Something fun.”
“Fun?”, you ask him, playing with the page of the school map between your fingers. “I’m not really fun. I don’t think anything about me would interest you.”
“I beg to differ. What do you do in your free time? How does a pretty girl like you spend her day?” You have to swallow the lump in your throat and hide the evident blush on your cheeks. This hasn’t been the first time Chenle has flirted with you today. He used every opportunity, every small timeframe to throw in a comment that has you blushing and clearing your throat in embarrassment.
“I don’t do much. I read or study after coming home from school. Sometimes I spend the evening with Jisung, but he plays video games most of the time, so I end up reading anyway. Sometimes I volunteer at social events, at the church or for any person that needs help in that moment. I like to help people, makes me feel a bit better for living such a privileged life.”
There it is, Chenle thinks. There it is again; the pureness he felt the moment he laid eyes on you. The innocence, so evident he could smell it from miles away. He wanted you, from the moment he laid his eyes on you, he knew he had to have you. He just has to corrupt you; make you do all the awful things in the world and drain you dry until there is nothing but pure evil running in your veins anymore. He has to destroy you, absolutely and utterly destroy you.
You didn’t expect to run into a familiar face while grocery shopping for your elderly neighbor. But Chenle stands right there, right in front of the apples. One hand picking up a green one, admiring its shine against the shining lamps, the other in his pocket, casually resting there. Normally, you would have turned around, walked to another aisle and ignored the strange boy, if it wasn’t for the bright red ink on the paper sheet in your hand reading ‘green apples’. You close your eyes, taking a deep breath before walking to where the orange-haired boy is standing.
“What a pleasant surprise.”, Chenle says the moment he spots you. “Are you stalking me? Not able to get enough of me, huh?” You show him a pointed look, grabbing one of the apples, inspecting it and softly laying it in your basket.
“No, believe it or not, but I am also grocery shopping.” A sound escapes the boy’s throat, almost sounding like a choked chuckle. He grabs another apple, following your movement before placing it in your basket as well.
“For yourself?”, he asks, ignoring your confused stare.
“No, for my neighbor. She recently had lumbago and is on bed rest. I’m just getting her some things she needs, since her children are out of town until tomorrow.” Chenle feels it again, this need, this heart wrenching need, to break you, to make you do things you would never dream of doing. It overwhelms him for a second, blinds him and consumes his veins. He has to find a way, some way, to fulfill his desires. And it is as if it hits him with a brick on his head, that he got just the right idea to make you carve into him.
Sin 1: Wrath
Jisung talks your ear off as the two of you run side by side in gym class, something about last night’s game and how he lost to a twelve-year-old online player. You try to pay attention, you really do, but the piercing gaze of Chenle sitting on a bench is distracting you. Ever since your encounter at the grocery store something about Chenle has changed. Something about the way he was looking at you. It almost seems like he is craving you like a bloodlust lion craves its prey. It scares you a bit, if you are being honest with yourself, but you can’t help but to be intrigued by him.
You can’t explain it, can’t grasp the concept with your bare hands. It confuses you, plagues you, keeps you up at night. He hasn’t made a move anymore, hasn’t tried talking to you again. It’s like he is waiting for you to come to him, to approach him. It’s like the lion changed his tactic, waiting for his prey to step closer, fascinated by the lion’s presence, before making a move and eating the prey alive.
“Are you even listening?”, Jisung says, voice evident with hurt. “I have been pouring my heart out for the last ten minutes and you don’t even listen to me. What kind of best friend are you?”
“I’m sorry, Jisung.”, you tell him, honestly. “I’m not really concentrated today. Everything is distracting me and it’s like I fell face first to the ground and I can’t get up.”
Upon the whistle of your coach, all of you stop running, walking to your water bottles and hastily taking sips. “I know, I’m sorry. I noticed you were acting kind of off today and I still kept talking about all of my worries without even asking about yours. I’m the bad friend, sorry.”
“No, you’re not, Sungie. I love listening to you and all your stories, don’t apologize for it. Today is just a rough day, and I want it to be over really bad.”
“You’ve been having a lot of bad days lately.”, your best friend remarks, worry lacing his voice. “Are you sure there is nothing wrong at home? Maybe you are just burned out from all your studying, and you need to take a break. How about we drive down to the beach over the weekend. It will help your mind to clear a bit.”
Normally you would hate this idea, not wanting to waste the weekend lying on a beach instead of studying for your upcoming tests, but with everything going on lately, you don’t think it’s a bad idea. You haven’t been feeling like yourself in a while, fog clouding your brain whenever you just try to sit down and read a book. Maybe a little trip away from everything will help you get back on track and be your old self again.
“You know what.”, you say, looking up at the boy in front of you with a bright smile. “I think that is a great idea.”
“Oh yes.”, Jisung jumps up and down a few times, excitement filling the young boys’ body. “This is going to be the best trip you will ever be on; I promise.”
Chenle leans against the hood of his car, waiting for you to come out of school. He has done this a million times, successfully. There wasn’t once that he failed, that he strayed behind. This is his job, his repute. He was born to do this and nothing else. But never once, never once in the years he is alive, has he crossed someone so pure, someone so good. There was a little bad in everyone, a little temptation, a little sin. Everyone did something bad, everyone had that part in them, that longing to commit a sin. But not you. You are so good. There is not one single part of you that seems evil. And that has made you become his most desired hunt.
Chenle doesn’t just want you, he needs you. He craves you. Your soul, your body, everything. He wants to break you, make you become the worst version of yourself. He wants to be the reason why you sin, not only once. Oh, no. It will take a few sins to make up for all the goodness you brought into this world. And he will watch you do them. Every single one of them. And he will thrive in the feeling of all the goodness draining your body, of the evil ruining your soul.
He will enjoy every single second of it.
Chenle watches as you smile at your friends. He watches as you bid goodbyes to every single one of them with a hug. And he decides then and there that it’s the first thing he wants you to lose.
“Chenle. Hi. Is everything okay?”, you ask him as he walks up to you. In his presence you change, he can feel it. Your body goes stiff, your eyes wide and alarming and your heart starts to beat faster than it normally does. And he loves the effect he has on you.
“Actually. No.” As you see the sadness in his eyes, alarms ring inside your brain. You have never seen him like that. You have never seen him express any other emotion than confidence, cockiness. And it immediately worries you. “I have this problem. And I wanted to come and talk to you. You know, you’re the only person I talked to so far and I think I can trust you the most with this issue.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course. You can talk to me. I will try to help you with it.” He has you now, he thinks. Of course, he knew you wouldn’t turn down the opportunity of helping someone who desperately needs you. How could you live with yourself knowing you couldn’t help Chenle? You would do anything to help him, right? That’s who you are. That’s what you do.
“There have been some people talking about me behind my back, making up rumors about me. And while I act like I don’t care it actually really gets to me. You know the only thing I want is to fit in. I just came here, and all these rumors are making it hard for me to make friends. Everyone is scared of me, while all I want is for the people to like me.”
He can see it, right there, your face changing. Sympathy overtakes your features, and he can feel it spreading through your whole body. “Oh, Chenle that is awful. How can I help you with it? Do you want me to talk to those people?”
“That’s were it gets a bit tricky.” Chenle stops for a second, looks down at the ground, biting his lower lip nervously. “Your friends started these rumors. They were the ones who said I escaped from prison, and that I am a drug dealer. They were the ones who started calling me the devil.” Tears fill his eyes, and the sight breaks your heart. He sniffles, once, twice, before he continues. “They said I scared my family away, that they left me because I am so terrifying. I don’t get it, Y/n. I really don’t. I am not the most social person, I know that. I have been taking the time observing people more than actually talking to them and I know that can seem a bit scarry, but I am not a bad person. They haven’t even given me a chance to prove myself. They judged me without knowing me.” Chenle wipes one stray tear away from his eye, looking at you with pain in his face. “All I wanted was a chance.”
A feeling you never felt before enters your body. Is it rage? Is it anger? No, you are pretty sure it is wrath. Your friends, the people you trust, the people you grew up with. How could they treat a person like this? You knew about the rumors, all the things’ people were saying about Chenle, but hearing your own friends were the ones making all this up, makes you want to scream at them. Your parents taught you to surround yourself with people like you, kind and honest people, with people that respect others and show love to every soul, even the lost ones. You really thought they were like you, but you were wrong. You were wrong about them.
“Are you okay?”, Chenle asks, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. You look at him and see the tear stain still evident on his cheek. You see his glassy eyes; his slightly trembling lips and you knew you had to do something about this. You had to make them stop.
“Yes.”, you answer him, taking a few calming breaths. “Don’t worry Chenle. I will fix this. I will make them stop saying all these mean things about you.” With that you take off, walking to the back of the school. You know they hang out there after school is over, talking and studying together. And it is where you find them right now as well.
“Hey, Y/N. What are you doing here? I thought you went home already?” Looking at them, hearing them talk and laugh, it makes you sick. How can they sit there and act so nonchalant when they just hurt a person with their made-up rumors? How can act so innocent when they have the devil inside of them?
“Well, I came back because I just had an interesting conversation with someone.” The girls give you an usure look, all confused at the angriness in your voice. You don’t try to hide how you’re feeling, how upset and disappointed you are. You don’t try to hide the obvious wrath on your face.
“Okay? I am a bit confused. Why exactly are you telling us that?” It’s a simple question. A simple sentence. But it makes your blood boil.
“I ran into Chenle, and he told me something about you.” There are a few seconds of silence, and you watch as the girls look at each other, some confused, some with a knowing look. “He told me that you were the ones that made up those rumors about him. You made up lies about a person you don’t even know, a person you didn’t even give a chance to introduce himself. I know that he can seem a bit creepy, and distant, but that doesn’t give you the right to be so cruel to him. That doesn’t give you the right to act like stuck up bitches.”
“Y/n, what are you talking about? That doesn’t sound like you.” You just scoff, anger and frustration filling your body. You have never felt that way before, like you were about to explode, like you couldn’t control yourself anymore. And while it scares you a bit, you also never felt more powerful, more secure.
“Not like me, huh? Well, I thought the same about you. I thought I could trust you, count on you. I thought you were nice girls, raised to treat everyone with kindness. God, I thought you were like me. But, oh, was I wrong. You are all just insecure little girls who gain satisfaction in bringing other people down, in seeing them fall.”, you scream at them, not caring who can hear you. Your hands are shaking, your body is trembling. But you don’t care, you just go on. “You are so pathetic, a disgrace to humanity. You know how much you hurt that poor boy? He cried in front of me, because of you. You were the reason why he couldn’t make friends, why he never had the chance to fit it. People like you are the once that put shame on our society. You are the kind of people my mom always warned me about. Backstabbing, stuck up, insecure little girls. I should have never trusted you, be friends with you. God, I hope one day you will wake up and regret all this. One day you will pay for what you did, for your disgusting behavior. I hope that one day, one day… one day…” Your voice flatters, your vision goes blurry.
You feel two arms wrap around you, panic floods through your body until you hear the familiar voice of your best friend. “Hey, it’s okay. Just relax. It’s all going to be okay.”
The world starts spinning, your head starts throbbing. You can’t take this anymore, this pain, this stress. And shortly before the world goes black you see Chenle, standing on the sidelines with a grin on his lips.
Sin 2: Envy
“You’re sure he wasn’t there?”, you ask Jisung as you watch the waves crash against the shore. The setting sun glows brightly over the ocean, painting your face in a beautiful rosy color. The sand under your feet cools your body from the heat of the day. You watch as a caterpillar moves over the bumpy surface, hurrying back to his home to take a rest during the cold night.
“No, Y/n. Chenle wasn’t there when you passed out. He wasn’t anywhere near, believe me. I watched him walk home two minutes before I caught you in my arms, I swear.” You let out a sigh, closing your eyes as the soft evening breeze hits your hot face. Everything about that day is a blur, a fever dream. You don’t remember a lot. Everything is a haze. You barely remember talking to Chenle or screaming at the girls or fainting shortly after. Everything is blurred memories; no clear picture comes to your mind. But the only thing you remember clearly, like it’s burned into your brain, is seeing Chenle right before your vision went black. You remember his grin, his triumphant grin, like he just won a prize he has always wanted. It makes no sense that he wasn’t there when that is the only thing you can actually remember.
“Are you ready to talk about what happened that day?”, Jisung asks carefully, adjusting his position on the itchy sand. You haven’t avoided that subject, it’s just that you aren’t sure what’s happened. You aren’t sure why you reacted the way you reacted or why you felt the way you felt. This has never happened to you before and you are simply… lost.
You don’t know who that was that screamed at your own friends, but that wasn’t you. And it scares you to know what you are capable to do, scared at the lengths you can go. You barely managed to get the girls to except your apology. They were so shocked and hurt by your words, they didn’t even know if they wanted to forgive you. But they did. They also apologized, explained their side. They told you they didn’t start the rumors, but they also did nothing to stop them. They spread them just like everyone else and for that they’re sorry. But that day will always be hunting your friendship. It will always be there, day after day. And while they forgave you, you don’t know if you will ever forgive yourself for it.
“I told you already Jisung, I don’t know what happened. It’s all a daze, and it’s confusing. And hurts by brain just trying to think about it.”
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to think about it, Y/n.” Jisung shows you an encouraging smile, one hand softly taking yours. “It’s all going to be okay again. Let’s just enjoy the rest of our trip and forget about all this for a while.”
Chenle has been sitting with you at lunch for the past couple of days. Jisung is too busy at football practice, and Chenle took the opportunity of catching you alone. It’s mostly silent between you two- which you appreciate a lot- but when you’re talking, the conversation doesn’t seem to stop.
“You are telling me you have not watched the movie Tangled, the best Disney movie to ever exist?” Chenle shakes his head, earning a gasp to escape your lips. “How couldn’t you? I mean it’s such a life changing movie. Wait, tell me you have at least read Romeo and Juliet?” You are met with another shake of Chenles’ head. “Romeo and Juliet? Shakespear? Not ringing any bell? Wow, where do you come from that you don’t know those things?”
Chenle shrugs, taking a bit off his sandwich, chewing it cautiously before answering your question. “Well, we don’t really focus on books or movies where I come from. It’s considered a waste of time. Something that doesn’t bring you far in life.”
“That’s… so wrong. Movies and books teach you so many valuable lessons about life. I mean, Disney movies, for example, shaped me when I was a little girl. And with books you can gather so much knowledge, you can improve your imagination. They give you a chance to forget everything that happens in the world, even if it’s just for a few minutes. It’s really calming, reading I mean.”
“Well, how about I can come over to your place and you can show me that movie and that book, and I can judge for myself how good they really are.”
“I would love to, but my parents don’t allow boys in my room. I mean, not even Jisung is allowed to come into my room, and I’ve known him since I was five.” When you see Chenles’ face after your words, you start feeling bad. You can’t change your parents’ strictness, and you definitely can’t sneak Chenle into your house somehow. That would not end well, and you would break your parents’ rules. You were never one to do that, never one to disobey your parents. You couldn’t live with yourself had you gone behind your parents’ back to do something.
Chenle looks down at his hands in his lap, eyes sad like those of a puppy. It breaks your heart, yet again. It makes you long for him, long to make everything right, to cure all his pain, to change whatever is the reason behind his sadness. You let out a sigh, one hand nervously tucking your hair behind your ear. “But what about we meet at the local bookstore? I can recommend you books and tell you a bit about them. How those that sound?”
Chenle looks up at you, a smile lightening up his features. You can’t help but to match his energy, showing him one of your bright smiles as well. “That would be wonderful, Y/n. I’m picking you up later at 4.”
“But…”, but before you can say anything, Chenle has already packed his things together, hastily walking out the door. You sit there, dumbstruck, heart racing and mind spinning in circles. You ignore the fluttering in your chest, the weird churning in your belly. You ignore the lightheaded feeling, the blush on your cheeks. You simply ignore it, because if you ignore it, it isn’t there. It isn’t real.
But it’s all going according to plan, Chenle thinks. Everything is going according to plan.
Chenle has a book in his one hand and a coffee in another while you explain him the story about the book ‘To kill a Mockingbird’. He’s not listening, nodding when needed and humming when it feels necessary. He spends his time looking around, scanning people for familiar faces, waiting patiently for someone to arrive. Before he spots who he was looking for.
“But I think you should definitely read it. It’s one of the most important books on this planet. I think everyone should read it at least once.” You finish your ramble, placing the book in Chenles’ bag, before looking back at your list. “The next book is Moby-Dick. A classic in my opinion. Another book that everyone should have read at least once. You know I’ve watched a theater play of this book.” You are met by another hum, probably the 20th you received in a matter of seven minutes. “Are you even listening?”
“Yeah, sure, of course I am listening. Moby-Dick. Classic.”
“You know, you were the one who asked me to show you books, but if you’re not going to listen, then I will just leave.” You want to get up, but before you do, your gaze shifts into the direction Chenle is staring at. Lee Nuri is sitting a few tables away from you, a book in her hands. You know her from school, talked to her only a handful of times, but you never paid close attention to her. She is gorgeous, unmistakably, but she doesn’t run in the same circle as you do. “Were you staring at Nuri this whole time?”
“Nuri? That’s her name?”, Chenle asks, eyes not meeting yours even just for a second. And you ignore how upset that makes you feel. “I wondered what beautiful name such beautiful girl could have.”
A scoff threatens to leave your lips, but you swallow it before it comes out your mouth. You pack your bag together, ready to leave Chenle behind in the bookstore before he continues. “I mean look at her, she is glowing. Her skin looks so soft, and her hair so silky, don’t you think?” He looks at you, just for a millisecond, before focusing his gaze again on her. “Her legs are so long and smooth, her short skirt only empathizes that. Her body is perfect, look at her waist, what an hourglass figure. I bet so many girls are jealous of her. And she has such plump and pink lips, I guarantee you she’s a phenomenal kisser. Oh, what she could do with those lips. Her eyes, man, they are so big and round, makes her look so desirable, right? It’s almost like God took his time crafting her to perfection, to create a temptation to every person on this planet.”
Something inside of you shuts off, completely. You don’t work anymore. You can’t speak, can’t feel, can’t breathe. Your mind is blank, wiped clean, empty, expect for the blinking white light behind your eyes. Dizziness takes over your whole body, stops in your head and makes a home there. Everything is a blur, a daze. It’s almost like a déjà-vu, like something hidden deep inside your memory.
“Are you okay? You’re so pale.” You hear a voice, but you don’t know who is talking to you. You don’t know if that person is right in front of you or five feet away. You don’t know anything anymore. “I’m taking you home.”
You stare into the mirror, deep and long, seeing your bare self in front of you. You don’t know how you got home, when you took your clothes off or why you started staring at yourself. But you do it anyway. You observe every single part of your body, judging it. You take the flesh of your skin in your hands, moving it, adjusting it, never being satisfied with how it sits on your body. Your hips could be smaller, your legs longer, your lips fuller, your eyes bigger. You could be taller, skinnier, prettier. You could be so many things, so many things Nuri already is.
You know that this isn’t you. You wouldn’t pick yourself apart. You wouldn’t sink into this envy, into this jealousy. But you haven’t been you in a while now, haven’t felt real in a long time. You feel it sinking in, this need to be her, to have what she has. You let the envy sink it. No longer grateful for what you have, for what you are. You want what makes her so attractive to Chenle. You want her long eyelashes, her red lips, her curves, her long fingers, her clear skin. You don’t care about the things you have, the things that make you beautiful.
There is a scream inside of your head, a voice that repeats itself over and over again. It multiplies, getting louder and louder and louder.
Be grateful.
Be greedy.
Love yourself.
Love what she has more than what you have.
Don’t care about others’ opinions.
Impress Chenle, be what he desires to be.
You want him to look at you the way he looked at Nuri. You need him to want you, crave you, desire you. He can’t find her more attractive than you, he simply can’t. Your jealous of his attention on her, of his gaze wandering off; his thoughts not belonging to you. You’re jealous of her grace, her captivity, her beauty. You need to be her if that’s what it takes. Whatever it costs you, whatever it makes you do.
When you look up again into the mirror, Chenle is standing behind you, a grin on his lips again. It robs your breath, crushes your soul into two. It brings burning tears to your eyes, a broken heart. He doesn’t look at you, not really, not how you want him to. He stares straight into your eyes, his gaze never once straying.
“Am I not enough for you?”, you ask, screaming into the void. “Am I not desirable enough? Sexy enough? Pretty enough? Is my body not good enough for you to look at? Would you rather look at Nuri, huh?” You don’t get an answer, but you wait anyway. You stare back at him, tears uncontrollably streaming down your face. “What can I do, Chenle? Tell me. What can I do to be enough for you? I will do anything. Anything it takes. I want you. I need you. Please don’t look at Nuri anymore, please just look at me.” You watch as Chenles’ grin never leaves his lips. He doesn’t move, doesn’t say a word. He just silently watches you lose yourself. He watches you break, and he seems to enjoy it.
“You’re sick you know that? Watching a girl begging you, crying her heart out and still you say nothing. Still, you choose to be quiet, enjoying this sight. Is that what gets you off, huh?” Your voice gets louder and louder by the second, raw with emotion. “Please, just look at me. Speak to me. Say anything.” Nothing. “I will make you want me, Chenle. You will look at me the way you’re looking at Nuri. I promise, I will become everything you’ve ever dreamt of.”
There is hope glimmering in your eyes, stupid, dangerous, hope. “We belong.”, you say, voice just a bare whisper. “I know that. Because since you’re here, I’m different. You did something to me. I don’t know what it is, but you did something. You have that power and you used it on me. You talked to me first. You stared at me first. You want me, and you know it. You wouldn’t be standing here if you didn’t.” You laugh, hysterically, like you already lost your mind. “You want me.”
Another pause, another silence. You sniffle, lifting your hands to furiously wipe the tears away from your face, rubbing your eyes.  And when you open them again, regaining your vision, Chenle is gone. He disappeared, like he was never there in the first place, and you’re fully dressed from head to toe in the same clothes you wore earlier.
Sin 3: Lust
Heavy eyebags surround your eyes, exhaustion written all over your small quivering frame. But the familiar feeling of determination fills your body as you hold the Halloween Party flyer in your hands with a written note saying ‘Pick you up at five. Dress nicely.’. This could be your chance, your chance to keep the own promises you made.
You have been ignoring Jisung, the girls, Nuri. Everyone, if you’re being honest with yourself. Nothing has been worth your time, not listening to Jisungs’ endless rambles, not watching the girls Cheerleader practice, not reading a book, or studying for all your tests. It’s not important anymore, not worth your thoughts. There is one thing, and one thing only, in your mind written in bold red letters, engraved into your brain. Chenle. Nothing more. Just him and his orange hair, his seductive grin, his black outfits. Just him and his words, replaying over and over and over again inside your mind, reminding you what to fight for, what to live for, or to die for.
“Y/n. Stop walking away from me. What is wrong with you?” There is a voice calling for you, behind you, but you don’t pay any attention to it. You continue your walk home, thoughts of what to wear, how to look the best. “Stop.” A hand grabs your arm, and you flinch, turning around to see your best friend, no Jisung, standing in front of you. He is wearing his practice clothes, sweat dripping down his forehead. He looks frustrated, desperate.
“I don’t have time, Jisung. I have to go home.” You try to walk again, but his grip on your arm doesn’t budge and it irritates you. Why can’t he just let you go? Can’t he see that you have something more important to do, a duty to fulfil?
“No, you’re going to stay and you’re going to tell me what is wrong with you.” And it is then in that moment that you realize what’s wrong. That you know why he looks so desperate. “Y/n, please just tell me what’s wrong. Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you in any way? If I did, please tell me. All I want to do is make it up to you again, be friends again. Y/n I don’t want to lose you, please just tell me what’s wrong.”
You look at him, long and deep, before a sigh slips past your lips. There is no other way around this. “God, if I knew you were so clingy, I wouldn’t have become friends with you.” Silence. Long, dreadful silence. Jisungs’ mouth is hung open, his eyes wide. He can’t believe his ears.
“What…? What did you just say?” Jisung already starts talking again before you can repeat your words. “Y/n, that’s not you speaking. I don’t what happened to you, what made you turn into this. But that’s not you. You are loving and sweet and kind. This is not you. For god’s sake, you told me you love it when I’m clingy, that it makes you feel needed. You told me those exact words.”
You sigh, yet again, taking the moment to remove your arm from Jisungs’ grip. “Maybe this is who I always was, not who everyone wanted me to be. I know this is hard for you, Jisung, but you have to accept it. You have to accept the fact that I will never love you the way you love me.”
Jisung chokes on his own spit, eyes almost falling out of his body. “You… you know?”
“I think I’ve always known. But I don’t love you, Jisung. I never will. And I feel honored, really, but this won’t work out. So just accept it, move on. It’s for the better.”
“But I can’t move on, Y/n. Not after everything, not after our trip together. I love you, and I want you to be in my life, even if it is just as my best friend. You can’t do this to me. I won’t let you.” Jisung is trembling, head shaking left and right over and over again, desperation in his eyes. But it doesn’t work. You don’t feel bad for him, you don’t care. You care about one thing only.
“What happened on that trip was a mistake. I never should have kissed you.” But you did, and as nice as it felt, you regret it now. Because now you wish it would have been Chenle. “I don’t want you, Jisung. I want Chenle. Get that inside your head and leave me alone. I don’t want you, never.” And with that you turn around and continue your way home, leaving a heartbroken Jisung behind.
But your thoughts already pushed that away. All you can think about again is the outfit you’re going to wear tonight. All you can think about is how tonight you will make Chenle yours, you will make him desire you.
Devil and angel. That’s what you find yourself wearing as you enter the party. It’s ironic, really. How Chenle decided to wear a devil’s costume, black clothes, red horns and big black wings. And you as an angel, white short dress, big fluffy wings and red lipstick painting your lips. It’s even more ironic that Chenle wants to make the rumors come true, he wants to be who the people paint him to be, he wants to show them that he can play this game as well.
Chenles’ hand hasn’t left your lower back ever since you left your house, sometimes wandering further but never too much. It sends electric shocks through your body every time, something different filling your body. Lust, is what you call it. He hasn’t left your side, keeping you close. Sometimes he leans down, whispering things into your ear that leave you breathless. And sometimes his gaze wanders through the crowd, but you stop him every time, guiding his face back to you, capturing his eyes with yours. You don’t want him to look somewhere else, don’t want him to stray away. You just want him to put all his attention on you, to put everything on you.
Out of the corner of your eyes you can see Jisung, leaning against a wall, drinking a cheap drink out of a red plastic cup. But you ignore him, you ignore everyone in the room. You just keep on grinding your body into Chenles’, dancing until your lungs give out. Chenle has his hands firmly on your hips, guiding your moves, pressing you further into him. It makes your head spin, your vision blur. It makes you want to rip his clothes off, right here, right on this dance floor for everyone to see.
And you would have, you really did, if it wasn’t for Jisung grabbing your hand, pulling you away from Chenle. “What the heck?”, you scream at him over the loud music, struggling to get out of his grip. “Where are you taking me?”
“Somewhere quiet.”, Jisung says, voice unsteady. The kitchen isn’t crowded, expect for one couple making out in the back, but Jisung doesn’t give them any attention. He just looks at you, at your revealing dress, your smeared red lipstick, the sweat dripping down your forehead. “God, I can’t even look at you.”
“Then don’t.”, you shoot back, turning around to leave, but he stops you. Jisung quickly walks in front of you, causing you to bump into his chest. “Jisung.”, you sigh. “I already rejected you. Stop bothering me. I am here with Chenle, I want Chenle. Do you want me to spell it out for you? Want me to scream it to the whole world? Because I will when he fucks me later.”
Jisungs’ breaths are unsteady, tears sting in his eyes and you have to advert your gaze. You can’t look at him like that, and you don’t know why. “Look at me.”, he whispers, one hand softly holding your cheek. “Look at me, please. I’m begging you.” Your eyes meet his, unsure, unsteady. “I love you. I do. Chenle doesn’t. He doesn’t even know you, not the real you anyway. Whatever you are doing, I know it is to impress him. But you don’t have to. You don’t have to be someone you are not. You don’t have to change yourself just so that he will like you. God, if he doesn’t like you for the way you are then he doesn’t deserve you.” He lets a frustrated hand stroke through his hair, tugging on it lightly.
Jisung knows something is wrong. He knows that whatever Chenle did to you to make you this way, it must have been something serious. Ever since he came here, you have changed. You turned into someone you always wished never to be. “Remember when we were eight years old.”, he starts speaking, his other hand never leaving your cheek. “We were friends, barely actually. We knew each other, played every now and then together, but we were both shy. We didn’t know how to talk to each other. That was until I scrapped my knees falling down while playing with a jumping robe. I remember crying so much, not being able to look at my bleeding knee. But you immediately came running to me. You kept on telling me how everything was going to be okay. And you held my hand until my mom came, until she was done cleaning up the wound and until I had a band-aid on my knee. You never once let it go. And that’s when I knew, Y/n. That’s when I knew that I love you, and that I always will. That’s when I knew that you are the kindest person on this planet.”
“Jisung.”, you whisper, one tear falling from your eyes, but he catches it with his thumb. You feel it, all the weight crushing down on you. You feel every single thing, and it destroys you. Jisung looks deeply into your eyes, his other hand coming up to stroke your hair softly. You don’t know what to say, what to feel, what to think. “I’m so sorry.” And he wants to say something, open his mouth to speak, but someone beats him to it.
“There you are.”, Chenle says, leaning against the kitchen doors frame. “I searched for you everywhere, my love.” And it’s like a switch turning inside of you. You slap Jisungs’ hand away, rolling your eyes at his advantages and walking towards Chenle. The moment you are within reach, Chenle pulls you in, wrapping one hand around you. “Hey man, I get that you are in love with her, or whatever, but it’s rude to steal someone else’s date. So, search for someone else to fuck.”
The moment Chenle pulls you into one of the free rooms, his lips are on yours. He kisses you feverishly, devilishly. He kisses you like he wants to leave you dry, like he wants to have you pleading. Chenle has you against the wall, hands all over your body, gripping and groping the sensitive skin, marking you up flesh by flesh. He bites your lower lip hard, only stopping when blood drips down your chin. Only then does he move on to your neck, sucking and biting, slurping and groaning. He presses you further into the wall, presses his whole body against. And you enjoy it. You enjoy his roughness, his possessiveness. You enjoy the way he doesn’t care if he’s going to hurt you, how he only cares about his own pleasure.
“You’re mine, sweetheart. You know that, right?” You nod at his voice, taking a few breaths trying to clear your foggy brain. You lean into him again, searching for his lips with yours but he pulls away, enticing a whimper to come out of your mouth. “I need you to say it, baby. Say you are mine. Say it like you mean it.”
“I’m yours.”, your voice is hoarse, breaking with those two words. “I’m yours.” Chenle grins, evilly almost. But he knows it’s not done yet; he knows that he has to do a little more. Just a tiny bit more and then he can have you, all to himself. He gives you what you crave, leaning down and capturing your mouth with his.
The kiss is messy, spit dripping down your chin, but you don’t care. All you want is to have Chenle closer, feel his skin on you. You want him to make you his, to claim you, to paint you from the inside. You want him to fill you up with all his everything and never let you go again. You want him so much it’s starting to hurt. Deep inside of you the pain starts to immerge, starting in your heart and spreading through your veins, slowly consuming your whole body.
“You feel that.”, Chenle whispers, parting from your lips slightly. You breathe him in, deep and long, but every breath is causing a sharp pain in your lungs. “You can feel the pain? This is your love for me, your want, your lust. It’s consuming you, isn’t it?” You almost can’t hear him through the ringing in your ears, almost can’t see him through the haze in your eyes.
Chenle presses his knee between your legs, enjoying the way you moan in pleasure at the feeling. He lets his hands wander over your body, moving your hips down, pressing you more on his knee. “I can feel you, baby. I can feel how you want me.” You weakly grip his shoulders, trying to stay up right. You feel dizzy, like you are about to pass out. And you don’t know if it’s from the pain in your body or the pleasure clouding your mind. But you know you want more, you need more.
“Please.”, you whimper, hands fumbling to unbutton his shirt. Chenle lets you try, chuckling at your shaking hands and the frustrated frown on your face as you notice your inability to open the buttons.
“Please, what, sweetheart? Use your words.” You sigh, throwing your head back and letting one hand glide down to the hem of his shirt, right before the button of his pants. “I can’t give you what you want, if you don’t tell me.”
“I want you.”, you tell him, voice coming out more stable than you thought it would. “Please, take me, Chenle.” And he knows, right in this moment, that it is time. That his plan has worked. He knows that he succeeded, that he can finally have what he has desired for so long.
“Finally.”, he whispers, face falling, eyes glowing red. “You know how long I waited for this? How long you made me wait? I should punish you, you know? I should destroy you for making me waste so much energy on your small little frame. But you don’t want that, do you? No, I bet you don’t. You just want to be with me, forever. Aren’t I right?” A tiny spark of fear courses through your body, but the lust inside of you makes you ignore that feeling.
“Yes, I want you forever, Chenle.” And it all happens so fast. Chenle takes your hair into his fist, tipping your head back violently. His eyes bore into the skin of your neck, marking it with his gaze. The whole room turns into black smoke, filling your lungs and making it hard for you to catch your breath. He is heaving, licking his blood shot lips with an animalistic manner.
“Oh, my sweet girl. We are going to have so much fun together. Your mind is mine, was mine from the second you looked me in the eyes. I made you mine, and that will stay forever. I broke the sweet innocent girl you were. I broke you and showed you who you really are. You are going to be eternally grateful to me for that. I am your master now. I am the one you’re serving. And don’t worry, I am going to take extra good care of you. I couldn’t waste such a pretty little thing.”
And just like that, in the matter of mere seconds, in the blink of an eye, everything you once knew gets taken away from you. And it is one thought that flashes through your mind, before you the world turns black.
You should have listened to them when they told you the devil exists, and that he is among us. You should have listened to them, before you fell right into his trap, before you looked him in the eyes.
Screams of suffering souls are faintly heard in the back, whimpers of pleading ghosts surround you and the burning fire warms the side of your face, but you stay unmoving. Glued to your place right beside the throne of bones and shattered spirits with Chenle sitting on it.
His large wings stay firmly tucked on his back, horns covering the top of his hands and his sharp teeth snarl from time to time.
Hell is worse than anyone imagined it to be, but you got used to it. You got used to the screams of pain, the muttered pleadings, the overwhelming heat. You got used to the suffering around you, inside of you. It never gets easier, never gets less. It stays constant, the suffering. Only when you step out of line, when the begging gets too much, do you die again. You learned to not do that, to behave, to be a statue. You learned that asking Chenle to spare your life isn’t going to help you. Because the devil doesn’t feel remorse, the devil doesn’t feel anything at all. You learned that it will only make him more ruthless, angry, wrathful. And that is not a sight you want to see again. So, you stay a perfect statue, a perfect toy. Because nothing matters anymore, nothing is important anymore, nothing makes any sense anymore. Why?
Because you’re already dead.  
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neotism · 2 years
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➥ originally written in part of  ❝ 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖓 ❞  collaboration.
⤷ pairing(s): chenle x fem!reader
⤷ genre(s): pretty neutral mix of both fluff and bittersweetness, con artist!au, mafia!au
⤷ warning(s): mentions of death, murder, and running away???
⤷ word count: 1.594k
⤷ synopsis: a fall from grace; would that still make you the king? prestige, fame, and fear, stripped away quicker than one can blink. whether tainted or pure, notoriety is like a drug. addiction can kill. soon, it might also be your turn to go as well. so, would you run away too?
⤷ a/n: get ready to be disappointed muahaha :>
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When he puts it like that, he makes it seem as if he’s a bad boy for you. But in fact, it’s enough to swindle your heartstrings. A real scheming scammer, he is. Just another cruel con man.
Actually, the best and highest paying con artist of the century.
So when he dropped by your house, it is inexplicably only going to complicate things.
“What in the world are you doing here?” Your voice raises into a whisper shout, undaring to wake all your neighbours up at 3 am in the morning.
In a sweater that you grasp closer to your chest, the autumn air chills your skin. Studying his disheveled appearance, your eyes zero in on the bleeding wound on his face. A perfect swipe across his cheek, oozing with his red blood, dripping with deadly potency.
“And who did that to you?”
At the question, Chenle sighs, his shoulders sagging with an undeniable worrisome lack of spirit. He seems to be out of it of some sorts.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I’m sorry.”
His apologies quiver in the cold night.
“I know I shouldn’t be here, but I am.”
His confession is blatant with evidential guilt. It’s been a whole year and he still hasn’t been able to sleep properly.
Observing the shell of a man for a mere second, your shoulders are wrecked with another sigh. “Just come in. It’s late already.” You push the door wider for him to enter and trust that he still can lock the door.
As he wanders in, your back is busily preparing cups of warm tea. His jaded, dull pupils scan your living room. Everything is still in its place, nothing has changed. Part of him is relieved but also dreadful.
It seems as if his impact had merely been a fleeting existence. He didn’t move you like you moved him. It leaves a bittersweet taste; he’s glad you haven’t changed yet bitter to know he wasn’t the change.
When you round the kitchen corner, you find him drifting off into space. His eyes barely flutter, staring mindlessly at a picture frame.
You follow his gaze, spotting the frame with a picture taken in your 4th year of elementary school. The flowers from the trees were abundant, blooming only in the spring. That day, it was windy, sending trails of petals in the wake of the tree’s shade. It was a school trip to visit the cherry blossoms in Shanghai. So as memento, the teacher had a class picture snapped.
On the left end of the photo stood a shy girl, clutching her teacher’s hand with a tiny smile. Following on the opposite end, on the far right, was a boy who was laughing. Shoulder locked with his classmates, he shared their howling laughter and clearly he was popular.
Exhaling once more, you take a seat down, sliding Chenle a cup of soothing tea. He’s awakened from his daze, met with your pretty features in his view. And for a second, your appearance causes him to freeze in place.
“What? Is there something on my face?” You blink in concern as his penetrating look makes you shift around.
Shaking himself out of that trance, he shakes his head. “No, sorry.”
Admittedly, if one of the world’s most notorious con artists’ was to proclaim your beauty aloud, wouldn’t it make you uncomfortable?
Not believing him, you divert your irises, glancing down at your cup before sipping. “Why are you back here, Chenle?”
He hesitates for a moment. “Is it so wrong to visit?”
“Yes.” Your curt and clear answer slices the tension in the atmosphere. “Chenle, you can’t be here.”
Inhaling deeply, his pupils lock with yours. “I know.”
“So then, why? Why are you here?”
“Because I wanted to tell you something before it’s too late.”
You wonder if he knows. That the words of a king are the words of the law. A proclivity to incite the furrowed brows and hunched back, even now is the emperor clutching death like a mantra.
Eyebrows raised, you survey his earnest mood. “Before it’s too late?”
A minute passes before he even begins to speak. “I left you because I was a man of pride.”
In the wake of the sudden subject, you give him the time to compose himself and gather his thoughts.
“But it seems like even though I had pride, I left you because I wanted to protect you. But even that wasn’t enough.” The exhaustion is more distinct as he continues speaking. Almost as if he wasn’t able to have any sleep for several days.
“Y/n,” he says your name softly. “Run away.” His voice is faint, like a whisper, easily lost to the wind.
Shock, surprise, disbelief are just the core feelings that are elicit from you. It’s particularly hard to fathom his intent. Is it to hurt you again? “Why?” Your breathless tone lingers in the stiff air.
“They’ve found you, y/n.” He starts, his tone edging onto the desperate side.
Perhaps you had a lapse in judgment because you firmly shake your head. “They have no evidence.”
Chenle makes a face. “You think they won’t kill you if they don’t have evidence? Y/n, they kill in cold blood.”
“I’m not moving, Chenle.”
His frown deepens. “A raid happened a day ago. NCT has been found. They are planning to wipe us out.”
“And that includes me?” you ask.
He nods. “That includes you.”
“How did they even know if I was related to NCT?”
A strange silence overcomes the space. It encloses the both of you, making the air harder to breathe.
Soon, Chenle finds his words again, or rather the courage to speak the truth. “In our files, mine in particular, someone has put you down as a connection.” He doesn’t meet your eyes. “We even had a separate file on your information.”
Displeased, you cross your arms. “So you guys spied on me? That’s a breach of personal privacy.”
“Security reasons, y/n.” And you can’t argue with his statement.
So, you change the subject. “Who’s they?”
He passes you a blank look. “You don’t know?”
“No? To be fair, you’ve made too many enemies to even begin counting.” You shrug in return.
“Fair enough,” he halfheartedly agrees, waving a haphazard hand. “But, y/n. You need to leave soon. They could be on their way as we speak.”
Tutting your chin out at him, you raise an eyebrow. “Well, if they decide to stop by, I’m always ready-”
As if proving you wrong, a loud slam wakes you right up. Jerking his head to scan for incoming threats, Chenle gets up with a practiced stance. Offering a reassuring smile, he takes your hand without a word. “They’re here. Y/n, what are you going to do?”
His question reverberates within your ears, your once warm teas now forgotten.
For once, you’re kind of speechless. Breathing from your nostrils, you sigh. “You weren’t joking?”
“No.” A light smile grazes his cheeks. Despite the urgency of the matter at hand, Chenle took no time to idle about it. Instead, he took the opportunity to stare. At the features he so misses, always endearing to him.
Though, an abrupt bang from within the compound shakes him from his trance. “Don’t die here, yeah? Go, y/n.”
“Run. I’ll hold them off for a bit.” His urgency is heard in the way he tugs on your sleeve, helping you raise to your feet with a hand.
Today might actually be Chenle’s first day to ever see your complexion morph into a glare. Directed at him, he stares at you in confusion. “No… Have you gone crazy, Chenle?”
With your accusing question, Chenle frowns. “No, I haven’t.”
“Then any sane person would go together. Why are you trying to do this by yourself?” you ask, vehemently denying his proposal. “Now, hurry up. You’ve been spouting too much nonsense. They might catch up to us.”
Not a word more as you spin around, prepping with an emergency bag you always had in your closet. Chenle stares blankly at your back, once more, it faces him. How many more times will he have to see it? Why does he keep saying things that make you turn away?
Sighing, running a hand through his tangled locks, he grimaces. “You’re willing to risk that, y/n?”
The sound of thudding and pounding seem to be at a peak, but it scares you little as you put on a brave face. “What’s there to be scared of when I’m with the world’s scariest con man?”
At that, he snickers. “You got me there. Let’s go.” Swiftly, Chenle takes hold of your hand and guides you through the back door.
NCT, a swift tumble from grace, hitting the brick hard concrete with a simple slipup.
Perhaps their era is fatefully ending. But nobles will not sit and wait, not when they have all the resources to reconvene.
Hand in hand, your feet fly across pavements in perfect rhythm. As if you haven’t spent a year apart from him.
Kings all have had to conceal the nasty scars they’ve garnered. He’s no different.
So, as for once a change, your orbs take in the breathtaking smile that you so missed. Chenle turns his head slightly, enough for you to see the debonair grin that crosses his lips.
This king, in deep turmoil, hardly has time. However, he can’t help but to feel content with the sweet affirmation of a smile you return.
Remember, a king, fallen or not, will always have his queen.
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⤷ tagged: ☆ (send an ask, comment, or message if you’d like to be tagged! the more the merrier!)
⤷ a/n: oh my, what a strange journey… i haven’t written about mafia dealings in such a long time. so hope this, equating to stretching my limbs, will satisfy the thrill-seeking chenle world domination fans hahah
✧ i do not own any of the pictures used.
© 2021 neotism | all rights reserved.
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luvyeni · 6 days
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request: can you do reader telling the dreamies that if they keep getting text from a random person it cuz it from a guy that was asking her out so she gave them her bfs number instead of hers
authors note. I hope you like it 🫶🏾!!!
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445 notes · View notes
ohmygs-blog · 9 days
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finding out the dreamies texted their ex.
(had a request for some angsty texts & this has been sitting in my drafts for awhile now!!! so i hope you guys like <3 )
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astayinwonderland · 4 months
Do you think we are about to make a terrible mistake? | Zhong Chenle
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pairing: chenle x f.reader
genre: besties to lovers | smut +18 MDNI
summary: chenle has been away for a while and you miss your best friend-- however, everything changes when you realise you might actually love him more than a friend
wc: 2.2k
warnings: mentions and use of alcohol, anxiety, consensual sex, unprotected sex (pls no), oral sex (f. receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms-- lmk if I forgot anything
It’s 15 minutes past 11, where the fuck is he? 
You already texted him twice. You called. The party had already started and your friends wondered if you would make it. Hell, you were wondering if you should just go on your own. But no– you promised you would get there together for old-time’s sake. It’s been a little over a year since Chenle moved out of the country, your days of embracing nothingness together are gone, movie nights are just nostalgic memories, and maybe some words left unspoken. You missed your best friend dearly and even though you often called each other, it was not the same. Not at all. You missed more than his company. You missed his essence, aura, sparkly eyes, smile, and touch… 
Your heart suddenly ached. Were you truly in love or is it just the fact that this is the first time you will see him since he left? The thoughts that rudely invade your brain get interrupted by three loud knocks. Running to the door, you can feel the thundering beating of your heart ringing in your ears. 
“I know I’m late, I’m sorry…. Please don’t be upset–” 
You open the door abruptly and there he is. 
Zhong Chenle. 
Blue 3-piece suit. His hair graciously falls over his forehead, framing his beautiful face. He gives you the brightest of smiles, your heart skips a bit. 
“Don’t hate me. Come here!” he opens his arms to embrace you. 
“Shut up,” you throw your arms around him, and suddenly everything is fine. Time has not passed. 
His nose lowers to your head and he inhales your scent. This is home to him, he can’t believe he’s been away from you for so long. All he yearns is to keep you close, but doing so means having to accept the fact that he is irremediably in love with you. 
Smoke and bright lights danced around the place and the crowd made way for you and the man of the hour apparently. Everyone reaches out to Chenle. Hugs, high fives, praises, and kisses shower him. You can’t help but feel a tad bit jealous. This was supposed to be a fun night for you and your best friend… and your other friends as well. But Chenle is loved, popular, and missed, of course, people would be all over him. You feel silly for suggesting going to the party in the first place. 
You’re snapped back to reality when your body crashes into Chenle’s. His hand is possessively placed around your waist. Your audible gasp makes him laugh. 
“Where did your mind go, silly?” 
“Nowhere, I just wish we were somewhere else. This is not how I envisioned tonight, you know… after spending so much time apart,” you force a smile and feel his thumb caressing you softly. There was something up with him, but to your surprise, you couldn’t read him. 
Chenle closes the distance between you too. He's a little too close, his breath fanning on your face. Is he going to–
Shiny hair, plump lips, white smile. Her manicured hand was already snaking its way to Chenle’s arm. She looks at you, scanning up and down as if she were trying to figure out who you are. 
“Oh, hey! Wh- what are you doing here?” Chenle replies. A kiss on her cheek makes your heart sink. 
Chenle’s eyes go from you to the girl and again to you. He is about to introduce you but you suddenly feel like your heart is going to burst out your chest, your palms are sweaty, your eyes getting watery and your ability to breathe fades as you try to fight the feeling. 
“I really need to go. Sorry– Nice to meet you,” you say politely. You try not to cry as you make your way out. Chenle watches as you leave, but he feels how his chest tightens more and more with each step you take away from him. 
After his third call, you get into the shower hoping that the pain would fade away with the hot water hitting your vulnerable skin. With tears streaming down your face and sobs that echo around your bathroom you finish your shower. You are too exhausted to do anything else but sleep, and your phone has long been forgotten in your purse. 
You think you just blinked but in reality, it is a little past 3 a.m. and the faintest sound coming from your door seems to wake you up. In a panic, you rush and open the door to find a sobering Chenle by your door. 
“...it was about fucking time you opened that door, silly, I’ve been knocking for hours I thought–” 
You cut him off, pulling him in. 
“Chenle what the fuck?” 
He smiles at your puzzled expression. His hair is a bit messy now, blue suit is wrinkled. You can’t help but wonder if anything happened with the girl in the club. 
“I’ve been waiting for hours… I followed you back here but you locked the door. I called you so many times… ” he frowns. 
You go to the kitchen and fetch him a water bottle. As he starts drinking it, you find his eyes searching yours…  Sparks. No. No. This is your best friend Chenle. Nothing can ever happen between you and your best friend. The one who taught you how to ride a bike, tie your shoelaces, and give the best hugs ever. 
“You look so pretty,” he finally says. 
“Drink your water, Chenle,” you sigh. 
“You do!” he insists. 
“Who has she?” and you can’t believe the words that leave your mouth. You weren’t supposed to ask. 
“We did a semester together abroad. She is a good classmate that’s all. I never meant to upset you– you are too important…” 
You weren’t sure where the conversation was going, but Chenle assumed he talked too much. He puts the water bottle down and makes his way to you. Now you find yourself between your best friend and your bedroom door. The hard wooden surface against your back reminds you that once you cross that threshold with him, your relationship will change forever. 
His hands touch your waist, not sure if he has permission to do so, but you welcome him as the drug you need. His lips inches from yours and you pray he will kiss you, but time stops. It’s really only you and him at last like you dreamt of so many restless nights. 
“I’ve been wanting to ask you something since the moment I came back…” 
“Yes?” your voice comes out as a breathless whisper. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
You can’t even wait to answer him when your lips are already on his. His tongue teases yours and your lips part. He tastes of expensive wine, lust, and love. Chenle moans into your mouth and that is it for you. You want every single inch of you to be consumed by him. You reach out to open the door to your room. 
“Please,” you ask. 
“How can I say no to you?” he smiles and kisses you once again. 
Each second you spend kissing him you feel your skin getting hotter, desire coursing through your veins making you dizzy, and then you feel him carry you. Bride style, his lips never leaving yours. He carefully lowers you onto the bed, his hands now exploring your clothed body, the feeling of sparks under his fingertips making the moment intense, and urgent. Little moans and cries escape you both as Chenle helps you to straddle him. Your delicate fingers move his hair away from his face. The most beautiful man is underneath you, eyes on yours, lips parted. His chest rises and falls, you contemplate him for a moment. He takes your hands into his, everything seems surreal, you have spent countless times in this bedroom but not like this—a new territory. 
“Do you think we are about to make a terrible mistake?” your voice is small, you may not want to know what he has to say. 
He shakes his head. His hand reaches your cheek. 
“Do you?” 
Now you shake your head. 
“Good. Then kiss me, silly, and don’t stop unless you don’t want to do this–” but you don’t let him finish his thought and your lips already found his. 
It is then that you finally understand that he needs you as much as you need him. The pieces of clothing now are forgotten somewhere on your bedroom floor. Every part of you reacting to Chenle’s heavenly but sinful touch. His fingers finally take the only item of clothing left, your panties. He lowers himself, eye level with your wet cunt. 
“So pretty,” he murmurs. 
His tongue licks your entrance, ending in your clit which he sucks and your soul seems to leave your body as your back arches for him. Your hands immediately reach your breasts increasing the sinful pleasure coursing through you. You feel one of his fingers slide in you with almost no resistance. That’s how aroused you are for him. You gasp and your hips move, making the feeling of his hot mouth on your cunt even better. With his tongue flat on your slit, Chenle’s hands squeeze your thighs, encouraging you to use his face as you please. Only stopping to spit on your throbbing core, he eats you out so deliciously your soft moans turning louder. Legs over his shoulders now, he adds two curling fingers in you. 
Again and again, he kicks your clit, his fingers working magic inside you, fogging your brain and heightening the urge to cum for him. 
“Fuck! I– I’m–” you can’t think, you can’t speak… and so your orgasm hits you with such intensity you are shaking under him. Your legs turn to jelly. The heavy breathing that follows your cries echo in your ears. Chenle plants one last kiss on your clit and your legs close from the overstimulation. 
He lets out a low-pitched chuckle and the vibration travels straight to your clit again. 
“You okay?” 
You look at him in between your legs. Did this just happen? Your head falls back once more to the pillow. An involuntary laugh escapes your lips. But Chenle knows you, sometimes better than he knows himself he thinks and to him, this moment is making his heart go a million miles an hour. What an honour to have you like this, all fucked out, and all for him. 
Little kisses are planted on your thighs, on your lower stomach, your hands, your breasts, until he reaches your face. You giggle in response. His eyes meet yours, and different from what you thought, you are not embarrassed. You want him more than ever, so you kiss him. 
“More than okay,” you finally replied. 
Reaching south of his body you find his erection already leaking for you. You stroke it slowly, the faintest of moans leaving Chenle’s lips. This is the greatest reward you can get. His breath hitches as your pace gets faster. 
“Aaahhh…” a long, whiny moan. 
“You like that?” 
He nods reassuring you. 
You bring his hips lower, aligning his tip with your entrance. In anticipation, your eyes shut but immediately your jaw falls open when Chenle’s cock begins to stretch your needy cunt. Inch after inch, pleasure builds on pleasure and you silently pray the moment never ends when he starts moving in but not completely out of you. Your nails digging into his biceps, loving the way he stretches you out. 
“I know, I got you,” and he wraps one of your legs around his waist, making his thrusts deeper, his cock dragging against your walls that clench tightly around him. 
“Feels so so good,” your hand goes to his head, grabbing a handful of hair and pulling slightly. 
“Say. That. Again,” he moans. 
“It feels so good”. 
Chenle buries his face in the crook of your neck. Mild sharp pain fades into pleasure when he bites your skin, licking the now sensitive spot to ease the harsh sensation. You pull his hair once more, this time to make him kiss you. And he does, so lost in passion, so lost in you. The kiss is sloppy, messy, perfect. His thumb presses circles on your clit acting as the perfect trigger for your orgasm. You feel climbing higher and higher, his cock twitching inside you, his hot breath fanning on your face, his lips curving into a smile. Fuck, he is everything. 
“Chenle! Fuck… ah!” you cum for him. 
“Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes,” he repeats as a broken record as he pulls out and cums letting out a high-pitched moan that you will remember for the rest of your life. 
Chenle kisses your face, your hands, and helps you clean up. However, you didn’t exchange a word then. Now, you find yourselves back in bed, still naked. His arm around your waist, your head on his chest. His heartbeat is a love poem itself. 
“You know,” he breaks the silence. “I don’t ever want to say hello or leave without kissing you… I guess what I’m trying to say is–” 
You kiss him. It’s a long kiss, your lips pressed against his. Everything feels just right like it’s meant to be. 
“I really like you, Chenle,” you whisper, somewhat scared of what he will say back. 
“I really really like you too, silly,” he smiles. 
a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨
I hope enjoyed this :3 ~ masterlist
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luvkyu · 7 days
dunk shot ( zhong chenle )
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chenle x male reader
chenle's boyfriend becomes the talk of the athletic department, but chenle doesn't mind.
content : 1.5k words, fluff, uni!au, basketball player!chenle x track runner!reader, reader is kind of a heartthrob
( a/n ) baskemtball
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chenle rolled the cart of basketballs onto the gym floor, followed by two of his teammates doing the same. as captain of his university's basketball team, he always took the initiative of making sure the court was prepped, safe, and ready for a productive practice.
"alright, let's start with the usual stretches and a few laps around the gym," he announced.
as everyone fell into their usual warm up routines, murmurs of conversation began to resonate against the gym walls. chenle took his time and jogged lightly with yangyang and jungwoo on either side of him.
"did you guys see the new track team member?" yangyang asked.
"oh yeah, i actually have a class with him," jungwoo answered brightly.
"really?? what's his name?"
"y/n. he's really cute."
chenle perked up at the mention of his boyfriend. a small smile tugged at his lips. he decided to stay quiet on the subject of the male. despite jungwoo and yangyang being his friends, they didn't know chenle was dating someone - let alone dating the new student that they were now talking about hitting on.
chenle and y/n never agreed to be secretive or excessively private with their relationship, they were just naturally lowkey. this wasn't the first time chenle was hearing people talk up his boyfriend, either. he'd gotten pretty used to people fawning over y/n. who was he to blame them?
the rest of practice went by like any other. a few people would come in and sit on the bleachers while waiting for friends or simply to check out their crushes on the basketball team.
they were beginning to wrap up practice when yangyang recognized a familiar face.
"shit, is that y/n??"
chenle and jungwoo instantly looked over to where yangyang was pointing. sure enough, y/n was sitting on the bleachers with another track runner, jeno.
"god, he's so pretty," jungwoo mumbled. chenle couldn't help but smile.
"alright, c'mon. let's finish up and get all the basketballs back in storage," chenle nagged with a snicker. his friends ogling at his boyfriend gave him a weird feeling. he was somehow proud and uncomfortable at the same time.
jungwoo and yangyang went to join the team in finishing tasks. chenle looked over at y/n one more time, now meeting the male's eyes. y/n smiled largely at him and waved. chenle felt like he could faint at how wholesome he was. he waved back and sent him an endearing wink before joining the rest of his team.
"so how would you say your first practice was?" jeno asked.
"really good! i'm excited for the first meet."
jeno nodded happily.
"i'm glad we finally got a good anchor for the relay. you're gonna crush the other teams."
y/n let out a small chuckle. "so who're you waiting for?"
"my friend jisung. we're meeting some friends for dinner," jeno answered. "and you're waiting for chenle?"
jeno could see the way y/n's face lit up. he laughed a bit and nodded along.
"alright, when's the wedding?" jeno teased.
y/n rolled his eyes and elbowed jeno's side. jeno laughed just as jisung came up to the two of them.
jisung cringed at the name, "ew. are you ready to go?"
jeno smiled and nodded as he now got up from the bleachers.
"see you tomorrow, y/n?" he asked.
"mhm! have fun," y/n chimed in reply, giving them both a wave.
the pair began walking out of the gym, but y/n didn't miss the way jisung took a double glance at him.
"wait, that's y/n?" jisung whispered to his friend. jeno scoffed.
"yeah. you know him?"
"everyone does at this point. people are going ballistic over him."
"including you?" jeno teased. jisung gave him a side eye and continued walking.
as y/n now sat alone, he picked up his phone and began scrolling through instagram to keep himself occupied. without thinking, he went straight to chenle's profile and looked through some of the photos he'd posted. he often did this when he was missing chenle or just wanted to see him.
a few basketball players started departing from the locker rooms a few minutes later, walking through the gym to get to the exit. y/n looked up in hopes of seeing his boyfriend. he frowned. no chenle. with a small sigh, he rested his palm against his cheek and went back to his phone.
meanwhile, chenle laid his towel over his shoulder as he stepped out of the showers. he wiped his face tiredly. all he wanted to do now was go home with y/n and relax for the evening.
making his way out of the men's locker room now, chenle found y/n on the bleachers. the male looked up from his phone to see chenle walking toward him. a large grin was instantly planted on y/n's face as he got up to greet him.
"hi babe. thanks for waiting for me," chenle said warmly.
"of course," y/n replied. he took chenle's hand, intertwining their fingers as they began to leave the gym together.
"wait, isn't that y/n?" jungwoo pointed from the other end of the gym, "..with chenle?"
yangyang quickly looked where jungwoo was pointing, catching a glimpse of the couple before they disappeared from the building.
"were they holding hands??"
"what the hell.."
the two friends looked at each other in confusion.
"was that why y/n was here? waiting for chenle?" yangyang asked.
"but wouldn't chenle tell us they're together?" jungwoo countered.
they looked back in the direction of the boys, trying to process the situation before both busting into a fit of laughter.
"that little shit let us drool over y/n when they're literally dating," jungwoo laughed.
yangyang let out a small cackle. "text him and ask about it," he suggested.
jungwoo's smile never faltered as he took out his phone. yangyang hung over the other's shoulder, eager to see how their friend would respond.
jungwoo :
CHENLEEE do you wanna get dinner with some of the team tonight??
chenle :
i have plans but thanks for the invite
jungwoo and yangyang exchanged glances as more snickering erupted between them.
"he has plans," jungwoo reiterated.
yangyang rolled his eyes before gesturing back to jungwoo's phone.
jungwoo :
what are you doing that doesnt involve us 🙄
chenle :
lots of things
jungwoo :
chenle :
you guys just go, i'll meet you before the game tomorrow
jungwoo :
ur not gonna tell us about y/n? 🙄👎
chenle :
what about him
jungwoo :
chenle :
yeah he's my boyfriend
jungwoo :
chenle :
yeah it was pretty funny tbh
jungwoo :
maaaan fuck u 😭
chenle :
do you guys wanna meet him? he's coming to the game tomorrow
jungwoo :
yes we would love to meet your boyfriend 😒
chenle :
okay see you tomorrow !!
jungwoo sighed and turned his phone off before looking at yangyang again.
"he's a fucking menace."
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"where's y/n?"
"i dunno, i can't find him in the crowd."
yangyang and jungwoo were watching like hawks outside of the gym, searching for y/n's familiar face in the sea of people that came for their basketball game.
"cause he's right here, dipshits," chenle interrupted. he watched his friends quickly turn around to see y/n by his side.
"hi," y/n waved a bit awkwardly. to be honest, he was scared of meeting chenle's friends after hearing they were quite the characters. "nice to meet you guys."
yangyang and jungwoo stood up straight and gave big smiles, as if they were meeting a celebrity.
"hi, y/n! i'm jungwoo."
"i'm yangyang! nice to meet you too! finally," yangyang joked while glaring at chenle.
"will you guys go get ready for the game now?" chenle nodded toward the locker room with a teasing smile.
yangyang rolled his eyes and grabbed jungwoo's arm to drag his along. jungwoo stuck his tongue out at chenle before the two disappeared into the locker room.
chenle sighed happily and turned to face his boyfriend.
"there you go, two of my friends."
"they seem.. fun," y/n laughed.
"on some days," chenle joked along. "alright, i should go get in there too."
"yeah, the game's starting soon, go go."
chenle stayed put for a second, gazing at y/n with love struck eyes. y/n couldn't help but smile at him. he took chenle's hands and gave him a small kiss, to which chenle quickly reacted and deepened the kiss to keep y/n with him longer. their lips moved in sync until they heard one of chenle's team members shout from inside the locker room.
"oh, if only we had a team captain here!!"
chenle pulled away from y/n, a light blush coating his cheeks. he looked down at their still connected hands with an idiotic smile.
"those fuckers, i swear," he mumbled. y/n simply snickered and let go of his hands.
"i'll see you after the game, le. i'm gonna be sitting with jeno, wherever he chose to sit. but i'll wait for you after."
"mm," chenle hummed happily while nodding. he gave y/n one last kiss before hurrying off to meet his team.
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taglist ★! :
@kssyivo @jaemmphilia @vkooksupremacy @haocovr @astrozuya @themiddlefingerinthesky @dontwannaexsist
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taetr4ck · 18 days
also I shall send in my first request 😔☝️
I don't think you've done chenle bf texts yet so how about trying those. Or jisung (nct) texts. You can pick either!!
bf! chenle x reader, bf! jisung x reader. brief mentions of 'girl' — fluff, crack. taglist form.
a/n : omg i giggled when i got ur request !!!! twirls hair... i don't think i've done some bf texts for them yet so here i am !! did both of them because they're so cute & ilysm 🤞🏻 i hope this is to your liking <3
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taglist : @wonootnoot @haechansbbg @bath1lda @jkbabiey @k-labels
⋆ taetr4ck, est may 2023. / requests open
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jaelvr · 30 days
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Home | NCT Dream masterlist |
Requested : no
Prompts ; 10. “Am I your favourite?” “I like your dog a bit more than you, I won’t lie.” + 31.“I know it’s your favorite.”
Pairing : boyfriend! Chenle x reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type : fluff
Word count : 400
Warnings : mutual feelings, established relationship, idol au, fluff, slightly ooc
Have a great day !! 
"Alright, alright." he chuckled softly as Daegal barked, alerting him of the knocks at the door as she spun around in circles. "Hey." you smiled softly as he opened the door, taking in his appearance. You'd decided to pick up his favourite food and surprise Chenle, having not seen him for a few days due to his busy promotions and knowing how stressed he was, this was the best idea you could come up with. "Brought food. I know it's your favourite." you grinned, holding the bag of food from his favourite restaurant. He stood still for a moment, mouth agape in shock before he brought you into his arms, hugging you tightly while he buried his head into your neck.
"You're an angel." he murmured, pressing a gentle peck to your neck. A content hum left your lips as your hand scratched his scalp, pecking his forehead. "Let's go eat before it gets cold, and then we can do whatever you want, yeah?" you mumbled, caressing his cheek. He nodded, stepping aside for you to walk in and taking the bag off you, allowing you to take your coat and shoes off while he set the food up. He felt the tenseness leave his body as he heard your giggles and Daegal immediately ran over, barking and jumping at you, trying to cover you in kisses. "Hi pretty girl." you cooed, bending down to pick her up and stroke her, unaware of the lovestruck gaze on Chenle's face as he watched you two.
"Y'know, I'm starting to think you like her more than you like me." he joked, a soft smile on his face while you put her down. You laughed, shaking your head as you approached him, wrapping your arms around his waist and perching your head on his shoulder, watching while he finished dishing the food out. "You're my favourite." you tried to assure, the mischievous smile on your face telling him otherwise. "Am I your favourite?" he asked, eyebrow raised as he looked at you. “I like your dog a bit more than you, I won’t lie.” you admitted, letting out a yelp as he started tickling your sides and covering your face in gentle, sweet kisses.
He wouldn't trade this for the world.
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marksmelodies · 6 months
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for better, for worse
idol chenle x fem reader
genre: angst, smut, fluff
warnings: cussing, mentions of sex, unprotected sex,
you and chenle have been fighting a lot lately, everything you say to eachother ends up in a argument. it’s a never ending saga of screaming, fighting, threatening to break up, making up, having sex, then fighting again and so on.you currently were staring at the clock on the wall as chenle was thrusting in and out of you, wishing was that it would be over soon.you love chenle and you love your sex life with him but recently it seemed like a sympathy card and nothing more.the two of you used to have so much chemistry, your sex was amazing, you two were so passionately in love, but now you both seemed burnt out.
chenle was chasing his orgasm, thrusts were becoming rushed and messy, headboard smashing against the wall, it seemed as if he was just eager to blow off steam rather than actually wanting to have sex with you.the two of you fought earlier due to chenle blowing you off again for work, you tried your best to be understanding of his job, you knew how much it consumes his life, but when he’s blowing you off every single day it’s really hard to justify it, selfishly you wanted him to focus on you more than work.when you brought it up to him he got defensive and started yelling, which caused you to get angry and the whole situation escalated very quick leading to screaming, cussing and slamming doors.
you looked at him and wondered if you two would ever go back to how you used to.once he finished he laid down back facing you not saying a word, the next thing you know you hear soft snores coming from him.you walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on, feeling a little sore from chenle taking out his anger on you.
as the water hit your back, you begin to sob, knowing the love of your life is slipping away was the worst feeling in the entire world. you wouldn’t blame him though, your relationship had become extremely toxic.a few moments of you crying you hear the bathroom door open.
“ i’m coming in i have to piss” you hear chenle say softly
you quickly get ahold of yourself “ go ahead ” you respond your voice shaking a little.silence fell between you two for a few moments until he speaks up.
“ it’s because of me right”
“ what”
“ your crying that hard over me… over us” you go silent again not knowing what to say, that’s when chenle steps in the shower fully clothed saying nothing, just grabbing you pulling you into a hug.you take a minute to process what’s happening you feel the man in your arms start to shake before hearing him wail, in all of the years you’ve been together you have never once seen him cry so hard.you both stand in the shower with the water running embracing eachother as you two sob.he finally looks up at you with red eyes and quivering lips
“ please don’t leave me” he cried into your shoulder
“ shhh baby everything’s going to be okay”
“ but it’s not, it’s not y/n and i don’t know how to fix it”
you both soak in this very vulnerable moment and decide to sit down and have a conversation when you were done.
“ first of all chenle i’m not leaving you, i don’t know where you got that from but when i promised you forever i meant it”
“ second of all, i think we need to go to couples therapy” you say to him. he just stared at you
“ i think it’ll help, really, a friend of mine recommended me a good therapist. i’m going to fight for us chenle and i’ll do whatever it takes”
“ me too, i’ll go if that’s what you think will help”
“ i really do babe, i think it’ll help a lot” that night you two were making some sort of progress even though it doesn’t mean much because you knew at some point you two would regress and go back to square one but you had a glimpse of hope this time.instead of spending the night at your friends place avoiding chenle which would usually happen around this time of night.you lay cuddled on the couch watching a movie, you can feel chenle shifting as if he was uncomfortable.you got up to get him some water, when you came back chenle was standing up looking a little frantic.you were confused until you saw the tent in his pants.
“ really lele” you roll your eyes
“ you can never keep it in your pants” you laugh to yourself.
“ i’m sorry babe it just happens, i’ll go take care of it in the bathroom i’ll be right back” he says at you frown at him.
“ i mean you could do that or i don’t know you have your turned on girlfriend standing right in front of you” you smirk,he walks over to you picking you up making his way to the bedroom.throwing you down on the bed, immediately smashing his lips onto yours, grinding his clothed dick onto you as you moan into his lips, driving him crazy.
“ fuck i cant take it anymore” he rips your shirt and shorts off, taking your under garments with it too, leaving you completely naked.kissing a trail down your body he lifts your hips up a little to make you comfortable as he licks a stripe down your pussy
“ oh my god chenle” you moan, he smiles at you before diving completely into your heat, sucking at your clit you arch your back, lacing your fingers into his hair he pulls you forward flicking his tongue back and forth.you feel your orgasm building up, “ babe i’m coming” you scream as you release all over his face.you lay there catching your breath, for the first time in a very long time you felt content in the bedroom, for the first time in months he actually made you finish.chenle takes one if your legs lifting it onto his shoulder as he places his other hand on your waist, thrusting into you “ oh my god babe you’re so wet for me” he says as your hands grip the bedsheets, he flips you around arching your back for him he slams into you again with no warning, earning screams from you.continuously hitting your g spot you feel yourself about to cum again
“ chenle im gonna cum” you cry
“ wait for a little longer babe i want to come together”chenle has you a squirming mess under him, he has to keep one hand on your lower back keeping you arched as the other one is on your waist.
“ lele i cant hold it anymore please” is you beg
“ be a good girl y/n, i’m almost there” squeezing your eyes shut he turns you around again
“ look at me baby i wanna see you when we cum” chenle takes both of your legs bending them into your chest as he thrusts as hard as he can,his trusts become sloppy as he lets low groans out of his mouth.
“ fuck baby you ready” he asks
“ yes yes please”
“ cum for me babygirl” he demands as you both finish at the same time.chenle collapses onto you, not taking himself out of you yet.
“ fuck baby that was so good” he whispers kissing your neck
“ that’s the best sex we’ve had in so long” you smile
“ i know love, we definitely needed that”taking himself out of you he cleans you up and joins you back in bed.
“ i love you so much sweet girl, i promise we will make it through this rough patch” he kisses your forehead.
“ i know we will lele, i love you too”
** a year later**
you and chenle did end up going to couples therapy and it has changed your relationship for the better.you two haven’t gotten into fights since, you are in the honeymoon stage all over again, and let’s just say you two can’t stay off of eachother, you feel like teenagers again.the romance has sparked in your relationship again and it has never felt better.
you were currently joining him on his europe leg of his tour. waking up next to your man every morning in a new place had been a dream come true.today you were in paris , chenle had soundcheck and dance practice but other than that you had the night to yourselves since his show wasn’t until tomorrow.you stayed in bed most of the day catching up on rest until you receive a text from your boyfriend telling you he made dinner reservations tonight and to dress fancy.
you quickly got up and started getting ready.a few hours later you were finally ready as chenle made his way to pick you up.he was dressed in a nice white button down shirt and black slack pants, it took everything in you not to jump his bones right then are there.
the night was beautiful, he rented out the rooftop of a very fancy restaurant looking out onto the Eiffel Tower which shimmered every so often and had music playing soft instrumentals.you were left speechless.chenle however seemed a little nervous and quieter than usual.
finishing up your dinner you looked to your boyfriend.
“ chenle this is amazing really, thank you so much”
“ you deserve everything and more my love” he kisses your hand. you smile at him as he falls quiet again.he clears his throat.
“ let’s go look at the view huh” he suggests. he walks with you hand in hand as he leads you over to the edge of the rooftop.standing under a beautiful arch with vines and fairy lights you look at the Eiffel Tower in awe.
“ it’s so beautiful chenle, i’m never going to forget this moment” you turn to him and notice he’s not beside you anymore.confused you turn around to find him kneeling down on one knee holding out a small box with a beautiful diamond ring in it.
you gasp covering your mouth with your hands as tears stream down your cheeks.
“ y/n i have loved you from the moment i met you, never in my lifetime have i experienced a love greater than yours, we’ve been through so much together, i know that we can face whatever the world throws at us as long as we are together, i love you more than words can describe you have my whole heart, you have changed my life and i will forever be so grateful, through good seasons and bad i will always be by your side, i can not wait for our future together. (your full name) will you marry me?”
“ yes a million times yes” you say without hesitation as he slides the ring onto your finger pulling you into a kiss. you wrap your arms around his neck embracing him tightly.
“ i know we already promised forever a long time ago but i thought a big shiny ring would be a nice touch” chenle jokes as he kisses you again.
“ i cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you zhong chenle.”
—————————————————————————thank you for reading, i hope you enjoy!!!
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swee7dream · 3 months
hi! Just wanted know if I could request cg chenle or jisung taking care of y/n when she regresses in public because of sensory overload? I love your page so cute and helpful! 🥰
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whatever you want cg!zhong chenle x f!reader
summary: he just wanted to welcome u back home from ur trip :(
genre & warnings: established relationship, angst, comfort, sensory overload, public regression, non-sexual use of 'daddy'
dni if: sexualize age regression
“Baby, you’ve gotta eat. You didn’t eat anything on the plane or before your flight.”
“Said I’m not hungry.”
“Can you have at least one more bite of rice? Just one.”
Chenle’s nagging whispers tickle the shell of your ear, making you pull away. He doesn’t remove his hand from your waist, nor his eyes off your curled-up figure.
Your friends around the table are too engaged in their conversations to see how you’ve been uncomfortable from the second you walked into the restaurant.
It’s as packed as most barbeque spots would be on Friday nights, with customers shouting for staff help over all the music and talking, and waiters yelling back in that tone that just wrings your brain like a soaked towel. Chairs and stools screech with each move they make on the concrete floor and it makes you wince.
You’re hunched in your seat, covering your mouth with one hand while the other holds one of your elbows pushing against your hips. Your nails dig into your clothes when you feel a sizzling pop of grease too close for comfort, bouncing your feet on your stool’s footrest.
It’s only now that Chenle realizes his plan is flawed. Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to invite your friends to go out to eat together the same day you came back from a week-long visit to your parents. Sure, he missed you and to him, there was no better time than one where all his favorite people are there but—
“Don’t wanna…” You groan quietly, bringing your glass of water to your lips just to have something to block Chenle from force-feeding you in public.
It’s not the best time for you.
“Fine. You don’t wanna. I get it.” He whispers, bringing up the hand on your waist to hold your head when he kisses your hair.
Chenle pulls out his phone and unlocks it to check his messages. No new ones, but nobody but you can tell. He clicks his tongue loudly, successfully earning the attention of Mark next to him.
Large, concerned eyes wordlessly ask Chenle if he’s okay to which he nods and seamlessly gives an excuse to let the two of you go home first without ruining the good mood the rest of the group has.
As much as you want to just run out of the restaurant, your boyfriend gives you a familiar, near-mindreading look that you know is telling you to at least wave goodbye. So you do, just as he zips up your bubble coat up up up to your nose and throws the hood on after.
You groan about not being able to see but not sure if Chenle heard it, your hand already in his as he leads you out of the cramped establishment with your purse over your shoulder.
You know it’s annoying, you know it’s wrong, but you just can’t help but complain.
“It’s cold! And loud! And there’s so many people!” Your warm tears are quickly dried out by the winter chill, sparkling under the light like the snow you see collected on a tree nearby.
“I know, baby.” Chenle sniffles, his nose turning pink in the cold. His free hand tinkers with his phone, looking for a nearby taxi.
“I hate restaurants!” You stomp your foot.
“No, you don’t.”
His blunt words leave you quiet, bringing your tantrum to a sudden stop. It’s almost annoying how he doesn’t let your mind wander too far away from reality. Your arms wrap around one of Chenle’s, the embarrassment of your loud outburst catching up to you.
“I don’t…” You admit into his coat’s sleeve. “Didn’t mean it. Sorry.”
“I know you didn’t mean it. My baby girl’s just feeling lots of big feelings right now. I can understand that.” He scratches your head, locking his phone and dropping it into his pocket.
“Like restaurants...” You murmur. “Just not that one.”
“Okay, not that one.” His hand slides down to your jaw, giving you a gentle smile. “Do you want me to get you your headphones?”
“Yeah.” You nod.
The pink headphones Chenle had bought you for your first anniversary are out of your purse and his hands, but he’s not willing to give them up just yet.
“Want it…?”
“Want it please, Daddy.” You bite your lip. In the next second, you feel the plush pillows on your ears muffling the sound of the street. “Sorry…”
“No apology needed, doll. Just wanted to check in and see where you're at.”
You can hear Chenle mutter to himself as time passes on with no available ride in sight, only taxis with LED displays reading ‘unavailable’ mocking the two of you as you stand in the cold.
“How about a walk?”
“I’ll buy you hot chocolate.”
“…with whipped cream?”
“And marshmallows and chocolate syrup.”
Chenle admits that it was a risk going to that cafe, its little red canopy luring you in. Neither of you had ever gone there before and trying new things usually was reserved for special occasions where in general it had been a good day that has given a lot of energy, not a bad one like today where the seeking for new experiences is at an all-time low. There was just something pushing him to go in, a sort of inexplicable force.
From the outside, you could already tell it was small. The little hole in the wall used small chandeliers hanging from the ceiling to successfully bend the rule of ‘not using the big light’.
Like in shows, a bell rings overhead as you two open the door, taking in the smell of freshly ground beans and baked pastries. It’s like a slice of heaven on earth.
There are no other customers, empty booth seats lined up against the wall opposite of where the display case and coffee machines are. Thin glass vases hold up lonely flowers, lightening up the dark oak round tables. You’re busy inspecting the seemingly real vines that hang high on the walls when you feel a gentle nudge to your side.
“For here or to go?” Chenle repeats to you.
You unhook your arm with his to look around further, seeing how the seemingly hand-crafted wood shelves run all around the store, hardcover and paperback books of every genre resting atop them. Your fingers run along the spines, most of the letters all blending into nonsensical scribbles. You don’t mind though, you just like seeing the way the gold lettering on the thick spine of this one dark green book.
“’Peter Pan & Other Classics’…”
Chenle’s sudden voice behind you makes you jump.
“Wanna stay a bit and read?”
“Can we?” Your eyes sparkle.
“It’s Friday night. We can do all your little heart aspires to.” He taps the tip of your nose with his finger. "Absolutely anything you want, doll."
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a/n: hey..... how y'all doin'...? OK STOP BEFORE U THROW UR TOMATOES CONSIDER THIS: I'M A HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR. i'm sorry for not keeping my promises on the two fics but like... it's exam season ok? please show mercy. anyway, anon !!! thank you for requesting !!! i'm so sorry it took so long to put out AAA. spidermark is next if all goes well. my askbox is also open for whatever. just remember to read my rules first pls and thank u ok love u lots like subscribe and SMASH the notification bell BYE
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bcggyjeans · 6 months
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bf!7dream x gn reader
warnings: suggestive in mark’s and jaemin’s, fluff
author’s note: trying to find songs was A PAIN LMAO
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whiteteadreams · 1 year
Pink + White
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Pairing: Non-Idol!Zhong Chenle x Maid Cafe Waitress!Female Reader
Preview: “Chenle, we shouldn’t.” He backed you into the kitchen island, watching your every move. “Why not?” He looked into your frantic eyes that were searching for a way out with a false sense of confusion. Chenle placed his hands on the counter at your sides, slightly behind you, caging you in.
“T-the deal?” You assumed it was obvious but as you said it, you knew it didn’t make sense and you were screwed. “I think we both know that this-” he pointed between the two of you, “-isn’t a part of the deal.” He was right. You hated him but that didn’t mean you didn’t want him.
Word Count: 15.1k
Genre: (not actual) Enemies to Lovers, smut, angst, fluff, non-Idol AU,
Warnings: Chenle is really mean, reader is quite sensitive, their sexual relations aren't a part of the deal they made, both parties' consent and enjoy what goes on, blackmailing, cleaning wounds, chemical burns and bruises are mentioned, reader works at a maid cafe (men are weird and gross.), they aren't actually enemies ig they're just stupid, mature language/cursing, not proofread at all
Smut Warnings: slight dub-con (easy to miss), maid kink obvi, degrading names (slut, bitch, messy, whore etc.), kitchen sex, use of pussy pump, oral sex (both receiving and giving), sex is interrupted at one point, squirting, slapping, praise, heavy degradation, dumbification, dom/sub themes, chenle is mean, photo taken during sex, possessiveness, ik there is more so pls let me know lol
a/n- so this sprouted from several things lol i already had the idea for one of the scenes and then the youtuber emirichu posted her video abt the maid cafe and i just wanted to go ahead and write this. i hope you all enjoy it <3 ALSO sorry it took so long to write, it's over 11k words more than i thought it was gonna be lol
Stepping into the ‘Employee’s Only’ bathroom, you made sure your appearance was perfect before clocking in for your shift. Your thigh-high socks were all the way up, only two inches below the hem of your skirt. Your frills were wrinkle free, allowing them to show their true shape. The bow that sat at the small of your back wasn’t too tight nor too loose, it was fluffed, just like it was required to be. You didn’t hate the uniform, you felt really cute in it, but it was the customers that made it dreadful. The old men that would come in just to get called “Master” always, without fail, make some comment about taking the dress off of you.
Other than them, your job was quite enjoyable, it was a pretty and chill environment, you made close friends with some of your coworkers, and the shoes that came with the uniform made everything slightly less miserable for you. Shiny, black Mary Jane heels.
Deeming your hair, makeup, and outfit good enough to start your day, you walked out of the bathroom and headed for the machine in the back of the café.
“Hey girly” Minjeong bumped your hip as she passed you. She was the first friend you had met while working at the café. And even now, she was your closest friend. Your friendship didn’t stay inside the café but the two of you spent time together constantly.
“Hi Minjeong, have we been busy so far?” She didn’t give you a verbal response, only nodding her head with wide crazed eyes. You laughed at her expression and finished punching in your numbers. The ding sounded and that signaled that your shift had begun.  
“Alrighty, one of your regulars is here so you better go wait on him.” Minjeong pointed to the man in the corner of the restaurant. Having immediately recognized him, you grumbled a bit. Sure the tips were great, but you’d have to work for him. He wasn’t just gonna give you money for looking pretty, he’d make you run back and forth with different requests for the kitchen.
“Wish me luck.” Fixing you once slouched posture, you stood up straight and walked out of the back and towards the main floor. Minjeong winked at you, bit her lip, and wolf whistled as you walked away.
You were still lightly laughing as you approached the customer who had been waiting for you. “Well, aren’t you happy to see me?” Your real laughter stopped immediately and was replaced with your “customer service” laugh, it was fake and high pitched. “Oh I’m always excited to see you, Master.” You bowed your head, looking down at your shoes while you waited for him to say something.
“I think I’ll have my usual for lunch, but I’m in the mood for something sweet.” His gaze was almost predatory. The glint of lust in his eyes that were raking your body was unwanted. “How about you and that other pretty little maid over there tell me what you would recommend.” He licked his bottom lip as he pointed at Minjeong with his head.
“Right away Master.” Bowing to him and turning on your heel, you walked over to Minjeong who was headed towards the kitchen.
You walking quicker just a tad to put you side by side to Minjeong, all while still looking graceful for the customers who could still see you. “Sup pretty little maid, the guy over there wants us to recommend something for desert.” You smirked and raised both eyebrows in a provocative way. “Ugh, is that what he called me or something?” Nodding your head and linking your arm to hers, you steered the both of you back to the man’s table.
While you were still out of the man’s earshot, you heard Minjeong let out a, “Fucking old ass perv.” You elbowed her slyly since you were in the main dining area but still let out a snort, which of course caused her to laugh as well.
“Now I have two pretty girls to assist me. Okay ladies, what would you recommend for something sweet today. Of course, I’m open to trying anything.” Ignoring his obvious advances, you pointed at the menu the dessert section and gave more in-depth descriptions of all of them.
 “Oh my fucking god.” The voice came from behind you and was in shock. Minjeong looked at you with confusion. “Do you know him?” She raised one of her eyebrows at the man behind you. “I’m sorry Mister, it appears another guest is in need of immediate service. I’ll be right with you Master.” Bowing to the man seated in front of you, he rolled his eyes but allowed you to leave.
Minjeong who was still next to you wanted to know if any drama would come out of this conversation. Turning around to face the shocked man, you were still looking at Minjeong when you started speaking to him. “Is there anything I can assist you with Sir?” As soon as you said ‘Sir’, your eyes flickered to who you were actually speaking to. Zhong Chenle, the boy you had a damn nearly decade long feud with.
Before you could show any signs of embarrassment, he started talking. In a ridiculing way, he said your full name slowly. “I never would’ve thought I’d see you working in a place like this. The fuck were you thinking?” He just kept laughing, in your place of employment. Not only was he embarrassing you, but you actually liked your job for the most part and it hurt that he was making fun of it.  
Your boss overheard the conversation and the commotion that Chenle was causing. A few well-known patrons were getting annoyed with being disturbed. You heard your name being called from behind you. “Get this boy out of here and then get back to work!” Glaring at Chenle, you took him by his elbow and pulled him out the back door.
“Why the hell are you here?” You were seething at this point. But even if you were mad, the embarrassment you felt when Chenle’s eyes raked up and down your body overtook every other emotion. He smirked when you crossed your arms and put your legs together, cowering under his gaze.
“Why am I here? Oh, I don’t know, to look at all the pretty maids. It seems like I found my favorite already.” He looked down right sleezy.
“This café is 30 minutes away from campus, there’s literally one down the street from your apartment. Why wouldn’t you just go there? I work here to insure that I don’t run into anyone I know.” By your words, he seemed to gain something, but you didn’t know why the evil look in his eyes was present.
Chenle walked around you, causing you to turn around to follow him, not wanting him to be behind you at any point. “So, what you’re saying is, you don’t want anyone to know about this.” You slowly nodded, regretting saying anything to him.
“It would suck if I told anyone about this, wouldn’t it?”
“You can’t Chenle! Please, don’t. I’ll do anything!” You gasped, pleading for your secret to stay hidden.
“Anything?” He was sly, making sure that no matter what happened, he got the most out of it. In this situation, he would either get to bask in your embarrassment or he would get you.
You thought carefully about your next words, deciding if it would be worth it.
“What would you get out of it?” He shrugged nonchalantly before running his finger along the lace trimming of your skirt. “I think we both know that I’ll get you out of it at some point. However, you can just clean my apartment until then.”
Cleaning with the possibility of sex. You hated Chenle and he hated you, sex would never happen. However, cleaning didn’t seem so bad. It wasn’t as bad as everyone on campus knowing you worked at a maid café.
“Alright, sure.” You rolled your eyes at him, but you still couldn’t shake the feeling in your gut. You didn’t know what that feeling was, but you figured you’d find out eventually.
Your feet felt heavy as they dragged you to Chenle’s front door. You wish they were truly as heavy as they felt so you wouldn’t be able to make it to the door. But still, no matter how much you wished your feet would somehow get cemented to the floor, you arrived in front of the wooden door.
Raising your fist to knock, you wondered if this was even worth it. Would it really be terrible if everyone knew about your job? Even the thought of people knowing made your skin crawl, so you went through with the plan and tapped your knuckles on the door.
Hearing a “One minute!” allowed you a bit of time to give yourself a breather and of course, Chenle being Chenle, that minute, turned into a few.
The door swung open once you decided to pull out your phone. Chenle, looking like he had just rolled out of bed, leaned against the frame. His eyes went from your trench coat to your sock covered legs, and down to your heels. His eyes never once reached our face until it was to question your appearance.
“Where’s the maid dress I requested? That was a crucial part of the deal.” Rolling your eyes, you grabbed the belt of the coat and pulled it loose, allowing the front to fall to the sides, baring your outfit to him.
“Ah, there we go. Such a good pretty maid. My pretty maid.” There must be something in the air, because no way in hell did Zhong Chenle’s words make you clench your thighs. Maybe it was the way he was looking at you with those sleepy eyes and smiling at you with that tired smile. Whatever it was, you hated it, but at the same time, you wanted it.
You wanted more.
More of him.
However, you needed to ignore the feelings and just get on with the deal you made. “Alright, what do you want me to clean first?” Smiling, he stepped aside, but not enough for you not to touch. Your side brushed his and he didn’t move until you were all the way in the large apartment.
“Well, you’re gonna clean something I hate cleaning.” It’s going to be his bathroom; you just know it.
Chenle led you through his penthouse sized apartment and said nothing. Walking through the living room that connected to the kitchen and following him down the hallway, he stopped in front of the 4th room on the left.
“Here’s where the porcelain throne stands.” The bathroom. Of course it was going to be the fucking bathroom.
You stepped into the bathroom that was easily bigger than your entire bedroom. Chenle on the other hand bent down and opened the cabinets underneath the sink. “So I don’t know if you’re allergic to any of these products, so I bought you these gloves. The chemical in the orange bottle makes my hands red so, be careful with that one.” You watched as he placed everything on top of the vanity.
Chenle stood back up and handed you the pale pink rubber gloves. “I wanted them to match your outfit.” You grimaced when you looked around the bathroom. For being so rich, the stereotypical housekeeper was nowhere to be seen.
“That’s why I have you.” Your body was facing the mirror and when you looked up to see the voice, Chenle’s mouth was against your ear. Apparently, you had said that out loud. “You’re my pretty little maid. We made a deal and I’m gonna use you in any way I want until you either back out or I’ve had enough.”
He gave your ear an open-mouthed kiss, lightly slapped your thigh where your skin showed and left.
We made a deal and I’m gonna use you in any way I want until you either back out or I’ve had enough.
He wants to sleep with you. Or that’s what he made it seem like.
Not knowing where to start, you decided on cleaning the floor last, just so if anything dripped onto it, you wouldn’t have to clean it twice. 
You were immediately thankful for your thinking since as soon as you picked up one of the spray bottles, it leaked onto the floor once you spritzed onto the washcloth.
Rolling your eyes to yourself, you went ahead and put on the gloves just in case anything else leaked unexpectedly. The gloves were your size which was helpful, you wouldn’t have to worry about the glove sliding down while you were cleaning.
Pulling the gloves on your hands and up to the middle of your forearms, you closed your eyes and randomly picked another bottle. Letting fate decide which disgusting bathroom appliance of Chenle’s you’d have to clean first.
Opening your eyes, bottle in hand, you read the description. You kneeled down by the edge of the bathtub, leaned against the side and started spraying around the tub.
You didn’t mind cleaning, you felt as if it was oddly therapeutic. Spraying the liquid, wiping it away, and watching all the gunk disappear. It was easy to let your mind slip and wander as the hypnotic sight played out in front of you.
The bathtub, toilet, mirrors, sink, and vanities were all clean after about 45 minutes. Your mind wandering definitely caused you to move a bit slower than normal but at least it went by fast. Reaching for more floor cleaner, Chenle walked into the room and just stood there. Stood there and watched you clean.
Tired of his watchful eyes, you abruptly stopped and slapped your covered thighs in annoyance. “Can I help you?” He leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed and a stupid smirk plastered onto his face. He shook his head and continued to watch. “Then why are you looking at me?” You refused to clean one more tile until you knew why he was standing there.
“Am I not allowed to look at my maid? She’s really pretty, it’s hard not to stare when I’ve got her kneeling on the floor for me.” Rolling your eyes at him, you reached for the bottle with the goal of ignoring him. “And now I’ve got her rolling her eyes back!” No matter how annoying he was at this moment, you laughed at him and threw the rag you were using to clean the floor with at him.
“Oh my god, fuck off man.” He caught the flying rag that was headed towards his face and grinned. “Nah I just wanted to tell you that I’ve got sandwiches on the table for lunch.” Chenle reached his hand out to you and shook it lightly, telling you to grab it. Placing your hand in the warmth of his, he helped you off the floor and led you to the kitchen. Your head hurt from the intense smell of his expensive cologne, the feeling of his hand still holding yours, and the thought of him making sandwiches himself, for you.
Pulling away from him to pour yourself some lemonade, with a shaking hand you picked it up by the handle and used the spout of the pitcher to ensure that nothing spilled out. Watching the pale-yellow drink pour into the cup, you listened to Chenle behind you. The crinkle sound the bag of chips made solved the mystery of where he was standing.
When your cup was full you placed the glass pitcher back down on the counter, the soft clink letting you know it was secure. Turning around to sit down at the table, you didn’t know that Chenle had also moved but he was now right behind you. Your chests collided, causing you to spill the lemonade on yourself and Chenle.
“I’m so sorry, it was an accident!” You could hear the drink drip on the floor but all you were concerned about was the stain that was surely going to be on his shirt in a few minutes. The stark white behind the yellow worried you. “Take off your shirt, let me spray it and go throw it in the washer.” His silence scared you more than the stain. He hadn’t said anything but when you looked up at him with wide eyes, he was just smiling while watching you panic.
“Haven’t even been here for an hour and you already wanna rip my clothes off.” He tsked in a mocking way but nonetheless he took off his shirt. When you reached for the shirt, he threw it behind him but stepped closer to you.
His face was so close to yours and quite frankly, you didn’t know what to do. You knew what you wanted to do, but that was a whole different thing.
“Chenle, we shouldn’t.” He backed you into the kitchen island, watching your every move. “Why not?” He looked into your frantic eyes that were searching for a way out. Chenle placed his hands on the counter at your sides, slightly behind you, caging you in.
“T-the deal?” You assumed it was obvious but as you said it, you knew it didn’t make sense and you were screwed. “I think we both know that this-” he pointed between the two of you, “-isn’t a part of the deal.” He was right. You hated him but that didn’t mean you didn’t want him.
He took another step closer to you, the space that was once between you was now gone. “All you gotta do is tell me to stop. I will stop, immediately.” As his lips moved, they brushed against yours.
“Push me away and I’ll stop this. You can go back to cleaning.” You would’ve laughed at him if you weren’t starting to get wet. The thought of Chenle doing whatever sick things he wanted to do to you took over your common sense and hatred.
You stood up on your toes, teasing his lips with yours before pressing them together.
Instead of laughing at you and cracking some perverted joke, Chenle caressed your uniformed sides. Continuing to kiss you, he leaned back, allowing you to put your full weight on him. His chest was much firmer than you originally thought. Under the baggy clothes he wore was a muscular, sculpted body. As much as you enjoyed feeling him, you wanted to see him.
“Chenle-” The name that whispered out was one you never would’ve thought you’d say in this way. He didn’t say anything back, but he knew exactly what you wanted. Chenle grazed the exposed skin between your thigh highs and the hem of your skirt. Those gentle touches turn rough as he picked you up by the back of your thighs. He held you close and just looked at you a bit when the movement broke the kiss.
The expression that painted his face could only be explained by confusion. He was internally battling with himself over the situation, much like yourself. The years of fighting and insults and tears were ignored by your lower halves, which were begging for something, anything.
Still without exchanging any words, Chenle turned around so he could see where you were headed, and you couldn’t. While he took you to whichever room in his apartment he wanted, you set yourself a personal goal of marking him. You placed both wet and sucking open-mouthed kisses along the column of his pale neck. His steps faltered a tad when you assumed you found his sweet spot. You didn’t hold back there, sucking the skin hard enough to leave an immediate red mark.
Chenle’s breath was heavy now, more than before. He feared that you had control over him, but whether it was because of the deal or the feeling in your bodies, it was the opposite. Feeling so wrapped up in your own world of bruising his neck, you didn’t realize how far he had walked.
You gasped as your back hit the bed and then giggled once you bounced. Chenle was standing at the foot of the bed, looming over your flushed figure. You went to make eye contact with him only to see that his eyes weren’t on yours. His were so clearly focused on your thighs. Your skirt was pushed up from your impact on the bed and your thighs were pressed against each other. While seeing that he wasn’t looking at you did make your heart ache a bit, but you quickly decided to use it to your advantage.
While still watching him, you slowly parted your thighs are raised your skirt even more. This allowed him to see your white panties that now had a very visible wet spot from your arousal.
“My pretty maid has such a pretty pussy.”  
“You haven’t even seen it yet.”
“That’s right, maybe you should take off your panties. Please let me see you.”
His voice had a whiny edge to it. Desperation laced it and it caused you to give in. Using your heels, you lifted your hips off the bed and hooked your fingers in the waistband of your panties and slipped them down your legs. They were still hanging off of one of your ankles, so you lifted your leg and brought the panties towards his face.
“My maid is a little tease too.” Chenle grabbed the panties from your ankle and brought them up to his nose. As the smell of your arousal entered his nostrils, his eyes rolled back, and a red tint covered his face.
Crawling on the bed towards your head, he planted kisses along your clothed body, letting out boyish giggles when he felt you twitch from it tickling. When his face was hovering over yours, you pulled him down by the back of his neck and smashed your lips together.
His tongue licked across the seam of your lips, pleading for entry, and who were you to deny him. Chenle’s smile was so obvious that you could feel it in the smile. You lifted your legs and wrapped them around his slim waist, keeping him as close as possible to you.
You tilted your head a bit, trying to get his lips on yours even more, if that was even possible. He matched movements, seemingly trying to do the same. Moans and laughs were the only things heard throughout the room, until a ringing sounded.
“Fuck! My fucking phone.” Chenle grumbled, several apologies and quick kisses were landed along your body as he picked himself up and grabbed the ringing phone that was on the nightstand.
“I’m” kiss “so” kiss “fucking” kiss “sorry”. You laughed at him and nodded, letting him up by releasing your legs’ grip on him. Chenle rolled his eyes, mimicked his father’s voice but nonetheless answered the phone before the ringing stopped.
Immediately the conversation turned serious, and he stepped out of the room. As soon as his figure disappeared into the hallway, the feeling of lust and lightheadedness left your body and shame took over. What the hell was that.
Your body was cold now, no longer embraced by the heat of Chenle’s body pressed against yours. But the cold sweat and the dry throat was enough to force you out of bed and towards the bathroom. Walking on your tippytoes to prevent any noise, you made your way to the bathroom.
Closing the door slowly, making sure the door didn’t creak, you splashed cold water on your face and cupped water in your hands and brought them up to your lips.
The cold water running down your throat soothed you, but still not as much as you needed it to. You almost had sex with Chenle. You liked it. And you were upset that you were interrupted.
Looking in the mirror, laughing at yourself, you shook your head and opened the door. Jumping a bit at the sight of Chenle leaning on the wall next to it, he was still on the phone.
He was slouching and opening and closing his mouth in a mocking sense of his father. He smiled at the giggle you let out. Chenle’s smile faded though, his expression turning solemn again. He looked at you and you looked at him, both of you silently agreeing that it was your time to leave.
With one last glance, you made your way out, but you could still feel his eyes following you, watching you leave. You had to stay strong and resist the urge to look behind you. Although difficult, you succeeded. It was difficult to understand what you were feeling, you hated him, and he hated you, but you wanted him, and he wanted you. You didn’t have to like someone to be attracted to them.
As soon as you knocked on the door, Chenle opened it and pulled you in with your wrist. “Chenle, wha-” He interrupted you by kissing your mouth, not even giving you time to react before he started talking. “I just need you, I wanna try something new that I saw.” Every type of kink was flying through your mind, or at least the ones you haven’t tried yet. “Are you okay with this?”
“Yeah, what is it though?” Chenle walked you to the master bedroom, him leading you from behind. Every time he tightened his grip on your waist, you clenched your thighs, wondering what he had planned.
“I bought you some more maid dresses, some like your uniform and others, not so much. I just didn’t want you to ruin your uniform.” He opened the armoire that hadn’t been there the last time you were there. The opened doors revealed several different dresses from pink to black and others that weren’t traditional collars. They ranged from different styles and materials, but they all had one thing in common, they were obviously expensive. With the dresses hanging from a rod at the top, there was about a half of foot of space from the dresses to the bottom of the section of the armoire.
Before you said anything about what you saw, Chenle spoke up. “I know how much you like the Mary Jane heels, so I bought you a bunch of different kinds and you can keep all of them even after the deal.” You turned around to face him and smiled.
“I can’t believe this, thank you so much!” You walked over to him; heels clicking on the hard wood floors and kissed his cheek. “That isn’t all.” His words trailed on, he refused to look at you, and he scratched the back of his neck. But the thing that made you giggle was the blush that spread across his entire face.
This Chenle was different, he was more vulnerable which allowed you to relax a bit even with the sexual undertone. “The drawers.” He pointed to the four drawers that were built in, under the doors of the armoire.
Raising one of your eyebrows, you walked backwards still keeping an eye on Chenle who still refused to look at you. Turning around and kneeling, you opened the first drawer, the top one on the left. As soon as everything inside was in your view, you heard Chenle make a slapping noise.
When you looked behind you, over your shoulder, he was covering his eyes with his right hand. Looking back at the drawer, you felt the fabric of the several sets of lingerie. Some were classier, babydoll styles with sheer fabric to cover the skin and others were blatantly sexy, garter belts, hooks and rings, matched with crotchless panties.
“Oh my god Chenle, what a fucking freak.” Your voice was laced with tease, making sure Chenle knew that you weren’t truly making fun of him. His ears were now burning red, and you were worried that he’d start crying soon.
Opening the drawer next to the one you were in now; you saw even more sets of lingerie. You coughed at the thought of the price of all of them. “Okay, okay, I thought you’d look pretty in them, so I bought them, move on.” Laughing at Chenle’s pleading groan, you smiled but complied. Closing the drawers and moving on to the bottom ones.
You decided to just open them both at the same time, ripping it off like a Band-Aid. “Chenle-” Gasping at the sight that was in front of you. You didn’t think you’ve ever seen this many different sex toys in one place. Dildos, vibrators, gags, collars, leases, floggers, candles, and that wasn’t even it. There were things that you didn’t even know what they were.
“Are these for me too?” Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. You never would’ve thought that Chenle would spend this much money on you. You closed the drawers, got up, and approached Chenle who was still seated at the foot of his bed.
You pushed his chest back, causing his back to hit the bed. With him now lying flat, you climbed on top of him, straddling him. “What kind of shit do you want to do to me? Huh?” You laid your chest on his, your breasts pressing against him now.
His hands enclosed around your hips and pulled you closer to his face. “I wanna make you cry and beg.” Biting your lip at his words, you got up off of him and looked at your new collection of dresses. “You got me all worked up, what do you wanna do first?”
You looked through all the toys in the drawers, looking at all the ones you weren’t familiar with. “This dress, these heels, and this toy.” Chenle threw the dress behind him at the bed and picked up the heels and the toy that kind of resembled an oxygen mask.
“What even is that?” You followed Chenle to the bed and tried to figure out what exactly was the thing he was holding. “It’s a pussy pump. It’s gonna make that tiny pussy all swollen and sensitive for me.” Oh.
“I’ll leave you to put on the dress, just call me in when you’re ready.” He kissed your head and walked out, leaving you alone with yourself.
You kicked off your heels after unbuckling them. It took a few tries to reach the zipper behind you but after you got it and pulled down, the dress pooled at your feet.
“Do you want me to leave my bra and panties on?” Chenle didn’t pick out a set, so you weren’t sure of what he wanted. “No, just the dress and heels.”
Unhooking your bra and pulling down your panties, you picked up the dress and just looked at it a bit. You hadn’t gotten to see it when he pulled it out of the closet. It was a pink frilly one, really short too. Looking over at the pussy pump that Chenle picked out, you thought about what it would do to you. You knew that it would basically do from what he had said but Chenle didn’t say what it would actually do.
Deciding to just wait for Chenle to help you through it, you pulled the dress over your head. There wasn’t a zipper, the hem that held the bust up was just elastic, so it fitted.
The way you looked at yourself in the mirror and assessed the way you looked reminded you of how you would prepare for a shift. You felt pretty in frills at work, and you felt pretty right now, standing in Chenle’s penthouse bedroom in a pink dress that he bought for you. ‘
From the way your hair sat to the way your socks were tugged up, you made sure you looked pretty with Chenle in mind.
“I’m all done!” You called out and waited for Chenle to walk back in. Calming your breathing to make sure you could hear Chenle’s footsteps didn’t help, because they never came. The door immediately opened with Chenle walking in.
“Were you just waiting right out the door?” You made eye contact with him through the mirror. Even though you expected a verbal answer to your question, you received something else. A compliment.
“You look so pretty. My pretty maid. My pretty girl.” He walked up behind you, still holding eye contact and wrapped his arms around your waist. You liked the weight of his arms on your hips, and he liked the way it felt to have your skin touching his. When you turned your head to look at him directly, your noses lightly knocked against each other from close proximity.
Chenle squeezed your hips and started walking you backwards, leaving wet kisses on your neck until the back of his knees hit his bed. He sat down and just pulled you down with him. Both of you were still facing the mirror. “I want you to watch yourself during this. Since we’re bringing in new and more intense things into the bedroom, what do you want you safe word to be. I don’t want you to feel like you don’t have any control.”
With how short the dress was, being spread out on Chenle’s lap bared everything to your eyes. Your knees were hooked over his and since his legs were spread, so were yours. The obscene sight was the only thing you could pay attention do. The warm lighting made the both of you glow, and with Chenle’s sincere look, you relaxed in his hold and allowed yourself to slouch against him.
“I get that you’re really pretty, but this is important. I’m gonna need you to answer me if you wanna start.” He spoke quietly against your ear and looked at you through the mirror since it was the only thing you were paying attention to you.
“Look at me.” Through the mirror, your eyes connected. “No, look at me.” Sucking in a breath, you turned your head to look at Chenle. “So, what do you want your safe word to be?” His fingers lightly brushed your thighs, drawing shapes along your smooth skin.
Giggling, you thought about a word that was a bit silly and on theme. “How about Windex?” Chenle’s normal obnoxious laugh was dialed down for the serious conversation. “I mean, if that’s what you want it to be, I’m happy with it. However, I hope to never put you in a situation where you need to use it.” Your giggling died down and you smiled softly at Chenle, you wanted to live in the sweet moment, but with Chenle’s half hard cock sitting against your ass, your pussy spread out, and the pussy pump next to you, you needed him to do something.
“Alright, it feels like you’re getting needy with all your squirming, let’s get you wet.”
Chenle started with just looking at you through the mirror, at your pussy specifically. “Chenle, just hurry. Please.” He laughed at you and brought his hands from your thighs to your naval. He rubbed the junction of your thighs and naval, inching closer and closer to that place you needed him the most.
With one last whimper from you, Chenle gave in to what you wanted. He ran two fingers through your wet lips. He circled around your hole that was clenching around nothing, but he still didn’t fuck you yet.
“How are you so fucking wet already?” It was a rhetorical question. He knew the answer and so did you. It was because of him.
One of his hands disappeared from your cunt and picked up something from your side. The pussy pump.
He kissed the back of your neck and placed the chamber on your pussy after removing his other hand, now using it to hold the pump.
In his left hand he held the chamber to you and with his right was the pump. He gave the hand pump an experimental pump to see if it would stay. Like a vacuum, it gave your pussy a suctioned feel. It wasn’t like what you’ve seen with a penis pump. It didn’t blow air into you, instead it sucked it.
Giving it a few more pumps, Chenle watched and listened to you. Whining at the new feeling, you looked at yourself. “Chenle, it feels really weird.” He chuckled lowly in your ear and instead of saying something he just pumped it again and again.
You watched what it was doing to you through the mirror. “Oh my god, Chenle!” He didn’t give you a break during it, he pumped it, listened to your noises and then continued with his ministrations.
Tears formed in your eyes at the feeling.
You didn’t think that Chenle could possibly pump it again as the chamber was impossibly tight around your cunt, but he was able to prove you wrong.
It wasn’t your pleas or begs that persuaded him to stop. It was his own impatience. He flicked the valve and released the suction. The blood flow returned to your cunt and your clit throbbed, already so sensitive and Chenle himself has barely touched you.
The chamber fell from no longer being supported and you gasped at the sight. He wasn’t joking when he said it would cause your pussy to be swollen and you didn’t know how long it would last like that. You didn’t even move, scared to feel it.
“Oh my god, fucking look at it.” Chenle flicked your clit that had easily grown twice its original size. You screamed at the feeling, it felt as if he had already been touching you, for the whole day possibly. “How long is this gonna last?” Your thighs jumped when he ran three fingers through your folds. Playing with the swollen flesh and wetness, he thought out loud. “Imagine you stayed like this forever, ruined for anyone to ever come after me. Proof that you let me do these things to you. Think about what people would think if they saw you like this. Fucking whore.”
He slapped, pinched, and stuffed your pussy, forcing you to let out gasps, moans, and screams. It wasn’t until you felt his cock prod at your dripping hole. You had felt him get his cock out of his sweats, but you thought he was going to give you a minute before he fucked you.
“Wait, Chenle, just give me a moment.” He complied but still asked, “Do you want to use your safe word?” Shaking your head, you leaned back against Chenle, starting to take a breather. It quickly came to an end though when his hands tightened around your waist, picked you up, and placed you on the ground.
“While you wait, you’re gonna clean.” He smiled and threw you one of the old towels that he used to clean. You stared at him in disbelief, jaw dropping once you saw him scoot back on the bed, back against the headboard.
“What? You want to wait, but we might as well be productive during it. And get your tits out.” The stark difference of Chenle’s attitude towards you was something you were ashamed to admit that it made you wet.
Still listening to him though, you pulled the bust of your dress down and let the elastic snap under your breasts.
You got up from your spot on the floor to go grab the floor cleaner. When you walked your pussy clenched from sensitivity. “The floor isn’t gonna clean itself and at this point you’re just gonna have more to clean with the way your dripping all over it.” When you were standing over your original spot on the floor, about to kneel down you noticed that there were small droplets from you. Chenle just laughed when you looked down, not being able to hold eye contact with him.
Deciding to go ahead and start cleaning, you sprayed some of the floor cleaner on the rag and started to scrub the floor. “My pretty little mindless doll.” His voice was gentle with a hint of being condescending. Every time you would scrub the floor a bit harder your breasts would bounce and Chenle would palm his aching cock with more pressure.
Even though you had only been on the ground for a few minutes, you needed him to do something. You didn’t want to wait any longer. You needed to be fucked. “Chenle, please. Do something, anything.” His smile turned devious and soon after, you felt the flash and heard the click of a polaroid camera.
Chenle waited for the film to develop before he approached you. Crouching down to your level, he placed the humiliating photo in your line of sight. “Who’s is that?”
When you were about to say it was you, you realized that he said, ‘who’s is that’ not ‘who is that’. “Yours.” Smiling and placing the photo in his phone case, he helped you off the floor.
“Even though you’re a slut who doesn’t deserve to be fucked on a bed, you can rest your knees just since I’m nice.” His grip on your upper arm helped him throw you onto the bed. Your skirt lifted in the process and showed Chenle the curve of your ass.
“Spread your legs. Now.”
Laying on your stomach, you did what you were told. Chenle stood behind you, watching you listen to him. “Such a good little maid. My little slut.” Chenle ran his palm over the smooth skin of your ass before landing a harsh slap on it. He felt his dick twitch at the sight of the muscle jiggling at the impact.
“I need to be in you, need to cum inside that sweet pussy.” Climbing on the bed, knees on either side of your hips, Chenle pulled your ass a part as far as your would stretch before slamming inside your dripping hole.
“Fuck! Chenle! Feel so, so good.” Your eyes rolled back at the feeling of his cock dragging against your gummy walls.
With every thrust in your cunt, you could feel Chenle’s balls slap against your thighs, and every now and then you felt a slap against your ass.
“Yeah, this is what you were made for huh, just a hole for me to dump my cum into. But don’t worry slut, you’re the best whore there is, so willing to take everything I give you.” To emphasize his point, Chenle ran his finger through your swollen folds and flicked your puffy clit, reminding you of what you allowed him to do to your body.
Never once slowing his pace, Chenle tightened his grip on your hips and pulled your ass up off the bed, so he’d have better access to your clit. With the new position, your weight was being held up by your knees and chest, but with the angle of your body, your face was smashed into the mattress, muffling every noise that came out of your mouth. 
Your pussy throbbed, needing to release already. With the pussy pump, it felt like Chenle had already had his way with you, several times. The feeling of his fingers flicking and pinching your clit plus the head of his cock kissing the spot deep inside you was making you feel overstimulated, even though you haven’t even cum yet.
“Chenle, please, please, let me cum. I need it.” Rolling the bud between his pointer finger and thump, Chenle added pressure, squeezing it. “Yeah, go ahead, but just because you’re cumming so quick doesn’t mean we’re stopping any time soon.”
Deciding that Chenle’s trade wasn’t a now issue, you agreed foolishly. The need to cum was the only thing on your mind and once Chenle gave you permission, you let go. However, you didn’t think you would cum as much as you did.
Screaming into the blankets, you soaked Chenle’s waist and torso, squirting harder and harder as Chenle kept going. “My messy little baby, I told you, I’m not done playing with you yet. But that little pussy controls you huh, you just couldn’t help it!” Chenle laughed at you, mockingly.
“The only thing in that empty little head is thought of cumming on my dick.” Chenle fisted your hair from the back and forced your head to nod up and down into the blanket. “Wow, you’re already so cock drunk that you can’t even make your own decisions. Don’t worry though baby, I’m here so you don’t have to worry about thinking, I’ll do everything for you.”
Every single word that left Chenle’s lips were spoken in a sickeningly sweet tone that was so obviously fake. His words affected you heavily and that didn’t go unnoticed by him.
“Ah, little slut likes being talked down to! M’not sure why I’m surprised, I bet you’ve always wanted this, me using you, belittling you. Because that’s what sluts like you want.”
Once again, he forced you to nod, but it wasn’t like you disagreed.
“Come on pretty baby, lemme see you. Let me see what you look like while I ruin you.” Without taking his dick out, Chenle rolled you over and onto your back.
With each thrust Chenle watched your tits, occasionally reaching out and slapping the soft mounds. He could feel your walls clench around his pistoling cock. He didn’t want to admit it, but he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. The feeling of your walls, the outline of his dick in your lower stomach, and the look on your face, he knew he was about to cum, and he wasn’t going to pull out to do it.
“You wanna cum?” You nodded, eyes rolled back, and jaw hung open, you were ready. Chenle’s pace sped up and each time he hit your g-spot, forcing you closer and closer to the edge.
Finally, with one last strong thrust from him, the knot in your stomach unraveled. Squeezing his dick impossibly tight, he came as well.
White heat ran through your veins, your vision had gone white, and you held on to Chenle’s shoulders since you needed literally anything to hold on to. You needed something to ground you. Chenle continued to roll his hips, riding out your highs and then some so you weren’t forced into a sudden stop.
“Chenle~”, you whined, wanting him closer to your shaking body. He understood and lowered himself onto you without crushing you under his weight. He signed into your neck, breathing you in and out. You did the same to him, hiding from the world, protected by his warmth.  
The two of you stayed in that position for a while. It wasn’t until Chenle could feel your wetness dry on his skin before he slowly pulled out and coxed you to use the bathroom.
Although moving was the last thing you wanted, you still allowed him to scoop you up, but not without whining of course.
Chenle placed your feet on the ground and made sure that you were steady before he helped you out of your dress. Your heels were long gone, somewhere discarded on the floor, but they weren’t anywhere in your mind at the moment.
He stepped out of the bathroom, telling you to use the bathroom so you wouldn’t get a UTI. You listened but called him back in once you were done and washed up.
“Let’s take a shower, get you all clean.” He smiled at you and helped you into the walk-in shower.
Clocking out of your shift, you walked into the dark night. You were so happy that they put more streetlights in the parking lot, you and Minjeong both agreed that you felt so much safer now with the illuminated area. However, no matter how many lights they installed, with how much rain was pouring from the sky, you couldn’t see anything. And to make matters even worse, you didn’t even have an umbrella.
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Your heels splashed in the puddles as you dug in your purse for your car keys. Of course, right now was the time that your keys fell to the bottom of your purse, and you actually had to stop outside your car and dig around. The rain was stingingly painful. It was freezing cold and felt like little needles pricking your skin.
Your hand brushed metal that jingled in your purse. Almost ripping the keys out, you clicked unlock and as soon as you heard your doors click you ripped the door open and threw yourself in the seat.
Shivering in your seat, your body was even colder now that you were out of the rain. Your dress had gone see through and it was sticking to your body. Turning on the car and immediately cranking the heat to the warmest setting and so it would come out the fastest.
Not eve waiting for your car to warm up, you put the car in drive and pulled out of your parking spot and out of the lot. The shivering didn’t stop or even slow until you had been driving for several minutes but then you were almost at your apartment.
“Shit, shit, shit.” Your parking in your designated parking spot outside the complex was definitely not good to say the least. The passenger side of the car was on the line and even then, you were crooked within the lines. But you didn’t care, you had gone over the speed limit the entire drive there and you weren’t about to take extra minutes in the rain to fix it.
Making sure you had everything together, you cracked the door open, made sure all the doors were locked, and then made a run for the awning. Once again, you were colder after you were no longer in the rain, and you could barely hear yourself panting over the loud pitter padders of the rain above you.
You sniffled, sucking the snot back into your nose. Your head was throbbing, and it hurt to swallow. But nevertheless, you were walking out of the elevator once it arrived at Chenle’s floor. The thought of texting Chenle to say that you were sick crossed your mind, but you decided against it. Your past self would kill you if the thought of enjoying Chenle’s company, his cock, crossed your mind.
Clearing your throat and sniffling once more, you knocked on his door. You liked spending time with Chenle and based on him always answering the door immediately, you thought the feeling was returned.
“Hey, oh my god, are you okay?” So much for the bit of extra makeup to try and put the life back into your face. “I’m fine! Now, let me in.” Chenle moved to let you in, but he didn’t believe your words in the slightest. “You’re obviously sick, when did you start feeling this way? I saw you two days ago, and you were okay.”
“I got stuck in the rain last night for a bit after my shift, but I promise, I’m okay! What do you want me to clean first?” His eyes were wide with concern as he watched you shrug off your jacket and headed to the cabinet where he held the cleaning supplies.
Stepping in your way, he placed his hands on your shoulders. “Woah, woah, woah. You’re not gonna clean anything right now. But what you are going to do is go put on some more comfortable clothes and lay down.” You were confused why Chenle wasn’t just making you leave, but your screaming joints and muscles were louder than your worries. On shaking feet, you walked towards Chenle’s room, his closet specifically.
Not daring to even touch the designer sweatpants and baggy shirts, you looked for the brand that was the cheapest. Nike. His cheapest brand was Nike and even then, the pants and shirts were the most expensive of them. Kicking off your heels and taking off the long socks, you unzipped your dress and stepped out of it. Just in your bra and panties, you took Chenle’s clothes off their respective hangers and tugged the pants up your legs and the shirt over your head.
The floors were cold under your feet, from the hardwood in his bedroom and to the marble of the kitchen, it all caused a chill to run down your spine. It was either that, the fact that you were sick, or because of the domestic nature of wearing Chenle’s clothes.
“Do you feel any better?” The loose clothes felt better on your warm skin than your dress did, and you let Chenle know that. “I’m glad.” He kissed the side of your head as he rounded the kitchen island to retrieve his phone which was on the other side. “What do you want to eat? Hopefully having some solid food in your stomach will make you feel better.” You just nodded and tangled your fingers together, thinking about what sounded good.
“If you want soup there’s a place with a really good French onion down the street. But if-” he scrolled on his phone as he spoke out options until you interrupted him. “French onion sounds good.” You smiled at him. Even though you were smiling at him on the inside, you were frowning at yourself on the inside, mad that you were allowing yourself to feel comfortable around him so quickly.
“It’s really good, don’t worry.” He somehow could see your worry. The corners of your lips turned upwards at the sight of him dialing the number of the restaurant and placing your order. You wanted him to come closer, to wrap you up in his arms, cornering you, making you feel safe. You hated the feeling, but at the same time, you wanted nothing more.
“Chenle-” You finished just as quickly as you had started. He looked up from his phone, eyes boring into yours, watching you so intently that you thought that if you moved, he’d look away. You felt frozen as he looked at you, waiting for you to finish what you were saying. The words disappeared somewhere in the space between you two, lost in the chilled air.
He had no use for his phone anymore, so he placed it back on the white marble countertop and walked over to you. Even though his body moved, his eyes stayed still, continuing to hold your gaze. Once you could feel the heat radiating off his body and onto yours, you looked away, no longer able to hold eye contact. He said your name just like you had said his, quietly, slowly, longingly.
Looking back up at him, your lips ghosted the other’s. Not even a centimeter apart. The air you breathed out was the air he breathed in, and vice versa. Your noses brushed the other’s as you interlocked lips.
When you went to lace your hands in his hair, you felt the familiar tickle in your nose. Knowing immediately what was to come, you pushed Chenle away, turned, brought your elbow up to your face, and sneezed.
Chenle laughed as you wiped your nose. He tugged your closer to him and hugged you, your back to his chest. “Sorry for pushing you away, I didn’t want to sneeze on you.” Sniffling and giggling, you looked at him and smiled. “I appreciate that.” His smile gave you chills. It was so genuine; you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
You just wanted to stare at him, but your body had other plans. That first sneeze wasn’t the last. You broke free from Chenle’s arms and sneezed again, three times in a row. Your head was throbbing at this point and the sneezing didn’t help whatsoever.
Chenle noticed the sway in your stand. The dazed look in your glossed over eyes told him that you needed to lie down. “Alrighty baby, it’s time to lay you down.” He wrapped his left arm around your waist and put your weight onto him.
Baby. He called you baby.
Chenle walked you to his room, slowly, making sure that you wouldn’t fall. “My head hurts Lele.”
If your eyes weren’t almost swollen shut, you would’ve seen the blush that covered his entire face. All the way to his ears and down his neck.
Lele. You called him Lele.
“I know, we’ll lay down and hopefully it’ll be gone when you wake up.” Chenle helped you lay down. He whispered that he’d be back in a minute, and he was gone.
Closing your eyes, you brought the plush blankets up to your chin and fluttered your legs a bit, nestling in his soft bed. The burring that came with keeping them open immediately vanished. Your skin was hot even though you felt cold. The heat that the blankets provided was much appreciated.
However, you shivered as soon as something freezing hit your forehead.
“Chenle?” When you were about to open your eyes, Chenle shushed you. “It’s a washcloth. We need to break your fever before it gets worse.” You let him know about your disapproval by grumbling, but you didn’t state your complaint verbally.
He laughed at the noise and made his way around the bed to his side of it. “M’tired Lele.” He agreed and pulled your body closer to his.
Sleep came easily for both of you; however, sleep wasn’t interested in staying for you. Every couple of minutes you would wake up, toss and turn for a bit, and then fall back asleep. It wasn’t until Chenle felt this routine for about the umpteenth time before he wrapped his arms around your body tightly and pulled your back to his chest. Your half-awake mind decided that this position was comfortable enough, as you didn’t wake up again until hours later.
Your eyes stayed shut even after you woke up, the headache returned immediately, and you were determined to continue to sleep until you were no longer sick. But your goal was easily washed away when your pillow rumbled. The soft cushion moved at the same time you heard quiet laughter. A slight weight on top of your head joined the new sensations. But that weight didn’t still, it moved down your head, ran through your hair.
Deciding to fight against the crust that had built up around your eyes, you moved your hand up to your face and wiped the crust away with your fingertips. Once you deemed your eyes free of any annoyances, you opened them. The immediate sight was heavily blurred, the light fixture above you seemed extra bright but with the soft warm hue, you were able to get used to it quickly and soon you figured out that your rumbling pillow was Chenle’s thigh, and that weight was his hand massaging your head.
“Lele~”, your voice was drawn out, still deep and husky with sleep but Chenle understood you and smiled gently down at you. “How did you sleep? You were out for a while.” You sat up slightly to be upright and next to Chenle, but your straight posture didn’t last long, and you slouched into his side. “I still don’t feel good.” Without saying anything Chenle felt your forehead again, frowned, and picked up some water from the nightstand next to him.
The cold glass that was being brought up to your lips was the only thing that made you realize just how thirsty you really were. Chenle helped you drink the water slowly as your hands were still laced with that sleepy weakness. The soothing feeling of the water was welcomed, helping your sore throat significantly.
Silence filled the room, except for the TV playing some show that caused Chenle to laugh occasionally and your heavy breathing through your mouth as your nose was clogged. During a particularly quiet part of the show, your breathing was audible to Chenle, and you laughed. “I’m sorry for being a mouth-breather during your show.” Your apology made him laugh in which he gently assured you that it was okay and he’s sorry you feel so terrible.
“So, what did you do while I was asleep?” Pure curiosity got the best of you, and you wanted the visualization of what Chenle does when he’s alone. “Well, I was asleep with you for about two hours but when I woke up, I just stayed next to you in case you needed anything. I watched the movie I needed to for my communications class and I’m now ahead in most of my classes.” You were glad that your chest wasn’t pressed to Chenle because he definitely would’ve felt the tempo of the beating speed up. He stayed with you.
You would honestly, whole-heartedly say that you didn’t mind being sick. Chenle had treated you with a gentle tenderness that you didn’t think he was capable of. The thought of your guys’ feud and hatred for each other made you sad for the first time ever.
But you pushed the negative notion away and snuggled into Chenle even more, loving the unspoken reward of his arm wrapping around your shoulder, holding you securely to him.
It was the second month of your deal. Your knees hurt from kneeling on the floor to scrub the floors and your hands hurt from all the chemicals since you refused to use the gloves that he bought you. You refused to use anything Chenle had bought you if it was him attempting to be nice. Even though you two had had your moments, you couldn’t shake the thought of him just using you in some way.
Knocking on the door, you were expecting Chenle to make you wait and then finally greet you with a sleezy smile. But what you were met with made you step back. Chenle swung the door open and stepped forward.
“Let me see your hands and knees.” Instead of listening to him, you hid, you hid your hands behind your back and looked away. “I’m not fucking asking, show me your hands and knees.”
Chenle’s eyes showed that he wasn’t joking, this was the most serious or angry you have ever seen him. He stepped aside and nodded towards his apartment, urging you do walk in. You decided it would be better to listen to him and when you passed him and he’d be able to see your hands, you moved them to hide in front of you. But it didn’t work because as soon as your hands weren’t interlocked with each other, Chenle wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulled your arm up.
He gasped at the discolored splotches of your skin, where the skin was rubbed raw, and bumps were forming in some spots. “This is why I bought you gloves.” His voice wasn’t stern anymore, more so remorseful.
“Come on, I have some ointment for this.” His fingers intertwined with yours, and he lightly pulled you to the bathroom. Chenle’s hands were nice and cold, a good contrast to the heated and irritated skin of your own.
You unfortunately knew where his bathroom was. It reminded you of the first day of this mess. But based on Chenle’s change in attitude, you had a feeling that this bathroom would bring a new memory.
When he led you to the bathroom, he didn’t say a single thing. He didn’t make fun of you or scold you or degrade you. Instead he waited until your back was in front of the vanity. He bent down and wrapped his hands around the backs of your thighs and gently placed you on top of the bathroom counter.
“Is it alright if I roll down your socks?” His face was level with yours. “Yeah, that’s fine.” You nodded at him but looked away when you felt his hands on your thighs.
His pale fingers lingered on your skin longer than they needed to, but it was comfortable. Chenle did what he said he would and pulled down your socks. You could hear his swallow once he saw the dark blue bruises that littered your knees.
“I even bought you the best knee pads I could find so this wouldn’t happen.” He shook his head and turned around. He rustled through the medicine cabinet. You assumed he was looking for the ointment he had mentioned.
While his back was turned to you, you looked at his outfit. He was wearing a black fitted muscle tee and gray sweatpants. If you weren’t so embarrassed, you probably would’ve been drooling on any other day.
“Alright, this one is for your hands and this one will help the bruises heal faster.” He looked back at you and popped up one of the caps. “This one is going to burn a bit where the cuts are a bit open but that just mean it’s working.”
Chenle took one of your hands into his, cradling it with upmost care. He dapped the cream on your hand and allowed you to squeeze his own when the burning kicked in. He never said anything to you when your legs twitched at the pain. He made sure all the white liquid was rubbed in and no longer burning.
“And we’re done with your hands. The bruise ointment doesn’t hurt at all, it’ll feel almost cold, but it’ll be more soothing than anything.” You appreciated that he was walking you through everything he was doing without making you feel dumb and with the look he gave you, you felt anything but that.
You were pulled out of your daze when he brought your hands up to his lips one by one and planted a gentle kiss on ever irritated spot. Chenle didn’t look up at you when he did this, nor did he when he explained himself. “My mom always said that if someone you’re close to is hurt, kissing the spot that hurts makes them feel better quicker.”
He didn’t wait for you to respond before he knelt in front you in between your knees. He looked up at you from his knelt position. Chenle just stared at you for a few minutes, and you just stared back.
“Chenle-” He stood back up quickly, grabbed the back of your neck and connected your lips. Your hands fisted his t-shirt. He whispered your name against your lips and tugged you closer, so close that your chests were touching and there wasn’t any room to breathe in between.
Although you couldn’t fit a hand between your bodies you still tried to move closer. You felt your butt get closer to the edge of the vanity and before you could wrap your head around the fact that you were about to fall, you fell.
Your already abused knees hit the floor and you let out a cry. Chenle fell with you purposely, immediately addressing your pain. “Ah fuck, I’m so sorry!” He apologized even though it wasn’t his fault. He pulled you into his lap, letting your knees rest from the pressure of the ground.
“I’m gonna put the ointment on you, again, it’s just gonna be cold.” You heard him twist off the lid. He dipped his pointer and middle finger in the white cream.
He was right when he said it was cold. You gasped at the sensation and clutched onto him. Your breath was already shaky from the pain. Chenle rubbed it in gently, soft enough to prevent it from being painful but still firm enough to get it done quickly.
While you intently watched Chenle aid you back to health once again, you realized that as time progressed, your time spent together consisted of less cleaning and more…intimate activities, and not just sex either. 
Tears were still streaming down your face still and Chenle wiped the ointment residue on his shirt but still wiped your tears off with the back of his hands to avoid getting the cream on your face.
“How about this, it’s getting late already so how about I cook us some dinner and we can have an easy night. You can go change into some of my clothes if you want.” He smiled at you and kissed your lips; you kissed back but Chenle didn’t let you deepen it like you wanted. Chenle laughed at your little pout, kissed your bottom lip that was jutted out, and helped you up.
He held you hand and led you to his room. “I’ll be in the kitchen, just let me know if you need anything. Join me whenever you’re finished and comfortable.” You nodded and kissed him one last time. You loved kissing Chenle even though you wouldn’t admit it out loud. The feeling of his lips now was much different than the feeling of them when you first kissed. They were softer, smoother, almost nicer you’d say. He started using chapstick for you.
Even after having kissed Chenle several times before, he still left a tingling sensation on your lips. Once you were behind the door of his walk-in closet, you leaned against it and lightly touched your lips. The realization of what you were doing hit though and you mentally kicked yourself. Returning to the task at hand, you looked at Chenle’s closet, the familiar items stuck out to you, and you wanted to wear something you had seen him wearing recently.
The familiar black and grey striped hoodie caught your eye, and you took it off its hanger and slipping it on your bare body. Your dress was already crumbled on the floor, but you ignored it and went to the drawers that stored his sweatpants. Remembering the pair that you wore last time; you picked those and relished the comfortable feeling they brought.
When you were done, you crouched down and collected the pieces of your previous outfit and placed them in the tote bag that you had left in the bathroom. As you approached the kitchen, you could hear Chenle softly singing. You didn’t know that he could sing, and you wanted nothing more than to hear more. So, you entered the kitchen as quietly as possible and just stood there. Thinking about sitting in a chair at the island did occur but you quickly decided against it as the possibility of the chair scrapping across the floor would alert Chenle and the singing would most likely come to an end, which you didn’t want whatsoever.
But your secret viewing of the domestic concert came to an end anyways once Chenle turned around to plate whatever was in the saucepan. He smiled at you, deciding to ignore the fact that hearing him sing caused a blush to take over his face. “I hope you’re okay with me just reheating some leftover pasta, I didn’t want to keep you waiting.” You pulled out one of the chairs from under the island and thanked Chenle, ensuring him that dinner was perfect.
Instead of sitting in the sit across from you, Chenle sat in the one next to you. With his right hand he ate but with his left he rubbed your thigh over the sweatpants. It was silent for the most part, Chenle didn’t do anything to spark the conversation, however, he just looked at you. His eyes were telling you something, something you have never heard from him before, but you couldn’t for the life of you figure out that the look in his eyes were trying to convey.
The pasta was soon gone from the plates and now in your stomachs. With the fullness in your belly and the warmth that Chenle was bringing your body, you yawned, tiredness consuming your body and mind.
“Let’s go to bed, baby.” He called you baby, and you weren’t even sick. “You want me…to stay?” Chenle looked at you like you were insane, like you were purple with two heads.
“Of course I want you to stay, why wouldn’t I?” You just shook your head and watched him clean up the kitchen, which in retrospect, should be your job. “Shouldn’t I clean the table?”
The question shocked Chenle, “I guess I forgot about the deal to be honest, until now of course. You’re not as bad as I thought. And please, that isn’t supposed to sound bad. You’re not bad at all.” He was tripping over his own words, digging himself in a deeper and deeper hole. His ears were pink, and a nervous smile took over his lips.
“You’re not too bad yourself Zhong.” Chenle approached you slowly, the warm lighting highlighting his features beautifully. Once he was right next to you, he leaned down and pecked your lips. It was soft and sweet and said exactly what needed to be said.
“Now let’s actually go to bed, I can tell that you’re tired.” You were, and the fact that it was probably the dark circles under your eyes that told him so, you still felt the fluttering in your heart at the thought of him knowing you.
What Chenle did next surprised you, he bent down and scooped you off the chair. “Oh my god! What the hell Chenle!”
“Shhh, just let me carry you!” Giggling as Chenle carried you to the bedroom, you littered his cheeks, lips, and nose with several tiny kisses. He started giggling as well. You assumed your pecks were starting to tickle him because his pace picked up and soon you were in the air. Yelling as you landed on the plush bed, your loud laugh mixed with Chenle’s dolphin like howl.
“Now we’re waking your neighbors!” You covered your mouth and squeezed your nose, trying to calm yourself before you actually woke his neighbors or worse, pissed yourself.
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Chenle jumped on the bed, next to you. His impact caused you to bounce and the giggling increased. The two of you, giggling into the other’s mouth, were rolling around the bed uncontrollably. The tiredness was most likely at fault for the fit of giggles, but it was almost like you were high. High off each other.  
You rolled onto Chenle’s chest and kissed him. Both of you were already panting, trying to catch your breath after the laughing session but the kiss definitely winded you as well.
The heavy breathing slowed the giggles and forced you to take a break from the other’s lips. Chenle was on his back, and you had rolled off of him and laid on your stomach right next to him. You looked at each other in silence, stupid dopey smiles decorating your flushed faces.
The moment lasted until seemingly simultaneously you and Chenle both closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep, but not before Chenle rose his hands in the air and clapped twice to turn off the lights.  
Chenle’s mood was similar to the one he carried before the two of you got to know each other. You didn’t know what had changed but you still walked out of the café and towards him.
“I just can’t fathom the fact that you get all dolled up like this just to go to work at a maid café. I didn’t think this type of outfit was your style. You look a bit ridiculous.” You were used to Chenle being mean to you, it has happened since grade school and all the way to your current Uni days. Him picking fun at your looks wasn’t surprising either, he’d always call you ugly or something like when you were kids but now, it hurt worse than ever. And for once, he seemed to pick up on it.
“What’d I say?” He huffed out a laugh through his nose, not believing what he was about to see in front of him. You crying. Chenle’s cocky smirk fell off his face, “Woah, woah, woah, what’s the matter L/n?” You looked away from him as tears started to fall down your face. Chenle cupped your now wet cheeks and turned your head towards him. Concern was written across his face. “You’ve never cried before, just tell me what’s wrong. Please.” The chill from being outside caught up with you and you shivered, your bare arms were now littered with goosebumps. Chenle immediately noticed this and pulled you into his coat clad body, trying to transfer his body heat to yours.
“Please tell me where I pushed it too far. I know I make things difficult, but I can’t stand seeing you cry because of me.” This was very unlike him, but you were too upset to ponder on it.
“I felt pretty like this.” The crack in your whispered confession made him want to kill himself for ever making you feel like this. Pulling you away from his chest, he saw your mascara running down your cheeks, snot leaking out of your nose, and your eyes were already puffy from the crying. “Oh, no, no, no. You are pretty, the absolute prettiest. I think you’re the most beautiful person to ever walk the Earth.” “I think-” He was interrupted by you slapping his chest, hard.
“It’s always ‘Well I think’ or ‘Well I didn’t think’. You need to make up your fucking mind Chenle. You think a lot of things while not thinking at all. And I’m done with this whole being your maid deal, go ahead and tell everyone, I don’t care anymore. I’m tired of you always treating me like dogshit. I’m done with the deal, and I’m done with you.” You turned on your heel and started walking away from the café and away from Chenle. Your tears were no longer of sadness or from being insecure. The tears now felt hot with rage. But, instead of lashing out even more, you just wanted out of the situation. 
Minjeong who got off of her shift 15 minutes after you got off yours was walking out of the backdoor and towards her car. You cleared your throat and wiped your tears, “Minjeong! Can I catch a ride with you?” She could hear the bubble in your throat and met you halfway.
“What happened?” She looked at you and then looked over your shoulder. “I’m gonna fucking kill you Zhong!” You put your hand out, stopping her from approaching Chenle. “Let’s just go Minjeong.” She ignored the anger inside of her and just huffed, held her nose in the air, and pulled you to her car.
Before she let you explain what exactly happened, she listed all the fun things you two were going to do tonight to cheer you up. But still all you could think of was Chenle. Even though he has hurt you in the past and continued to hurt you, you still had some sick soft spot for him. Maybe it was caused by the moments after the two of you would have sex, or the times he would pick you up from work or even visit you at work to give you a break from the creepy men. You liked Chenle and you hated him for it. But most of all you hated yourself for it.
Minjeong was still shit talking Chenle while you pulled out of the parking lot, and you refused to look back at him, but you could see him through the passenger’s side mirror. It had started to rain and Chenle was still standing under the streetlight, watching Minjeong’s car drive away. Watching you drive away.
You ruled out any possibility of him caring about you the moment he let you leave with Minjeong. If he liked you like he led on, he would’ve stopped you. He would’ve explained whatever sick reasoning he had, but he didn’t. He watched you leave and thinking about it, the fact that he didn’t fight for you, hurt more than anything he’s ever said to you.
“You need to get him out of your head. I know it just happened and you two have the weirdest relationship I’ve seen but it’s better to get him out of your head now.” You kept looking back at Chenle until he was out of sight. “Minjeong, I fucking hate that I love him.” It was the first time you’ve ever said it out loud, but she knew.
You looked down to your lap and played with the frills of your skirt, running your fingers along the lace. Watching the streetlights pass by the lights themselves were just blurring from your eyes still being teary. “Minjeong?” You turned your head but still didn’t look up. “Yeah?” She placed her hand on yours, putting a stop to the shaking.
“Can I stay with you tonight?” She laughed and shook her head. “I wasn’t even going to give you a choice. Even if you asked me to take you home, the answer was going to be a no.”
The two of you fell into a calming silence that was only interrupted by your sniffles and then a gasp once you felt your phone buzz.
“Oh my god, it’s Chenle.” Minjeong whipped her head around to yell not to answer it. “Well I don’t wanna talk to him right now.” You ignored the call, and her shoulders released their tension. “I’m proud, he doesn’t deserve your tears and he certainly doesn’t deserve your time.”
“I’m gonna miss him.” She placed a comforting hand on yours, eliminating the shakiness. “At least it was just sex, right?” Minjeong tried figuring out where you and him truly stood so she could assist the situation better.
“No, I wish it was, but it wasn’t.” Your hand slipped from beneath hers and raised along with your other to cover your face.
Minjeong didn’t pry for anything else, the rest of the car ride was silent, or at least until she pulled into the drive through. “What do you want?” Turning your head from looking out your window and out Minjeong’s, you rubbed the tears out of your eyes so you could read the menu without the blur.
“I’ll have chicken nuggets and a vanilla shake, thank you Minjeong.” She smiled and placed your orders with the person speaking in the microphone and pulled up to the window when instructed to.
The person at the window looked at your outfits and tried to suppress a laugh but once he saw your swollen face, his smile disappeared, and he just took Minjeong’s card to pay for the meal.  
“I can’t believe Chenle can be such an ass, especially after everything the two of you have been through. Sure you guys didn’t like each other but I saw the way he looked at you! I saw the change!” Minjeong broke her own rule about not talking about Chenle and the more she spoke about how much Chenle supposedly liked you, the more you felt your feelings disappear. What he said reminded you of what he was like before the deal was made, but along the way, the deal didn’t exist anymore, and it was just Chenle and you. You didn’t understand what processed him to say what he said but you didn’t care anymore.
Sniffling once more, you wiped your tears and leaned across Minjeong. “Hey, do you think I could get your number?” The guy at the window shot you a sleazy look and wrote down his snap on a napkin. You shot him a flirty wink and sat back in your seat naturally.
The guy handed Minjeong your food and called out to you, “I’ll be looking forward to talking to you.” Minjeong though, drove away before he could even finish the poor excuse of flirting. When you looked at her, surprised by her speeding, her eyes were filled with anger. “What?”
“What? What? What do you mean ‘what’? You just broke off your relationship with Chenle! I don’t care how hurt you are, but you are not moving on that quick, the only thing that guy is going to do, is make the situation worse.” Minjeong took the napkin with the barely eligible handwriting on it, without taking her eyes off the road, and she crumpled it up and put it in her apron pocket.
Minjeong didn’t allow you to get a word in before she started talking, “The both of us are going to call out tomorrow, from both school and work and have a little day to allow you to sit and wallow. But after that, you’re getting back on track where you lived in a world without Chenle.”
She was right, she sent the emails and made the calls herself on your behalf so you wouldn’t have to reach out to anyone unless you wanted to. However, the constant checking your phone wishing that Chenle was the cause of those notifications, caused your day to go much slower than it would’ve with him.
But no matter how many times you flipped your phone face side up to see the screen, Minjeong did a good job on distracting you. The two of you binge watched damn near all of One Direction’s content for the sole purpose of Minjeong getting to see Harry Styles on the screen.
The day did eventually come to an end though and you were forced into getting ready to go back into the real world.
Your step had a bit of extra pep in it and it was because of the thick wad of cash that sat in one of the hidden pockets in your skirt. You had your usual top customers that requested for you specifically all come around at some point today, so of course, your tips for it showed.
The sun felt nice on your skin, the several days long rain had finally ended and as the dark clouds floated away, so did your sore mood. Along with your thoughts of-
“Y/n! Please let me talk to you! Just for a bit, please!”
Looking behind your shoulder, you kept walking to your car. “Well I don’t want to talk to you.” Facing your head towards the parking lot, you spotted your car and made a beeline for it. Ignoring the begs and pleas coming from the man behind you, you just kept walking. That was until you literally couldn’t.
Chenle had sprinted in front of you and had his back to your driver’s side door.
“Chenle. Move, I want to go home.” He shook his head. “I miss you so much, you don’t even understand.” You scoffed, unable to hold in your disgust. “You miss me as your maid and fuckdoll, give me a fucking break.”
Walking closer to him, you tried to pry him off of the door. “No, I love you. I need you back into my life. I miss the moments when we were us.” You knew exactly what he was talking about, they were the same moments that caused you to fall in love with him.
“I know you know what I’m talking about. Please just forgive me. I didn’t mean to push it too far, I didn’t know you had changed, I was expecting you to throw something back at me. If I knew our relationship had changed, I never would’ve done it.”
He looked like he had walked through hell. His hair was a greasy mess, his eyes were bloodshot, he had dark circles under them, and his usual designer casual wear was nowhere to be seen. In Gucci and Louis Vuitton’s place was a grey pair of food stain covered sweatpants and a heavily wrinkled dark green shirt. He didn’t look like The Chenle. The person standing in front of you now was the closest version of Chenle that you knew. But this time, he wasn’t behind closed doors. He was refusing to let you in your car and begging you to forgive him.
“Now, how do you think our relationship changed?” Your arms were crossed against your chest. You mentally stabbed yourself for even allowing him a chance to explain himself.
“After a few weeks of fucking, we stopped with the insults. We started actually talking and, and, and you stayed passed the time you were done cleaning. You stayed for dinner with me, you, you, we slept together without actually having sex.” He was bringing up good points but in a very poor way. These things meant a lot to you too but with his portrayal of events, you didn’t have you convinced yet. Even though he never lost you in the first place.
“Remember when you weren’t feeling well but still came over to clean? I noticed that you weren’t feeling well and instead of telling you that you didn’t have to clean, and you could go home, I suggested you stay at my place, and we could have a comfortable lazy day.” Your stomach hurt for two reasons that day, the stomach bug that had taken over your body, and then a virus, Chenle. Chenle made you feel so pleasant that day. From him rubbing your stomach and shoulders on the back to him washing your hair that night and letting you sleep in his bed cuddled up against him.
He was right, your relationship had changed. It had changed so much that you went from wishing he’d disappear off the face of the earth to wishing he’d never disappear from your side.
Chenle could see you thinking, over the time you had spent together, he had learned to read you. He could read you from before, but he only knew what pissed you off. Now, he knew almost everything.
“Please, I’ll do anything. I can’t lose you when I love and need you this much.” You knew that you were going to take him back, but you still wanted him to suffer.
“Anything?” Although you tried to play coy, he immediately caught on and answered your question. “You know I’d do anything for you.” He cupped the back of your neck, looked into your eyes, and with that single close-mouthed kiss, your relationship was sealed.
Your hands moved from your sides to his shoulders and finally reached their destination curled in his hair that was now the color you had suggested to him, pink.
You hid your smile in this chest, he had made you cry in several different ways, but now, he was making you smile. “Chenle-” he shushed you. “I just wanna hold you, I never want to let you go again and I’m not going to mess up again.” His hands clutched onto you tightly, emphasizing his point.
“I love you Chenle and I hate you for it.” He laughed; it was high pitched like that was the last thing he imagined leaving your mouth. Once his laughter died down, he looked at you, really at you. “I love you too, but it’s the best thing to ever happened to me.”
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luvyeni · 1 month
𐙚 : 'LOW V TAPER FADE' PRANK W/ DREAM ( text ) ֶָ֢ !
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request: can you do skz or nct dream with 'you should get a low v taper fade' like the TikTok reaction plzz, i hope i made sense ❤️
authors note. i love this prank , i chose dream cause it made sense 💕😭
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ohmygs-blog · 24 days
hi baby!! asking for toxic/angry dreamies when u try to move on from your crush on them pls >_<
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trying to move on from dreamies.
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yeoosaangg · 6 months
Swim || Kinktober - Day 21
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pairing ▸ zhong chenle × f!reader
now playing ▸ swim - chase atlantic
⤷ ❝you picked a dance with the devil, and you lucked out.❞
genre ▸ idol au, secret relationship, smut
warnings ▸ impact play, fingering, spitting, throat fucking, gagging, praise, degradation, choking, semi-public sex
You should've known this would happen.
All you did was apologize to Enhypen's Lee Heeseung for bumping into him at an award show. All the fans went crazy at the public interaction, even if it was accidental.
His hand only held your waist for a second before you went your separate ways.
But your boyfriend doesn't care. Another man's hands were on you and that automatically set off his jealousy. But he knew better than to act impulsively.
So he waited.
After your solo performance, you notice your styling team didn't accompany you inside. You shrug, deciding to change yourself.
You're completely bare when you're being pressed against your mirror rather harshly. You panic, attempting to scream until a familiar man whispers into your ear.
Chenle: I love seeing you like this. All vulnerable for me.
Y/n: What's going on? Shouldn't you be sitting with your group members?
Chenle: What was that out there, hm?
Y/n: What are you talking about?
Chenle: Heeseung.
Y/n: Nothing happened. I just didn't see him standing there when rushing back from the restroom.
He hums, kissing the back of your shoulders. You moan lowly when he rubs his growing bulge against you.
His hand then wraps around your throat, pulling you back into his chest. A surprised gasp of pain escapes your lips as he squeezes tightly.
Chenle: You are mine, doll. You know that, right?
You nod profusely.
He chuckes darkly as he watches the mirror fog up with how hot he's making you feel.
Chenle: If you ever let another man fucking touch you again, I'll kill him and lock you up in our room. Do you understand, darling?
Y/n: I understand.
He loosens his grip on you, letting you turn around to face him. He picks you up and properly sits you down on the vanity.
His hands run up and down your thighs before he lightly smacks them. You moan as he massages the sting away.
Chenle: Remember that talk we had about impact play?
You nod.
Chenle: How about I ask you some questions before I engage in such punishment.
Y/n: Okay.
He smiles, kissing your entire face while his hands continue to massage your thighs. You wish he'd move them higher, but you'll be patient.
Chenle: Have you had any experience with impact play before?
Y/n: No. You're my first everything.
He doesn't realize how much that affects him until his dick twitches in his pants. He hastily gets naked to avoid a wet patch from forming.
The stylists would have his head.
Chenle: Where do you want me to hit you?
Y/n: Ass, legs, boobs, pussy and thighs.
Judging by how you reacted to his light smack earlier, he was expecting you to say your thighs.
Chenle: Answer this while thinking of future scenes. What do you want to be hit with?
Well, that's hard. You don't truly know the terminology yet, but you'll try everything if it means he'll be with you through it all.
Y/n: We can figure that out as we progress.
Chenle: How do you feel about marks?
Y/n: I don't mind them as long as they're hidden.
Chenle: Where would you like them?
Y/n: I guess my ass and boobs? No one other than you can see me naked, anyway.
He kisses you in adoration. He knows you bruise easily, that's why he's asking. He doesn't want to get you in trouble with your company.
Chenle: Do you have any medical concerns I should be aware of?
You shake your head.
Chenle: Do you have any allergies?
Y/n: Latex.
He'll remember that for future purposes. He'll avoid buying products containing latex to not inconvenience you. He wants you healthy at all times.
Chenle: And most importantly: do you want to use a safe word or the stoplight system?
Y/n: The latter.
Chenle: Any non-verbal cues?
Y/n: Two taps on your left elbow.
Chenle: Good girl. Now bend over that couch over there.
He steps away from you, smirking when you do as he says. How cute! You forgot this was a punishment. He'll make sure you remember that.
Chenle: We'll start with spanking and work our way up. Think you can handle it?
Y/n: Yes, Master.
He bites back a moan. This is the first time you call him that, ever.
He fucking loves it.
Chenle: I never thought I'd hear you call me that so soon, doll. But, fuck, that's so hot. Do it again.
Y/n: Spank me, Master.
He presses his cock to your dripping cunt, running it up and down your folds. He pushes you forward and spreads your ass cheeks before slamming his hand on your flesh.
You don't even care where you're at right now. All you can focus on is your boyfriend and his hands turning your ass red.
Chenle: God, you look beautiful like this.
He leans down to kiss your asshole, making you jerk forward.
Y/n: Please don't tease me, Master.
Chenle: Quiet, slut. This is still your punishment.
You hear him grab his belt, rubbing against your burning skin.
Chenle: Ready?
You nod, screaming when the leather leaves a long red mark across the back of your thighs. He continues to hit you with his belt the louder your moans get.
Y/n: Master, it feels good.
Chenle: Yeah? What's your color?
Y/n: Green.
He smacks you again, the leather brushing against your cunt. You gasp at the feeling, crying from the pain. But it feels so good.
He rubs the crimson flesh with his hands, leaving kisses in his wake.
Chenle spits on your pussy, running his finger up and down, circling your clit.
Y/n: Want it inside.
Chenle: Do you now? Think you can take my cock in your mouth while I play with your pretty cunt?
Y/n: Yes, Master.
He smirks and kneels in front of you, ass arched even more as he shoves his cock into your mouth with no warning.
He starts thrusting his hips against your face while three of his fingers work you open. His free hand lands a few slaps against your ass while his knuckles disappear inside you.
Your eyes tear up, but you avoid gagging by inhaling through your nose as slowly as you can. You make sure your tongue glides against the underside of his dick.
You try your best to reach up and massage his balls, but with how brutal he's abusing your mouth and pussy... It was becoming difficult.
You begin to squirm and whine the closer he brings you to an orgasm.
Chenle: Are you close, pet?
You choke on your moan at the name. It sounds good coming from him. But you shake your head, too embarrassed to admit you're already gonna cum.
A scream is muffled when he increases his speed on both sides, smirking to himself as he stares into the mirror. This way, he sees his fingers being swallowed by your tight cunt.
Chenle: That's it, baby. Feels good, doesn't it? Just needed a little more help, hm?
That's all it takes for you to squirt on his fingers and taste his cum down your throat.
You thought that was it when he pulls away from you, but he pulls you with him and guides you onto his lap.
Chenle: Your thighs are shaking so much already.
He smacks them hard, eliciting a pornographic moan from you. He then lightly smacks your tits.
Y/n: Fuck!
Chenle: You're so fucking sexy, my little cocksleeve. Now sit on my cock.
You grab his shaft and instantly sit down all the way, screaming at how full you feel.
Y/n: Master, you're so big.
Chenle: You're still so tight. Guess I've got a lot of work to do, doll.
He grabs your hips and slams you up and down. Your tits bounce in his face, so he catches your nipple in his mouth. You scream his name repeatedly in pure bliss.
Chenle: You look the most beautiful like this, my slut. Let everyone walking down the hallway know what a cock hungry whore you are.
You try to answer, but your brain is mush and the only sounds you can make are moans ans whimpers.
Chenle: Your pussy feels so warm, love. The way your gummy walls squeeze my cock has me wanting to cum inside you.
You clench around him at the idea.
Come to think of it, this is his first time fucking you without wearing a condom. His jealousy must've clouded his mind a lot.
Chenle: Yeah, that's right. Take my fucking dick. I'm yours and you're mine. And it'll stay that way.
You nod, not being able to speak. Having sex with him gets better and better the more you explore your likes and dislike.
And, fuck, you like this so much.
You could get caught any second now, but that's the exciting part. Somebody walking in and seeing Chenle destroy your pussy sounds hot.
His thrusts ar getting rougher, so you try to pull away, but he pulls you back with a grunt.
Chenle: Don't fucking run from me, doll. I know damn well how much you want me to ruin you.
You bury your head in his neck, letting him rut into you as he pleases. He kisses the back of your ear and watches you moan from how good he's pounding your poor cunt.
Chenle: Just relax for me. I'll make you feel good.
Your body feels so numb, yet so much at the same time. You've never experienced such a rush from getting fucked by your boyfriend before, but you like it.
Chenle: On your knees and open your mouth.
He stops thrusting so you can hop off and kneel in front of him. He pumps his cock a few times before cumming all over your tongue and chin.
Chenle: Fuck, baby. I love you so much.
You swallow his cum, licking the rest from your hands after you wipe it off.
Y/n: Tired.
He brings you up on the couch, throwing your legs over his lap and hugging you into his side.
Chenle: You and I are ditching the rest of the award show.
Y/n: What?! Lele, we're both nominated for the big awards tonight. It'll look suspicious if our respective groups have a missing member.
He smiles at you, kissing your temple. He knows the risks, but he's not going to let you go immediately after having sex without aftercare.
Chenle: Let's go public, princess.
Y/n: Wait, what? Where'd that come from?
You kiss along his jaw as he massages your body to calm the shaking down a bit.
Chenle: As much as I love our secret meetings, I just can't do it anymore. My jealousy gets worse the more you're shipped with someone else.
You sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck and look him in the eyes as he continues talking.
Chenle: Everytime you and I have overlapping schedules, I get so happy because then I get to see you. Even if it's for two minutes in a supply closet.
You laugh remembering your last comeback. It was hard to even sneak in there with all the staff running around the place.
Chenle: You don't even know how bad I want to kiss you in front of everyone whenever we have the privilege to stand on a stage together.
You feel that way, too.
Chenle: Like that one time at the end of the year festival? You stood next to me and I had to fight off every urge to hold your hand. It gets so painful the more I have to hold back.
Y/n: I know, baby. I feel the same way, too.
Chenle: And I honestly don't give a fuck about the fans' opinions. What matters is that I love you with my entire body and soul.
You kiss all over his face, a huge smile spread across both of your faces.
Y/n: Let's do it then.
Chenle: Really?
You nod, kissing him deeply.
Y/n: Really.
a/n: i'm gonna kms... i have the biggest soft spot for chenle, yet here i am writing this. god, the delulu in me needs to calm down!!! thanks for reading ‹𝟹
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