#zircon in which finger
spirk-trek · 8 months
Would love to see a little something about TOS spirk and dress uniforms, whatever speaks to you!! I love the intimacy of getting ready together and dressing up fancy with your partner :)
inspired in part by this post by @flippyspoon, this fan art [deactivated], and also this fan art by @lesbospirk!
i initially wanted to do something with spock's eyeshadow (still might??) but then the idea of him cutting jim's hair broke into my mind and wouldn't leave... and i never stop thinking about mind melds, so.
lastly: fuck hypersonic showers, ok? spock takes baths and jim loves sitting under steaming water for the drama. that is all. hope you enjoy, anon!
now on ao3!!!
Jim was toweling his hair dry when he re-entered his quarters, screwing his face up as he scrubbed at any residual dampness. He let the towel fall in an open loop around his neck, cotton sleep pants slipping down his waist as he leaned against the partition. Spock was there, of course. Jim watched as he diligently smoothed the sleeves of a green dress tunic laid out over his mattress.
And, my, was Spock a sight for sore eyes. The reflective blue complimented him, each fold capturing light like shards of zircon, lattice trim evoking something almost… royal, in the way it climbed his high collar. Jim’s eyes traced the line of gold down Spock’s chest as soon as the Vulcan turned to find him there.
“Dressings suit you,” he murmured by means of explanation, pushing off the wall and taking a few slow steps to close the space between them. He propped both arms against Spock’s shoulders, extending them into the room with loose, lazy wrists.
For so long he had savored these moments of up-close observation, even going so far as to fabricate close quarters on multiple occasions just so he could drink Spock in. The shades of barely-there greens surrounding his lips, touching the hollows of his cheeks, arching over where his nostrils met the bridge of his nose. Short, dark lashes lining irises the color of a mud-settled pond. Of tadpoles. Of space between stars.
“You have a significant bias, Captain."
“Do I?” Jim's gaze dropped to Spock’s lower lip. “Based on the evidence,” he dragged his finger down that seam of gold, “I’d say we’re dealing in objective fact, Mr. Spock.”
Spock finally angled his face lower so their lips were mere centimeters apart.
“Aesthetic preferences cannot be objective.”
Jim’s smirk only grew before he finally captured Spock’s mouth, letting a satisfied breath out through his nose. Spock met him, hands bracketing his waist before sliding upward over skin, eventually finding the nape of his neck where fingers curled into damp hair…
Spock broke the kiss and Jim hummed in protest, blinking his eyes open.
“I’ve noticed an increase in the length of your hair,” he observed, as if commenting on the weather. Spock's eyes rose to watch his fingers card through the wave of Jim’s bangs.
“Is that right?”
“I estimate it has exceeded typical length by 2.51 centimeters.”
“Hm. I suppose it has been a while since I had a trim. Remind me after the delegation-”
“We have time presently, if you are amenable.”
Jim drew back, giving Spock an amused look. “I doubt the salon will be accepting appointments at this hour, Spock. Even for the Captain.”
He curled his fingers over the nape of Jim’s neck again.
“I perform my own haircuts.”
Jim’s brows shot up even further in surprise, still sporting an open mouthed grin which he laughed brightly through. “You want to cut my hair?” He withdrew his arms so he could place one hand on either side of Spock’s neck, thumbs just reaching each corner of his jaw. “I’m not sure I could pull off your cut, sweetheart,” he joked.
Spock didn’t answer aside from a quirk of his lips, accepting the implied agreement before extracting himself and moving past Jim to the door of their adjoined bathroom. Jim watched him go, once more thanking Starfleet for their choice of dress uniforms, and still hadn't looked elsewhere by the time he returned holding a basin and several utensils. Jim knew that Spock preferred his own grooming routines (right down to the fingernails), but he wasn’t expecting the fine golden scissors. Nor did he expect the straight razor which resembled antiques from Earth, yet was still different somehow. He reached for the handle, turning it over in his hands, appreciating the way it gleamed.
“You’ve never shown me these.”
“It has not been pertinent until now.”
Jim placed the razor back into the basin, supposing that was true.
“Come,” Spock requested, and Jim did, allowing himself to be turned so Spock stood at his back. Gentle fingers slid the towel from his neck and draped it over his shoulders.
And Jim did again, lowering himself into the desk chair Spock had wheeled around. He began pulling strands of hair upward and letting them fall free, so Jim shut his eyes, almost losing himself to the sensation until he heard a snip. The very end of a curl tumbled down the length of his arm and fell to the floor. He peered down at it, prompting Spock’s hands to wrap around his head and face it forward once more.
“Remain still, k’diwa.”
Jim smiled, a warmth blooming throughout him. He loved when Spock called him that.
He continued to snip here and there, a halo of trimmed hair quickly forming around them. Jim relaxed into the contact until once again a sound roused him. Water. He cracked one eye open to see Spock running his fingers over the surface of a clear pool now filling the basin, flicking droplets back inside and combing the moisture through his hair.
“Could get used to this,” Jim murmured. Snip.
“I have no objection to making it a regular practice.”
He grinned, shivering briefly as cold droplets rolled down his neck to be absorbed into the towel.
“No, no. Feels nice.”
Snip. Snip. Then, Jim saw in his peripheral as Spock set the scissors down on his desk. Gentle pressure on the back of his head tilted it downward, chin to chest. More swishing in the water.
“Do not move,” Spock directed more seriously, and a moment later Jim felt the press of sharp metal scraping down the lines of his neck. He swallowed, hairs on his arms raising as Spock diligently shaped the bottom of his hairline. Slow. Careful. He felt a hot flash of trust, of comfort and care skittering over him until the pressure from Spock’s hand released. Jim didn’t immediately raise his head, allowing Spock to trace his fingers over the line, inspecting it by touch.
The same hand soon reached around to tip Jim’s chin back up. He continued the movement until he was craned back as far as he could go, sure he looked ridiculous as he peered up at Spock, batting his eyelashes.
“You know, the barber usually kisses me once he’s finished.”
Spock’s second brow rose to meet the first before he bent at the middle, pressing a chaste kiss to Jim’s lips upside down.
“I do not find that amusing,” he murmured. Jim brought his hand up to the back of Spock’s neck to pull him back down for second kiss before he could pull away, lingering this time, smiling into it before releasing his hold. He could hear Spock smooth the lines of his uniform and draw a short breath through his nose.
“Regardless, I am not yet finished.”
When Jim tried to twist in his chair, he found Spock already circling around to his front.
“You aren’t?”
“You have not shaved.”
Jim blinked. He usually just used a photon shaver on his way out the door, which could be done in an instant, but when hazel eyes fell to see the razor still held in Spock’s hand his lips curled. He flashed his eyes back up.
“Okay,” he answered with a slow nod. He settled back in the chair as Spock moved to stand closer, eclipsing the ceiling light, and when a hand reached for his face he leaned into the touch readily. Spock's thumb swiped over the rough stubble covering his chin, then fell away again.
After smoothing a layer of lotion that smelled like desert spices over the bottom half of Jim's face, Spock began his ministrations high on each cheek, making smooth swipes downward and carefully steering the blade around the corners of Jim's mouth. He relaxed his jaw, lips parting, eyes falling shut of their own accord. Spock eventually brought his hand to one side, propping Jim's face against his palm as he shaved along the opposite edge.
By the time he recognized the warm feeling wrapping itself around him, the tightening thread pulling through his mind and lifting him from the world, Jim was already plummeting through space. He was vaguely aware, somewhere, of his physical body falling into Spock, a cold hand meeting the drop of his head with gentle steadiness.
Delight spun through him in tendrils. He rushed forward, coiled around Spock’s presence, reached inside and felt the beating of his heart like it was his own.
Jim. His name was feather light, yet somehow more insistent. Echoes bounced around them before Spock brought him back to center. My intention was not to meld with you.
Then I must be dreaming, he thought warmly, and suddenly Spock was there before him in swirls of shimmering twilight, pulling him by the hand, by his chin. He felt his warmth from the inside out. Like he had swallowed a sun. Like he could never be cold again.
Return to me, k'diwa. I must finish.
“I love when you call me that.”
The words, his own voice, were what pulled him back to reality. Their faces were mere inches apart. His cheek was wet. He smelled spices around him, felt humidity in the room. Suddenly, Jim remembered the task at hand and blood rushed to color his face, but the expression he found on Spock’s was fond. Soft. His fingers followed Jim’s chin as it drew back before letting the contact cease altogether.
“Did I…?”
Spock nodded once. Jim bit his lip.
He shook his head, denying the apology. “My hand placement was unwise. I admit, I was distracted.”
Jim’s embarrassed grimace began to lift into a self-satisfied smile.
“You, distracted? I'd be curious to know what could've managed such a thing.”
Spock said nothing at first. He placed a considerably more careful hand on top of Jim’s head to steady it.
And Jim let Spock steer his head sideways once more before feeling the cool metal touch back down on his skin. This time the path began just below the line of his jaw, trailing down and catching fine hairs along the column of his throat. When he could, he tried to catch a glimpse of the unwavering concentration on Spock’s face as he worked his way across.
“You do this every morning?” Jim all but whispered as his head was allowed to level. He instinctively brought a hand up to feel the smooth skin, running his fingers over it in appraisal.
“My metabolism has adjusted to living aboard the Enterprise. I only require this level of grooming approximately once every twenty one standard days.”
Jim blinked. How was he still learning new things about Spock, even after all this time? He supposed that explained why he never had a hair out of place- that is, unless Jim had something to say about it behind closed doors.
Spock was inspecting him now, dark eyes roaming his face, searching for any neglected spots over it's surface. Jim sat still, defiantly keeping his gaze steady until those eyes met his again. They both held it for a prolonged moment until Spock reached out, touching his thumb to what must be a single hair left behind. His fingers climbed…
Jim couldn’t have stopped it if he’d wanted to. He surged forward again, their minds coming together like a flood as if protesting the premature ending from before. As always, Spock was there to catch him. Arms twined around, undefined and abstract, embracing him from all directions. He was steady, as if he himself were the solid ground on which they stood, as if Jim would float away and cease to be without him there. His tether. His anchor. His north star.
Hello, ashayam.
Spock, Jim practically sang. Not for the first time, he felt a certain sort of music shivering free in a distant part of his mind. A single note hanging suspended in the fog. He wanted to hum along, to stretch it into a tune that could be carried by birds, a song composed for a symphony, but instead he simply reached for Spock and thought you’re here, you’re here, you’re here as they twisted together.
He felt love float up between them, lifting like bubbles from vents below the sea and racing for the surface. Oranges and pinks brightened in the periphery, dropping off into blue below. He marveled inwardly, distracted by the space that was all their own before his attention was drawn to a thought passing over him. Uncertainty. Spock was the one who put words to it.
You are nervous.
It was as if Jim hadn’t recognized the ache in his stomach until then.
That is why you are seeking me. K’diwa. Come.
Clarity. Sense. Logic. Jim followed him into an embrace of sensation; Lying against Spock’s chest in the morning. Finding his hand below the table without having to look. Kissing him in the dark. All at once it came over him, settled inside him. Comfort. Home.
Your nerves are unwarranted. You have prepared thoroughly.
So did the admiralty when the delegation turned them down.
You are Jim Kirk. Decidedly, not the admiralty.
Jim laughed, and the music came back distantly. Bells.
Spock continued. I, for one, have historically found it difficult to deny you.
Jim could feel the ache within him begin to subside as quickly as it had come, could practically feel Spock pulling it from him. He reached out again, hand closing around a wrist which was not there before he decided to hold onto it.
I love you.
And I, you, ashaya.
And with that, the meld began to abate, turning to mist and leaving only filtered sunlight behind Jim’s eyes. His quarters returned to him like waves of a dream. He sighed, nodding forward until the hand supporting his chin steadied him enough for him to open his eyes.
“Are you comforted, Jim?”
And the question was so sincere, he felt his heart reeling in appreciation for the man before him.
“I am, thank you,” he murmured, and seemingly satisfied, Spock brought the razor up and grazed it over the missed spot on his cheek. He wordlessly gathered his belongings, submerged in the now frothy water, and disappeared to return them to his quarters.
Jim raised a hand to ghost over the spot their foreheads had met and thought back to a time long ago, when they were practically strangers. Spock's words to him...
If I seem insensitive to what you’re going through, Captain, understand… it’s the way I am.
Spock’s brow lifted when he caught Jim watching him a beat longer than he should have. He was standing in the doorway now, drying his hands, and all Jim could think was how could I have let him be so wrong?
All he said, however, was, “How do I look?”
“Tempting,” Spock answered without hesitation.
Jim’s grin warmed several degrees. “That is what I was going for.”
After taking a moment to appreciate the curve of Spock’s lips, reserved just for him to see, he finally stood to face the green tunic laid out with such care on his bed. Unsurprisingly, each medal was already pinned in perfect position. He ran the backs of his fingers over the dyed fabric, parted it, smiled when he found his undershirt neatly folded there, too. He imagined Spock alone in the room as he had been washing up. His careful movements, so precise and so graceful at the same time, always yielding perfect results. Point A to point B. The path of least resistance. Jim sometimes marveled that Spock, in all his simplicity, could tolerate him at all.
A hand pressed to the small of his back, their hips touching as Spock reached for the undershirt. He presented it to Jim, who pulled it over his head, emerging to find Spock holding his tunic out for him to slide his arms into.
“I’m beginning to feel rather spoiled,” he teased before sliding one arm in, turning, sliding in the other. He leaned back and Spock wrapped his arms around him, closed the shirt over his chest, bowed his head to tuck himself into Jim’s neck. Lips pressed to his pulse. One. Two. Three.
“You are worthy of the treatment, Captain.”
Jim shut his eyes. Captain. It was spoken like a name. Like found treasure. Like he’d follow him anywhere.
He turned again so they would be face to face, leaving some space for Spock’s hands which immediately sought out his sleeves to soothe them down his arms. Comfortable silence enveloped them as Spock resumed closing his cuffs, tightening the material around his wrists and sliding each gold disk through their respective slots.
“Thank you,” Jim said again sweetly once he was finished, reaching two fingers out to find Spock’s and pressing the tips of them together. As he so often did, Spock looked down at the contact, observing it as he pushed more purposefully along Jim’s fingers, up over the first fold of his palm.
“I am confident you will be successful.”
“What, I don’t get to hear the odds?”
Spock’s grip flexed inside Jim’s, their fingers laced now. Reverent. Devout. Jim squeezed back.
“I could provide them, however I see little point as it is your tendency to defy all probability.”
Jim leaned up on his toes to press a kiss to Spock’s cheek, delighted to leave behind the faintest imprint of sage.
“Perfectly logical, Mr. Spock. As always.”
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moonfurthetemmie · 8 months
Previous | Next | First (with warnings)
Part 6
June 19, 20XX
Mercury looks tired. His hair is messier than ever.
"I completely forgot I was making these. Sorry, I- Wait, why am I apologizing? It's not like anyone will have to wait between the video entries. God, I've been alone too long already."
He runs a hand through his hair.
"Okay, what's happened in that past...how long has it been? Uh...Well, there was a noise outside last night. Didn't sound like an animal. It seems like there's something outside that's just staying out there, but I can't tell what through all the mold and gunk on the windows. The front door isn't exactly guarded, but-"
Mercury suddenly snaps his fingers, his eyes lighting up.
"Oh! That's right! The big mushrooms! Oh, shit, and the smaller mushrooms; yeah. Okay. So, firstly, the smaller ones-"
He reaches off screen and pulls over a bag of mushrooms. The caps are tall, a rusty orange color, dotted with dark red and black spots. They look dry.
"Some of the mushrooms out there are edible. Was it stupid to try? Absolutely, but I can't leave and anything left in the kitchen is either spoiled or compromised at this point. Maybe both. I had to find something to eat."
He sets the bag off to the side.
"It's only a certain size and shape, though I'm not sure I could tell you the difference without showing you more of the ones outside. I've found that exposing them to high heat burns off the spores. I've been living off of them for the past few days, and I haven't had any adverse effects yet. They might not be completely safe, but it gives me some extra time, so I'll take it. They seem to have most of the basic nutrients a human needs, which is weird, but for now I won't question it. So, yay."
Mercury's look becomes more grave.
"Some of the big mushrooms, though...I think they're how Zircon and Koroit knew I was in Jade's room, and part of how they know when he's trying to escape. I say 'part', because I think the mushrooms let them communicate without actually speaking."
Mercury pulls out a phone, and shows the screen to the camera. It's a large entry way, with mushrooms reaching all the way up to the ceiling flanking a pair of large double doors. There appears to be a complex network of roots on the floor.
"I'm not certain about the mushroom telepathy between them all, but if I get too close to the doors, someone shows up to stop me. Always. But, if they can sense things from those mushrooms-"
Mercury sets the phone down,
"-Then I don't know why they couldn't communicate with each other with them. Since Jade's covered in the mushrooms, I wouldn't be surprised if he was connected to that network, too; and it would explain how he knew that people were coming to his room."
He folds his arms over the desk.
"If I wasn't living this fungal nightmare, I'd be fascinated. Unfortunately, here I am. Aaaand...What else, I feel like I'm forgetting something..."
Mercury gazes around the room, before settling on something.
"Oh, yeah, I've started trying to find a cure," he says, casually. A note despair can be heard in his voice. "I have no idea if I'll find anything. This thing is...It's not normal, whatever it is. I know mushrooms and fungus and things are weird, but this is...this is a whole new level of it. I've been given no reason why it would be even harder to deal with than your average fungal infection, but given everything else I've seen, I wouldn't be surprised if it was."
Mercury sighs, and shakes his head.
"I'm not sure what else to do, though. I suppose I could try to get Zuli, but frankly, I don't know that he's even alive. The basement was disgusting enough already. Even if he had enough food, who knows what kind of illnesses he could catch down there."
He reaches forwards.
"...I'll try anyways. I could use the company."
The video ends.
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rafent · 8 months
she doesn't know what to get him right away, to the point that she does not greet him immediately on his birthday. rather, it is in the far late evening that she finds him with little daylight left. "rafal. uhm." she pauses, tries to catch her nerves before they can start going haywire in front of him. she fingers at the small little giftbox behind her back to cope with her feelings of anxiety.
"it's your birthday today, and i wanted to thank you for what you've done for me… even if it might seem so little to you." taking a deep breath, veyle presents a small box covered in a red velvet reminiscent of his own eyes and presents it to him. "so this is my present for you. i'm sorry it took me so long."
in truth, she had spent hours scouring the shops and market for the perfect gift for rafal. something that he would appreciate from her. it is the jewelry store nestled in an alleyway that she normally would have avoided did she find his gift for him. by recommendation of the shopkeepers, a kind elderly couple, a perfectly polished cut of blue zircon.
there were a few others she could have chosen from, but when she heard it was supposedly the birthstone for the month she knew that would be the one to pick. it didn't matter that it was expensive or that it would take most of her salary for the month just to purchase, she needed to get it for him. "you can throw it away if you like, i don't mind." she speaks impulsively as he takes the box from her, her gaze falling to the ground as if to avoid his sour reaction.
A fact likened to eternity, that would remain little changed over the course of his long life, strangeness accompanied the acts of compassion Rafal received from others. Sweetly peering eyes, gifts unremitting, and open arms irrespective of the monster they embraced - all served to confound by mere existence. To a Fell Child unversed in gentler exchanges, kindness was not merely abnormal to him; to one so wicked as to inflict the mortal wounds upon his own world, it was also undeserved.
But discomfiture and abnormality did not hang alone. Right now, for that kindness to stem from another child of Sombron nowhere near as acquainted as Nel or Nil or the Divine One, so too did his intrigue become piqued. "Hm. I would inform you that gratitude is wholly unnecessary, but it is clear those words would come too late."
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He curiously noted her avoidant gaze and uncertain, fidgeting stance. In spite of his dismissive tone, fingers enclosed with transparency around the gift, clutching no doubt onto the answer to Veyle's apprehension. Its velvety receptacle unveiled a single aqua gem of notable symmetry and quality once opened; a fine specimen of bijou which could cause a pickpocket to salivate by his eyes alone, or to risk life and limb for its taking. And for Rafal to ferociously repel any who tried.
The casing shut with the delicacy of handled glass, at odds with a confident and even slightly insulted opinion. "Do not put words in my mouth. I shall not throw it away and it is not meaningless. Both my pleasure for it and its loveliness are beyond doubt. The sole consideration being that I am not deserving."
Lovely and, even if less comely, valuable to him nevertheless. He would be remiss to attribute value to a gift by its projection of cost and appearance alone. Simply being thought of, thanked and wished well for his birth, in the end it would be these things that brought true meaning to the offering in his hands. Now it was the timely occasion for Rafal's eyes to flicker away: "That is to say—ahem. Your gesture on my day of birth will not soon be forgotten. . .thank you."
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gmanwhore · 1 year
…. What Zircon saw beyond the door sent surging electricity through every nerve in xir body.
A thin figure was seated in a comfortable armchair near the opposite wall, with an unlit cigarette in his left hand. He wore a sky blue suit, his hair reached his shoulders and was a vibrant, fiery orange-red. His face, brushed with brightly coloured makeup, was strangely symmetrical and bore a thoughtful expression as he stared somewhere into the distance; he looked more like a doll than a living being, except for his eyes, which were a greenish gray, and contained a hopeful spark, with one pupil visibly bigger than the other. Zircon’s eyes darted to golden circle glittering brightly in his forehead: xe had seen this being before.
Xe had looked at him in awe in faded photographs, watched holographic images of him sing the songs that inspired xir career through speakers, emulated him in the mirror with an imaginary guitar in xir hands for decades, worried that xe might be copying his style a bit too closely…
But it simply couldn’t be. Ziggy Stardust was dead. His body was discovered in xir own universe over a century ago, with no signs of damage but undeniably deceased, his ashes were scattered across the Milky Way galaxy, it was all public information, and the world of music mourned. Zircon had mourned with it, crying xirself to sleep at the thought that the greatest musician in the universe, quite possibly in the Multiverse, would never release another album again, xe’d never see xir idol live, that of all the beings in the universe, it had to be him.
And yet…
“You’ll be Zircon Moongazer, right? Kuria’s told me to expect you.”
Xe would know that voice, with the accent almost reminiscent of the one he often heard on Earth, anywhere. Zircon resisted the urge to pinch xirself; it couldn’t not be a dream, but xir own thumping hearts and the whirlwind of thoughts in xir mind could only be reality.
“Don’t be shy, you can come closer if you want.”
Zircon took a few nervous steps forward. Xe was only a meter or so away from him now. Ziggy got to his feet with a strange grace to his movement, dropping the still unlit cigarette into a nearby empty ashtray, and extended a faintly glittering hand for Zircon to shake. Even in his platform boots, he was considerably shorter than Zircon, who raised xir arm… and stopped, the excitement in xir fingers almost panic, almost painful.
“Go on!” Ziggy encouraged, with a nod.
Zircon reached out and grabbed the hand. Smooth. Smaller than xirs. Covered in a strange, soft powdery texture. Cold, but clearly not dead. Real. Undeniably alive.
The excited child in xir mind who had held that first record in xir hands with joyful tears in xir eyes broke loose, and xe shook his hand with all of the energy xe felt when xe had entered the room. Xe didn’t even notice the increasing speed in vigor with which xe moved xir hand up and down over the soaring feeling in xir chest. Ziggy Stardust was alive! Alive, and standing right in front of xir! Xe was shaking Ziggy Stardust’s hand! Xe was-
A little explosion of glittering space dust, like a tiny nebula, clouded Zircon’s vision for a couple of seconds.
Then, xir heart stopped.
Xe was still holding Ziggy’s hand, which had broken clean off at the elbow joint as Ziggy’s sky blue sleeve hung, loose and empty, from the elbow down. At the break, the arm seemed to be tightly packed full of that same multicolored glitter that was now settling everywhere including the floor, the armchair and the fronts of both Zircon’s and Ziggy’s clothes.
“Oh my stars! Holy crap! Mr Stardust I’m so sorry!”
Xe heard xir own voice break at squeaky, panicked peaks as xe yelled xir horrified apologies, but Ziggy only responded with a wide smile, revealing a set of slightly crooked teeth.
“No worries! Does that all the time.”
He took the left arm from Zircon’s hand with his right, nonchalantly inserting it back into his sleeve and twisting it slightly in place.
“Believe me, it’s gotten me in some way worse situations. I’ve learned to reinforce the fingers so I don’t accidentally slice them off playing guitar in the middle of a gig, but the elbow joints have always been a right piece of work. This body’s due for a replacement soon anyway.”
He tested the movement in his fingers, rolling them in sync in a single smooth motion as though strumming invisible guitar strings, despite the fact that, from what Zircon had just seen, there was not a bone nor a muscle in that hand.
He chuckled.
“I get that question a lot. Kuria and the Starman Eternal say you’re a trustworthy fellow, so I guess I can spill the whole truth. I happen to be something called an Okkina. My kind don’t have physical bodies at birth, so we drift in space and gather the dust of fallen stars to build a form for ourselves. Aside from being proof of my remarkable lack of naming creativity, this body isn’t really ‘me’, but it does contain ‘me’, if that makes any sort of sense.”
Zircon nodded.
“If one body’s destroyed, or I just feel like moving on from it, I can just hop out and make myself a new one. Regeneration takes a little while, but… I suppose that clears up the whole ‘legally dead in your universe’ thing, eh? Now, does this mean I can hypothetically live forever? Well, not under normal circumstances, consciousness tends to drift apart around the sixth millennium, but I happened to have an encounter with one ‘Keeper of Strings’ during my travels, and, well… let’s just say the Starman Eternal allowed it, and you needn’t ever worry about losing me again!”
Zircon remained silent for a moment, taking it all in.
“Mr Stardust, that’s… incredible… I…”
“Oh, cut the ‘Mr Stardust’ formalities, just ‘Ziggy’s fine! I didn’t come here to recount my life story, given the fact that you likely know most of it already and can fill in the gaps with what I’ve told you just now. I came here because I love your music, and I’d like to propose… let’s call it a collaboration!”
This time, Zircon actually did pinch xirself in the side, prompting another chuckle from Ziggy.
“Of course, Mr Star- I mean, Ziggy! I’d love to hear all of your suggestions!!”
(I’ll finish this later, I still have ideas)
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tajmahalgemsworld · 1 year
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» 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐬 -
পাথরের দাম জানুন আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট থেকে 𝐖𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 — সেই সাথে দৈনিক রাশিফল দেখে নিন আমাদের ইউটিউব চ্যানেল থেকে 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐢 — ঘুরে আসুন দয়াল দেলোয়ার চিশতী গুরুজির ফেসবুক আইডি থেকে 𝐃𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐢 — দেখে নিন আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজ 𝐓𝐚𝐣𝐦𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 — তার সাথে ফলো করতে পারেন আমাদের টুইটার একাউন্ট 𝐓𝐚𝐣𝐦𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐬 — পাথরের পাশ�� পাশি আমাদের রয়েছে তাজ ডায়মন্ড শোরুম দেখে নিন আমাদের ইউটিউব চ্যানেল থেকে 𝐓𝐚𝐣 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 — আমাদের সকল রত্ন পাথরের তথ্য পাবেন ইনস্টাগ্রাম 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 এবং সকল রাশি রত্ন পাথর নিয়ে ব্লগ পড়তে পারেন আমাদের টাম্বলার পেজটি থেকে 𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫 আরো পাচ্ছেন জনপ্রিয় সাইট টিকটক — এ আমাদের সকল জ্যোতিষশাস্ত্র ও রত্নপাথরের চমৎকার সকল তথ্য 𝐓𝐢𝐤𝐓𝐨𝐤
(জ্যোতিষশাস্ত্র ও রত্নপাথরের ঠিক তথ্য, প্রতি মুহূর্তে। ফলো করুন আমাদের Google News পেজ)
🌐Raj Mohini Tabij — (রাজ মোহনী তাবিজ) 🌐Blue Sapphire (নীলা পাথর) 🌐Ruby Gemstone রুবী পাথর 🌐Yellow Sapphire (পোখরাজ রত্ন) 🌐Garnet Gemstone (গোমেদ পাথর) 🌐Emerald Stone (পান্না পাথর) 🌐Akik Stone — আকিক পাথর 🌐Cats Eye Stone (ক্যাটস আই পাথর) 🌐Red Coral Stone (রক্ত প্রবাল) 🌐Turquoise (Feroza) — (ফিরোজা পাথর) 🌐Akik Stone — আকিক পাথর 🌐(Hira) Diamond Stone — ডায়মন্ড হীরা 🌐Moonstone (মুনস্টোন পাথর) 🌐Amethyst (Poddonila) পদ্মনীলা পাথর 🌐Tiger Eye (টাইগার আই পাথর) 🌐Opal Gemstone (ওপাল রত্ন পাথর) 🌐Malachite (মালাচাইট স্টোন) 🌐Topaz Gemstone (টোপাজ রত্নপাথর) 🌐Zircon Stone — (জারকন পাথর) 🌐Peridot Stone (পেরিডট রত্নপাথর) 🌐Aquamarine — (একুয়া-মেরিন পাথর) 🌐Amber Stone (আম্বার রত্ন পাথর) 🌐Lapis Lazuli (লাপিজ লাজুলি)
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Stylish Artificial Rings Online At The Best Prices
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Women want to wear many kinds of rings to look beautiful and elegant each day. Whatever dress we wear, if we don’t wear any complementing jewelry, it gives an incomplete feel. Matching jewelry is very important to look perfect; hence, wearing a large ring or hand accessories also can be appealing as well as classy.
We all know that artificial rings are classic, versatile pieces that we can get at the cheapest to the highest rates as per our budget, and many women love to wear diamond rings as this is an evergreen piece.
At the moment of selection, we need to determine which ring is the most timeless and stunning. If we want to shop online, we need to know which are the Best Jewelry Websites Online.
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One thing that I always keep in mind is that the ring should be cared for properly and stored appropriately when it is not being worn, to be sure it is always in outstanding condition no matter how many days we have stored it and ready to be a beautiful accent for any occasion.
The best rings for women are the ones that make a person feel as happy as possible, with beautiful designs and precious gemstones.
There are various ring patterns, such as dainty engagement rings and bold statement rings, and there are choices for every budget and for every woman.
In this blog, we have covered the types of rings for women that are both graceful and within your budget. 
Cocktail Ring
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In large, vibrant colors, the patterns are eye-catching and often worn for special events or nights out. These rings attract people as they have a very distinctive style, and we can wear them alone so no other rings detract from their beauty because of their large size.
These rings are designed via numerous gemstones like Pachi Kundan Cocktail Ring with beautiful zircon stones embedded in it and without much cost.
Some people called them statement rings because of their striking appearance and gemstones. The most liked cocktail ring in feather design and it is adjustable and easy to wear.
Fashion Ring
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It is sometimes referred to as costume jewelry because we can wear it according to our outfit pattern, color, or embroidery. A Kundan ring like the Arna Kundan Ring is also considered high-end fashion rings that make a statement and often have many elements.
It uses precious metals and gemstones in flexible designs and sometimes layers in order to cover most of the finger area.
Many people count fashion rings as much as cocktail rings, but fashion rings usually have a more abstract and unique design, while cocktail ring settings are a bit more predictable.
These rings are used more for styling purposes and building a distinct collection of hand accessories online.
These types of rings are mostly ones you can wear with specific outfits but are only sometimes ideal for casual wear.
Vintage Ring
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It is considered a luxury due to its antique and vintage diamond style and is rich in history and symbolism.
With different jewelry eras to choose from, such as the wistful romanticism of Victorian rings like the Ambuja Victorian Green Ring and its unique pattern and art design, girls can find something they love.
Its gemstone cuts are prized not only for their beauty but also for their exquisite attention and long-lasting quality. You can even gift rings to your loved ones. 
Engagement Ring
The classic diamond ring is the most preferred engagement ring due to its rich quality and shine, as it represents the purity of love and commitment, which is why they’re ideal for engagement rings or wedding bands that will never go out of style.
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From elegant solitaires to elaborate sets such as the Silver Classic Solitaire Ring, they are even used as engagement rings.
We can find so many great variations in diamond ring styles and options for personal expression that carefully and thoughtfully chosen is sure to become a frequently worn one.
Exactly which ring type is selected by any woman will vary depending on her choice and personality towards fashion trends.
If you’re still confused about how to choose a ring that will have a sense of glamor, elegance, and vintage charm, explore my favorite online store, Advikka.com.
You will have a variety of artificial rings online at a cost-effective price range to look charming, wear them on different occasions, and style them with a variety of dresses.
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drsohinisastri · 2 years
Number 5 In Numerology - General Qualities, Personality Traits
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In the range of numbers 1 to 9, the number 5 is unique and takes centre stage. It belongs to both sides, and even to the extremes, in that sense. People born under the number 5 will have a universal appeal that will cut across all social strata. They will be handsome, impressive, and engaging, and hence extremely popular, according to the best Astrologer in India.
 Many of them will be outstanding people who will spend much of their life in the public eye and conduct memorable careers. Their felicity with words, which is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, can have a profound effect. History is littered with such individuals, including renowned philosopher Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and Saint Ramalinga Vallalar.
 General Qualities for Number 5:
All persons born under the number 5 can be remarkable personalities since they are dynamic and intuitive. They can see the nuances of a situation, come up with progressive ideas, and provide solutions with alacrity because they are quick in thinking, swift in grasping, and brilliant in understanding.
 They can convince diverse portions of society because they are confident and eloquent. They have the potential to bring about far-reaching transformations and social improvements if they have a favourable influence. They may, however, find it difficult to say "no," which may lead to them being exploited at times.
 Physique and Personality for Number 5:
The stunning physical traits of those born under the number 5 are undoubtedly the most apparent of their characteristics. Their appeal can be irresistible, with bright smiles, vibrant eyes, beautiful looks, and great articulation skills. They may be restless people, therefore frequent yoga and meditation activities might help them maintain their health.
These individuals have what is known as universal intelligence, and as a result, they can achieve great things merely by following their own intuitions rather than following the advice of others.
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They have excellent business sense and can succeed in any industry. However, many of them may have noble tendencies, which may lead them to strive for the greater good rather than their own personal gain. They can, however, be idealistic to the point of being impractical, as well as impulsive, especially in issues of the heart.
 Lucky and Unlucky Dates, Colors and Gemstones for Number 5:
All numbers that add up to 5 and 9 are lucky for persons born under Number 5 — that is, their lucky dates will be 5, 14, and 23, as well as 9, 18, and 27. On those days, their power will improve, allowing them to operate at their best, accomplish good outcomes, and gain success. Number 5, on the other hand, can keep throwing out changes, some of which may be unexpected or disagreeable. As a result, it is strongly advised that they do not marry on any of their native number's dates, such as the 5th, 14th, or 23rd.
 Ash grey is the luckiest of the colors. In fact, all light colors can suit them and will prove good for them. They can wear and paint their homes and offices with ash grey or any light color. In addition, silk can add to their attraction and hence, they can wear fine silk clothes for enhancing their effectiveness and appeal. Any dark color will not be to their advantage and this will specially be so, when they are black and green.
 Diamond is the planet Mercury's gemstone, thus it's only logical that it's the most appropriate precious stone for Mercury-ruled people born under the number 5. Furthermore, a triangle-shaped diamond might be worn on their right-hand finger for improved outcomes. Wearing zircon is also beneficial suggested by the best astrologer in Kolkata.
 Profession, Business and Married Life for Number 5:
For many persons born under the number 5, mass support can be their most valuable asset. Their calling will be any vocation or profession that relies on or thrives on public approval. As a result, they can succeed in business, politics, and even the glitzy world of Hollywood. They should, however, keep a close eye on their proclivity for switching lines or priorities frequently, or they risk becoming a jack of all trades but master of none. Diplomacy is another quality they can be proud of, and they would make excellent ambassadors or Foreign Service officers. Making partners out of people with the numbers 1, 4, 5, and 9 will benefit them. In the realm of business.
 They have the capacity of rising to higher levels in employments too, but their skills and capabilities will then go to the benefit of their employers. They can expect and get help from people belonging to all other numbers.
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Those born under the number 5 are outgoing individuals who are likely to have a happy marriage. They may have a natural attraction to individuals born under the numbers 5 and 9, yet marriage to those born under the same number may not be fruitful due to problems with progeny. Choosing people born under the numbers 1, 3, 6, and 9 as life partners may help them have a happy and enjoyable marriage suggested by the famous astrologer in India.
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giftsforus · 2 years
CNN obtains exclusive photos of drone attack aftermath on Pacific Zircon tanker ship
CNN has obtained exclusive images showing the damage and debris froma self-detonating drone attackagainst an oil tanker off the coast of Oman on Tuesday evening.
The two images, provided by a Western defense official, show a hole in what appears to be the hull of the Liberian-flagged, Singaporean-owned and Israeli-affiliated Pacific Zircon, as well as what appear to be the crushed remains of a drone next to evidence markers. The charred remains of the drone show the numbers 229 on the side.
CNN cannot independently verify the authenticity of the photos.
On Wednesday, American and Israeli officials pointed the finger of blame atIran– identifying the drone as a HESA Shahed 136 similar to the Iranian-made self-detonating drones used byRussia in Ukraine.
The incident did not cause any injuries, according to Eastern Pacific Shipping, the vessel’s operating company. Nor did it cause major damage, according to a US military official.
“We are in communication with the vessel and there is no reports of injuries or pollution. All crew are safe and accounted for,” Eastern Pacific Shipping said Wednesday. “There is some minor damage to the vessel’s hull but no spillage of cargo or water ingress.”
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A UK Royal Navy frigate, the HMS Lancaster, offered assistance to the crew of the Pacific Zircon after being made aware of the incident, a UK Ministry of Defense spokesperson said in a statement.
The remains of a drone that struck the tanker Pacific Zircon on Monday November 15, 2022, in a photo obtained exclusively by CNN from a Western defense official on Thursday November 17, 2022Obtained exclusively by CNN
‘No justification for this attack’
On Wednesday, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Iran was likely behind a drone attack, saying in a statement that while there is “is no justification for this attack” it is “the latest in a pattern of such actions and broader destabilizing activities.”
“Upon review of the available information, we are confident that Iran likely conducted this attack using a UAV, a lethal capability it is increasingly employing directly and via its proxies throughout the Middle East and proliferating to Russia for use in Ukraine,” Sullivan said.
He warned the action threatens international shipping, commerce and the “freedom of navigation through this crucial waterway.”
US Central Command also said on Wednesday that a “Shahed-series one-way attack drone” hit the vessel.
This undated photo made available by Nabeel Hashmi shows Liberian-flagged oil tanker Pacific Zircon, operated by Singapore-based Eastern Pacific Shipping in Jebel Ali port, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in 2015.Nabeel Hashmi/AP
“This unmanned aerial vehicle attack against a civilian vessel in this critical maritime strait demonstrates, once again, the destabilizing nature of Iranian malign activity in the region” General Michael “Erik” Kurilla, commander of US Central Command, said in a statement.
An Israeli official told CNN on Wednesday that the drone attack was “an Iranian provocation in the Gulf” linked to the World Cup, which kicks off in Qatar on Sunday.
“It’s not an attack against Israel,” the official said. “It’s the same thing they usually do in the Gulf, trying to disrupt stability and mainly influence World Cup events.”
The official asked not to be named due to the sensitivity of the situation.
The weapon and the target fit the pattern of attacks linked to Iran in the past. On July 30, 2021, an armed drone attacked a cargo ship named Mercer Street off the coast of Oman, killing two. That ship was associated with an Israeli billionaire.
Soccer teams and supporters from 32 nations, including Iran, are gathering in Qatar ahead of the World Cup.
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moonfurthetemmie · 8 months
Previous | Next | First (with warnings)
Part 3
June 10, 20XX
Mercury is the only one in the office. He seems calm, but anxious.
"Jasper is out getting samples for me, so I'll try to update the record quickly. The stranger-"
A sudden banging from off camera causes Mercury to jump, and turn. He grabs something from under the table. The banging continues, with voices that sound like they're coming from the other side of a door, but Mercury doesn't move. Eventually the noises stop, and after a few minutes Mercury turns back to the camera.
"Fuck, they've been doing that all day-" His voice is quieter than before. "Okay. The stranger is gone. We haven't seen hide or hair of them. None of the others have said a word about them; not that we've tried asking. They all try to attack us and get us out of the hazmat suits, to 'join them', if they see us. Also, we've discovered some vectors of transmission, as well as...symptoms? Yeah, fuck it, I'll call them symptoms, this is definitely a fungal infection."
Mercury pulls out a smartphone.
"Firstly, transmissions. The main vector seems to be air. These mushrooms give off a number of spores that will attach to and grow on just about anything. So far no one's been infected this way, but looking at the state of the manor, I'm sure it'd only be a matter of time without our hazmat suits."
He holds up the phone, waiting for the camera to focus. It's a picture of a hallway, covered in reddish-orange film. Large mushrooms sprout from the darkest corners, and mold creeps along the floors and walls. Along the walls are square-shaped areas of mold, spaced regularly apart, that seem to be letting through a smidge of light. Presumably, these used to be windows.
"We think blood is also a likely vector, as well as skin contact," Mercury says, lowering the phone. "Before Paraiba was infected, she said Silver and Koroit went in a room alone together; and that was before Koroit start growing mushrooms. Paraiba wasn't sure what had happened, but she said Silver also came back with bite marks on their shoulders that were bleeding. Silver apparently said that Koroit had similar marks that weren't from them. Fungal STD! Isn't that fun."
Mercury shudders again. "And as mentioned previously, Koroit had some interest in Zircon prior to all of this starting. Most of us were pretty sure they'd had--" Mercury does a few fake coughs. "--Intimate relations. It wouldn't surprise me if that's how Zircon got infected. All of that, plus the fact that the stranger had gotten Koroit alone for a while prior to her acting weird, it's likely that the stranger is the one who infected Koroit."
Mercury leans back in his chair, arms folded. "But if that's the case, and blood is a transmission vector, why hadn't Obsidian shown any symptoms? The stranger got to him well before they did Koroit, and it didn't take long at all for Koroit to start growing mushrooms on her. Obsidian was fine, though. I'm almost tempted to find him and ask."
He is silent for a moment, then shakes his head.
"Eh, whatever. He can rot. He deserves it."
Mercury picks up the phone again.
"Now, symptoms. The symptoms of an initial infection appear to be white, itching patches on skin, lack of coordination, and confusion. After that the coordination improves, the white patches spread and begin to grow fruiting bodies, and what seems to be an all-consuming desire to spread their sickness. Which is even scarier when one of the transmission vectors is blood, and you already live with someone who’s known to force himself on people.
“Honestly, I'm praying to whatever gods are out there that Obsidian actually is immune, because if he suddenly decides he wants to spread this nasty shit, my office is not going to be safe no matter how much we reinforce the door."
Mercury sighs and sets the phone down, tapping his finger on the desk. "Let's see...I don't think there's much else to report on. We've made progress with an airlock, but neither Jasper nor myself are engineers, so we can only hope it's enough. But I can rig up a shower thing to decontaminate our suits when we come in. I've already created a solution that can kill the fungus--which, mind you, is incredibly toxic to all things and is in no way to be used as a cure or treatment--so all I need to do is make a little shower thing. I might have it drain out into the hallway; the fungus and mold isn't quite as bad right out there just yet, so it shouldn't make too awful a sludge. Right? Right."
The video ends.
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duysuyyyy · 2 years
Custom Initial rings Will Up Your Gift-giving Game
Customizing rings from ywsunnyjewelry is the ideal way to make a statement. There is no better way than a personalized ring to treat someone special or simply find something that genuinely expresses who you are. You may order with confidence knowing you'll use these for a very, very long time thanks to our free sizing policy. 
Chic Selection of Initial Rings
The Throwback personalized initial ring is such a bold, strong piece that makes you think of simpler times. Any letter you pick will be boldly displayed on the personalized ring's gold surface. You may make it the focal point of every day and night outfit thanks to the range of fabrics available; it will bring those lovely retro sensations to anything from a vintage bomber jacket to a pretty party dress. Additionally, if you're purchasing a gift for a special someone, you can select two or more engraved name rings in complimentary designs for an incredibly unique present. So feel free to let your inner fashionista go, experiment, and shine! Here are popular initial rings in our store.
Fancy Diamond Letter Ring
This ring is perfect for someone who wants to wear the initials on their fingers. It can be customized with an initial of your choice. Weighing 2.4g, the copper ring set with zircon and real gold will never leave a burden on your fingers. In addition, the colorful zircon will add a touch of creativity and energy to your ring.
Custom Letter Adjustable Ring
 Adjustable rings, also known as resizable rings, are becoming more and more popular today.
Since you don't have to worry about size, they are a terrific option when shopping online, especially when purchasing a gift for someone.
Does readjusting a ring damage it? You must be especially careful if the ring has some little stones in a wrap-around design because excessively bending the band could cause the stones to fall out. Readjustable rings that are well-made, like ywsunnyjewelry ones, will last for many years. Because of this, women's high-quality adjustable rings are currently a significant fashion trend in the USA.
Ancient Alphabet Initial Ring
 The ancient alphabet ring is a beautiful piece of jewelry that will make you stand out. It is an elegant ring with a vintage feel to it, and the lettering on it is made from an ancient alphabet. The letters are engraved in such a way that they have an exotic and timeless atmosphere to them, which makes this piece of jewelry perfect for any occasion. You can wear this as your wedding band or even as your engagement ring if you want to have something different than what everyone else has!
A custom initial ring is a wonderful gift for your loved ones. It can be engraved with any letters you want, which makes it the perfect personalized gift for anniversaries, birthdays, or any special occasion. It is also a great way to show your love and commitment to someone you cherish. This ring is a symbol of your love and it will last as long as you both shall live.
Visit us to choose what you want!
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iummy16 · 2 years
What Is a Pre-Engagement Ring?
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Pre-engagement rings are, for some, a big step in commitment before engagement is an option. Perhaps the individuals are taking things slow, young, short on cash, or just not quite ready for engagement. A pre-engagement ring can be a beautiful gesture of your intent. They're available in a variety of designs and are generally inexpensive.
What Does a Pre-Engagement Ring Mean?
A pre-engagement ring means a level of commitment just below engagement. By giving or accepting a pre-engagement ring, you're saying marriage is in the future for you eventually. There's no timeline or wedding (or engagement) date to think about. It's just the understanding that you're both in the relationship for the long haul and could see spending forever together.
It's a way for a couple to make sure they're on the same page before a proposal which is especially nice if the proposal is going to be a public one! A pre-engagement ring isn't necessary in this scenario; a conversation would suffice, but it's a nice gesture that some couples prefer.
Pre-Engagement Versus Promise Rings
Pre-engagement rings are essentially the same as promise rings, as both can act as placeholders for the engagement ring to come. What the couple chooses to call the ring is up to them and what the terms "pre-engagement" and "promise" mean to them. They both stand for a serious commitment to each other. You know that you're meant for each other, but engagement and marriage aren't in the cards for you at the moment for one reason or another.
If you're not planning to get engaged any time soon, you may wish to call the ring a promise ring. One minor difference between the two types of rings is the finger on which they're worn. Since pre-engagement rings are definitely placeholders, they usually go on the ring finger of the left hand just as an engagement ring eventually will. A promise ring with no intention to be engaged within the next few years can be worn on any finger, but is usually worn on the ring finger of the right hand to avoid confusion.
Ring Styles
There are many types of pre-engagement rings. Some look like small engagement rings and others look nothing like them at all.
Similar to Engagement Rings
If there's ever a case for writing a note or talking to the ring's recipient before handing her a box with a non-engagement ring in it, this is it. Make sure your significant other understands what you're communicating with this ring and that it is not an actual engagement ring. That's probably a good idea no matter which style you go with when you decide to give someone a pre-engagement ring, but it's especially true in this case.
These styles mimic those of traditional engagement rings. They're less expensive, however, making them perfect candidates for pre-engagement offerings.
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Wholesale Ring Rose Gold Zircon Butterfly Flower Ring, from jewelrykg
This is a fairly trendy selection due to the combination of colors and the presence of rose gold instead of yellow or white, but that may not matter. Even if the woman would prefer a more classic style engagement ring, the pre-engagement ring is generally worn for a much shorter period so it will remain fashionable, and and features pave diamonds ,covering the heart and flowers. Ladies must love it.
Choosing the Ring
Choose a ring in a style that you think the recipient will love and consider one that holds special meaning for your relationship. The special meaning could be an engraving of names or a short promise along the band, a stone color, or even a shape. Shop around a bit before committing to a ring, just as you would for an engagement ring. Compare prices, stone sizes, and quality of the metal until you find the perfect one.
If you want to buy wholesale jewelry, such as stainless steel jewelry, 925 silver jewelry, you can also find it on jewelrykg. The price of these jewels will be slightly higher than fashion jewelry. Also, you can find many positive voices online about them. Additionally, they are a direct factory of jewelry, so you can enjoy the best wholesale factory price.
(Use promo code for an insider price: YG5VJSMU)
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bluesapphirestone · 2 years
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According to Indian astrological literature, the jyotish gemstone highlighting the planet Rahu is known as hessonite or gomedhaka. In Hindi, the Hessonite Garnet stone is frequently referred to as "GOMED stone." It typically has a mild to deep brownish or red colour and is similar to the colour of honey. The gomed gemstone is significant in the Kalyug, or the time in which we are living, since it contains the energies of the powerful and destructive planet RAHU
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shelbysdevil · 1 year
i found you, and now everything is music. (Peaky blinders)
Quotes to a lover part 2 from here @smokinmirrors
“Music, huh?” Tommy couldn't help to chuckle lowly as Mason said that. Of course it was always obvious that she had a softer side inside of her, but this expression sounded unusual even for her. “Aren't you a bit dramatic? Or did you just find your romantic side?” Of course he was just mocking her and turned his face to look at her cuddled into his side while his fingers softly stroked away her long strains of hair with a gentle smile. “I do not need music when I have you. You're my music, Miss Zircon.” He spoke in a low hushing voice, his nose nudging against her face before his legs wrapped around hers to pull her closer against him. “Dance with me next time then. I wanna know the rhythm of that music you hear.”
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Blue eyes lowered to her hand which he reached for to lace their fingers and escape that intimate gaze they were exchanging prior to that. “I wanna see you dance for me...” it was more a mumble that got swallowed as he kissed the back of her hand and closed his eyes again, arm tugging her in tightly to keep her safely in his arms. “My little dancing light.” It was what she had always been for him: A light that kept guiding him away from his own darkness he nearly got lost in before they met. While others might fear what she withhold, it was him who was drawn to it and never understood her shame of showing it. Tommy would always refer to her as his light and in this moment it made him smile to imagine her dancing in it while he could be the music in the back for her. As long as she kept moving in all her grace for him, he would never get tired of watching.
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threeletterslife · 3 years
06 | Legends of Darlaria
⨰ summary: You wake up amidst a war with no recollection of your past. Faced with suspicion and distrust, you struggle to assimilate into a foreign nation—otherwise known as your home. But on your enlightening journey to search for your identity, you come face to face with the General of the Army.
⨰ pairing/rating: yoongi x reader & jungkook x reader | PG-15
⨰ genre: 70% angst, 30% fluff | war!au & magic!au
⨰ warnings: mentions of death
⨰ wordcount: 6.3k
⨰ join the taglist! (pm/send in an ask/reply/reblog)
⨰ a/n: thank you to @the-berry-named-ari for beta-reading <3
⨰ previous | series m.list | next
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⧖⧗Circa Zircon⧗⧖
Wintertime finally catches up to Alder. Blankets of snow cover the grass, even decorating the tops of the scarlet tents scattered about the terrain. Soldiers stay inside their homes, lighting their own fires and rubbing their hands together to keep warm. Snow falls steadily from above, veiling the last of the autumn colors with whiteness.
But the cold does not stop the war.
With a swift movement of your hand, you splay out your latest battle plans, the various papers fluttering for a second before settling down on the wooden table—spread out, like a falcon’s wings.
You clear your throat, delicately placing the back of your hand over your mouth as you do so. “There’s a lot to go over today,” you say. The officers nod, agreeing with your words. As per your routine, you survey each and every one of them, taking a mental note of their facial expressions and attitudes for the day.
There’s a face missing in the crowd.
You wonder what kind of emergency made Captain Im miss a very mandatory officer meeting. Maybe the General sent her on another trip to Elu for whatever reason he found important. Or maybe she’s running a little late. The meeting’s only been going on for a few minutes. Maybe she has some last-minute fourth sector business to take care of. Or maybe she’s healing in the medical tent? But if she was, the General would’ve announced something at the beginning of the meeting.
You glance at him, and to your surprise, your eyes meet. He looks at you expectantly—as if he’s waiting for you to say something.
It’s then that you realize that you’re supposed to be presenting your battle plans. Awkwardly, you clear your throat again. “S-So! Um, yes, first and foremost, if we can get some earth mediums here,” you say, tracing a particular formation with your index finger, “then we could—”
��Forgive me for interrupting!” A red-faced Captain Im rushes into the central tent.
So there she is.
Her jet black hair, which is usually neatly combed, is in visible disarray as she pants, trying to catch her breath. She waves a cream-colored paper—a letter in the air.
Everyone pauses to stare at her, wide-eyed.
“A message?” the General asks.
You cock your head. Who could it be from? It must be important enough to get Captain Im—who is usually exceptionally calm—teeming with excitement. Her eyes sparkle as she uncharacteristically slams the paper on the wooden table. The movement causes some of your battle plans to disperse across the table, but nobody minds. Instead, everyone leans in synchronously to squint at the writing etched onto the letter. “A message from the Darlaean General!” Captain Im announces. “They’ve agreed to call a temporary truce for the rest of winter!”
You blink. You blink again. Then you’re suddenly gasping with happiness, along with your fellow officers. Someone pats your back and another person links their arm around yours. Others are crowding around and hugging Captain Im for delivering the news. Some even cry tears of joy. It surprises you to see so much emotion on their faces. The officers are usually so incredibly stoic—so stern and serious. Through the corners of your eyes, you catch Major Ki and Captain Chu sharing a passionate kiss, and you even see Captain Yoo slapping Captain Chang on the back while grinning so hard that you can see his whisker dimples. But you suppose that they’re just as human as everyone else. When someone bears good news, and the news is as good as this, they can’t help but celebrate.
The battle plans are long forgotten.
“They’ve never accepted our offers before!” Doyun exclaims as she tightens her grip on your arm. She looks incredibly happy, eyes wide and sparkling as her mouth sets in a wide grin.
Never? Amidst the celebration, you begin to wonder… Are they only accepting a temporary truce now that they’re losing? If so, what will it take for them to agree on a permanent truce?
The cheering officers begin to lift Captain Im up on their shoulders, and that action alone brings you back to reality.
You let out a small sigh. This is the time to celebrate; there’s no place for doubt.
So you join the happy crowd, a semi-worry-free smile on your face.
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The night before the soldiers are permitted to visit their families back home, there is a feast. Rumor has it that the General pulled some strings and brought over the king’s chefs from Elu. There are piles and piles of steaming rice, heavy pots of spicy soups and endless bowls of delectable side dishes. Soldiers eat until they can consume no more. But they drink like their stomachs are bottomless pits. They stumble about inside the large medical tent, drunk smiles on their faces, slapping their friends’ backs and talking loudly over each other.
You spot Doyun playing a competitive game of cards with some of the other officers. It looks like they’ve bet some solarins too because there’s no way kind Major Hyun would be yelling across the table at poor Major Ahn like that if there weren’t a couple of coins involved. You smile a little and fix your gaze toward a group of healers (including Namjoon) in deep discussion. But with their swaying bodies, red, sedated faces and empty bowls, you really doubt that anyone there is cognizant enough to have a coherent string of thought. Even so, you like to imagine that they’re talking about their families, whom they’ll be going home to see tomorrow. You can’t imagine how happy they must be. And you’re happy for them, too.
The feelings of jealousy you’ve felt during the last celebration are gone. Because this time, you have a home too. It might not be your alleged birthplace of Elu, but it’s a place where you feel safe. A place where you seem to know best. A place that you can proudly call home.
“Now, what are you doing, Y/N??”
You jump a little, startled to find Hana waving a loaf of bread right in front of you. One look at her and you know she’s drunk, which is surprising considering the fact that she’s a heavy drinker. She must’ve had at least ten bowls of Takju.
“You’re just standing in the corner watching everyone!” she yells. “Come out and have some fun! Grab a drink and some bread!” She boops your nose with the end of her loaf.
Giggling, you shake your head. “But I like standing in the corner.” Besides, you’re too sober to walk up to complete strangers and strike up a fascinating conversation with them that they’ll inevitably forget in the morning.
Hana makes a face. “Who the hell likes standing in the corner during a celebration?” she says, flinging her arms out dramatically. Consequently, the loaf of bread flies out of her hand and rockets straight into a crowd of soldiers.
There’s a small thump! and someone yells out a displeased, “Hey!”
Hana’s eyes grow wide as she looks around in panic. “Oh no.”
She grasps your hands, hers instantly warming your colder ones. But you feel that shock again. The same, strange feeling from before. It washes over your entire body, drenching it in a strange, staticky sensation. But before you can really comprehend what this could possibly mean, Hana pulls away.
“I have to run,” she says. “No. No. That would be silly. Why would I run away from that very obviously angry soldier? No. I have to find that loaf of bread. You know how rare a good loaf of bread is around here? The last time I’ve had some good bread was a week ago when you brought some back from Elu.” She smiles, her head lolling to the side as she looks at you. A strand of her dark hair falls in front of her face, and she waves her hand, the wind following her lead and moving it out of the way. “I appreciate you, Y/N,” she says. “I’m going to miss you.”
You snort. “You’ll be back by Circa Garnet, Hana.”
Her button nose wrinkles. “That’s too far away. I’d rather fight!” She pumps her fist in the air. “I’m going to fight until we win this damn war!” And before you can even react, she gasps. “My bread! I’ve got to go! Goodbye, Officer Ryu!” Hana gives you a ninety-degree bow (nearly falling over while doing so), and then quickly rushes to find her loaf of bread somewhere in the crowd of drunk soldiers.
You watch her leave, amused by how much someone can change with some alcohol in their system. It makes you wonder how you would be perceived if you were drunk. But that thought isn’t too pleasant.
After your encounter with Hana, you begin to survey the vast medical tent, eyes shifting through the soldiers and healers and officers to find anyone you recognize. There, around the middle of the tent, you find Hyojung and Captain Im dancing passionately in what looks like an unofficial official dance battle. There’s Jeonwoo on the sidelines, cheering Hyojung on, and quite a crowd of young soldiers chanting for Captain Im’s victory. Even stoic Captain Yoo looks content for once.
“Captain’s quite the dancer, isn’t she?”
You don’t recognize that voice, so you turn around to see an attractive woman, leaning on one leg and crossing her arms over her chest. With her wavy, brown hair and cat-shaped eyes, she emanates confidence and allure. You reason that she must be a soldier, judging from her uniform. She doesn’t seem so drunk, but there’s a flirtatious look in her eye, and you can’t seem to look away.
“I didn’t know Captain Im could dance like that,” you reply with a polite smile.
“She’s a jack-of-all-trades,” the woman replies. “But I’ve heard the same about you.”
Your eyebrows raise. “You have?”
“A prodigy rivaling Captain Im’s intellect,” she says with a smirk. “A soldier one circa and an officer the next. I’m impressed, sir.”
“Um… thank you.”
She laughs and tosses her hair back behind her shoulder. “You can be more arrogant than that, Officer. It’s more attractive when someone knows their worth.”
You blink rapidly, processing her words before making a comment of your own. “Then I suppose you know your worth quite well.”
“Oh, I do.” She grins. “I know my worth very well.”
How strange.
Is this what they call flirting?
In that case, there is no doubt about it that she’s interested in you. And sure, you may be interested, too. But why does this feel so… so foreign? And it’s not just foreign; it doesn’t feel right. Not because you don’t find her attractive—she, indeed, knows her worth—but because this is a war. You’ve seen how many times a couple is torn apart. How many times a soldier mourns over the death of their lover. You don’t want that pain. Nor are you ready to dedicate yourself to someone, only to have them torn away from you.
But there you go again, overthinking about everything when there was practically nothing said. This is just what they call ‘casual flirting.’ And if you’re understanding that correctly, it’s a fun, one-time thing. So you’re definitely getting ahead of yourself. But then again, do you really want to have such a fleeting connection with a dedicated soldier in the army? Wouldn’t it be awkward if this were a one-time thing, and the next time you see each other, one of you is dead? In fact, it wouldn’t be just awkward. It’d be fucking miserable.
The soldier notices your hesitation, which you may or may not have made very obvious. And to your relief, she grins, shrugging her shoulders. “It’s all right, Officer. We can’t all be interested in love and war.” Before you can say anything, she bows slightly, that alluring grin still on her face. “Then I suppose I’ll see you around, sir. The alcohol is calling me.” She’s gone so quickly—slipping into the crowd—that it almost feels like your encounter had been a dream.
But she’s right. And she was right to leave, too. You’re definitely not interested in love and war. How can you be? You’re married to the idea of creating battle plans and nursing injured soldiers back to health. What do you know about love, anyway? You only know sacrifice when it comes to your nation. But how do you sacrifice your heart for a partner? How do you cope with the fact that someone will want to sacrifice themselves for you? And what about the necklace?
Oh, the necklace.
It had slipped your mind for circas and circas. The only piece of evidence of your past. How fast your present must’ve moved for you to forget such a core detail of your old identity. So what about the person who gifted you the necklace? You should wait for them. But what if they’re dead? Would they have wanted you to move on?
But why are you so fixated on this fantasy anyway? You already thought of it yourself that you’re not one for love and war. Now as a Solarian Officer, you’ve dedicated yourself to the army, to the people, to the General. This is the new you.
But what about the old you? Are you going to abandon her, just like that?
It’s too much. Your thoughts begin to suffocate you. Though your surroundings are festive, you can’t seem to match the atmosphere. While soldiers are drinking away their problems, you seem to be giving yourself more by doing your usual overthinking. So you find reprieve by escaping into the night.
The winter air is cold, nipping at your exposed skin. You shiver, wandering into the darkness. The moon hides behind thick clouds, and only a few stars have come out to greet the night. The icy frost on the grass leaves wet prints on your thick uniform, goosebumps dotting your skin.
It’s cold, yet you feel oddly calm—an overwhelming contrast from the loud, hotness of the tents. Out here, you feel like you can breathe.
Further and further you wander into the darkness. You’re not sure why, but your legs persistently carry you forward. Out here, your thoughts are clear, no longer muddy and tangled and twisted. Out here, you feel free. You feel adventurous. The darkness, for some reason, fuels your desire to explore. And before you know it, you’ve wandered past the tall grass and just at the edge of the great, dark forest.
But then, there is light.
You see the amber glow coming from behind the trees, casting a dark shadow over the ground. It is the same brightness you remember seeing in the forest when you and the General were riding to Elu just a week ago. The swift brightness that had disappeared when you’d blinked. But this time, even when you blink, the mysterious light stays.
You take a step forward.
It takes a step forward.
And soon, you realize the amber glow is not just a light but an animal.
A tiger.
Your eyes widen as it reveals itself from behind the tall trees. It’s majestic. Warm.
The tiger burns, scarlet flames emanating from its entire body, yet never scorching anything around it. It stands tall, gazing up at you with sparks in its kind eyes.
You feel entranced. Hands carefully outstretched, you begin to walk slowly towards the tiger, and it lets you. Calmly waits for you to reach it. And once you’re in close proximity, it bows its head. As if it wants you to touch it. You stare at the orange flames blazing on its fur, hand hovering right over it. It seems dangerous. Why would you stick your hand into fire? But then again, there’s something about this tiger that calls to you. Something that feels safe. Something that doesn’t seem logical and all but still feels right.
Your hand falls onto the flames. But it’s warm, and the light casts pretty shadows on your arm. You run your fingers down the tiger’s head, petting its soft fur. It lets out a gentle huff, nuzzling into your hand.
So this is a sol. A fire sol. A sol that found you. They’re free animal spirits, supposed to roam about Solaria’s vast lands. But why has this one come to you? Has it been watching you? And why do you feel so calm and safe around it?
The tiger huffs contentedly as if to tell you he appreciates the attention he’s getting. Then, he—not an it—stands up, his head reaching just a little above your waist. His bright eyes speak to you. As if to tell you that he’s been waiting in the cold for you.
“Well then, I hope you didn’t wait for long,” you whisper, scratching behind his ear.
The tiger huffs again.
“I… I’m just… I needed some air.”
Why does it feel like you’ve known him forever?
“Have we met before?”
But the tiger raises his blazing paw, leaving your question unanswered. You begin to think taking his paw in your hand will help you understand something, but then you realize the sol has been trying to point behind you. “Oh. Oh. Something’s behind me?” Quickly, you turn around to see—
“I see that you’ve met another sol,” the General says. He walks closer to you and the tiger, seeming oddly accustomed to the animal. “This one here is the physical embodiment of fire. He’s known to wander around Alder’s woods.”
But you’re barely able to hear his words. “Sir, I’m surprised to see you here. You’re the General that led hundreds of battles the past several circas. I thought you’d be celebrating your victories.”
You didn’t think anyone else would have wanted to forgo an excellent celebration for some alone time outside. Besides, you and the General have barely exchanged words since your trip to Elu together. Why is he suddenly approaching you, anyway?
“I don’t like to celebrate doing my duty,” the General replies without missing a beat. He stares behind you, at the blazing tiger, and shrugs. “With your logic, you should be celebrating too, Officer. You were the one who came up with our most successful battle plans.”
You cock your head. “Maybe I don’t like to celebrate doing my duty either, sir.”
The General makes a noise that sounds somewhat like a laugh and a snort. But he shakes his head, instead. “The sol seems to take a liking to you.”
As if to prove the General’s words, the tiger nuzzles you again, then sits down right next to you. “I like him too,” you say, reaching down to pat his blazing fur.
“He must see your potential to wield fire,” the General says. “Or he’s gotten tired of roaming about the forest alone.”
You smile, kneeling down to scratch behind the tiger’s ear. Its warmth seems to melt your insides, making the same kind of heat emanating from your body. “It’s a good thing that we can keep him company for tonight.”
The General raises his eyebrows. And for a second, you think he might say something on the lines of, ‘Well, maybe you can keep him company, but I’m going to go not celebrate my duty somewhere else.’ But the next thing you know, he’s kneeling down too, sitting cross-legged on the grass straight across from you. When you look at him in surprise, your eyes meet, his dark ones reflecting the red flames of the tiger. However, he quickly looks away and clears his throat. “I suppose you won’t be leaving camp tomorrow.” Then, he looks even more embarrassed that he had said anything.
You shrug your shoulders. “I don’t really have anywhere to go,” you say. You gaze up to the sky, watching the sparse stars sparkling in the distance. “Besides, as far as I know, Alder is my home.” Your gaze falls down to the man sitting in front of you. “And what about you, sir?”
Will he go back to Aithne, his homesector? Just to visit? But visit who, exactly? He’s the last of his bloodline… Does that mean he will stay here with you?
The General shakes his head, an unreadable look on his face. “Alder is my home as well.” He finally looks up, the brightness of the tiger’s flames and the shadows dividing his features in half. And this time, he doesn’t look away. Instead, he stares into your eyes—curiously. “You don’t like to drink, do you, Officer?”
It’s a question that catches you off guard. “Drink? I mean, I just… I don’t want to be perceived in a way that I cannot control,” you admit sheepishly. “I also get the impression that some drink to forget, but I don’t want to forget any more than I already have, sir.”
“Being in control, huh?” he says. He seems to nod to himself as if to fully digest your words. “I really do wonder where you were after all these years. Why you didn’t join the army sooner when you’ve got the talent and personality. But,” he says, back slouching as his hands graze the cold grass, “don’t you believe that it’s thanks to your memory loss that you’re now my officer?”
You cock your head. “That’s also very true,” you say. But for a split second, your thoughts flit to the abandoned necklace in your tent. Yet you shake those thoughts away. “Then I’m very lucky to be able to work with such talented people.”
The General smiles, his features glowing in warm light. “And we’re lucky to work with you.”
You shake your head though smiling at his compliment. “I’m pretty sure if you knock anyone out hard enough that they lose their memories, they’ll voice the same polarizing ideas that I have. It’s just something about not being able to remember anything that makes you feel like you have nothing to lose.”
The General’s eyes sparkle in amusement. “Hm… Nothing to lose,” he echoes. “Isn’t that quite a mindset?”
“It is.”
“Then you must be ready for the new year, Officer,” the General says. “It may seem peaceful now, but we’ll go right back to fighting in the next circa. Nothing to lose, huh?” He shakes his head. “You must not be afraid of death.”
“I feel like I should be,” you say, leaning back against the warm tiger who huffs happily in response. “But I don’t remember who I’ve loved, and I’m starting to think whoever they were—if they even existed at all—they’re already gone. So it doesn’t matter, I guess. If I die, no one will feel like they died with me.”
“Together, love and war is dangerously precarious, anyway,” the General says in agreement. “Do you wish you remembered, though? At least their face? Maybe faces?”
It takes you a moment to realize he’s talking about your past lover, or lovers, as he phrases it. “I’m not sure,” you reply. “It could be both a blessing and an agony to know.”
The General nods. “Forgive me if that was too personal.”
“It’s fine,” you say, then you grin, an idea lighting up your mind. “I can ask you a personal question, sir. Maybe it will cancel out.”
He snorts. “If you’d like.”
“Are you afraid of death?”
The General visibly grimaces. You raise your eyebrows. “I’m sorry, was that too personal?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I just didn’t want my answer to kill the mood.”
The mood? Is he referring to the quiet calmness of being outside? Or the exhilarating curiosity you’re sensing that you have towards each other? Either way, the General likes the current atmosphere, and he’s cautious enough to not want to ruin it. You find that rather interesting.
“I’m sure we can manage,” you reply. “One answer won’t kill the mood, will it?”
The General seems to think. Then: “I suppose I agree with you. In that case, the short answer is no.”
“Looks like we have something in common.” You grin. “Do you mind divulging to me the long answer, sir?”
There’s a short, deliberate pause, where the General makes it quite obvious that he is in deep pondering, his forehead wrinkling and his posture worsening. But he finally decides to answer in the end. “My death will inevitably bring the burden of leading the Solarian Army on another person. I’m not afraid of death itself, but I’m very wary about the effects of my leave.”
“See, sir? That didn’t kill the mood. You were just being thoughtful and honest,” you say, smiling. “I also don’t think we’ll die anytime soon. So there’s nothing to worry about.”
“Not die anytime soon?” the General says. “Pray tell why you think so, Officer.”
Your fingers also graze the ice-cold grass, playing with the droplets of water before looking up to answer. “Because we’re going to crack the code. We’re already almost halfway there. I’m starting to think they’ll have a new code for every circa. It’s to the point that I’m wondering what the next word will be.”
The General nods. “I wonder, too.”
“Sir? Can I ask you another personal question?”
His eyes sparkle. Yes, losing your memories makes you feel like you have nothing to lose at all. His other soldiers wouldn’t dare be as upfront toward him as you are. “Are you going to inquire about my love life, next?” he asks half-jokingly.
You pretend to think. “Though that sounds tempting, I was really going to ask what your reason to fight is, sir. And I realize I never told you my reason, either, though I did tell you that you helped me find it.”
“Then why don’t you tell me your reason?” the General says.
“But sir! I asked you first.”
“And I’ll answer you after you tell me,” he responds, smiling. “Did I not help you find your reason?”
“Well, I suppose it’s nothing to hide,” you sigh, yet clearly amused. “But I did want the advantage of going last for the shock value.”
He snorts. “If it were a shocking reason, then it should shock me regardless of the order we share it.”
“Fine then. I fight for the end of this war.”
“The end?” He sounds incredulous, eyes slightly wide as he stares at you. As if you’d just uttered the impossible. You’ve shocked him all right.
“I know it sounds preposterous,” you say, attempting to explain yourself. “But even if I end up dying in the process, I want my efforts to have brought us just a step closer to the end. And it’s stupid.”
“It’s stupid that we fight for peace.”
“Of course it’s stupid,” the General says to your surprise. “But what better way is there to measure our egos?”
You scoff. “Do the Darlaeans even know that they’re fighting a nation run by a child?”
“They don’t,” the General replies. “If they did, they would be out for blood. More than they already are.”
It doesn’t make sense. Why not leave the Solarians alone? Why not embrace peace? “Why do they hate us so much?” you say. “I don’t understand.”
“The Darlaeans?” the General asks. “It’s because they love power. They can’t stand the thought of their ancestors abandoning Darlaean magic for elemental wielding because that would imply that Darlaean magic is not enough. If they win, Solaria will die.”
“Then we can’t possibly let them win.”
The General nods. “It’s why I fight for our freedom.”
“Freedom…” It sounds so nice saying it out loud.
“I’ll sacrifice anything so we can be a free nation with free people,” the General says. “Because like you, Y/N, I have very little to lose.”
“I guess we have more in common than I first thought,” you say, absentmindedly reaching back to pet the tiger. The sol huffs happily, his tail swishing in the cold air. “Truth be told, though, you scared me a lot when I first met you.”
You’re not sure what’s prompting you to be so honest in this hour. Maybe it’s the secure warmth of the fire sol behind you. Or maybe it’s the serene atmosphere of the night. Or maybe it’s the General who gazes at you like you’re the most interesting person he’s ever had the pleasure of talking to.
“I can’t blame you,” he answers, the corners of his lips twitching upward. “I shouldn’t have been so brash.”
“It’s okay,” you say. “I know that it’s all a façade. I’ve seen how you act with children.”
The General snorts. “You’re peculiar.”
“Yes, you. Would I have been talking to the sol behind you?”
“Well… it could have been a possibility. But how so? How am I peculiar, that is?”
“I don’t know… You just are.” But he does know. Well, he has a small idea. You walk without weight on your shoulders. You talk with a sparkling glint in your eye. You approach him like you and he are acquaintances. You talk to him like he’s your friend. But you treat everyone the way you treat him. You’re a master battle planner, yet you think the war is stupid. You’re intimidating when you want to be, but when you smile, your face lights up and you begin to glow. You’re kind to the people who do not like you, but you can be mean when somebody pushes you too far. You showed up on his campground memoryless and innocuous, yet you’ve somehow made it as an officer. You’re an enigma.
Across from him, you get an inkling that the General knows exactly how you are peculiar. But you realize he must feel a little awkward verbalizing it. Or maybe he wants to keep being the enigma that he is. “You’re peculiar, too,” you say. “Very peculiar.”
His eyebrows raise. “How so?”
“I don’t know,” you echo with a grin. “You just are.”
He rolls his eyes. “Must you always repeat what I say?”
“Yes, but unlike you, I’ll actually elaborate,” you say, laughing at the General’s exasperated expression. “You’re an interesting balance of authoritative but receptive. You’re intimidating, but you know, when you smile, your whole face does this thing where it lights up. Maybe it’s the fire medium in you? You’re graceful yet awkward. You’re a leader but you also know how to follow. You’re my superior, but you treat me like we’re equals. Maybe like we’re acquaintances. Is that enough?”
The General is rendered a little speechless. You think the same of him when he smiles like he does when you smile. How peculiar.
“That’s more than enough. And for the record,” he says, “we are equals. Everyone in this camp stands on the same level. My life costs the same as everyone else’s. And…” he trails off, unable to help the grin that stretches across his lips. “Am I really that awkward?”
You laugh, shaking your head at his question and refusing to answer. “You’re lighting up again.”
“It must be because I enjoy your company.”
The General? Enjoys your company? You’re so shocked that you accidentally utter a: “Who wouldn’t?” It’s so out-of-character that even the General’s eyes widen at your words.
“I mean! I enjoy your company, too. Sir,” you quickly add. “I don’t know why I’m acting so inebriated. I haven’t had a single bowl of Takju.”
The General smiles. “It’s the atmosphere.”
Again, you’re not too sure what he means by this. The atmosphere of the night? The cold winds juxtaposed with the warmth emanating from the fire tiger? Or the atmosphere between the two of you? Either way, you don’t get an answer because there’s someone calling for the General, waving at the entrance of the main medical tent.
“General! I’ve been looking for you! We want you to make a toast!”
The General meets your eyes. And for a second, you see disappointment in them. But that emotion is gone the next time you blink. Quickly, he stands up. “Would you like to come?”
Oh, would you? You hesitate. Do you really want to go back in that stuffy tent?
Besides, you have a fire sol willing to keep you company for the night. If you leave now, you’re not sure if you’ll ever see him again. The tiger, sensing your predicament, huffs, rubbing his head against you. It helps you make your decision.
“I’ll stay, sir,” you say. “I don’t know when I’ll see him again.”
The General nods. “Don’t stay out too late, then.” He looks at you one last time—as if something’s on the very tip of his tongue. But he turns at the last second and walks away.
You watch him leave, huddling closer to the fire tiger.
What an interesting conversation you just had with the General. The more you get to know about him, the more you come to admire his character. And the more you want to uncover.
He said he has little to nothing to lose. It makes sense. How would it feel to be the very last of your bloodline, knowing your death would be a bigger deal than you’d like? Who has he lost that makes him the person he is today? What kind of past does he have for him to take on such a burdening role? What makes him want to fight for the freedom of Solaria?
You reach behind to scratch the tiger’s ear, and he huffs, nuzzling into your hand. “I should stop overthinking, huh?”
His tail thumps on the ground in agreement.
“It’s so beautiful tonight,” you sigh. “It feels like everything that’s happened so far—from the moment I woke up in that medical tent to right now—is a dream. I’ve learned so many things. Met so many great people—and animals,” you add with a laugh. “It sounds silly, but this almost seems too good to be true. I know we’re in the middle of a war, but there’s no way my past life was better than this. I’ve become a better person after I lost all my memories. Maybe… Maybe it’s time to really let go. Embrace that this is the new me.”
You close your eyes, taking in the crisp air and breathing out slowly. “I don’t want my old memories anymore.” It feels great to finally admit it. Your eyes open wide, a new kind of determination set in them. “Thinking about my past always weighs me down. And I don’t want that anymore. I don’t need my old memories to reconnect with fire. Hell, I can make new memories for that. I think I can relearn. I want to fight. I want to become a fire medium again.”
The tiger’s tail thumps rapidly on the ground—as if he is cheering you on.
“Thanks,” you say, smiling. “Do you have a family to go to? Am I keeping you away from them?”
The tiger paws at the air, and you interpret that as a no. “Are you going to keep me company for the night?”
He snorts—a happy-sounding yes.
You smile. “Thank you.”
With your fingers tangled in the tiger’s burning mane, you watch the nighttime clouds grace the sky, floating slowly to their next destination. The warmth against your back, the honey-colored flames of the sol and the quiet tranquility of the outside world begin to soothe you. Your eyelids feel heavy and your breaths start to slow. You fall asleep with the midnight sky gazing over you, and the blazing tiger keeping you guarded.
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In a few hours, you awake along with the chimes of the water clock. It’s still early, the fog hiding away the dawn light, but you find that there’s something soft and bright supporting your back. When you turn around, you see the fire tiger. He’s awake too, staring at you with his round eyes.
“You stayed.”
He snorts as if you’d just uttered the obvious, which you sort of did.
“I just thought I wasn’t going to see you again,” you say. “You can go if you want. You’re not obligated to stay.”
The tiger lets out a soft growl as if he disagrees. He stares at you, mane blazing even in the early morning hours. His stare makes you feel like electricity coursing through your entire body. Again, there’s that feeling inside of you. That feeling where you swear you’ve seen him before. But that doesn’t matter anymore.
The moment right now is what counts.
With reinvigorated energy, you stand up with the tiger. Placing a hand on his back, you look around at the vast Alder territory. It’s so early that no one has come out of their tents yet. Gray fog weaves between the scarlet homes, and a wintry breeze still permeates the air, but for the most part, it looks like the frost from last night has melted. The scenery feels so raw, and the barrenness feels so intense. You feel the determination again. The passion and the ambition.
You take a deep breath of the fresh air. It stings your nose but you feel so awake. So alive.
“It’s a new day,” you say. “Are you ready for it?”
The tiger takes a step forward, tail swaying from side to side. He throws you a happy look with his soft eyes reflecting the flames of blazing fires. Then, he roars. The sound shakes the trees, reverberating across the land and stirring those who had been asleep. He roars and it wakes you up, too. You feel amazing. Like you’ve woken up from an amazing night’s sleep and came across a thousand epiphanies.
For Sooht’s sake. You’ve never felt so good before.
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⨰ a/n: i've been balancing a social life with clubs, research and classes and it's been a little difficult 😭 please bear with me (and my characters LOL). i hope you like this new chapter because things are going to be picking up from here! 👀
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tajmahalgemsworld · 1 year
আজকের রাশিফল — Ajker Rashifal 14 August 2023 — দৈনিক রাশিফল
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» 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐬 -
পাথরের দাম জানুন আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট থেকে 𝐖𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 — সেই সাথে দৈনিক রাশিফল দেখে নিন আমাদের ইউটিউব চ্যানেল থেকে 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐢 — ঘুরে আসুন দয়াল দেলোয়ার চিশতী গুরুজির ফেসবুক আইডি থেকে 𝐃𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐢 — দেখে নিন আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজ 𝐓𝐚𝐣𝐦𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 — তার সাথে ফলো করতে পারেন আমাদের টুইটার একাউন্ট 𝐓𝐚𝐣𝐦𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐬 — পাথরের পাশা পাশি আমাদের রয়েছে তাজ ডায়মন্ড শোরুম দেখে নিন আমাদের ইউটিউব চ্যানেল থেকে 𝐓𝐚𝐣 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 — আমাদের সকল রত্ন পাথরের তথ্য পাবেন ইনস্টাগ্রাম 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 এবং সকল রাশি রত্ন পাথর নিয়ে ব্লগ পড়তে পারেন আমাদের টাম্বলার পেজটি থেকে 𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫 আরো পাচ্ছেন জনপ্রিয় সাইট টিকটক — এ আমাদের সকল জ্যোতিষশাস্ত্র ও রত্নপাথরের চমৎকার সকল তথ্য 𝐓𝐢𝐤𝐓𝐨𝐤
(জ্যোতিষশাস্ত্র ও রত্নপাথরের ঠিক তথ্য, প্রতি মুহূর্তে। ফলো করুন আমাদের Google News পেজ)
🌐Raj Mohini Tabij — (রাজ মোহনী তাবিজ)
🌐Blue Sapphire (নীলা পাথর)
🌐Ruby Gemstone রুবী পাথর
🌐Yellow Sapphire (পোখরাজ রত্ন)
🌐Garnet Gemstone (গোমেদ পাথর)
🌐Emerald Stone (পান্না পাথর)
🌐Akik Stone — আকিক পাথর
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Invader Gems Recap 2 page 4!
Recap Kid: Upon Earth, the Amethyst gave her brothers a new quest - to learn to control themselves, so that they might all survive. The fusion found a fellow Garnet, who offered them her wisdom.
Recap Kid continues to read the story. Behind them, we see two scenes - on Recap Kid’s right, we see the Swollen Eyeball Spaceship, crashed in the Strawberry Battlefield, with Almundine walking forlornly away from it. On Recap Kid’s left, we see Almundine looking at Garnet, who is smiling with her palms held up in the universal sign of surrender - or perhaps to show Almundine her gems, which match theirs in shape and size, if not color.
Recap Kid: After many trials, they came to trust themselves and each-other, and promised to keep the secrets of Earth for their teacher until the time is right.
The next panel depicts Almundine standing in a colorful void, holding hands with Sapphire D18 and Ruby Z1M. Their guardians, Professor Muscovite and the Zircons Red and Purple, can be seen, blurry and dream-like, behind them.
Recap Kid: But when they returned home, the couple discovered that their sister has called Homeworld, and were thus torn apart.
The next panels are shown in triplicate - the first depicts Iolite T4K and her Pearl M1M1 holding hands on a messy black backdrop. The second panel depicts Pearl G1R sitting on Ruby Z1M’s lap in the engine room, the ship’s splintered core behind them. The third panel depicts Amethyst G4Z comforting her brother Sapphire D18 in his room.
Recap Kid: BUT…
This next panel mimics the messy black backdrop from three panels ago, upon which stands Iolite T4K and Pearl M1M1’s fusion, Lavender Chalcedony. A glowing white butterfly is perched on her finger.
Recap Kid: Little did they know, the new gems were like them.
The last panel is just Recap Kid reading their book. This concludes the second recap of our story
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