#zod x desir
xeilon · 1 year
I really like the idea of an AU where Desir is a bit older and worked in the Tower of Magic before the Labyrinth. Just like, idk, intern/researcher/answering letters from annoying nobles person.
And after he comes back from the future (and Zod and him got together in the Labyrinth) he knows that he's gonna be figured out in a day if he tries to tell anything Zod in person, so he starts leaving clues and very high level magic research for Zod to find. Records and warnings about stuff that's gonna happen etc. All of it anonymusly of course.
Zod is VERY interested in who the hell is their mysterious informant, notices how the puzzles seem to be left for him specificly, and how to figure them out he needs to use information that he didn't tell anyone who's still alive. (He might starts to fall a bit for how clever this person is. Maybe. But you can't prove anything.)
After combing through the files of everyone working in the Tower of Magic, and finding nothing, Zod teams up with Desir because he's the one who deals a lot with people, and he's the only one he's not suspicious of.
Desir knows that if he gets confronted he will fold immidietly. He goes along with watherver Zod's plan is to find their person, all the while praying that he doesn't get found out.
Zod halfway decides that Desir is actually very smart and could have left all the notes, with how witty he is, and he knows how to play the North sea's rule and is not pushy about topics that he does not want to share at all even tho they are pretty much laid out in front of him and ,oh, OH, fuck.
And now Zod knows but he doesn't know if Desir knows that he knows, so he decides to be stupid about it, except Desir has been dealing with the Tower Master for over a decade now and figures out in less than a week that Zod definately knows, and starts dropping hints about knowing that Zod knows.
It's a mess. It's beautiful. It's half the tower's nightmare fuel. Chess flirting and lab dates. Zod's both clueless and very much aware of everything. Desir is allergic to talking about feelings. They'll figure it out. Maybe.
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chainsawcorazon · 1 year
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January 8th - 14th, 2024
Monday, January 8th - Sins of the Family // Isolation
Tuesday, January 9th - Prophecies // Deadly Devotion
Wednesday, January 10th - Superman Cults // Possession
Thursday, January 11th - The Forgotten One // A Hole in the World
Friday, January 12th - A Parent Knows Best // Eldritch Horror
Saturday, January 13th - It Takes a Village // Inheritance
Sunday, January 14th - Mistakes Were Made // Horror Movie AU
Not enough horror-themed fanworks in the world about the Superfam. Got jealous of the Batfandom having all these horror-themed events and projects, so I decided to host one for the Superfam.
Why should we participate in this?
Because you like seeing the soupeyfam in ever-increasingly fucked up situations that elicit a deeply-rooted, ancient dread :3
So how does it work?
The release date for fanworks is from Monday, the 8th of January through Sunday, the 14th of January, 2024. 
This aint a Halloween-themed event! You have well over three months to write, draw, and create fanworks. However, use the spooky season to help generate some ideas and propel you forward! :3
This an opportunity for people who’d like to explore the Superfamily characters, dynamics, and relationships through a variety of prompts. Although romantic ships are nice, please make sure the Superfam are the focus of your fanwork.
Superfamily characters include, but are not limited to:
Clark Kent
Lois Lane
Kara Zor El
Jonathan and Martha Kent
Jon Kent
Osul Ra and Otho Ra
John Henry Irons
Natasha Irons
Kon El/Conner Kent
Chris Kent/Lor Zod
Karen Starr
Kong Kenan
Superfamily characters of ANY comic book universe are acceptable. If you want to spend the entire fanweek exploring Ultraman and Injustice!Superman because you love drama, then be my guest! If you want Ultraman to kidnap Lois this time instead of Jon, go for it!! Let that imagination run WILD!!!
Darkfic, horrorfic, genre-specific work, and other both safe and not-safe-for-tunglr dot hell tropes are welcome. Just make sure that you post any Mature content on a landing page that doesn't restrict Mature content (like AO3). I don’t want anyone getting their blog banned. We cannot defeat our capitalist overlords, but we can definitely work around them.
This fanweek will not have a dedicated blog. These prompts are free for anyone to use. Because it is a non-traditional, non-monetized, and free-to-opt-in casual event, there will be no mods but moi, no advertising of paid services, and no ratings or participant restrictions. I will open a collection on AO3 in January for anyone who wants their work collated for this event.
In order to ensure that both creators and the audience are making informed decisions about what they engage with, all creators are encouraged to include triggers, ships, and any other squick warnings. 
Please utilize the read-more function for fanworks that are longer than 250 words. We're tryna read yer stories, not get spammed with a wall of text. Please Be Courteous.
And last but not least - if you are engaging with any of the fanworks, reblog, reblog, reblog! Share the work with your followers. Send all the love to the creators for crafting their masterpieces!!
What can I contribute?
Fanart (standalones, comic strips, etc.), fanfiction (one-shots, multichapter, etc.), fanmixes, gifsets, graphics, meme collections, fanvids, whatever your heart desires! Go wild!!!
Can I create/write not-safe-for-tunglr dot hell content?
Yes!!! All creators are encouraged to include triggers warnings, sub-genre specifications, ships, and other warnings in their posts. I will not discourage you from writing your 16k Kara-goes-evil fic, but please... Be Courteous and tag your fanworks appropriately so people can make an informed decision on what they're comfortable with viewing.
What does (X) prompt mean?
Each day has two prompts!! You can either pick a prompt OR you can combine prompts in different ways. Let your imagination take you where you want to go with each prompt!! If you want to explore both in the same fanwork, then be my guest!!
Mainstream Canon, Elsewords, and AU content is acceptable! Just make sure to stay within the comicsverse. Creativity is key! Have fun!!!
Can I crackship/multiship/harem/OT3/polyam the characters?
Absolutely!!! Just please remember that this is the Soupeyfam horror week, not the Lois-Has-A-Harem-of-Elseworlds-Supermen week. We love ships and things, but this week is about the Superfamily. The characters can have their lovers, but their personal romantic dalliances shouldn't overtake the Soupeyfam dynamics (unless you're pulling a Cersei and Jaime, lmao, if that's the case, go wild).
Does this have a tag?
During release week, use the general “superfam” tag to share your work with the wider Superfam fandom on tunglr. You can use whatever other tags you fancy. The best way to share, however, is to directly @ me so that I may reblog it.
I didn’t read a damn thing before this, Ava.
TL;DR: Over three months until the fanweek!!! For all fanwork creators out there, now’s the time to start thinking about what prompts you want to utilize for your creations. There are no creative restrictions, but I do ask that you follow these posting tips:
All fanfiction should be under a read-more.  
Not-safe-for-tunglr fanwork should be LINKED to whatever landing site the content is being hosted on (Twitter, AO3, etc). This includes both fanfiction and fanart. I don’t want your blog getting flagged bc tunglr hates gay people.
Provide content warnings for all triggers, squicks, and sub-genres. Unfortunately, in my ten odd years away from DC Comics, the fandom's seen a resurgence in puritanical behavior and tons of censorship and self-censorship. Please list content warnings on your work but do not be discouraged in sharing your work. If a fancop gets on your ass, block them. Please block as MANY as you can. They're like pests, they're always gonna be there, but their influence can be diminished by staunch blocking and reporting.
You can participate as much as you want!! Maybe you only wanna create for one day? Cool! Maybe you’re an overachieving corporate clown insomniac like myself, and wanna create for every day of the week? Go for it!!! 
The most important thing is to have fun :)
Truth be told, this event is entirely selfish. I personally love to the horror genre, and would love to see the characters in the Superfamily get more canon content as seen through beloved horror tropes. Unfortunately, Status Quo often gets in the way, and the current fanworks are largely ambivalent to the Dreadful and Despairing. If you'd like to join me in creating deliciously dark fiction featuring our favorite DC clan, please do! I would love to read your 10k character study of Otho and Osul assimilating into human society after spending their formative years as slaves in Warworld.
We’re over three months away from release week, so take your time, look through the prompts, and get your creative juices flowing! I will be sending out reminders until the go-live date.
For the people who showed interest during the initial interest check, I hope you're able to participate. To the four people who hate me, your mom's a hoe. Thank you.
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emergencyextiida · 2 years
cold crystal, fading ember
Warnings: Character death, Young Justice Phantoms spoilers Relationships: Dick Grayson & M’gann M’orzz Word Count: 1,035
 M’gann has only ever seen Dick Grayson this still twice before in the years she’s known him.
 The first had been within the Team’s second year, when she was practicing her density shifting. She had phased through one wall too many, ending up in what would eventually become their memorial grotto years down the line. At that point in time, it had simply been a quiet place for members of the Team to be alone―Zatanna would go there to cry when it was too difficult to think about her dad, Kaldur would use it to quietly slip out into the sea when he needed space, and M’gann would occasionally go down there when she felt far too alien among her friends.
 Robin, apparently, used it to meditate.
 If he knew she was there―and she’s fairly certain he knew, he just      does―    he didn’t acknowledge her presence. His form was so still, she couldn’t even tell if he was breathing. The only indication that she had nothing to worry about was the feeling of his mental walls when she reached out, solid against her psychic touch. She felt no emotional turmoil… but she      did    recognize that he was doing his best to be      polite    in his very firm desire to be left alone for a little while longer.
 The second had been decidedly      less    peaceful, and under much more dire circumstances. Dick had been in a state of agony following his extensive time in the X-Pit, enduring over twenty-four hours of excruciating torture at the command of Granny Goodness. When the life-threatening fever and the bouts of nausea passed, Dick had slept like the dead. Only the beeping of his heart monitor assured her that they hadn’t lost him.
 M’gann wishes she could go back to that moment, as heart-rending as it had been. It seems leagues more bearable than what she sees right now.
 The Fortress of Solitude is in shambles. The Zeta Tube―the thing she had      hoped    would reunite her with the rest of her team so they could snap Conner out of the mental state his time in the Phantom Zone had put him in―was utterly destroyed, with no hope of quick repair. Kryptonian artifacts of all sorts lay destroyed, strewn about in the conflict that had taken place. Opposite the Zeta-Tube stand two ruptured pods, still crackling and sparking weakly.
 What catches her attention lies in a heap at the foot of the statues of Jor-El and Lara El, among shattered crystal. Black and blue kevlar stand out against the destruction, and as M’gann draws closer, she finds a pool of red.
     Nightwing,    she calls out, trying to establish a mental link.      Nightwing, please…  
 She already knows he won’t respond. He      can’t.  
 M’gann’s knees meet cold, hard crystal as she drops down at Nightwing’s side. Tentatively, she reaches out, her fingers brushing against the skin of his cheek. He’s still warm, a sign that they killed him minutes ago. Once again, she makes an attempt to connect, to find some spark in him―
 ―      there.    It’s faint, just an ember close to burning out. M’gann catches it, clinging tightly to the memory as she opens her mind.
     He passes through the Boom Tube, finding himself in the Fortress of Solitude. The youngest Zod hasn’t noticed him yet―he’s too focused on his parents, currently charging up their powers in the solar pods.  
     There is no time to think… only to act. Two birdarangs whiz past the youngest Zod’s ears.        Boom.        The pods ignite. The Kryptonians inside them, he can’t tell.  
     No time for a response. A strong hand grips his throat. Wind rushes past him. His back strikes solid crystal―his spine pops, but he’s too disoriented to tell if he’s imagining the numbness in his legs―and he lands hard on the floor.  
     He tries to rise. His ears ring. His vision, blurry. His head, pounding. Then, all at once, cold terror―a crystal planet falls, crushing him on impact.  
     He doesn’t die a quick and merciful death, no. Blood gushes. His vision won’t focus. The younger Zod goes back to the burning wreckage of the pods, pulls his parents to their feet.  
     He failed. He. Failed.  
 M’gann casts away the memory quickly. She doesn’t need to watch as Dick’s life slowly drains away―doesn’t need to watch as Lor-Zod confidently declares him dead, knowing help won’t arrive in time to save him.
 The cacophony of his last thoughts echoes in her mind. His agony, body broken and unresponsive. His despair, knowing he failed to bring Conner back to M’gann. His heartbreak, knowing he leaves behind his friends, his family, his girlfriend.
     Had he really been planning on proposing to Barbara?  
 M’gann has no time to mourn, not right now. But she pulls Dick’s lifeless body into her arms, enveloping him into an embrace. She holds him fiercely, for every missed hug during his time away from the Team, for the hugs they won’t get to have now that he’s gone. Though her eyes sting, she doesn’t allow herself to cry.
 She can’t. She has to make sure the rest of her family makes it out alive.
 M’gann presses a soft kiss to Dick’s hair, the taste of his blood fueling her anger. With all the gentleness she’s capable of, she eases him back down on the crystalline floor.
 “We’ll come back for you, Dick,” she promises, her voice quivering only slightly. “After we take care of the Zods.”
 Dick says nothing―does nothing―as M’gann floats away. She brings a hand up to her comm link, pushing aside her anger for just a moment. “Miss Martian to Oracle.”
 It takes Oracle half a second longer than usual to reply.      “I know. Thank you, Miss Martian.”    Her voice is steady, but M’gann has known her long enough to know that Barbara Gordon is going to be a wreck the moment their mission ends.
 M’gann doesn’t respond. There’s nothing she can say right now, not while Oracle has put all of her emotions into a box for the mission. So, she taps into that rage, that heartbreak, all those ugly feelings she had worked so hard to process and work through over the years.
 She can’t afford to hold back now.
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ljones41 · 5 years
“DARK PHOENIX” (2019) Review
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"DARK PHOENIX" (2019) Review I feel sorry for the old X-MEN Movie Universe. Well . . . almost. For a franchise that began on a high note, it certainly ended with a whimper. At least from a financial point-of-view. And that whimper proved to be the 2019 movie, "DARK PHOENIX".
Actually, "DARK PHOENIX" is not the final film of this franchise. The last film is scheduled to be released in the spring of 2020. As for "DARK PHOENIX", it is the twelfth film associated with the franchise that was associated with the old 20th Century Fox Studios. It is also the second movie in the franchise, after 2005's "X-MEN: THE LAST STAND", to adapt Marvel Comics' 1976-1980 comic book series of the same title. The movie begins in 1975 when nine year-old Jean Grey and her parents get involved in a car accident that leaves her as the sole survivor. Jean's situation eventually attracts the attention of Professor Charles Xavier, who enrolls her as one of his students at the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The story jumps to 1992, nine years after the events of "X-MEN: APOCALYPSE". Some of Xavier's former students have become the next generation of the X-Men, with Mystique aka Raven as the team's leader in the field and the Professor receiving their glory from the public and media. The U.S. President summons the team to assist NASA into rescuing the space shuttle Endeavour, which is critically damaged by a solar flare-like energy during its mission. While the X-Men save all of the astronauts, Jean is stranded and is struck by the energy, which she absorbs into her body to save the X-Men's aircraft from destruction. Jean survives the event and her psychic powers are greatly amplified by the energy. Her powers become uncontrollable and she later accidentally unleashes her power on the mutants celebrating the success of their mission at Xavier's school. Even worse, Jean's enhanced powers attract the attention of a group of alien shape shifters called the D'Bari, whose home planet had been destroyed by the energy force. They want to use the energy (or Jean) to wipe out Earth's inhabitants and re-shape the planet to resemble their own. Eventually, Jean and the other X-Men learn that Xavier had placed mental walls in Jean's mind as a little girl to protect her psychic mind from experiencing trauma from her childhood accident. Jean's enhanced power destroys the mental walls and the trauma slowly returns, filling her with desire, rage, and pain. Jean then travels to her childhood hometown after finding out that her father is still alive and learned that he abandoned her. Jean recovers her complete memory of the car accident and remembers that her post-traumatic stress disorder had originated with the childhood car accident in which she had inadvertently caused by rendering her mother unconscious at the wheel with her telepathy. When the X-Men arrive to take Jean home but she injures Peter Maximoff aka Quicksilver and accidentally kills Raven aka Mystique before disappearing. And her actions led to the U.S. Army searching for her and willing to imprison other mutants at the government's order. Many X-Men fans and critics had really dumped on this movie when it first hit the theaters. I am not going to examine why this film was so unpopular. I can only discuss how I felt about it. One, it was not an original film. In many ways, "DARK PHOENIX" almost struck me as a remake of the 2006 movie, "THE X-MEN: THE LAST STAND". Or perhaps I should say . . . a remake of the Dark Phoenix story arc, but with slightly different details. I suspect that Kinsberg and the X-Men producers wanted to use the changed timeline from "X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST" as an excuse to re-write the Dark Phoenix story arc from 2006. Personally, I feel it would have been more original of them to completely leave that story arc alone and utilize another narrative for the film. I also found the enhancement of Jean's powers via some alien energy wave not only unoriginal, but unnecessary. Why did Simon Kinberg even thought it was necessary to enhance Jean's powers? She had displayed an uber level of power when she killed En Sabah Nur aka Apocalypse in "X-MEN: APOCALYPSE". I can only assume the solar flare energy situation was created by Kinsberg to introduce the D'Bari. Speaking of the latter, I noticed that their goal to destroy humanity and settle on Earth as its new home bore a strong resemblance to General Zod's plan in 2013's "MAN OF STEEL". Look, I do not mind that Kinsberg had used aliens as the movie's Big Bad for this film. But did he have to recycle a plot from a D.C. Comics movie? Or worse, create this energetic force to enhance Jean Grey's powers, when they really did not require to be enhanced in the first place? I have one last problem - namely the casting of certain actors in this film. "DARK PHOENIX" is set in 1992, thirty years after the setting of "X-MEN: FIRST-CLASS" and nearly fifty years after Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr's World War II experiences. This means both characters should be roughly 60 years old or in their early sixties by now. The Hank McCoy character should be at least in his mid-to-late fifties in this movie. And yet . . . all three characters are portrayed by younger actors. The ages of both James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender ranged from late thirties to early forties around the time of the film's production. Nicholas Hoult, who portrayed Hank, was roughly in his late twenties. If the movie's producers were not willing to hire age appropriate actors for the characters of Xavier, Magneto and McCoy; they could have at least arrange the actors to wear makeup that would reflect their characters' ages. This is just plain sloppiness on so many levels. Despite the film's lack of originality, I must admit that I actually managed to enjoy "DARK PHOENIX". I noticed that Kinsberg's screenplay featured a more in-depth exploration of how Jean's enhanced powers had made an impact on her life and on those in her life. I also enjoyed how the actions of certain characters in regard to Jean had resulted in major consequences for many characters. I found it interesting how Jean found herself isolated by her fellow mutants and a lot of the blame could be tossed at Charles Xavier's feet. He did not use his telepathy to contain her power - especially since he had encouraged her to use it to defeat En Sabah Nur in the 2016 film. Instead, he had used his telepathy to suppress her memories of her parents' death and her emotional reaction to it . . . instead of simply helping her deal with a tragic loss. Xavier had used a short cut. And when the alien energy removed his mental blocks on Jean's mind, tragic consequences followed. Xavier did not pay the consequences of his actions with death, but he did pay a heavy price. Ironically, Erik Lensherr aka Magneto had no interest in exploiting Jean's new powers, as he had done in the 2006 movie. He was more concerned in protecting Genosha, the refugee island for mutants he had founded and demanded that she leave after the U.S. Army appeared. Unfortunately, Magneto's desire to protect those mutants under his leadership transformed into vengeance when he learned about Mystique's death from a grieving Hank McCoy aka Beast. I found it interesting that Hank had never bothered to inform Erik that Mystique's death had been an accident on Jean's part. He was angry at Charles for the latter's handling of Jean and decided to use the latter as a moral scapegoat. And unfortunately, the vengeful actions of both men ended up exacerbating an already dangerous situation. By the time the movie shifted to Manhattan, three forces (including the U.S. Army) were trying to contain, exploit or destroy Jean. Only a fourth group seemed concerned with Jean - namely the X-Men. And for once, Xavier WAS NOT the catalyst for the team's attempt to rescue Jean. Her fellow team members - led by Scott Summers aka Cyclops and Ororo Munroe aka Storm - led this endeavor. If I must be honest, most of the film's visual effects did not blow my mind. At best, I found them serviceable. I could also say the same about Mauro Fiore's cinematography. However, there was one particular sequence in which the film's visuals and Fiore's photography really blew my mind. It involved the major clash that eventually evolved between the X-Men, the mutants under Erik Lensherr and Hank McCoy, the U.S. Army and the D'Bari. I have become increasingly weary of final action sequences shot at night over the past decade, thanks to the second "LORD OF THE RINGS" movie. I must say that I was more impressed by Fiore and the visual team's work in this particular sequence, which began on the streets of Manhattan and ended on a train headed out of the city. And their work was more than ably supported by excellent editing from Lee Smith. I certainly had no problems with the performances featured in "DARK PHOENIX". The movie featured solid performances from the likes of Evan Peters, Kodi Smit Mc-Phee, Ato Essandoh and Brian D'Arcy James. Another solid performance came from Michael Fassbender, whose portrayal of Erik Lensherr struck me as skillful, but not particularly memorable. I do not think Kinsberg's screenplay gave the actor something new or unusual to work with. At first, it seemed as if Alexandra Shipp was doomed to endure another movie in which her character, Ororo Munroe aka Storm, nearly became a background character. Thankfully, the movie's second half gave Shipp an opportunity to convey Storm's resilient nature with more dialogue and action scenes. I especially enjoyed that moment when Storm and Cyclops made it clear to Xavier their determination to help Jean. Vuk proved to be the second time I have ever seen Jessica Chastain portray a villain. And I thought she gave an interesting and slightly . . . bizarre performance as the D'Bari's manipulative leader, who seemed focused on seducing Jean for the latter's powers. Nicholas Hoult surprised me by his skillful portrayal of the uglier side of Hank McCoy's nature. This was especially apparent in scenes that reflected McCoy's desire to avenge Mystique's death. Speaking of the latter, Jennifer Lawrence's appearance barely spanned half of the movie. I thought she gave a solid performance. But there was one scene in which she truly impressed me. It featured Mystique's sardonic rant against Xavier for using the X-Men as his personal publicity campaign. I was more impressed by Tye Sheridan's portrayal of Scott Summers aka Cyclops in this film than I was in the 2016 movie. Sheridan's Cyclops became a more mature and determined personality. That maturity was expressed in Scott's continuing love for Jean and his determination to help her as much as possible. I think "DARK PHOENIX" marked the first time I can truly recall Charles Xavier being portrayed in a negative light . . . and I enjoyed it. This has nothing to do with any dislike of Xavier. But I cannot deny that I found James McAvoy's portrayal of his character very interesting . . . and new. What I really found interesting is that Xavier's uglier side was not briefly manifested in the revelation of the telepathic blocks he had placed in Jean's head. That revelation only deepened Xavier's arrogance and blindness. But audiences first saw signs of these traits, thanks to his argument with Mystique over his exploitation of the X-Men team for personal glory. Some of the franchise's fans felt that Sophie Turner was not up to portraying the "Dark Phoenix" aspect of Jean Grey's character. I suppose they were expecting a re-play of Famke Janssen's portrayal. Even if they were not, I still managed to enjoy Turner's performance. The main reason why I did was because Turner did not try to repeat the older actress' performance. Thanks to Kinsberg's script, Turner was able to put a different spin of Jean's evolution into the Dark Phoenix . . . one that did not paint her as villainous. I also felt that Turner did an excellent job of conveying how Xavier's mental blocks had led Jean to experience post traumatic stress (PST) and loss of control of her powers. I cannot explain why "DARK PHOENIX" proved to be a box office failure. And if I must be honest, I am not interested in expressing my opinion on this topic. The movie was not perfect. And frankly, I wonder if it was a good idea to use the shifted timeline from "X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST" as an excuse to create a new version of the Dark Phoenix story arc. But I cannot deny that I enjoyed the movie. I thought Kinsberg had created a solid piece of cinematic entertainment with a screenplay that did not become a convoluted mess and first-rate performances from a cast led by James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Sophie Turner.
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zorxel · 5 years
@secondiisms | continued from x
     breath held as hand touches lips, features uncertain and conflicted. a storm is raging within ocean hues, emotions threatening to supernova in the wake of her admission. it wasn’t that she hadn’t accepted earth as her second home. she had, though, it had seemed an almost herculean effort upon her initial arrival. eliza and jeremiah, though agents, always so willing to love her and help her in any way they could, were a large part of that. so was alex and her baby cousin who was no longer a child. but a siren call had washed over the expanse of space, ever-present within her heart. 
                          her friends. her family. their culture. their customs. 
     her father had heard her call into the night, a woman still reeling from general zod’s attempted invasion and what seemed the final loss of her people (the codex unable to be used without forsaking one people for another), and warped it into a nightmare of control and techno-terror. her father was gone now too, leaving kara with more questions than answers. 
                          what would life had been had krypton survived? 
    breath exhaled as words reach ears, jaw tightening as emotions move through her like a hurricane. even as a girl, kara had struggled with reigning in her emotions, especially with her grandfather. ⮜ as much as i love this planet, and i do love earth, and it’s people, and i love being supergirl, i wish i had that chance. i sometimes wonder what it would have been like to complete my trials and join the ranks of science guild. you don’t know this but you were just as much an inspiration for my quest for knowledge as my father. ⮞ she pauses at the thought of her father, breath unsteady.
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     kara had held such hope within her heart that she could aid her father in returning to the man he once had been. had stood behind that desire even when this world had turned against her at the discovery of the notion the cyborg superman was related to her. and then, then, he too had been taken from her. it was times like those she had felt she didn’t belong just as much as she had felt moments before with her admission, fresh from her latest battle (one which had resulted in collateral damage which resulted in some news sites having less favorable coverage than catco). but then, despite those moments, she finds herself reminded of the house of el and holds herself up. embraces the people who stood at her side, winn and jimmy and ben (even if he hadn’t realized it), and everyday citizens who had risked their lives to aid her when she battled livewire and siobhan. el mayarah, stronger together. she had made her choice years ago. this was her home now and she would always stand by it. 
                                      perhaps she did belong after all. 
      ⮜ you don’t know how much it means to me to hear you say that, grandfather. but you’re right, and you’re wrong. i think, maybe, i just needed to hear myself question it, to hear you say that, to understand it for myself. sometimes i might not feel like i belong here, rao knows, there have been times like today when i question it, but, you’re right, what i do is important and good, and it inspires people. in another life, i belonged there in argo, standing proud at our family’s side, but in this one, i do belong here. i make a difference. and, you’re here and grandmother and uncle jor, and kal. and, if you taught me anything, it’s that together we can face anything. ⮞  
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astranxmica-archive · 6 years
brenn dru-zod
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EARTH NAME: Breanna Dracon  ALIAS: Brenn Dru-Zod, Bree Druvon, Brianna Dilland, Brenna Drucard AGE: 33 Years Old ( actually 50+ ) RACE: Kryptonian D.O.B: July 13 PLACE OF ORIGIN: Krypton PAST RESIDENCE: Britian, Russia CURRENT RESIDENCE: Metropolis LANGUAGES: Kryptonian, British English, English, Russian SEXUALITY: Bi-Sexual ALLERGIES: Kryptonite PARENTS: Dru-Zod (Father) & Faora-Ul (Mother) SIBLINGS: Lor-Zod (Elder Brother) CHILDREN: None ABILITIES: Super Strength & Hearing, Freeze breath, Flight, x-ray & heat vision, bullet proof
        Brenn Dru-Zod was born to Dru-Zod and Faora-Ul via artificial means, and although she was wanted, Brenn was more of a strategic move than a baby. Her upbringing had been sterile. Tests and equipment and not including much affection or kindness. Her parents gave her everything that she could possibly need, but none of the things she wanted. It was a hard way to be raised, but on Krypton she was viewed with bright eyes and followed by expectant whispers. Where her brother Lor-Zod had been a disappointment, she would be more.
      What she planned for herself was not included in her future life plan. She was a prodigy among the Warrior Guild. She fought more fearsomely than any other— because when she went home, if she failed, then her life would be made impossible. Her body brutally tortured and trained until she conquered whatever weakness. She had stopped crying when she was thirteen.
          When Zod attempted his coup and was sentenced to life in the Phantom Zone, Brenn was by his side. It was only then that her belief wavered and she longed for times when she had fantasized about the Thinker’s Guild and using her abilities to become an Engineer. While on Fort Rozz, she defeated her mother and won her own freedom. Defending her right to do with the ship as she wanted, she spent years tinkering. Long years after the fall of Krypton, and finally, thanks to her, the prison ship was dislodged and sent into the orbit of Earth.
              She knew of the planet from the last correspondences she had with Klair-el, but the planet was better than she had expected. When her father and mother intended to conquer and terraform the planet, Brenn finally fought against the people who had raised her for the people she decided to defend. Thanks to her, the earth had the technology to defeat Zod. Despite her bloody history, she hopes to redeem herself on this planet. She wears the Zod crest, and goes by the name Ultrawoman, using her training and engineering expertise in hopes to make the Earth defensible against any alien threat that might present itself in the future.
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brenn {{   visage }} take it slow
brenn {{   alt face }} wait for them to ask
brenn {{   youth }} don’t make any sudden moves
brenn {{   body claim }} you don’t know half of the abuse
brenn {{   closet }} all of my friends are heathens
brenn {{   musings }} but you look at me like maybe
brenn {{   headcanon }} we don’t deal with outsiders very well
brenn {{   aesthetics }} newcomers have a certain smell
brenn {{   skills }} trust issues not to mention
brenn {{   desires }} you’re loving the freak show
brenn {{   bait }} sitting next to you
brenn {{   starter }} but after all I’ve said
brenn {{   tunes }} heathens — twenty one pilots
character  }} brenn {{  please don’t forget
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thedogsled · 7 years
Of Castiel, Superman, and Humanity
Or: Oh to be a fly on the wall while these two sit and chat together...
I just read this great Cas meta here and wanted to write something I’ve been thinking about for a while.
For me it’s a classic example of using something that’s completely alien as a study on humanity. You get this moving toward being more human arc while actually trying to reconnect with the things he loves about his own kind. Cas doesn’t want the angels to go extinct. He doesn’t want to lead them to fix themselves either, he wants to be his own man with his own choices, and his own future.
I’m a big fan of these kinds of arcs. Coming out of the fandoms I have, story arcs that are about questions of humanity, inhumanity and what it means to be somewhere in between fascinate me. (Buffy, Heroes; Smallville; DCU) I’m going to talk about the later because imo Castiel’s arc is very much like some of Superman’s arcs. It also helps that both Supes and Cas are given the sunshine/Jesus sort of symbology about them.
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Supes’ heart was always in the right place, but his struggles with his own kind always came courtesy of their sense of superiority. Here were the last survivors of the Kryptonian race, and they felt like it was their role to conquer the human race and take over/rule the planet. Their abilities made them superior, after all. But Supes, who was raised on Earth, views his powers as one part something allowing him to help humanity and one part a burden, because they make him different (a “freak”. As Smallville Clark says at one point “I just want to get through high school”.) It isn’t imo that Supes does actually want to be human any more than Castiel does, or Buffy, or any of the characters of Heroes who struggle with their powers, because they all have the potential to use their powers for good, but they are desperate to fit in as well; some want a home, some want to be normal, and in Cas’ case this nomad just wants somewhere to belong. 
But as I say, Castiel and Superman have this thing in common specifically because their own kind become the enemy. And because their own kind are so small in number, Supes (and Cas) have no desire to hurt or kill them, and endeavor to only do enough to escape/convince them to stop/etc. The problem with that is the morality of Kryptonians and Angels who aren’t raised on Earth, who haven’t had a human story of their own, is that convincing them to stop or that there’s another way isn’t something they have a moral understanding of--not really. They just aren’t equipped to understand it from Supes/Cas’ point of view. Consequently, the fight typically goes one sided because Supes is thinking I can’t hurt them, they’re all that’s left.
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“For every human you save, we will kill a million more.”
There’s something very tragic about that. It’s like that old adage that you can choose your friends but you’re stuck with your family. In this case, and in Castiel’s, Supes chooses his family too. He can’t avoid the fact that he isn’t human, of course, and it dogs him existentially, but he chooses to be as close to human as he can be, chooses to live a human life, take a human wife, celebrate with his human parents.
So what does this have to do with Cas? Well, you know, Cas has hit a lot of the same storylines that Supes has. He’s been asked to be a warrior for his people, to be a leader, to be everything other than what it always comes back to that he wants to be, and over the years he has given everything - even his life - flown into the sun, questioned why he’s doing these things and what it’s all for, even going through a depression arc of his own. But ultimately - like Castiel - Supes can’t help himself helping people. It’s just who he is.
Supes chooses his family and not his actual blood time and time again. The situation anon mentioned came to a head because Castiel was rejecting Heaven.
And then there’s Dean dropping ‘family’ and ‘team’ and ‘home’ and ‘brother’ into every other sentence these days...
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Cas has claimed the boys as his family too. He told them that he loves them. So why does he then accept Heaven’s offer to work with them again back in season 12? Because saying and doing a thing are two different things. (Edit: As @tinkdw reminds me, Cas makes this decision to protect Dean and Sam. It’s a visibly difficult choice for him to make, once again taking the (cosmic) consequences onto his own shoulders). In any case this fight scene in 13x07 is great because we see him doing. He makes his choice and it’s not Heaven. It’s with the boys. It’s as part of TFW, and consequently Cas spends the rest of the episode trying to get back to them (though to be fair he’s been doing exactly that since 13x03)
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This is great because when Castiel accepts his place and is able to say outright ‘this is my place’ instead of having it thrown in his face that he doesn’t belong, he will be able to move forward - like Supes does - and deal with the problem of his people being on the brink of extinction, for example. It’s like every battle Supes has with Zod or Lex Luther or anyone else: his otherness is used as a weapon, and ultimately it is his sameness which grounds him and allows him to fight for what he loves and what he believes in. Finally, at some point in the fight, someone threatens something human about Superman, whether it’s his secret identity, or Lois, or the Daily Planet or the Kent Farm or the entire Earth. Whatever it is, Superman then uses his humanity to overcome his enemy. So I can’t hurt them, they’re all that’s left succumbs to you won’t hurt them, they’re all I have. How many times can Castiel’s humanity be highlighted, punctuated or threatened before he accepts it and loves it as part of himself, and cherishes it consequently as something to protect not something to be ashamed of? That, I think, is the ultimate goal here.
So speculation, because it is speculation: that’s where Cas’ storyline is leading: toward humanity and yet not, but mainly toward his acceptance of self. Then he can help fix the angels, help solve the Lucifer problem, help Jack etc. Like I said, he’s so close! He wants to get back to the boys. And look how warm and confident he is when talking to Jack. Cas is just learning where his priorities are, and sparing the angels at great risk to himself is part of that, because honestly it’s what Superman would do.
(And let’s face it, Supes is plenty BAMF when people threaten Ma Kent or Lois Lane, so I don’t think that part of him is going away.)
God I love stories about humanity and found family. Like. Give me all of them. Now.
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comingupforblair · 7 years
Why do you keep defending Hack Snyder and his flop DC movies? Why dont u come to marvel where its bigger and brighter and BETTER. Come to the winning side. We have RDJ and Spiderman. Homecoming is certified fresh and everyone agrees its the best Spiderman movie OF ALL TIME. We have Blackpanther the most diverse movie in the world and we have all of the best Chrises. Captain marvel is coming and shes bringing Nick Fury. Stop being a little bitch and just admit marvel is king and always will be.
Hack Snyder. Wow that’s original. Did you spend all day coming up with that?
I’m going to be as polite as I can about this.
In answer to your question as to why I don’t come over to Marvel, I prefer DC, both in comics and in properties based on Them, and the vast majority of the MCU leaves me completely cold, both in the characters and the way in which Their stories are presented with an emphasis on humor that I find antithetical to good drama as well as a tendency to play the characters for novelty that I find goes against the attempts to get such stories taken seriously that comic book readers have been trying to do for decades and all the box office results and positive reviews and white guys named Chris in the world won’t change that fact. 
The MCU also doesn’t have the X-Men which is a franchise I have always preferred and which I firmly belief is going to age much better than the MCU. The first X-Men film holds up extremely well seventeen years later.
In terms of the DCEU, They not only have characters I have been a recent or lifelong fan of but I prefer Their take on the stories, playing Them for drama in a manner often compared to the old greek and celtic myths, and They have shown an ability to play characters completely seriously without the ‘’nudge nudge’’ tendency that kills drama in MCU films and also imagine Them in new and interesting ways. I loved Their take on Lex Luthor, my favorite villain, as being more overt with his childish personality and showing just how terrifying a man with an unparalleled intellect, an immature personality and no moral standards whatsoever would be in the real world. I’d also cite General Zod mostly due to Michael Shannon giving it everything on his performance and the casting in general has been almost perfect across the board with Ben Affleck’s take on Batman being the best I’ve ever seen.
The films also have a very strong and unique visual  and story telling style with each director so far having been able to do something distinctive compared to the more formulaic MCU films. I’m very excited to see what James Wan adds to it with his take on Atlantis.
There are more reasons but those are the ones I can think of right now.
As for my defense of Zack Snyder, I’ve made it clear in the past that I am a very big fan of his work and that I think he gets far more hatred than he deserves and it has reached a very disturbing and irrational level and I feel I need to push back and fight against it.  
Further more, I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to join the Marvel fandom, even if it is populated with stellar individuals such as yourself. I’m quite happy with the DC/DCEU fandom where I have met and become friends with a number of wonderful, intelligent people who share my love for these properties.
I would also add that your argument is somewhat self-defeating as you claim that Marvel is the superior brand and ask me to abandon a fandom I’ve been in for basically my entire life yet you’re not even willing to put your name and face to your views. Why should I take what you have to say seriously if you aren’t willing to do that much?
I would also have to wonder why any fandom, let alone one I have been so vocal about hating, would want me. Did you look at the MCU fandom and think ‘’you know what’s missing from this equation? A short-tempered, abrasive, foul-mouthed Irishman who looks like an extra from the North story line on Game Of Thrones”
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godlessgeekblog · 7 years
ALL Injustice 2 Glitches! Daily Free Gems Glitch! Credits/Arena Medals/Reset Timer Glitch! No Hacks!
*4 Giveaways This Week! Details At End Of Video* In this video I review all working Injustice 2 Mobile Glitches (iOS/Android/iPhone/Tablet/iPad). The are glitches in the game and do not require hack/hacking or jailbreak/jailbreaking. You cannot be banned for using these glitches. This video includes the Daily Login Rewards glitch which allows you to pick your reward. You can choose from 25 gems, 15,000 power credits, 20 Arena Medals, 3 Sim Cards, 2 Gear Material, XP capsules, and 4 Superman Hero Shards. Additionally the video covers how to reset the Resource mission timer, the Daily objectives timer, Daily Login Rewards timer, & Heroic Campaign timers.
To do the Daily Login Rewards glitch do the below: 1) Login and get to the Daily Login Rewards page 2) Change clock date to any future date 3) Go back to Injustice 2 4) The app will force close 5) Restart Injustice 2 6) Repeat until you get desired reward. You can use this glitch once per day to earn extra gems for hero chests.
To do the reset timers glitch do the below: 1) Go to clock settings 2) Move time zone forward to a zone that is already in the next day ---- I recommend using Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskly, Russia (+12) 3) Go Back to Injustice 2 4) App will force close 5) Reopen Injustice 2 6) Your Resource mission timer, Daily objectives timer, Daily Login Rewards, & Heroic Campaign timers should have reset. You can use this glitch once per day but if you do then you will not have tomorrows rewards. Essentially this glitch just allows you to play 1 day ahead. This glitch does not work for Basic Chests, Arena Mode, Arena Store, Operations Mode, Hero Shards Store, & Challenge Mode.
10 Injustice 2 Tips & Tricks!! How To Get Gems, Characters, Shards, Credits, Gear, Stamina & Level! →
How To Get Unlimited Free Injustice Power Credits/Coins Without Hacks - Working Glitch 3/22/17 →
Buying 20 MILLION Power Credits/Coins Of Injustice Most Wanted Packs - Opening Gods Among Us Phone →
Opening 10 Million Credits/Coins Worth of Apokolips Darkseid, Arkham, and Gear Locker Packs →
Opening 10 Million Credits/Coins Worth Of Gear Locker Packs →
In most videos I use: - The Arkham Knight, Promotion level 10/X with fully evolved Promethium Longsword , Mutated Bone Spikes, & Custom Rifle - 50% critical hit chance, 250% critical hit damage, 77k damage, 168k health. - Killer Frost, Promotion level 9/IX with fully evolved Fourth World Godly Chest Plate, Helmet, and Mace - 1% critical hit chance, 150% critical hit damage, 398k damage, 104k health. - Raven, Promotion level 7/VII with fully eveolved LexCorp Chest Armor V2, Gauntlets V2, & Helmet V2 - 0% critical hit chance, 150% critical hit damage, 41k damage, 72k health. Custom Rifle (The Arkham Knight) Promethium Longsword (Deathstroke) Powered Eskrima Sticks Soultaker Sword Astro-Harness Flashpoint Deathstroke Flashpoint Batman Shazam Arkham Origins Batman Killing Joke Joker Regime Superman Apokolips Darkseid Mortal Kombat Scorpion Raven Batman Containment Doomsday Blackest Night Martian Manhunter Rebirth Jessica Cruz Ame-Comi Catwoman 600 Wonder Woman Earth 2 Solomon Grundy Martian Manhunter Rebirth Raven Justice League Wonder Woman Zatanna Red Lantern Hal Jordan Batgirl Elseworld The Flash Regime Raven Regime Aquaman Blackest Night Batman Zod Luchador Bane Containment Doomsday Apokolips Darkseid John Stewart Green Lantern Blackest Night Hawkgirl Mortal Kombat X Scorpion Mortal Kombat Scorpion Static Teen Titans Raven Regime Killer Frost Darkseid Antimatter Sinestro Godfall Superman Boss Solomon Grundy Kahndaq Black Adam
ALL Injustice 2 Mobile Glitches! iOS, Android, Iphone, Tablet, Ipad Daily Free Gems Glitch! Credits/Arena Medals/Reset Timer Glitch! No Hacks! No Jailbreak!
How To Computing - The iPhone iOS / Android / iPad / Tablet / Computer Gaming Tech Channel
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bitchinbios-blog · 7 years
“What are you going to do to reinstate yourself in my affections before it’s too late?”
Nobody likes to grow up in the shadow of their sibling. It doesn’t matter how much you love your brother or sister, there are instances when one is favored more than the other and the interaction in the household reflect that. The Lane household was never really one solid place due to the fact that they were an army family, but Lucy Lane always felt like she was coming in at a solid second place when compared with her older sister Lois. Lois was the one who was closer to their father, General Sam Lane, even though the term ‘close’ was a relative statement. Sam and Lois had more of a connection while he spoiled Lucy more, and as she got older the younger Lane sister began to desire actual praise and recognition from her father and not just gifts. She was the rebellious one next to the straight laced and studious Lois, the daredevil of all the army bases the family ended up on.
That didn’t mean that Lucy didn’t want to succeed though, because she did. Slight trouble maker or not, she was a Lane and Lanes were not bred to quit easy or to be failures. Her slight acts of rebels never interfered with school, and after high school Lucy was accepted into the United States Military Academy at West Point. Getting into the prestigious institute wasn’t enough to satisfy Lucy, and she went on to earn a Bachelors degree in science as well as the rank of 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army. Furthering her education at Harvard, Lucy earned her J.D/M.B.A. and a job for the Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps as a trial counsel and prosecutor. Her work in the military cumulated to the title of Major as well.
Despite her titles and accomplishments, Lucy still felt as if she was missing out on something. Lois was winning awards as a journalist and had exclusive and unprecedented access to the Superman story, and that in itself was something of a mixed bag. Lucy was personally intrigued by Superman, but she knew that her loyalty lay with her father and the Army first, and they were still wary of the god like hero. There was his catastrophic battle against the General Zod in Metropolis, and afterwards Lucy was given more access on the situation due to her father, achievements and ties with Lois. She spent the next few years delving into the governments project regarding metahumans and amassing photos of some such as men who moved quickly in grocery stores and mysterious underwater people.
All of that work came in second to family though. Everyone who knew the Lane sisters knew that they had never gotten along, but Lucy knew that she was needed in Metropolis after the death of Superman. He was killed fighting a creature known as Doomsday, and Lois’ boyfriend Clark was listed as a casualty. Knowing that her sister was hurting, Lucy took a leave from the military to support her only sibling. The two didn’t get along perfectly, but Lois seemed to appreciate the gesture. It was slightly awkward as Lucy was forced to face Jimmy Olsen again, a man that she had met through Lois and been engaged to for a short stint before they ended their relationship. It seemed to be a productive time of building in Lucy’s life though, because in addition to working on her problems with Lois she also reconnected with Jimmy and the two began seeing each other once more.
The one thing that didn’t make sense in everything was Kara Kent. She was living with Lois and was Clark’s cousin from Smallville, but Lucy couldn’t find anything on her outside of that. She was slightly preoccupied with work when she was named the acting director of the D.E.O., but the job gave her just another reason to stay in Metropolis. Eventually, Lucy was able to deduce that Kara was Supergirl and by association Lois’ deceased boyfriend, Clark, had somehow been Superman. She told no one but confronted Kara, and the supposedly Midwestern girl admitted to being from Krypton. Lucy didn’t understand why Clark and Kara lied about their identities, but Kara argued that the aliens were willing to give up nearly anything to fit into their new world. Even though it went against her duty, Lucy agreed to refrain from mentioning to the government who the new Supergirl was and told Lois that she would respect Clark’s memory by not spreading his identity either.
Just because Lucy started making a concerted effort didn’t mean that everything would automatically go smoothly though, and she still found herself clashing with Lois. She and Jimmy have yet to work out why they called off their engagement in the first place, and though she’s enjoying being with him Lucy knows that the talk would be inevitable. She’s made a promise to her sister and Kara, but that doesn’t mean that it’s easy to lie at work or the D.E.O. After spending her entire life in Lois’ shadow she finally has information that’ll make her father pay real attention to her, and she can’t even mention it. It’s hard, but Lucy knows that her relationship with Lois is hanging in the balance. She may be an army brat and Major, but she’s a sister as well and for the first time in her life Lucy is really considering what that means.
LOIS LANE was not the easiest big sister to have. Lucy always felt like she was living in Lois’ shadow, even though Lucy managed to do some impressive things as well. When Clark Kent died Lucy moved to Metropolis to support her grieving sister, and when she realized the Clark-Superman connection she decided to keep the information private for the sake of her relationship with her sister. She’s never really put that first before, and she’s trying no matter how difficult that may be.
KARA KENT confirmed that she was Supergirl and Clark was Superman, and even though Lucy didn’t understand the secrecy they used she’s agreed to keep the secret. Kara seems to be working to do good, and her cousin died to do just that. If she ever rampaged out of control things would be different, but for now Lucy is keeping her mouth shut.
JIMMY OLSEN and Lucy were once engaged, but they broke it off. The two met through Lois and hit it off, but that wasn’t enough to save the relationship. Now that she’s back in Metropolis the two have rekindled their relationship, even if it’s not to the intensity that it was before. Lucy is busy with work and being there for her sister, but she does feel for Jimmy. She just hopes they can sort everything out this time around so it can end differently.
✖ TEAM AFFILIATION→ united states government ✖ THREAT LEVEL → mild ✖ HOME CITY → metropolis ✖ FC NEGOTIABILITY → mild ✖ FC RECOMMENDATION → ashley green, camilla belle
GIF HUNTS: [ X ] [ X ] [ X ]
LUCY LANE is currently MIA.
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