magnetothehedgehog · 1 year
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I'm gonna save that train IT DESERVES A HAPPY ENDING TOO
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cryptidking101 · 1 year
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killjoynest · 1 year
you are not a real witchfucker the Witch doesnt even recognise your mask youve never had a level 3 death you dont even post on wednesdays youll never pull that old woman
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hum--hallelujah · 1 year
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the Fab Four via Picrew (cataliminal)
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eggbagelz · 1 year
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I never did post orwell's original concept sketches did i
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tacit-semantics · 2 years
I’m loving this trend of the Tails comic strips in STC being complete genre switches I hope the next time he gets stuck in an early 70s satirical musical dramedy
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reborn--maggot · 2 years
Dming is fun actually
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emo-sonic · 3 months
Headcanon that every month BL/ind dump all of their ‘garbage ’ into the zones, and Zonerunners will come and forage through it like they’re in a target store.
The Fab Four will go every month to find ‘new’ clothes, supplies, and a lot of the time come back with old toys for The Girl
And a lot of the stuff that’s dumped is still very much usable, but of course BL/ind would be a wasteful corporation.
This is alway why even The Fab Four are seen wearing symbols associated with BL/Ind (D3ad Pegasus, Mousecat)
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vinyls-and-valentines · 4 months
There are several common misconceptions city folk have when first settling into the Zones.
The first, is that masks are meant to protect the living. While living under constant surveillance, it is perhaps only natural to find solace in the impression of anonymity provided by face coverings such as masks, helmets, and bandanas, and even more cynical types who claim their purpose is to obfuscate what little presence BL/i does nurture amidst the harsh desert winds— however, these are nothing more than outsiders' views on matters that had not previously concerned them. The truth is, in fact, much simpler: masks are talismans, and bargaining chips of the dead— they prove there once was someone who cherished them and whom they in turn swore to protect. No one can return from the dead without renouncing some part of themselves, and when dealing with something as strongly entwined with one's identity as a mask, it is one last chance for forgiveness or retribution.
The second most common misconception amongst newcomers, is that all information shared voluntarily is shared without ill intent. It is undeniable that skill and information are what constitute power both sides of the wall, and that the latter is often freely shared amongst those willing to stand their ground against Better Living as a form of leverage, but unlike the City which has had its bare bones exposed, ground down, and then rebuilt inside-out in the crater of something far larger than any atomic bomb, the Zones are alive. Alive in a way which goes far beyond the roads spreading like veins and arteries beneath fallow land. Alive in a way which alludes even the conscious component of a place brimming with the unknown and unexplainable where the line between one's perception and physical reality is drawn thin. Alive in a way that is cold and uncaring, and which if exposed would be enough to drive even the most devout believers and cynical scholars mad. It is truth which makes the sharpest blade, afterall.
The third and final misconception many new zonerunners hold to be true, is that numbers are a liability. While undeniable that resources in the Zones are scarce and that it's more difficult to move as a group rather than an individual, to treat one's life as merely an extension of their escape from the clutches of Battery City is no better than to pen their name on their own death certificate. There is of course the practical aspect of desert community as well; although scattered like dandelion seeds in the wind, killjoys often come together for events such as parties, races, concerts and markets, and even on more mundane occasions there are more than a handful of crews loitering about Tommy Chow Mein's or slumbering sharehouses and bars. Information travels fast within groups and although there is such a thing as too much, patrol routes and standing commissions will always be made known on the ground before the airwaves. Solitude may be effective while running, but rest is always better shared with those you've come to trust
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crowinthecorner · 5 months
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its not about all the friends you made // but the graffiti they write on your grave
I've been tossing around an esmp danger days au around in my head for while so. introducing zonerunner pixlriffs. 'the copper king', or 'king' for short.
he's mostly a lone wolf but is known to run with the codvengers on occasion. his primary place of residence is unknown, but he is often seen around the mailbox.
i make no promises about sticking with this au in the future but if anyone would like to know more lmk cause i. would love to talk about it
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magnetothehedgehog · 2 years
Magneto In Sonic Frontiers
So not that it makes sense to most people since its hard for me to get out official sonic x dimensions ridge lore but as part of a character progression thingy I have for Mag here is the rundown for prime mag (so main universe mag) character progression so like most characters he’s shaped by the decisions he’s made, the events around him, and the choices he makes now. He basically started at the beginning of this chart at the start of the story and lands between lawful evil and neutral evil at this point, probably leaning more toward lawful evil only because  he still holds to certain beliefs despite what has happened, even if his views on it has changed
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So that lead into his current design DarkStar Mag.
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Most people don’t know this but Mag was initially an energy user. Had a rare form of energy called freeform energy that could change its properties based on the user and their needs. This allowed him to do incredibly things like copy abilities, use his energy for flight, etc. Coming from a long line of prominent figures in past wars known for their fighting abilities and prowess, his power was nothing to sneeze at. Unfortunately in a spite fueled revenge plot against the grandfather, Magneto’s dad, Gambit plotted to train Mag and warp him into a being capable of pulling himself out of his grandfather’s shadow, and also forcing his essence on mag to warp his mind like his.. Kinda like endeavor. This fell through when mag caught on to what was going on and refused to continue being a part of this ploy to erase his grandfather’s legacy as well as not wanting to be forced into being a pawn practically brainwashed into Gambits bidding. Yeah Gambit didn’t like that. Gambit originally wanted Maverick for the same purpose but switched to mag when that plan had fallen through. Through some events eventually  Gambit sought out Mag’s sister pinky for the same purpose but both mag and Ellen, his mother stepped in and managed to force him to back off. This was back when they lived in tipple town, a disturbing town overseen by essentially a cult. They then moved to jump junction along with some of the other Tipple town residents for a much better life. However Gambit would soon return seeking Pinky’s power which they had inherited from her mother, both toon force users. Mag, not one to stand idly by went to intervene why Pinky ran off into the forest in fear. Gambit mocked saying how would Mag ever even have a chance at stopping him. Evidently though they threw major hands like never before.  Mag had been suppressing his powers because they had been gaining considerable strength and he was also hoping by suppressing the power it would make it harder for Gambit to find them again. At this time his energy color was blue. It changes through the story. Gambit’s energy is purple. This is somewhat important. This event is also what created Neo. I’ll make a separate post on that. here is the fight theme btw if you’re interested as they fought through the forest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw912ZHKj8w Mag ended up overcharging his ability to blow them both up after Gambit tried a move to drain his power away from him. This move, was not the best for either as it badly damaged both of them. Some of the other townsfolk along with Ellen managed to force a battle damaged Gambit to retreat. The damage caused by overcharging had left its mark on Mag too however as he proceeded to be unable to use his powers up until a year or so later. Even then it didn’t manifest the same way. It turned orange, and was magnetic but only at the lowest setting. Later he manifested metal as a defense mechanism. Yeah Mag wasn’t originally born a metal user, but it manifested after he saw Jonathan’s dad, Disk, fighting off a battle damaged Gambit.
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I thought I had better art of disk but I don’t. Here he is. He needs an update so he can look more like his son.
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That’s Jonathon in the middle. So mainly what I want to talk about is that at this point the main conflict has been over for a little while now, and things have calmed down from a little fiasco involving mag and friends trying to split the planet a little earlier because they are trying to prevent a bad thing they say from happening and also the alt mags got together to try and use all the power sources they could to revive prime mag who is being preserved in a crystal. Sonic and friends have gotten used to the planet fuse and try to stop them. Even after finding out whats really going on there is some minor conflict but eventually they work it out. Mag is woken up and one of the alt mag’s lends him the new Darkstar mag form. Darkstar Mag or Oblique, is basically Mag if he had accepted the training from Gambit before and honed in on his dark powers, however, Oblique overthrew Gambit using his new power as he wasn’t too fond of the idea of being a pawn. Oblique had come to be the same way as neo, during that event created another universe. Since he had been honing his skill and wasn’t held back by the same moral code, he easily dealt with the gambit of his universe. However in normal mag fashion, he sought to resurrect prime mag and get him on his side as well. Gathering up as many universe mag’s as he could, he formed a coupe of the main universe with the help of DewDrop who was trying to heal prime mag and also wake him from his slumber. She also found out about the vision of something bad happening and wanted to prevent it. well in my version of frontiers Sufferous, who they had recently imprisoned in a dimension where he had no power, got out thanks to a remnant of his power crossing dimensions and letting him out. Prime Mag, who was recently awakened and granted Darkstar form  but lacks the power he originally had to deal with Sufferous, sends out a distress signal and harness cyberspace to keep Sufferous sealed up until the other can arrive to help. Sage was meant to assist with this however due to corruption accidently mistakenly sees sonic as an enemy and him trying to stop her from her main objective, protecting the residents of the planet. Sonic then has to work with DewDrop,Katie and the M.A.G. system, and ai Prime mag created to stop sage and also find out what prime mag really intended.
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I did a what if like if Mag had to fight the titans which could have been corrupted at first while he was trying to use cyberspace to seal Sufferous enemies not knowing about the other entity the END being at play as well. Seeing as the spirit gems are mostly powering the system he’s using as a seal he has to rely on other power sources, right now he is using the dark power he originally rejected using, but its gonna take more than that since he’s already been fighting earlier. So I have him unlock forever force as companions on that Island with the knight since its theme has aspects of all of them, Enigma,s laugh, Eternity pushing past his limits, and infinite not backing down drowning the pain respectively.
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this is them forever force. Infinite has illusions, Eternity polarity which he uses to manipulate gravity and Enigma was evolution. They each have a stone respectively and a weapon. Eternity a spear and the dark opal, infinite his blade and the phantom ruby, enigma the evolving peridot and a futuristic blaster. Since they are on Mag’s side at this point they could give him pointers and lend him power for the fight against the knight titan. He’d be able to use their powers and weapons to aid him as shown here:
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Illusions to help fight off the knights minions, gravity to hold down the sliding knight, infinites sword to meet him in combat similar to black knight, you could throw Eternity spear to counter act the titans shield throw and you could switch to enigma’s blaster which would evolve to be strong enough to damage the titans. You could also combo attack by using illusions to multi blast or just evolve eternitys gravity spear to throw even more attacks. all while this theme plays:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL0Z9UvDW3c
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ymbly · 1 year
random danger days hcs since my dd autism has returned
-none of the fab 4 are cis
-everybody thinks ghoul was zoneborn because Look At Him but he’s just like that (it doesn’t help that they spent a lot of time in zones 6 and 7)
-Do Not let cherri drive he has crashed too many times to count
-jet is the only one who doesn’t dye their hair. ghoul is the total opposite, very few people know his natural hair color cuz it’s always dyed and fried
-jet’s the only one at first who has any idea how to take care of the girl. The age gap between party and kobra is too small for party to remember how to take care of a young kid and ghoul was an only child
-party has POTS but always goes ‘yeah i can handle this’ before promptly collapsing. she will never learn
-ghoul has by far the most scars out of the fab 4. it’s in the dozens at this point
-jet knows his age pretty closely thanks to keeping track of the seasons, kobra and party have good estimates, and ghoul stopped keeping track a long time ago
-battery city has almost no color it’s kinda freaky. new zonerunners often get overwhelmed when seeing how bright everything is
-kobra and party chose their killjoy names on the spot, jet spent a lot of time thinking about hers, and ghoul just thought his sounded cool
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crocus-cryptid · 1 year
I think it's very common to bury time capsules in the zones. Another thing some zonerunners do is bury coolers full of water so it's nice and cool. There's a handful of common symbols for buried coolers, it's smart to leave some painted rocks on top so you or other joys who need it can find it later. It's good etiquette add water or some other drink if you can, then rebury the cooler.
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hum--hallelujah · 1 year
a list of Fab Four thoughts:
Jet is the oldest but Party is the most charismatic. Party is the official leader of the crew and occasionally defensive over that role but generally the two of them co-lead
Kobra calls people "babe" or "baby" or "darlin'," but ONLY under extreme stress or if the other person is distressed. it doesn't matter who it is. it just happens
(no one even realizes that he picked it up from Party, who uses terms of endearment VERY liberally)
Ghoul would absolutely set something on fire just to watch it burn. in fact he HAS
Ghoul's facial scar is his own doing (AO3)
the Trans Am was originally just Jet's. he was a Zonerunner before meeting Party and Kobra and the 'Am was his vehicle of choice
Jet lost his eye as a result of chemical burning following a car accident — he opened the hood to check the damage and took a blast of pressurized, superheated chemicals to the face. he's lucky he only lost one eye
Ghoul was Zone-born and raised in a crew that took each other as extended family. he had a sister.
Party realized he and Kobra had to get out of the city after he watched their mother die and be replaced by a BL/ind bio-bot
Kobra and Ghoul use physically fighting as a love language
one of the Four's primary talents is saving people being trafficked across the Zones. Zonerunners aren't all good, altruistic smugglers like the one who got Jet out of the City. some of them deal in bodies, but in the bad way. when Jet was a 'Runner, he had a penchant for taking those runs and freeing the captives. now all four of them do it
Kobra's motorbike is named Mirage
Ghoul is the only other person allowed to work on it
Kobra and Ghoul share a room ever since The Incident
(The Incident is only ever referred to as The Incident. this is both collectively for the bit and also because nobody actually likes to talk about those events.)
Party's first weapon after getting out of Battery City was an oversized baseball bat studded with nails. Kobra's was his feet and then, later, his fists
(he kicked Dr. D in the shins once in a fit of reckless anger. Dr. D showed him how to hold his hand, thumb outside the fist, to really hit someone and make it count.)
Ghoul watched his entire family die.
(he imprinted on Party when they first met because of this. like recognizes like. it takes one to know one. kids who have seen their parents die recognize that in each other.)
Kobra repeats himself a lot. not quite a stutter, but also not quite not. sometimes he just gets stuck.
Jet is the most openly physically affectionate. Ghoul is the most clingy. there's a difference.
when they first formed their crew, their ages were, from youngest to oldest, 13 (Ghoul), 14 and a half (Kobra), 16 (Party), and 18 (Jet).
they would all, and this is not even a question, not even a headcanon, it just makes sense as a conclusion: they would all kill or die for each other. but it depends on the day and the time and how hungry they are if they'd ever admit it.
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tlonista · 5 months
Multifandom Hurt/Comfort
Everything hurts; just hope you've got somebody to hold you together when it does. My multifandom writing highlights.
Careful, I Bite (Baldur's Gate 3)
Seducere (14,000 words) - Astarion's complicated, mostly terrible 200-year relationship with seduction, and his less terrible relationship with Tav.
A Crimson Night (18,000 words) - What if Astarion's quest involved an uncomfortable proposition at a masquerade? A Ren'py visual novel with BG3 mechanics and extensive player choice.
The Jayvik Cycle (Arcane)
City of Sunlight (10,000 words) - Vignettes about classism, alienation, and Viktor adjusting to life in Piltover.
Bad Machinery (27,000 words) - An AU where Viktor never left the undercity, but he found Jayce anyway.
Burning Paper Curses (26,000 words) - Viktor's exile after the Council bombing, and the birth of a fake-enemies relationship with Jayce.
Blood and Blue Diamonds (73,000 words) - A detective!Jayce love letter to '30s Los Angeles noir.
City Slang (14,000 words) - Viktor has a terrible night in the undercity, but it's the push he needs to confess some feelings to himself.
To Gold and Redwoods (4,000 words) - A marshal!Jayce and outlaw!Viktor classic western AU.
Love and Demolition (Danger Days)
Better Living Through Anarchy (35,000 words) - Fun Ghoul is a captured zonerunner. Gerard Way is a Battery City TV showrunner. A Killjoys origin story.
Graffiti Tarot (50,000 words) - The Fab Four live... but Ghoul's in prison, Poison's in a coma, Kobra's a brainwashed killer, and Jet's raising a magical girl. A post-SING AU.
The Ship Is Isaac/Misery (Dead Space)
Apostles to the Dead (5,000 words) - EarthGov kept videos of what it did to Isaac on Titan. Ellie finds them. Set during Dead Space 3.
Vacuum Lullaby (11,000 words) - Liz Cross lives in the DS remake. After Aegis VII, she and Isaac try to patch each other up.
Ant Farming For Beginners (6,000 words, Doom Patrol) - Larry Trainor's time in the Ant Farm, leaning hard on the fourth wall.
Simulacron-12 Is Smooth Again (4,000 words, Blade Runner 2049) - K is under Niander Wallace's control. Reality is breaking down. On a couple layers of existence, Joi does what she can to help.
A Kindness of Dreams (4,000 words, Darkest Dungeon) - Before the hamlet, Baldwin comforts Sarmenti in the tyrant's court.
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eggbagelz · 1 year
It is occuring to me that not many ppl will enjoy the actual contents of the roadtrip au
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