j-shute · 5 years
Zoostars (Zootopia Beastars Crossover)
So, I watched Beastars on Saturday...
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And being a Zootopia author, that gave me some ideas.
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I did try and escape the plot bunnies...
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But then I gave in and wrote a Zootopia Crossover fic because I have no self control.
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Something is very wrong with the predator students at Cherrington University, and it's quickly becoming a matter of life and death. It's a good thing for the botanist bunny Haru that she's just met her new friend Judy Hopps, and not just because the grey doe is doing a criminal justice degree and is determined to get to the bottom of it all. From drama at the drama club to the strange nighttime behavior of a certain Wolf and Fox, it's time to take a walk on the Wilde Side.
(Zootopia - Beastars (season 1) Crossover)
Updates come whenever, so read, like, subscribe, fav and review.
And enjoy canines with their lovely lapines.
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catcarrierfan · 7 years
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Zoostar Pink Fashion Pet Dog Cat Handbag Purse Airline Outdoor Carrier Travel Hiking Bag
Zoostar Pink Fashion Pet Dog Cat Handbag Purse Airline Outdoor Carrier Travel Hiking Bag Do You Want to Take Your Dog with You Anywhere You Go? ----You Need the ZOOSTAR’s Soft-Sided Pet Carrier Purse Strong Concealing ZOOSTAR Soft-Sided Pet Carrier
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foxsale · 7 years
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(со страницы Лучшие товары для кошек в эксклюзивном интернет зоомагазине ZooStar | FoxSale)
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j-shute · 4 years
Zoostars (Zootopia/Beastars crossover): Chapter 6
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Haru and Legoshi begin to bond, while Judy goes into investigation mode.
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j-shute · 4 years
Zoostars (Zootopia-Beastars Crossover) Chapter 4: The Fox and the Wolf
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Does more need to be said?
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j-shute · 5 years
A Taste of the Savage (Zoostars Chapter 2)
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Following on from Judy and Haru, more of the cast from both sides arrive, including a certain foxxo!
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But something is about to happen, which will mean things can never be the same again.
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j-shute · 4 years
Zoostars (Zootopia-Beastars) Chapter 7: The Cursed Number
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Dapper Deer chapter. But what secrets might Judy find?
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j-shute · 4 years
Zoostars Chapter 11: Adler the Reaper
Zootopia-Beastars Crossover
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Everything comes down to an intense finale as Adler the Reaper comes to the stage. Nighthowlers are about, from who nobody knows, and mammals are at risk. What will happen? Who will survive? And what is ‘Adler the Reaper’ even about?
The penultimate chapter, and the culmination of everything that has come before. 
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j-shute · 4 years
Ewe Called (Zoostars Chapter 9)
Zootopia-Beastars Crossovers
A clash between two mammals is about to begin. 
In one corner, the mastermind, the leader of the herd, fighting for Zootopia: The Sheep!
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And in the other corner. He puts the good in good boy, the star in Beastars: The Sheep Dog!
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At last, they have found worthy opponents.
Their battle will be legendary! 
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j-shute · 4 years
Doki-Doki (Zoostars Chapter 10)
Zootopia-Beastars Crossover
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Love is in the air in Chapter 10 of my Zootopia-Beastars crossover.
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j-shute · 4 years
Zoostars Chapter 8: Wilde Side
Zootopia-Beastars Crossover
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I don’t know what’s going on anymore. Time has lost all meaning. Is it really Monday again? Was Monday ever a thing? Does it being a social construct invalidate Garfield? Writing is the only thing that gives me purpose anymore. So enjoy Nick Wilde joining (against his common sense) the gang!
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j-shute · 4 years
Zoostars Chapter 5: Forbidden Fruit (Zootopia-Beastars crossover)
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We’ve got to this scene! (At least to begin with). But with Judy Hopps as Haru’s friend, how might it play out differently?
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j-shute · 3 years
So if you have fused Season 2 and 3 of FFOZ, how many chapters will it have, Season 1 have 19, so how many then?
I think you're getting confused between episodes and chapters.
In terms of the former, I'd say the episodic format has served its purpose, so in effect season 2 will be one giant episode... Or maybe two, I might split it into a part 1 and part 2 based on where the old end of season w is... Suffice to say, something big happens there, and things will certainly change.
In terms of the number of chapters though... No clue. I tend to plan by events rather chapter by chapter in my framework, and for a story like this things will get improvised as they go on, the size and number of chapters will shift, etc. So I genuinely have no idea.
Heck, back when doing the episodes the numbers shifted going on, given that I realised I wanted a short story here to fill in some character dev, or ditto there... And even when planning out a story chapter by chapter (like with Zoostars) it can change as things go on, I actually ended up dropping a chapter there as some things took far fewer words to write than expected and I shifted things around to improve the pacing and character interactions near the end.
I think to sum up, I can't give you an answer. If you're interested in writing though I can give you some advice, by way of General Patton. "Plans are useless but planning is indispensable."
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foxsale · 7 years
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(со страницы Лучшие товары для кошек в эксклюзивном интернет зоомагазине ZooStar | FoxSale)
Для того, чтобы ваша кошка была по-настоящему счастлива, необходимо обеспечить ей достойный уход и постоянную заботу, качественное и сбалансированное питание, приобрести разнообразные игрушки и развлечения, а также не забывать о состоянии ее ...
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