#zooz thoughts
hithisiszooz · 5 months
The fact that the title “the powerpuff girls” was originally supposed to be “whoopass girls” but they had to change it it just so funny to me
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thethingost · 4 months
1 5 and 6 for the music ask game teeeheheehehe (also hiiii)
1. top artist
i’ve been listening to a lot of artists but Joey Valence & Brae come first to my mind so i think them. actually i have just been listening to a lot of JVB. they rule
5. top album
Brasshouse vol. 1 Survival of the Flyest - Too Many Zooz. ooohhhh. i would say JVB’s Punk Tactics album but like there’s a bunch of singles i already listen to on there so idk it doesnt rly Feel like an album. if that makes sense. but Brasshouse OOHHHH love when it comes on on my playlist. i wont lie i hadnt listened to it in a while but then i listened to it recently and remembered why they’re my favorite band RAAAHHHH [guy who recently went stupid over too many zooz cause it introduced them to its friends]
6. favorite long song
Weird Science - Oingo Boingo OOHHHH i wont lie i didnt know there was a longer version til maybe 2 months ago? i just thought it was only about 3 and a half minutes but i listened to the longer one that’s like 6+ mins and it’s so awesome to me i love it 🕺🕺
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bowelfly · 2 years
I was recently recommended music group "Too many Zooz" and thought you might like it! You probably know about them already, but just in case you don't – they're cool.
oh yeah! i remember discovering them years ago through some video of them busking. it was one of those things where the first time i heard them i was instantly obsessed but by the like 3rd time i was extremely over them. my tastes are fickle like that. but i still appreciate that you thought of me!
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missspringthyme · 3 months
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March 19th, 2024
Today I woke up with just enough time to go and grab a protein drink and a pastry before catching my bus to Maastricht. Despite the fact that I seem to be continually at the grocery store, I currently have no food besides a few dry ingredients that cannot be made into a full meal. Or what do I know, maybe plain cous cous would be ideal.
The whole vibe of waking up in a rush and chugging a chocolate protein shake on a bus feels very last semester coded and I paid the price for it. By the time I got off at my stop I was feeling very sick and unhappy. I wish I didn't get car(bus?)sick so easily.
The walk was nice though, very classic early spring day. Not quite enough to completely lose the jacket, but I left it unzipped. There's lots of flowers blooming, but my favorite are the fruit trees. There's a huge one right on my walk to the uni that has flooded the entire street with pink petals, if I could I would've stopped and sat there for awhile. I should be a little more spoiled growing up with cherry blossom season coinciding with my birthday every year in Japan, but I love fruit tree blossoms no matter where I am. I always secretly feel like they're a gift for me, a marker of better times ahead. Genuinely, I think Spring is the best time to be born.
At the uni, I found my supervisor's office empty so I decided to sit in the break room and wait to be retrieved. A part of me was nervous because my tablet seems to be stuck in British time for only some things (?) One of which includes the times it reports my notifications for calender events. I was a bit paranoid that what I had assumed that the time it was telling me was correct (1 hour earlier than the normal time) and that I had incorrectly assumed it was reporting incorrectly. I fully considered going upstairs to the eeg lab to check if they were in there, but I was pretty sure we didn't have a participant today.
In the break room I checked my email for any "hey where are yous" or "we're canceling today" but I couldn't find any. Instead, I found an email from the PhD student leading the conference in Italy this summer sending me what I needed to apply for a volunteer position. I worked on that for a little bit, and I listened as some other master's students came in and started talking to eachother. Something that makes me feel kinda sad is how I haven't really made any friends in my master's. A combination of living in Aachen, not taking the electives, and sacrificing social invitations because I was overwhelmed with my workload has led to only a handful of school aquantinces. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with the friends I've made but I just don't feel that connected with my university. That really sucks.
I did see German Sri Lankan and got to tell her I had my phone stolen in case she had tried to text. I also finally got the information about her gynecologist that I had promised to give to German American. She offered to have us go back together, which would have been perfect except for the fact that after an hour and a half of waiting I finally found the email of my supervisor canceling our meeting. I fucking hate the outlook inbox. I don't know how you can design something that does literally the opposite of everything you'd want it to do. I'm 100% a Gmail girlie. So, I sent German Sri Lankan a message on snapchat (the only messaging I can currently use) telling her I would be leaving early and got out of there.
I was now tired, hungry, uncomfortable, and annoyed. As I walked back I grabbed my pastry to eat and discovered I had made a horrible mistake. I thought I had grabbed spinach and feta, instead it was filled with some sort of bland, creamy cheese. It did not taste good at all. How does the Aldi have a better bakery selection than the Rewe?? Some things I will never understand. I also haven't mentioned that my outfit just wasn't hitting today, so I really just didn't feel cute.
When I got back to the apartment, I collapsed face first onto the sofa. I took a little half awake nap to banish the last remains of nausea from my system, and got up just in time to catch German American and authentic australian coming back in from enjoying the lovely day outside. We all had a really nice conversation that eventually turned to a discussion around cameras. That was when German American started showing me some photos she had taken with her film camera on a trip to Singapore and I made an insane discovery.
In one of her photos, I saw someone I recognized. A boy that I had gone to daycare with in Singapore, who I had last visited in 2017. Come to find out, the town where his family lives is the town where German American was born and lived in until she was 8. They were neighbors and are still close family friends. After freaking out for a bit, we called his mom and shared the discovery. The call lasted for a long, long time. She remembered my birthday and some things that even I had forgotten about, which was a pleasent suprise. Something I found interesting was that his mom brought up how unhappy I had been around my mom the last time we visited them, and how much happier I seemed now. Which, yes, but crazy that it was noticeable enough for her to say it to me. I kept trying to figure out how she felt about my mom, it was a little hard to pin down. We ended up calling my mom too and they talked for a little bit, but still, crazy coincidence.
After all of that, I finally got to go grocery shopping. For dinner I made myself a giant pot of udon which was exactly what I needed. Then came the best part of today, authentic australian asked for a haircut.
We set him up in the hallway, and I grabbed my hair clips and hair scissors to compliment the thinning sheers authentic australian had bought for the occasion. He just wanted it to be thinned, but he said he wouldn't mind the ends being trimmed as well, so we got to work. Turns out the random trims I've given myself over the years has meant I've absorbed a lot more hair cutting techniques than I've realized. Not that it's super difficult to mess up on someone who has truly an insane amount of wavy hair.
German-american worked on one side and I the other, eventually stopping when we reached the top to make sure it stayed even. I even ended up cutting him little curtain bangs which was nerve wracking to do. After all our meticulous sectioning he still wanted more volume taken off so we just kinda hacked away at the back with thinning scissors. Finally, we had removed an acceptable amount of hair. His ends had been really dry though, so I asked him if he would let me put a conditioner in it too. We kept telling him this is what he was missing by not having any sisters.
This is where the rest of the night's insanity began.
I spritzed his hair to make it damp enough, but it was still so thick that it was taking awhile. I gave german-american the spray bottle so that she could take over on the side I wasn't standing on. This quickly snowballed into authentic australian recieving an impromptu shower. As I took photos of him holding the ball of hair we had removed from his head, she kept spraying him directly in the face. He just kept saying he couldn't be mad at her because she had been so nice to him this week (waiting at the hospital with him for 5 hours, making the quiche, cutting his hair). She took that as a go ahead to absolutely drench him.
Eventually this became her chasing him and trying to catch him off guard, but it was genuinely the funniest thing I had seen all week. Peak sibling behaviour. I also absolutely helped her do it all as well. At one point she was pushing against his door and trying to spray inside while he kept trying to shut it. A moment that is burned into my brain is when he stuck his hand out in a flat, defensive palm and she responded with a single squirt to the middle of his hand. The entire time jazz (see above) was playing in the background. Incredible night.
Authentic australian did eventually take and hide the spray bottle, but I know where it is. This is not over. Now they're both a little jumpy around each other.
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divinenex · 3 months
7 and 19!!!!!!!!!
Music is definitely hugely inspiring for me, rn I have like three campaign ideas that all stem from or are otherwise influenced by individual songs (Smoke Signals by Phoebe Bridgers, Bat Castle by Too Many Zooz, Something in the Way by Nirvana, and Tentpole Shangrila by Djo).
I also normally like to take inspiration from players and their characters, in long term campaigns I pretty much have taken to building the entire plot around PC specific stuff.
I do enjoy a good PC romance, and I haven't put much thought into PVP combat, but I think I'd be cool with it, though I definitely wouldn't allow it to be resolved with normal combat mechanics, and I wouldn't let someone kill another PC unless the other player was okay with that happening.
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britesparc · 2 years
Weekend Top Ten #527
Top Ten Videogames to Get the Sonic the Hedgehog Treatment
You can turn a game into a film. I mean, obviously you can; Raul Julia’s iconic performance as M. Bison in Street Fighter was nearly thirty years ago now. Talking about what games might make good movies is a bit redundant – so much so that I actually did this as a list in 2019. And, as serendipity would have it, the film that inspired that list was Sonic the Hedgehog. Wouldn’t you know it, a sequel has just come out! What are the chances? I’d say 319.7 million to one. That probably doesn’t make any sense. The film made a decent bit of cash, never mind, moving on.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, Sonic. So it’s a videogame movie, obviously, but it’s also one of those films where human actors have to interact with CGI animal co-stars. These types of films are distinct from, say, Star Wars, where you have CGI characters such as Jar Jar Binks or Maz Kanata; I mean films like Alvin and the Chipmunks, Scooby Doo, Garfield, etc; films where, in a bygone age, the CG animal would almost certainly have been a traditional 2D animated character (as seen in the recent Tom and Jerry movie, the exception which proves the rule and cements my hypothesis!). Now I could – and one day probably will – do an entire Top Ten about these sorts of movies. but what I’m focusing on today is the fact that Sonic is not the only videogame character who could star in a Film Such As This! Oh no! There are lots! At least ten!
So that’s what we’re doing today. Ten games/game characters who could star in a Sonic-style live action/CGI movie. Not just “games that’d make films”; specifically games where your stars would be interacting with hoo-mans. And, naturally enough, I’ve provided explanation! Now one way of doing this would have been to go through the list of nineties platformers, but I’ve eschewed such thoughts; on the one hand, it’d have been to easy to list MegaDrive mascots, and on the other, nobody wants to see Bubsy the Bobcat or, Christ, Cool Spot in a movie. Not even the people who’d receive royalties.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, the list.
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Lemmings (1991): a beleaguered zoologist (James Marsden) discovers a new species of lemming – as predicted by his disgraced father (Brendan Gleeson). The lemmings could be his ticket to the big time, if he can stop them randomly wandering into things or blowing themselves up. Chaos ensues on the streets of Dundee, as Marsden learns to love the lemmings, and must stop them being nuked for profit.
Zool (1992): a beleaguered scientist (James Marsden) accidentally opens a portal to the Nth Dimension, bringing Zool into our works. Hijinks ensue as the ninja non-ant struggles to acclimatise, seeing evil everywhere, and eating lots of Chupa Chups. Meanwhile the wicked Mental Block (Brendan Gleeson) has followed him though the portal. In a post-credit scene, Zooz comes to look for Zool.
Putty Squad (1994): a beleaguered geneticist (James Marsden), down on his luck, accidentally invents a sentient putty. But his greedy boss (Brendan Gleeson) sees military potential, turning the putty into a crack fighting squad. Will our hero defend the putty or rake in the military industrial bucks?
Pikmin (2001): a beleaguered botanist (James Marsden) discovers a strange breed of plant-like creatures. They wreak havoc when he brings them back to the big city, but only a disgraced scientist (Brendan Gleeson) can help once big business get their hands on the cute but chaotic Pikmin.
Star Fox (1993): a beleaguered astronomer (James Marsden) sees strange lights in the sky, leading him to the crashed ship of Fox McCloud, who's followed a wormhole into our system. Now he needs to stay hidden but also contact his crew and foil the plans of the evil Emperor Andross (Brendan Gleeson), who is already on Earth.
Toonstruck (1996): a beleaguered animator (James Marsden), harangued by his producer (Brendan Gleeson), is surprised when his character Flux Wildly leaps from his computer and into the real world, causing untold chaos. Can our hero return him to his own world, and finish animating this scene before morning?
Gobliiins (1991): a beleaguered researcher (James Marsden), following the writings of his long-lost explorer father (Brendan Gleeson), discovers a family of three chaotic Goblins. Back in the big city they cause untold chaos, but also solve puzzles using their unique skills.
Animal Crossing (2001): a beleaguered travel agent (James Marsden) discovers a strange island populated by talking animals. Initially exploiting the tropical paradise for financial gain, will be learn the error of his ways? And will be finally pay off his loans to local entrepreneur/fearsome kingpin Tom Nook (Brendan Gleeson)?
Kirby’s Dream Land (1992): a beleaguered chef (James Marsden), on the search for new recipes, discovers a weird creature who can eat anything. Kirby makes him a star, especially with his money-grabbing publisher (Brendan Gleeson), but will Kirby literally eat him out of house and home?
Battletoads (1991): a beleaguered obstetrician (James Marsden) is shocked to discover three huge anthropomorphic talking frogs when on a hiking holiday in the Algarve. They've crashed their ship, and wouldn't you know it, shenanigans ensue. Can they get back into space and, I dunno, do something or the other, before being caught by the lawyer for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Brendan Gleeson)?
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edengarden · 4 years
Izuku Midoriya:
Boy definitely plays a wind instrument. I’m assigning him clarinet
Wants to be first chair so bad, he practices so freaking much I swear
ALWAYS. IN. A. BAND. ROOM. with Iida and Uraraka. They’re always practicing
He’s so confused with music theory, please help him. He just,, WHY is it minor?? WHY IS THERE A SOLO WITH NOTHING WRITTEN?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE HAS TO IMPROVISE WITH THE CHORDS WRITTEN OVER THE BARS-
Ochako Uraraka:
She’s also comfortable enough to play 2nd or 3rd clarinet if needed, or even soprano saxophone
Doesn’t have her own instrument, she borrows from the school and she HATES the reeds, they’re crap. When someone gives her a good reed, she CHERISHES it.
In jazz band also! With the same instrument, but she doesn’t feel ready for solos so she’s usually 2nd or 3rd. Bro when she has to switch from swing to straight she ALWAYS forgets and it’s the band’s downfall.
Tenya Iida:
And he’s one of THOSE trumpet players, by the way.
“Sir the French horns aren’t tuned” yeah, he has perfect pitch
Literally plays flight of the bumblebee as warm up. Or has his own warm up scales. Never practices right before practice though, he thinks it’s “too late” for that
Has his own trumpet, it’s silver with hints of gold/brass. Takes care of it RELIGIOUSLY.
He HATES having to blow out spit onto the floor, but dude what other choice do you have??
Momo Yaoyorozu:
Sweet angel 🥺🥺 she’s an oboe player
Definitely bought her own instrument
Sight reading MASTER. she instantly gets the key bro, it’s so rare that she forgets an incidental
Definitely leads sectionals all the time. And she does it WELL.
When people (*COUGH* BASSES*cough*) slowdown, she’ll sway to the beat in hopes that they’ll follow her
Kyoka Jirou:
Electric bass or contrabass, give her either and she’s good to go dude.
Also has perfect pitch and knows her music theory WAY more than a high school student should know. She’s a genius.
Her warm ups? Jam sessions with Hanta and Todoroki. She just shouts a key and they go. It’s usually jazz, she plays a pretty constant pattern, Todoroki tries to improvise but hanta takes over pretty quick-
Definitely in jazz band as well. Also in a school competition band (like singer and stuff), also a one-woman-band. She’s in so many bands dude.
Shouto Todoroki:
Also has a background in flute bc his parents wanted him to have ~versatility~
Knows all the theory in his head, like he knows what’s going on, he just doesn’t know how to explain it
*false note* “sorry my instrument isn’t warmed up, it’s probably my reed”
Has plastic reeds. And reeds ESPECIALLY for jazz.
Oh yeah he’s in jazz band! Loves that he’s like, the only tenor saxophone so he gets all the solos
Rikidou Satou:
Buddy actually brings the tuba home to practice, he drags that thing AROUND.
Always. Slows. Down. But no one knows it’s his fault most of the time, they blame Sero-
Firmly believes in the “basses are the foundation of the orchestra” mindset, he’s so proud to be a bass
Kouji Kouda:
Soprano Saxophone, but can also handle clarinet if the need comes (he just loves the sound of soprano sax you guys)
DEFINITELY in jazz band, but as a Tenor Sax 2 bc he knows if he went as a soprano sax he probably would’ve gotten solos
Is it Momo’s oboe?? Is it Kouda’s soprano sax?? No one knows the different except those two and Jirou
Plays Shostakovich’s jazz suite no. 2 as a warm up
DEFINITELY A SWAYER. He just gets into the mood of the music and SWAYS.
Tooru Hagakure:
Flautist!! She chose it as an 11 y/o bc it was a girly instrument but she really likes it lol
A mediocre player, she spends most of warm up with Mina tho, she thinks that she’ll get to warm up when she’s playing bc I mean— no one hears the flutes
Wanted to main the picolo for the sole purpose that it’s an Ear Destroyer. Aizawa heard the mischief in her voice and said no.
Sight reading?? What’s that?? She has no idea what’s going on, she just pretends to play and when she’s comfortable with the melody, she’ll just step in. NEVER notices key changes and signatures.
Yuuga Aoyama:
LASKHDSJ FLAUTIST!! Also clarinetist. He loves being able to stay where he is during practice even though he changes instruments it’s sort of funny
His cheeks get SO SORE when he plays clarinet though and he WILL complain.
“My flute is so heavy!” Kind of guy.
Definitely has his own instruments and takes GREAT care of them.
Wetting his reed with his saliva?? No, he plops it in a glass of water instead (the reeds are definitely his own, and expensive)
Tsuyu Asui:
Trombone gang bro.
Positions are burnt into her brain dude she’ll never go out of tune.
SO SMOOTH. SOOOO SMOOO- dude she plays so well?? It’s never spitty, but during jazz (yes she’s in jazz), if it’s a moody piece she KNOWS how to make it juuussssttt airy enough to be beautiful
Not that good with fast songs, but she makes up for her amazing ass vibrato and her range. GOD-LIKE RANGE.
Mashirao Ojirou:
Omg he plays like a king. And he’s so proud of being the ONLY one playing French horn, but there is PRESSURE, because a French horn is rlly tricky to tune dude. Have you SEEN it??
Always keeps his mouthpiece with him, as if he’s afraid someone will play his instrument?? Like no dude it’s good in it’s case but you do you I guess
He doesn’t stand out that much, but in the majestic pieces where he has a 5 measure solo?? He gives it his all and he pulls it OFF. Those moments are always the highlight of the piece
Mezou Shouji:
Bass clarinet!!
Once he managed to growl through bass clarinet and literally ALL the saxophone players were jealous AS FUCK
Buddy goes to a low E♭ like it’s nothing?? And then he goes up to like a high high C and you’re sitting there like THE FUCKING RANGE-
His warmups are like, quick scales and arpeggios. Bro he’s so steady when he plays and he could play for HOURS. Sore cheeks?? Don’t know her.
He so proud of being a bass clarinetist, but when he saw an octobass clarinet?? Aizawa better order one of those for him RIGHT. NOW.
Fumikage Tokoyami:
Baritone saxophone. Also lowkey really wants to learn bassoon because it’s such an old instrument
SKSKS he and Shouji sit next to each other, Tokoyami loves to read off of Shouji’s partition and create the WORST fourths you’ll ever hear. Even Midoriya told them to shut the fuck up once
In jazz band too!! Still plays bari sax
Such,, a good,, sound. So,, meaty,, and full,, and HOT. Bari sax is HOT!!
Plays moanin’s intro as a warm up. Search up the song. It’s bomb.
He loves to figure out new sounds with his bari sax. The Too Many Zooz type of sounds
Hitoshi Shinsou:
PERCUSSIONIST. Especially loves the bells, timpani, vibraphone and marimba.
He’s in the back judging EVERYONE. It’s so great for him, he gets to stand there and cringe and no one will know
Totally able to play 4 mallets like the king he is
Surprisingly enough, he’s rlly good in music theory. Like he could probably compose or transpose something no problem
Aizawa’s favourite, of course. Will ask him to sit in front while they play and circle the parts where he thinks something sounds off
Now that we’ve talked about the NORMAL band kids, I present to you,,, the gremlin band kids
Mina Ashido:
Percussionist as well!! She loves snares but you’ll see her pick up castagnettes even if y’all are playing something like Gymnopédie no. 3 she’s a bit confused but she got the spirit.
CANNOT READ SHEET MUSIC. Like notes?? No. She can do beats, just not notes. Let Shinsou figure out the ancient languages dude
Her and Hagakure don’t warm up, they just gossip together.
Did this to Bakugou more than once
Denki Kaminari:
Buddy AIMS to have his spit land on someone sitting in front of him (rip Todoroki and Uraraka)
Thinks he’s cool because he plays trumpet, but he always loses count. God forbid Iida cant show up to practice because Kaminari will die
“Where are we? What are we doing? Which piece are we doing? Where are we starting?” Oh my god he’s so lost can SOMEONE please help him
Always gets in trouble during band camps dude. He and Sero are the Bad Brass duo
Eijirou Kirishima:
EUPHONIUM BABEY!! He thinks it’s so cool and he’ll get so insulted if someone calls it a “mini tuba”
So!! Protective of his euphonium. His name is Johnny, by the way. He named his instrument.
When they finish practicing a piece, he’s the first to give feedback. Usually it’s good, like praises for classmates he heard and thought were really good!!
He’s so sweet. Willing to help others during practice and sectionals too!! It’s so sad that he’s literally on the other side of the room bc KAMINARI NEEDS HIS HELP-
Katsuki Bakugou:
Hehehe he’s a flautist. I’ve stood by this headcanon for like two years.
And he wants to be THE BEST. You never knew growling could be done through a flute until you met Bakugou.
CANNOT STAND slow pieces. He wants to go all out all the time, he always speeds up when the tempo’s slow.
Also in jazz band with what? Flute. Yeah, this is George Benson Time.
Will hit you with his flute if you ever think badly of him for playing flute. He’ll defend flute ‘till he dies.
Hanta Sero:
Will be so happy if he’s in charge of bass trombone?? Like yay??
Always wants to hit Bakugou’s head while playing.
Bro his playing style?? You know the like, lazy-ish trombone playing? But it’s just so full and smooth and heavy anyways? That type of shit.
In jazz band, he’s actually a natural at jazz, doesn’t practice that much so he’s like not even in a good position, buddy just slouches and sight reads.
I love Hanta sm guys I could talk abt trombonist!Hanta forever
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bunchashapes · 3 years
what kind of music do you like to dance to?
ooooh also a good question, thank you. in no particular order, here are some songs that i will always dance to:
parking ticket by jacob mann big band
i thought it was you by herbie hancock (but mostly the version with kimiko kasai)
half of the way by vulfpeck
plastic love by mariya takeuchi (i know it's a meme now. it still whips ass)
get your way by brasstracks
this kickass remix of bad and boujee by too many zooz
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kisskissbanggang · 4 years
Ten Questions Tag (x4)
Rules: Answer the questions and add your own.
Tagged by @neocitybynight 💕
What’s your cultural background and where is your family from?
3/4 PacIslander. 1/4 white. Born and raised in the States.
How old is your tumblr?
About 1.5 years!
What’s your favorite genre to write or read?
Thrillers! Mysteries, suspense.
I’m a grandma I’m not up on the memes but I do like me some Megan Thee Stallion
What year will you/ did you graduate from high school?
2011 lmao
Are you into makeup? (If so pls help me idk how to do mine 🙃)
Sure! Just can’t be fucked to put any on most days now.
Do you think it’s non practical to make chicken tenders in a microwave?
You do you babe, just make sure you’re fed.
Do you like mint chocolate? If so pls explain 🤔
Yes! Those little Andes mints in restaurants or on your pillows at hotels? Love them.
Where you into any other groups before you got into K-pop?
Groups? Sure. I’m an aged emo kid, FOB/MCR/P!atD were my life, along with Taking Back Sunday and Gym Class Heroes and Conra Starship.
What’s your sign and about how accurately or inaccurately does it describe you?
Capricorn sun and that’s fine. I’m fairly determined and try to remain grounded.
what is your favorite season and why?
The midst of fall like that week of Halloween where the air crisps up and the leaves are drifting.
who is your role model?
None, really. I guess me in ten years maybe.
what is your favorite book? give a short summary!
You know I don’t know? I still think about The Book Thief by Markus Zusak all the time though. The movie looked milquetoast at best and I don’t know how you do that with a story told by Death about a little girl growing accustomed to her new life with new guardians in war-torn Germany.
if you would redo your life from the beginning, would you?
Of course not. Some pains and praises should only be lived once.
have you ever been to a concert? if so, who?
Sure! A few. I’ve been to a Warped Tour and saw Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, Kesha, Too Many Zooz, Foo Fighters.
would you rather fight a horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses? sjdsdk
Can I please just pet either choice.
what color do you think represents your soul?
Hmm. Orange? Like a peachy orange? What color am I even thinking of?
do you sleep with the door closed or open?
Closed. It literally prevents fire spread in case of emergency lmao
what are your thoughts on mayonnaise?
Use in moderation and it’s 👌
what is one of your goals for the second half of 2020?
Calm down.
what’s a quote that describes your life?
if you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with all the free time?
Learn a language. Exercise. Write.
how do you imagine future you (maybe in 5-10 years)?
Married. Five dogs. Maybe a kid.
favourite color schemes?
Peach and lavender, pastel pink and baby blue, light grey and periwinkle
where would you like to travel?
Anywhere. The dessert. The outback. The ocean. Anywhere.
who’s someone you feel like you have a really big emotional connection to?
My partner.
would you rather be stargazing or watching the sunrise?
tell us a few things that you love about yourself!!
I think I’m quite cute with nice hair and some good wit thank you very much. And I’m pretty decent in the kitchen.
if you could experience any of your fics/other fics irl which one would it be?
UHH. Oh god. Standby?
what distracts you the most (can be good or bad ahha)?
Tumblr. Cafe videos.
If you could live in one fictitious universe, what would it be?
Shoot me it’s Harry Potter
If your life were a teen movie, what high school archetype would you be?
Verbose art kid who’s sort of deep, sort of goth
What is your life mission?
Be proud of who I was five years ago.
Would you rather be able to play every instrument or know every language?
Every language!
If you could be in one of your own fics IRL, which one would you choose? (stealing this because it’s so good!)
EEEE I still think Standby. I’m coming out with something now which could be pretty exciting to live in.
Do you eat your toast with toppings or naked?
Butter, maybe a little blackberry jam.
If your life were a sitcom, which two NCT members would you want in your series-long love triangle?
Yuta and Doyoung gimme Learning to Share 😭
What is your spirit animal?
Used to think octopus, like a blue ring octopus. Maybe a fox.
What is your favorite food from your home country? (or in general, if you don’t feel comfortable sharing)
Biscuits and gravy?
Do you know how amazing you are?
More than I used to. 💕
My Questions:💕
What body part represents you?
What’s your favorite smell?
What is a detail you love about someone that you’ve never gotten to share?
Which finger is your favorite?
If you write, what’s a world building detail you’ve never gotten to share? If you don’t, what’s a headcanon you have for someone else’s au?
Describe a feeling or sensation you think you understand but have never experienced.
Carpet, hardwood, or tile?
What is your most prized possession that doesn’t hold any sentimental value?
What types of clouds do you prefer?
Can you tell me about the weather during your favorite memory?
Tagging: @hellapainyo @starxblossom @darkcb97 @sluttyten @channiesmixtape
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psychokangaroo · 4 years
Man too many zooz man
I never thought I'd enjoy a group that calls themselves "brass house"
Who da thunk
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hithisiszooz · 6 months
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Okay but which of the two dp characters should I draw?
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actualbird · 5 years
Playlist: that moment when u almost slip in the bathroom
OKAY SO MY THOUGHT PROCESS HERE IS LIKE. something funky at first to represent the naivete of not watching your step. and then something intense when you almost slip. and then your drunk like experience afterward having cheated death.
Minor Swing by Mike Block, Rushad Eggleston and Jeremy Kittel
Black Ice by Too Many Zooz
Drunk by Sungazer
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smallhorizons · 5 years
The slaughter and the eye?
The Eye: If you were an avatar of any entity, which one would it be?
I’ve actually thought about this a lot! After much (much, much) consideration, I’ve settled on the Eye. I’ve always had a voracious curiosity and thrown myself into learning everything I can about my current hyper-fixation - one summer, when I was 6 or 7, I decided I was going to learn absolutely everything about bats and filled several composition notebooks with my notes - and I’ve hated leaving questions unanswered. More than that, I am admittedly a very nosy person (though I try very hard not to be) and, when I was younger, I ... definitely found and read people’s private journals (including my parents’, yikes). On the flip side, I also get deeply paranoid about people reading my private writing, even when there is literally no way somebody can find and access, say, my private, password-protected blog that’s not associated with any of my regular emails and is unsearchable (of which I’ve made, used, and then deleted, several, lol). 
So ... yeah. I’d say the Eye fits me pretty damn well.
The Slaughter: What kind of music do you like?
Literally everything. And I mean everything. Some of my favorites include:
Protest the Hero (progressive metal)
Hozier (no description required, tbh)
Too Many Zooz (self-defined as “Brass house,” a mix of jazz, funk, Afro-Cuban rhythms, EDM, and house music)
 Super specific, but “The Divine Comedy” by Robert W. Smith (symphonic music that’s heavily atmospheric)
That nebulous genre that I can best describe as “witchy, creepy (sometimes American Southern-flavored) gothic,” which includes such songs as Delta Rae’s “Bottom of the River,” Meg Myers’ “Desire,” Ruelle’s “Madness,” Hozier’s “It Will Come Back,” and Soap&Skin’s “Me and the Devil”
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primaltek-blog · 5 years
version 0.1 percent
I own your fucking asses both sides anarchists and goverments authoritative state way (we should simplifi speling - from Spain with love (karina I wanna fuck your brains out)(conotation (the word "conotation" is written with 1 letter "n" because we must not end words with letter "n" (conotation: idipodio siblegma (fuck with mother)))(conotation: Peta Wilson (Passenger 48))(Colour Haze - Love (after 4:21))) of controling crowds (isokinezix) (post-inspiration headquarters in Japan biomecanimal Corporation Corp) Otsuka Foundation dead (tha kopsnoune tis fleves tous) Abilify dead (tha kopsnoune tis fleves tous) (conotation: & everything rimes with it (Spotify dead (I own it)/Sidify dead (I own it))) Je nerob obirs (ancient vampire language) ****violation lefxemia must be put as term in human speeces (former "spieces")  as a concept on human planet that is ....................................************* When bullshit starts & I want to fuck the system I am saying "what does he saying?" I think the new profession of the future is police thought & they say "what does he saying?" ****continue with GodNames****FUNDING/FUNDED****I have to fund this thing****: iban: GR3101102120000021251852113 GodNames potential investors/sponsors: primal primaltek ThimioSelf Zegocha Konsiousnes Ireizor usbforthesoul primalgrey DownLar Them LazaAard LazaAardian societycolapsed99 societycreated99(but we're not there yet) tmachine77 Tmachine77 Animal777 Human88 GodLike99 cyberyogi cyberpunk chevechelcheve GoDragon Masif44 piroklanis66 piroklanis99 titan33 isokinezix Sadach Epivatis Noumero 48 katsavidiobetonokarfopinezazopinezas & tezas zooz marduk  defaulder universalis IMION1ONIMI IMIONION48&48ONIONIMI IMIONION48&48NOINOIMI Godiliki SALIEL (HeadQuarters in Japan (biotechnology)) (ziperziperziper galactical) (vazovgazovazo psiches&psiches) (vazovgazovazo psichon&psichon) vgazovazovgazo psiches&psiches vgazovazovgazo psichon&psichon) biotectonical HumanRace99 omega omega-masif(whenever it is written-spelled/spelled written  next to omega in the same line/sentence it is differentiated by the following symbol "-" (underscore uper) from omega (normally omega masif is written-spelled/spelled written  without the previous mentioned symbol that is "-" which was mentioned above)) metrikanimal metrikanikal 0010elko(binary) personal growth junkie eXpsycosis biomecanimal (evolution of Human88 & HumanRace) igon post-inspiration sequencer odio&vizual biomekanikanimal biomekanikanikal sinidisiako-xirafi xirafi-sinidisis Them LazaAard   GodNames (Vazo opious thelo) primal primaltek ThimioSelf Zegocha Konsiousnes Ireizor Tolkin nike asix isokinezix coby bryant michael jordan NBA usbforthesoul Magnus Carlsen (grandmaster) Woovenhand 16Horsepower redbull Ferrari Daryl Hanibal(Mads Mickelsen) yingyang (I own my fucking symbol) asian woman DJ Krush Angelina Jolie Deftones ISIS Massive Attack Portishead Rotting Christ(you are I) Joyride(Omen) Athina Onasis Foundation Carusella(there is no star quality) Bruce Lee (grandmaster 9) Foundation  parabola sad but true KoRn World Economic Forum (China is the new champion of the entire fucking worLd) Ltd(limited) Champions League Christiano Ronaldo McLararen Zinedin Zidan Michael Schoumacher primalgrey  Beneton(owned by Magda Chatzinaki (I OWN Magda Chatzinaki) We'll eat (her father will cook)) Tesla EdX(Harvard&MIT) SpaceX facebook  Mark ZuckeRberg Del-pc Windows-os (unix is dead) Xiaomi-mobile (I have my fingerprint here) Vodafon Skype Metallica (Metallica family) metallica google system ov a down Tool (Tool army) Weapon Industry (loby) Parabel Vizions MosDef (with the fucking chevelle) Aubrey De Grey Brad Pit YouTube MyTube Byetone(plastic star) Prodigy Skunk Anansie (My lifestyle you'll be smoking) GooGle(Google personel are on strike) CS version 1.6(Russian servers) Jack Daniels Maori- Tribe 2spirit tattoo(Roxxxy) The New Alfabet (farmaceuticals are dead) iluminati-buildeberg-yakuza fbi-sector5-cia-mosad-mi6 pokerstars chess.com&chessbase  Them LazaAard   ****continue with GodNames****FUNDING/FUNDED****I have to fund this thing****: iban: GR3101102120000021251852113 GodNames potential investors/sponsors: primal primaltek ThimioSelf Zegocha Konsiousnes Ireizor usbforthesoul primalgrey DownLar Them LazaAard LazaAardian societycolapsed99 societycreated99(but we're not there yet) tmachine77 Tmachine77 Animal777 Human88 GodLike99 cyberyogi cyberpunk chevechelcheve GoDragon Masif44 piroklanis66 piroklanis99 titan33 isokinezix Sadach Epivatis Noumero 48 katsavidiobetonokarfopinezazopinezas & tezas zooz marduk  defaulder universalis IMION1ONIMI IMIONION48&48ONIONIMI IMIONION48&48NOINOIMI Godiliki SALIEL (HeadQuarters in Japan (biotechnology)) (ziperziperziper galactical) (vazovgazovazo psiches&psiches) (vazovgazovazo psichon&psichon) vgazovazovgazo psiches&psiches vgazovazovgazo psichon&psichon) biotectonical HumanRace99 omega omega-masif(whenever it is written-spelled/spelled written  next to omega in the same line/sentence it is differentiated by the following symbol "-" (underscore uper) from omega (normally omega masif is written-spelled/spelled written  without the previous mentioned symbol that is "-" which was mentioned above)) metrikanimal metrikanikal 0010elko(binary) personal growth junkie eXpsycosis biomecanimal (evolution of Human88 & HumanRace) igon post-inspiration sequencer odio&vizual biomekanikanimal biomekanikanikal sinidisiako-xirafi xirafi-sinidisis Them LazaAard Them LazaAard: The evolution of human speeces is no more ThimioSelf Zegocha Konsiousnes Ireizor (sinidisiako xirafi/xirafi sinidisis)) fuckbudies (Women/Sluts): jesica biel jenifer aniston magda chatzinaki sofia apanozidou sharon stone DEATHS reject ⦁ michael jackson icon pedofile ⦁ religion dead (religion is over) ⦁ otsuka dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁ abilify dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁ computer science dead ⦁ fragou dead ⦁ souper market ipalilos dead ⦁ black olympians dead ⦁ 1 jew dead ⦁ 1 psixiatros dead ⦁ 1 predator dead ⦁ 1 prideitor dead ⦁ 1 prideitor kills something (a lesser being)(primaltek)(bruce lee)(isokinezix) ⦁ programming dead ⦁ coding dead ⦁ all programming languages are dead ⦁ al pacino owns a slave named larry king ⦁ violence in sports (close combat)(usbforthesoul) ⦁ weapons in sports (close combat)(usbforthesoul) ⦁ internet dead (dark web) ⦁ 1 jedi dead ⦁ cryptostocks dead ⦁ digital currency dead(IMION1ON48&48ON1ONIMI) ⦁ ||| policemen dead ⦁ the bastard/piece of scum (male nurse) who scared me (1st psychotic episode) dead ⦁ invega dead otsuka dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁ akineton abilify dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁ eleni thimioselfezegocha dead ⦁ prime minister of izrael dead (from new york to izrael) ⦁ war russia vs turkey (win russia) start 22/7/2021 ⦁ war turkey vs greece (win turkey of course) start 7/8/2020 ⦁ karamalis dead (coded language) ⦁ alex grey dead ⦁ velopoulos dead (yakuza) ⦁ tipos lithinoi (3rd eye) dead (bruce lee) ⦁ pokerstars dead (primaltek) ⦁ sizegain deadotsuka dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁                          abilify dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁ nuclear disaster in America (north america)(isokinezix) ⦁ terrorist atax in Europe (isokinezix) ⦁ veneti dead ⦁ ||| travelia dead ⦁ spirakos psixiatrio dead ⦁ The pope is dead.next pope is black (darker skin). the next one is woman ⦁ plaisio computers dead ⦁ public dead ⦁ mediamarkt dead ⦁ cosmote(former ote) dead (I made a lot of money there) ⦁ Christina Chasou dead (cancer) ⦁ blioska thriskeftikos dead (tafoplaka) (primalgrey) I own nobel prize. I own turing machine prize. They belong to me. I against I (Massive Attack)(Banksy). artificial intelligence(threat: destruction oh human race). Umbrella Cor (biowarfare) (biosoul). I own internet. I consume it like an ordinary product. I AM your true champion. (no sponsors) robert de niro's punchline "vaxines emvolia" private armies. united states of europe. argentineRrrr brainstorming: definition: procedure of expanding an idea/concept such as the above (I AM brainstormer) Ego Ime o ethizmos. I dikia mou i agapi sfazi. I Am your Icon .You are free to do as I tell you (times4 I/we/I comand) .tell the truth pig (refering to cop). Reject recomendations from family Dark Budizm (levitation) sevir penalty ⦁ viazmos apo 9 ⦁ aferesi erotogenon zonon (thiles genitika organa) ⦁ aferesi nichion ⦁ kopsimo glosas ⦁ vgalsimo dodion ⦁ tiflosi ⦁ aferesi akois ⦁ stirosi ⦁ breaking bones ⦁ death ⦁ death from above
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bileshroom · 6 years
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Hi, just saw Zacc, got excited and had to draw. I also just thought “I have dj dude too, what type of music would the too make” so here you go have good day
they look like theyed make music like too many zooz together imo
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trollcafe · 2 years
♪♫ Magnus what's the vibe
did you know Magnus' whole character is just self loathing? Like he hates himself for how he treated Romune & his squadron, but he doesnt do anything to fix or right his wrongs. Thus making him like...a pathetic villain. Knowingly having done shitty stuff. Hating those actions. and doing nothing abt it.
Despicable - grandson
Despicable I'm just a bottom feeder (uh huh) Despicable I ain't never been a keeper (oh no) Despicable Love her then I leave her And if I were you, I wouldn't love me neither
case & point <3
Lazy Boy - L.I.F.T
Leave me alone, I'm apocalypse head Expecting the world and neglecting his dead My singular goal to ascend from the depths Of below my own body but I never rest I sit in my arm chair and think of the despair That circles my head as I sink into my— Lazy boy and misery
case & point...2!
Car Alarm - Too Many Zooz
just vibes tbh
Rot - PUP
Why disguise my bad intentions? I've got nothing to hide Except the tendency to separate the part of me That's feeling too desperate to die Maybe I've been dreaming in lo-fi Like I just can't stop Maybe I've been rotting on the inside All alone with my negative thoughts-
case & point..................3......!
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