akai-anna · 1 year
1/3 Szia!Láttam a bingót, és pont jól is jött mert azt hiszem, hogy nem értek valamit. [Sokmindent] Megtennéd, hogy választasz 3 tetszőleges párost a Detective Conan-ből, és kitöltöd velük? (Bocs, hogy szabályt szegek de fontos, hogy te válassz, mert kíváncsi vagyok, de még nem tudom, hogy ki-kicsoda, és szerintem hiányzik a képből egy-két más fontos mozzanat is.)
(For non-Hungarian followers: I was asked to pick 3 optional ships from Detective Conan for this Ship Opinion Bingo. Answering in English to make it available for anyone who might want to read it.)
In advance: I have no self-control and ended up making a whole project of this, my deepest apologies that it got quite lengthy, Lizzy, hope you'll still have some fun reading this essay.
me, failing right at step one: not 3 (i started thinking about, and kept coming up with more and more possibilities, then reduced them again to just A Few TM, I REALLY DID TRY) but 6 relationships which almost ended up as 9... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *Oops!... I did it again starts playing*
relationship: i mean the word in its broadest sense (felt like confirming this bc i see it around in only a romantic context these days, so not only OTP sense of shipping but BrOTP sense too), meaning every and all kind of connections between people/characters, bc as an ace+aro non-romantic connections mean a lot to me
i checked everything that apply, even if they seem contradicting at first glance (just like fic: in one This thing applies, in the other This other thing applies sort of way)
i love you and these characters too much to just do the bingo without Commentaries TM (you poked the door with a stick and it slammed right open)
I. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Mouri Ran
The Main Pair of DetCo (As you have likely gathered from osmosis knowledge + WATCHING THE FIRST MOVIE, I AM STILL SCREAMING ABOUT THAT)
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Elaboration on certain points:
Oh there's no way this will end well & I can make it so fucked up & I can make it so stupid: The Situation Is already fucked up, so I don't even have to do anything, and I'm here to see how it will unfold. And before it gets better (so not the ultimate end) they have to work through a really messy tangle of things. Also they are already endearingly stupid, so that is covered too.
I don't see them as romantic & In a Relationship & Most codependent bitches on earth: I do see them as romantic (DEFINITELY!) but they are so much more than just romantic; their relationship has so many wonderful layers. The deep connection they share is not just romantic; THEY SHAPE EACH OTHER. I view them as the Ultimate Example of the Soulmate trope: in every universe, they are connected and important to each other in one way or another. There is no Shinichi without Ran and no Ran without Shinichi. They can and do function without each other but also their driving force and motivation is very deeply rooted in each other.
brb gotta go through their whole ship tag: in progress, have been at it for a couple months now, still working on it.
Not dating but married nonetheless: ONLY DIDN'T MARK IT BC THEY ARE DATING (IT ONLY TOOK THEM ROUGHLY 1000 CHAPTERS!!!), AND IT'S A RUNNING JOKE THAT THEY ARE HUSBAND AND WIFE (Bless Suzuki Sonoko, the biggest ShinRan shipper and supporter out there).
A little ShinRan moment that I love:
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II. Takagi Wataru - Satou Miwako
The First Police Officer Romance of DetCo
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I can make it so stupid: THEY ALREADY ARE, YOUR HONOUR, and love them that way.
Oh the devotion: just one thing to say and one to show. *inhales deep* Takagi Wataru is absolutely besotted, the sweetest man, Malewife Material TM. *shoves these particular panels in your face*
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III. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Hattori Heiji
The Detective of the East and West AKA Detective Buddies And Bestest of Bros
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Basically canon to me & I don't really see them as romantic: THEY ARE THE BEST OF FRIENDS YOUR HONOUR, SUCH HIGH QUALITY FRIENDSHIP, THE LOVE THERE, THE WAY THEY CARE SO MUCH ABOUT EACH OTHER, IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME I'm dYinG- (But also Heiji having the biggest Crush TM on Shinichi never stops being a source of joy because no one goes through the trouble of getting picked as a "Great Sherlockian" despite preferring Ellery Queen, to attend a Sherlock Holmes Fan meeting SO HE CAN POTENTIALLY MEET WITH HIS RIVAL HE MET THE ONCE AT THAT POINT, FCKIN DEDICATION THERE)
Compatible brand of freaks: they are definitely Weird TM, my little weirdo mystery maniacs, definitely forces of nature.
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IV. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Kuroba Kaito/Kaitou KID
To quote the creator: "But I wanted a rival that was an arch nemesis to detectives, natural enemy to appear. [...] who’s smart as Conan and can oppose him."
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I can make it so fucked up & I can make it so stupid: Been there, Done That, Canon Already Provides.
I don't really see them as Romantic & In a relationship: I can see them as many things, be it platonic, partnership, romance, friendship, really, I'm not picky about the nature of their relationship for some reason.
brb gotta go through their whole ship tag: as with ShinRan, it's a thing in progress.
They enable the worst of each other & Compatible brand of freaks: reckless tendencies, the both of them, Ultimate Chaos Bringer Duo, also Bastards To Each Other TM. On the other hand: they are already competent on their own, but they can work really well together too, these absolute gremlins, Scarily Compatible And Competent.
Oh there's no way this will end well & Thematically delicious: complicated situations, Detective-Thief (have always been weak to the trope) business, really, there's bound to be at least a disaster or two.
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V. Mouri Ran - Suzuki Sonoko ( - Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan)
Childhood Friends since the start of time (or at least kindergarten, together with Shinichi they make my beloved Sakura Trio)
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General thoughts: THEY LOVE AND CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER SO MUCH, YET THERE IS SUCH LOVELY TEASING and the potential of stupid teenage shenanigans is STRONG. In any arrangement, they are dear to me, CHILDHOOD BESTIE SQUAD.
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VI. Takagi Wataru - Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan
Police Officer of my heart and The Lil Gremlin Partnership
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Basically canon to me & I don't see them as romantic: they proved time and time again that THEY ARE AWESOME PARTNERS IN MYSTERY-AND-CRIME SOLVING, SO MUCH COMPATIBILITY THERE, AWESOME WORKING TEAM, FCKIN CANON ON THAT ONE.
I can make it so stupid: as always, They Already Are, most endearingly stupid too.
brb gotta go through their whole partnership tag: I already have, and even tried other kind of searches to find more content of them, I'm crying. T_T
Bonus: Takagi Wataru, always the witness for his Cryptid Moments TM, and also is amazed by him since day 1 (even if he doesn't know Conan is Shinichi), and Shinichi feeling a kinship with him. (Amongst other things not mentioned here.)
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Hope you enjoyed this weird ride, and if you have any questions about who is who, what is happening, or anything you are curious about, you know where to find me, Lizzy! (✿◕‿◠)~★
Bonus: you seemed to like the Kitten Hold, so have a litter of kittens as a goodbye.
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missionlameturtle · 2 years
Tagged by @hexenmeisterer !
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your followers 🎶
The thing is that anymore I mostly listen to the radio, & lately I’ve mostly been tuning into my local NPR network’s music station. As you can maybe guess, this means my music listening habits are heavy on variety but low on things like “knowing song titles”. So I do listen to and like all of these songs, but they’re not exactly the most representative of what I’m listening to every day.
1. For Elise, Saint Motel
2. Van Life, Willi Carlisle (genuinely one of the greatest modern country music artists imo)
3. Ophelia, The Lumineers
4. Barracuda, Heart (the radio likes this song, and I like singing along to it)
5. The Rose, Bette Midler
I tag @lucyaudley @lydiastattoos @juniperpomegranate @pansypipedream @seussian @someplanetelse @spacetimeconundrum @jackymedan @starship21zedna9 @zserb
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agentstovring · 8 months
I was tagged by the wonderful @blondeforyou to post my 5 favorite songs; and like they did, I'll go with the ones I have on repeat these days, rather than face the impossible task of listing all time favorites.
녹아들수록 좀 더 달콤해져 / 내 맘을 아주 쏙 빼놔 I need all ya / Cream soda 
Motel halls, neon walls When night falls, I am your escape
Oh, you can't resist it Oh, 몸부림쳐 봐도
We may be underestimated But I know one day we will make it
Hope you never find somebody to love Cause I should be the one to make you happy
I'm tagging @daisyridleysabs - @lohkeuncensored - @zserb and @shaymiens as well as anyone else who wants to 💛
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Hi! May I ask for 3; 18; and 33 from the last meme you posted? (If not, then one of these is perfectly enough.) Thank you and have a nice day!
3: What book are you planning to read next?
I’m slowly making my way through Sylvia Plath’s diaries, but after that I think I’ll either dive into The View From the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman or a book of poetry.
18: Which character from a book is the most like you?
This one’s incredibly tricky, because I feel like I’ve changed quite a bit these past few years and I haven’t quite seen this new version of myself in a book just yet. I’ll keep an eye out.
33: Who’s your favorite Sci-Fi author?
I haven’t read a lot of sci-fi so I’m probably not the best person to ask. That said, I think China Miéville is worth checking out!
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loracarol · 6 years
Hi! If you still doing this, may I ask for Sam Vimes with that "Four headcanons meme"? Have a nice day! (and thank you!)
:D I’ll do memes forever. :D 
Headcanon A:  realistic
Someone gifts him a pair of really nice socks; soft as a baby’s bottom, waterproof as a duck, and they fit like a glove.
He hates them.
He’s just so used to socks that are rougher, scratchy; socks that are lumpy, and need to be darned and fixed. Granted, the waterproofy-ness is nice, but...
He likes the socks Sybil fixes the best.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
The socks end up “accidentally” stolen by Nobby Nobbs.
Vimes couldn’t be happier.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Despite everything, Vimes manages to outlive Sybil. 
Not by much - but long enough that it becomes darkly humorous; after everything that’s happened to him, he still managed to live longer. 
(He dies less then a year after her, but that 7 months 5 days 3 hours 26 minutes is enough - he’d forgotten what it was like to live without her.)
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Vimes and DEATH are on a first name basis. Death doesn’t have first name, technically speaking, but he picks one just for Vimes to use. 
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lasagna-perhaps · 7 years
Hi! Sorry for the late-ish prompt, but I couldn't choose between the questions of the music-meme, and I had to find a random number generator. It spit out 14; 28; 10 and 5. Thank you if you answer them and have a nice day!
I had to wait until I was at home to answer this, sorry for the wait 😅
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD -I have many but the last song I blasted was Raise Hell by Dorothy
14: A song that you would love played at your wedding -See I’m having a really hard time with this question because it probably depends on who I’m going to marry and what our relationship is like. I do not pick songs lightly, my friend. I can’t answer this yet
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love -these are so much harder than I thought they would be. I love so many artist’s voices? Beast by Nico Vega is great because her voice is so raspy and yes, Savages by Marina and the Diamonds because Marina’s vocal range is insane, I have so many, the list is extremely extensive
thank you for asking! 
music asks: send me a number
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munchausenparokaja · 6 years
De ki lophatja a süteményeket?
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hereeatthiskitten · 2 years
Rules: Tag people you would like to know/catch up with.
Tagged by @juniperpomegranate and @under-the-silk-tree
Last Song(s): well The Chain is stuck in my head for the obvious reason (and also Perfect Day for the same reason) but I don't know what the last thing I listened to on purpose was. Probably The Amazing Devil though. [edit: and now it's Baby Shark, which our kids were 'rickrolling' me with earlier today]
Last Movie: Turning Red Return to Oz Spider-Man No Way Home (took me a bit to finish this ;) )
Currently Reading: nothing. tumblr. back issues of Bitch. Reading You Know, Sex to the 11 year old and being only slightly disappointed by it. Tagging: apologies if you've already done this one, I lost track! @christyimnotred, @jackymedan, @lindsayribar, @dagensdatter, @zserb, @deputychairman
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egggshellent · 6 years
Hi! Can I have 5 and/or 11 and/or 52 and/or 62 from the song-meme? Thank you! :)
(i found one ask meme with 70 questions so it might be the original so I’ll just use that. i really need to start tagging stuff better)
5. Latest song that made you smile
Take a Chance On Me - Abba :D
11. What song/album/band/artist always brings back memories for you
My parents are kinda ancient so as a kid I loved songs like Paul Anka’s Diana, and Show Me The Way to Amarillo. Imagine Dragons’ old EPs are also kinda nostalgic
52. A song that makes you want to dance on a table
Voulez-Vouz (I have listened Abba a lot recently)
62. A song that needs to be played LOUD
I don’t really listen stuff on v high volume. But in high school we all had to bring a song to music class and me as an imagine dragons dweeb brought bleeding out. The volume was higgh and the base was rlly good and the teacher was shook’th lol. I don’t think she had heard of the band before and liked it :P
Thank you for asking!!!
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akai-anna · 10 months
#every new information i get makes the whole thing seem more unhinged
@zserb has the best tags which are very accurate, bless her
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missionlameturtle · 5 years
songs meme
@hexenmeisterer tagged me in a meme! The challenge: post the top 10 songs on your mind right now. Here are mine!
Hands (Christmas Version) by Jewel. I think this song was the first pandora station I ever made, and it was everything I loved in music circa 7th grade. It’s still pretty good in 2019.
One OK Rock has still got it, and We Are is an anthem to end all anthems.
I Still Believe by Frank Turner
Disparate Youth by Santigold
Garth Brooks has been on my mind a lot--it’s hard to find good quality versions of his songs anywhere online, but this is a pretty decent upload of Much Too Young To Feel This Damn Old. 
Like much of the world, I’ve obviously been thinking about Hozier’s Jackboot Jump recently! Tbh I am really excited for a female artist to cover it--it’s a great song and of course Hozier does an amazing job with it, but honestly I feel like something about the song just kinda makes me want to listen to a woman to sing it, if that makes any kind of sense? 
Dirty House by South Club
Workin’ For A Living by Huey Lewis & The News
We Sink by Of Monsters & Men
One Headlight by The Wallflowers
and a bonus one, because I was really torn on these last three and because it’s basically never not circling around in the back of my head somewhere--Broadway, by the Goo Goo Dolls.
I tag... @sewingfrommagic, @flannelgiraffe, @jackymedan, @iwilltrytobereasonable, @everylastbird, @jangojips, @lydiastattoos, @therealmadblonde, @zserb / @zserbneedsheadphones, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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agentstovring · 4 years
Hi! May I ask for 4, 6, 16 and 24 from the end-of-year book ask? Have a nice day and Happy Holidays! :)
You’re wonderful! Thank you for asking! 4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year? Absolutely. I was extremely impressed with Carmen Maria Machado’s anthology Her Body and Other Parties, and I’m excited to read more of her work. And I read Permanent Record by Mary H. K. Choi, and completely fell in love with her voice; I’ve added her two other books to my immediate reading list.
6. Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to? Quirkology: The Curious Science of Everyday Lives by Richard Wiseman. I started reading it a couple of times, but it was a little heavy, and I didn’t have the focus. I’ll give it another try next year.
16. What is the most over-hyped book you read this year? My inability to keep up with new releases means that I haven’t really read any widely talked-about books this year, over-hyped or otherwise. 
24. Did you DNF anything? Why? Augusten Burroughs’ Toil & Trouble. I’ve loved his stories from working in advertising (a field I’m fascinated by); in this book, Burroughs claims to be a witch and tells stories from his life that he feels proves this. Not my cup of tea; not his fault. Thank you for asking!
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violetemerald · 7 years
Tagged all the way back on February 25th by @peppersandcats but I'm finally writing something again. Dead Poets Society fanfiction! This is a sentence in the middle of what I've written but I've rewritten it most recently/keep tweaking it. I need to turn this thing in to a beta tomorrow so... It might end up being edited further, this particular long sentence. But whatever. It's a good one lol.
Feel free to guess what character it is. ;)
Rules are simple: post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people, as there are words in the sentence (if you can manage and actually want to play).
I'm just tagging the last... Um... Yikes THIRTY-NINE people who have reblogged from me AND are mutuals with me. That's how I picked who to tag.
Here it is:
"His subconscious had constructed a dream full of lush scenery which was accompanied by musical sounds of wildlife, no doubt because of the truly remarkable performance he'd seen on stage only an hour or so before collapsing onto his pillow."
Tagging (sorry if you're not a writer - but whether it's a blog post or any kind of writing feel free to participate): @jackstamper @stagdoewolfdog @biblioaiedail @adorebruno @seraphinevalerius @lokifan @paganinpurple @bisexual-is-the-new-black @unsolved-gays @thatiswhatiloveaboutyou @ariannagriffith @alightonahill @twilight-sparx @belle333black @forgottendance @ivy-raven @clockwerkprincess @kdkorz10211 @paeracosms @andiwasjustdrinking13 @kittenbogies @ofirablack @isthisenoughorcanwegohigher @super-horse @zserb @spoonietimelordy @aprilslady @redbeardace @lilyvandersteen @qwuilleran @procrasti-nate-or @de-monic92 @lovegg3 @cerulean-beekeeper @ripley39 @slytherindisneyprincess @lil-time-lady @alittlebitexcentric @lifeisaboutchange
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lasagna-perhaps · 8 years
∞!!! Hi and have a nice day!
oh you’re so sweet, hello
“A kick to the teeth is good for some/ A kiss with a fist is better then none”
from “Kiss With A Fist” by Florence + The Machine
have a fantastic day and thank you for the ask!
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hereeatthiskitten · 7 years
Tagged by @liztalkstrash , possibly long, long ago
Name: Laura Nickname: nah Height: 5′7″ Ethnicity: white Favourite Fruits: fresh cherries (berry cherries > rainiers > bing, but they’re all good), black raspberries Favourite Season: fall Favourite Artists: @jackymedan, @ngoziu, @pentapoda Favourite Books: The Stories of Ray Bradbury, A People’s History of the United States, Miss Manners Rescues Civilization, Pirate Jam Favourite Characters: Benton Fraser, Parker, Donna Noble, Bert Favourite Flowers: lilies of the valley & lantana Favourite Animals: giraffes Favourite Beverage: tea Number of blankets you sleep with: 1-5 depending on season (right now varying day to day because that’s how the weather is this week) Dream Trip: a road trip that involves stopping at all the antique stores in teeny towns. and all the tourist traps. Blog Created: 2014 Number of Followers: 273
Tagging: @benedictmycumberbatch, @fathomlessspite, @clevermanka, @flatulenceofthesoul, @zserb, @wagnetic, anyone who’s bored or wants a distraction
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egggshellent · 7 years
spell your URL with movie titles
The rules: spell your URL using only movies you’ve enjoyed (each title only once) and tag 10 of your mutuals).
Tagged by @yeahmanicandobetter, thanks! lol man this is gonna be quite hard I never remember movies or movie titles that well :pppp
DuctTales The Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp
E.T. The Extraterrestrial 
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
12 Years A Slave
Enchanted (I’m 70 percent sure I’ve seen the movie and not just the trailer)
I tag @bloody-shuck-it @billeybones @examslayer @mareliini @zserb @aviandalek and ummmm everyone else who is up to it! Or not this isn’t mandatory :---D
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