#zuki week
biboomerangboi · 10 months
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Suki and Her Happy Boys!
Happy @zukki-week sadly I am far to busy to contribute properly this year and match the days themes but I couldn’t not at least draw my favourite trio for the occasion!
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elleaisha · 9 months
Second and final chapter for @zukki-week day 5 is up!
I'm mostly excited about it because now I can leave my writing bubble and go belatedly read and look at everyone else's contributions.
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thelastspeecher · 8 months
btw expect Stanuary week 3 later today~
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escapenightmare · 2 years
hiii do you have a form or smth for your taglist?
here u go anon <3
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photozoi · 1 year
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Mr Mung singles out his wrestling opponent. Fava!
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Challenge accepted!
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Check out the foot action! She's up!
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She's down again!
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No, she's up and climbing!
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Little sister Zuki saves Mung! She races by and disrupts the game.
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Thanks, Sis! Wanna wrestle???
Three Bean Salad, Mr Mung, Fava and Adzuki Bean. Silken Windhounds, 10 weeks.
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struggling-author · 1 year
As a child, I was obsessed with natural disasters.
There was something so pure about giant tidal waves washing over the land, cleansing the barren earth, and reminding the people that the ocean could wash them all away if it only chose to do so.
There was something so raw about earthquakes and their destructive potential, swallowing whole cities in their wake and crumbling age-old civilizations to dust overnight.
Natural Fire, too, was magnificent. A single ember spreading like wildfire, burning flora and fauna alike and making people flee in fear at the sight of it.
Though most of all I loved the storm and the wind. There was something strangely freeing about a current of air coming out of nowhere and violently ripping you away from the world and everything you’ve ever known.
Azula's obsession with a monster called the Avatar.
My first post for Azulaang week and the „Monster“ prompt.
I decided to do something different than what was probably intended but I hope you all like it.
Also ironically I already had a story called monster focused on their daughter Zuki, so check that one out as well if you want.
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torchickentacos · 2 years
i finished atla after putting it off for years like, literally last week and im interested in what you have to say about zuki since i dont really know much of what happens after the main story ends, do you have any posts about it? or you can take this as an open invitation to atla ramble [:
HIIIIIII ok every time I mention Zuki I get a weird look since it's a rarepair who barely interacts in the show, but if someone's read the comics it comes together a bit! BASICALLY, SPOILERS FOR COMICS UNDER CUT!!! long post, I cannot resist inserting the comic panels here and honestly they speak for themselves. just in case this post breaches cointainment, Obligatory "I vibe with most ships and my love of one does not equal hatred of anyone else's, and if you like them platonically LOVELY!!!!! I vibe with that too".
First off, Suki and the kyoshi warriors become Zuko's bodyguards post-canon, with Suki as the head of them. In the comics we see a fair bit of this, with a lot of Zuko scenes having her in it too. So, we've got a bodyguard/royalty dynamic, which I am absolutely WEAK for (see: zelink from breath of the wild).
But more than this, they're friends. And I do like Maiko, don't get me wrong here- and I adore Sukka as well- but I think there's a distinct difference in how Zuko interacts with Mai and Suki. Namely, he shut Mai out and lets Suki in, telling her about his worries-especially in a time where he's not doing well.
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Also, another thing in the comics is this: there's a point where Zuko feels like he's sliding back and becoming his father, and goes to the point of almost fighting the rest of the gaang. But, oh, there's someone who stood by him the whole time when near nobody else did! guess who.
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And realistically, I know they just wanted some romantic tension in the comics but didn't want to break up kataang, so they broke up maiko and did whatever this is, with Sukka being long-distance. BUt I honestly think Zuki, platonic or not, has a huge amount of suki's support that Zuko lacked in Mai. I think Maiko could be really nice, but I feel like Suki uplifts Zuko in a way that Mai maybe didn't or just couldn't.
I think it also opens an avenue for Mai's characterization, and I like exploring her through Zuki in a "If I (Mai) stay with Zuko, I can't ever have peace, I'll be fire lady and never know a day of self-sufficience or true independence, and I don't know if I want that from life". I think Mai is very prideful and truthfully? I don't think she'd want a life of palaces and being guarded. It was an aspect of her in ATLA, distancing herself from her rich powerful family, and I don't see her choosing that life again.
As for Sokka, I LOVE him and I LOVE Sukka, but it lacks spice for me. Sukka almost works TOO perfectly. No conflict, other than long distance, but Zuki has forbidden bodyguard royalty stuff which I am, pardon my language, an absolute slut for. I mean, furtive glances across crowded hallways and secretive shoulder brushes and letters slipped through doors, hoping, praying nobody sees the lowly earth kingdom warrior and the regal firelord??? 10/10.
Also. It's just funny as hell. https://twitter.com/M1KASAD/status/1284621851763838976
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talesofedo · 11 months
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Edo period egoyomi (picture calendar) for Kyowa 2 (1802) picturing the monthly and seasonal needs for a small mountain village.
More Information on Japanese Calendars and Timekeeping
See the previous post here.
Japanese Years
Today, most of the world uses the Gregorian calendar, introduced in 1582, to track years of the common era. That calendar's era is based on years since the perceived birth of Jesus: 2023 CE (current era) or AD (anno domini, year of the lord) 2023.
Edo period Japan obviously did not use the Gregorian calendar as its own calendar-keeping was influenced by China, not the west. In fact, Japan did not adopt the Gregorian calendar until 1873 but continues to use era names into the present day.
Japan's system of era names (nengo) originates from China and was permanently adopted in 701 under Emperor Monmu. It has been continuously in use since.
Until the end of the Edo period, era names were decided by court officials and could change frequently. A new era name was usually proclaimed after the ascension of a new emperor, but could also be changed due to some auspicious event or even due to natural disasters.
Since the adoption of era names, most have been in use for fewer than 10 years, sometimes for as short a period as 2 years, and only a handful have been used for periods of more than 30 years.
This website is extremely helpful in converting Gregorian years into Japanese eras, just enter the year!
Japanese Months
During the Edo period, the Japanese year was broken down into 12 lunar months of either 29 days (small months) or 30 days (large months) each.
Additionally, a special intercalary month (uru-zuki) had to be added every few years to keep the calendar in sync with the actual change of seasons.
In the modern Japanese calendar, the months are numbered rather than named: ichi-gatsu (first month, January), ni-gatsu (second month, February), and so on, but during the Edo period, monthly names, which date back to the Heian era, were in common use.
(Today, you might still find these old monthly names in poetry.)
Here they are with their western calendar equivalent:
January - mutsuki 睦月 February - kisaragi 如月 March -yayoi 弥生 April - uzuki 卯月 May - satsuki 皐月 June - minazuki 水無月 July - fumizuki 文月 August - hazuki 葉月 September - nagatsuki 長月 October - kannazuki 神無月 November - shimotsuki 霜月 December - shiwasu 師走
Japanese Weeks
The western concept of breaking individual months down into 7-day weeks did not exist in Edo period Japan. However, there is a rough equivalent that corresponds to the general concept of weeks: nijushi-sekki, 24 seasonal divisions that break the year down into "weeks" of 15 days each.
They are:
Shokan (small chill) – around January 6 Daikan (big chill) – around January 20 Risshun (start of spring) – around February 4 Usui (rain water) – around February 18 Keichitsu (going-out of worms) – around March 6 Shunbun (spring equinox) – around March 21 Seimei (clear and bright) – 15 days after the spring equinox Koku-u (rain for harvests) – around April 21 Rikka (start of summer) – around May 6 Shoman (half bloom) – around May 21 Boshu (seeds of cereals) – around June 5 Geshi (reaching summer) – summer solstice – around June 21 Shohsho (small heat) – around July 7 Taisho (big heat) – hottest time of the year – around July 23 Risshu (start of autumn) – around August 8 Shosho (keeping out of the heat) – around August 23 Hakuro (white dew) – around September 7 Shubun (the autumnal equinox) – around September 23 Kanro (cold dew) – around October 8 Soko (frosting) – around October 23 Ritto (start of winter) – around November 8 Shosetsu (small snow) – around November 23 Taisetsu (big snow) – around December 8 Toji (reaching winter) – around December 22
More in-depth information about these, along with explanations of why they're called what they're called, can be found here.
Japanese Days
Individual named days, such as Monday and Tuesday, as we know them on the western calendar, also did not exist in Edo period Japan.
You wouldn't say "We meet on Wednesday." Instead, you would have used the date, "We meet on the fifteenth day," or perhaps even the phase of the moon, "We meet on the new moon."
Individual Japanese days are also not broken down into 24 equal hours of 60 minutes each.
Instead, people in the Edo period split their days into 12 hours (toki): 6 daytime hours, which were counted from sunrise to sunset, and 6 night-time hours, which were counted from sunset to sunrise.
Naturally, the length of these hours varied not only by time of year (winter daytime hours being obviously shorter than winter nighttime hours) but also by geographical location.
Daytime hours were broken down as follows:
Hour of the Rabbit (begins at sunrise) Hour of the Dragon Hour of the Snake Hour of the Horse (noon) Hour of the Goat Hour of the Monkey
Nighttime hours were broken down as follows:
Hour of the Rooster (begins at sunset) Hour of the Dog Hour of the Pig Hour of the Rat (midnight) Hour of the Ox Hour of the Tiger
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From the Seiko Museum.
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emery-matsushita-vt · 9 months
Here's this week's stream schedule, skaters! First one for 2024!
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Wed: Splatoon! Thu: Karaoke! Sat: GG Strive!
Plus I'll be making appearances on Cass's and @mochi-zuki-vt's streams (on Tuesday and Friday respectively) for collabs!
That's a lot of catboy to start the year!
I also want to mention that I'll be doing something a little different for the karaoke stream, singing songs by a few different bands rather than my usual album format. We'll see how it goes!
Design for the new schedule was made by Mochi!
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kigozula · 1 year
Gladiator 300th Chapter Celebration
Here are my answers and I have to admit, I realized how hard it was to answer some of them xD
1.OC: It has always been Rui Shi. But in general, I do like so many OC's. Tiang is one of them as well. As I say often, Seyary is the Queen of the best OC's!!
2. Guard: Since I chose Rui Shi as my favorite OC, I choose Fei Li here. Funny and cute
3. Gladiator: The Millenium Dragon is a nice person. The Blind Bandit maybe? Or wait, Haru? Honestly I don't really have a favorite Gladiator other than the Blue Wolf come to think of it
4. Sponsor: I'm going with Zhao
5. Pair/Couple (besides Sokkla): Songshi<3 These two are the cutest
6. Friendship: Azula and her childhood friends Mai and Ty Lee. I miss their friendship these days... Azula and Rui Shi, Azula-Sokka-Rui Shi-Song
7. Villain/Antagonist/Opponent: Yes he is evil, but Rhone brought action
8. Suitor for Azula: Kuan and Hahn. Here too, I liked the action it brought. And I enjoyed it how Hahn ended up. As for the characters I like as suitors Zhao and Chan. I believe Chan will be a good character in the future(?)
"Oh?" said Ozai. "And what sort of gift is that?"
"Why, no other than him, of course," said Kuan, pointing at the man he had brought with him.
"Why, your first engagement present to me is a man?" asked Azula, raising her eyebrows. "Your ideas for courting are quite unconventional, Governor Kuan." Chapter 69
Had to drop this here, since I am re-reading this arc currently. One of the funniest scenes xD
9. Place (any houses/island/cities…): Fire Nation Capital (the Palace, Sokka and Azula's house/garden, Ty Lee's, Ember Island, Shu Jing
10. Event (weddings/festivals…): Not sure but Azula‘s birthday and the Gladiator Fight afterwards. And the second Fire Nation Festival with the catastrophic ending
Sokkla Kisses in Part 2 when they become finally a couple: I really like making things difficult don’t I? I might be missing some but at the moment: Their rejoining after the second Fire Nation Festivals, on the ship when Sokka rushed in Azula‘s room while Ty Lee is still in there, Shu Jing domestic life, aaannddd I think on the ship when Azula accidentally spills out the word love and is „angry“ afterwards, Oh and when she hurts her wrinkle and Sokka tends to it and kisses her *_*
Sokkla Love Making: The whole Festivals Arc, random moments, Northern Air Temple, Anniversary
1.Part 2, or Part 3 (so far): I really have no answer to this. Been reading since nine years, my absolute favorite arcs and moments aren't much more in one part than the other. So, I have to answer it this way ;) in no particular order:
Introduction arc Attack of the White Lotus arc Ember Island arc The Notorious Stingray arc Azula’s Birthday arc Fire Nation Festivals arc Giving in arc Northern Air Temple arc Kinslayer arc Toph finds out arc Fire Nation Festivals #2 arc  Sokka and Azula’s anniversary arc Gladiator Brawl arc Return to Shu Jing arc The Spirit Library arc Fire Lord for a Week arc Wedding arc
2. Zuki Family or Mai Jian Family: I'm honestly impressed by both. I never thought Zuko would be such a good family man. Mai Jian is a dream. I guess at the end Mai Jian outweighs Zuki even if juuuust little
3. Festivals Arc or Anniversary Arc: Again I guess I like making things difficult xD. Both are bomb... Again there is only the littlest difference and my choice goes with Festivals...
4. Captain Rui Shi or Captain Fei Li: Captain Rui Shi forever
5. Ozai or Zhao: Zhao. He made a 180 degree turn out of nothing these days. But I still like this man in part 2 as well as the beginning of part 3. He treated both Azula and Sokka well in my opinion. Before the whole pregnancy reveal, he's been a good man to his wife Azula. Zhao is one of the best characters in the whole story!!
Ozai... well, even if he our Diva Lord is a likable character, (I mean part 1 and part 2 were very funny with him), and even if I don't truly hate him as a character, I can never see him the way I did after all the things he did to my baby Azula
6. Gladiator Brawl, Sponsor Race, Pairs Tournament or Scavenger Hunt: All are very good. My final decision is Gladiator Brawl
7. Xin Long or Appa: I ike Appa. But Xin Long wins here!!
8. Azula’s Squad or Sokka’s Squad: I'm gonna go with Rui Shi's future Squad(?) xD
9. Ty Lee or Mai: Ty Lee I like more in part 1. Mai is always good. This woman and her sudden comments are humorous. Their absence is very noticeable
10. Shoji or Kino: Shoojiiiiii
11. Ruon Jian or Haru: We didn't see much of Ruon Jian, but I still like him. I like Haru more still. He was very funny around Azula at the beginning xD
1.A Place you would like to visit or live: The Capital I would want to live in. And visiting, I would like to see every place. Esepcially Ember Island
2. If you could give Part 2 a title it would be: "A BOND UNBREAKABLE"
3. Something you look forward to: Chan. Rui Shi and the guards. *coughs* chapter 327/329. Azula visiting the South Pole. Reuniting and being happy together again forever*-*. Azula giving birth to more children with Sokka by her side
4. Favorite Sokkla Artwork from Part 2:
These two babies right here*-*:
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Future Ships you think will happen: I thought about Reirei at then beginning (Rei and Renkai) but then I found out about the age difference. Honestly, I don't think there is going to be a big surprise
Azula and Zhao will divorce when/because of … I think Zhao might commit betrayal and lose the royal family's trust (the Spirit Oasis)
When Hakoda meets Azula and Hotaru for the first time …: One of the things I am very much looking forward to. Admiration on both sides and happiness. Maybe some tears?
When Ozai and Ursa see each other …: .................................................................................................................................................... Angry Ursa.... I think she will play a major role in Ozai's future downfall, emotionally(?). Everything aside, I would support some moments of affection and longing from both sides =D. Urzai is a good ship... HAD the potential of being one of the best...
I think Ozai's future looks like...: Since things can change in this story, I don't really have an opinion on that that I can be sure of. All I can say is: I think he will stay alive...
When Azula finally visits the South Pole, I hope/wish/think …: Igloo Sokkla. Fun family times. *wantstocry*. Admiration of the whole tribe for Azula, their new family member
First things Azula and Sokka will do after their reunion:
Be happy, cry, take in each other's scent, cuddle together with their baby daughter, then sharing their miserable journey with each other, Sokka finding out about the letters and her tears and trying to keep his anger in check and never ever letting her go for the rest of his life, no matter what happens.
@seyaryminamoto , congratulations on the release of the 300th chapter! As always, I feel happy-sad and can't believe Gladiator is a journey we've been on for a decade. You already know how much I love this story;). Your hard work and love for writing and making these beautiful artworks amaze me. I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to host events for your masterpiece and I feel valued with your trust! Thank you! I've already started re-reading my favorite arcs. They give me joy!
I'll be posting the correct answers to the quiz on sunday evening.
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elleaisha · 9 months
Finishing up Chapter Two...
...and rolling my eyes at Zuko. The first thing out of his mouth about the utterly debauched and disgustingly tender night he shared with Suki and Sokka:
“I know this was just about having fun,” Zuko says, “but I did.” 
Suki pauses in the middle of putting on her boots, and Sokka looks up from packing his bag. They look… confused, maybe? Or expectant?
“What I mean is, I had fun. With you.”
Zuko, sweetie, they're obviously in love with you.
Anyway, I'm hoping to get this second (and last) chapter posted tomorrow!
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itsbenedict · 6 months
at work: dev meeting and communication on misc tickets
at work: bother AP until they fuckin’ pay me my overdue invoice god damn it
30 WK reviews
dishes and trash
finish EG scene with zuki
take nap to compensate for insufficient sleep last night
MW: delete button for images
that nap lasted longer than intended and i shoulda set an alarm, but otherwise i basically got everything done. i did the bothering and someone said they'd do it sometime this week, but they did say that last time so who the fuck knows.
also zuki was AWOL so that didn't happen, so instead i did a bunch of extra MW work on adding and cloning unit templates.
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pokeheros-drama · 6 months
I was gonna post screenshots about zuki but she got banned for two weeks 🤣
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photozoi · 1 year
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Eleven weeks old and time again for the weigh in. Fava is not impressed by her mother's nosiness. (Fava weighs in at 14 lbs.)
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Zuki would like to be next please! She volunteers and comes up a whopping 12 pounds. (She is smol but only in stature!)
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"I can do it mine ownself!" Mr Mung does not need any assistance, thank you very much. All 18 pounds of him is very cooperative and easy going.
Looks like the Beans have been sprouting, and will soon need another scale!
Silken Windhounds, 11 weeks
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theladyghost · 1 year
Gladiator 300th Chapter Celebration
Thank you @kigozula for organizing this event to mark the 300th chapter of this amazing fic!
1. OC: Shoji, he’s a sweetheart!
2. Guard: Haoren, just for the way he roasted Fei Li in the Spirit Library arc (sorry Fei Li)
3. Gladiator: Sokka and Toph aside? Rhenzi.
4. Sponsor: Azula aside? Yang. He’s a riot.
5. Pair/Couple: Kori and Sneers
6. Friendship: Azula and Song
7. Villain/Antagonist/Opponent: Rhone. His story was quite interesting.
8. Suitor for Azula: Aonu
9. Place: Northern Air Temple
10. Event: Azula’s birthday (took place in part 1, but I guess it still counts)
Favorite Top Three…:
Kisses (in Part 2):
1. Fire Nation Festival #2 arc 7 (when they thought Zhao knew the truth)
2. Fire Nation Festivals #2 arc 7 (after they they learn that Zhao got the wrong idea)
3. Firelord for a week arc 4 (before facing Rhone)
1. Fire Nation Festivals #2 arc 2 (The Palanquin)
2. Return to Shu Jing arc 6 (the hot springs cove)
3. Gladiator and Sponsor Race arc 9 (Oma and Shu’s tomb)
This or That:
1. Part 2 or Part 3: Part 2, mainly because Part 3 is not finished yet.
2. Zuki family or Mai Jian family: Mai Jian family. Yuudai is hilarious. My inner 3 year old related to him a lot at Ty Lee and Haru’s wedding. And Ruon Jian and Mai are cute together.
3.Fire Nation Festivals arc or Anniversary arc: I can’t possibly choose, I’m sorry.
4. Captain Rui Shi or Captain Fei Li: Captain Rui Shi (again, I’m sorry Fei Li)
5. Ozai or Zhao: Zhao
6. Scavenger Hunt, Pairs Tournament, Gladiator Brawn or Sponsor Race: Damn, this one is so hard… I’m going with the Gladiator and Sponsor Race.
7. Appa or Xin Long: Xin Long
8. Sokka’s Squad or Azula’s Squad: Azula’s Squad
9. Mai or Ty Lee: Ty Lee <3
10. Shoji or Kino: Shoji
11. Haru or Ruon Jian: Ruon Jian
1. Place I’d like to visit: Ember Island
2. If I’d could give the Part 2 a title what it would be: True Home. Because in Part 2 they find their place of belonging near each other. Corny I know.
3. What I most look forward to: Sokka and Ozai’s confrontation/Azula meeting Hakoda and Gran-Gran
5. Fave artwork for Part 2: I love several, but the one that comes to my mind right now is the one where Sokka and Azula take part in the Spicy Ramen Challenge. Imo Seyary Minamoto writing really shines in the most humorous moments of the narrative. And Sokka and Azula being their ridiculously competitive selves over something like an absurd eating contest? What’s not to love?
Guessing Time:
1. Future ship: Soooo, sometime ago someone went to seyary’s inbox to ask her about Sokka and Yue’s future interactions in Gladiator and she answered that while they’ll form a friednship, there’s no room for a romance between them in this story. Then she implied that Yue will find love with someone else, so I sent my guess to Seyary’s inbox and going by her answer to kigozula’s post, I think I might be onto something. However, revealing my suspections might be spoilery, so I refrain from doing so.
2. When will Azula and Zhao get a divorce: I think that Ozai has to be dealt with first. But maybe the spirit oasis thing will be Zhao’s downfall.
3. Hakoda’s first meeting with Azula and Hotaru: Hakoda and Azula will have a very difficult conversation about Azula’s capturing Sokka and taking him alway from home. But after hearing Sokka’s version of the story, Hakoda will be able to forgive Azula. And he will be super emotional upon meeting his granddaughter
4. Ozai and Ursa reunion: Ozai might flip his shit
5. What Ozai’s future looks like: Hard to tell. I’m not sure if he’s going to die or have his bending removed like it happened in canon.
6. When Azula visits the South Pole for the first time: I hope to see her interacting with Gran-Gran, who’ll tell her all sorts of embarrassing stories about Sokka’s childhood. Azula will get lots of ammunition to make fun of him, he’ll state his so called manliness once again, and she’ll think it’s adorable
7. First thing Sokka and Azula will do upon reuniting: The two of them are horny as hell, so… Just kidding! Seyary posted that artwork where they reunite in a battle and make out, but I trust them to have a full conversation before jumping each other’s bones. There’ll be crying involved.
1. First Gladiator Sokka faced: The Spawn of the Volcano, I think…
2. How long they’ve been together: 3 years
3. First person to find out about Sokkla’s relationship: Rui Shi (If we’re taking that day in Shu Jing as the starting point of their relationship)
4. Who was onto them from the start: Song
5. Ozai’s first love: I don’t remember. In my defense, I still have some arcs left to read and I don’t exactly read them in order…
6. First event The Princess and The Blue Wolf participated in: Scavenger Hunt
7. How many times the Blue Wolf fought in the Slate:Twice
8. Which Azula’s suitor got closer to being crown prince: Out of all Azula’s suitors? Kuan, I guess…
9. How old were Aang when he was frozen in the Iceberg: I’ll just say 18, but I really can’t remember *hides in utter shame and humiliation*
Words for the author @seyaryminamoto
Dear Seyary Minamoto: I already told you most things I wanted to by sending some anon messages to your blog askbox. Well, now you know it was me. But I think it doesn’t hurt to repeat myself: I started reading Gladiator recently and I’m almost done with it, cause it’s addictive. It’s crazy to think you’ve been writing this story for so many years. Your dedication it’s really appreciated by your readers. I mean, it’s such a long fic and I’m amazed by your attention to every little detail, at how every aspect of the plot seems to be crafted well in advance. Like Azula telling Sokka about the bloodlust spear for the first time in chapter 46 when their partnership was just beginning, only for it to be brought up again years later at chapter 206! Or Sokka writing his haiku on chapter 37 and the very same words causing a powerful emotional reaction in Azula on chapter 276! I look back to the beginning of the journey and think about everything these characters have been through and how much they’ve grown ever since… it’s overwhelming! Can’t even imagine how it must feel for you. The characters and their universe might’ve been created by Bryke, but just by changing a small detail from canon you brought to life something that feels entirely new. Honestly, I wish I could read it all for the first time again, because I already reread my favorite bits so many times that I know them by heart now. Can’t wait to see what you have planned for the future chapters!
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mizuena-dreams · 1 year
It’s been two weeks since Samsa came out, and I still have no idea what the most accurate translation of the lyrics is but still
zuki zuki zuki
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