#zwei's pride celebration
sensus-bielefeld · 5 months
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(English version below)
Sensus: Cum as you are - feel fabulous
Lust auf den Pride-Month? Wir auch! Die Sensus rollt zum vierten Mal an den Start, dieses Mal mit dem Motto "Let's glide into Pride Month". Am 31.05.2024 starten wir gemeinsam in den buntesten Monat des Jahres.
Unser Credo bleibt: "Cum as you are - feel fabulous", also zieht eure heißesten Outfits an und ab ins Forum mit euch!
Die Sensus feiert eine positive Einstellung zur Sinnlichkeit, Vielfalt und Offenheit. Egal ob ihr schon Erfahrung mit sinnlichen Partys habt oder neugierig seid, bei uns finden alle einen Platz - egal welches Geschlecht, welche sexuelle Ausrichtung oder Identität. Verbringt mit uns gemeinsam eine unvergessliche Nacht - ob ihr nur zum Tanzen kommt, oder alle Möglichkeiten unserer Räume auskosten wollt. Vieles ist möglich, solange Konsens besteht!
Natürlich werden wir wieder zwei Darkrooms anbieten- einen für alle und einen für FLINTA-Personen. 
Wir haben uns euer positives Feedback zu Herzen genommen, und somit schlagen wir wieder Töne zwischen House und Techno an. Mit ASA 808 und TEREZA von TOYS Berlin haben wir darüber hinaus zwei absolut passende Künstler*innen aus der Hauptstadt eingeladen. TOYS Berlin ist ein Klima-neutrales, queeres Fundraising-Party-Kollektiv und Plattenlabel organisiert von ASA 808 &  Freund*innen. Local Support gibt es dieses Mal von unserem Resident GREYSCALE, bekannt für ihren vielschichtigen und mitreißenden Sound, stimmt sie euch ab 22 Uhr für die Nacht ein.
Um 20 Uhr startet vorher wie immer eine kostenlose Ausstellung, die lokalen Künstler*innen eine Plattform bietet. Passend zum Pride Month dreht sich diesmal alles um die Vielfalt des Queerseins. Deko & Mapping by Himbaer.
Wie bei all unseren Events setzen wir auf Aufklärung und Awareness. Alle wichtigen Infos findet ihr auf unserer Forum-Website.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
No photos. No filming. Everything with consent. Discrimination in any form will not be tolerated. If you feel unsafe, please contact our awareness-team or forum staff.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ English version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sensus: Cum as you are - Feel Fabulous
In the mood for Pride Month? We are too! Sensus is rolling out for the fourth time, this time with the motto "Let's glide into Pride Month". On 31.05.2024 we start together into the most colorful month of the year.
Our credo remains: "Cum as you are - feel fabulous", so put on your hottest outfits and join us in the forum!
Sensus celebrates a positive attitude towards sensuality, diversity and openness. Whether you already have experience with sensual parties or are curious, there is a place for everyone here - regardless of gender, sexual orientation or identity. Spend an unforgettable night with us - whether you just come to dance or want to enjoy all the possibilities of our rooms. Many things are possible as long as there is consent!
We have taken your positive feedback to heart, and so we are once again striking a chord between house and techno. With ASA 808 and TEREZA from TOYS Berlin, we have invited two absolutely fitting artists from the capital. TOYS Berlin is a climate-neutral, queer fundraising party collective and record label organized by ASA 808 & friends. Local support this time comes from our resident GREYSCALE, known for her multi-layered and rousing sound, she will get you in the mood for the night from 10 pm.
As always, a free exhibition offering local artists a platform starts at 8 pm beforehand. In keeping with Pride Month, this time everything revolves around the diversity of being queer. Decoration & mapping by Himbaer.
As with all our events, we focus on education and awareness. You can find all the important information on our forum website.
We look forward to seeing you there!
No photos. No filming. Everything with consent. Discrimination in any form will not be tolerated. If you feel unsafe, please contact our awareness-team or forum staff.
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
Wow...100 Fair Game HC’s...how do you PROPOSE we celebrate something like that?
Yup...it’s time, Fair Game Buddies.
You’ve waited patiently for it (By not knowing you were waiting for it, granted, but still, cookies for all of you), and now, here it is!
No, you’re not getting a Fair Game proposal.
Don’t be ridiculous!
...You’re getting two…
Look, there are many interpretations about how the Fair Game Proposal would work, and for good reason! There’s a crazy amount of variables concerning who would propose, what hijinks regarding their semblances would ensue, and who might be there to see it unfold!Basically, there’s a LOT to work with with these two and the art of proposing!
And for my 100th HC, it felt appropriate to give the limelight to both Qrow and Clover, since whoever was going to propose was inevitably going to get most of the focus in the HC, and I wanted a bit more balance. So I figured I’d give you a “choose your own proposal” surprise!!!
Okay! On with the show! Let’s get to it!
Everything is going under the cut because this is LONG! But hey -- your HC’s only turn 100 once, so go big or go home!!!
Clover’s Proposal
For Clover, the moment when he knew he wanted to propose to Qrow and the moment he realized he was in love with Qrow were one and the same. But part of being in love is knowing your partner, and while Clover was probably ready to marry Qrow from as far back as the moment they left Atlas together, he knows Qrow needs more time to parse out these kinds of feelings. It’s only when he gets a strong sense that Qrow’s ready for that big step does Clover start to prepare for it.
But that presents its own challenges.
Planning big events for Qrow is tough. Clover likes making a big show of things -- he wants to show the world that the things and people in his life give him pride and make him so happy. But Qrow has always been more introverted in that respect, and Clover’s always done his best to work with that. 
But this is his proposal -- one of those few once-in-a-lifetime events, and Clover can’t help but want to make a spectacle of things.
He goes to Ruby, Yang, and Tai on a solo trip in search of their blessing and after getting it (A topic for one of these for another day, perhaps), asks for their opinions on the best way to pop the question. During their conversation, Clover gets an idea, but it’s not from anything they say (GOD, is it not that -- “Ruby, I don’t think filling a pool with chocolate is a good idea”) -- but instead, it’s from them just being themselves.
Finally, he knows what will make this proposal special for both of them.
About a week later, Tai invites Qrow and Clover for a dinner party. It’s a regular occurrence in their lives, but it’s normally a small affair. Qrow doesn’t find out until they get there that more than just team RWBY, Zwei and Tai are in attendance as well as he and Clover are. No, it’s also team JNR, Oscar, Maria, Pietro (If he’s still alive), the Ace Ops (If they and Clover are still on good terms), Robyn, the Happy Huntresses, and Penny!
Clover looks to Qrow -- after all, he’s well aware that Qrow and big groups can be pretty hit-or-miss at times -- and asks if he’s okay with the unexpected crowd. 
But Qrow, looking about as relaxed as he ever has in his life, smiles back.
“Yeah, it’s family.”
Clover can tell that proposal or not, he’s a part of that population. 
He nearly drops on his knees to pop the question right there and then.
It’s only a sheer dedication to showmanship that keeps him on his feet as they enter. 
Dinner goes nicely as always, and afterwards, they all gather into the living room for a relaxing time. It’s so packed with people that Qrow and Clover share a cushion on the couch, utterly pressed into each other’s sides.
Suddenly, Ruby calls over Qrow’s attention.
“Catch!” she says, tossing a green coin bag into the air. 
Qrow and his nieces do that all the time -- tossing things casually to each other, and catching them just as casually. It’s pretty impressive how in sync they are with that -- though it’s pretty scary for Clover when he’s close to the hurled object.
But unlike all of the other times they’ve done this, Ruby’s throw doesn’t reach Qrow. Instead, it lands on Jaune’s lap, who is across the room from them.
Just out of Qrow’s line of sight, Clover smirks. 
The plan’s now underway.
“Your aim’s getting worse, kid,” Qrow teases, looking at his niece with all the cockiness in the world. “Looks like it’s all downhill from here for you.”
“That’s not funny, Uncle Qrow!” Ruby shouts at him.
Jaune then throws the bag to Qrow, but it goes just a bit over his head and lands in Blake’s hand instead. Blake then attempts to throw it over to Qrow, but it tumbles out of her hand just before she can throw it and lands in Maria’s hand. And from person to person, the bag makes its way to just about everyone in the room EXCEPT for Qrow. 
Clover can see Qrow looking at everyone, stupefied -- frustrated at first, but after the first six or so throws, only partially. By the time it’s passed ten people’s hands, Clover can tell his frustration has melted into curiosity.
Finally, Penny collects the bag and gives it a throw that makes it seem like it will land in Qrow’s grasp for sure, but just before it can, Clover hand gets in the way of Qrow’s own and grabs the bag for himself. 
“You too, Clover?”
Clover merely shrugs at him, and looks in the bag for himself. 
“Very nice,” he comments, innocently smiling. 
“What the hell is in there?” Qrow asks, more to anyone who will give him an answer rather than just Clover.
A smile -- one Clover himself can tell is probably not without the tiniest pinch of worry -- crosses his face, and finally, Clover slowly opens the bag, revealing the green velvet box hiding inside, and pops it open.
Qrow goes silent as he looks at the ring, and it’s at this moment that Clover knows he grabbed a real winner.
He looks back to Clover, and Clover can feel himself growing a little bit more worried and a lot more excited. Without taking his eyes off of Qrow, Clover pulls himself off the couch and lands on the floor on one knee.
“I was thinking about the best way to do this,” Clover explains. “We’re both so different, and I know you like more intimate moments, but I wanted this to make this as memorable as I can, and-”
Qrow chuckles, interrupting him. “Never thought I’d see the day where you started nervously rambling.”
Clover laughs. “Shut up!” he chastises, smiling and chuckling even as he says it. “Anyway, I realized that the best way to do that would be to have everyone close to us -- friends and family alike -- here to witness this. It felt like a good compromise between big, and intimate.”
“Clover, you’ve always been corny, but that is without a doubt THE corniest thing you’ve ever said.” 
With a smirk and a wink, Clover nudges Qrow’s knee. “Well, what can I say? You make me feel a little corny, so this is really your fault.”
Qrow mirrors Clover’s prior actions and nudges Clover’s arm. “Not a good idea to blame someone for something when you’re trying to get them to marry you.”
“Fair point,” Clover concedes.
“Can we get back to the proposal?!” Ruby calls out, causing everyone in the room -- Qrow and Clover included -- to laugh. 
Clover takes Qrow’s hand, holding it even more dearly than even the ring in his other.
“So what do you say, Qrow? Will you marry me?”
Qrow looks utterly speechless. Bits of tears well up in the corners of his eyes, though they don’t fall.
He takes a deep breath, and with a smile, finally speaks.
“Yes,” Qrow murmurs, passion seeping through the relative quietness of his words. Clover feels a weight in his chest he didn’t dare acknowledge before life above the wave of relief that hits him. Qrow pulls him up and onto his lap, catching him in a tight hug while everyone cheers.
As they exchange looks, words, hugs, and kisses of endearment, Clover knows without a doubt that this is an amazing start to what will absolutely be an amazing life together.
Qrow’s Proposal
Qrow has never been a sappy guy, but Clover has a way of birthing some sappiness in him. Nowhere is this more apparent in the moment that makes Qrow want to propose. When Clover surprises him with a night in watching movies and snuggling with takeout on Valentine’s Day after an afternoon spent fighting some of the most vicious Grimm he’s ever come across, Qrow knows that this life they share is all he wants for the rest of his stay on this mortal coil, and he can’t wait to let Clover know that, too.
He starts planning out his proposal immediately. Research is done about times of the year that historically have the best weather. Meaningful locales of their lives together are compiled and narrowed down until one remains. If there are living people in Clover’s life to ask for blessings, he does so (And in the most awkwardly adorable way possible, may I add). Secret day trips are taken to various locations to scope out their various qualities.
A ring is purchased.
And finally, Qrow comes up with exactly how he’s going to propose, and if it goes as planned, it’s going to make for one hell of a memorable experience.
It’s not rare for Qrow and Clover to visit Mantle these days. Robyn invites them out there from time to time to get together and for double dates with her and Fiona. Clover has other people he knows there as well, and also likes visiting Atlas to check on its post-war progress and leadership -- and that’s not even getting into all that Mantle’s rather diverse culinary scene has to offer. Because of that, it’s not out of left field for Qrow to suggest they visit Mantle together to go to some restaurant they’ve previously talked about trying -- after all, there are quite a few of those that they still haven’t gone to, and even without the company of their local friends, they can still enjoy a night out together. Naturally, Clover agrees, and a few days later, they’re walking Mantle’s streets to grab a bite to eat. 
Dinner is nice as always, and afterwards, Qrow suggests they go for a walk around the town. It’s late enough that most people have settled in for the evening, leaving the roads and sidewalks nice and empty, but not too late that Qrow needs to worry about Clover wanting to turn in ahead of schedule. So with shoulders leaning on each other, Qrow and Clover stroll Mantle’s quiet and comfortable streets.
There’s a lot of reminiscing done, and as usual, it’s mostly done by Clover. He always seems to have two or three new stories pop up in his memories about his life in Solitas every time they visit, and they’re always the right blend of entertaining, seemingly impossible, and totally plausible only for Clover Ebi. 
However, when they walk past Pietro’s laboratory, it’s Qrow who finally gets the chance to do some reminiscing. 
“Do you know where we are now?” Qrow asks, confident that Clover knows.
And as to not disappoint for even a second, Clover smiles at him, with the same knowing look in his eyes he’s had all night.
“This is where we met,” he says, answering a question he likely knows needs no answering in the first place.
Qrow separates from him and walks into the empty streets.
“Who’d have thought all that time ago that this is where we’d end up? After all, it wasn’t exactly love at first sight that first night.”
Clover approaches him, mock hurt all over his face, up to and including a hand to his mouth.
Drama king.
“Are you saying you didn’t fall for me the moment you saw me stand above your bound-up body?”
Qrow smirks. “What I’m saying is that that smirk of yours is an...acquired taste, to say the least.” He then snorts, backing up just a little bit more. 
“To be fair, it didn’t take THAT long afterwards for you to acquire it.” Clover winks. A wink like that when they first met would’ve turned Qrow into a blushing mess, but now, Qrow can not only take them, but give them back just as easily.
And so he does.
“You’re not wrong,” he says right afterwards. “But maybe I just needed to look at it from the right angle. In Mantle at night, you don’t always get the best lighting, especially when you have to stare up at him from the ground. It can make even the most handsome of guys look a little weird.” Qrow’s smirk deepens. He’s not sure of Clover’s realized this yet, but as he pulls his first surprise of the evening out of his pockets, he knows it doesn’t even matter. “But don’t take my word as gospel. You tell me.”
Clover has no time to prepare as the bolas hidden until  just now move from Qrow’s pocket to his hand and hurdle towards Clover’s ankles. Disbelief takes over Clover’s features, and gracelessly, he falls to the floor.
Despite the oddness of it all, everything is going exactly according to plan.
“So tell me, how do you like the view from down there?” Qrow asks.
From memory, Qrow recreates the moment their lives collided for the first time, stepping in just the same way that Clover did so long ago. Clover, clearly more than a little freaked out, looks up at him, just as he anticipated.
He smirks as he sees Clover try to piece together just what he’s doing, but remains calm with the knowledge that all will be revealed in just a few moments.
And finally, as to truly recreate the scene, in the place of the horseshoe Clover fiddled with during their original encounter, Qrow spins the loop of a small, red velvet coin bag casually around his finger. 
Well, he spins it until the bag falls OFF his finger and hits Clover square in the eye, that is.
“Ow!” Clover shouts!” Clover shouts, completely thrown off, as his hands rush to soothe his now pulsing eye. Qrow can’t exactly blame him, because now, so is he.
“I-I,” Qrow stammers, attempting to explain himself, but unable to come up with the words to do so. 
Why can’t his semblance just restrain itself for one night?
“Qrow, what the hell’s going on?” One of Clover’s hands pushes the bag that hit his eye out of the way, and just as it tumbles off of his face, the loosened bag releases its singular content -- a velvet red box. While the contents of that box remain hidden, it’s completely obvious to anyone with a brain.
And Clover Ebi definitely has a brain.
Well, it looks like the secret is out.
Both Qrow and Clover are suddenly bereft of speech for a moment as Qrow takes in the fact that his plan has all but collapsed in a matter of ten seconds, and Clover takes in the box’s mere existence. Clover looks from Qrow to the box, and back again.
“Qrow,” Clover says, apparently so frozen by shock that he can’t find it in himself to move, “is that-?”
“Yeah,” Qrow says, quickly and now very nervously. He sighs, massaging his eyelids with his fingers as that very sigh morphs into a groan. “God, these things can never just happen normally, can they?”
And then, Qrow hears the sound that takes all of his anxiety away -- Clover laughing. Qrow opens his eyes to confirm what his ears tell him. Clover, now smiling, shakes his head. “No, they can’t, but it would be boring if they did, wouldn’t it?”
Qrow allows a smile that’s bursting on his lips to bloom fully. 
“Well, we’re definitely not boring,” he concedes. Another awkward pause, albeit less so than moments ago, takes place. They both smile at each other and after a few beats, Clover -- still on the ground -- gestures with his eyes towards the ring.
“So, you gonna continue?” he asks excitedly.
“Y-yeah.” Qrow grabs the box from in front of Clover and gets down on one knee. “Clover, I-” He stops and takes a deep breath. “I think you know by now that my days are never normal. They never have been either, for better or worse. And for the longest time, I wished they would be. To be honest, don’t think I’ll ever know the definition of a normal day.” Qrow sighs once more, his smile deepening, as he opens the box to reveal his ring. “But I wouldn’t trade a chaotic day with you for all the normal days in the world without you. Clover-”
“Yes,” Clover responds, with not an ounce of fear in him.
Qrow smirks. “You gonna let me finish?”
Clover raises a hand to his mouth. “Sorry!” he squeaks. “Go on!”
“Clover, will you-”
“Yes,” Clover interrupts. 
“Clover!” Qrow shouts.
While Qrow loves Clover’s enthusiasm, he doesn’t allow that to happen a third time.
“Clover, will you marry me?” he rushes out of his mouth, breathing as if he’d just run a marathon when he’s finally finished.
And of course, only now does Clover pause for a second.
“Yes,” he says when that second is over, warmly and with so much meaning packed into the tiny word.
Qrow takes Clover into his arms, lifting him up so they can kiss. When the kiss finally breaks, Clover tries to get up, but both he and Qrow are reminded of the bolas Qrow threw on him earlier. With the biggest grin he swear he’s ever sported, Qrow frees Clover out of them and pulls Clover close as he at last rises.
Life will never be normal for Qrow -- Qrow knows that well after the years he’s already spent in this world -- but as long as he has Clover by his side, he knows that the chaos life throws at him will be worth living with.
And now with his ring on Clover’s finger, he can hardly wait to make that future a reality.
Guys, thank you so much for following me across these 100 HC’s! It has been nothing short of a pleasure to take this trip alongside you all, and I hope you’ll stay with me for as long as I make these!!!
Tagging @homokinetic @skybird13 @whipped4qrow @mooksie01 @luck-of-the-caw @xwildangel @solitude-of-stars @magneto-is-neato @o0nashipear0o @unfairgamey @doctorrwby @clover-and-co @megan-atthedisco @wash-my-brain @bisexualdisasterqrow @baelonthebrave @doubledexterity @rwby-things-i-guess @atlas-heartthrob @the-answer-was-bi-klance @compoterie @thuskindlyiboop @oceansquid @transdemion @deltastream21 @mimiori @xya-hunter @delta-altair @genderfluidturtle @roman-torchtwink @subatomictealeaves @drbtinglecannon
Want to be tagged in future Fair Game HC’s? Of course, you do! So send me a reply, PM, or ask to be added, and I’ll grant your greatest wish! XD
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razieltwelve · 5 years
The Christmas Conspiracy (RWBY AU Snippet)
Weiss looked about furtively and then hurried to unlock the door to her apartment. Ever since she’d stumbled across what could easily be the biggest conspiracy in the history of the world, she’d felt as though she was being followed. It would have been tempting to simply walk away, but she hadn’t become one of the finest investigative reporters in the world for nothing.
The door opened, and she stumbled inside before slamming it shut behind her. The sensation of being watched grew stronger, and she rushed to turn on the light.
She wasn’t alone.
“Hello, Weiss.” A tall figure in a blood-red cloak was sitting at her dining table. “Why don’t you have a seat?”
Of all the gods she could have investigated, of all the gods she could have potentially angered, why had she thought it was a good idea to pick this one?
“I…” Weiss turned back toward the door only to stumble away. A corgi was standing between her and the door. It was an incredibly cute and cuddly corgi, yet it somehow managed to radiate so much menace that she could barely even think. Simply breathing was becoming hard, and she clutched at her throat.
“Zwei,” the figure murmured. “Be nice. I asked Weiss to sit down. She can’t sit down if she suffocates from terror.”
The fear passed, vanishing like smoke on the breeze. For a split-second, the corgi was gone. In its stead was a colossal beast, a hell hound whose head seemed to vanish into the clouds. Black flame roiled over its body, and the spectral shadows of the Abyss shimmered around it. And then the corgi was a corgi again.
Weiss swallowed thickly and sat down at the dining table.
“It has come to my attention,” the cloaked figure said. “That you have come into possession of certain… information.”
Weiss licked her lips. They were incredibly dry. In fact, the air itself seemed parched. “I…” She forced herself to speak. “You don’t scare me.”
“Oh?” The cloaked figure shifted slightly, so Weiss could see her eyes. Silver starlight greeted her. “Would you like it better if I did scare you?”
Raw, unbridled terror struck Weiss like a physical force. Her eyes widened in shock, and every muscle in her body froze. Her mind shut down, and the last thing she felt was her heart bursting from the sort of primordial fear that only one of the Greater Gods could generate.
And then the figure leaned back. The fear vanished.
“Weiss, I’ve chosen to be… polite. Don’t make me regret that decision.”
Weiss nodded slowly. 
“So…” The figure gestured and a pack of cookies appeared on the table with a glass of milk. Weiss realised that they’d come out of her pantry and fridge, and she felt a brief surge of indignation before squashing it. Absurd. She had bigger things to worry about than some cookies and milk. “Why don’t you tell me what you think you know, Weiss?” 
Weiss wrapped her arms around the charm to Pyrrha that she wore around her neck. She’d worn it since she was a child, and the warmth it radiated had always comforted her. It was ice cold now, yet another reminder that the being in front of her was no mere god. “There is no Santa,” Weiss murmured. “It’s all a sham. You’re Santa.”
“And who am I?”
“You… you’re Death.”
“Yes.” Death chuckled softly. “So you thought to yourself that you would expose a secret that I was keeping. At what point did you think that would be a good idea? I am Death, Weiss. I see everything. I know what everyone is doing.” She smiled thinly. “He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. The words in that song aren’t exaggeration, Weiss. From the moment you worked it out, I’ve known.”
“Are you going to kill me?” Weiss trembled.
Death stared at her again with those starlight eyes. It was like staring into another universe, like seeing every single thing she’d ever done or failed to do laid bare. “I could. It would be easy. It would take less than a thought, and you’d be dead. It could look like an accident. No one would ever know.”
Weiss felt a surge of pride that she hadn’t burst into tears. She’d always wondered how she’d face her end. She was, apparently, meeting it with some small measure of dignity.
“But I’m not going to do that.” 
“You put all the little clues together, Weiss. You worked out that Death is Santa, but you never stopped to ask the most important question. Why?” Death reached down and lifted her dog onto the table. Zwei glared for a moment before settling as Death scratched his back. “Why do you think I pretend to be Santa, Weiss?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“The gods are part of the world, Weiss. But we prefer to limit our intervention. We gave you free will. It would be hypocritical if we never let you use it.” Death dipped one of her cookies into the glass of milk before taking a bite out of it. “But the thing is… the mortal world is full of both the best and the worst of what mortals can do. There is so much suffering here, so much sorrow, so much pain. It is… unpleasant. As Death, I see more of it than any of the others. But there is goodness in this world as well, just as there is goodness in mortals. Christmas is a time to celebrate that goodness.”
Weiss nodded slowly.
“When you think about it, the idea of a jolly fat man flying around in a sled pulled by magical reindeer is a bit silly.” Death chuckled. “But the idea of bringing joy and good cheer to all the children of the world, to everyone who has done their best to live a good and decent life, well, that’s not silly.”
“But why you?” Weiss asked.
“Because I can. Because I see into people. I know who has been good, and I know who has been bad. I can be anywhere I want to be. I can be everywhere.” Death smiled. “And because it’s nice, at least one night a year, to not be feared. I am Death, Weiss. What I do is not done out of cruelty or malice. Death simply is. It is part of what makes you mortal. It is part of the world itself. Yet with few exceptions, I am only ever greeted by fear and hate. It can get a little… tiring at times.” Death sighed. “The only people who ever visit my temple, Weiss, are the ones who are doing everything in their power to avoid me, or the ones who want me to pay their enemies a visit.”
“So what now?”
“I’m going to give you a choice, Weiss.” Death stood up. “I want you to think about all the good that Christmas does. I want you to think about all the joy, friendship, and warmth it brings to people’s lives. And I want you to think about how much of that would remain if people knew that I was Santa.”
“And now I’m going to leave. I’m going to let you choose whether you keep that knowledge to yourself, or whether you tell everyone.”
“Are you serious?” Weiss blurted. “Do you know how big a story this would be? It… I’d win prizes. I’d be the most famous reporter on the planet, I’d…”
Death smiled. “Weiss, I can see into people. You’re a better person than you think.”
And then Death was gone, along with her dog, the cookies, and the milk.
Weiss sat there. It would be easy to pick up the phone. She could have the story on the front page of tomorrow’s paper. It really would be the story of her career. Not merely a story about a god, but one of the most famous gods of all. But then her mind drifted to all of the Christmas displays she’d passed on the way home, all the children eagerly lining up to take photos with Santa at the mall, and all the people doing their best to stay friendly and cheerful because it was the holiday season.
“Damn it…” Weiss muttered. “Well played. Well played.”
X     X     X
Weiss trudged into her apartment. It was Christmas eve, and she’d only just gotten back from work. She’d kept quiet after all. She hated to admit it, but Death was right. The world really was a better place with Santa in it. She had just shrugged off her coat when someone tapped her on the shoulder.
“AAHHHHHHH!” Weiss stumbled back and would have tripped over her couch if Death hadn’t reached out to grab her. Seeing Death’s hand around her wrist, Weiss screamed again. “AHHHH!” She thrashed. instinctively, she began to say a prayer to Pyrrha. “Noble Pyrrha, protect me from harm -”
“Relax,” Death said. “I’m not here to punish you.” 
“You didn’t say anything,” Death said.
“I…” Weiss sighed. “You were right.”
“Still,” Death sai. “You did give up a lot of fame and fortune to do the right thing. It kind of seems like a shame.”
“Yeah, well, it turns out I’m a decent human being.”
“Would you like a gift?” Death asked.
“Can it be a billion lien?” Weiss asked.
“Heh. No.” Death grinned and scooped Weiss up into her arms. “Hold on.”
And then they vanished.
They reappeared high over the city. 
“Hmmm…” Death chuckled. “You’re screaming a lot more than the last time.”
Weiss found herself clutching onto Death for dear life. “Yes! Because mortals can’t fly, and we’re really high off the ground!”
“Yep. In fact, we’re exactly thirty thousand feet above the ground. You’d probably be enjoying this even less if I wasn’t using my powers to help you out.” Death smiled. “Now… look down.”
“Do I have to?”
“Trust me. Look down.” 
Weiss looked down. They were floating high above the city, and the clouds had somehow cleared to give them a perfect view of it. “It’s… beautiful.”
“It’s going to get better.” Death’s lips twitched. “You mortals look at everything around yourselves, but you don’t see. Weiss, it’s time for you to see.”
And Weiss saw.
She saw the lights of ten million souls for the first time. Every single person in the city below them was made of light, and she could see them all. They were countless different colours in countless different shapes. Some were small. Some were large. Some were a blazing, brilliant white. Others were a tranquil blue. And still others were a dazzling gold. The distance didn’t matter. It was like they were right there beside her.
She saw the wind, and the spirits that rode on the breeze.
She saw the stars above them, each of them a hero from ages long past.
She saw the blades of grass, the drops of water, the stones, every single thing, she saw it all, and she saw it not with the eyes of a mortal, but with the eyes of a god who had been there when Creation was young.
She saw it all.
And it was so beautiful.
She’d always thought the world was chaotic. But now she saw. Everything, everything was connected. Everyone was connected. They were all pieces in the puzzle, all notes in the song, all brushstrokes in the masterpiece of the gods’ design.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Death asked quietly.
Weiss was weeping too much to reply.
“But it gets better.”
As the clock ticked over to Christmas Day, a wave of light and radiance swept through the city. It was, Weiss realised, a wave of emotion, the joy and warmth of Christmas made manifest, a sight only the gods could see.
And her.
“It’s not an award, and it’s not money,” Death said. “But I hope it is enough.”
Weiss scrubbed at her cheeks. “I…”
Slowly, the vision faded. Her sight was mortal once again. And they were back in her living room.
“Weiss,” Death said. “The world can be an ugly place. It can be full of horror and suffering and woe. But it can be so beautiful too. It can be full of kindness and joy and love. The gods see both what is worst and what is best in you all.” She tapped a spot over Weiss’s heart. “You saw with the eyes of Death, Weiss. Do you understand now why I was so confident that you would make the right choice?”
Weiss nodded.
“Merry Christmas, Weiss.” Death grinned and then vanished.
Staring around at her empty living room, Weiss found herself laughing. She’d never been more right and more wrong about anything in her whole life. “Merry Christmas, Death.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
A little Christmas challenge. I wanted to write a snippet for Christmas, and I gave myself an hour to get it done. Mission complete! This took me just over 45 minutes in a single sitting, excluding the time I took to proofread it afterward. 
More importantly, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas. Like Death said, the world can be such an awful place, but it can be a truly beautiful place too. I hope, for all of you, that the world is a beautiful place full of kindness, joy, and love. Merry Christmas.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
You can find my original fiction on Amazon here.
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Imagine: Having Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long celebrate your birthday.
⭐ Did you mention your birthday was on the horizon? Oh, boy. Good luck when Little Red finds out.
⭐ Energetic and adrenaline pumping vigorously, gravity has no limitations as Ruby is bouncing off the walls and nearly reaching the Heavens. The tiny huntress is itching the throw you a surprise party, contrary to the warnings her teammates have given. Sure, she has a tendency to get out of hand, but what could possibly go wrong?
⭐ Cookie dough is smeared on those squishy cheeks and small hands within a blink of an eye as she whips up numerous batches. It's enough to feed the entirety of Menagerie.
⭐ She somehow convinces the rest of her team to partake in the festivities, as they hang streamers and fetch supplies. Even sweet old Zwei pitches in and uncovers his most beloved dog treats to share with you. However, they are cautious from past experiences.
⭐ The silver eyed beauty cannot contain her giggles as she drags you by the hand to the party, trying to play it off as nothing important before the big reveal. Shouting a hearty "Surprise!" she nearly scares you half to death, but the pleasantries and delights revive your spirits.
⭐ She is hopping up and down as you unwind the gift wrap of your presents, cheering, "Open it! Open it!" And hugs you so tight while wishing you a very happy birthday.
⭐ Birthdays were frivolous custom in the Schnee mansion; very little meaning was held in the word. But venturing to Beacon gave the heiress an opportunity to break those walls down.
⭐ Porcelain tips neatly folded over her gown, she inquires on your interests if she wasn't knowledgeable prior, paying heed as she devises a mental list for future reference. She wouldn't dare give you something you had no interest in.
⭐ Baking isn't a strong suit of hers. Klein was intended to translate those gluttonous fantasies to reality for the family. Yet in her pursuits, she musters a decent cake, a few tweaks needed, but is prideful she can improve as she tries again and again. And yes, the kitchen is practically almost burned to a crisp in the process.
⭐ Weiss is a sucker for spoiling you rotten. Guaranteed, you should anticipate stampedes of gift wrapped presents to topple through your dorm's door, transported via aircraft.
⭐ Ruby would insist on assisting, and uncovers once the W in RWBY complies, the B and Y tag along and she simply shakes her head, sighing softly at how grateful she is to have such a wonderful team.
⭐ You'll be content knowing how she approaches you, offering her hand as she leads you to the get together. "I just thought I'd get a little something together for you on your birthday. You've always made me feel special, so the least I can do is repay the favor." Undoubtedly, she's swept off her feet and you're free to reward her act of kindness however you please.
⭐ Adept observation was inherited from the activities of the White Fang. Seemingly miniscule details won't be undetected as Blake evaluates each one of the things you say, retaining the memory as to hold onto what really counts.
⭐ She keeps her arrangements to herself; secretive through instinct, the Belladonna takes pride in her solitude. She desires to handle the responsibility of giving you a merry day on her own.
⭐ Companionship, no less romantic affairs, come few and far between for the midnight majesty, at least in a positive spectrum. But she cherishes you so very much. Why not make you feel amazing as you have done for her?
⭐ Of course, Sun intervenes - creamy yellow fur tickling her sides as to ensure she submits to his proposal, and Blake grants a chance to help out.
⭐ Speckles of stardust would paint the atmosphere as you are invited to the rooftops of Beacon Academy, evening air kissing your skin delicately. Blake stretches her hands outward, offering you something she spent time to design for you and you alone. Uncertainy gnaws at her internally, unsure how you would perceive the gift. Yet you disprove those concerns as you emphasize how appreciative you are.
⭐ "You've always made me feel so much stronger than before, helping me overcome my fears of the past-" "And not to mention helping her realize she can receive help from others!" the Wukong would chime in. "-Yes, and that. I just want you to know how important you are to me. Happy birthday, {Name}."
⭐ "Keep your eyes covered," she would command, escorting you to the dancefloor as music infiltrates your eardrums and your palms are upon your eyes. "Aaaand open!" Clusters of your closest friends have gathered, proclaiming their birthday wishes for you and warming your heart.
⭐ The Xiao Long-Rose lineage doesn't take birthday celebrations lightly - they are an occasion to commemorate and treasure. The firecracker doesn't refrain from showing you how to be the life of the party on your special day.
⭐ Sway those hips, pucker up those lips, and party to your heart's content. Accounting for each year you have survived on this green Earth, Yang will pepper your body accordingly, setting her lips in a new section every time.
⭐ At a certain extent, you would be propelled into the air as your bombastic girlfriend declares how much she adores you and how the birthday kid belongs to her, much to your chagrin.
⭐ "You didn't have do to this, Yang," you mutter, aghast at the sights of flashing streams of multicolor lights, even a performance by Flynt and Neon raising the roof. She dismisses your thought, holding you in her arms. "I gotta treat my babe just right, don't I?"
⭐ As the evening draws to a conclusion, those hearty fists dissolve into a mass that melts into your hands, warmth overtaking it. "Thank you for being by my side when it seemed no one else was."
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yachtingboat · 8 years
The Superyachts.com 2017 Top 100 Launch Forecast
The Superyachts.com 2017 Top 100 Launch Forecast
The Top 100 Largest Yachts welcome revolutionary projects to its ranks every year, with more superyachts entering the water than ever before and raising the bar in terms of both creativity and size. This year is no exception, and to celebrate that fact we've gathered details surrounding the brand-new projects we're forecasting for launch in 2017.
Rank 31: Jubilee The 110-metre (360.8ft) superyacht project Jubilee first emerged from the Oceanco shipyard in 2015 and will be officially launched later this year. The Oceanco yard is buzzing with activity with Y715 and Y712 preparing for sea trials in the North Sea and construction underway on more top secret superyachts.
The Sam Sorgiovanni interior and Lobanov Design exterior are a new match for the Dutch yacht-builders and will no doubt create a superyacht worthy of the top spot in our 2017 Top 100 Forecast.
Rank 46: Abeking 6501 There are no details surrounding the Abeking 6501 superyacht project, except for that this 98-metre (321.5ft) superyacht will be emerging this year from the German shipyard Abeking & Rasmussen.
No details are known surrounding designer or design elements, but given the following generated by new Abeking superyachts such as Cloudbreak we’re looking forward to seeing what comes out of the yard in 2017.
Rank 61: Sasha Lürssen Yachts had a record year in 2016, introducing new yachts such as Jupiter, Tis and a mystery future Top 100 superyacht as well as delivering Dilbar, the world’s biggest yacht in terms of volume. This year, Project Sasha is the German builder’s primary Top 100 entrant with, of course, very few details surrounding the project available.
Lürssen Yachts will also be bringing the 74-metre Project Thor to the water in 2017 but, given the yard’s prolific nature of delivering the world’s largest yachts, Thor misses the Top 100 by a mere few metres.
Rank 70: Intensity Intensity is a project which came to light in 2015 when the collaboration between Winch Design and Abeking & Rasmussen was introduced as a new project set for launch in 2017. Now completely under wraps, both her builders and designers were unable to comment on the project making this 88.8-metre (291ft) project one of the most closely guarded secrets of 2017.
Rank 96: Illusion Scheduled for launch in 2016 from Pride Mega Yachts’ facilities in China, the 88.8-metre (291ft) Illusion is another project surrounded by mystery. Sold in 2014, this project combines the design expertise of Rainsford Mann, Sander Sinot and Azure Naval Architects and is predicted to be arriving later this year.
Rank 96: White Rabbit Golf Australia is a new and exciting player in the 2017 Top 100, and an entirely new entrant is believed to be arriving in the shape of White Rabbit Golf  from Echo Yachts in Henderson. The world’s largest aluminium trimaran superyacht, White Rabbit Golf is another Sam Sorgiovanni design with a whole new level of distinction given its hull form and background. While no further details are known, this 84m (275ft) trimaran is believed to be arriving into the water this year.
Rank 98: Silver Loft The second entrant in the Australian Top 100 roster, the 83-metre (272ft) Silver Loft follows the award-winning and revolutionary launches Silver, Silver Zwei and Silver Fast from SilverYachts.
Designed by Espen Oeino, this is a significant departure from the Silver style and presents a more rugged approach to aluminium yacht and leans more toward exploration. With few details yet available, we look forward to bringing you more surrounding this exciting new project.
The Superyachts.com Top 100 Forecast of 2017 is based on launches, not deliveries. Because of this, the number of new launches arriving this year pale in comparison to the deluge of 2016; however, this means that yards are still full, still building and still bringing us the best achievements ever introduced to the water.
Superyacht Jubliee: Photo © Dutch Yachting
Superyacht Jubliee: Photo © Dutch Yachting
Superyacht Jubliee: Photo © Dutch Yachting
The Superyachts.com 2017 Top 100 Launch Forecast
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Operation: Krautland Zwei: Departure
11 March 2017. 35,0000 above USA. 0800 PST.
Here we are again. The last place you want to be at the start of vacation, yet the place you are happy to return to upon its conclusion, Home. Where all journeys begin, and where most of them end, even if they say you can never truly return. Los Angeles is my home, and there is no other place I can imagine calling that… except perhaps the city in which I am traveling to today: Berlin.
I have lived across the United States and traveled to half a dozen countries and no where else calls to me in the way these two cities do. Ironically, neither were places I yearned for until I was there.
I grew up in California, in the rough and tumble suburbs of Bakersfield. A piece of the “real America”–The Heartland–in the middle of the Bluest state. There I was raised to loathe The City of Angels and see it for a metropolis for cinema satanists, who brought nothing but smog to our San Joaquin Valley and whose traffic angered both my parents to the point I think I only ever visited twice before I reached majority (my family, ironically perhaps, preferred the Neon Demons of Sin City). It would not be until 2010, when I was on an island in Greece, celebrating my college graduation by learning Ancient Greek, where I met a screenwriter that Los Angeles was even considered a viable city of residence. I moved to LA (for the first time) five months after that trip, and only left to pursue my current career as a comic book editor.
It was also on that trip where I, by virtue of a flight delay, first came to Germany and with no more than 10 hours spent there, I was completely taken by the country. Prior, I had no interest in visiting the Fatherland. True, I loved the language since I was a child. The terse authority in which it is spoken that even the sweetest phrase sounds like a command. A language that sounds certain of itself, no wonder it mystified a young girl who, like most young people, did not yet know who she was or would become. Nevertheless, while I adored its language and had attraction to its history and culture, the land did not call to me until I arrived. Even then, I ached for Bavaria, with its fairytale castles and blue-white diamond patterned flags and liquid bread, not Berlin.
Do not get me wrong, Munich and Nuremberg are charming and classical. Rich in money and in an almost timeless aesthetic. Nuremberg remains a medieval city (though largely reconstructed), and Munich is very much the cultural ideal of what non-Germans think of as definitive Germany: housing the headquarters of BMW, a medieval glockenspiel right out of a Disney fantasy (indeed, Sleeping Beauty’s castle is modeled after a Bavarian castle, Neuschwanstein), and Hofbrauhaus, and the the point of origin for Hitler’s rise to power, arguably the most significant event in not only German history, but the world.
I very much enjoyed my visit to Bavaria. As I said it was, and is, everything I imagined Germany to be.
Then I came to Berlin and suddenly everything I knew and cared to know bout Germany changed. I learned quickly that the regions of Germany are just as varied as the United States, if not more so. Pride comes from one’s home state more than ones country (which, after losing a couple of world wars, seems pretty reasonable and perhaps obvious once you take the time to think about it). Berlin is very much a city unto its own, filled with juxtapositions unlike any I have seen. A city with historicity and yet very modern. A city still divided into east and west, despite the Wall being long gone. A city with some of the most severe architecture (the style actually called “Brutalism”), yet also resplendent with art–high, low and everything in between–especially sculpture. I saw the most beautiful statue of national personification and pride outside of Lady Liberty herself,  golden Winged Victory atop a pillar with reliefs depicting Prussia’s triumph over France in an 1800s war, aptly called the Siegeßaule (“Victory Column”), and two of my favorite pieces of art that represent the city of Berlin: the Berlin Bär (there are many these around the city, each painted and designed by s different artist though my favorite was the one painted with the Underground map of the city) and a life sized Ampelmann (the character on the walk/don’t walk street signs in East Berlin, an artifact from the ColdWar).
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It was the coldest days of the year for me (not too difficult since I spent over 300 in Los Angeles), and yet the city itself filled me with such joy and warmth that I did not need to wear my jacket, only a fleece.
The natives thought me insane. And not just because I am an American.
And so, I am on my way back, 15 months after my first visit and I am filled with such excitement I can hardly contain myself–even with fewer than 5 hours of sleep under my belt. It will be a short trip–only three days–but I plan to fill it living as a Berliner and not as a tourist (a trip to the Reichstag, aside) or as ein  Berliner, as the case may be (though I may eat one!).
So stand back, my friends, as three days of currywurt, sauerkraut, beer, and cheesecake await.
Xoxo, Molly
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
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In honor of pride month, I'm doing a lil celebration where I'll be promoting queer Star Wars fics and writers/art and artists, opening up my inbox to your thoughts/thots and fic/art recs on all things queer in the Star Wars universe, and even doing a couple of ficlets and drabbles focusing on queer pairings! At the end of the month, I'll post a wrap-up of all the pride celebration goodness.
Posts will be tagged as #zwei's pride celebration if you want to follow along! Please spread the word and enjoy pride 💖
My links: Masterlist — Taglist — Askbox
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Pride is a time of joy as well as a time of reflection and honoring those who came before us, those who have sacrificed and those who fight to make queer existence possible, safe, and free. That being said, I will NOT be tolerating any hate, harassment, bigotry, or negativity so don't even bother, you will be blocked and reported on sight.
Some rules for asks and recs:
I am not kidding about hate or harassment, I won't post it so don't do it. My bi ass here to have a good time and celebrate
This is an 18+ blog for 18+ people. Minors do not interact, please enjoy your pride, but not on this blog
There's kink at this pride baybee
NO incest, underage, cl*necest, master/padawan (or similar power dynamics), dub-con/non-con/rape. If I don't feel comfortable sharing something for another reason, I won't share it, no hate no shade
Self-recs are welcomed and encouraged! This is a celebration, so don't be shy promote yourself and your work!! We wanna see it
Anons are on but don't be creepy (because guess what? Deleted and reported 🤗)
I don't care if we've never interacted or talked before, let's be friends! Don't be shy in my inbox 💖
As a general reminder, you create the fandom experience you have. Be nice, curate your content with filters, and don't be afraid to block people.
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
Hi Zwei! For the fanfiction writing asks, can I submit 50, 59, and 68? 💚
fanfiction writing asks
Sam 💜💜 thank you so much for the ask!!!!
50. How would you describe your writing style?
One of my irl writing friends described my writing style as very smooth and flowing and I think that's an accurate description. I like my commas lol and I like each sentence to flow naturally to the next kinda like a current pulling you gently down a river. In that aspect, I believe my style to be greatly influenced by my past in historical academic writing where your papers/articles have to be driving towards an overarching thesis throughout.
59. Have you participated in any fic events/writing challenges?  If yes, what were they and did you enjoy them?
Since I'm a newbie I have not but I look forward to doing some in the future! I am doing my own pride celebration event where I'll be posting some drabbles/ficlets of queer pairings though ☺️
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
All art is just a conglomeration of your experiences so I think every fic I've read makes it into my writing, whether it be a particular wording or descriptor or just general inspiration. I will say that @rexxdjarin , @thefact0rygirl , @saradika , and @charnelhouse 's fics were the primary ones I was reading when I started my fic writing journey last spring so they probably influenced me the most if I had to pick!
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