#lgbtqia germany
sensus-bielefeld · 1 month
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(English version below)
Sensus: Cum as you are - feel fabulous
Lust auf den Pride-Month? Wir auch! Die Sensus rollt zum vierten Mal an den Start, dieses Mal mit dem Motto "Let's glide into Pride Month". Am 31.05.2024 starten wir gemeinsam in den buntesten Monat des Jahres.
Unser Credo bleibt: "Cum as you are - feel fabulous", also zieht eure heißesten Outfits an und ab ins Forum mit euch!
Die Sensus feiert eine positive Einstellung zur Sinnlichkeit, Vielfalt und Offenheit. Egal ob ihr schon Erfahrung mit sinnlichen Partys habt oder neugierig seid, bei uns finden alle einen Platz - egal welches Geschlecht, welche sexuelle Ausrichtung oder Identität. Verbringt mit uns gemeinsam eine unvergessliche Nacht - ob ihr nur zum Tanzen kommt, oder alle Möglichkeiten unserer Räume auskosten wollt. Vieles ist möglich, solange Konsens besteht!
Natürlich werden wir wieder zwei Darkrooms anbieten- einen für alle und einen für FLINTA-Personen. 
Wir haben uns euer positives Feedback zu Herzen genommen, und somit schlagen wir wieder Töne zwischen House und Techno an. Mit ASA 808 und TEREZA von TOYS Berlin haben wir darüber hinaus zwei absolut passende Künstler*innen aus der Hauptstadt eingeladen. TOYS Berlin ist ein Klima-neutrales, queeres Fundraising-Party-Kollektiv und Plattenlabel organisiert von ASA 808 &  Freund*innen. Local Support gibt es dieses Mal von unserem Resident GREYSCALE, bekannt für ihren vielschichtigen und mitreißenden Sound, stimmt sie euch ab 22 Uhr für die Nacht ein.
Um 20 Uhr startet vorher wie immer eine kostenlose Ausstellung, die lokalen Künstler*innen eine Plattform bietet. Passend zum Pride Month dreht sich diesmal alles um die Vielfalt des Queerseins. Deko & Mapping by Himbaer.
Wie bei all unseren Events setzen wir auf Aufklärung und Awareness. Alle wichtigen Infos findet ihr auf unserer Forum-Website.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
No photos. No filming. Everything with consent. Discrimination in any form will not be tolerated. If you feel unsafe, please contact our awareness-team or forum staff.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ English version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sensus: Cum as you are - Feel Fabulous
In the mood for Pride Month? We are too! Sensus is rolling out for the fourth time, this time with the motto "Let's glide into Pride Month". On 31.05.2024 we start together into the most colorful month of the year.
Our credo remains: "Cum as you are - feel fabulous", so put on your hottest outfits and join us in the forum!
Sensus celebrates a positive attitude towards sensuality, diversity and openness. Whether you already have experience with sensual parties or are curious, there is a place for everyone here - regardless of gender, sexual orientation or identity. Spend an unforgettable night with us - whether you just come to dance or want to enjoy all the possibilities of our rooms. Many things are possible as long as there is consent!
We have taken your positive feedback to heart, and so we are once again striking a chord between house and techno. With ASA 808 and TEREZA from TOYS Berlin, we have invited two absolutely fitting artists from the capital. TOYS Berlin is a climate-neutral, queer fundraising party collective and record label organized by ASA 808 & friends. Local support this time comes from our resident GREYSCALE, known for her multi-layered and rousing sound, she will get you in the mood for the night from 10 pm.
As always, a free exhibition offering local artists a platform starts at 8 pm beforehand. In keeping with Pride Month, this time everything revolves around the diversity of being queer. Decoration & mapping by Himbaer.
As with all our events, we focus on education and awareness. You can find all the important information on our forum website.
We look forward to seeing you there!
No photos. No filming. Everything with consent. Discrimination in any form will not be tolerated. If you feel unsafe, please contact our awareness-team or forum staff.
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sandrababy-1 · 2 months
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Hey there, Reblog
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armagedandrogynous · 1 year
aww my babies!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈💕💕💕
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stop-ugly · 6 months
Due to the recognition of LGBT+ as an "extremist organization", "Sphere Foundation" launched the petition calling on foreign countries that have signed international human rights conventions to ensure that visas and travel documents are obtained for LGBT+ people and specialized human rights defenders from Russia.
Human rights activists emphasize that recognition of LGBT+ as an "extremist organization" will lead exclusively to mass repressions against LGBT+ people, especially those who publicly advocated for the LGBT+ community.
The petition is addressed to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of EU member states; UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk; EU commissioners.
There's also the petition "Erleichterte Aufnahme von Trans*Personen aus dem Ausland vom". There are only 15 days left and trans people need 46000 signs! I know it's sounds impossible but we can't give up on lives of Russian trans people. You can sign this petition from any country so please do it and boost it! You can ask me if you need help with filling out forms. We only have time until 18.12.2023!
Click here if you think queer people should be able to escape from homophobic country where they can end up in jail for years for being queer
And click here if you support Germany simplifying reception of trans*people from abroad where they can't have surgery, take hormones, change their documents, get married etc
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liianliann · 1 day
I am scared.
Oh what a time to be alive, I think, as I look at the results of the EU election in my home coutry, Germany.
The second-strongest group in my home country (AfD) is far-right, supports Putin (even had Russian spies in their midst), wants to literally DESTROY the EU, wants to revoke women's and LGBTQ+ people's rights, -
and that's just the beginning. And I can tell you where it'll end. And we had that same situation about a hundred years ago. Back then, Germany lost its constitution and started a genocide. And yes I'm talking about the Nazis.
I am scared. Not just of this political climate. I am scared because a lot of the people I know and am lucky to call my friends and acquaintances don't have a German passport, and because this party will want to get rid of them, or do anything they can, at least.
I am scared, because I am a trans man undergoing hormone therapy. It is, regrettably, a very vulnerable situation to be in in this political climate, because all they need to do is ban one type of medicine and claim it to be harmful-
or perhaps they will just revoke my rights to exist peacefully completely.
I am scared, because all this literal danger to the German constitution needed to do was speak a few pretty words for the camera, post it on Tiktok, and the people believed them blindly. So many haven't read the election program, so many don't know what these people want to do-
but they hate the other parties. So why not elect the one party that actively threatens the freedom and equal rights of our country?
I am scared. Maybe I won't be first in line to be shot, but I am standing in the queue.
And what scares me even more is that I can't understand HOW this situation could even happen. Were our voices not loud enough? Didn't we cry out and warned them often enough? Why did so many people choose to ignore the riots, the pleas, the thousands and thousands of voices?
Just "to make a statement"? Is voting against peace and against freedom and against equality a protest now? Is humanity so easily influenceable that they tune out all the voices on the streets? Or was I just optimistic, am I really just living in a country where we want war and supression and censors and dictators-
because that's what this is going to boil down to. And I am scared.
Scared of this country. Scared of the people in it. Scared of the future. Scared of what this predicts for the next election in 2025. Scared of the visibly easy manipulation of the masses.
Scared, because I KNOW that history repeats again and again and again and again and we claim to learn from it;
and yet, we don't.
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yelenaa-romanova · 10 months
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Hamburg Pride 2023 🏳️‍🌈
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panimoonchild · 24 days
Ukraine is diverse and embraces it
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Gorgeous Frank, thank you for support!
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Please you can help Ukrainian LGBT+ military by buying those t-shirts here:
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
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I love the new German flag
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trans-nita · 29 days
Good morning trans world 🏳️‍🌈
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gamptheblue · 22 days
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On the 18th of May 2024 in hannover germany police attacked a group of queer people with pepperspray who rallied in support of a squat established by a queerfeminist group next to the route of the citys pride parade. Do not let the cops tell you they are our allies they will turn on us the first chance they get.
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yentaly · 2 months
For the first time in my life, reading through (german) twitter fills me with joy by seeing all the nazis, conservatives and TERFS crying about the new self ID law in germany.
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troythecatfish · 3 months
On 6 May, fanatical Nazi students raided the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, roughly translated as the Institute of Sexology. Tens of thousands of books, papers and research were taken from shelves and burned.
The institute, headed by Magnus Hirschfeld, was an academic foundation devoted to sexological research and studies on the experiences of transgender people. It also offered some of the first modern gender-affirmation surgeries in the world.
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sandrababy-1 · 2 months
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would you warm me up? 😳
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jonmyblaze · 10 months
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A union most beautiful, a French gorilla and a German robot
It seems love can develop between the trenches,
It's mallah and the Brain
It's mallah and the Brain
One is a Frenchie the others Deut-sche, they don't rule the Earth, they want to go away
their mallah
their mallah and the Brain, Brain Brain Brain Brain
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asadeum · 4 days
You can’t change a man. A loyal and honest man change himself if he truly love you and loyal with you ❣️ ❤️
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queerism1969 · 7 months
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