nartouthere · 25 days
42 PRO Tricks I Wish I Knew Sooner in CS2
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fltime1 · 4 months
How to Find the Perfect Mouse Sensitivity in CS2
Adjusting the sensitivity of the mouse sensor in Counter-Strike 2 is arguably the most customizable aspect of the game. You can copy someone's aiming settings or employ other options, but mouse sensitivity should be adjusted to suit you personally.
  Adjusting the sensitivity level in CS2 can radically affect the performance of the game. It has the potential to radically change your player ranking! While other settings in CS2 are important, mouse sensitivity is the centerpiece of the player settings library.
  How to Change Mouse Sensitivity in CS2
  Fine-tuning CS2 sensitivity is simple: go to Options by selecting the gear icon in the upper left corner, then navigate to the Mouse and Keyboard Control section. Usually, this is the first screen that opens. Then, simply enter the desired value in the “Mouse Sensitivity Settings” field or use the slider to adjust it.
  A faster way to change the mouse sensitivity in the game is through console commands. Remember that you need to activate the console before using it. To do this, go to Settings, then to the Games section and set the Enable Developer Console option to Yes! “.
  Then, using the “~” key, you can summon the console. Note that the console can be assigned any key that is convenient for you. This is done in the “Keyboard and Mouse” menu under the “UI Keys” section, where you can change the console activation key in the “Toggle Console” option.
To adjust mouse sensitivity using console commands, follow these steps:
Activate the console.,
2,Type in the command sensitivity X(enter the command sensitivity period as a decimal point).
                    How to Change Mouse DPI
  Adjusting the DPI of your mouse is a simple process, but can significantly improve your comfort level when interacting with your computer, including during gaming and activities that require precision. Most gaming mice on the market offer the option to adjust the DPI, giving you room for precise sensitivity adjustments.
First, if you have a gaming mouse, you will need the manufacturer's software, which can usually be downloaded from the official website. These applications allow for deep customization of your device. The application makes it easy to find and adjust DPI settings, choose from a list of presets or set your own values for a more personalized approach.
  For a more intuitive approach, many mouse designs include buttons that allow dynamic DPI adjustment. This feature is useful in gaming environments where you need to quickly switch between various sensitivity settings. A quick press of the DPI button will instantly change responsiveness. To understand the mechanism behind these buttons, it is recommended to consult the user manual.
  If the program installation does not work for you, or your gaming mouse does not have a DPI button, you can always adjust the cursor speed through your computer's system settings. While this method does not allow for direct DPI adjustment, it does modify the sensitivity by adjusting the overall speed at which the cursor moves across the screen.
  In conclusion, please understand that there is no single “perfect” DPI value - everything is highly individualized, depending on your preferences and goals. Don't hesitate to experiment with different settings to find the one that best suits your needs.
  Mouse Sensitivity Settings for Professional CS2 Gamers
 Check out the sensitivity settings of some of the top AWP players in CS2:
   ZywOo: Sensitivity: 2, DPI: 400 and eDPI: 800
   Brockie: Sensitivity: 1.9, DPI: 400, eDPI: 760
   Very Good: sensitivity: 2.67, DPI: 400 and eDPI: 1068
   m0NESY: Sensitivity: 2, DPI: 400 and eDPI: 800
   Mouse sensitivity settings for riflemen in CS2:
   NiKo: sensitivity: 1.35, DPI: 400, eDPI: 540
   ropz: Sensitivity: 1.77, DPI: 400, eDPI: 708
   Donk: sensitivity: 1.25, DPI: 800, eDPI: 1000
Freeze: Sensitivity: 1.6, DPI: 400 and eDPI: 640
  The general trend is that players using AWP typically have higher overall DPI values, which may be useful for players using AWP in CS2.
  Keep in mind that choosing sensitivity in CS2 is entirely up to personal preference. Examples of professional settings can be used as a guide, but the best experience is when you find the settings that work best for you. If you are used to 3.5 sensitivity, switching completely to 1.2 may feel uncomfortable. It is recommended to make gradual adjustments, about 0.5 at a time, to find the perfect sensitivity balance for you.
  How to find the best sensitivity for you in CS2
  Patience and experimentation are key when finding the best mouse sensitivity settings. A tried and true method is to use the game pad as a benchmark. Try making a 180-degree rotation, moving the mouse from one side of the pad to the other. If this can be done easily and accurately, you've probably found the optimal sensitivity level. If the distance required for the turn is short, the sensitivity may be set too high. Conversely, if there is not enough room to make a 180-degree turn, this may indicate a need to increase the sensitivity.
  For more precise adjustments, use the AIM Botz map in CS2 during practice. This allows you to perfect your shots by practicing on a stationary bot. When you find that you have complete control over aiming and shooting and feel confident with every shot, you may have found the ideal sensitivity parameters.
  However, the true test of your sensitivity settings occurs in 5-on-5 matches. Playing against real opponents in an active environment will give you a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of your settings. These matches serve as real-world trials and provide the opportunity to refine your settings for optimal gaming comfort.
Once you have determined the sensitivity settings that work best for you, it is best to keep changes to a minimum. Regular modifications can disrupt your flow and adversely affect your game play, as your brain and muscle memory need time to adjust to the new settings. By ensuring optimal settings, you can focus your energy on building other skills, making each game a step towards proficiency.
  Setting mouse sensitivity in games like CS2 is a very personal choice that must fit your gaming style and personal preferences. Don't stop looking for the best parameters, try different options until you find the one that suits you best. The ideal sensitivity you find will not only improve your gaming accuracy and comfort, but it will also help improve your overall gaming proficiency.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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shovson · 8 months
seeing all the tags on the post.... zywoos mom was right to ask him to finish school first before starting his esports career
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prohaloplayer · 1 year
dupreeh holding his baby and zonic with his kids after the match i fuckin CRODE
IT WAS SO EMOTIONAL!!! ever humble zywoo i'm glad he got his one in before the transition to cs2. i had such a good time watching... first major i've watched in like 6 years too
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ry-reviews · 2 years
Team Vitality : La fierté de la France aux pas chancelants
            Quand on a une culture à représenter, il faut prouver. Quand on est la première structure française, il faut prouver. Quand on a un ensemble de fan, dévoué et amoureux du maillot, derrière nous, il faut prouver. Quitte à décevoir, quitte à faire des choix, quitte à dépenser des millions, il faut prouver. Prouver qu’on est les meilleurs, que personne ne fédère autant que nous, qu’on est la fierté de la France, ce grand pays, cette nation au cœur arrogant et à la population compétitive. Prouver que, au même titre qu’au football, qu’au volley, qu’au handball, on est capable de rivaliser, non, de dominer les autres pays. C’est dans cette optique qu’une structure, reconnaissable par ses couleurs jaunes et noires, Team Vitality s’est lancé dans l’eSport avec un seul but : prouver au monde que la France aussi est la meilleure dans l’eSport.
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En 2013, à l’époque où l’eSport était encore une scène de niche, Team Vitality s’est créée. C’est suite à l’impulsion de quatre jeunes hommes, dont encore les très connus Fabien « Neo » Devide et Corentin « Gotaga » Houssein, que la structure à l’abeille est née. Elle s’est fondée sur Call of Duty, et uniquement sur ce jeu, avec les membres-fondateurs. Gotaga était joueur pour la structure, Neo était son coach. Mais très vite, la structure française s’est diversifié sur d’autres jeux, tels que Fifa, Rainbow 6 Siege ou encore League of Legends. C’est en effet après le rachat du slot de Gambit que Vitality officie son arrivée dans la scène européenne de League of Legends, participant aux LCS EU la même année que G2 Esports, en 2016.
La cadence s’accélère lorsqu’en 2017, l’équipe aux abeilles s’étend sur les jeux H1Z1, Player Unknown’s Battleground (PUBG) et enfin Counter-Strike : Global Offensive. Mais cela ne s’arrête pas là, puisqu’un an plus tard, ils investissent dans une équipe sur Rocket League et signent des contrats avec des joueurs Fortnite. En bref, la structure est tentaculaire, en plus d’être touche-à-tout, et cela, sans parler des nombreux ambassadeurs qui diffusent et créent du contenu avec le logo et les vêtements de Vitality.
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En termes de succès, Vitality a été couronné championne de l’ESL Pro League en 2016 sur Rainbow 6. La structure s’est créée un nom sur CS-GO avec leur joueur star et français Mathieu « ZywOo » Herbaut, et elle a dans son étagère un titre de champion du monde sur Rocket League datant de 2019. C’est une écurie française forte de son succès et qui compte parmi ses rangs de nombreux ultras, prêt à défendre bec et ongle leur structure (même quand il s’agit de défier le mur bleu de la Karmine Corp.). Mais qu’en est-il sur League of Legends ?
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On ne peut pas dire que le succès était au rendez-vous dès leur entrée en LCS EU. C’était encore une jeune structure qui devait se battre contre le géant Fnatic, quand la structure était la seule impératrice de l’Europe, puis du nouvel arrivant G2, l’antihéros qui déplait à l’ancienne génération. Il n’y avait pas de place pour Vitality, qui s’est tout de même hissé à la troisième place vacante du podium lors de leur premier segment. Néanmoins, c’était un fait qui ne s’était pas reproduit par la suite, l’équipe entamant alors une longue traversée du désert. Puis, 2018 était arrivée.
L’équipe se retrouve à nouveau parmi les grandes structures, retrouvant une place confortable pour les playoffs des segments de printemps et d’été. L’équipe aux abeilles pouvaient remercier Daniele « Jizuke » Di Mauro, l’étalon italien qui a surpris sur la voie du milieu, ainsi que Lucas « Cabochard » Simon-Meslet, vétéran de l’équipe qui a su se remettre aux niveaux des meilleurs toplaners de la ligue. C’est à partir de ce moment-là que la course pour les Mondiaux s’était entamée. En effet, avec les points accumulés au printemps, la structure française était en nette avance pour représenter l’Europe aux Worlds. Et avec la descente aux Enfers de G2 ESports et leur victoire lors de la petite finale face à Misfits, une équipe redoutable qui est parvenue à faire une première moitié de segment sans défaite, l’équipe a été qualifié aux Mondiaux.
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Mais parfois, le sort peut s’acharner. Lors du tirage des groupes, l’équipe française s’est trouvé dans une fâcheuse posture, tombant dans le « groupe de la mort » avec le grand favori du tournoi Royal Never Give Up ainsi que l’ancien champion du monde Generation Gaming. Pourtant, ils ont réussi à défier la fortune en remportant deux victoires contre les coréens de Generation Gaming et en faisant subir la première défaite aux hommes d’Uzi, RNG. Si l’histoire ne retiendra pas leur nom, puisqu’ils ont été éliminé lors du « Main-Event », ils ont néanmoins réussi à faire déchanter les ogres coréens et chinois et prouvé au monde entier qu’ils n’étaient pas infaillibles, d’autant plus qu’ils ont triomphé avec leur propre style.
Après 2018, Vitality ne parviendra jamais à trouver sa gloire d’antan. Quand bien même ils dépensent beaucoup d’argents pour leur équipe sur League of Legends, ils ont un gros problème sur le poste de jungler, puisqu’ils ne parviennent pas à trouver un joueur stable sur cette position. C’était un si gros problème que Vitality s’est retrouvé lors de l’été 2022 avec plus de quatre junglers en attente, sans pour autant trouver du succès. L’ensemble des joueurs de 2022 a été un échec. Ce projet de super-équipe n’a pas porté ses promesses, puisque l’équipe n’a pu aller plus haut que la sixième place. Alors, est-ce qu’en 2023, peut-on espérer mieux ?
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Pour 2023, la Team Vitality a décidé de faire table rase du passé et de reforger une toute nouvelle équipe. Sur le botside, on a droit alors à Neon qui assurera le rôle d’AD carry. Il est connu pour être un des éléments du succès miraculeux de Misfits lors de 2022, quand bien même il ne joue qu’une poignée de champion. Pour l’accompagner sur la voie du bas, Kaiser sera là pour le supporter. Son entrée en LEC a fait grand bruit grâce à son style de jeu et ses champions uniques. Reste à savoir sur la sauce va prendre et s’il y aura une bonne synergie entre les deux joueurs. Du côté opposé de la carte, la toplane sera officiée par Photon. En effet, le joueur star Alphari a décidé de prendre une pause pour se ressourcer, restant cependant sous contrat avec la structure française. Son remplaçant coréen provient de l’académie T1, connu pour avoir fait émerger des joueurs tels que Zeus, Gumayusi ou encore Oner, dont le talent n’est point à douter. Alors, Photon sera sûrement du même acabit dans une compétition moins compétitive que celle du pays au matin calme. Enfin, pour compléter l’équipe, le jungler sera Bo. En plus d’être une première pour l’Europe, la LEC n’ayant jamais accueilli de joueur de LPL, le joueur est prometteur en plus d’être bourré de talent (On va y revenir.)
Parmi les points forts à citer, on peut parler du topside. Photon est un aussi bon joueur de carry que de tanks, ce qui est un élément à ne pas négliger, d’autant plus que le vivier de talents européen à ce rôle est faible. Ensuite, la versatilité qu’apporte Kaiser à son rôle assure la phase de lane en plus d’épauler la voie du milieu. Enfin, tous les postes ont un énorme potentiel de carry individuel, ce qui a de quoi faire pâlir les autres écuries.
Mais il y a des défauts qui contrebalancent tout cela. D’abord, Perkz a de quoi nous interroger. S’il a été à son meilleur niveau chez G2 ESports, le succès n’est pas le même depuis son départ de la structure espagnole, d’autant plus que le niveau sur la voie du milieu n’a fait qu’augmenter depuis son départ. Alors, aussi surprenant que cela puisse paraitre, il est normal de le considérer comme le point faible de son équipe. Maintenant, on peut à tout moment assister à un éveil de son potentiel d’antan, ce qui serait destructeur pour les autres équipes. Ensuite, cela va faire un an et demi que Bo n’a pas participé à un match officiel. Être bon en classé est une chose, mais parvenir à jouer avec une équipe en est une autre. Surtout que l’un ne garantit pas l’autre (on se souviendra du colosse en soloq qu’était Magifelix, mais dont les pieds deviennent argiles quand il participe au circuit compétitif de Riot Games). Enfin, la plus grosse interrogation se trouve dans la barrière de la langue. Avec un Coréen et un Chinois dans leur équipe, la communication pourrait s’avérer compliquée, ce qui est un problème dans un jeu d’équipe tel que League of Legends. Est-ce que le monstre qu’est Bo sera fragilisé par cette barrière ?
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VIT Bo – le destructeur venu d’Orient
Bo est un joueur dur à analyser. En effet, à cause de la situation particulière dans laquelle il s’est trouvé en Chine, on se retrouve avec des informations vieilles en plus de décrire une carrière brève. Lorsqu’il était jungler pour FPX, structure chinoise championne du monde, le joueur n’avait aucune défaite au compteur. Il avait une carrière prometteuse, mais son parcours véloce a vite été stoppé à cause d’une sombre affaire de match-fixing en LDL, deuxième division chinoise, et en LPL. Il aurait subi des pressions de son manager pour arranger les matchs qu’ils jouaient afin d’avantager des parieurs. Suite à ces pressions, le joueur a choisi de dénoncer la situation. Malheureusement pour lui, son élan de justicier est un préjudice, puisqu’il écopera d’une punition de 4 mois durant laquelle il a été interdit de jouer des matchs officiels. Suite à cette annonce, et malgré la levée de sa peine, il a été boycotté par les structures chinoises qui ne voulaient pas s’associer à lui et, surtout, à cette histoire. Vitality tirera profit de cette histoire pour lui faire signer un contrat chez eux, le chinois faisant alors le voyage jusqu’en Europe pour jouer dans l’une des ligues majeures.
Maintenant, avec le peu d’informations dont on dispose, il est obligatoire de se pencher sur ses statistiques en classé. Et on s’aperçoit qu’il est capable de tout jouer en plus d’avoir un potentiel de carry remarquable, à tel point qu’il trouve actuellement à la place n°6 du ladder. En plus, d’après ceux qui l’auraient rencontré dans leur partie, il est considéré comme un alien, sortant des mécaniques hors du commun.
Avec les statistiques récoltées sur ses matchs joués en LPL, Bo c’est :
Une participation au « premier sang » de 40%
Un ratio victoire/défaite de 100%
523 de damages par minutes
Un KDA de 5,3
Une participation aux éliminations de 68,5%
Maintenant, il a beau être un monstre, être le plus redoutable des junglers, son talent est caduque s’il ne parvient pas à communiquer dans un bon Anglais avec son équipe. D’autant plus qu’on peut se questionner sur sa synergie avec son nouveau toplaner.
Si on devait faire une analogie du mercato de Vitality, disons simplement qu’ils ont joué un tapis avec leur jeu de cartes. Et ce jeu de cartes peut être le meilleur coup de poker de tous les temps comme peut être une action ridiculement mauvaise. Quand bien même il y a peu de doutes, on peut se demander comment va se porter la synergie sur la voie du bas entre Kaiser et Neon. Enfin, est-ce que Perkz pourra assurer son rôle de carry d’antan ou sera-t-il cantonné à se faire porter par ses équipiers ? Tout ce qu’on peut savoir, c’est que cet ensemble a de quoi être la meilleure équipe que l’Europe n’a jamais portée, dérobant alors le titre à la line-up de G2 ESports en 2019. Cependant, avec tous les doutes que soulèvent cette équipe et avec le passé de la structure française, le futur pour les abeilles reste incertain.
Place attendue : dans le top 6
Article très long, mais quand on aborde une équipe aussi prestigieuse que Vitality, il faut savoir prendre son temps ! Sur ce, on se retrouve dans deux jours pour un nouvel article et passez une bonne journée/soirée !
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pc7ooo · 5 days
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Thorin: «Donk настолько талантлив, что от него требуют столько же, сколько от ZywOo»
АналитикДанкан Thorin Шилдс поделился мнением об участнике составаTeam Spiritпо CS2Данилеdonk Крышковеце. СообщениеШилдса опубликовано на его ст...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/21/143-thorin-donk-nastolko-talantliv-chto-ot-nego-trebuyut-stolko-zhe-skolko-ot-zywoo-grss-343091505.html
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kartikaykumawat96 · 27 days
Top Pro Teams to Watch in Counter-Strike 2
 Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) is taking the competitive gaming scene by storm, and with it comes a new era of professional play. As the dust settles and the meta evolves, certain teams are emerging as powerhouses in the CS2 landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned fan or new to the scene, here are the top pro teams you should keep an eye on in CS2.
1. Natus Vincere (Na'Vi)
Natus Vincere, or Na'Vi, has been a dominant force in the Counter-Strike world for years, and they’re continuing that legacy in CS2. Known for their strategic depth and exceptional individual talent, Na'Vi consistently delivers top-tier performances. Led by s1mple, arguably one of the greatest players of all time, Na'Vi’s transition to CS2 has been seamless, making them a must-watch team in any major tournament.
2. Astralis
Astralis has a reputation for being one of the most successful teams in Counter-Strike history, with multiple Major titles under their belt. Their disciplined, team-oriented playstyle has been perfectly adapted to CS2’s new dynamics. With their methodical approach and deep understanding of the game, Astralis is expected to continue their dominance, making them a team that every CS2 fan should follow closely.
3. Team Vitality
Team Vitality has quickly risen to prominence with their explosive gameplay and aggressive tactics. With star players like ZywOo leading the charge, Vitality has the firepower to take on any team in CS2. Their ability to adapt and innovate makes them a formidable opponent, and their matches are always packed with excitement and high-octane action.
4. G2 Esports
G2 Esports is known for their flashy plays and charismatic roster, making them one of the most entertaining teams to watch in CS2. Their blend of individual skill and team coordination allows them to pull off incredible comebacks and clutch moments. With a roster full of star talent, G2 is poised to make a significant impact in the CS2 competitive scene.
5. FaZe Clan
FaZe Clan is a team that thrives on raw skill and aggression. Known for their star-studded lineup, FaZe is always a threat in any tournament they enter. Their high-risk, high-reward playstyle keeps fans on the edge of their seats, and their ability to turn the tide of a match with a single play makes them one of the most exciting teams to watch in CS2.
Why Watch These Teams?
These top teams not only showcase the highest level of gameplay but also influence the evolving meta of CS2. By watching their matches, you can gain insights into the latest strategies, learn new tactics, and see how the pros adapt to the game’s ongoing changes. Whether you’re looking to improve your own skills or simply enjoy top-tier esports action, following these teams is a must.
Getting Started in CS2 Competitive Play
If you’re inspired by these pro teams and want to jump into competitive play yourself, now is the perfect time. Buying CS2 Premier accounts can give you a head start by providing access to higher-level matches, where you can test your skills against tough opponents. These accounts often come with pre-unlocked content, making it easier for you to focus on gameplay rather than grinding for gear.
Additionally, if you’re aiming to climb the ranks and show off your progress, Counter-Strike 2 prime accounts are a great option. These accounts offer added benefits like improved matchmaking and exclusive in-game rewards, enhancing your overall CS2 experience.
Counter-Strike 2 is ushering in a new era of competitive gaming, and these top pro teams are leading the charge. By following their journey, you’ll not only enjoy some of the best esports action but also learn valuable strategies to improve your own game. And if you’re ready to take your skills to the next level, consider investing in CS2 Premier accounts or Counter-Strike 2 Prime accounts to get the most out of your gaming experience. The world of CS2 is waiting—are you ready to make your mark?
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skypancake · 3 months
honestly i might need a new hobby. compared to skating, cs is just so unrewarding and not fun. idk maybe it’s because i’m in elo hell(?) after my rank decaying from 15k to 10k, or maybe my past games have just been unfortunate. the most recent one i was having issues with rubberbanding, which was solved by neither restarting my game nor pc, and only fixed itself in the second half. but by then i was already pissed off and was in no mood to continue playing so my performance suffered. the 5 before that though i did perform well, my k/d was around 1.37 on average and 1.0 at the lowest, but even then my teammates couldn’t do shit and just died immediately doing anything. 2 opening kills into a site? you know, the most impactful ones, likely to dictate the entire round? doesn’t matter when the other 4 people you’re queued with have got thumbs up their asses and can't trade you when you eventually die as the entry, because no one else would pick up that role. we still lost that round, as well as many others. i think my main issue with elo hell (for now) is that to get out of it you have to be like wayy better than your level to escape it. not just a little better, but like several ranks higher. i once asked a guy how to rank up and he legit said to 4k every round. makes me wonder more if i should create a smurf just so my main stops dropping in rank and playing against and with worse and worse players, i dunno. maybe i’ll get to decorate a new profile too. idk if i should buy prime now and grind each week to eventually make my money back through drops or only buy it reactively for when playing with friends lower ranked than me, which is very few and far between. or this could all get thrown out the window if i found something more fulfilling than this shitass game. though it’s not really the game tbh, it’s the people more than anything. either they’re bad or they’re toxic, and it seems like there’s no in-between. there’s some diamonds in the rough with some chill people that are good here and there, but they tend to move onto other games and were only coming back to cs after playing previously other games. meanwhile i’m here just chillin. like i was lv6 on faceit but after soloqing it went back down to 5 because the majority of the time there'd be one guy on the team who was flaming everyone and just being toxic/annoying in general, so even if i muted them the others possibly didn't, which dragged the team morale down, in addition to having a player that wasn't comming nor cared enough about the match to take it seriously and you know, not shit on his own team. this game is a really good test of my patience both with myself as well as other people. i know others’ actions aren’t within my control, but it’s still just so infuriating when people act like such manchildren, or incompetently leave a site completely open for t’s to plant without saying anything as to them changing positions, so someone would need to fill their spot to compensate. again, maybe if i had a smurf. but i’m not zywoo or anything able to hard carry myself to the top. i’m an above average player at best, i can’t be dropping 2.0 kd’s with a 70% winrate to get outta this hell, i’m just not good enough to do that. not yet, at least, after x amount of time i’m sure i’d be able to do it, but whatever. rant over
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busygamers-blog · 4 months
Breaking Down Vitality CT Aggression ft. Sphinx and ZywOo
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cs-config · 5 months
ZywOo показал лучший результат среди участников групп А и В турнира ESL Pro League Season 19
Ссылка на источник: Читать дальше »
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nartouthere · 4 months
45 Tricks to Play Like a Pro in CS2
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[ad_1] Nome do jogador Código de mira s1mple CSGO-UwUWf-AScRw-fmW79-woFNe-wLsuL ZywOo CSGO-Qzpx5-BRLw8-xFPCS-hTns4-GHDhP NiKo CSGO-UwUWf-AScRw-fmW79-woFNe-wLsuL DINHEIRO CSGO-hzrMn-jXu8b-R7VH4-hQ9aa-OnMHA dispositivo1ce CSGO-jvnbx-S3xFK-iEJXD-Y27Nd-AO6FP Twistzz CSGO-9axTZ-n8pEc-uCqW3-SWTK7-3WOAK ropz CSGO-HhqGJ-sDkmR-W9oNx-DvQOF-xpuCQ sh1ro CSGO-oit62-q2AsV-L2SHE-3hoEJ-cMwLA Ax1Le CSGO-nZtuj-eHzcb-8fyLe-Cxbwc-NHpEM UNIFICADOR CSGO-7ANjy-XxRae-25YoE-7Bfnp-QQSFE culpaF CSGO-LdXHk-hatWX-JjEa8-tuLDN-5tbJD Escolher CSGO-BFTzN-avOyU-djZEM-FmwKd-v5TCP funcionários CSGO-mw7Mq-5QZfQ-Bj8m7-LHMTr-cVGOP KSCERATO CSGO-VraXK-7zmqf-LQjcY-7VSZz-PDNfN SunPayus CSGO-fBSrW-FdDK7-5PyDT-44XfM-2zpxA Nertz CSGO-BKWBy-hHOaB-Hp9CR-hFWX4-T3SKF maluco CSGO-2uABj-Rr3dC-yhVt3-bXe8v-tDu8O carrigan CSGO-CP44i-z2D7K-dpJhE-TvPaj-MaMbM chuva CSGO-mbppN-WGdqq-XeBH8-bmdyV-fxwPB b1t CSGO-9OysP-sFw9b-dHiXx-VXUA2-hif4D eletrônico CSGO-RF8AU-LQcx8-erXvR-V45TS-Rx6KQ Aleksib CSGO-Jp4hk-AfzML-FcpUT-2pfxZ-kSLoD Mágico CSGO-Ch7e4-W6rmt-rj9Tw-2HmUn-RfK5O Spinx CSGO-HsTKJ-UzdPk-qvWjm-Y2FDE-eJH8D vértice CSGO-idk3k-MD5qw-6b9rH-tr7u7-KPh8E ChamaZ CSGO-VxTDO-uUGK3-wsSfC-kO6Yz-iyXsO ALMOÇOS CSGO-UOrzd-vO3VJ-d9GDb-f96Sj-K564E cadiaN CSGO-OsK33-i3cCK-C3HFj-8NFp3-HpCxH falsificação CSGO-4PQMC-kA9Ho-muNQv-9u2BJ-tLXoN arte CSGO-KYFYs-tNLXD-WXmzG-raZEx-8Er7C Derribado CSGO-TpORA-p9Ley-TLQ3P-HzXJY-U9z6A NAF CSGO-EETNw-LVXuB-spcMc-LmGSt-R5c7L Madeira CSGO-ty4wQ-Va3B2-rMK8r-ROvoR-yopJN James CSGO-kQLy3-knZHs-y5tkt-wF7Ca-c8ksF degustação CSGO-UwUWf-AScRw-fmW79-woFNe-wLsuL k0nfig CSGO-jPHWX-2Rv8b-oAAaP-eRHBs-pevvE headtr1ck CSGO-CmPqs-mhQJt-YmNOa-XhqMq-HvDmQ guiaN CSGO-xjXqo-C9vj8-kzmGn-UKdLu-HRsuL maravilhoso CSGO-jhrTh-eXR6k-6LeUL-C5ukE-FkdVG HObbit CSGO-tNKL3-nvYRR-MyrEa-Ds9kN-bkWjM Caçador CSGO-fefXh-O6xYZ-FdCHQ-OP9Kq-qKwLA JKS CSGO-Un7wk-YEcd5-YUnK4-eoFqZ-LbRVP Suihy CSGO-POePx-nrfn5-rRXKx-tZASS-fcEBM Sudário CSGO-DbrRD-BX8kL-fmQhq-cRuEt-KfTOG fumaça CSGO-i2z3i-7o4Qx-u7R8Z-oMHCb-tOUnB Jorge CSGO-VQqRT-VnNCN-GZOet-CXNyu-kBYXC Jimphat CSGO-wqBtD-dMZR7-53vp6-eU95j-HAZ2Q ovasJ CSGO-ocXGn-bHWWj-YASHy-hawvk-9R88F b0RUP CSGO-D763F-7Dwx8-38jWN-vG6dQ-SYVvD Brollan CSGO-Lxrrb-tK89n-WWPxK-K7VuY-m4urD zona1x CSGO-ZFxrm-9kCOV-soHAn-YXDq3-yAPEL afro CSGO-FHRvZ-K8won-C3nSa-aORPF-ambcP HooXi CSGO-Rxkq5-myqax-3ZL5k-xBQOd-m4urD jL CSGO-MCtGt-xVnyj-UcVop-2FJes-RCyXD oVeja CSGO-GaZSZ-RJren-h3W4X-iJMhH-ZVkoE a comida CSGO-N6xFY-FfmYx-e2Hxe-LCDnY-U9z6A HexT CSGO-Mody6-S7mhz-uwfR4-FQ585-tXcNE automático CSGO-9Fw8w-Kcb9A-kSSfC-zyXPW-hEpEM KRIMZ CSGO-K2YXS-7sKY2-j3ENd-cKSkm-ekrqK significa CSGO-vNrUo-WXqBv-YQunk-4WXQz-sbK5O Zumbido CSGO-FR9ru-YrsEZ-cFjwW-Ud4ho-NsW5F Maluk3 CSGO-U9O3d-LcEka-DmzUu-Gtd4S-roybE TeSeS CSGO-E4fBA-LVbNn-csRqe-Uq3A2-SzwPB acoR CSGO-OCYWo-fVLim-wYDHU-cr4Bx-8Er7C imbecil CSGO-LHL9j-qOARn-MJpJU-82DY5-iKH8D coldzera CSGO-3Ppuw-omUQp-VYbMN-CKMnA-frPcF Dexter CSGO-9eiwq-mMjSm-xxq2V-QbWVL-XKk9Q dupreeh CSGO-fBSrW-FdDK7-5PyDT-44XfM-2zpxA es3tag CSGO-xfN3h-wkA7f-O7aYZ-T5hye-YPVeL congeladas CSGO-jmBsb-LKp6T-aqzyY-f6Uaj-aGUSH Sinistro CSGO-UctxS-6UnxO-t4mpX-3kHaP-EUx9H isak CSGO-ss9Yd-KZU3V-Ef5cp-fpRiX-tzAkE CDC CSGO-9SjKr-iELty-os5zZ-No4TU-cjRqJ k1to CSGO-CVSiS-H5249-BMc7Y-79HEq-J6sKG Perfeito CSGO-7ONPA-H47zM-w3cuA-sm76J-SBCtG sdy CSGO-OFYz6-i7Dk2-BGLDd-f4nNe-5eRqJ torção CSGO-GfmnY-hWjk8-MbJ2T-caSFb-OSc3K escolheu CSGO-V2d2V-CFPGF-ZJkvZ-bDL65-HsnkP [ad_2]
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bong88uk · 9 months
Phan tich cac doi tuyen va cau thu xuat sac nhat theo vi tri
AWPer (Súng Tiêu Diệt Từ Xa): Đội Tuyển: Astralis (Nicolai "dev1ce" Reedtz), Natus Vincere (Oleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev). Phân Tích: Dev1ce và s1mple là những AWPer hàng đầu thế giới với khả năng xử lý súng AWP và tạo ra những đường lên sân khá khó chịu cho đối phương. Entry Fragger (Người Mở Đường): Đội Tuyển: Vitality (Mathieu "ZywOo" Herbaut), Astralis (Peter "dupreeh" Rasmussen). Phân Tích: ZywOo và dupreeh thường được giao nhiệm vụ mở đường và tạo cơ hội cho đội tuyển của mình. Hai người chơi này có khả năng đánh lọt vào vị trí đối phương một cách linh hoạt. In-Game Leader (Đội Trưởng và Nắm Bắt Chiến Thuật): Đội Tuyển: Astralis (Lukas "gla1ve" Rossander), Natus Vincere (Egor "flamie" Vasilyev). Phân Tích: Gla1ve và flamie là những lãnh đạo xuất sắc, chịu trách nhiệm về chiến thuật và quyết định trong trận đấu. Sự lãnh đạo của họ giúp đội tuyển duy trì sự đồng thuận và hiệu suất cao. Lurker (Người Rình): Đội Tuyển: Fnatic (Ludvig "Brollan" Brolin), G2 Esports (Nemanja "nexa" Isaković). Phân Tích: Brollan và nexa thường đảm nhận vai trò lurker, giúp đội tuyển thu thập thông tin và tạo ra những bất ngờ từ phía sau đối thủ. Support (Người Hỗ Trợ): Đội Tuyển: Liquid (Keith "NAF" Markovic), Virtus.pro (Mareks "YEKINDAR" Gaļinskis). Phân Tích: NAF và YEKINDAR thường đảm nhận vai trò support, hỗ trợ đồng đội bằng cách cung cấp lốp cháy, smoke và các tác vụ hỗ trợ khác. In-Game Leader (Đội Trưởng và Nắm Bắt Chiến Thuật): Đội Tuyển: BIG (Johannes "tabseN" Wodarz), Heroic (Casper "cadiaN" Møller). Phân Tích: TabseN và cadiaN là những in-game leader có ảnh hưởng lớn trong việc xây dựng chiến thuật và tạo nên sự đồng thuận trong đội tuyển. Mỗi đội tuyển và cầu thủ đều có những đặc điểm và kỹ năng riêng, đóng góp vào thành công của đội trong các giải đấu. Sự kết hợp hài hòa giữa các vị trí và kỹ năng cá nhân là chìa khóa để xây dựng đội tuyển mạnh mẽ và cạnh tranh trong thế giới CS:GO.
Giới thiệu về BONG88: 🌐 Website: bong88.uk 📍 Địa chỉ: 19 Ng. 335/28 D. An D. Vương, Phú Thượng, Tây Hồ, Hà Nội, Việt Nam. ☎️ SĐT: 0684.597.258 📧 Email: [email protected]
CS:GO là thể loại game nhập vai bắn súng hấp dẫn nhất trên toàn cầu và có nhiều đội chơi tham gia. Vậy bạn đã tìm hiểu về cách cược trong game này chưa, hãy tham khảo hướng dẫn ở đây nhé: https://bong88.uk/huong-dan-choi-ca-cuoc-csgo/
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onlygamemedia · 9 months
CS2 Best Player Crosshair Codes 2024
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CS2 Crosshair Codes 2024 Do you want to improve your aiming skills in CS2? Discover the potential of enhancing the accuracy and overall performance of your current CS2 crosshair codes! Join me on a comprehensive journey through the preferred CS2 crosshairs used by top professional players and renowned streamers. Uncover valuable insights and get expert tips to customize your ideal CS2 crosshair that perfectly matches your unique playstyle. Quick Summary: - Understand CS2 Crosshair Types and explore the six styles of the three main types (Static, Dynamic, Hybrid). - Discover preferred settings used by professional players and streamers; adapt them to suit your unique playstyle to enhance your gaming performance. - Best Crosshair Settings for CS2 CS2 Crosshair Codes Understanding Their Function Crosshairs play a crucial role in CS2, being vital for accurate aiming and significantly influencing the game. With numerous customization options available, finding the perfect crosshair that suits your playstyle becomes essential. Whether you prefer the default crosshair, a dynamically adjusted crosshair based on movement, or a fixed static crosshair, rest assured that there's a suitable crosshair that will elevate your game to new dimensions. Even the best professional players and popular streamers have their unique crosshair settings that align with their gaming styles. So, let's explore the fascinating world of CS2 crosshairs and uncover the secrets behind finding the perfect one for you. Types of CS2 Crosshairs features three fundamental crosshair types: - Dynamic Crosshairs: These adapt to players' movements and shooting actions, providing responsive feedback as they expand or contract based on the situation. - Static Crosshairs: They remain consistent and unchanged during gameplay. - Hybrid Crosshairs: These combine elements of both static and dynamic crosshairs. There are six styles of crosshairs in the game (Style 0 to Style 5), with Style 4 being the most popular among professional players due to its perfect balance between visibility and accuracy. Choosing a crosshair style ultimately depends on your personal preferences and gaming style. Customization Options Customization is the key to finding the perfect crosshair for CS2. You have the freedom to modify various aspects of your crosshair, including: - Bright green, pink, and yellow are popular color choices among professional players, enhancing visibility against various backgrounds. However, a compact light blue crosshair has gained popularity for its unique color and minimalist design. - Achieving the right balance between visibility and precision is crucial for optimal performance. Size and gap adjustments play a significant role in maintaining this balance. - By accurately tracking and making decisive shots, you can dominate the battlefield, gaining full autonomy over your aiming experience through console commands or in-game settings. Best CS2 Pro Player Crosshair Code - s1mple – Natus Vincere
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Ukraine's highly respected CS rifleman, s1mple, stands out as one of the world's best, proudly representing Na'Vi, a prestigious esports organization. His light blue crosshair is meticulously designed with a small size, showing only a centered dot without any visible outer lines. This minimalist yet effective crosshair configuration provides optimum balance between visibility and precision, suitable for players of all skill levels. s1mple's CS2 Crosshair Settings & Code: CSGO-5JoAp-27by7-EhuBB-nUcq3-3uWPA s1mple's profile cl_crosshairalpha 255 cl_crosshairdot 0 cl_crosshairgap -3 cl_crosshairsize 1 cl_crosshairstyle 4 cl_crosshairthickness 1 cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1 cl_crosshaircolor_b 250 cl_crosshaircolor_g 250 cl_crosshaircolor_r 250 - Crosshair Style: 5 - Center Gap: Enabled - Length: 1 - Thickness: 1 - Gap: -3 - Main Lines: Disabled - Red: 255 - Green: 255 - Blue: 255 - Alpha: Enabled, 255 - ZywOo
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Team Vitality ZywOo, a talented member of Team Vitality in professional CS2, is widely recognized for his exceptional rifle skills. His strategic choice involves using a large light green crosshair with no central point but a small gap in the middle. This specific setup optimizes visibility during intense gameplay sessions, enhancing accuracy. This crosshair configuration is suitable for players who appreciate a minimalist approach while maintaining sharp visibility and precision. ZywOo's CS2 Crosshair Settings & Code: CSGO-ywh69-Ys549-BMc7Y-79HEq-J6sKG ZywOo's profile cl_crosshairalpha 255 cl_crosshairdot 0 cl_crosshairgap -3 cl_crosshairsize 2 cl_crosshairstyle 4 cl_crosshairthickness 0 cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1 cl_crosshaircolor_b 144 cl_crosshaircolor_g 238 cl_crosshaircolor_r 0 - Crosshair Style: 4 - Center Gap: Enabled - Length: 1.5 - Thickness: 0 - Gap: -3 - Main Lines: Disabled - Red: 0 - Green: 238 - Blue: 144 - Alpha: Enabled, 200 - NiKo
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G2 Esports Niko, a professional CS2 player, is known for his exceptional AWP skills in Counter-Strike history. He uses a custom crosshair configuration known as the "Niko crosshair code": CSGO-LdXHk-hatWX-JjEa8-tuLDN-5tbJD. This unique setup is proven to be excellent for both beginners and professionals. Niko's CS2 Crosshair Settings & Code: CSGO-LdXHk-hatWX-JjEa8-tuLDN-5tbJD Niko's profile cl_crosshairalpha 255 cl_crosshairdot 0 cl_crosshairgap -3 cl_crosshairsize 2 cl_crosshairstyle 4 cl_crosshairthickness 0 cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1 cl_crosshaircolor_b 255 cl_crosshaircolor_g 255 cl_crosshaircolor_r 255 - Crosshair Style: 4 - Center Gap: Enabled - Length: 1.5 - Thickness: 0 - Gap: -3 - Main Lines: Disabled - Red: 255 - Green: 255 - Blue: 55 - Alpha: Enabled, 255 - dev1ce
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Astralis Device, recognized for extraordinary AWP skills in CS history, is an integral member of Astralis. His choice of a smaller yellow crosshair provides sharp precision and accuracy for players using rifles at all distances. Different color and outer line choices significantly improve visibility in various background settings, making this crosshair setup ideal for experienced individuals in CS2. CS2 Crosshair Codes Best Players Device's CS2 Crosshair Settings & Code: CSGO-ue57B-RNCCw-8URMu-dHkb6-5pZQM dev1ce's profile cl_crosshairalpha 255 cl_crosshairdot 1 cl_crosshairgap -3 cl_crosshairsize 1 cl_crosshairstyle 4 cl_crosshairthickness 0 cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1 cl_crosshaircolor_b 170 cl_crosshaircolor_g 255 cl_crosshaircolor_r 0 - Crosshair Style: 4 - Center Gap: Enabled - Length: 1 - Thickness: 0 - Gap: -2 - Main Lines: Disabled - Red: 255 - Green: 255 - Blue: 55 - Alpha: Enabled, 255 - Elige
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Team Liquid Elige, representing Team Liquid in CS2, is known for his versatile rifle skills. His crosshair setup involves a light blue, small-sized crosshair with a centered gap. This unique configuration enhances precision during both short and long-range engagements, making it a popular choice among elite players. Elige's CS2 Crosshair Settings & Code: CSGO-MuPws-uFdsx-Zcwb5-tXYNt-dwGqD - Crosshair Style: 5 - Center Gap: Enabled - Length: 1 - Thickness: 0.5 - Gap: -3 - Main Lines: Disabled - Red: 155 - Green: 194 - Blue: 250 - Alpha: Enabled, 255 - Brehze
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Evil Geniuses Brehze, an integral part of Evil Geniuses in professional CS2, is known for his aggressive rifle plays. His crosshair setup features a compact, light blue design with a small gap, providing a balance between visibility and precision. This configuration is suitable for players who value accuracy during intense gameplay. Brehze's CS2 Crosshair Settings & Code: CSGO-w4k4E-6Jjue-2HKiE-KSDyd-C8MZJ - Crosshair Style: 5 - Center Gap: Enabled - Length: 1 - Thickness: 0.5 - Gap: -3 - Main Lines: Disabled - Red: 155 - Green: 194 - Blue: 250 - Alpha: Enabled, 255 - Magisk
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NIP Magisk, representing Ninjas in Pyjamas (NIP) in professional CS2, is known for his exceptional rifling skills. His crosshair choice involves a small-sized, light blue crosshair with a centered gap. This configuration is designed for optimal precision and visibility, catering to players who prioritize accuracy during gameplay. Magisk's CS2 Crosshair Settings & Code: CSGO-yjbbY-4paww-VWvL5-8KK5Z-NNtHa - Crosshair Style: 5 - Center Gap: Enabled - Length: 1 - Thickness: 0.5 - Gap: -2 - Main Lines: Disabled - Red: 0 - Green: 188 - Blue: 255 - Alpha: Enabled, 255 How Can I Change My CS2 Crosshair Codes Settings? Customizing Your CS2 Crosshair Now that you've gained insights into the crosshair settings of top CS2 professional players, it's time to customize your own. Follow these steps to achieve the perfect crosshair that matches your playstyle: - Launch CS2: Open the game and head to the main menu. - Access Game Settings: Navigate to the game settings menu. - Go to Crosshair Settings: Look for the crosshair settings option. You can find it under the "Gameplay" or "Video" settings, depending on the game version. - Adjust Crosshair Parameters: Experiment with different crosshair styles, colors, and sizes. Tweak the gap, thickness, and length to find your ideal configuration. - Save Your Settings: Once you've found the perfect crosshair, save your settings to ensure they remain consistent across gaming sessions. - Console Commands (Optional): For more advanced customization, you can use console commands. Open the console and enter commands to fine-tune your crosshair further. - Test in Training Grounds: Before jumping into competitive matches, test your new crosshair in the training grounds. Ensure it provides the visibility and precision you desire. Remember, finding the perfect crosshair is a personal journey. Experiment with different configurations, and don't be afraid to make adjustments based on your evolving playstyle. Conclusion Aiming precision is a critical element of success in CS2, and your choice of crosshair can significantly impact your performance. By understanding the various crosshair types, customization options, and studying the preferences of top professional players, you can tailor your crosshair to perfection. Whether you prefer the simplicity of s1mple's centered dot, the visibility of ZywOo's light green crosshair, or the precision of NiKo's yellow setup, the key is to find a configuration that complements your strengths and playstyle. Take the time to experiment, adapt, and fine-tune your crosshair until it becomes an extension of your gaming instincts. Your journey to mastering the art of aiming in CS2 begins with the perfect crosshair, so gear up, customize, and dominate the battlefield! Click the link for the another CS2 news! Read the full article
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theclubhero-blog · 10 months
Os vencedores do The Game Awards 2023
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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A cerimônia do The Game Awards 2023, a maior premiação de games da indústria, aconteceu na noite desta quinta-feira (7) — e revelou os vencedores das 31 categorias que visam celebrar os jogos mais marcantes do ano. Confira a lista completa de vencedores logo abaixo:
Jogo do Ano
Alan Wake 2
Baldur’s Gate 3
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Resident Evil 4
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Melhor Direção
Alan Wake 2
Baldur’s Gate 3
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Melhor Narrativa
Alan Wake 2
Baldur’s Gate 3
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
Final Fantasy XVI
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Melhor Direção de Arte
Alan Wake 2
Hi-Fi Rush
Lies of P
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Melhor Trilha Sonora
Alan Wake 2
Baldur’s Gate 3
Final Fantasy XVI
Hi-Fi Rush
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Melhor Design de Som
Alan Wake 2
Dead Space
Hi-Fi Rush
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Resident Evil 4
Melhor Atuação
Ben Starr, Final Fantasy XVI
Cameron Monaghan, STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor
Idris Elba, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
Melanie Liburd, Alan Wake 2
Neil Newbon, Baldur’s Gate 3
Yuri Lowenthal, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Games for Impact
A Space for the Unbound
Chants of Sennaar
Goodbye Volcano High
Terra Nil
Melhor Jogo “Contínuo”
Apex Legends
Cyberpunk 2077
Final Fantasy XIV
Genshin Impact
Melhor Jogo Independente
Dave the Diver
Sea of Stars
Melhor Estreia de Jogo Independente
Pizza Tower
Melhor Suporte à Comunidade
Baldur’s Gate 3
Cyberpunk 2077
Destiny 2
Final Fantasy XIV
No Man’s Sky
Melhor Jogo Mobile
Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis
Honkai: Star Rail
Hello Kitty Island Adventure
Monster Hunter Now
Terra Nil
Melhor Jogo VR/AR
Gran Turismo 7
Horizon Call of the Mountain
Resident Evil Village VR Mode
Melhor Jogo de Ação
Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
Dead Island 2
Ghostrunner 2
Hi-Fi Rush
Remnant 2
Melhor Jogo de Ação/Aventura
Alan Wake 2
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Resident Evil 4
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Melhor RPG
Baldur’s Gate 3
Final Fantasy XVI
Lies of P
Sea of Stars
Melhor Jogo de Luta
God of Rock
Mortal Kombat 1
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2
Pocket Bravery
Street Fighter 6
Melhor Jogo para a Família
Disney Illusion Island
Party Animals
Pikmin 4
Sonic Superstars
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Melhor Jogo de Simulação/Estratégia
Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp
Cities: Skylines II
Company of Heroes 3
Fire Emblem Engage
Pikmin 4
Melhor Jogo de Esportes/Corrida
EA Sports FC 24
F1 23
Forza Motorsport
Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged
The Crew Motorfest
Melhor Jogo Multiplayer
Baldur’s Gate 3
Diablo IV
Party Animals
Street Fighter 6
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Jogo Mais Aguardado
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Hades II
Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Star Wars Outlaws
Tekken 8
Melhor Criador de Conteúdo
Melhor Adaptação
Castlevania: Nocturne
Gran Turismo
The Last of Us
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Twisted Metal
Inovação em Acessibilidade
Diablo IV
Forza Motorsport
Hi-Fi Rush
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Mortal Kombat 1
Street Fighter 6
Melhor Jogo de Esports
Counter-Strike 2
Dota 2
League of Legends
PUBG Mobile
Melhor Atleta de Esports
Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok (League of Legends)
Mathieu “ZywOo” Herbaut (CS:GO)
Max “Demon1” Mazanov (Valorant)
Paco “HyDra” Rusiewiez (Call of Duty)
Park “Ruler” Jae-hyuk (League of Legends)
Phillip ”ImperialHal” Dosen (Apex Legends)
Melhor Time de Esports
Evil Geniuses (Valorant)
Fnatic (Valorant)
Gaimin Gladiators (Dota 2)
JD Gaming (League of Legends)
Team Vitality (Counter-Strike)
Melhor Treinador de Esports
Christine “potter” Chi (Evil Geniuses – Valorant)
Danny “zonic” Sorensen (Team Falcons – Counter-Strike)
Jordan “Gunba” Graham (Florida Mayhem – Overwatch)
Remy “XTQZZZ” Quoniam (Team Vitality – Counter-Strike)
Yoon “Homme” Sung-young (JD Gaming – League of Legends)
Melhor Evento de Esports
2023 League of Legends World Championship
Blast.tv Paris Major 2023
EVO 2023
The International Dota 2 Championships 2023
VALORANT Champions 2023
Além disso, o vencedor do Players’ Voice, uma categoria votada exclusivamente pelo público, também foi Baldur’s Gate 3.
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pc7ooo · 5 days
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CadiaN об отказе от роли снайпера в Astralis: «Я бы отдал AWP только ZywOo, s1mple, m0NESY или device»
Новый капитан составаAstralisпо CS2 Каспер cadiaN Мёллер порассуждал о смене позиции и воссоединении с бывшими тиммейтами в новой команде. В инт...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/21/249-cadian-ob-otkaze-ot-roli-snaypera-v-astralis-ya-by-otdal-awp-tolko-zywoo-s1mple-m0nesy-ili-device-grss-343063796.html
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