#~ i saw a post in my dash and i imagined this scenario and i just had to post it ~
fandom · 2 years
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At a certain point, it was just hard to keep up. They seemed to fall from the sky like fizzing raindrops, soaking everything in pure wildness—memes, that is. 2022 had an absolute bumper crop of memes. The fertile field of this year’s chaos was sown freely, resulting in some impressively widespread phenomena. Most of it remained pretty contained within the dashboard, but at the end of the year the biggest meme of them all broke containment…We’re getting ahead of ourselves here. 
Cast your mind back to January 2022. We kicked off the year with Horse Plinko, which soon joined forces with Eeby Deeby in a frenzy of flaming gifs in which the poor horse plinko’d its way to Super Hell. Nothing has ever summed up the mildly deranged meme generation process on Tumblr so perfectly. 
This era of memes merged smoothly with the Month of Blorbo. Can you believe blorbo from my shows is more or less purely a 2022 phenomenon? Granted, the original post happened in late 2021, but it was the new year by the time “blorbo” secured itself in our vocabulary. How did we even live our lives on Tumblr without the word “blorbo”? It’s impossible to even imagine at this point. 
Springtime dawned with the rise of Live Slug Reaction, which dominated the dashboard as everyone rushed to plop that shocked slug in the corner of their favorite gay moments from TV and film. And in May came a very important event that would define the rest of the year on Tumblr: the launch of Dracula Daily, Affectionately dubbed “tumblr book club,” the serialized email newsletter found a hugely involved following on Tumblr and spawned an infinite variety of memes, beginning with the iconic paprika recipes. 
The Summer of Morbius dominated Tumblr from June onwards, with everyone going bonkers with Morb-based puns, jokes about the film’s most ridiculous moments, and reblogging a single GIF somehow containing the entire movie that would crash your browser when it played on your dash..
The i love you x i love you y text post meme saw us to the end of the summer, and autumn came with the rise of the GOUGER. Or is it GOUGAR? Regardless, the strange but harmless creature took over everyone’s meme palette for a while, getting involved in increasingly silly scenarios. 
This free-for-all was interrupted by the death of Queen Elizabeth, an event that was solemn everywhere else. . But on Tumblr, of course, users swamped the dashboard with Queen Liz-related memes and commentary. And crabs. There were quite a lot of those.
Later, in September, the Try Guys saga unfolding on Twitter and YouTube filtered over to Tumblr in the form of the “lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship” meme, with Tumblr users casting various favorite co-worker ships in the roles of the controversial real-life pairing. 
And finally, closing out the year, the meme you’ve all been waiting for: the one and only Goncharov (1973). Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, Goncharov is a movie borne out of the magic combination of a misprinted shoe label and Tumblr’s fertile imagination. Thanks to a fake movie poster by user @beelzeebub, which gave names and faces to the characters, Tumblr ran absolutely wild, churning out analysis, fanart, and even fanfiction at an astounding rate. This was by far the meme to win 2022: it gained coverage all over the internet, including the freaking New York Times, and even Scorsese himself acknowledged it. You did that, Tumblr. Goncharov forever, all hail the power of the Tumblr meme!
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obae-me · 5 months
Omg Hi!!! It has been so long since I have seen you on my dash! How are you doing love? I hope you are doing super well ^.^ I recently saw your Mc with trauma post. I loved it so much, and it has also given me a lot to mull over the past few days lol.
Honestly I love the idea of a traumatized Mc and the brothers feeling like absolute shit for the way they treated them in the beginning... but yk another part of me wonders when I imagine my own traumas in that scenario... that for people (the bros- literal demons) who have faced so many things and traumas in their own lives, whether my feelings or pain is even comparable to that. Ik you can't compare things like that and the brothers would probably even be mad if I think of my feelings this way since it's the "Ohhhh someone always has it worse. It's not even that bad so just suck it up" self-deprecating part of me. Despite knowing ALL THAT I can't help but think that I am not traumatized enough to deserve empathy lmao (I realize how stupid it sounds saying it out loud).
So that is what REALLY got me thinking. What about an Mc that is genuinely terrified of scrutiny, being a nuisance and just basically inconveniencing anyone for things that are just basic needs. Idk if I am explaining it well enough oof and a mc like that (like me lmao) certainly won't bode well with Lucifer. Atleast not in the beginning. I could hate him (I could never but if I did) but still be terrified of disappointing him. This is what I mean when I say I love him but he reminds me too much of my father habits wise 🤢.
I am thinking a Mc who is afraid of asking even their basic needs at the beginning once Lucifer mumbled about them being too much trouble. Mc who feels so extremely guilty when the brothers get anything for them, cuz they feel like they have to work for it or they don't deserve it. Mc whose blood freezes over when they break something and try to replace it as quick as possible so no one blames them. Mc who never expresses their concerns so as to not add to the brothers' already full plates or worry them. It hurts to bottle it all up but seeing the brothers' concerned faces with so much PITY is a thousand times worse. Mc who never complains and adjusts to even unfair situations so as to not be a bother. Mc who just takes, takes and takes everything bad and doesn't say a word cuz they feel like they deserve it. Mc who tells little white lies to hide their flaws and be the perfect exchange student and avoid scoldings and criticisms ; only to stew in shame, disgust, self-loathing when someone eventually catches up on one of the lies (the person probably didn't even make a big deal of it/ was only mildly disappointed but Mc feels their heart breaking in two as they think they have broken their trust forever and would never be trusted again)
Gosh this got way longer than I was expecting >.< and a lot of signs like these aren't really obvious until you are close to that person. I think so many of us are so hard and rutheless to ourselves when sometimes the thing we need the most is a little compassion and understanding ;-;
Hi! I love seeing you in my inbox and thank you! I've been in recovery mode for the last few months but am finally coming back out of that cave and working on my hobbies again (seriously going too long without writing almost feels like going without food for me)! I hope you've been doing well too!
And oof, yes, I understand what you're saying completely. I'm like that too in a lot of ways, keeping certain details or complaints to myself because "Oh surely what I've been to is really nothing". And sometimes I let something slip and people get very concerned. Which is validating in a way, not that I need to be validated for it, everyone goes through their own pain and awful things SUCK no matter to what extent it is and I've had to learn that through my life.
(Wow that MC really is just me, huh? Calling me out are you? /j)
Honestly this type of MC is just canon to me. (I mean, the more pithy responses the MC has in original OM might just be due to writing but to me it just seems like the calm and general response of someone throwing out NPC answers as a survival tactic.)
They suck things up and soak up everything that's been said to them and work hard to remain a normal functioning being.
And of course Lucifer is an interesting character to think about with this MC because on one hand the human could absolutely despise him for the way he treats them. Or on the other hand (if you're like me I guess, which I realize is hella unhealthy, oops) the MC could look up to him and work extra hard to try to gain his validation, because getting praise from someone like that means you must not be a failure, right?
And just...the dynamic of that is so appealing to me, because Lucifer loves when people work hard and do what they're told, but then if he finally comes to the realization that they're burning out and actually almost putting themselves in more danger and harm because of HIM? And at the end of the day he's doing more damage than any of his chaotic brothers? (I like to have him spiral and be humbled just a bit)
Just all of the brothers doing some deep introspection once they come to care for MC and needing to sit down and realize that probably made their human feel so much worse and then spending the rest of eternity trying to fix that. And then the "I can fix him" mentality from MC turns into the "I can fix them" from every other character. A special Uno Reverse, if you will.
Oops, this turned into a fairly long ramble of my own...
Thanks for popping into my inbox with your thoughts! Traumatized MC deserves some extreme love
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merakiui · 5 months
MERAAA it’s phantom anon here (・ω・)ノ
lemme just tell you- i’ve been rereading your old works and they never. stop. hitting.
*pulls up a chair and sits down unceremoniously*
he hasn’t left my mind ever since i’ve read it. he’s quite literally- a leech.
i’ve been thinking of how poor ol’ reader is gonna get out of the predicament they’re currently facing.
(which i will send another ask about cause oh my god the rot in my brain- it’s festering i tell ya)
i def think that jade had some kind of sick pleasure knowing that he was boiling fingers and the like while reader was right. there.
seconds away from checking the pot. inches away from the last remains of the restaurants last dine-&-dash victim
he could have you find out anytime he likes, ‘darling mind stirring the pot for me?’ ‘darling could you help drain the broth from the pot?’ ‘honey how would you like to help me prep for the day- there’s a bag in the freezer i need you to get’
i can see him biting his lip in some, perverse pleasure, as he watches reader scurry around the kitchen doing her thang. checking the pot right next to his. his breathe hitched when you’re about to unmask his… secret.
but with a little ‘whoops’ and a giggle of ‘wrong pot,’ jade’s heart beats a little faster, his teeth clamps a little harder, a bead of blood on his lip as he has to excuse himself.
i think he lays awake in bed some nights, holding reader tightly as he lets his mind wander. how would reader react? would you get nauseous? would you faint? would you yell at him: if so in despair or anger? would you try calling the cops? would you try calling floyd?- his arms get a little tighter at the thought of you in his twin’s arms.
would you try to convince him you didn’t see anything? would you flinch if he tried touching you.
all these scenarios racing through his head- would you help him?
ahhh maybe he gets so shy thinking about the two of you cooking… with love. yes you do it already but this is a different kind of intimacy 🙈
but i also don’t think he was ready for the day to actually come- much rather fantasize about your reactions. because they’re just that- fantasizes
after all, every couple has their secrets. and a bit of mystery always spices up things a bit 🙈
so jade seeing reader as stiff as a brick while in front of his pot had a different kind of thumping in his chest.
(imagine reader trying to distract him with the pregnancy test they tried slipping in the pot HHAHAXHAHA- don’t reader put it in a 2 sealed plastic baggys cause they have a 3 star standard to uphold!!)
Phantom anon, hi hiii!! ⸜(。 ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Oh, RABU Jade...... he really does have all sorts of twisted fantasies. >_< you have no other choice but to continue loving him, for he's your darling husband. But the fingers in the pot and Jade's secret are second to the biggest news: your pregnancy!!! <3 aaaa Jade's just so happy. Maybe he promises not to harvest anymore special ingredients so it won't stress you and the baby out. But if you find yourself craving that yummy bone broth with its dubious ingredients, who is he to deny you?
You're definitely going to have to reevaluate your husband after discovering this hidden side. ^^;;; confiding in someone else is dangerous because you have no idea what he might do to them, especially if that person is Detective Ashengrotto. ;;;;; maybe Floyd might have some advice.... :)
AAAAAA OTL I just love RABU Jade!! He's so devious.
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muqingswife · 4 months
I saw you reblogging mtp content a few times on my dash, can you recommend me some good x reader fanfics? I'm new in this fandom I hope you will accept ☺️
OH MY GOD I HOPE I DIDNT MAKE YOU WAIT TOO LONG, i usually dont see my tumblr notifications 😞
well, answering your question, i only read william fanfics, here are some that i really like (obs: its 5am now in brazil, im dying of sleep and the sfw n nsfw r all mixed, in the beginning i tried to be more organised but now its a mess 🥴
of authors, I LOVE @moriartyluver and @pillow-anime-talk, they are definitely my favorite authors, you can read all their fanfics and ALL will be good but these are my favorites
https://www.tumblr.com/moriartyluver/704616356287578112/hi-how-are-you-if-someone-hasnt-already-id?source=share (ive lost count of how many times i re-read this
https://www.tumblr.com/moriartyluver/710434893110394880/may-i-request-william-as-a-father-hcs-preferably?source=share (i love everything that involves characters being parents, especially liam
https://www.tumblr.com/pillow-anime-talk/725758537229320192/hello-can-i-ask-for-prompt-1-family-fic-with?source=share (I WAS THE ONE WHO SENT THIS ASK, this fanfic will always have a special place in my heart
here are other fanfics, by different authors
https://www.tumblr.com/rosesrflo/694267122730336256/honey-just-put-your-sweet-lips-on-my?source=share (i love this one
thats it for now, tomorrow maybe ill add more because now im really falling asleep, i hope you like it!
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badaziraphaletakes · 5 months
This may be a bad place to ask this question, but I have a bad headache and feel like making poor choices.
If some fans who have posited this turn out to be right-I will not feel surprised or that the story choice was unfounded or unearned- but at the moment I'm of the personal opinion that Aziraphale really did like the idea of going back to Heaven to fix it from the inside with Crowley and that his face at the end is a mixture of sadness about breaking up with Crowley and alarm at what Metatron has just revealed about the second coming.
If we take the story at face value-I am struggling to see why this would engender quite so much hatred of Aziraphale. In taking the narrative at face value as I am currently doing- I see a being desperate for approval and acceptance in an abusive system that they've believed in their whole lives and breaking out of that is really really difficult and sometimes there are setbacks. I guess one of the emotions I feel for Aziraphale right now is pity.
Given some recent blog posts of your's on my dash, I think there might be something I'm missing though?
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This may be a bad place to ask this question, but I have a bad headache and feel like making poor choices.
Hi! Thanks for reaching out! It’s not a poor choice! We definitely want to keep these lines of dialogue open :) We try our best to be respectful when engaging in discussions like these! After all, our goal is to promote a more respectful and inclusive fandom.
If some fans who have posited this turn out to be right-I will not feel surprised or that the story choice was unfounded or unearned- but at the moment I'm of the personal opinion that Aziraphale really did like the idea of going back to Heaven to fix it from the inside with Crowley and that his face at the end is a mixture of sadness about breaking up with Crowley and alarm at what Metatron has just revealed about the second coming.
It’s certainly possible. I don’t blame him for wanting to believe what the Metatrash said - after all, ever since Crowley fell, Aziraphale has never for one moment imagined that there’s any possible scenario where he and Crowley could be safe together, so no wonder he leapt at the idea of them both being able to be in heaven together (assuming that’s what happened and he wasn’t, idk, bluffing or something - but I’m not even gonna open that can of worms lol). Also, I don’t personally think it’s wrong of him to want to try to fix heaven from the inside, either. It’s not like he has any other choice, after all.
I am struggling to see why this would engender quite so much hatred of Aziraphale. Us too! :)
In taking the narrative at face value as I am currently doing Fwiw, I don’t think anyone is or isn’t taking the FF “at face value”. It’s very clear there’s a lot of the FF we didn’t see and a lot of things about it that were deliberately meant to be confusing. It makes sense that some people think Aziraphale was happy at the idea of Crowley going back to heaven and some people don’t and some people think Crowley stopped time and some people don’t and some people think the whole thing was planned and some people think Aziraphale had a bullet in his mouth and some don’t, lol! :)
I see a being desperate for approval and acceptance in an ab*sive system that they've believed in their whole lives That’s definitely one possible explanation and if that is what was going on in Azi’s brain, that’s FINE and NOBODY has the right to condemn him for it.
But here’s the thing: We saw that Metatrash could hear what was being said in the bookshop and that Aziraphale knew that.
Given that, it’s a very safe bet that the conversation was very different because Aziraphale knew he was listening.
(We also have the extremely unsubtle “coffee or death” metaphor and we saw that Metatrash tapped the Coffee or Death logo which just happened to be facing toward Aziraphale and that Aziraphale saw him do it. Metatrash was holding a gun to his head.)
Is it possible that Aziraphale wants Metatrash’s/heaven’s approval and acceptance / still believes in him to some extent? Sure. HOWEVER. We should never assume victims believe the things their ab*sers force them to say. As a survivor, I can attest that that assumption is exceptionally painful and burdensome for victims to have to live with and multiplies the psychological harm. (And sadly, the assumption is rampant in our culture. There have been studies that show that people think victims in hostage videos who read statements prepared by their kidnappers with a gun held to their head actually believe the things they’re being forced to say. It’s deeply troubling. Not saying this is what you’re doing just to be clear lol!)
Victims get into this horrible mental pretzel of thinking that they’re as bad as their ab*ser and must secretly like and/or deserve and/or "cause" the ab*se, and so on, yada yada yada. It plays into the ab*ser's goals of causing alienation from friends and loved ones so that the victim has to depend completely on them for physical and emotional reasons, and of eroding the victim's sense of self, by making them think they're a bad person. (E.g. Victim thinks "I must be a bad person, because if I were a good person, I wouldn't have let [ab*ser's name] make me say that my friend is fat" etc etc). It’s really one of the most depressing aspects of ab*se.
Given that, I think practicing giving Aziraphale (or whatever character) the benefit of the doubt and defaulting to the interpretation of his motives that attributes as much influence as possible to the literal gun to his head lol (i.e. he’s going back to heaven because he doesn’t have a choice and needs to do it to protect Crowley, slash also to save the world, because, let’s face it, it’s not like they have any other options; they were only able to interfere with Armageddon in S1 because Crowley’s official position working for hell gave him an in) is good for us to get into the habit of, so we can make sure we extend the same respect and dignity to real-life victims/survivors. (At this blog we are HUGE believers in the idea that the way we behave toward characters informs the way we behave toward real-life people, and also reflects it).
and breaking out of that is really really difficult and sometimes there are setbacks.
Absolutely. The physical setbacks (i.e. “my ab*ser will kill me if I leave” &c &c) are far too often underattributed, however, with far too much of victims’ motivations for staying being put down to “psychological confusion” or “emotional ties” or whatever. I wish we as a society would pay more attention to how to solve the problem of ab*sers committing ab*se in the first place, and then why they are so much more likely to kill their victims if they try to leave, rather than the question of why some victims are still in love with their ab*sers and so on and so forth. Because that is the only way we'll ever find a solution. Whether you’d want to stay with the ab*ser even if you had the choice to leave is completely irrelevant when you can’t leave because they’d kill you if you did.
I guess one of the emotions I feel for Aziraphale right now is pity.
Us too!
Given some recent blog posts of your's on my dash, I think there might be something I'm missing though?
Hope this helped! :) Again, thank you for a very thoughtful ask! It gave me an opportunity to revisit some points that I think bear re-iterating frequently on the blog anyway, so I appreciate that!
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poohsources · 1 year
hi, pooh, is everything alright with you? i hope it's a yes! so, i'm sorry if you already answered something like this, but i just started to follow you right now (because i found your blog really interesting), saw this post of yours and was thinking: do you have tips about "losing our musing while roleplaying"? i see a lot of friends losing their muses, sometimes i do lose mine (which is sad, because we do have affection towards our chars), and i think some tips would help a lot and you seem to have the good ones. i would really appreciate if you could share them with us! the biggest thank you already and have a good, good day!
p.s: if i didn't made myself clear, sorry, english is not my first language ):
hi there! well, i'm sick again but other than that i'm fine, thanks. no worries, if questions are asked multiple times i tend to link them to the original answer. but it's one thing i haven't talked about yet, so you're good.
unfortunately, there is no definitive answer that will definitely help but there are some things i've either done myself or have heard about that are supposed to work, so i've compiled a list of all the tips that would help when you've lost your muse.
look at your muses' source material. this mostly applies to canon muses, but depending on the kind of oc, it might work for them as well. the idea behind it is to potentially watch a few episodes ( maybe ones that heavily feature or develop your character ) of the show your muse is from if you're writing a tv show character; reread the book / certain passages if you have a book muse, or just generally interact in any kind of way with the source material. even if you're canon divergent it might help ignite your muse again when you "see them in action" so to speak.
listening to music. if you're into music, you can probably make a playlist for your character including songs that either remind you of them or are something you think your character would listen to in their own free time. now whenever you're listening to that playlist it can help you inspire your muse.
read fanfics. if you're like me and spend an ungodly amount of time reading fanfics, it's something that can help you get inspiration for your muse. again that mostly only applies to canon muses but seeing the way others write your muse and the different scenarios they can be thrown into, might help with your own muse ( and especially plot ideas / au ideas ) that you can talk about either on the dash, to a friend or someone you'd think could be a great writing partner.
create your own stuff outside of rp for your muse. it kinda ties in into the playlist tip, but there are other ways to "channel" your muse outside of rp. do you enjoy drawing? draw your muse. do you like making mood / aesthetic boards? make one for your muse. there are so many different things you can do for your muse outside of roleplaying / writing that can help you get your muse back. even if it's just by doing other stuff.
talk to your friends. if you have friends or certain writing partners you talk to a lot, it can help to just talk to them about your muse(s). you don't even have to spew plot ideas or discuss things that have to do with roleplay but maybe just some casual talk about specific topics ( or if it's a canon muse, you could talk about their source material and what you like / dislike ).
dream up scenarios. if you're someone with an imaginative mind, one thing that can help is dream up certain scenarios that involve your muse. perhaps certain things that could happen to them and how they'd react, or interactions with other people or just random day-to-day stuff ― just put yourself in their shoes and think about them. ( potentially you'll even have some great plot or verse ideas this way. )
last, but not least, take a step back from roleplaying your muse. i know that this is probably the one people will dislike the most but sometimes the best thing you can do when you've lost your muse is to take a step back from it. if you're forcing yourself to write because you think it's what you're supposed to do, it's pretty much bound to frustrate you and therefore make you lose your muse. we all love our characters and the things we've created for them, but sometimes we have to let go. of course it doesn't have to be a permanent thing, maybe someday you'll get your muse for that character back and make a return to it, but sometimes you'll realize that you can't get your muse back and that is okay.
occasionally, people connect to characters that speak to them during specific times of their life and if these change, it can change the muse for that character because you don't feel as connected to them anymore. you can still cherish that time and love that character but as i said above, if you're forcing yourself to do anything, it's bound to be bad.
anyway, i hope these tips will help! :)
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your-divine-ribs · 7 months
Ice Cold Part 6
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Words: 1.9k
I forgot how much I hated Jason until I started posting this story again 😬
Ice Cold Masterlist Main Masterlist
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"Oh my god Lyla! Are you alright?"
As soon as the door burst open Jen rushed over to me, gripping my shoulders and pushing me back, looking me over, inspecting me for any signs of damage.
All I could do was stand there, frozen into place, my eyes fixed on the window frame where Van had disappeared through only moments before. I supposed it must have looked like I was in shock. My mind in turmoil after going through some kind of horrific ordeal at the hands of my deadly captor. And I was in shock... but for a very different reason.
Jason rushed straight to the window, grasping the sides, ready to push himself through and take chase, and seeing this finally snapped me out of my trance.
"Jason!" I called urgently, and he hesitated, halfway through the window.
The words caught in my throat and I stumbled. "Errr... be... be careful..."
Jason raged something about 'bringing that fucker down' and then he launched himself through into the night, leaving me and Jen alone.
Shame washed over me as I realised that my automatic response to seeing Jason taking off after Van wasn't actually concern over my colleague's welfare. I'd pictured Van sprawled face down on the street, bleeding out with a bullet lodged in his back and the image had terrified me.
"What happened?" Jen asked. "Did he... did he..." She trailed off, her face screwed up like she was imagining something so appalling she couldn't verbalise it.
"I'm okay... he didn't hurt me," I reassured her and her immediate relief was evident, but then I saw her expression turn rapidly to something else. Bewilderment.
"So... what happened then? Why did he bring you here and lock you in?"
I opened my mouth, hesitated, shut it again, my mind buzzing frantically through possible scenarios, none of which seemed feasible.
Jen's mobile phone ringtone suddenly blared, interrupting us, and she answered the call immediately. "Jason!"
My heart was in my mouth as I listened to the one-sided conversation, but it soon became apparent that Jason had obviously lost Van and was now on his way back to the hotel. I found myself saying a silent prayer of thanks and relief inside my head, then instantly berated myself.
Whose side was I on exactly?
"Jen... I think I need to get back too. My head's spinning and I don't feel so good."
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As soon as I got back to the confines of my hotel room I lost it. I curled up into a foetal position on the bed and the tears wracked my whole body. A million emotions tore through me like a hurricane. What the fuck was happening to me?
I replayed my confrontation with Van in my head, trying so desperately to focus on the fear I'd felt and the horror of the crimes he'd committed, but I couldn't get the look in his eyes out of my mind. Pure, unadulterated hunger. Not like he simply wanted me. Like he needed me. And I'd needed him right back.
My dreams that night were dark and full of horror and violence. I was eight years old again and scared. From my hiding place under the hotel room bed I could just make out my father's feet as he dashed about, securing doors and windows, shouting frantically down the phone about threat levels and information leaks and danger. Imminent danger.
My dad had tried to keep me sheltered from his life growing up, only giving me snippets of an insight into his work. I was proud that he was responsible for 'catching the bad men' and righting wrongs. To me he was some kind of superhero. Every time he'd take another trip to some far away city my mother would fret and this would only make me worry, but he'd scoop me up and sit me on his knee. "Don't worry pumpkin, daddy's out there just making the world a safer place for you and your mum."
But I wasn't naive. I quickly found out that the boogey men I heard stories about as a child weren't the monsters that supposedly lurked under my bed, or the shadows cast from the open wardrobe door late at night. They were very real. Bad men with guns and knives that stalked their prey against the nighttime landscape of the city.
My dream played like a movie from that fateful night, with me as the unwilling but captive audience, re-living the horror as I saw the black boots of my father's killer enter the room from my vantage point under the bed. I heard the harsh words and threats, the sounds of flesh striking flesh as blows were exchanged. And then I watched on in disbelief and terror as my dad slumped on to the floor right next to the bed, a huge yawning gash in his throat. His eyes meeting mine, a desperate plea in them for me to keep quiet, whilst I was forced to watch as the pool of blood widened and soaked into the carpet and the light gradually faded from his eyes. All I could do was lie silently and wait, looking into my father's dead staring eyes. Wait for his killer to find me, drag me kicking and screaming from my hiding place to meet the same fate. But it never happened. I'd lain there for hours, frozen with fear, a hand clamped over my own mouth to stifle the sobs that so desperately tried to burst free.
I was still there when the other agents on my dad's team found me the following morning. They fussed and they hugged me. My mother shut herself off from normal life whilst she grieved, leaving me to deal with my loss largely alone. I was sent for countless counselling and therapy sessions. But I didn't cry. Not once. I didn't need therapy. I made myself a promise that day. That I'd dedicate my life to purging the world of all the corruption, exact justice for all the lives taken in exchange for riches and power and greed. Rid the world of all the bad people who'd made killing their career. Evil men.
Men like Van.
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A sharp rapping sound dragged me from the depths of my restless sleep and I welcomed the respite from my harrowing dreams.
I hurriedly entangled myself from the bedsheets, slipping my silk robe on over the underwear that I'd slept in that night and made my way over to the door, blinking the sleep from my eyes.
"Jason!" I was taken aback as my colleague barged past me, forcibly shouldering me out of the way. "What the hell?"
He whirled around as I shut the door behind him and I turned to face him uneasily. His usual smirk was wider than normal, almost sinister.
"Sleep well?" He sneered.
"Y... yeah... well... no, not really if I'm being honest," I stuttered. "I still feel a little shaken up from yesterday."
I watched as his smirk grew. "Oh really? You might fool everyone else Lyla, but you're not fooling me."
Sharp spikes of anxiety shot through me but I tried as best as I could to maintain a neutral expression. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't play the innocent, it doesn't suit you. Now I know full well there's some weird kind of twisted shit going on with you and that sick fuck, and I want to know what it is."
"That's ridiculous! There's nothing going on! I don't know what the hell you're suggesting!" I used the outrage I felt at myself for the truth in his words to fuel my defensive lies.
Jason shook his head slowly, smugness oozing from every pore. "First he lets you go when he could have easily killed you, then he's fucking calling you up in your hotel room!" He let out an incredulous snort. "I read your report. You said you were in the bath at the time didn't you? Well before we flew out I went to scope out the empty apartment he was watching you from. Yeah... that's right... he was watching you. But I'm sure you knew that right? Probably put on a good show for him, didn't you?"
"Get fucked Jason, you don't know shit!" I cried, indignant.
"Well... it's no secret what you're into... there's always been plenty of rumours going round. Except they're not just rumours any more. Had a very interesting chat with Scott Parker who works with the London team..."
I mentally scrolled through my recent partners. Yeah, there were a fair few of them, and okay... I did have particular preferences... but what the fuck did that have to do with anyone else?
Hold on... Scott... fuck... scenes flashed through my mind like some x-rated BDSM film and I felt a deep flush rising in me, colouring my cheeks. He was one of the few guys who was actually on the same page as me sexually. Most guys were either mortified at my requests or completely turned off when I started making my demands.
"I don't know why you're so bloody obsessed with my sex life!" I shouted. "Is it because you're not getting any huh? I'm not surprised. What woman would willingly go near you, you fucking pervert!"
Jason's face twisted with anger into a vile sneer and he took a step closer until he was invading my personal space.
"You know what? You're nothing but a cheap slut! All those guys you plead with to rough you up, begging them to fucking choke you and slap you and shit? That's not normal! What's up? You got daddy issues? Want me to put you over my knee and give you a good hiding, eh? Bet you'd like that wouldn't you? I'll be your fucking daddy Lyla!"
As he spoke he stepped even closer still, spitting the words right into my face, making me flinch.
I reacted without thinking. My hand flew up and curled into a fist before it struck Jason's right cheek, knocking his head sideways. "You bastard!" I cried.
It wasn't the first time I'd got physical with Jason when he'd overstepped the boundaries. It normally put him right in his place. But he'd never gone this far before. And as he lifted his head, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth and fixing me with a look of contempt which made me suck in a breath, I knew something had changed.
He advanced on me even further, forcing me back against the bathroom door. I didn't react straight away, stunned temporarily, I just watched dumbstruck as Jason reached up a hand, letting his fingers run along the edge of my robe where it was crossed over my chest, his fingers lightly grazing the lace cup of my bra.
His voice dropped low as he spoke, and he was close enough for me to smell the sour stench of coffee on his breath. "You know, you'd better start being a lot nicer to me Lyla... if you don't want me going to Paul with my suspicions. I wonder what he'd think if he knew his golden girl was fucking a serial killer..."
I tensed, reviled at his touch, wanting to lash out at him but terrified of the consequences. Wondering if he was just calling my bluff, seeing how far he could push me.
What did he have to lose after all? Nothing.
And what did I have to lose? Everything.
Jason stepped back, looking me up and down with a disgusting kind of smug satisfaction at his newfound power over me.
"You've not heard the last of this..."
He left the room.
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enstarsmv · 10 months
Hi i saw your magical girl aus post a while ago im interested....what thoughts do you have
hi ⭐️! i think magical aus are fun in general SMILE ive got a few ideas in my little head . . .
• for one i think a lot of the more eccentric idols take naturally to this kind of au. wataru, for example, i think would be a very easy fit! that's not to say other idols wouldn't be part of this, however.
• madara, for example! when pondering this he initially didn't strike me as someone who fit into this kind of thing, but in a way that appeals the idea to me more. imagine a cowboy magical girl... i think he'd have fun with it, too — the "very reliant" type is a character trope seen in a lot of magical girl media, after all. you can count on him!
• i do think some idols fit into the more "fighting monsters" type of magical girls than others. ryuseitai would be a very classical team of heroic magical girls, and i think knights would fit into this kind of trope as well.
• others, like fine and valkyrie, are usually less... action-y, one might say. while all magical girls are capable, some prefer to focus on inspiring others — as an idol does — or on aiding other magical girls in their own troubles.
• my favorite magical girl anime is cardcaptor sakura, so a lot of my own daydreams involve that kind of style :)! pretty outfits, lower stakes compared to things like madoka magica, with a dash of sailor moon-style friendship...
• of course, you could take it another way too — if you were the magical in this scenario, for example. i think that kind of dynamic is very charming 💕 i think most idols couldn't help but be a little awe struck, whether or not theyre also magical; its just something special, isnt it? seeing that transformation, the magical power, the glow around you as you focus on them... it's absolutely indescribable.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 2 years
Hey there dear! I hope you're feeling better (migraines sucks).
Your posts on my dash made me fall deep into "the Ghost and Konig pitt" and since them my brain can't stop imagining this scenarios:
-During a mission Ghost falls head over heels for the lovely, charming interpreter of the squad. Everyone around him is weary of his presence (but the female population of the base fawns over him in my mind 🤣) but the interpreter is just polite towards him, and he is losing his mind cause he wants to catch their attention but doesn't know how to achieve that. One day at a party he is dragged to the dance floor by them and as they teach him how to dance he's just thinking "yeah, I love them".
-König is assigned to another team and the operator of the base is a tiny, introverted nerd that takes a shine on him (you know, introverted recognizing each other on the spot) and after some talking they become inseparable; I can see the two of them making some head turn at the sight of a little person followed by a giant like a bodyguard 🤣
-Or following a TikTok video that I saw around of a tall guy giving her girlfriend a red balloon to not loose sight of her in the mall; König gifting his tiny S/O a balloon to always see where they are at the base 🤣
Hope this made you smile a little, take care.
These made me feel so soft! I love my large lads so much! They're both quiet and I'm quiet so I can totally see us just hanging out, sitting around not really talking, but just doing our own thing. Yet we still enjoy each other's company because we have stuff in common.
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
“How it started” :D hehehe
time for a throwback <3 ( how it started meme w/ @jeoseungsaja )
send “how it started” and i’ll post a paragraph from my very first RP thread with you and one from the current one i have with you to see how our writing changed over time!
aug. 21st 2021 ( yoojin & saja ):
“Hey, Mister! Yeah you! Wait up a second!” Or so he shouts from the bridge to the man in the black hat and matching long coat on the path beneath. With a running start, Yoojin hops over and off the railing and lands on the path accompanied by a pile of dust and leaves. And then he stands, turning towards the man with a bright smile. “Thought it was YOU- I didn’t know you were in the area. Last time we met up was, what in New York or something?” He wipes off the dust mark on his cheek with a sleeve. “You know you kinda stand out here? At least in New York, you could get away with the black get-up- oh yeah.” He holds out a book. “Isn’t this yours? I thought I saw you reading this back in the cafe.”
apr. 18th, 2023 ( alfred & hyuk ):
The important part, however, is that the King is pissed and if he’s yelling, then Myungdae’s bound to get the hint. At this point, it’s a matter of riling up the bull to the point of no return and truly, there’s nothing Alfred is better at than pissing people off.
“I’m not high, but it looks like you might need it more.” Granted, they’d have to be in another country to do weed- it’s times like that, however, when Alfred misses good ol’ New York City. Maybe he should take a vacation there when this is all over- he’ll drag Nell and Myungdae with him too. “You should try it some time, none of the hard stuff, but a good blunt of weed- it’d do wonders for your nervous system.“ He sounds almost nostalgic at this made up scenario. “But since you’re asking for smoke right now, it’ll be here in three, two, one…”
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( ALEX!! I cannot BELIEVE it's been only almost like?? two years since we started writing and plotting together?? can you believe that from just yoojin & saja, this grew to SO MANY lovely and engaging dynamics ( like hyurick :'D ) over the course of two years?? because it feels like it's been much, MUCH longer since then and ngl, it's hard for me to imagine there was a time on here before i met you 🥺🥺🥺 perhaps i sound like a broken record, but i am SO HAPPY AND GRATEFUL that i met you and that i have the privilege of not only writing and plotting with you, but also that i get to be your friend 💕💕💕 you have ALWAYS been a precious presence on my dash and i just?? wanna say i care you SO MUCH and may we keep writing and plotting and being friends for many, many, MANY years down the road 💕💕💕 ADORE YOU LOTS AND PLS HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY 🥰🥰🥰 )
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wil-is-done · 2 years
Fallen - Chapter 1: Corruption
Summary: “He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”― Friedrich Nietzsche
Word Count: 903
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a repost.
Disclaimer: I only own the story and my OCs.
Connie spotted the smoke in the distance from her bedroom window. It took her only a fraction of a second for her to realize that it came from the direction of Beach City. She snatched her sword from its post, dashed down the stairs, and was out the door before her parents can say anything about it. She dialed Steven’s number five times as she ran. All five of them went unanswered. Dozens of worst case scenarios played in her head faster than she’d like. She desperately wished she was wrong.
She was wrong. She was so, so wrong. It was worse than she could possibly imagine.
Beach City is in ruins.
The car wash is reduced to nothing but rubble. Half of Funland is somehow submerged in the ocean, while the other half is going up in flames. The Big Donut, Fish-Stew Pizza, Beach Citywalk Fries; all reduced to unrecognizable bits of wood and concrete. And the bodies… oh god, the bodies…
And in the middle of it all, stood a rampaging, ten-foot tall, pink-furred monster.
The monster has its back turned on her, using its massive claws to destroy a random shop in a blind rage. Connie choked, tears welling up in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away, shooting a glare at the monster, her whole body shaking with fury. She reached for her sword’s grip, pulling it out of its sheath and putting on a battle stance in one fluid motion. The creature paused its mindless rampage, and Connie held her breath. The cat-like ears at the top of its head flicked back and forth, and she can hear it sniffing the air. With a growl, it turned to face Connie.
That’s when she saw the pink gem on its stomach.
Connie’s blood ran cold. She stumbled backwards, almost losing her grip on the sword. That gem. That pink gem. She has seen it countless times, but not attached to this… this horrible monstrosity. No, the owner of that gem could only be-
Oh no. Oh god no.
She knew that Gems could become corrupted when their gemstones are damaged, but… could it be…?
The monster seemed to recognize the name. It tilted its head, as if curious. Connie lowered her sword, gazing deep into the monster’s eyes. She could sense him; behind those wild, slitted pupils, she can still see him. And she knew he can see her back.
“Steven… it’s me, Connie!” she took a few steps forward, tears going down her cheeks. “Y-You recognize me, right?! You gotta recognize me! You’re my best friend! I-I…”
Connie stopped barely a foot away from the monster. It looked down at her, its eyes showing confusion. She met his gaze, now sobbing freely.
Its eyes seemed to lit up, like it realized something. A hopeful smile dawned on Connie’s features. She knew it! No matter what he looked like on the outside, he’s still Steven on the inside. He couldn’t possibly forget about her! She just knew he would remember!
Maybe he did. Maybe, somewhere deep inside him, behind its wild eyes, behind the monster that he is now, he did remember.
But it didn’t.
The monster swung its claw, and Connie went flying through the air like a ragdoll. She crashed against a wall. She heard a loud crack, and then she can’t move anything. All she could is stare straight, at what her best friend has become. She could only lie there, hear its thundering roar, and smell the blood seeping from the back of her head.
The last thing she saw was the monster.
And the last sensation she felt was fear.
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renmnin · 6 years
Yuta surges forward and hastily kisses you for the first time. When he pulls back, he rests his forehead against yours and lets out a breathy laugh. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that, he says. 
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Vicky: Messing around with some wires to open up a locked electric door with a serious face on.
Brian: "I trust Vicky. She'll get it open"
Oz and Amira: "You think she knows what she is doing?"
Brian: "oh God no... I wouldn't go so far as to say that, it's just..."
Vicky: Electrocutes herself causing a power outage which prompts the door to open as a safe measure to prevent anyone from being locked in.
Brian: "...that"
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graceofagodswrath · 2 years
Humans Are Feral
Alright, this my first post, and possibly a part one in a series of humans are feral story arcs. As well as being something that I constantly think about and wonder why no one talks about it. Maybe I just haven’t found the specific post.
Have we ever talked about how vicious humans can be? Especially in scenarios where something we care about it threatened? And I mean “bared teeth and snarling” type vicious. Beast mode activated. I’m talking about how we basically turn into animals in certain situations and rely solely on primal instinct.
Take mothers/fathers for example. You ever see a parent react to a situation in which their child was dancing with death? They will risk life and limb for that kid. My dad dove into a pool full speed after my two year old sister fell in the deep end. Clothes and all. Have you ever seen a woman after just giving birth and her mind is just straight hormones? And something happens that she perceives a threat? Someone picks up the newborn without consent, she jumps out of bed after a fucking cesarian to snatch the kid and full on snarl at them? Friend’s aunt did that shit. And don’t get me started on the super strength thing humans can do when someone is in danger and adrenaline kicks in. Then there are the people who will protect some random ass kid. A toddler or small kid with no parent around and suddenly something dangerous is about to happen? People will jump in parent or not.
It was a quiet day in the streets of Kuratz. The market paths usually bustling with people of races only had a small stream of customers bouncing from stall to stall. Tourists or natives of all sorts. Ky’lio, a young Avalanghar, watched from his mia’s stall, long ears swiveling this way and that to pick up on what conversations he could understand.
Then they caught his eye. The strangers you’d never see in such a place. Humans. What looked like a family unit. Ky’lio couldn’t help but lean forward to stare. He recognized the tallest as a male and the slightly shorter one a female, as he had watched some interactions between his mia and her human customers. But those humans were always soldiers or neighboring colonists. These humans were different.
There was a third party. Ky’lio had never seen a human child except for the few pictures shared from other humans. It was notoriously well-known that humans were extremely protective of their younglings, so few were seen away from human colonies. So the small, bouncing creature Ky’lio watched tug on the adult humans’ paws didn’t register as a baby human until he really stared and saw the round features.
It kept trying to dart away from its parents, but the adults held vice-like grips onto the little one’s paws. Until the stopped at a stall, Hadi Midas’s stall selling sweet fruits from the Dolor Jungles. The male let the little human go and the female took hold of the little one’s free paw. But the wild thing tugged and cried out, like a prisoner chained to a wall. It wailed and cried out in its native tongue, no doubt begging for release from its mia’s iron laws. The scene reminded Ky’lio of when he saw Kaloway serpent at a traveling exotic zoo. It too thrashed and screeched in its chains the same way the little human was. Then the female leaned down and whispered something to the child, making it go limp in her paws, hanging like a dead thing. The female only snorted and turned back towards her mate, who was speaking with Hadi Midas.
What happened next would always remain burned into Ky’lio’s memory. The little human twisted strangely and suddenly they yanked themselves from their Mia’s grip. It screeched triumphantly and dashed away. The female yelled and ran after it, but it was no use. The little human was fast and determined. As it ran down the street it neared the alleyway next to the Damik stall. Ky’lio felt the fur along his spine stand up. The alleyway was a known ambush site for younglings separated from their parents. A human child would be a great prize.
As the human youngling ran past the alleyway, a giant Oyiadin stepped out and grabbed the skinny, hairless arm. The little human screamed, a sound that had every fear feeling surging through Ky’lio’s body. Others in the street turned and stared, but none dared do anything. Oyiadins had a reputation for smuggling and trafficking, their muscular stature, claws and jaws full of sharp fangs scared away any possible help. It wasn’t the first time Ky’lio witnessed a kidnapping and helplessly watched as the kidnapped youngling’s parents shrieked in despair and fear, never daring to fight such beasts. So they would lose their child.
But these were humans. And humans were known for strange, impossible feats. That fact still did not prepare the young Avalanghar to witness the female human slam into the giant Oyiadin, tackling the muscular biped to the ground. The male human swooped in and snatched the small human, now crying and clinging to its parent. The female stood atop the giant, snarling like a wild fangher. Her lips were pulled back to reveal small, white teeth that were nowhere near as intimidating as the Oyiadin’s, yet the expression was somehow more fearsome. She growled something in her native tongue, standing menacingly over the Oyiadin that hadn’t tried to stand up. It’s ugly face was strangely empty of menace, it’s six eyes wide and staring at the human it easily dwarfed. Yet the female held no fear, spitting and snarling, her body tensed for a fight. But the Oyiadin offered no challenge. She spat something in her language once more, then turned and walked to her mate and youngling.
“That is why you must not provoke humans.” Ky’lio jumped, turning to see his mia behind him and watching everything. She looked down at him. “They are dangerous and unpredictable. Especially when they’re protective.” She looked up to watch the trio of humans pass by. “Never underestimate their willingness to fight for their own.”
Kids are one thing. Then there are pets. I have personally felt the willingness to kill if anyone threatened my dog or cat. That pack bonding stuff is no joke. No, I don’t care if you hear me call my cat a fat, no-rent-paying bastard, he’s my fat no-rent-paying bastard. And I won’t just die for him. I will kill you and cut you up in pieces and summon satan to dine with me on them for that fat bastard.
Galar was a puvarra, and deserved xis comeuppance. But the crew never expected for their human crew mate to be the one to do it.
Oakley was a good crew mate and most of the team had high opinions of him. He did his work, turned in reports on time, socialized and was overall very kind. The crew was grateful that the human was one that presented the better side of his species. However some were not fond of humans. Galar, the Yunagi from the helix system 1-4b, was one of this opinion. Xe was unabashedly cruel to many on the crew, and only got away with it because xe often blackmailed xis victims to not report to the captain. It was irritating how xe knew certain things. But xe’d finally gone too far.
Oakley had a pet aboard the ship. The creature humans called a cat, a furry thing on four legs that was a master at contortion. While the crew had been hesitant about the creature at first, hearing stories about Terran animals, many grew to like it. Oakley’s cat was named Jambo, a black and white pattern on its fur and a long, skinny tail. It would rub against their legs or jump upon counters to watch them at work. Sometimes it would doze off near them. Only Oakley and Jabari, Oakley’s partner in work, had been selected as thrones for the creature to doze upon. Many on the crew came to feel honored when the creature would approach them and rub its cheek against an outstretched appendage, a sign Oakley had explained to be affection and a demand for “pets.” Jambo got many pets.
Then one day, as the crew drew together in the dining area for a meal, Galar chose his hill to die on. Jambo had approached the tables, padding towards Oakley, but stopping as some crew began making chirping and clicking sounds, trying to intice Jambo toward them for pets. Then Galar walked by, the blue finned Yunagi’s eyes landing on Jambo. And before any could do anything, xe pulled back a long leg and kicked the black and white cat. Jambo let out a loud screech.
Then Galar was flying back and Oakley was screaming in his native language. He wailed on Galar, his fist connecting every time. At one point he tried to choke xim. Several crew jumped upon them, pulling the human way from the Yunagi, but the damage was done. Purple bruises were already evident upon the Yunagi’s blue-green hide, scratches and crescent shaped marks on xis neck were leaking dark blue blood. Nothing serious, but enough to rattle everyone.
Oakley didn’t bother staying to explain to the captain. He immediately left to find his cat, as did some of the others. Many could care less if Galar was injured, because the stupid puvarra deserved it. They worried for Jambo. The cat was later found and inspected. Luckily for Jambo, he had some light bruising. Very lucky. Oakley even cried, the clear wetness on his face a strange sight for many.
When asked by the captain why he attacked Galar, Oakley point-blank said it was because he kicked Jambo. And anyone who dared hurt his cat was going to get hurt themselves. He said it so casually the captain blinked several times. While humans were known for their protectiveness of packmates, this aggression was unexpected. They went on to scold Oakley and told him that they would have to write this on his personal report for future jobs. Oakley only nodded, still unswayed. The captain sighed and dismissed him. They knew they probably should have done more for such heinous action. But unbeknownst to others, the captain was also fond of Jambo. They were the only other person Jambo chose to nap on.
This was written really fast, so I apologize if the writing is a little scrunched and there are mistakes. It physically hurt to write about a cat getting kicked, I wanted to vomit. Ugh. I wanted to go off on a tangent about humans taking on giant beasts for their kids because wouldn’t we? I personally don’t like kids, but I admit that I’d fight a bear for that one-year old that smiled at me in a Walmart checkout line, then offered me her animal cracker. I mean, wtf. I’ll save that for the next post tho.
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mortellanarts · 2 years
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Doodle dump of the Kurashiki siblings in a bunch of different outfits because I think about them every single day of my life
(Self indulgent explanation of my thought process for each and every one of these under the cut!)
Okay, the veeery first one I'm just calling a header since it's the third drawing with more color so I can use it to keep my friends spoiler free on other platforms, I'll be ignoring it when saying "first" "second" yadda yadda it doesn't count okay akdhsk
Yes the actual first one is a twewy crossover where Akane's composer and Aoi's her conductor! It wasn't my idea and I don't like thinking about the logistics of that whole scenario, I just really really wanted to draw the cool wings and fashionable outfits and it is yet another way to frame their dynamic that really grabbed my attention. Here's a version without wings too!!
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Ok, the second one was the first thing on this file, I was just in a mood™ from thinking about their dynamic in the canon divergent post second nonary game headcanons I have in my head, really wanted to draw Akane in a hair bun and Aoi with an inverted color scheme too, but yeah the idea was each of them off to do their thing and venting about each other, probably to Junpei and Light but I gave up on adding details to the scenario and nearly scrapped it, it's only here because that post about sketchy and scribbly art made it's way to my dash and made me go y'know what I like this as is
Third one was just because I saw this one hairband at the store and immediately thought of Aoi wearing it and couldn't get it out of my head until I drew it, turned it into him and Akane wearing party looks while doing recon or something, Akane ends up feeling uncomfortable with showing skin despite having asked for help picking the clothes out herself, I also really liked how she looks in this her hair turned out super pretty
The last two full body ones are the outfits I imagined for my fics!! I wasn't sure about posting it cause I like to let people imagine whatever they want but I still personally needed to get it out of my head, especially when I started thinking of all the headcanons for the notes, which aren't terribly legible I am sorry for that, like Akane with shorter hair because she had a fit of Not Feeling Fully There and cut a chunk of it off herself to feel like she could still affect things and also fully knowing she has enough time for it to grow back past her shoulders again, and Aoi having pierced his ear himself just out of boredom or discontentment or something, those two things could be smaller fics in on themselves so I needed to draw it, and that was all for the pre second nonary game fic I made!!
The pre vlr one I only drew anything for because I tried before and didn't enjoy the result, so I very impulsively tried my hand at it again
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So yeah that's that! I also made a little comic strip alongside these that I'll post shortly, I genuinely love these outfit drawings two so much, thank you for reading my rambles qwq
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sajdd · 2 years
i think what gets me is like. if dream was smaller, if he only had a few thousand followers or whatever, i would not give a single shit to him directly calling out bs. i would encourage it! but you have to consider in this case that he has a massive fucking follower base.
EVEN if his fans weren't known to be horribly toxic to people, EVEN if he put all his energy into saying "do not engage w hate, just block and move on, do not attack people for me", it doesnt matter because with the sheer scale of his audience that person is GOING to get attacked by a few hundreds of people. when you have an audience of that scale, you have to be the adult. you have to be conscious of how your actions will impact a large group of people, and bringing their attention to something (let alone for YOU to publicly hate on it) WILL make them attack, which then fuels again your fan's repuration to be toxic little shits.
i saw someone on the dash saying he has a right to defend himself, and compared it to an experience they went through with a friend, but that is goddamn apples and oranges in this case.
if you truly, TRULY, want to clap back instead of just ignoring dumb shit, then you vague post. you crop the tweet. do whatever, just make it hard for them to find a clear target bc thats how you end up with a harassment parade.
dream is my nightmare PR scenario because he truly has zero clue the impact of his own fucking words. even after a few years of experience and so many fucking incidents. either it's clueless imcompetence, or he just doesn't care-- assuming he's stupid is the benefit of the doubt tbh
imagine if celebrities just started replying to every hate tweet they got (some of which are valid criticisms) and brang it to the attention of all their fans, which would then go and harrass and attack them.
thats the scale we're talking about here.
also it definitelyisnt clueless incompetence. for someone who spends so much time interracting withhis audience, he knows the type of people there are. he spends too much time on twitter to not know it. he basically just said he finds satisfaction in it too so like. lol
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