#~dearest sister~
noble-bloom · 1 year
@tomestobetold​ Seeing Alfred hurt like this made everything worse. Celine couldn't help but think about the worst when she saw him falter and wince in pain. The clerics and medics around here didn't know about his condition. What if they had missed something? So even as her brother reassured her, Celine still felt immensely anxious. "You can't do that," she told him. "Please, Alfred... just go lay down for a while, I'm begging you."
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“You worry a bit too much, Celine.” Alfred sighed, but it wasn’t out of exasperation. If anything, it was out of his own worry - for her. “It’s not that bad this time, I promise.”
A small lie. It was holding him back, no matter what he tried to suppress the pain. But his willpower kept him on his feet. He had to keep going. Not only to make up for lost time, but to show that he wasn’t weak enough to be walked all over. He remembered when their Father also got sick - before the same condition inevitably killed him - how there were talks of the neighbouring nations plotting and scheming. How it was even being done within the same walls... He had to appear the backbone of Firene.
“I will rest for a little while, to ease your nerves, and I’ll get back to training later.”
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maegalkarven · 9 months
As much as I love companions supporting and encouraging Durge to defy Bhaal by reminding them of other Bhaalspawns who did that, I don't think companions truly get (and Durge can't explain to them due to a hole in their head) what Durge is not just any Bhaalspawn.
They are The Bhaalspawn, the last of their kind, the ONLY one of their kind.
Unlike other Bhaalspawn, Durge doesn't have a mortal mother, they don't have any other blood in them to dilute Bhaal's.
Durge is made of nothing but Bhaal and this is why it's so hard for them to resist him.
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sausage-rolll · 1 year
I always find it particularly funny when people say that Ranni is just manipulating the player and that she’s using them as a means to a much more nefarious secret end, because if you actually pay attention to the game and character then one thing becomes abundantly clear.
Ranni literally cannot lie to save her life.
No seriously, she’s a cunning mastermind but she is a fucking terrible liar. When a random tarnished comes looking for her and accuses her of the assassination of Godwyn, she just goes “yeah? And what of it?” as if she’s not admitting to being the one behind the biggest act of heresy in known history. That's not something you should just say to people, least of all a tarnished!
You get her alone with you and within seconds she’s rambling about her plan, her past, her family, her friends that she adores with all of her heart, how you’re actually a lot like them, nevermind forget that last part please-
Sorry to burst the bubble of all the nihilist theorists out there that really want age of stars to secretly be a bad ending but if Ranni was planning anything nefarious with her godhood then I’m willing to bet that she wouldn’t be able to keep quiet about it until the end of her questline.
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otaku553 · 10 months
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Another one (plus updated the previous one :)) part 2 of making me and my siblings into demon slayers now that my brother has finally watched the show! It’s my sister and me! With much better art and much better design than 4 years ago, hopefully
For my sister, I leaned pretty heavily into medicine, giving her a role more similar to that of Shinobu within the Corps: not primarily a fighter, and helping treat wounds sustained by other slayers in battle as a healer. My sister is, in the real world, a doctor, and I have massive respect for the amount of hard work she’s put into getting to where she is now. She’s such an inspiration honestly <3
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hremails-art · 7 months
the secret agent and big camreamna thanks
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yeah sure why the hell not
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laeska · 1 year
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relicsongmel · 4 months
Do you guys ever think about Iris' blushing sprite?
Do you ever think that the first time we see it. is RIGHT AFTER she hears Phoenix use her real name for the first time?
Imagine loving a man. that didn't even know your REAL NAME until five years after you "broke up." Imagine that man loving you back despite him not knowing a thing about who you really are. And you're okay with that
Because you don't really like who you are anyway.
And once the illusion shatters and fate forces the two of you apart?
None of it matters anymore. If anything it's what you deserve for thinking you could live out your lie with no consequences. It's what you deserve for daring to try to find happiness in a world that has cast you and the people you love aside time and time again.
And then. When against all odds he blindsides you by entering your life again
You hear your name escape his lips. And in that moment you realize
Maybe being seen for who you really are isn't so bad after all.
Maybe. JUST MAYBE. With time. You could learn to finally drop your facade and live in earnest. To fight for what's right the way he told you he wanted to do.
And it shows on your face. It's shown by your rose-colored cheeks and a shy smile that's impossible for you to hide. And for the first time in several years
You don't feel like you need to.
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timothylawrence · 1 year
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Tales from the Borderlands (2015)
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nani-nonny · 3 months
Boo DMD jumpscare
Happy super-early birthday to @middlechildkin sorry you can’t see this yet because you got busy lol (it’s her birthday month and I’m assuming early birthday because she never told me the day lol)
Thanks for fighting so hard for DMD despite how many times he loses in peepaw polls hahaha
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hitokas-gf · 2 years
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mother - maia baia // sisters - holly warburton // class of 2013 - mitski
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advisortotheadvisor · 3 months
a train of thought:
ppl have a oddly specific beef with the Wolf that they don't have with other villains like Bunny or Bluebeard -> it's probably because Canis is pretty openly pro-Grimm -> au where Canis was never taken in by the Grimms and is just chilling
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noble-bloom · 1 year
Celine: "What happened to you!?" (she is VERY distressed)
Send "What happened to you?" and my Muse will respond having been recently injured.
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"Celine," Alfred started off gently, but as she panicked, he raised his voice just a little more so she could hear him over her distressed breathing. "Celine!" He reached out and held her hand to ground her further and try to calm her, smiling reassuringly. "I'm okay, I promise."
Though, he knew that wouldn't be enough to satisfy her. "I just took too many hits in the last battle, that's all. I've been healed, and they said they were happy with my recovery so I thought I could get back to my training...but obviously I should have rested a little longer..." After all, the healers didn't know about his illness. "But if I didn't get back to my training right away, people may have become suspicious of me... So I tried to push through..."
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been thinking about lilith and nightmares
thinking of lilith waking in the dead of night, manor yawning wide and cold and wild around her. body in a too-large bed, something she is meant to grow into, like the shoes her mother always buys a size too big so that running in them is painful. it is such a strange and miserly thing to do, but lilith has the sensation that her mother is trying to put as little into her as possible.
fewer sets of shoes to throw away, fewer reminders, perhaps, that she keeps getting bigger. calluses forming in whorls of knotted flesh like the rings in trees, spelling out time and mostly, mostly the lack of it. she wishes to think that, but there is the possibility that her mother is also just strange and miserly.
so she deals with the blisters and at night she wakes up with a cry clutched in her throat. her mother is a pearl-clutcher but her daughter is not a pearl, so lilith floats alone in the flame of her fear. she learns to sit up in bed and take out her pocket torch from the drawer and shine it into all the corners, sometimes repeating something nonsensical and familiar like the creed, from mass. first in latin, then italian, slipping into spanish and rolling stubbornly into english there in the dark, knowing she cannot slip out of bed. she cannot pad barefoot down the hallways and go into her mother’s room and put a hand to her forehead or her shoulder - skin she knows will be cool to the touch. the nights are cold, sometimes, and this house not made for capturing heat.
lilith has only herself, her stalwart heart, and perhaps the word of god, syrupy in her mouth. thinking of how she learns to move around her fear, to sit looking out at the moon through the drapery of her canopy bed. the books stacked nimbly on her bedside table. none of them fairytales.
thinking of lilith after she comes back from the dead. waking up from nightmares of hands inside her body. feeling her flesh tear around an intrusion. how she couldn’t breathe while the blood rode out of her mouth. the fear coming back and back and back, heedless of time. waking up and touching the slippery scales on her stomach where the wound has pressed itself into her. wondering if it is knotted up with otherness the whole way through, entry wound and exit wound. her body, a wound.
she sleeps in derelict warehouses with the wind whistling through gaps in the roof and rattling the great metal doors that have to be hauled open by chain and mechanism. her body running hot there in the dark until she feels as if it might be unspooling, like it does when she forces it through the world like a hand into a mouth.
when beatrice used to wake screaming in the night at cat’s cradle lilith would linger in her doorway and watch shannon flush past, flooding down the stone-loud corridor. a warm tide wearing mary’s hoodie & a pair of ragged pyjama bottoms with planets on them and a hole behind the left knee. glancing over her shoulder at lilith, face blank with emotion. watching shannon ease open the door to beatrice’s room and the sudden increased volume of her shouts.
when lilith wakes in the warehouse she does it with a shudder. she does it silently. eyes opening sudden as death, and she doesn’t know it and she will not know it until she wakes in the dark with a girl’s warm breath on her face and hears the soft exclamation in the palm of the sheets, but her eyes reflect like a cat’s from the moonlight that washes down through high, dirty windows, spiderwebs disrupting the floor with their massive, light-expressed patterns. she wakes and her scream scrunches her into a ball, driving a runnel of interrupted dust in the bare patch of floor where she has curled up, feeling frayed from flickering all over the city, chasing the memory of a girl.
lilith and nightmares and the fact that she died, violently. as she was supposed to but not as she intended. in service to the halo but not with it spread inside her like a song. she died with blood in her mouth, mary’s shout making her name so searing; a brand not buring enough to hold her onto life. she died in a warehouse, like this, and she came back. and all of her nightmares now are about this body.
this body perforated, forcing its way out of her as if blood could stand in for words or prayers or a mother.
this body split like one of beatrice’s particles. one of her atoms. nuclear fission, and lilith wondering why anyone would bother splitting something so small. don’t they talk about pointlessness in terms of splitting hairs? her mother, grimacing at her split ends, cutting them away using her scissors with the ivory handle.
she felt more or less worth killing when she died, but coming back is for jesus and lazarus. it is for people who can comprehend it.
she wakes with the taste of iron in her mouth, until there is a little nub of scaly tissue on her tongue where her incisor always bites down, healed new into something strange so that she feels she is holding a very tiny penny inside her mouth at all times.
lilith and nightmares and the fact that she wakes from them alone. she always wakes up alone and there is never another hand to reach for, and when her body rises like a welt and turns incomprehensible is it any wonder that she takes the hand she finds extended?
not her mother’s. not god’s. not her sisters’, because her pain made no sound. not beatrice’s hand (the one she wants and wants and wants) because bea went where she was most necessary, and lilith has never been the most necessary thing in anyone’s life.
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Good news I’ve finally got a meme that perfectly communicates my enthusiasm for this trope!
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fioleespring · 4 months
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thefabelmans2022 · 9 hours
i made a promise to myself not to even look at the bridgerton fandom this season because they drove me so insane last season and i've broken that promise time and time again so i may have to blacklist it soon especially because the response from certain people has been absolutely sickening but i WILL continue to post in my own little bubble AND we won. so.
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