#they took away her sass and her strong personality
fioleespring · 7 months
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pininghermit · 1 year
This is a long ask but I got inspired 🌟
(This takes place after symphony of the night, where Alucard met reader fighting in the castle and he chooses to not go back to his eternal rest because s/o's sass stole his heart)
Alucard who treats his butch female darling like a princess, like tying her shoes,kissing the back of her hand, tending to her every need and fetching her coat and what not without ever needing to be asked.
Alucard who finds himself wanting to spend all his time with his s/o, wanting to brush there teeth together, cook together...
Alucard who's fiercely protective, even though his s/o can defend themselves just fine but he can't risk losing her, whether it be in death or someone stealing her away.
Whenever s/o is in a room, People needn't look to hard to find Alucard, her personal guard dog.
People don't understand how s/o can have someone who was so cold and aloof wrapped around her finger, truth be told, she doesn't either. What with how when they first met she had told him off for his attitude,(someone likes a gal who takes no sh*t and could kick his ass (0w0))
Sorry for such a delayed response! I suck I know :( but I hope you enjoy it (if you still linger here)
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Ohohoho Alucard being whipped for his OP wife *sips tea in pleasure*
He knows you can kick ass. You could be an MMA fighter but you are his precious soft person and how dare anyone even look weird at you.
Annon you are so right with description that I cannot stop thinking about this. Just the gentleness of his every action *i'm soft*.
He will pull a Hua Cheng and not let you step on bloodied/dirty ground. Princess carry you from the mess that very much originated from your actions.
Perfectly peeled apples, crust less sandwiches to challenging people to duel for your honor, this boi is whipped.
In a life where you have been a strong daughter, a brave sister, an enduring captain of guard, only Alucard sees you devoid of the narratives that people have attached to you.
And in the world that sings songs of your valor, you can't help but be swayed by the Dhampir who sees you his beloved. Just you.
Maybe if it were your family, your mentor, or anyone else you would have steeled your heart and avoided the warmth of comfort but with Adrian...you don't. You allow yourself to mellow under his care. To be spoiled with his actions.
"Here all set," you watch Adrian kneel infront of you. The warmth of knitted wool surrounds your kneecap. "Now you won't feel chill even during the hardiest of patrols," your beloved smiles as his hands readjust your pants.
The chill of forest had never bothered you. Crouching for hours as you tracked targets had been a regular task that you did not think twice before taking on. To everyone including you, it was an integral part of your duty.
But Adrian...he knew you better than yourself. The slight stiffness of your knee had been a fleeting annoyance you got rid off with regular warmups.
Yet, it did not escape his notice. Only when you prepared to leave for another patrol did your beloved lead you to a well loved chaise and gently pulled up your trouser.
"Wha-" you wanted to ask him. Bit could not complete your sentence before he took a knitted warmer and wrapped it around your scarred knee.
The warmth of Adrian's touch enveloped your knee. "I scented it with cloves so it would reduce inflammation in case cold triggers pain." Holding his hands in yours, you lean in resting your forehead on his.
Maybe you did not need looking after. You certainly can do without it but you want it when it comes from Adrian. You treasure it. All your beloved's pampering makes you more than a captain or a legend. "Thank you," you whisper it feels blasphemous to be any louder in the moment.
Your hands cup his face and you memorize him with the sincerity of pious morning prayers. Every moment spent without him would pass on the merit of your memories.
Your lips meet his in a kiss. Gratitude, love, and yearning you pour it all in that one parting kiss.
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hisokas-toybox · 1 year
Headcanons series: The Zoldyck children and their sibling dynamics. Part 3 Killua
Illumi - I could easily write a whole essay on this, so I'll try to keep it short. We know that Illumi was responsible for raising and training Killua when he was younger. I think as a kid Killua found this annoying and probably rebelled/didn't listen. I think that maybe one day he took it too far though, maybe putting himself in danger? And so Illumi punished him. Hard. (I imagine Illumi would delegate most of Killua's punishments to Milluki, since he was too fond of Killua to hurt him, but when he did punish him himself he was always careful to hold back). I think that once Illumi did snap and punish Killua severely, Killua realised how truly strong his eldest brother was and how terrifying he could be. The sass stopped. Killua became afraid of Illumi, more than anyone else he'd ever faced. Even now, having learned nen and without Illumi manipulating him with a needle, Killua still fears Illumi. He resents him for the way he treats Alluka and for all the controlling BS he says/does. But when it comes to facing him Killua would rather run away than fight. I doubt Killua would ever try to defeat Illumi, partly out of fear, but also because he knows his family's rules. If he killed Illumi his family would ALL turn against him and want him dead. In some ways he also knows that he is protected from Illumi by the same rules. If Illumi were to be killed by someone outside the family though? (Hisoka maybe?) I'm not sure how Killua would feel. Relieved? Grief? It would be very complicated.
Milluki - Even though I headcanon Milluki as being the one to punish Killua most often, I actually don't think Killua feels any worse towards Milluki for it. I think Killua feels pretty ambivalent towards Milluki overall. Killua knows they're maybe about equal in strength right now, and that he has a lot more potential than Milluki in the long term. I think Killua finds Milluki a little pathetic. He can see that Milluki is jealous of him and that Milluki overestimates himself, so I think Killua enjoys winding him up and rubbing his own "favourite child" status in Milluki's face. However, he is careful not to overdo it, because ultimately he has a give/take relationship with Milluki, and if they were to ever seriously fall out he'd lose some pretty sweet benefits. E.g. occasionally if Milluki gets bored of a game/console/really cool weapon he'll pass it down to Killua. In return, Killua acts as a lookout/covers up for Milluki when their parents start snooping (sending him discreet warnings if he sees/hears any signs of a room sweep/hiding things Milluki doesn't want their parents to know about and providing distractions etc)
Alluka - Adores her. Would die for her in a heartbeat and spoils her rotten! She was his first younger sibling, and so the first taste of responsibility for another person he got was having her around (he was too young to be responsible for her the way Illumi was with him, but damn if he didn't try to be the best big brother ever!) Because she's younger too, she was the first one who he could actually be a child around, getting some freedom to play with her like a regular child. Those are some of his fondest memories. He's so protective of her, there is a slight chance he could accidentally end up becoming toxic with his efforts to keep her safe as she gets older and more independent (he did learn mostly from Illumi and they are related so it's not too much of a stretch) but hopefully he'll know better than to go too far. He's the only Zoldyck who sees Alluka as not just a girl, or sister, but as a person and it makes him SO MAD when any of the other Zoldycks refer to her as "it" or as their "brother." Kalluto - Like Milluki, Killua doesn't really trust Kalluto. He doesn't find him "creepy" the way Milluki does but he's aware of how close to their mother Kalluto is and seeing as he really doesn't like his mother, he also tries to avoid Kalluto as he seems to just be her little pet. Killua was a little older when Kalluto was born. Killua was starting to question his loyalty and interest in his family's business so he was cautious not to get too attached to the new arrival in case his parents tried to use it to control him and force him into being a babysitter. Plus, with how badly his family treated Alluka to that point he was afraid that if he got too attached to this kid, he might "lose" him too. I really hope that as he gets older, Killua will realise that Kalluto is just as much a child and a victim of his parents (and Illumi's) influence as both he and Alluka were, and I hope he'll make some kind of effort to "save" and protect Kalluto the same way he is with Alluka. He'd have a lot of work to do to gain Kalluto's trust and establish a relationship with him though, but I really hope to see it happen because Kalluto is just too precious!
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celestiall0tus · 11 months
Reawakening - Perception
Table of Contents
            Juleka moved about Liberty, cleaning up. She paused and looked towards Luka’s room. She considered and poked her head in. Luka was curled up on his bed with his head buried in his knees and earbuds in. She reached out but pulled her hand away. She retreated to the deck and curled up on a lounger.
            “Everything ok, Juleka?” Mullo squeaked.
            Juleka looked up at Mullo on the arm of the chair. She opened her mouth, but then shook her head.
            “I see. Is it Luka?”
            Juleka nodded.
            “You want to help him, don’t you?”
            Juleka nodded.
            “What were you thinking?”
            A long pause. “I want to get him back together with Marinette.”
            Mullo squeaked. “Are you sure? Luka is pretty torn up about Marinette and didn’t Marinette just break up with Adrien?”
            “Well, not right now. But I know he still loves her. And I was just thinking that maybe… maybe without Adrien and Hawkmoth, there can be something between them now. I mean, I don’t know the full details, but I imagine those two factors played a big role, especially since Mari was Ladybug.”
            “That is fair, but would it not be better for Luka to find someone new? Move on from Marinette.”
            “Maybe it might be, but I want to see him get a real chance. One that doesn’t have Mari distracted by her love for Adrien or having no personal life because she was the Guardian and Ladybug fighting against Hawkmoth. And, I know it’s selfish, but I don’t want to see him cry anymore. I don’t want to see him hurting.”
            “But this is part of the process of healing. He needs to allow himself to feel to heal,” Mullo pointed out.
            “I know, but it just… it feels wrong. He’s always the strong one. The one to stand up and protect us all. He was never weak. Even when he faltered, he remained strong. So, to see him like this, it breaks my heart. It doesn’t feel like the Luka I know. And I want to bring him back to being that Luka I’ve always known.”
            Mullo sighed. “Juleka, I understand, but that isn’t right. The strong must be allowed to be weak. They must be allowed time to be vulnerable. Luka was never allowed that luxury for the sake of everyone and you. Especially you.”
            “Me? What do you mean?”
            “Though you are twins, it is clear the strength and will that Luka has that he is your protector. He has safeguarded you, lifted you up, and is your foundation. He carried Atlas’s burden in your stead to help you grow, albeit in a sheltered manner. However, that meant he couldn’t be weak. He had to cut away any of those emotions so he could always be strong. To always be what was needed of him.”
            Juleka’s jaw dropped. “I didn’t…. I never thought….”
            “It’s ok. People like him are good at masking it. At keeping that pain stuffed deep down so it never surfaces. He could have fooled me too, if not for a few subtle things. Then Sass, well, you know.”
            “What should I do? I want to be there, but it hurts seeing him like this.”
            Mullo smiled. “Just be there for each other. Be there for him. He’s been there to lift you up, now it’s your turn to help him. Help him discover a new strength.”
            Juleka considered then nodded. She scooped up Mullo and gave her a kiss before she scurried back into the hold. She stepped into Luka’s room and looked around. She smiled and picked a pair of guitars before she approached him. She took a breath and removed his earbuds.
            Luka looked up with tear-stained eyes. “Juleka? What’s going on? Is everything ok?”
            Juleka didn’t answer. She raised an earbud to her ear. She grimaced at the sad, heartbreak music and tossed the earbuds aside.
            “That music doesn’t suit you, Luka,” Juleka whispered.
            “I know I should be-,” Luka started.
            Juleka held out a guitar. “Unless you’re the one making it. Shall we?”
            “Let the music talk, Luka. Let it be your lament to the world. Let it be heard for all who’d listen. What do you say?”
            Luka gently took the guitar. “Jam session?”
            “Jam session. Let’s rock.”
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lamentingocean · 11 months
____________________Mongrang x reader nsfw
☆enemies to lovers☆
when you truly hate one person in a Chinese town. you saw mongrang. he was good-looking. exactly like Jaha in black rabbit. but he had so many women kissing his lips and cheeks. he served them to dinner and took them out in fancy restaurants. you saw him before
Training with the sword demon. until he had the nerve to date you and tried to be in a relationship just like the rest of the women he was with. nice to know he's dangerous enough to send shrills down your skin when he uses his martial arts upon a fighter like you. the mad demon gave you a warning about him before.
He said he was a shit dog, and he was perverted. needs a laxative to ease his bulge for the beauty of women
Jaha's sass was so funny, but badass, he told you everything about him. he was gonna kill him, but he didn't. He had shit in his pants, and it smelt horrid. He had a bowl of noodles and tried to show him a sword art relative to ice. which he never brought up, saw the sword demon, very dangerous man, but luckily earned his trust at the very end.
smiling like a true warrior and a true hater for that pervert. you went to that town to find him, expecting him to act all fake and mask a facade to beautiful women of this twisted town, smelling pho and noodles, wine, and petals in the scent of the town.
you had omniscient men across town, telling a story through their faces of lust, booze, and women but is highly mysterious. each of them through the eyes of you. none of them were mongrang.
you went irritated at the facade of this entire town, kept walking to see a couple making out in an alleyway outside of a palace. saw a married couple fucking in their own home. without closing their window. Until.
You saw him.
with his Chinese fan on the floor of his chin. talking to a girl in her 20 and young 30s. looking so handsome to please them. You stared at him in disgust. his eyes zoomed up to see you across the street. With no words in his mouth to spill out.
"What do you want?" You answered while your lip curled in disgust and disapproval. He let go of the women's conversation and walked right to you. removing his kind, women pleasing facade to your own face at the point of this aural conflict.
"Why do you want to fight with me. I'm hurt. " He had a hint of his facade to the women around him, look beautiful with his shining brown hair that looks like milk chocolate to eat and play with. his hand raised to his other hand.
He was going to his stance to fight. not only to impress the women to see he's a strong formidable opponent to protect their skin from the dangers of stinky men with no worth in their lives. but to fight against you to test your power. what kind of man is he? with a beauty enough to satisfy women through their hanfus being ripped off and a power to use ice through martial arts. even against a demon with a hair that isn't brown but dark chocolate.
"Do you really think that I want your pussy smelling hands on me? different scented wetness from different vaginas."
"What is the reason? why do you hate me so much." his hand glowed blue. you had your curiosity stab the dart right away. People were watching since they didn't know how to mind their own business. Sending the men a glance and even the women that had fear for their favorite man to talk to. you raised both of your arms. irritatingly calling quits to prevent his blood spilled on this royal ground.
"Why did you call quits. I thought you were better at insulting than fighting. I guess I was right?"
"Shut up shitdog. I don't want any more conflict with you. but I want to talk to you. So don't be difficult and come with me."
"What is with the sudden switch-up."
"What happened to you and your facade to impress the ladies?" He looked around in embarrassment. seeing the women around him a bit disturbed about how he acting. you smirked at his embarrassed misfortune. the shit dog turning into a dog with his piss between his thin legs. he signed and had sparks in his face when he turned pretty to keep impressing.
"Oh, I'm sorry, everyone. I don't know who this is, so I decided to take action to protect you all. especially you, beautiful ladies here." he grew a vein at his sparking face at her appearing snickering.
"A-anyways. follow me."
You and him left immediately to go anywhere but a crowded area. but an alleyway was the only best option here.
"Way to hide your true self back there?"
"Do you have an issue with me dish-washer? Because you are acting exactly like jaha." Veins kept hitting a spot on his pretty face.
"does it matter?"
"It does." Silence and toxicity were amongst both of them, mongrang lost his veins and sighed, letting go of his anger.
"This seems stupid. look. I'm surprised you haven't bashed my head into a wall or stabbed me right in the heart. jaha would have laughed at my brain being exposed. you would too. So just let it go."
"When you tried to date me? Not a fucking chance. your ice arts and martial arts abilities are powerful as jaha. so im surprised you didn't kill me over the truama of having shit in your pants by a laxative. jaha was bad-ass back there to smell you and then continued to fight you. I don't understand wh-" he stuttered to interrupt your cocky rambling. he hid his face to you.
"embarrassed about what I said? jaha is the God of martial arts, and you are only a sheep for beautiful women... other than being a sex officer."
"This isn't about him." his face turned hot, you took into realization of his hot face and turned away to stop your toxic attitude to him.
"Then what.. I don't understand what you're saying." He grabbed your waist and hugged you in his warm arms. you pulled your usual defensive side to him, but he was soft and warm like a pillow or a heating blanket. "Get off me. Don't you have women to do the same thing?"
"No, I saw two girls called Sky and yeri. they are really pretty and kind to me. But I didn't want to act like the same way I acted to every woman, all flirty and such a gentleman to them..opening the door for me and taking them to dinner..but they were different. they were writers.. I can never go up to their talent, and I'm jealous not in a conflicted way, but I have many insecurities of my own." he blanked out when his eyebrow raised in suspicion, expecting himself to be pushed away by her.
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh, sorry. I was thinking out in different universes. but even if you hate me, then it's alright. I don't desire to fight with you anymore since hugging you like this is the only moment I felt at peace in my life. Other than training and flirting as my life cycle." his back kissed the walls while his arms were on your body.
"So you're happy that I practically hate you?" Your face continued to feel hot when those words hit the thorns of your heart.
"Mhm..I don't care if we fight, and we nearly die out of blood loss. Just let me stay here in this position a little longer.."
you sighed heavily and grabbed his necklace to kiss him in the lips, plastering both lips as a signal. like the Ying and yang.
"Look. If you go out with me then just don't show me off to these other whores. I still don't like you. But my dislike can dissipate a little bit.
"Ah, sure."
(Had to put some of my vents in this, but say whatever you want to this♡)
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acourtofthought · 2 years
If Gwynriel happens, I hope it’s not gonna be hundreds of pages of Gwyn pining for Azriel while he’s pining for someone else. I don’t want this to turn into a situation where Gwyn is like “pick me! pick me!”… I just get secondhand embarrassment when women are written as too available for some jerk (let’s face it, Az ain’t exactly Prince Charming run 🙄).
Call me old fashioned but I feel like men in fiction’s first job is to pine a lil bit 🤷‍♀️ second & third jobs are to be tall & sexy
And Az can pine like it’s nobody’s business.
I personally don't see that happening because I think there is no further pining for Elain after SF. I think that moment of Az hitting rock bottom where his own friend was disgusted by his behavior was Az realizing that he really was right to stay away from Elain. Some think that line is so romantic, like they'll end up in a forbidden love trope but I truly think it was a smack in the face for Az. Like, what am I doing? I knew this was a bad idea and here I am, being proved what a bad idea it all was. I do think his book will touch upon his acknowledging that maybe he was wrong for ever trying to start something with Elain because it wasn't for the right reasons but I think the main focus at the start of his book will be about him dealing with his past with Mor. Not so much that he's pining for her to the extent he was but I think he's still dealing with residual feelings. However, I think the two of them will finally have a legitimate and real conversation about why they would have never worked (with Mor coming out to him at that time) and I think that's going to go a long way in helping Az really let her go. But I can't see SJM allowing any of that to extend beyond a few chapters because she does have a lot of ground to cover with making Gwynriel happen (since both Az and Gwyn have a lot of growth to do as individuals before coming to together) and she doesn't like her characters to be super hung up on ex's while she's building toward a new relationship. I definitely don't see Gwyn fighting for Az's attention though. I know she's still new to the whole dating thing but you can already tell she's got a lot of confidence hiding underneath the girl beginning to come out of her shell and I can't see her pining for anyone. You know how Lucien once told us that Jesminda had teased and taunted him so thoroughly that he hadn't wanted anyone but her? To me, that line gives me Gwynriel vibes. I could see Gwyn teasing Az constantly and he's literally helpless to resist her. With Mor and Elain, neither put out "come to me" signals. Az fixated on them when neither really showed any strong interest. With Mor it was just a love at first sight sort of thing and with Elain it was more of a, "look at this helpless kitten everyone is taking care of, let me be the one to take over so I can feel useful!" situation. I obviously don't think Elain is that sort of person right now but when she was devastated and withdrawn, everyone took it upon themselves to say "she's so quiet, we need to help her!" It's not like she asked them to do it but I think people gravitate towards "defenseless" creatures who look like they're in need of being cared for (which makes the whole E/riel setup problematic, because Elain is a grown female, not someone Az needs to protect and baby). But with Gwyn, it's different. She's the first person who actually flirts with Az and that was just a tiny glimpse of it. Imagine how much she'll sass and flirt with him when she's really ready to take her sexuality to the next step. It's funny that E/riels think Gwynriel is problematic because they think Gwyn will be too innocent for Az's "kinky" side (which, lets be real, is not going to be the kind of kinky I think some of us think of when we hear that word. There are some authors who write some SERIOUS kinks and I don't think SJM is to that level). But I feel like Gwyn is going to be the type of character who brings Az to his knees with the confidence we're going to see her develop and her curious nature.
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neonponders · 1 year
When Coal Turns Into Pearls - Harringrove x Hunger Games!au - ch. 2
Ch. 1 | Ch. 3
• • •
Robin Buckley could take a fresh, black manicure down to chips within minutes, and she’d been through several as she waited on the Academy stairs. Steve allowed himself a casual jog once he made it a block away, but it sped up the closer he got until Robin practically caught him on the stairs and used his momentum to get herself hustling into the building. “There you are! Took your time.”
“I’m not late,” Steve defended, but mostly he hoped to will the fact into reality.
“No, you’re not late. You’re only leaving me with these people.”
“It’s your own fault for speaking three languages. Maybe if you flunked a little more, you’d be happier.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re skipping over the moon,” she sassed, elbow firmly hooked with his as if it were freezing or he might fly away. Steve felt grateful for the anchor. Robin stood almost as tall as him, making their strides through the cathedral-like lobby of the school strong and quick.
His mother’s voice echoed in the chambers of his memory. Gothic Revival. How many times it’s been revived, who can say?
Like she’d heard it too, Robin whispered, “How is she?”
“Same,” Steve clipped.
Robin nodded once, understanding, and then said at normal volume, “I’m coming over today.”
She didn’t mean the penthouse. She meant his workplace. Steve had all but forgotten that he had a shift tonight. The elite of the Capitol were devoting more work hours than ever for the Reaping and Hunger Games, while regular people still had glasses to wash and food to serve. A part of him took it as a light at the end of the tunnel. The work at the old music club was hardly difficult, and the owner had been a close friend of his parents. Steve just hoped the whiplash wouldn’t damage anything in his head; he had to be Steve Harrington every day until the Games were over. Fresh as a rose.
They traversed the stairs and long hallways, more and more people loitering excitedly about as they went. Eventually Robin let go of him so he could do his chivalrous duty and letting her walk in first. When he stopped with his arm open, gesturing for her to go ahead, she scoffed, “Shut up,” which cracked a grin on his face.
Robin wasn’t a mentor, but she was working closely with one of her professors, so she would not be sitting with Steve and the others when the time came. A couple of mentors already sat in the fan of chairs around a raised dais, reading through notes on previous Games. On the wall behind the dais, a massive television screen glowed with the seal of Panem. Occasionally it faded to be replaced with various things:
Welcome, Gamemakers.
Welcome, mentors.
“Where’s the food?” Steve prioritized, trying to peer around without looking like a bird.
“There’s an itinerary,” Robin said like an apology.
Steve swiveled his head to look at the screen, but the plan for the day did not flash across it. “Okay, and when’s the food?”
“I guess they don’t want us to know. Probably after a lot of talking. They won’t feed us until the guests have their asses kissed.”
They shared a smirk. With the Gamemakers around, students fell one rung lower on the ladder. There was a very slim window of allowance for rudeness today, but even Capitol teenagers wanted a buffet over a lecture.
Too many people stood around the room for their complaints to matter anyhow. The crowded buzz of noise soothed Steve’s nerves. He liked crowds. He had heard that some people reacted to a hoard of people the same way he did to an elevator, but in his mind they were nowhere near the same. Every scent that drifted by told a story, and Steve felt like a kid at his parents’ soirees again; all of his senses absorbing colors, textures, scents and sounds like a sponge. The social rules changed the more people stood together. A person could hide while being completely visible. A person could walk up and talk to anybody. It was a fun paradox, having all shields down while also being fully shrouded. The only thing missing was—
“There we go,” Steve said to nobody, eyes on the beverage table. He hadn’t seen it before because everyone else had the same idea. As he made his way through and the libation enjoyers dispersed, he took in the options. Water with green coins floating in it. Cucumbers. Fresh cucumbers. Green bottles that poured bubbly yellow and pink alcohol. Alcohol! Before eight o’clock! The day was looking up.
He preemptively celebrated, “Oh, baby, that’s what I’m talking about—”
The white fabric of gloved hands interrupted his path to the drinks. An Avox held out a glass of the cucumber water. Steve all but choked and managed an inaudible, “Thanks,” as he accepted the glass.
For a hard second, he stood with the water in his hand, feeling dumb. His brain began to swing wide, trying to find what exactly he’d done wrong and pilfering the corners of his memory for the manners his parents had ingrained in him—
A loud but lazy laugh arrived beside him and Steve looked at the balding head of…of…
“Murray Bauman,” he introduced with a lift of his glass. The size and shape of the glass told him enough, but the clear liquid swirling with Bauman’s movements left a meniscus line on the glass. Steve knew it to be a clear liquor of some kind. He poured plenty of such drinks at the club. “Sorry, kids have to behave while the adults play. I hear the water’s good, though.”
Steve rushed to get his countenance back together and took a sip. He knew of Murray Bauman but had never actually met the guy. His official role was a professor at the school, but nobody really knew what he did outside of that. Every teacher had their sabbaticals and extraneous studies, but no one dared ask what Bauman got up to. Now that Steve had a point blank view of him, he could definitely understand why Nancy kind of hated the man. Bald crown but full beard, he had a reputation for drinking in the middle of class. Whatever he did to fill his time, it gave him enough heft so nobody punished him for being the Academy’s alcoholic.
“You’re wondering if I’ve tasted water in the last ten years.”
Steve blinked. Yep, that’s exactly where his brain had gone. “Sorry, what?”
Bauman laughed again. “Well I’d have to, wouldn’t I? Can’t make this last the morning without diluting it.”
He raised his glass again and gave it an intentional swirl. Then all at once, Steve had those dark eyes behind thick spectacles boring down on him. “You’re familiar. Whose kid are you?”
Steve had his brain back into gear and held his ground. “I’ve never taken your class, sir.”
Bauman rolled his eyes patiently. “I know that. My guess is you take after both of your parents. That’s why I can’t place you. It’d be easier if you were the direct copy of just one person.”
Bauman was definitely an alcoholic. People knew who Steve’s parents are. Even with one dead and the other a recluse, they still only wanted to talk to Steve about his parents. A quiet corner of his brain grumbled, Enough of that.
“I’m Steve Harrington.”
“Steve! ” Bauman sighed with a bizarre amount of recognition, even fondness. Steve didn’t have time to figure that out because without warning, he crooned, “And Miss Wheeler. How apropos.”
That last part didn’t sound like a compliment. It sounded teasing and belittling in the way like Bauman knew something Steve didn’t. Steve knew the feeling; growing up, classmates loved holding things above him because he took a little longer to understand stuff. He gratefully looked to Nancy Wheeler for a clue on how to escape this guy.
“Murray,” she returned curtly, and…that’s all it took. Steve gazed in wonder between them as Murray sipped his drink, silently observing them while Nancy took Steve’s arm to guide him elsewhere.
He also realized that Robin had never left him, and stood with her own glass of water when Nancy found them a space by a wall. He asked her, “Have you taken his class?”
“No, but he came into one of my language classes a lot. I got the impression he’s more comfortable in another language.”
“He’s a nightmare,” Nancy intercepted. “He might actually be productive to society if he stopped drinking.”
Steve had known Nancy long enough to know this was praise and lifted his brows. “He’s smart, huh?”
Nancy sighed, deflating a little but not so much as to relax. Steve felt an old, worn out and unplayable string twang inside of himself. The emotion was fondness. Nancy was too pretty to be this high strung, but she cared so much and he couldn’t fault her that. “He’s a genius. He might actually be the smartest person at the Academy.”
That’s why Steve hadn’t met him before. He sipped his water, willing any thought of his grades away. The things granting him a seat in this room were his father’s last name and his own athletic prowess. But before he could ask what the man actually taught, she pointed out, “Chief Hopper is here.”
Chief…Hopper? Steve followed slowly. He and Robin found the direction she indicated and sure enough, the Head Peacekeeper of the Capitol stood looking like the unhappiest person in the room. Perhaps the whole city. A big man, Jim Hopper ran a palm over his neatly combed hair and followed it with a brush of his mustache. Someone was talking to him but the man’s wandering eyes and random nods indicated he might not be listening.
Robin voiced for all of them, “Why is there a cop here?”
Nancy sighed, “They have to keep everyone bought and paid for.”
“Nance,” Steve warned quietly.
Robin agreed, “He’s halfway dressed for work…but what’s the worst a bunch of Academy kids are gonna do? Shouldn’t he be watching the streets for drunk drivers?”
Steve’s brows stitched a little bit. Halfway dressed for work was a good way of describing how he looked: steel toed boots under Peacekeeper uniform pants. Instead of the uniform jacket, he covered his textile armor with a nice blazer. No gloves, just clean and manicured hands. He looked like a soldier slightly gilded for the swanky breakfast.
If we ever get to breakfast. Steve’s stomach had begun the steady, pinched cramp of hunger. The shrinking feeling that would make finally eating less of a victory because his stomach had shrunken too much to actually eat his fill.
“Maybe they think the Capitol citizens will grow a spine this year,” Nancy said.
Both Steve and Robin shifted restlessly, the former inhaling through his nose in a jaded manner. “You know, you don’t have to remind everyone all the time that you’re from District 3.”
Steve knew he’d messed up before he was even through with the sentence. The way Nancy’s lips parted, before they puckered in steeled resolve. Once upon a time, he’d pinch her chin softly and try to say something soothing and funny to that expression. That time was long gone.
“Yes, I do. Because someone has to remind all of you that you’re not superior. We eat the same food and you bleed red just like me.”
“Nance,” he tried to say, but she strode away. He’d just apologize to her later. Or not. He wasn’t her boyfriend anymore, plus he never seemed capable of reaping the benefits apologizing was supposed to give.
By Capitol standards, the Wheelers were top of the line: money and brains. That had been Nancy and Steve’s issue. He was too Capitol and she too District. She was too rich and he was too poor, though he never revealed that to her. He’d wanted to. Wanted to have help with his mother, someone else to talk to her, someone else to fill the void silence of the empty home.
Nancy’s father had made such a fortune in District 3 that he moved his family to the Capitol, thereby safeguarding his children from being reaped for the Games. Therein lay the issue. Nancy loathed the Hunger Games. Plenty of people did. Nobody in their right minds actually liked the notion of children dying, much less putting them in an arena to kill each other. But Nancy spoke too loudly about these things.
Steve’s eyes involuntarily found one of the Avoxes standing by the wall, eyes watching the goings-on in a manner that some would consider servile. To Steve, the person looked barely awake, lashes hanging too low. Like they were only half alive.
Music ripped him from his reverie, and he met Robin’s gaze. As the instrumental melody of Panem’s anthem played over the room, they understood it was her time to go be a professor’s protégée, and he to be a mentor. Steve felt the tri-colored amber bracelet Robin wore against the back of his hand when she bumped their wrists together. He understood, See you later.
Steve took a seat and kicked his bag under the chair after he unpacked a notebook and pencil that he’d sharpened with a box cutter at home. Dustin got free pencils at school and for all of his extra curricular nerd activities. The box cutter was from work. A lot of boxes of liquor to open.
The room fell into silence as the guests of the Academy took their places. Namely, a man with white and gray hair and a suit to match. He did not have a podium, but he did have a tall, skinny microphone to introduce himself with.
“Good morning. My name is Dr. Martin Brenner. It is my honor to welcome all of you to the Tenth Hunger Games, and more importantly, to our first and very special collaborative effort. The Games may be our way of remembering the past, but this year we are embracing the future. As a former teacher at this very school, I know how invaluable it is to one’s passion and study, the insight and rejuvenation of young minds. We learn from you just as much as you learn from us. And as Head Gamemaker, I am excited to guide the next generation into our traditions and to watch these young birds fly.”
Steve almost clapped with the rest of the room. Nancy’s rigid shoulders sitting diagonally in front of him made him pause to watch how she crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, defiant. He couldn’t help but wonder why the hell she even agreed to be in the mentor program with this being how she felt about it. Then again, Steve had no real love for the Games either. If anything, it was far more like Nancy to want the gold star on her university applications. Steve needed the tuition money prize for winning.
“Without further ado, I’d like to introduce this year’s mentors. Students, when I say your name, please remain standing. We will follow your lead into the room to my right for more substantial refreshments before we come back here for the Reaping ceremony.”
Food. Steve fixed his posture.
Twenty-four students. Two for each district. Not unlike the tributes themselves, each district would have a boy and a girl mentoring it, but that would not mean that the mentor and tributes’ sexes had to match. And just like the competitors, that did not mean that mentors had to team up. They had the choice to strategize together, or to keep their lips sealed.
There ought to have been twenty-six mentors and tributes, but that was another story. Specifically, the story of District 13. The place got blown sky high right at the start of the war, and with it, the river that fed the Harringtons’ bank accounts. At the start of his and Nancy’s relationship, she had pointed out how his family must have hated the Capitol for making such a decision. A decision that failed. The idea was to scare the country into immediate submission. Cut down a tree before lightning strikes so the whole forest doesn’t burn. As if humanity could control the sky. Instead, the forest did burn. The districts fought back, and fought hard. The Capitol almost lost. In so many ways, the Harringtons truly did.
Steve hadn’t known what to say to Nancy. He’d managed to put together a silly, flirtatious and self-deprecating remark, “Only if you can’t stand to date a loser like me.”
Nancy had smiled like the stars. “You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington.”
“Steve Harrington,” Dr. Brenner announced.
He blinked, jarring awake but rising smoothly to his feet. No one clapped for the students; the simple introduction was meant to be an honor, but fast. They had to fill the time until the two o’clock Reaping, after all, and the best way to keep people docile and happy was to get them to food as quickly as possible.
Still, Steve felt eyes on him. Like following the origins of a sound, he peeked in an intuited direction, which in this case was diagonally to his right. Tucked behind the dais, he felt his lungs freeze in his chest. Chief Jim Hopper stood against the wall with Murray Bauman, both of them looking at him despite another student’s name being called. Hopper’s bright blue eyes were expressive but…Steve didn’t understand them. The ghost of his father and how Steve had a hard time knowing whether Robert Harrington was angry or sad or both passed through his body, inciting him to flick his gaze elsewhere.
But not before he absorbed the closed-lipped smile behind Murray’s beard. Steve didn’t like that one bit.
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unfinishedbusincss · 1 year
Muse Vomit
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So I’ve got A Lot Of Fucking Opions™️ about Anne Bonny, and I’m really feeling her lately, so here are some need-to-know’s. Starting with this:
I’ve literally never seen Black Sails and I have no plans to. Ever.
I just really like Paget’s face.
Okay, thanks for that. Those are like the OOC “need to know” things, which I know can be confusing. The rest of this is just all regarding my personal portrayal, which pulls and diverges from history.
Anne has green eyes I like to describe as “sea glass” and fiery red hair. She’s freckled, scarred, and rarely parted from her trademark hat. She stands at 5’8” (172.7 cm). She isn’t “slender,” she’s skinny. Thin. She’s also left-handed, and always feigns with her right to throw people off. (And when I say always, I mean A L W A Y S . It’s an unconscious habit now, and she’s forced herself a little closer to ambidexterity than most.)
Anne’s always had a fiery temper and a ready hand for violence. She embraced a rough childhood and continued to embrace her roughness all through her life, refusing the tame roles of daughter and wife unless they came with that delicious dash of danger. Faster than she is strong and smarter than she is fast.
I have two main versions of Anne who split at this point. Who Anne becomes depends largely on who Jack Rackham is, and so there is a difference between pseudostorical!Anne and OFMD!Anne.
If Jack Rackham is the ridiculous romantic idiot a lot of media portrays him as, Anne is his fiery, fierce wife, more likely to kick ass than to take sass any day. She is loud and unabashed and loves her life triumphantly.
If, on the other hand, Jack Rackham is the immutable loser the other part of media portrays him as, Anne is his sullen, silent second-in-command, gritty and paranoid, someone to be feared, who doesn’t get to know love. This makes more sense after you read her
Lord William Cormac (lately of Old Head of Kinsale, in Cork County, Ireland) was quite a lot of things, but loyal was seldom among them. While the lawyer’s wife lay dying, he was seducing the help, including one Mary Brennan. When his in-laws threatened to expose his infidelity, William Cormac moved with his maid and illegitimate daughter to Charleston, South Carolina. By the time the move to their new plantation was finished, William Cormac and his new wife were happy to invite their perfectly legitimate son to be a clerk in his father’s law firm. Andy Cormac was a quick study and had a good head for law. It was almost a shame when the news made its way down to Charleston from London, anyway, that William had seduced and now married the maid and their daughter was somewhere with them. Anne lost five things by the time she turned 16: her identity and the freedoms therein as Andy; her mother, who passed away suddenly; her childhood as she took over the household duties her mother had seen to; her conscience, which now boasted one charge of fraud, one of battery, and one of murder; and her heart.
Anne brought home her fiancé, James Bonny (a small-time pirate attempting to legitimize himself), and introduced him to her father. Upon the day of their marriage, Anne Bonny was legally disowned by her loving father—and I do mean that unironically, as Anne was her father’s pride and joy, and his greatest love. It would later turn out that William Cormac was right to dislike James Bonny.
James had likely planned to use his marriage to Anne as a means of accessing the small fortune her father had amassed. His attempts to legitimize himself consistently fell flat, likely because he was not a trustworthy person, and so when his marriage to Anne failed to produce money readily, James began to sulk. Anne, annoyed by his sulking, would spend her time in bars of all sorts, rubbing elbows with all kinds of ruffians. The more time she spent, the rougher she became; the rougher she became, the rougher the company she kept. Soon Anne was friends with many a pirate in the port, and through those friendships James saw a way out of his circumstances. Unbeknownst to Anne, James began selling out her cohorts, cashing in on their relationship to his wife by using her to provide the most recent news of them to the authorities. It was insidious, and it worked. There was just one problem.
Anne had fallen in love with someone else, having long been out of love with James.
While Jack had been developing a reputation as a poor pirate with distasteful legal dealings, Anne found a new solution to the problem of pirates being given to the governor: she simply stopped telling Jack about her friends and acquaintances, even when one such friend started to become much more. “Calico” Jack Rackham was a pirate captain with a reputation all his own, and while not a particularly good pirate, he was one of the small handful known throughout the Caribbean. He and Anne fell into a whirlwind romance, the culmination of which ended in Jack attempting to buy Anne out of her marriage. When James denied this and threatened to fight Jack instead, Anne took to the sea with Jack, taking the good-for-nothing’s name along with her.
This is where my two main versions of Anne split. One Anne gets to grow louder and prouder and become someone to follow into Hell. That Anne is with Jack Rackham, the romantic pirate. The other Anne grows quiet and sullen and fierce, someone to follow through Hell and back. That Anne is with Jack Rackham, asshole extraordinaire.
Regardless of which Anne you write with, however, the story remains the same. Anne is left in Cuba to give birth to her and Jack’s first child, who is never heard from/of again, for one reason or another. By the time Anne joins back up with Jack, he’d taken a Dutch ship and pressed the sailors into piracy, including a young man named Mark Read. Despite starting a piratical career against their will, Mark grew to love the life and their companions, especially Anne. The two grew very close, assisted in no small part by Mark’s most precious of secrets. Jack would become jealous of Mark and Anne, believing the scuttlebutt that the two were having an amorous affair. The scuttlebutt happened to be true. Anne, however, fearing for Mark’s safety, revealed their secret to one other person aboard the Revenge. Once Jack learned Mark’s secret, he turned a blind eye to their dalliances with Anne, and likely had dalliances with Mark to boot.
Mark, you see, was biologically a woman. A woman named Mary Read, who lived so much of their life as a man (in contrast to Anne’s own brief stints, at least) that I refuse to use she/her pronouns for Mary. He/him, they/them, or bust. Anyway.
October of 1720 proved to be the downfall of The Revenge and her crew. The pirate ship had just taken a Spanish commerce ship and spent the night celebrating this victory by drinking to excess, with the notable exceptions of Mark and Anne. The next morning, The Revenge was attacked by a former pirate currently working as a naval captain. The celebrations of the nightly before had incapacitated Rackham and his crew, who stayed below decks or otherwise surrendered without a fight. Anne and Mark were the only two crewmen to fight back against the British Navy, and being only two, the lost handily. The entirety of The Revenge’s crew were taken to Port Royale to stand trial, at which time Anne famously berated Jack. (“Had you fought like a man, you need not have been hang'd like a dog.”) Anne and Mark were granted temporary stays of execution, as both were pregnant at the time the rest of The Revenge was sentenced to death.
Mark would die in prison from a fever, never giving birth; Anne, on the other hand, is a less clear case. Most simply say that she disappeared. Others, however, suspect William Cormac may have had something to do with it. Specifically, that William paid Anne’s ransom and brought her back to South Carolina, where she ended up having her second child, remarrying, and dying quietly surrounded by eight other children on April 25, 1782.
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luminnara · 4 years
She Loves Me, She Loves My Knot | Pro Hero Alpha!Bakugou x Omega!Reader (nsfw, 18+)
hii!! i don’t see many people who write ABO for MHA so I’m glad i found you!!
Can we have a scenario where Bakugou’s omega is generally really tough and seems rather indifferent to everything — however she’s a little afraid of taking Katsuki’s knot for the first time and he tries his best to help her through that process? Sorry if it’s a little obscure but I love the idea of Bakugou being soft and caring but only for his spicy little omega.
Fem reader if you can but if you’d rather opt for gender neutral that’s fine too!! Please keep writing ABO, i love all your things! 🥺🤍
Um hi YES, I really love ABO stuff and I also wanted to see more, so I was like...welp, I guess it’s my time to rise and write my OWN haha! I went with a fem reader for this one, because I feel like that’s what I’m best at writing. If you want a gender neutral version too, let me know and I can post an alternate one!
send in a request here!
Warnings: nsfw, knotting, creampies, some breeding kink
Word count: 2,124
You were a spitfire, and that’s what he loved about you the most. His spicy, fiery little omega, who was better than every other omega to ever walk the earth. From the moment he met you, when he had nearly trampled you in the street in pursuit of an asshole villain and you had threatened to kick in the teeth of the number 4 pro hero, he knew you were something special. Nobody ever stood up to him like that, especially not when he was out on the job, but you? A little omega who smelled so sweet and looked so delicious? You weren’t afraid of him at all. 
He wasn’t embarrassed to admit that he had scented you immediately, his inner alpha getting possessive already. Bakugou didn’t smell any other alphas on you, and he didn’t want to. With his strong, terrifying scent clinging to you, he knew nobody else would try to make any moves, and as you stood there glaring at him, he had given you a smirk, told you to “call my agency sometime, babe,” and then taken off.
Of course, you didn’t call his agency. 
You showed up in person, marching right in and demanding to see him that very evening. Though at first you had seemed angry with him, you quickly told him (with a harsh glare and a snarl that he found absolutely adorable) that he was going to court you, and it was going to start now.
And who was he to deny such a straightforward, cute omega? The two of you were together by the end of the week. 
He almost found it hard to believe that you were an omega sometimes. You were so tough, so unbothered by the world. Whenever you were out and about and you caught an alpha leering at you, you were always quicker than Katsuki when it came to snapping at them to fuck off.
You weren’t the kind of omega who let anybody shove you around, and Bakugou loved that about you. It made him puff his chest up with pride, knowing that he had someone who wouldn’t take any shit. Your scent was strong and your will was even stronger, and he knew that when the time came, you would be the perfect, toughest, best mother to his pups.
You weren’t even mated yet, and he was absolutely sure that you were the one he wanted to spend his life with. You brought out something different in him, some kind of gentle, caring side that he never, ever let anyone else see. You were big and bad, yeah, but he was bigger and badder, and he was always going to protect you, no matter what.
“Babe, I’m home,” he called one night, trudging into your shared apartment. You had moved in together quickly, getting a place in one of the nicest parts of the city.
He heard you coming before he saw you, and before he even had his boots off, you were launching yourself at him. He caught you easily, grinning at the way you peppered his neck and jaw in kisses. It was probably the cutest, least tough thing you ever did, and god, did he love it.
“Miss me or Somethin’?” He teased, kicking his shoes off and carrying you to the bedroom.
“I had the day off and it was boring as shit,” you said bluntly. “I’ve been horny all day without you around to help...”
He paused, taking a whiff. “You’re not in heat. You just like me that much, omega?”
“Don’t be a dick.” You nipped at his jaw sharply and he recoiled.
Some alphas would never let their omega treat them like that, but Bakugou? Oh, he loved it.
He grinned, tossing you down onto the bed before you had a chance to take a chunk out of his face. “So needy...bet you spent all day touchin’ yourself, thinkin’ of me...”
“No I did not,” you huffed indignantly, looking up at him. “You think too highly of yourself.”
He laughed. Your arousal was hanging heavy in the air, betraying your words. The smell of it was like a drug, and as he inhaled, you could see Bakugou’s pupils dilate.
The sight turned you on even more, warmth pooling between your legs as your cheeks flushed. Scarlet eyes, calculating and predatory, pinned you down, holding you in place as your boyfriend grinned, exposing his big alpha fangs.
Fuck, he was hot.
“Sounds like you need to be reminded why I’m your alpha, baby.” He growled, crawling over you.
"Fuck, Katsuki,” you whined as he attacked your neck, biting at your scent glands and grinning at the way you squirmed.
He sucked your skin between his teeth, working at it, determined to leave covered in hickeys for the world to see. You didn’t have a mating mark yet, but oh, did he love making sure that everybody knew exactly whose omega you were.
You bit your lip at the dull pain, back arching up off the bed slightly. “K-Katsuki...”
“Hmm?” He looked up at you. “Look at you, so pretty and flustered for me already...what a good little omega...”
He knew exactly how to tease you. You spent all day sassing Katsuki, showing him how independent you were, but deep down, he knew you needed him just as much as he needed you. In the bedroom, he could make you absolutely melt with only a few words, and it was one of his favorite things to do.
“I can smell how much you want me,” he purred. “So desperate, so needy...”
His fingers slipped up under your shirt, pushing your clothing out of the way as his hands found your tits. He gave them a generous squeeze, grinning when you let out a loud gasp. He could play you like a fiddle, and he reveled in the sweet noises you made for him.
Your hands reached for him, tugging at his pants. He took the hint and stepped back, giving you a heated look that said “clothes off. Now.”
A few moments later, you were both naked, a tangled mess of sweaty limbs. Katsuki’s arms were wrapped around you, holding you close, your nails digging into his back. If he noticed the pain, he didn’t act like it, always allowing you to practically shred him to bits while he pounded into you. Secretly, he loved the marks you left, admiring his back in the mirror whenever he thought you weren’t watching.
You felt the head of his cock nudging at your pussy and moaned eagerly, burying your face in his neck.
“What do you want, baby?” He asked.
“Come on,” you whined.
“Tell me what you want,” he grinned, holding himself still.
“Katsuki!” You bucked your hips, trying to get closer to him.
He held you down. “Use your words.”
You dug your heels into his lower back in an effort to push him in, but he was too strong, resisting your attempts with a smug look on his face.
“I want your cock!” You finally relented, letting out a needy whine that you hoped would sway him.
“Good girl,” he growled, rolling his hips forward.
You shuddered at the feeling of him entering you. No matter how many times he fucked you, you would never be able to get over how big he was. It was part of the reason you hadn’t taken his knot yet, always asking him to pull out before it could swell. As he bottomed out inside of you, you were reminded of just how thick his cock was, and how much thicker that knot had to be.
As tantalizing as it was, it was also terrifying.
“Fuck,” he grunted, holding himself above you with a hand on either side of your head. “God damn, you feel so good...I’m not gonna last long at this rate, fuck...”
You were like putty in his hands when he talked like that. His voice was already so deep and rough, but his sex voice was godlike. You whimpered beneath him, tightening your legs around his waist as he pounded into you, clinging to him for dear life as his thrusts grew harder and harder.
“Katsuki,” you gasped, voice muffled by his neck.
“You like that?” He growled, slamming into you hard enough to scoot you up the bed slightly.
“Yes,” you moaned. “Yes, yes, please...more...”
He moved his head, tongue swiping up the side of your neck before he took your lips in a kiss. You whined and moaned into it, your skin heating up as you felt yourself unraveling, and when you finally did, you were seeing stars. He barely even had to try, and Bakugou gave you the best orgasms of your life.
Your walls squeezed around him as he rode it out, trying to milk his cock. It was good, it was delicious, it was too much for him to stand.
“L-let me knot you,” he moaned low in your ear.
You were coming down from your high, head feeling fuzzy. “Hm?”
“I wanna knot you,” he repeated, more impatient this time. “Please.”
You were beginning to snap back to attention again. “Katsuki...”
“What’s wrong?” He panted, trying to taunt you like usual. “You scared or somethin’?”
When you bit your lip, he slowed his pace, looking at you seriously.
“Really?” He asked.
You nodded hesitantly, cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“You’re afraid of my knot? ...why?”
“You’re just...really big...” you mumbled, looking away to avoid his eyes. “It’ll hurt...”
“Hey,” he said gently, rocking his hips against yours slowly now. “Look at me, babe.”
He took your chin in his hand, turning your head.
“I’m your alpha.” He said roughly. “And I’m gonna take care of you.”
The look in his eyes made your heart flutter. “But...”
“I wanna knot you.” He said again, dipping down to nip at your earlobe. “I wanna fill you up...”
A shiver flew up your spine, that familiar tingle returning to your groin. Fuck, just his voice could make you cum, practically...and honestly, you were aching for him to knot you. You wanted to feel full, to be as close to him as possible.
“Be gentle?” You asked.
“Of course, baby.” He kissed your jaw, his hand slipping down to hold the side of your neck as he quickened his pace again. After only a few moments, he growled, leaning back and pulling out, leaving you feeling painfully empty. “Roll over.”
You obeyed, turning onto your stomach. When you moved too slowly, Katsuki pulled you up by your hips until you were on your hands and knees, ass presented for him.
“Gorgeous,” he growled appreciatively, guiding his cock back into you and moaning when he sank in even deeper.
You moaned loudly, burying your face in the pillows as he began pounding into you again. Your thighs were already quivering, and when you felt his fingers rubbing at your clit, you immediately lost it.
“Fuck!” You cried out, clawing at the bed. “More, please, Katsuki—“
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he moaned, teeth sinking into your shoulder as he pushed into you hard.
You felt his hips stutter before he held you against him in his vice grip, breaths ragged in your ear as he let out the loudest, most delicious, breathy moan you had ever heard. He pumped his seed into you, giving a few sharp thrusts as he emptied himself.
Then, you felt it.
“Easy, baby,” he said lazily, leaning against you as he tried to catch his breath.
His knot was swelling, stretching your pussy in a way you had never felt. You whimpered nervously, swallowing hard as you tried not to freak out. You were waiting for pain, but while it was beginning to feel impossibly tight, it...wasn’t terrible.
“That’s it,” your alpha crooned, smoothing a hand up your spine. “Fuck, you even take my knot so well...”
You started to relax as you calmed down, your body allowing his knot to grow to its full size. It was big, huge, even, but as Katsuki guided you to lay down on your side with him, you were beginning to feel smug. Yeah, you had the best alpha, and he had the best, biggest knot.
“How’s it feel?” He asked, pressing a kiss to your neck.
“Mm. Not bad.” You replied. The post sex haze was beginning to set in, and you were growing tired.
“Good girl.” He nuzzled against your scent glands, inhaling deeply. “Knew you could take it no problem.”
“I wasn’t even really worried.” You lied, trying to sound tough.
He snorted a laugh. “Yeah, right.”
You snuggled back against him. “I like it.”
“Yeah? Good. Because I am never going to stop knotting you now.”
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deceitfuldevil · 3 years
Truth Serum
Pietro Maximoff X Reader
Summary: While working with Tony and Bruce in the lab you accidentally drink some very experimental truth serum, leading to some unwanted confessions with your coworkers.
Warnings: use of y/n, swearing, lots of dialogue, barely proofread, etc.
Word Count: 1.7K
You were busy working with Tony and Bruce in the lab and jokingly Tony placed his latest concoction next to your drink but you didn’t realize until it was too late and you drank Bruce’s experimental truth serum.
“Jesus Tony can you turn down that obnoxious music? I’m so sick of that stupid 70s rock music you’re always playing.”
Tony stopped what he was doing are looked over at you in shock.
“L/n, what the hell are you talking about? You told me you loved my music.”
“Well I lied, I lie to you a lot actually.” You looked up eyes blown wide with dear as you covered your mouth after saying that.
“I did NOT mean to say that.”
“Y/n… did you just take a sip of that beaker Tony so stupidly placed right next to your drink?” Bruce asked pinching the small space in between his eyebrows
You looked down as remorse filled your gut, noticing a small dribble of blue liquid slowly falling down the side of the beaker you obviously just took a drink from. Your eyes life to meet Bruce’s as you slowly nodded a small yes.
“Well, no thanks to Tony now we get to find out if my very experimental truth serum actually works.”
“TRUTH SERUM?!” You shouted, the last thing you wanted was for your team to have unrestricted access to your secrets.
“No thanks to me? Are you kidding Banner? This might be the most fun we have with Y/n all year!” Tony said with a cheeky grin
Your groaned and let your head fall onto the desk you were sitting at. “How long will this last?” You asked muffled
“Best case scenario for you? It could wear off within the next 30 minutes. Worst case scenario? You could be highly responsive and overly truthful for the two days.”
Tony broke out with a loud cackle as he got up from his desk and exited the lab “Good luck kid!”
“And theres no antidote?” You pleaded
“Sorry, but we were barely in the trial phases of creating this and we don’t try to make an antidote unless we know for sure that it works.”
“So how the hell am I supposed to deal with this in the meantime?”
“My best advice? Lock yourself away in your quarters for the next day or so to avoid saying anything unsavory to the rest of the team. Because I don’t have a doubt in my mind Tony left to go and tell the whole team about your little predicament.”
But before you could reply Sam, Rhodey, and Bucky all came running into the lab practically running over each other.
“Okay, I’ve wanted wanted to know. How do you feel really about Redwing?” Sam asked pushing Rhodey and Bucky aside.
“I think you should find a girlfriend so you stop obsessing over a high tech piece of metal.” You said with an unholy amount of sass, already sick of this treatment. Bucky burst out laughing but you sent a pissed off glare his way.
“Don’t think you’re safe either beefcake. You’re 106 years old and still can’t take a joke, not to mention that you’re forgetful as fuck. I mean who the hell just forgets that they have a vibrium arm? I’m not even going to get started on that staring problem you have that you think is so intimidating.” You snapped, shutting everyone in the room up. Before leaving you locked eyes with Rhodey.
“Oh hi Ego Machine! Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you. I mean who could when you tell that story of how you dropped a tank at the generals feet every single party? I mean, BOOM were you looking to be interesting?”
After shutting every one in that room down you stormed out and locked yourself in your room. You really could tell if you had taken truth serum or just a liquid curse. You never left your room for the rest of the night, not wanting to risk dinner with the team. But you woke up around 5:30 in the morning to. Very strong feeling of hunger, and prayed no one else would be up this early as you snaked down into the kitchen. You walked past Wanda sleeping quietly on the couch as Vision floated peacefully in the corner.
“Creepy motherfucker…” you whispered as you stepped into the kitchen
“What was that you said about my husband?” Wanda said, suddenly on the other side of the counter looking at you with a tilted head. You jumped almost spilling your cereal
“Jesus Christ Wanda! A warning!” You said clutching your head with one hand and the cereal box with the other. But she only looked at you and smiled mischievously
“You can ask anything you want but you’re not allowed to be upset by the answer” you stated plaining, pouring some milk into your bowl.
“Are you talking about the truth serum you took yesterday?” Wanda asked, tilting her head at you.
“Yeah, it might not wear off for another 24 hours. Everyones been dying to find how I ‘really’ feel about them since Tony ran his big mouth and told everyone about this stupid serum I drank.”
“You do remember I can read minds, right? I always know when someone’s telling the truth or lying, I just don’t always call them on it.”
“Right.” You said quietly as you stuffed your face with cereal so you could go back to your quarters as soon as possible.
You sat alone in your room unbothered for the next few hours, until you heard a rock at your door.
“Don’t come in! Go away!” You shouted turning the page of your book assuming whoever was on the other side of your door would kindly fuck off. But as a tall man with a mop of silver hair entered your room you sighed dramatically and threw your book at him, missing spectacularly.
“I could’ve sworn I said to NOT come in.” you said as you crossed your arms over your chest, looking at the ever so muscular man making his way over to your bed.
“And when’s the last time I took orders from you?” Pietro said with a smile.
“You never take orders from anyone, I’m surprised you haven’t been kicked off the team yet honestly.” You spat, bitter that he wasn’t respecting your wishes to be left alone. A pit of nerves also started to grow in your stomach the closer he came to you knowing how you really felt about him, and that if he asked there’d be nothing stopping you from telling him the truth.
“Ah, you wound me dragâ.” Pietro says as he mockingly clasps his hands over his heart as if you’d shot him. You just rolled your eyes in response.
“The team tells me you’ve become somewhat of a bitch since yesterday, is that true?” He asked, sitting down at the foot of your bed.
“I’m not a bitch, Tony just tricked me into drinking some of Banner’s experimental truth serum. But you already knew that didn’t you? Either way, spoiler alert. The stupid serum works and probably won’t wear off for another 12 hours. Besides, I’m only a bitch to the team members I don’t like.” Your eyes widened realizing what you just admitted to Pietro
“I suppose that’s true, Wanda did tell me you weren’t too bad when she ran into you this morning.” Pietro said scooting up next to you in bed, normally you’d tell him to fuck off before he got too close so he would know how much you loved being in his arms but when he asked
“Is this okay?” As he stretched his arms over your shoulders pulling you into his chest
“Yeah, I love it when you hold me. Or just touch me in general, always makes me feel like I’m on cloud nine.” The confession just spilled right out of your mouth, causing you to once again to clasp a hand over your lips to prevent you from saying anything else.
Pietro looked down at you with a shocked eyes but a smug smile, deciding to push his luck he asked “Then why do you always push me away and tell me to fuck off anytime I hug you?”
“Becwagh wi dwomt vhmnf to nmfh…” you said, keeping your hand over your mouth to muffle your answer. Pietro shook his head light at you as he took your hand off your lips and held it, gently caressing your knuckles with his thumb
“What was that darling?” He said as he cobalt blue eyes poured into yours. It’s like he already knew how you felt but just needed to hear you say it to confirm his suspicions. Months of pinning after you, and now here was his chance. He had no other choice but to act on it. You swallowed the last bit of pride and fear held in your chest and said
“Because I don’t want you to know how I really feel about you.” The last of your walls came crashing down as you smiled gently at the handsome man before you, he gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as his faced inched closer to yours.
“And how do you feel about me dragosté?”
“Like you’re the only person in the world I could ever fall in love with.” That was all Pietro needed to push aside his ego hearing how you really felt about him as he leaned down and closed the gap in between the two of you pressing his soft lips to yours. Moving gently with you as his lips slotted perfectly over yours, you breathe in his musky scent as you ran your hand across his chest pulling him closer to you. Sadly it wasn’t long before you both ran out of air and had to pull away
“So how do you feel now?” Pietro asked with a cheeky grin plastered on his lovestruck face
“Like I could kiss your stupid face all day.” You said grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him back in for a much more heated kiss.
The rest of your afternoon and week into the evening was spent in Pietros arms sharing soft kisses and fleeting touches. Although admittedly he was sad when the truth serum wore off and he couldn’t ask you any and everything under the sun about how you felt about him.
But you’d end up showing him how you felt in other ways later on ;)
Ahhh here’s my 4th post that will be published while I’m away at camp! Found this little bit in my notes as well and just fleshed it out enough to post! Hope this was enjoyable!
Much Love,
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sanashoneydew · 2 years
Early mornings pt 2 ♡︎
|| fluff | dom!ryujin x sub!reader | gxg ||
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"Your doing it wrong" Yuna teased you in a playful tone
You and the girls were well into the morning of filming. You decided to make breakfast for everyone which was what you were in the process of doing.
You glared up at her and raised an eyebrow "if you think you can do it better then why don't you do it" you sassed causing a laugh to fall from yunas lips.
"Someone's cranky" she teased once more.  Ryujin walked in to join you and the girls who were sitting at the table.
"When is she not" ryujin added looking at you. You two locked eyes before she sent a wink.
You rolled your eyes in response and continued to cook your famous pancakes.
Yuna wasn't wrong. You always were cranky in the mornings. But today it seemed like you were more than usual. You always dreaded getting out of ryujins arms in the morning which always put you in a mood in the end.
After the moment you two had in her bed this morning, it left you craving her arms even more. And trust me. Ryujin felt the same way.
Ryujin came up behind you and rested her chin on your shoulder from behind.
She knew you all were filming but she could feel the tension that was filling your body by the second. Everything and anything was making you overly pissed.
As soon as her chin hit your shoulder, you took a deep breath in and out closing your eyes. You found the absolute comfort in her touch, always.
"Maybe I will" Yuna continued watching you two "your foods always bad anyway." She teased, obviously joking. Yuna loved your cooking, you two were the best of friends and joked all the time.
Usually you would've laughed and teased her back but right now you felt like everything was too much. You were overwhelmed and exhausted and the girls could tell after you let a few tears fall.
As soon as Yuna saw that a few tears fell onto your cheeks, she knew you needed alone time. You were never one to be overly sensitive but you had your days of course.
Ryujin glanced at Yuna to get the staff out as soon as possible which she started to do instantly.
Ryujin was always protective over you but she knew that comforting you was more important right now then getting mad at Yuna for making you cry.
Ryujin turned you around and cupped your cheeks, gently wiping away your tears as you just began to bawl.
"Shhh" she whispered gently putting the side of your head onto her chest
Yuna took the staff outside to go talk with them and the rest of the girls so you could have some alone time.
You gripped onto ryujins shirt tightly , just letting out all your emotions as your falls finally broke. Ryujins heart broke instantly hearing you break. You were a strong person but when you broke, It absolutely broke her heart.
She worried about you. All the girls did but ryujin especially. You always held in your emotions until you broke.
You felt your breathing pick up into a high speed as you found everything to become too over baring. This comeback and crazy schedule you had recently was taking a huge toll on you.
"Hey. Look at me" she whispered gently lifting your chin to make you look at her "breathe baby" she spoke as you locked eyes with hers.
"I can't" you whispered breathlessly.
"Yes you can my love. Focus on me and copy my breathing baby girl" she soothed looking around your face as she ran her free hand through your hair.
You stared at her face, copying her breathing as best she could. Your tears and breath started to back to normal after a few minutes.
Ryujin let out a tiny smile "that's it" she whispered gently stroking her thumb against your cheek.
You just continued to look around ryujins face feeling so much love for her as you calmed down.
"I'm sorry" you spoke shaking you head.
"For what baby. You don't have to apologize for anything. I know your stressed and that's okay baby. I'm so proud of you for sticking through this whole comeback and hectic schedule. You know it's always okay to cry infront of me. I'll always be here for you" she whispered playing with your hair.
You didn't need to say anything, she knew you, she knew what you were going to say and you loved her so much for it. She knew just what to say all the time.
"You always know what to say" you whispered looking around her face some more.
"Well you know. I'm just good like that" she complimented herself as a giggle finally fell from your lips.
"There's my girl" she whispered and put her forehead against yours.
"God I love you so much" you spoke causing ryujin to shake her head.
"I love you even more" she whispered before the two of you shared a sweet and long kiss.
You truly felt happy and couldn't ask for anything more then to just be with her in the moment.
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mostlybarnes · 3 years
It’s My Party, You’re Not Invited [Part Three]
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Summary: Bucky did what he had to do, and you’re growing tired of his games.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Angst, drunk!reader (mentioned), smidgen of jealous!bucky, language.
Words: 1,021
Author’s Notes: Well, this starts off with Bucky’s sides of things. We finally learn what the party was really about. I found it a little challenging to interpret his reasoning because as I mentioned in an ask, what he did was kinda inexcusable so I hope it flows well and get ready for some drama and action in part four on Wednesday!
Stand by, I’ll attempt a reblog with more tags!
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Bucky had no idea what to do as he stared at the hole in the wall. He thought he could keep this whole situation under control, he was informed you would be on a mission, away from the compound and safe. He wasn’t expecting you to be relaxing in your room on the night of the undercover party. Inviting you would have been impossible because of the risks involved, and for their plans to work they had to invite an enemy from your past and Bucky wasn’t prepared to put you through hell since it took you a very long time to get away from him.
One of your ex boyfriends showed up as planned, shield had kept a close tab on him since he got on their radar for selling dangerous weapons on behalf of Hydra. Tony had made sure he received an invitation to the undercover party where Nat would take over to interrogate him over a couple of drinks. It worked, as the idiot gave her one of the key locations that they could now infiltrate on an upcoming mission.
Your ex boyfriend’s connection to Hydra made Bucky act like your protector. He thought he was doing what was best for you, but he ended up hurting you and he hated lying. He couldn’t help but feel the jealousy and frustration surge through his veins at the thought of you dancing with other guys in a bar somewhere and having a good time. Bucky just stood there, staring into the hole for hours and thinking of the best solution to fix this with his arms folded. He’s made mistakes in the past but this might be one of his biggest ones yet.
But if something was to happen to you tonight, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. The sound of the elevator on the other side of the hallway pulled him from his deep thoughts, but it was the sound of heels clicking against the tiled floor and someone staggering that made him turn in the direction. There you were, holding onto the walls for support as you staggered down the hallway with mascara stains down your cheeks. Bucky panicked, his immediate thought was something bad had happened and he rushed towards you with his hand out. You slapped it away and scoffed.
“Don’ pretend like y’ care now Barnes.” You slurred and staggered around him. Your ankle twisted and you yelped out in pain. You wait for the pending impact of the hard floor but it doesn’t come and instead a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around your waist to hold you steady.
“Just let me help you!” He growled and took you to your room to sit you down on the edge of the bed. “Are you okay?”
You’ve learned to hate that question, and you’re not sure if it’s because it was him asking it or just because you didn’t really know if you were okay or not. Sometimes you felt you had every right to wonder why you were excluded and other times you felt like you were being dramatic.
“S’pose, just tired.” You yawned, laying on the bed and curling up into a ball.
“Get some sleep.” Bucky watched on as you closed your eyes, he waited for your breathing to even out before he kissed your forehead and retreated back to his own room.
The next morning, you felt awful. Your head was aching so bad that it felt like someone had ran over you with their truck. You felt nauseous and not ready to face the day. You drank too much last night at the party, but you wanted to have a good time and forget about everything that had happened. And for many hours, that seemed to work in your favor.
But now you were back to reality, and you were about to face another day of humiliation and walk around with no clear answers as to why Bucky Barnes didn’t invite you to his party. You didn’t know if you could face it, but you had to because you’re not the kind of person to hide away from their problems.
You took your time getting out to bed, not wanting to make your nausea worse by moving too quickly. You grabbed some clean clothes and took a long hot shower, the tension in your muscles were relaxed and for the first time this morning, you sighed. You stayed under the water until your fingers had wrinkled up and grabbed a warm towel to wrap around yourself. It was going to be a long day, you didn’t see much point in rushing yourself.
Your main mission today was to avoid Bucky at all costs and when the afternoon came without running into him, you thought the rest of your day would be the same. You should have known better, you should have known he wouldn’t let you go one day without him making himself known to you.
“I thought you’d be relaxing.” He chuckled, taking a seat opposite you.
You folded your arms over your chest and stared past his shoulder.
“I was,” you emphasized. “Until you showed up.”
“Don’t fight me all the time, Y/N. I did what I had to do to protect you.”
“Protect me? Protect me from what?”
“It’s complicated.” You groaned at his response, and threw your hands in the air.
“I can’t keep doing this.” You sighed, standing up. Bucky blocked your path and you didn’t miss the opportunity to glare at him. The audacity of this man!
“Doing what?” He must be playing dumb, right?
“This! You keep giving me answers to the questions I’m not even asking! Just answer the one question: just tell me why you didn’t invite me!”
“I don’t know why it means so much to you, it was just a fuckin’ party!” He yelled so loud that you flinched. “He’s back, Y/N. He’s working with hydra and he was here the other night… looking for you. I did what I had to do.”
You frowned, “who is back?” Maybe now you’re playing dumb.
Taglist [50/50]: @w-wolfhxrd @kennedywxlsh @team-marvel13 @rosiahills22 @fallenoutofrose @sourpatchspinster @hazeljean2 @divergent-llamas-03 @gearhead66 @loudbluepancake @pinkybee926 @furiouscopshepherduniversity @moonlacebeam @chipster-21 @rottenstyx @mundaytuesday @legacies-roserussell @gallifreyansass @supernaturalcat7 @osterfieldshollandgirl @daeguboysmykt @serendipityharry @shittyfuckinweeb @wanniiieeee @hopplessdreamer @wordacadabra @josis-teacup @barneschoco @the-nonsenseblog @angywritesstuff @cherrytop02 @spn-obession @dottirose @veroxloki @wildeausten @directorofmylife @unholyhazza @bababasti @mrslilyrogers-ficrecs @study-aesthetics01 @sophieisinlove @merlin-288 @cable-kenobi @beananacake @johnmurphys-sass @slytherdoravenger @thesnoweclipse @townwitchbadbitch @sxtansqueen @i-ship-it-ironically
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nights-legacy · 3 years
Left Behind - All Might's Daughter Pt. 1
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{Note/Question/Request- Right now this isn't a paired imagine. I was wondering, after you've read it, where you think I should go with this. If I pair her with anybody, who should is be? How or should she forgive the two OFA users? Etc. Let me know!!}
+2460 Words Slight, slight spoilers from the Sports Festival!
+Y/N L/N is the only daughter of All Might. She has her mother's last name and what can be qualified as a super soldier quirk. She is fast, strong, powerful, and built like a tank and it's all in a small 15 year old girls body. After Midoriya comes into the picture, Y/N starts to feel left behind after a while. So she starts to pull away from them and gets close with Bakugo. Eventually, it all snaps at once and it was at the worst of times.
I huffed and puffed as I slowed to a stop I looked behind as the rest of the class caught up with Iida and I. We were the fastest in class without quirks and with most of the time. With the sports festival coming up, everyone was trying improve on things they lacked.
“Great job everyone.” Iida congratulated as everyone made it in. I walked over to Midoriya who was nearly doubled over.
“Are you okay there, Midoriya?” I asked patting him lightly on the back. He looked up at me, nodding. “You seem really winded. Maybe you should sit down for a minute.”
“Probably.” He said before he fell back, flat on his back. I laughed at him as he clocked out. I leant over him, hands on my knees, making sure he was okay. A yell of frustration caught my attention. I looked over at the source and saw Bakugo yelling at Sato who was just standing their indifferent.
“Okay, okay.” I went over and grabbed Bakugo’s arm, forcefully dragging him off. He growled at me and ripped his arm from my grip as we got a ways off.
“What do you want?”
“Not a blood bath.” I said with sass. He stared at me before smirking. He crossed his arms and leaned in close.
“I can take someone out without any blood being split.” He said.
“That may be true but who said I was talking about the other person’s blood.” I joked with an amused look on his face. His smirk turned glare and he went off on me. I just laughed and let him. I saw a flash of yellow and blue. I looked over and saw my dad whisking Midoriya away. My face dropped.
“What’s wrong with you now?” Bakugo exclaimed. I looked at him surprised before I saw him look where I was originally. Midoriya and my dad were out of sight now.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.” I said, covering up my dejected annoyance with a smirk. “Now, sorry. I wasn’t listening to you before. What were you saying?”
“You damn…” He growled.
*Time Skip*
The roar of the crowd was empowering but there was a lot on my mind. The sports festival is a big deal. The first two events were alright and I got through fine but the last one was trickier. There are a lot of students with great quirks that could kick my ass. I walked through the halls before I heard two familiar voices. (Reader is in the final round instead of Shiozaki.)
“What are they talking about now?” I whispered to myself. I leant against the wall a ways down the hall. I listened to them and heard Dad encourage Midoriya. After that, Midoriya walked out to the field. Dad began to walk down my way. “Hey dad.”
“Y/N, you spooked me.” He jumped, holding a hand to his chest.
“Sorry.” I said, chuckling.
“Well, it’s alright. You are doing well out there, my little Powerhouse.” I tensed at the nickname.
“Dad.” I whined. He chuckled before moving to walk on. “I’m nervous for the next round.”
“Everything will be fine, Y/N. You’ll see.” He said in a caring voice. He walked away and my shoulders dropped. I needed more than that. Much more. I turned and leant against the wall with my shoulder. I set my head against the wall and took a few un-steady breaths.
“What are you doing dumbass?” I jumped and looked at Bakugo disoriented. I shook my head. I had no idea how long I was standing there. “Are you crying?”
“What?” I reached up and wiped them away. “No just caught some dust in my eyes.” I said before I went to walk away but he caught my arm.
“That’s not it. What’s wrong?” He said softer. I noticed his grip on my arm was soft and…comforting? I looked up at him.
“I just needed some encouragement from someone who didn’t give it. That’s all no big deal.” I pulled away from his grip gently. I had only walked a few feet away when he spoke up.
“Whoever they are, they’re not worth your tears. You shouldn’t need anyone’s encouragement. You strong enough on your own.” I turned to him surprised. He had his back to me, hands in his pockets. I smiled sadly.
“If only you knew who I was talking about.” I whispered.
3rd POV
Bakugo looked over his shoulder as the girl walked away. He fully turned and watched her walk away. Crossing his arms across his chest as he thought about what she said. He knew she meant for him not to hear it but he did.
“Who are you talking about?” He asked out loud. He looked off in the distance in thought. It wasn’t until footsteps caught his attention. He looked behind him to see Deku coming up behind him.
“H-hey Kacchan.” He stuttered while looking a bit tired. Bakugo remembered that Deku had known L/N since before the first day of school.
“Deku! You know L/N, right?” Bakugo asked. He looked at Bakugo strangely.
“Yes. I do. Pretty well, I guess.”
“Who is important to her? Is there anyone here that would or should be in her corner?” Deku looked at him surprised.
“Um, yeah. There is.” He said tentatively.
“Who is it?” Bakugo growled. Deku looked at him before squaring his shoulders.
“I am afraid I cannot tell you, Kacchan. And before you ask me why, it’s not my place or right to tell you. There is a reason they haven’t told anyone and I will not break their trust by outing something that isn’t mine to tell.” Bakugo just stared at him in surprise before Deku walked off.
I breathed out in pain as I walked back into the stadium halls. I had won my first battle against Kaminari but not the second against Iida. My confidence was already down and affected my performance. I rolled my shoulder as I sat down at a table. I pulled my leg up and relaxed back for a moment.
“You did great out there L/N!” Uraraka called out. I smiled at her.
“Thanks.” I called back. I got up a little bit later and walked out. I went to walk up to the student stands. In the corner of my eye is saw green and yellow. I didn’t want to look but did. I saw dad comforting Midoriya and I gave a shaky sigh. I shook my head, biting my lip before continuing on.
*Time Skip*
I was breathing hard but I still ran. I pushed myself harder to try and get away from the robots. This training session was intense and very hard. Half the class was already out and the last few were running dry. I could hear Bakugo and Midoriya just past some rubble. A hit landed right next to me, knocking me off balance.
“Umph.” I rolled off the side and back onto my feet. I dodged an attack before vaulting over a rubble wall. I paused, hearing the robot fussing on the other side. I looked around and saw Midoriya down the street. I rolled my eyes as he waved.
“You doing okay?” He asked.
“Just fine.” I snapped at him. He reeled back at the aggression.
“Are you sure? You’ve been rather testy lately. Did something happen?” He asked concerned. I sighed heavily.
“Of course something did. You’re both just to enamored to see!” I yelled before running on. He ran after me, trying to talk to me but I ignored him. We made way into the cityscape center. I saw Bakugo across the way.
“It’s too quiet here.” Midoriya commented. As soon as he said that, he was tackled off to the side.
“Shit.” I ducked as a bit of the robot flew over my head. I stumbled back, hitting a wall. I watched as he fought the robot with ease. My chest began to fell heavy.
“Come on, Miss L/N. Push on.” I heard my dad’s voice. I scoffed.
“That’s the most encouragement you’ve given me in a month.” I said under my breath. I pushed off the wall and started to fight another robot that showed up. I heard Bakugo on the other side doing the same. In the moment I heard Midoriya scream one of my dad’s catch phrases, I stopped. I just stood there, staring off.
“I give up.” I said softly.
“L/N! Are you alright?” I heard Midoriya yell.
“Oi, dumbass. Get moving!” Bakugo called across the field.
“Miss L/N, I would advise you moving on. Stalling is not advisable in the field.” I heard my father say through the field. I let out a sob. I fell to my knees, burying my face in my hands.
“I give up!” I screamed. “I can’t do this anymore. I. Give. Up!” I screamed, crying out. I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I heard yelling around me but I didn’t care not anymore. I am tired, I am hurt, and I just want this to end.
“Y/N! Look out!” I heard Bakugo’s voice close to me. I looked up right as he grabbed me and pulled me off to the side. We rolled and landed a few feet away. I looked over and saw a robot where I once was. It started to move towards us but shut down. “What’s wrong with you dumbass?” Bakugo yelled at me. I looked at him and saw a glare but concern behind it.
“Are you alright, L/N? What happened to…”
“Stay away from me!” I screamed, shuffling back away from Midoriya as he run up. I hid my face in the back of Bakugo’s shoulder as Midoriya skidded to a stop. I peeked over Bakugo’s shoulder at him and he was in shock.
“Young L/N, are you alright?” We all looked over to see All Might and Aizawa running up.
“You stay away from me too!” I pointed at my dad. I hid my face again and gripped onto Bakugo’s arm. I felt him place a hand on mine but I could tell all of them were confused. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn’t immediately recognize the touch so I figured it was Aizawa. I peeked out at him with teary eyes.
“Are you alright?” I nodded before retracting back.
“L/N, what wrong?” Bakugo asked. I just shook my head.
“Not here, not now.” I mumbled.
“Alright.” Aizawa said and stood. “We’re done for the day. All of you go get changed and go home. You three, meet in the classroom.”
“Why me?” Bakugo yelled.
“Because you’re the only one that L/N seems to be comfortable around right now.” Aizawa said firmly. It was silent for a moment.
“Alright.” He agreed without another argument.
I was sitting on the cabinets in the back of the classroom with Bakugo leaning next to me. Midoriya and my dad were at the front of the classroom. I had calmed down some but was still upset. I wouldn’t even look at the two. Aizawa finally came in closing the door behind him.
“Okay. What is going on?” He asked out loud. I glanced at him before looking back out the window. “Not talking. Alright. Do you two know what it is that made her act this way? That made her break down in the middle of a dangerous training session?” From the accusation in his voice I could tell he already knew.
“I am not sure. I have never seen her act like this before.” My dad said. I chuckled darkly.
“Then open your eyes or take off the blinders.” I growled. He looked at me surprised. I saw Bakugo glance between the two of us. He raised an eyebrow at me.
“I am sure I don’t know what you mean. I…” I cut him off.
“Of course you don’t!” I shot up and yelled. “You haven’t noticed one thing about me in month’s dad! Ever since…” I looked at Midoriya. “Ever since then. I have been left behind. Every time I needed encouragement from you I got nothing. Every time I needed advice from you I got nothing.”
“That can’t be, I…”
“The sports festival! I was nervous about the last round and I told you! But the only thing you said was everything will be fine, you’ll see.” I laughed with no amusement. I could hear Bakugo muttering confused behind me. I looked back at him and he had surprise and confusion written all over his face. “Yes, All Might the symbol of Peace is my dad. Unfortunately at the moment.”
“No. I’m not done. You made me despise a person that has never done anything bad to me. I haven’t got anything from you since day one. Nothing substantial at least. I don’t have a mother and no one else in this world then my dad but it seems like he’s in someone else corner only. Everyone else corner than mine. Well at least you’ve never treated me bad right? I guess it’s not all bad.” I said in a dark tone.
“Y/N…” He stood stunned.
“Speechless, huh?” I chuckled, feeling tears coming on again. “Look, I don’t want stop with your prodigy but a little acknowledgement or help from time to time. Okay? Okay.” I said before grabbing my bag and walking out. I heard someone running behind me. I looked back to see Bakugo.
“So…your All Might’s daughter, huh?”
“Yeah, the one and only.” I said. I crossed my arms over my stomach as we walked. He hummed and we walked in silence. I could feel the silent tears falling down my face.
“As awesome as that is…right now All Might is my least favorite person right now. Even less than Deku. Why was he even involved in this? Whatever. They are both little shitty…”
“Bakugo!” I yelled frustrated. He fell silent. We stopped and I took a big breath. “I know this is your own way of trying to comfort me but it’s not working, alright? I just…” I covered my face with my hands for a second before letting them drop. I looked at him. “I just want to be alone alright? I can’t, I don’t…I just can’t right now.” I paused to look at him in the face. “I don’t want to blow up on you like I did him. So please, I just want to be alone.” I could see apprehension in his eyes but I didn’t care. I turned and walked away.
“You shouldn’t be alone right now.” He called after me. I could hear him take a few steps before stopping again.
“I know.” I said before turning a corner and walked away from him.
Tags: @spicy-therapist-mom
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Characters: Napoleon Solo x reader
Summary: Mutual pining, a plane crash, general Napoleon Solo behaviour.
Word Count: 1112 words
Prompt: “What the hell were you thinking?!”
A/N: This prompt was selected by the brilliant @iwillbeinmynest for my 2.5k follower celebration.
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Napoleon Solo was not the kind of man who formed ‘attachments. He was used to watching his back, especially with people he had momentarily been forced to place his trust in. His world was full of betrayal and morals in varying greyscale. He knew that the more you opened yourself up, the more it hurt when they inevitably stabbed you in the back, and they would stab you in the back.
Knowing all this didn’t help him when he met you. From the moment you entered the room, carrying the files for the next mission, he felt the layers of suave sass peel away, and he did not enjoy feeling so vulnerable at your mere presence. He stumbled over his words, knocked over his drink, actually blushed! All these things were picked up by an increasingly amused Illya, who then made certain you were around the team more often.
The more Napoleon tried to avoid you, the more you seemed to appear in his life. He wasn’t sure which was worse, the times he spent with you where he felt like a pathetic teenager with a crush, or the times he hid away, knowing someone else held your attention. His focus was certainly compromised, and the edges of his carefully constructed persona were beginning to fray, a dangerous position for any spy to be in.
The mission had been… well, not perfect, but the team was getting the job done. He had tackled the crazy bombmaker before backup could get there, taking his chance, and now was flying in a small sea plane towards the pickup point. It had been a risky move, but Napoleon was confident in his abilities as ‘super spy’, and then he had heard your voice on the comms, and his mind drifted for a fraction of a second. That was all the sociopath in his custody had needed, that small opening, and now Napoleon was lay in the debris of the plane, floating in and out of consciousness, vaguely aware of the smell of gasoline and the warmth of flames.
Strong arms gripped him, the ground beneath shifted and he felt the soft moisture of fresh rainfall on his face. A loud explosion rang out, leaving his hearing even more muffled than it had been from the crash.
“Solo! Come on, you can’t die without telling that pretty girl of yours how you feel. That would be very ungentlemanly of you, and I would lose a bet.” Opening his eyes, Illya’s face swam into view, before everything went black.
When he came to again, he was aware of a hard mattress beneath him, crisp cotton sheets and the smell of disinfectant. The harsh beeping of a monitor caused his brow to furrow, and he groaned.
“He’s awake.” The voice was familiar and yet hearing it, he felt as if he were dreaming. A soft pressure on his hand had him turning his head and fighting to open his eyes. “It’s okay, Leo. You just rest. You’re safe now.” There was only one person who called him Leo, and the corners of his lips twitched up as he squeezed her hand.
“And how long have I been ‘resting’?” He asked, his voice dry and cracked after days of being silent.
“Not long enough.” Your reply made him chuckle and his body relaxed. He was alive, he was on the mend, and he had you by his side, that felt like a successful mission.
It was a week later when he sat opposite Waverly, going through the mission notes. Napoleon was acutely aware of your presence just behind him and to his left, taking notes of the conversation. The sound of your pen scratching across the paper, the occasional waft of your perfume, the tapping of your foot in his periphery, it was almost hypnotic.
In this relaxed state, Napoleon was incredibly frank about the whole mission, leaving out no detail. The tapping of your foot increased in pace as he began to explain how he had neutralized the target by himself, loaded him into the sea plane and took off to the rendezvous location. Waverly occasionally glanced over Solo’s shoulder, aware of the growing agitation of his note taker.
The whole team was aware that the two of you had strong feelings for each other. Several bets had been placed yet nobody had won, and the pot was increasing each day.
“So, you are telling me that, knowing backup was moments away, you thought it best to take Schneeder down single handedly, despite knowing he was heavily armed and potentially strapped to a bomb?” Waverly’s eyes darted between the two of you.
“What the hell were you thinking?!” she exploded. Solo turned around, an expression of pure surprise on his face, noticing the tears in her eyes, he immediately felt guilt for being the one who put them there. “That was so reckless, Solo! What if we’d lost you? What then?”
“The team would recover. None of us are irreplaceable.” He blinked and half shrugged as if this information was obvious.
“You are.” The words spilled from her lips and from the way her eyes widened just slightly, he knew she hadn’t intended to say that. Waverly got to his feet and quietly left the room, hoping that if he gave them a moment to talk, he might hit the jackpot.
“No, darling, not even me.” Napoleon said softly, shifting in his chair to face her, reaching out and taking her hand as he gave her a sad smile.
“You are. To me you are irreplaceable, Leo. I realise that probably means very little to you, but it is the truth.”
“Very little? Why would that mean so little when you mean so much to me?” It appeared that the lack of filter between mouth and brain was contagious. He sighed and slowly brought his gaze up to meet hers. “My job is dangerous, I will be in peril more than you feel comfortable with, but I can perhaps tone down the recklessness a tad, if that means you worry a little less. I don’t want to be the cause of your tears, darling. I want to be the reason behind that beautiful smile of yours.”
“Then rest up and make sure you are fully recovered. I need you back on your feet, Solo. Especially if you are going to cook me dinner to apologise for scaring me half to death by nearly dying in a plane crash.” She looked at him pointedly and he felt his heart skip.
“For you, anything.” He agreed, bringing her hand to his lips, and placing a soft kiss to her knuckles.
#Consume All The Fics:
@vintagevalentinex @salt-n-burn-em-all @musicalmuffindog1410 @alicenwrites @breezy1415 @thewhiterabbit42 @palaiasaurus64 @fangirlextraordinaire
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Fondant Mahou Me
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So this has been stuck in my head since @popatochisssp​ posted about Mahou Au. Sadly I can’t draw and both these don’t quite capture my idea but they come close. The top image is more casual normal villain outfit. Second is more heroic/ actually making effort outfit
So Here is the breakdown of me in Poppy’s AU
Name: Sass (yes same Sass from Discord)
Villain/Hero Name: Decor
Power: Creation of items and shapeshifting
Status: Is a minor Villain
Food: Fondant
So Sass mainly just uses her powers to make items and sell them. Thing is while Sass can make literally anything it is technically made of fondant, very strong fondant, but still fondant. So usually Sass sells the item, takes the money, and leave before the person can figure out what their holding is basically fancy edible clay. 
Sass is sure she can shapeshift but it to scared to use that power. The first time she tried shapeshifting was her finger into a key. It worked but felt weird and took more effort than her other power. Main reason she didn’t try after that was that it took 2 hours for her to finally get her finger to go back to normal. Kind of had a full panic attack and developed a fear that if she shapeshift she would get stuck or if she did master it that over time she would forget what she really looked like.
Story wise Sass kind of does her own thing and is ok being more of a crook then a villain. Sass doesn’t really do fighting and only really does so if she can’t flee. When Scorch starts trying to organize villains obviously Sass was approached. While she doesn’t really have much in terms of reputation she is known enough that smart villains will try to recruit her occasionally because her powers could definitely be used in much better ways then scamming people. 
Sass said no.
The scamming is Sass’s livelihood. If she lose her powers that means getting a normal person job. Which is work and effort that Sass rather not do. 
However Sass can be bought. If Scorch could guarantee that Sass would be set for life. That she wouldn’t have to worry about money when she losses her power she might be willing to help out his cause.
Under Scorch Sass is encouraged to use her shapeshifting powers under the idea that if anything happened then she would revert to normal when all the Mahou are taken away. Sass still isn’t very comfortable with the power by the time Scorch’s plan falls apart.
When Scorch flees he keeps in contact with Sass. After all they basically made a deal that Scorch would be Sass’s sugar daddy (not sexual lol unless 👀...). Scorch helps Sass become more comfortable with her shapeshifting until she uses it just as much as her other power. 
Lol eventually Sass ends up with a job anyway as one of Scorches most useful allies/minions. Sass also has played messenger enough too that Slate and Papy probably can identify her even when she is transformed.
In season 2 Sass probably gets the redesign in the second image and is a bit of a hero but is still working for Scorch in some kind of B plot of the series that is used to reintroduced him toward the end of the season. Many fans argue over Sass. Things like how OP Sass could be if the writers weren’t terrible. About how ugly her outfits are for how much potential there is for her powers. Ship arguments. How while she wasn’t in the first season much there was enough there that the writers of season two are totally messing up her characterization. There is a handful of fans who calm the fandom with a fanfic that explains difference between season 1 and 2 and a few people who use her as a base to explore fashion ideas.
Drawings are made using : 
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mochegato · 3 years
I Can’t Fight This Feeling
Inspired by this
Chapter 1 
 Ladybug only paused momentarily as she ran.  If you weren’t watching carefully, you would miss it entirely.  And nobody in Paris was, their attention too focused on the ongoing akuma battle and avoiding becoming collateral damage to pay attention to Ladybug swinging away from the battle.  Or rather, nobody but one persistent prowler, whose focus was and had been entirely on Ladybug.  
She threw out her yoyo, attempting to get as much distance as she could in her swing.  “Our shadow is back.  And they’re fast and good.  They’re keeping up with me.  Not sure I’m going to be able to outrun them,” she commented quietly, trusting her com to pick it up.  She paused for a second before giving an affirmative hum.  “Just you, Rena.  Chat, you stay with the akuma.  We don’t know what this thing is.  I don’t want to pull both of you off the akuma if we don’t have to.  It’s causing too much damage to leave unattended.  But, I’m almost out of time, so there’s a timer on this.”
She swung, ran, and jumped at top speed for another minute before she ducked behind a chimney and hid in an alcove.  The shadow would have to be extremely good to be able to trail her, or have magic of their own, both of which were definitely options.  They had been able to keep up with her for the most part and observe them in fights mostly unobserved, which no matter how well the general public and reporters thought they were, they weren’t.  
But this person, whoever they were, was that good. The only reason she knew about them was because Sabrina had joined them using Barkk for only the second time, the first time being seen by the public, so she’d been able to detect them observing from the shadows.  What Sabrina hadn’t been sure of was how dangerous they were.  Thus far they had only observed the miraculous team, they hadn’t made any moves.
But, it appeared they were tired of waiting and she was about to find out how good they were first hand, because he was, in fact, extremely good or magic.  She could hear him land on the other side of the roof.  His landing may have been almost soundless, but he clearly wasn’t magic, because she could still hear it.  She gripped her yoyo and tensed in preparation.  She crouched down and waited until he came into view before striking. Luckily, he had expected her to try to attack from above so he had been looking above and missed her, giving her the fraction of a second she needed to get her yoyo out and wrapped around him.
Unfortunately, he seemed to be able to react quicker than a normal human and was able to avoid the brunt of the string.  It wrapped around his arm instead of his body. Ladybug hesitated a fraction of a second.  She didn’t want to pull too hard.  If he was human, which despite the quick reaction time, he appeared to be, pulling too hard could cause irreparable damage.  Damage she wasn’t sure if the miraculous ladybugs would repair since it wasn’t really akuma related.  
He reacted immediately.  He wrapped his arm around the string again and pulled.  Ladybug fell off balance and sprawled forward. He reached out to grab her, but she twisted out of his reach.  The advantage of being so clumsy all her life, she knew how to direct her falls. She pulled her string back as she fell. It instantly detached from his arm and curled back to her.  Ladybug rolled out of the way of the boot that descended with a resounding thud where her head had been a few seconds earlier, leaving a slight dent in the roof where it landed.
Ladybug jumped up and backed away from him, twirling her yoyo by her waist as she scrutinized her opponent.  He was large.  He would give her dad a run for his money, but she seriously doubted he was as soft and gooey as her father.  His outfit flowed around him, but clung enough for her to tell that he had more muscle strength in one leg than she did in her whole unsuited body. He moved with grace and confidence that spoke of elite training and skills.  One thing was for certain.  He was definitely a threat.
“No words?” Ladybug taunted as she jumped up.  “I mean, I can tell you’re not an akuma or you would have demanded my miraculous already.  But not even a villain’s dialogue explaining why you’re doing it and your justification?”  The Shadow stared back at her, easing into an attack position.  “That’s fine.  I can work with that.”  She ran at him straight on.  He swung at her, but she veered at the last second and dropped to her knees, sliding past him.  She twisted as she slid.  Now facing him, she threw out her yoyo, binding his feet, and pulled.  He fell to the ground with a resounding thud.
She was running out of time.  She had maybe a minute left.  Not nearly enough time to immobilize someone with his level of skills. Her eyes darted around, searching for anything that could help her formalize a plan.  He took that moment to launch at her.  He dived at her midsection, which was insulting quite frankly, that he thought she could be captured so easily and with his feet still bound.  She realized too late, she wasn’t his target.  He held up her yoyo, shaking it slightly for her to see and releasing his feet. He tossed it over the side of the building and launched at her again in the same movement.
She flipped over him, pulling his hood off as she did. She landed immediately behind him and kicked her leg out to sweep his legs out from under him.  He jumped to miss her leg, but with his balance already off due to his earlier move he stumbled and crashed into the ground.  He turned to glare at her.  Ladybug gasped.  He couldn’t be much older than her, if at all.  He took advantage of her momentary pause to launch a volley of hits at her. She blocked them, but was having a hard time keeping up with the attack.  She was trying not to hurt him, but he was showing no such compunction. She just had to hold out until Rena could get to her.
She backed away from him, creating necessary distance between them.  She needed to distract him.  She wouldn’t be able to keep this up for long.  “Strong silent type, huh?”  She arched an eyebrow at him and channeled her best Thor with a cocky grin.  “I’ve fought stronger.”
“Not without your magic,” he answered calmly.  It was the first time she’d heard his voice.  It was deep and gravely, it didn’t match the young features, but it did match the harsh eyes.
And now she knew his plan.  He knew he wouldn’t be able to take her on while she was transformed and he knew she was running out of time.  He was running her out of time.  He was banking on his skill to overwhelm her civilian self, and with the training he had, he was right.  “Are you sure,” she asked as confidently as she could, plastering on a confident smirk.
He studied her for a few seconds before responding. “I’ll take my chances.”
She flicked her eyes to the horizon, diverting her attention.  It was a stupid mistake, one she knew better than to make, but she was getting desperate for backup.  The shadow grabbed her and pulled her closer to knee her in the ribs.  She managed to block the hit with her own knee, lessening the impact, which was still enough that if she hadn’t been wearing a suit, her femur would have shattered.  With the same momentum, she leaned forward and kicked over her head, catching him in the face.
He loosened his grip just enough for her to break his grip and jump away, but he jumped forward as well and sent another volley of attacks at her.  She gasped as she felt the familiar sensation of her suit melting away as she detransformed. She braced for the pain of impact his fist would have with her face from the punch he just threw.  After a second, she opened one eye to see what he was doing. His fist hovered less than an inch from her face, his eyes scanned her incredulously.  “You’re a kid.”
She looked from his fist to his eyes.  She took a beat to assess the situation and try to slow her wildly beating heart.  “You look like you’re the same age as me,” she said pointedly.  Was it her smartest move, sass instead of caution?  No, but it was the one that felt right.  And until she had a better idea what was going on, it was the one she was going with.
He stared at her unmoving for a few beats.  “You’ve been doing this for years.  It’s been you since the beginning, right?”  Her narrowed eyes and pursed lips were answer enough.  He lowered his fist and backed away a few steps.  Still close enough to react, but giving some distance.  “Fuck.  You were a baby when you started.  I’ve seen video of you dying.  Why would you choose that?  Who made you think you had to?  You should have gotten to have a childhood.”  
His voice was harsh and accusatory and it grated on her. He was attacking her and he was mad at her for… being attacked?  She scowled at him.  “I’m sorry, were you going to fight the akumas?  Because it seems like your priorities might be incompatible and somebody had to protect the people of Paris, try to defend the children of Paris.  And you’re awfully the same age as me for someone so judgmental of my age.”
“How about an adult instead of a kid?” he yelled back at her.  He let out a long, angry breath.  “And where is your mentor?  There’s a Guardian, right?  I’ve studied your fights and never saw an adult.  Why isn’t your mentor out here fighting with you?  What kind of depraved asshole just gives a few self-defense classes then sends them out on their own?”
Marinette scoffed before she realized what she was doing. She slapped a hand over her mouth and looked back up at him wide-eyed.  “You have a mentor, right?” he growled as he stalked closer to her with each word. “One that taught you how to fight? One watching out for you?”
“You’ve spent the last few weeks stalking me so you could attack, and I’m guessing, put me in the grave.  Why do you care?” she growled at him.
“Who is protecting you?” he yelled at her.  Her continued silence seemed to confirm something for him.  She was pretty sure now that the fury in his eyes was not directed toward her, which was… odd.  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.  Marinette backed away from him slowly and nodded to Tikki to grab a cookie from her bag.  
Her eyes searched the skyline for any sign of Rena. She was sure Rena would be here any second.  She just needed to last another few seconds.  If Rena couldn’t make it, maybe she could transform in time to save herself.  And then deal with a hostile knowing her identity. But that was a problem for later. The problem for now was surviving the Shadow, recharge Tikki, and defeat the akuma.
His head whipped to the side as a movement caught his attention.  A figure in orange was making their way over to them rapidly.  They only had a few seconds before the figure would join them. He hissed out a breath and backed away from her.  He gave her one last glare and jumped off the side of the building.
Chapter 2
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