taliaalghhul · 1 month
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Jason: Uh, hello? Is anyone in there? My name is Jason Braun, and I’m, uh, looking for Oracle.
Barbara: Who are you? Who sent you here?
Jason: What do I say?
Gotham: Tell her.
Jason: The city.
Barbara: I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.
Jason: I said, the city sent me here to you.
Barbara: You’re saying the city of Gotham told you to come here?
Jason: She thinks I’m insane.
Gotham: You think you are speaking to a woman. Use your other senses, Jason. What is on the other side of the door.
Narration: The whisper of a cape in motion. A memory of violence and terror and pain. A bodiless warrior, beaten but not vanquished. An Oracle.
Jason: Listen, I really need to know where to find the spirit of Gotham. I have a message to deliver.
Barbara: Let me understand this. You’re sort of on a special mission, is that it? A quest and I’m the…the high priestess who can direct you to the grail? 
Jason: Please, I’m kind of in a time crunch here, I have to do this before I can leave town, can’t you help me? 
Barbara: Do you know where to find the old Gotham graveyard? It’s behind the courthouse, not five blocks from here. Just walk straight down Thirteenth Street. Look for the grave with the cowled angel. It’s right under a big tree, you can’t miss it. That’s where you’ll find your spirit. Good luck.
I hope I made your task easy enough, Don Quixote, because you don’t have much time left. Another difficult case solved by the lady Oracle.
Jason: Hey, thank you. And the city says…Gotham says…”You serve me better this way than you ever did before.”
No Man’s Land: Secret Files
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taliaalghhul · 1 year
@ant-ifascottlang thank you so much for the image id!!
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Miss Talia Al Ghul
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
Saying you want found family but wanting every family to fit a conventional role
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
Like that one person who was like you can never really call Superman brave. A good man absolutely, a kind man who has all the power in the world and chooses to do good because of it. But Clark can't be brave because he's not afraid in the same way regular people are. Lois though, Lois you can call brave. Someone who does everything Superman does but without any of the invulnerability.
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
"How in God's name is she always exactly where she shouldn't be."
- Lois lane in a sentence
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
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"Trouble is...Trouble is for guys like you, that is...There's too much here in Metropolis for me to leave it forever. Yeah. There's too much here I care about."
- Superman Issue 700: the comeback by James Robinson and Bernard Chang
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
Lana Lang is a character that I like in theory. I've enjoyed comics with her in it and I like the whole Clark has a childhood friend who he has a crush on and then as adults they walk different paths and they'll always be important to each other. It feels real and it's nice. I just hate how her character in used to constantly put Lois down.
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
Time lapse of my chesh drawing
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
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"Ah dear Starfire you may be smarter than I believed but you are as beautiful as I was told. It’s a shame that I must scar such lovely features, eh?" (The New Teen Titans Annual 2 1980s)
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
Reading the early Superman Comics reminded me of how picky I am with Clark Kent characterization...
I hate like the bumbly version of Clark? Like the soft sweet version where he's, for lack of a better word, like a himbo. Clark being genuinely anxious and shy will never make sense to me because this man has the ability to bend metal in half, there's no way that doesn't bring you a lot of confidence! Like situations are way less anxious once you're superman!
And in general it plays to the unfortunate trend that DC has where they make Clark and superheroes in general so passive because they really want to be apolitical. Like there's an issue 3, when Clark finds out about unsafe mine conditions he sneaks in as a miner gets the boss of the mine and a bunch of rich people to go in and basically lets them all get trapped in there because of the unsafe mone conditions. Like obviously he's there to make sure no one actually gets hurt, but Clark or Superman at least is very bold. He's a man of action, he's the champion of the oppressed (or at least he was lol) like modern Clark would never be allowed to do something like that because that would involve DC trying to make a statement lmao. I guess my overall problem is just a) I don't buy that Clark would be genuinely so nervous and sweet (a good person != sweet person Golden Age Clark's kind of a dick but he is a fundamentally good person) and b) it just honestly annoys me
But I also not a huge fan of like Clark pretending to be a coward either? This is a lot more subjective because I understand why Golden Age wrote Clark like that, its a nice way of throwing people off his guard, its a fun contrast, lois's distaste for him is a lot more reasonable, it's funny and its pragmatic etc.
But it leads him in situations where in Action Comic 1 he appears ok or complicit in Lois being harassed. Obvs Clark doesn't think its okay and we the readers know that, but Lois doesn't. So I mean it does make Lois's genuine disgust at Clark make more sense and becomes more reasonable. Idk, I guess the main reason why I don't like is because Clark is simultaneously acts like a coward but is also willing to go into a war zone, prison etc and its like his coworkers know this and expect him to do this so I don't understand why Clark goes so hard in pretending like he's cowardly.
My ideal version of Clark is someone whose very confident, whose very sure of himself and is very calm and cool headed. He's willing to pretend to be mild, or even let someone think they've got the upper hand on him but not to the point where he's not even trying to help someone being harassed? Like a tamer version of Superman essentially.
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
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DC Pride #1 - “Finding Batman” (2022)
written by Kevin Conroy art by J. Bone
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
i think that’s why there’s so few todd fic where i actually enjoy reading him and feel like it fit my interpretation of him. they all make him to be so soft and scared and paralyzed by trauma and lost when he’s not like that at all. he’s angry and vengeful and cold and calculating. he’s an asshole and competent and a lot of things but not guilty or remorseful. as soon as i read “but i kill people, its wrong!” or “i wasn’t feeling right when i did that*” or “i regret what i did to you then*” (*refering to utrh, literally first red hood canon) i just have to leave because i cannot see jason ever saying that. he thought he was in the right when he did all of urth, that’s his main motivation: helping the city the way batman doesn’t, being better than him. he sees killing as a tool and when he does it he doesn’t back down. when he kills it’s not vengeance it’s practical, which is why you can’t just have him say “but it’s wrong!” because in his own mind it doesn’t even matter if the act itself is right or wrong, it’s the thing needed to make thing better so he will do it.
same for low self-esteem, he was loved as a kid and he knows it, and he’s angry when he comes back because he believes that robin!him deserved better than what he got (aka being replaced in 6 months and forgotten). he’s got a pretty strong sense of self and identity
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
“jason todd doesn’t have identity issues” my brother in christ he named his sole public identity after his murderer 
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
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one day you will be your own bat
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
who the hell is actually invested in modern comics. is it not enough to romanticize your favorite 90s series for the rest of forever.
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
Everybody likes to make fun of Dick Grayson for Discowing, but it’s no wonder the boy has the fashion sense that he does. My boy grew up in a circus, where eye-catching, bright colors were a staple, and then he was sent down the express-route to Bruce “I dress like a giant bat” Wayne. The real wonder is that he manages to look so good in everything.
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taliaalghhul · 2 years
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I have been working on the piece for too long and am tired of making little fixes so… here. I saw Dick in this jacket, the discowing one that’s only seen in like one panel, and it’s so delightful and I don’t know why there wasn’t more of that costume specifically. Also Dick with longer hair cause he’s pretty.
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