that-queer-writer · 1 year
I'm reworking a story I spend two months on where the framing device are the transcripts of audio cassettes. But it takes place in modern day so I spend a good chunk of the beginning justifying why the MC just has/bought a bunch of cassette tapes and old audio recoding devices.
Today I remembered that everyone has an iPhone and can download a GODDAMN VOICE MEMO APP!
I really surprise myself with how stupid I can be sometimes.
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
I was looking through my old stories and I tag my WIP something to help me remember what it's for or about and I found this...
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
I had a 106 degree fever this weekend and I couldn't get up or stay conscious for more than 10 minutes but... in the haze of my fever brain I came up with a new story idea.
So you know, not all bad.
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
To all my authors and writers: If your story breaks at least one rule from the Hays code/comics code authority...you're doing it right.
Keep writing and keep making the weird old dead men who wrote those codes roll in their graves.
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
I went to a an author seminar and I asked the author what advice she'd have for a first time author. She said "Just keep writing". It's really simple advice but I'm glad she said that.
Sometimes we forget any terrible first draft can become great.
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
So how was your day because my day was interesting...
I went to orientation for my job and had a massive headache for 3 hours all while I had to listen to how to spot signs of neglect
My sibling's school got a bomb threat for the second time this week
It was so hot I almost passed out while driving
At dinner the waitress completely forgot my food and I couldn't eat until an hour after everyone else did (comparatively not that bad but it's not a fun cherry on top of today)
It's also my birthday
So yeah....
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
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First month of college and I've made a very sad looking tree. I made it at 3 am
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
editing your own writing is so weird because half the time I don't remember writing it and the other half I'm convinced I'm a terrible writer. I'm editing a chapter and I completely forgot my character's motivations/ I didn't make them clear enough so every other sentence I ask why is the MC doing the things their doing.
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
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My first week in college and I made this cursed thing.
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
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I finished my first major wiring project but now I need to edit it. I thought editing would take a lot less time than writing but even though I can read fast I have to stop every five seconds to write down an edit. I've been at this for half an hour and I'm only 4 pages in.
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
College Day 1
I just finished my first day of college and I know a lot of people love college, but I was very nervous.
Then halfway through my first class I realized I that my favorite classes in high school were english, history, and especially art and fashion club. And in college I get to takes those classes everyday all the time and for the first time I thought "I love college".
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
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Finished my first big writing project. It's bad, things that should be expanded on are only a page and things that should be only a page go on for chapters but it's a first draft and if it exists, it's doing it’s job.
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
These days when ever I have and idea for a book I have I ask "What if they were vampires?" or "What if they were gay" but usually it's it's more like "What if they were also gay vampires?"
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
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I hit 10k words on my first long term writing project! This is for a writing contest and I need about 7000 more words. I'm more than halfway there!
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
My Favorite Books (Part 2)
The Disaster Artist by Greg Sestero & Tom Bissell
This is a true story about Greg as he helps his best friend Tommy Wiseu work on his independent film. The book cuts between days on set as Greg tries to control Tommy's antics and the first years of their friendship as they both try to chase their acting dreams. I've seen Tommy's movie The Room only a few times but I've memorized almost all of it. I also love the fact The Room takes place in SF which is where Im from and that The Room was released the same year I was born. I love this books because I can never remember the sequence of events so it's like I'm reading it for the first time every-time. Looking at this book for the first time in years I can see that Tommy was kinda problematic on set but you can tell he was really stressed and dealing with insecurities. That doesn't excuse him but you can see where he's coming from. But at the end of the day Tommy and Greg are very sincere people and this book really shows that.
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
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Zimmermann | Spring/Summer 2022
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that-queer-writer · 2 years
I bit the bullet and I'm writing a Priest romance. I've already outlined, done research, and written 1200 words of my first draft.
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