#first day of class
commonrosary · 24 days
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August 28th, 2024
Today I had work at my student job, so I spent time working on homework there until my class in the evening. - finished Cultural Resource Management Seminar assignment - began reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield - Native American Culture class
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(From an ADHD student)
1. Print out and read your syllabi before class
2. Add any tests, quizzes, hw assignments to your planner, calendar or phone
3. At least skim the required reading before class
4. Print off your PowerPoints or write up an outline so you can annotate in class
Good luck everyone!!! You’ve got this!!
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thelittolpinkstudent · 8 months
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hello hello! happy first day of the semester! it also happened to be a snow day so campus looks beautiful right now ❄️
i had two classes today, one online and one in person, and i’d say they both went very well. both were mainly going over the syllabus and any class expectations, with some base-level content and thinking exercises towards the end of the period. i’m excited for what the semester will bring, but i’m already hoping i won’t drown in work too much!
today’s to-do list:
anthropology guided reading and worksheet - due thursday
fiction writing reading short story - due thursday
fiction writing short story on show & tell - due tuesday
this list will also transfer to tomorrow, as with my classes for the day ending at 3:15, the rest of the day seems to slip by! my guided reading is almost completed, so priority for tomorrow is the short story reading and any immediate work for my classes tomorrow, but since it will be my monday/wednesday classes, it is unlikely there will be any.
tomorrow’s classes:
public health
elementary german
see you all tomorrow! 💕🌸
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lovelisara · 9 months
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— 7 january 2024
behind on posts but that’s okay. today i pretty much just got ready for classes tomorrow. i think it’ll be a good day, but just long for the most part. i have two classes on monday and 1 the rest of the week, except friday, which i have no class on. also, i’m starting my allergy shots this week!
3 things i’m grateful for:
— love, lisa.
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dantoinette · 2 years
The night before the first day of the semester
A warm shower
Skin care routine
nice hot cup of tea
cozy pajamas
Lay out clothes for the next day
Get bags ready for class
A show of pretty little liars before bed.
Because either i sleep to late or don’t sleep at all, i try to go to sleep earlier (9/10 is early for me) and set my alarm at 6:30 because i snooze till 7.
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Had my first day of class of the 3rd semester today
Classes today were Sound Design in the morning and Video Editing and Composition in the afternoon
I also got to meet this term's freshmen and helped showing them around the university, and had lunch with some former classmates
Overall it's been a pretty good day so far! Classes feel a lot more enjoyable and interesting now that I'm getting proper treatment for my mental health, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester
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midnightmoonbeams · 2 years
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Trixxstar drew a scene for the 1st day of school.
August 19th, 2019
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c-f-lindsey · 2 years
Welp, survived my first day of class yesterday. Came in late to Eng 101. The teacher was super chill about it. Got lost going to all three of my classes. Found out my cousin is in Music 101 with me, though neither of us noticed the other till the end of class. Turns out he's going for nursing. He also gave me a ride back to the other side of campus so I wasn't late for math 98. I was late anyway along with another student. An older student told us the wrong classroom, so we were 10 mins late. It was pretty wild all in all. Especially since my car died in the parking lot and I had to call the campus police for help. Still a pretty good first day.
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aanews69 · 25 days
Dodáváme příběhy. Dáme vám také návody, tipy a triky, jak si vytvořit svůj vlastní.Tento kanál je věnován náhodným věcem, které se objevují na našich stolech.
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kur4p1k4p1k4 · 1 month
I love how women always tell you where they got things when you compliment them. I've complimented so many women on campus today and have so many brands and stores that I've been told about! Community is real.
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commonrosary · 25 days
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August 27, 2024 || Tuesday
- American Sign Language 201 - Native American PreHistory Class - Began working on Women's Health (asynchronous online class) - Readings and Videos for Native American Prehistory - Ordered new headphones (old ones broke </3)
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Rough start and tons of reading to do folks 😭
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lovelisara · 9 months
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— 8 january 2024
today i had my first day of classes! it was a really long day, especially because i was on campus from 1030–500 was when i got home. though i woke up earlier than i wanted to because i planned on getting my allergy shot. though i didn’t go because i didn’t realize that wasn’t enough time anyways. i had my editing class and lab today, and was accompanied by good friends in both! so so so glad i’m befriending the people in my major, it makes me so happy! in between classes i have about a 3 hour gap, so two of us went to get coffee and bagels. best bagel in my college town, and probably the world.
3 things i’m grateful for:
good friends.
good bagels.
good chai lattes.
— love, lisa.
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lesbiansawtrap · 9 months
how do i stop behaving like a frightened mouse
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“Are you a boy or a girl?”
“I’m a menace”
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fchsadfa · 1 year
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