thatsmygalaxy · 6 years
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Rocinha - 1. (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/Ee0hwfutOM Dans la favela de Rocinha règne le plus gros gang que Rio n'ait jamais connu : "O Commando de Sangue" Kaisa, une jeune barmaid à ses heures perdues, se voit rattraper par son passé. Mais que faire quand celui-ci vous mêle à l'homme le plus dangereux de Rio ? Kaisa x Renan
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thatsmygalaxy · 6 years
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Découvrez mon profil sur Wattpad, je suis Romane https://www.wattpad.com/Carabia?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile Fervente amoureuse de l'écriture et la lecture
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thatsmygalaxy · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIVdQlE8OII)
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thatsmygalaxy · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tb7CrcKXCo)
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thatsmygalaxy · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tb7CrcKXCo)
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thatsmygalaxy · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bMPqWjiDgo)
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thatsmygalaxy · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bMPqWjiDgo)
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thatsmygalaxy · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O3QApCT0nM)
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thatsmygalaxy · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6l6Y3W2xHM)
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thatsmygalaxy · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5WMD_h5kcM)
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thatsmygalaxy · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUeWIxHc7lQ)
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thatsmygalaxy · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL6JT8Zifr8)
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thatsmygalaxy · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcGQ44wPkzc)
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thatsmygalaxy · 8 years
When Chris Met Her
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She was late. An hour and half or so according to Andy, who glanced at the door ever few seconds to see if she would ever arrive. His younger sister was never one for parties, but this wasn’t a regular party. It was his first since they came to Norway. Since they started at Nissen, since he was introduced to the Penetrator guys. If she didn’t make it, who knew where she would end up for the night. Andy took another sip of his beer before glancing back at the door, perking up as the door opened to reveal more girls, but as he scanned their faces he let out a small sigh, slouching back against the wall as he chugged the drink in his hand. He was interrupted as a hand slapped down on his shoulder.
“Why are you all sulky?” Chris asked, standing to Andy’s left. Andy lowered the drink in his hand as he shrugged slightly, translating his response in his head.
“I’m not, just waiting for my sister. She was supposed to get here ages ago,” Andy explained, glancing back at the door before he turned to Chris.
“You have a sister?” Chris asked, taking a sip of his beer as his head cocked to the side slightly, his eyes surveying the party behind Andy as he waited for a response. The only thing Andy hated about Norway was that he took so long to translate everything. Thankfully, everyone was respectful and gave him time, but it embarrassed his more than anything.
“Yeah, she’s the one I bring to school everyday,” Andy answered, knowing that the Penetrators had seen her at least once before when Andy would walk her to her morning class.
“Oh, we all thought that she was your girl, you two seem really close,” Chris responded, taking another sip of his drink as he recalled the guys conversation when they first saw Andy’s sister, though then they only thought she was a hot piece of ass Andy had been hitting.
“Yeah well, we’ve always been close. She’s the only family I talk to anymore so it was bound to happen,” Andy shrugged, letting his eyes wonder to the door again. To his surprise, he did see a familiar beanie, the owner turned to the door as she shrugged off her coat. “I’ll be right back,” Andy said, not even glancing at Chris as he shuffled his way through the crowd of people. By the time he made it to her, she was turning around, beanie still slouched over her hair. “Hey!” Andy yelled, letting himself slip back into his native tongue for his sister who shot him a small smile as he wrapped his arms around her. Y/N rolled her eyes as she returned the hug before pulling away from her brother.
“Hi, were you really so lonely without me here? Couldn’t find a chica to keep you company?” Y/N joked, laughing as Andy gave her an emotionless stare for a moment.
“Come on, I have a few people you really should meet,” Andy said, knocking his head back toward the group of guys in matching black sweatshirts, a few of which were watching the siblings exchange as Andy threw his arm over his sister’s shoulder. One watching Penetrator was Chris, who looked over Y/N in a new light, knowing now that she wasn’t Andy’s girl. She wasn’t his usual, or most guys around here. She wasn’t model thin, but she was still attractive. A nice face, rocking body, pleasing enough to the eye for at least a night. As Andy approached the group, his sister in tow, Chris observed how she slightly disappeared into her brother’s tall, stocky frame. She seemed to cling to him as her eyes flowed over all the people in the party, scrunching in on herself as they made their way through the crowd.
“Andy! We were wondering where you got to,” William said with a smile as Chris moved in beside him, looking over the girl who stood beside Andy in front of them.
“I was just waiting for my sister. Y/N, these are the Penetrators. Guys, this is my little sister Y/N, she’s a first year,” Andy introduced her, smiling down at his sister as William pushed his hand forward to shake hers.
“Nice you meet you, they called me William,” Y/N forced a small smile on her face as she shook the large hand before her. As William pulled his hand away, Chris swooped in, grabbing onto her small hand. With a wink, he pulled her hand up to his mouth, placing a lingering kiss onto the top of her hand, right before her wrist. He watched with a smirk as her cheeks flamed before him, her hand dropping limply to her side as Chris released it. Beside her, Andy let out a hearty laugh as he pulled his sister closer to him.
“Don’t pay attention to Chris, he’s not worth your time,” Andy smiled, raising an eyebrow as he cut off Chris before he could even open his mouth.
“Hey! She should definitely be paying attention to the guy who’s taking her home tonight,” Chris laughing, sending another wink towards Y/N who felt her eyes go wide as she watched Chris look her over, softly biting down on his bottom lip.
“Okay then, come on Y/N, let’s get you something to drink. Somewhere far away from this perv,” Andy laughed, raising his chin as a goodbye to the guys before he turned Y/N around, walking her towards the kitchen. Chris watched her from the back, letting his head fall to the side slightly, only straightening when William knocked his shoulder.
“What?” Chris asked, scoffing as William simply rolled his eyes before walking off into the crowd, probably back to the very enthusiastic blonde who had been trying to hook up all night. Chris leaned back against the wall, surveying the room again though another face came to mind.
A blush seemed to stain Y/N’s cheeks the entire night, flaring up worse everytime Chris came into her sights again. It seemed he was popping up everywhere the entire night. Andy assured her he was fine, “He’s not even that bad once you get to know him,” he insisted, even as Chris continued bumping into her throughout the party. Smiling, smirking, winking, all of his little things that just seemed to push Y/N further into her brother’s side. That was until Andy’s eye caught onto the dance floor and he left Y/N sitting on the couch with a promise to rejoin her after just one dance. Three songs later, Y/N was staring at her lap as someone sat onto the couch next to her, close enough to cause her to sink closer to the warm body now beside her.
“Hey,” Chris smirked, looking at Y/N with a smirk as she found herself almost falling into his lap.
“What are you doing?” Y/N let out, almost in a screech as Chris’ hands found their way onto her waist, keeping her from falling completely onto him.
“Well I was trying to help you but, if you would prefer,” Chris trailed off, moving Y/N closer to him and lifting her until she found herself sitting on his lap. Y/N gasped as Chris let out a laugh, smiling as Y/N began to squirm, trying to move back to her spot.
“I don’t think you are going to be happy with what you get if you keep squirming like that,” Chris smirked as Y/N froze, looking back at him with bright red cheeks.
“Move me back, now,” Y/N commanded, her voice shaking despite the serious tone. Chris held still for a few seconds that seemed to drag on forever before he lifted her again, dropping her right beside him in the dip of the couch.
“Bye the way, I was right,” Chris spoke up despite Y/N seeming to try and ignore him.
“Right about what?” Y/N asked, giving into her curiosity. After a few moments of silence she chanced looking back at him, almost immediately regretting it as his eyes perked up.
“Your brother disappeared with a second year a while ago. Looks like you’re gonna need a ride home.”
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thatsmygalaxy · 8 years
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thatsmygalaxy · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drXTzcSYB6U)
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thatsmygalaxy · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1uFfYwsrxY)
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