#awesomeness tv
l-lastchapter · 2 years
honor society had no right to be so good
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My favorite thing about Annabeth is her wardrobe.
Cause like, Rick simplifies her clothes in a way a man would, and you can tell.
Cause in EVERY book, from The Lightning Thief to Chalice, she’s in the goddamn CHB shirt. With like some shorts or cargo pants. Nothing more, nothing less.
He’s made improvements over the years, giving her some other clothes. But he’ll always come back to old faithful.
Like, he most definitely did it on accident, but he made her so Adam Sandler and I love it
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uncertain3teeth · 1 year
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scribefindegil · 9 months
As much as I adore conlangs, I really like how the Imperial Radch books handle language. The book is entirely in English but you're constantly aware that you're reading a "translation," both of the Radchaai language Breq speaks as default, and also the various other languages she encounters. We don't hear the words but we hear her fretting about terms of address (the beloathed gendering on Nilt) and concepts that do or don't translate (Awn switching out of Radchaai when she needs a language where "citizen," "civilized," and "Radchaai person" aren't all the same word) and noting people's registers and accents. The snatches of lyrics we hear don't scan or rhyme--even, and this is what sells it to me, the real-world songs with English lyrics, which get the same "literal translation" style as everything else--because we aren't hearing the actual words, we're hearing Breq's understanding of what they mean. I think it's a cool way to acknowledge linguistic complexity and some of the difficulties of multilingual/multicultural communication, which of course becomes a larger theme when we get to the plot with the Presgar Translators.
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rockymountainqueen2 · 6 months
I just recently stumbled across the storyboards for Thanks To Them's opening, and well....
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Turns out, Camila originally made a mom joke, lol.
Source: https://www.hayleynwong.com/work/the-owl-house-samples
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Watching star trek next generation. First episode. 1987. In a quick background shot there's a guy wearing one of the short skirt uniforms. In 1987. SO BADASS.
I absolutely love this quick cut shot. The Federation is supposed to be a utopian society. So the designers are very clearly stating that traditionally feminine garb is no longer gender coded in utopian society.
It's a super quick shot, likely leaving viewers going, "Was that...?" and having no way to confirm it. (No pause, rewind, or video release.) So they can get away with it.
But. Seriously. They did this in what was THE VERY FIRST EPISODE OF THE BRAND NEW STAR TREK REBOOT.
They boldly went.
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hiphopcherrrypop · 7 months
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save me bottle blond bass player
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skidcd-megamix · 17 days
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How 2 draw sonic characters in clothes other than their usual fit!???????
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sentientsliotar · 7 months
They cut to Clarisse when Chiron says “there will be war” that is so dam cool
Daughter of Ares is representing her cabin.
Percy is not gonna have fun finding out about the spear but I can’t wait to see her use it.
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liar-or-lawyer · 9 months
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indelicateink · 1 month
as an american, sam reid’s total inability to hide his contempt for overly fake-chipper american journalists, especially ones who Have Not Done The Assigned Reading know and care about the show, will never not be hilarious and iconic to me
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irradiatedpiratebooty · 2 months
fallout tv show ghoul discussion
the only thing i dislike about the show is their retcon of ghoul lore- everything else is a banger i had a great time but the lore changing the ghouls baffles me, as it retcons and changes literally every other game in the franchise. its funny, im not mad about it, im ok with the show having different lore than the games. i just hope they make it clear that its an AU kind of thing haha mainly because if someone gets introduced to the series from the show, and they go off to play the games, theyre going to be confused. so, what are the changes? well-
in fo3, theres an entire side mission involving the underworld, where the ghouls there really hammer in that the rumors like; that they regen and so can only be killed by headshots, that they eat people, that they can go feral at any point, and that they're zombies.
all of this is just propaganda spread by the brotherhood and bigots to justify murder and genocide.
none of it is true. they bleed and die like anyone else. but in the show, these things are not rumors, and they are completely true. cooper constantly has to take this drug from a vial that prevents him from going feral. theres no explanation on where this medicine came from, who makes it, whats its made out of, etc.
so, while in the game, turning feral is unknown, seemingly at random (theories range from genetics, lack of socialization, insanity, radiation exposure, and time) and ghouls dont just- randomly turn feral. but in the show its enevitable and therefore the hate towards them is justified. the only things that are special about them is that they; age much, much slower than non-ghouls, that they can heal faster using radiation. (to my knowlege, they still need to be patched up. they do not just regen. they can still get shot to death, or maimed. they just heal a little faster.) and they need more potent drugs, as it doesnt affect them as strongly (mentioned in fo3 by some ghouls in a subway) the changes made in the show heavily changes the stories of a few characters and places in the entire series.
for fo3: changes the entire underworld. these ghouls cannot leave this place. if they do, they're shot and killed immediately by the brotherhood nearby. they discuss how they're discriminated against. in the fo3 dlc, point lookout, the ghoul there presumably hasnt left the manor he lives in for well over 200 years. he wouldnt have access to these vials. tenpenny tower. their ban on ghouls would be justified then. the entire narrative involving the water purifier and putting the serum in that will kill off all mutants. with the changes the show makes, the decision whether or not you do this has no weight and eradicating mutants becomes justified. for fallout new vegas: dean domino. he hasn't left the Sierra Madre in over 200 years. he wouldnt have access to these vials either and would have probably gone feral a long time ago. for fallout 4: diamond city. diamond city's ban on ghouls wouldnt be an issue anymore. since in the show, ghouls cant die aside from headshots, the ghouls being thrown out into the wastes to the elements wouldn't really be as heavy of an issue.
(i cannot comment for fallout 1 and 2, as i am not as knowledgable about the ghouls in those two games. feel free to add on in reblogs if you know more about them than i do)
i love the show, i think its awesome. im basically consuming it now with the idea that its canon -within its own story and lore- and is separate from the game itself. cooper is a badass and the changes work for the show itself, not so much the entire series. which is fine in my eyes.
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idk3ither · 9 months
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I have two hands for a reason
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willthespy · 6 months
*riptide starts playing*
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im back from the dead
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rockymountainqueen2 · 6 months
Oh guys...
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Look what I found!
Yes, these are storyboards from For The Future.
And yes, they do confirm that Camila and Manny met because of Cosmic Frontier! Really wish this had made it into the final product!
Source: https://www.hayleynwong.com/work/the-owl-house-samples
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