the-awkward-lad · 1 year
okay my idea for the best thing ever. So like a grocery store or some public location where they play music. When you walk in you can like, airdrop your Spotify playlist or like there's a radio thing that can sense it or something. And like, instead of playing generic radio music they can shuffle through the music of the customers so people actually enjoy the shopping experience better and don't have to listen to ass music. Think about it.
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the-awkward-lad · 2 years
Got a fish that can read minds
Call that Tilapia-thy
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the-awkward-lad · 3 years
Little side note to my posts defending any characters, on how to apply this to the real world!;
Another thing you also have to do is, be aware of how the things you like in shows are representations of real life, or how they apply there. When I was watching the show my friends said 'it's like Japan is trying to victimize themselves after wwii and making themselves seem innocent' and I would say there's plenty of differences in the world from the actual world that are observable, but I could see where that idea comes from. So I guess when you watch you just have to be aware that this isn't real life and Japan was actually the one who tried conquering a bunch of places.
Like I say I appreciate Gabi in the opposition she provides to the main survey corps characters, and how her insight shows you that the characters you know and love are also kinda bad, but she shows just that. I like how she sheds light on how the main characters are also bad people and we shouldn't idolize them and take their weird choices into real life, but that doesn't have to be mutually exclusive with also realizing that gabi is also a bad person too and the murder she does is really bad also.
And like with the characters you like, while I did write this whole like, essay saying how I appreciate this character, he is also solely a character in this piece of media I am consuming and if a real person did a bunch of bad stuff it isn't okay because they've been through a lot. I guess sometimes it is okay to think about "bad guys" in shows and appreciate them, but you also have to remember not to take these things into real life and justify serial killers cause have a sad backstory and are hot 🤭
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the-awkward-lad · 3 years
Lelouch vs Eren!! Who would win!! (Given which show I like better, you should know the answer)
I know I just made a whole post roasting Lelouch, but cmon guys I'm supporting the guy who's bene voted #1 character.
All in all say lelouch is just so much better than eren. Like he has such swagger it's unbeatable, I hate the guy so much but whenever he does anything it's just You go!! You go sexy swagman!! Declare yourself emperor!! Leave your paralyzed sister to fall on the floor!! I know it's not right but man. Like I hate Eren, there is no empathy no sympathy no emotion that could ever make me understand him. (This may also be cause I just read the aot manga and watching a show visually does add swagger, but) He had no long term goals. He had like one goal and it was to see the ocean, he did that, ok you're guaranteed dying in like 5 years anyway there's not many goals you can accomplish anyway. Like you're never gonna be free from that so I'm not even sad you died 4 years earlier. Like it's not even a sacrifice I care about (totally cause I hate Eren not cause I didn't understand the plot at all,,,). Cause I feel like whatever you (or I, the lelouch hater) says about him, all of the massacres you can attribute to him half weren't his fault.
Like you could say it's his fault for the euphy thing (which oml could have been written sm better, why did they do it like that) but he didn't want for all those people to die, and like the nuke his geass command made suzaku put off, that's just Nina's fault honestly not even his he did nothing wrong. But Eren, willingly, did that, for such selfish reasons. It's like valuing the lives of 5 of your friends over 80% of the world, and even then b/c of you those 5 friends are gonna live bad lives and be faced with trauma. My man lelouch? Like his final sacrifice was not selfish at all, like I think after he realizes nunally isn't his only reason to live he does want like world peace and dies for that cause.
A lot of ppl rn with the ending are comparing them, but really guys who's better? Don't get me wrong I also love aot and probably will post rants about that, but gotta be biased sometimes.
That's why I love cg so much, I don't think there is a show I could not compare with code geass. Death note? Attack on Titan? Eva? Devil man crybaby? Uh literally saiki-k? There's probably definitely some romance shows I just don't watch them? Slice of life school? Drugs? Insanity? Internal struggles? Politics? Hetalia???? Literally anything and everything all of the time, and I would say it's so good, but I have such a biased opinion, but yk! It does it all~
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the-awkward-lad · 3 years
Suzaku analysis (pt 3) but it also becomes me roasting Lelouch
Like honestly guys mans did not even want to live, like he probably genuinely did want to die but lelouch forced him into this world where he has to live with his regrets. Like I guess it's up to you to think how many of his choices were affected by that command, but I think the reason he's anoyying in r2 is cause he's being forced to be self preserving and not cause he's a pos I promise guys,,,
I think if even after only fighting for Japan for personal reasons and not actually caring about the Japanese people at all, you still believe he's so selfless, then why did he make suzaku, like public enemy number one of his organization, live. Cause he did not give a dam about the black knights and all he wanted was for his friends to live. Why didn't he just become emperor, and now that he's in this position of power free Japan and do things with it, I guess cause of the whole conflict with schneizel, but for real whatever he did is such a nonsolution. If racist oppressors and their opressed have a common enemy they will forget about the racism that made the whole problem and will all be friends now, yay!!! Again if I'm wrong I'd love for somebody to explain that to me.
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the-awkward-lad · 3 years
Suzaku analysis (pt 2) except I have no idea what an analysis is so I'm just ranting
Honestly I'd say he just took the easy way out. Like he was raised as the prime ministers son, and then (what happened to him after idk), and then was working for the British. Like I guess he was pretty ignorant to the actual suffering of the Japanese people and didn't really understand what the problem was here. Which I guess is uhhh, pretty ignorant of him and not good...
But I guess after the trauma of accidentally (? but it was on purpose but you also he was like 8 and probably didn't think about it) killing your (potentially abusive) dad because you thought it would cause peace and stop murder, like uhhh, you've gotta carry that guilt with you and really wonder how to make good life's choices after that big whammy... And I guess he kinda just does what he's told to do by people in authority. Like the crazy scientist tell him to pilot the robot and he pilot the robot. He gets praise for piloting the robot and gets a high status and good things coming to him, he keeps doing it. They manipulate him and tell him zero is the reason euphy killed everyone and he listens cause that's what they're telling him to do.
I honestly wonder, like where does this man live? Like does he have any parental figure any parents or just anyone at all, cause I feel like he doesn't he's just existing, which is kinda sad. He also never gets a break does he? Like after all that he still has to be one of the few who knows lelouchs true intentions and has to just cope with the fact that his bestie had to give up his ideal life and sacrifice himself. And then he can't even just live he has to be zero and take leadership and step into the shoes of his swaggy dead best friend. And then he gets captured and tortured (wow someone make an angst edit out of that) and then even when Lelouch comes back he says jk I'm not taking this responsibility again that's on you. But of course the things he does are objectively wrong, it's just, I like the perspective he gives.
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the-awkward-lad · 3 years
Suzaku analysis (pt 1) but I feel like I'm wrong about a lot of stuff please tell me if I'm wrong
Okay I feel like I have to, justify or explain everything I do, cause like what if somebody finds this acct in the future and I get cancelled for being a suzaku lover 😩 I'm like kidding entirely, but I think I need some emotional explanation
Like I'd say, I appreciate him as a character (same w gabi). So you are justifying what he did? No it's just kinda like, relatable... So if you were in his position you'd join the British too? No, it's like the relatable struggle of hypocrisy. Of course all the choices he made were harmful and I would suppose, bad, but the thing I appreciate is his constant struggle to be doing the right thing and to try and find out what the right thing to do is. Like I would say that's relatable (to me at least), I understand the grind of being presented with problems and never knowing what to do about them and feeling guilty about your past choices and not knowing what to do to make this one different and better.
And uh, as I mentioned in my last post I do have this silly tendency to, when I want to justify a character, like just happen to forget all the things against them and remember the good things they did, so like if I am... Ignoring a huge blatant argument against him pls lmk. But I know most people's criticism of him is that he's a hypocrite and like I guess yeah, that's kinda the whole point. Mans just got a lot of struggles 😫. And, a lot of the time people say he had no actual goal like he wanted to 'change the British from the inside' but he never showed any signs of doing it or trying, which I guess is pretty true. Like I guess he was hoping to ascend to a highsc position to where he can actually do something. Like uh, in r2 he gets to be a knight of the round which is kinda a big deal, and there is that one part in that random cave where he's like hey king, I don't think you can be so mean to Japan and never even be here, and the king is like idgaf you now have to fight the knight of one. Like uhhh?? Maybe that was him using his power to talk to the king, totally unsuccessful, but, he tried it. I think his hope was to have the same idea as like nunally or euphy and just idk have that slowly progress into freedom, but we never get to see how that actually worked so maybe it wouldn't have.
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the-awkward-lad · 3 years
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the-awkward-lad · 4 years
Gonna update this with another reason I don’t trust mayors. There was this whole program for some foreign exchange students from China and the mayor starts explaining that he’s gonna read some poetry, and then he stops and asks “do you know what poetry is? do you have poetry in China?” 
Tbt to that time in 4th grade that we went on a class trip to the city hall and the mayor was asked us what we liked and some kid, being the meme master he was responded with “I like trains” and the mayor just goes “oh you like cranes?” and it still cracks me up to this day
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the-awkward-lad · 5 years
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the-awkward-lad · 5 years
Yeah the tea is spilling, but what are you going to do about it? Are you just going to let it spill?
My mom, when I said “the tea is spilling” after she talked about some family drama on the phone to my aunt
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the-awkward-lad · 5 years
So the other day I was in the spices aisle while grocery shopping, and this mom walks in with two young boys. One of them points to the spices and asks "what are those", his mom responds "those are spices, people use them to season their food" and these two kids walk through the rest of the aisle going "eww" and faking throwing up. I wish I could say it was fake, but sadly I had to witness that.
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the-awkward-lad · 5 years
Sirius: this radio only has FM, it looks like we can't get to AM
James: well then I guess you have to listen to it in the morning
Remus: what the fu-
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the-awkward-lad · 5 years
Just heard some lady ask a guy how old his children are, and he goes "my little boy just turned 33". Alright, cool
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the-awkward-lad · 5 years
So i’m volunteering at this art class and all the students are really little kids (around 6 or 7) and I hear one of them go “Well excuse me Mr. Chungus” which immediately made me tune into what they were saying, and the other one responds (sounding slightly betrayed) “How do you know about Chungus!” and it just cracked me up. 
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the-awkward-lad · 5 years
What always makes me cry is waiters/ waitresses bringing you water at the weirdest times. 
The other day we were at a restaurant, and there was basically nobody else there but us, yet for some reason it was taking them so long to bring our food. It had been approximately an hour after we had ordered when the waitress finally comes to our table, only to refill our glasses. 
Another time we had asked for the check, and our waiter came back so i assumed he was finally bringing the check, but instead he decided it would be the perfect time to fill up our glasses. Sir, we are leaving this restaurant, we do not need any more water.
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the-awkward-lad · 5 years
Tbt to that time in 4th grade that we went on a class trip to the city hall and the mayor was asked us what we liked and some kid, being the meme master he was responded with “I like trains” and the mayor just goes “oh you like cranes?” and it still cracks me up to this day
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