thegospelofhayden · 6 years
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Check out my original story; The Gospel of Hayden.
On Tumblr: https://thegospelofhayden.tumblr.com/
Or Wattpad: https://my.w.tt/wEmC2wt6bS
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thegospelofhayden · 6 years
The History Of Hayden
Hayden sighed as he walked down the impressively decorated hall. Marble statues and gold covered pilers lined the length of one wall as floor to ceiling windows gave view to the courtyard, the setting sun casting long shadows across the grounds. Candles lit the way as the hunter moved towards the main hall, his boots thudding softly on the vividly coloured carpet. As he neared the end of the hall he held out the invitation he had been sent by the lord, the two guards that stood at the door looked him up and down for a moment before opening the heavy wooden doors, the white painted wood also lined with intricate gold details and handles. His black cloak swayed slightly as he kneeled before the lord, a pompous French man who sunk of greed and pride. The meeting was short, Hayden didn’t want to have to listen to that man any more than he had too and he could tell the lords son felt the same, although Hayden made sure to keep his eyes on the man in front of him he could feel the young masters eyes watching his every move from his fathers side.
After he was paid, Hayden took the quickest route out of the luxurious home, ignoring the looks he got from the staff and guards. He waited an hour for the sun to finally set before he made his way around the back of the building, creeping through the shadows until he spotted when he was looking for. The balcony door on the third floor was open, candlelight seeping out into the darkness of the night. Climbing up was easy enough, he landed on the balcony with a soft thud, his eyes scanning the dimly lit room as he stepped inside, closing the doors gently behind him.
”What took you so long?” the young lord asked as he sat up in his bed, soft blonde curls creating a halo around his young pale face. Hayden chuckled, taking off his cloak and boots, setting them beside the door.
”I wanted to make sure we wouldn't be disturbed like last time” he smirked, making his way over to the bed as the smaller male sat upon his knees to greet him properly, wrapping his arms around Hayden’s neck to press a sweet kiss on his lips.
“I missed you” he whined, as the half breed effortlessly picked him up and sat back down on the bed, his young loved in his lap.
“I know Leon, I missed you too sweetheart” for a boy in his late teens, Leon was short and thin, which was a contrast to his father. The boy had been pampered his whole life and had retained an angelic like cuteness that Hayden absolutely loved. His hand slipped under the boys' nightshirt, sliding up the delicate skin of his back as his tongue worked against his neck. Leon moaned beside his ear and Hayden dragged his nails down his ribs just to feel the blonde shudder against him.
Leon rutted shamelessly against his thigh, gentle hands tugged at the band keeping his hair in place until the uncut black strands fell around his face and shoulders. Leon smirked as he ran his fingers through the dark, unruly locks and this time it was Hayden’s turn to groan as he tugged sharply. He pulled the nightshirt up over the younger males head, licking his lips as he saw the young lords' erection standing flushed and proud against his stomach. He kissed Leon passionately, his tongue pressing between pink lips as deft fingers worked his own dark shirt up over his head, the two of them breaking apart so that the fabric could be tossed into the floor. Leon could feel his lovers arousal straining against his trousers, the teen grinding down against it causing them both to moan.
“Leon~” Hayden purred, rolling a soft nipple between his fingers as the blonde rolled his hips against the tented fabric, pale blue eyes glued to Hayden’s under hooded lids. A soft pink tint coloured Leon’s cheeks as he slid his hands down Hayden’s well muscular tanned skin, tracing the scars and tattoos that marked his body.
“Show me your eyes, my bramble” Soft hands cupped his face, brushing against the shirt stubble that covered his jaw. Hayden almost scoffed at the nickname, Leon had explained that it meant that he was wild and untameable but also sweet dark and juicy. It’s cute but it also almost makes Hayden regret giving him that book on English horticulture.
He gently placed the blonde down on the sheets, hovering over him as he rested with his hands either side of his face. He pulled off his belt, and Leon watched in anticipation as he lowered his trousers and underwear, licking his lips at the sight of Hayden’s cock, hard and dipping as the last of his clothes joined his shirt on the floor. When he looked back up, pale blue eyes met sapphire, an expectant look on the younger males face.
“Please, mon amour?” The look Leon gave him made him melt, and he gave in. His back hair hung around his shoulders like smoke, and the boy below him let out a soft gasp as black spread through Hayden’s eyes enveloping blue and white until all that was left was black, his true eye colour, the eyes of a demon.
“Mi amor” Hayden whispered, hesitant.
“I wanted to see them once more before you have to leave” he confessed, his gaze so soft and loving that it made Hayden wonder what he had ever done to gain such a blessing in his life.
“I won’t be gone long, but as I promised I shall give you one last night that you will never forget”
He slid himself into his young, tight heat, Leon spreading his legs more to accommodate Hayden’s girth and length. They both moaned, as they rocked together slowly. Hayden’s fingers gripped bruises into pale, boney hips as smooth hands gripped Hayden’s shoulder, nails digging into the flesh. Leon was moaning and panting beneath him as Hayden could only watch and continue to pleasure him. He loved hearing his breathy little moans and pants, the way he would mumble dirty little things in French as Hayden went harder and deeper, hitting the sweet spot inside of him. Leon pulled Hayden down but the hair into a searing hot kiss, their tongues dancing with one another. There hands explored each other as if this was their first time together but took their time as if it was their last. Eventually Leon pulled back with a loud gasp and a moan as he came untouched, Hayden cumming not long after as he felt the blonde clench around him.
Eventually they curled up together, Hayden gently stroking Leon’s soft curls as he curled up to Hayden’s chest. The younger male yawned and Hayden new he would have to leave soon, he moved the young lord to lay back into his pillow, pressing a soft kiss against his temple.
“Before you leave...” the younger male gestured to a velvet box on the table by the bed “it’s....for you” he yawned again, and the dark haired man smiled softly, picking up the box and opening it. Inside the was a gold ring with a dark amethyst set into the band.
“Do you...like?” He asked and Hayden nodded in response, slipping the ring on and pressing a gentle kiss to this lovers lips.
“I love it” he answered, and slipped off the bed grabbing up his clothes and dressing quietly. When he was done Leon had already fallen asleep, and he tied his hair back before kissed his pink tinted cheek, reaching into his pocket he pulled out a delicate silver chain with a cross hanging from it, placing it were the ring had been before.
“Until we meet again mi amor”
I’m having some trouble with chapter 6 so here’s a little back story from my favourite little half breed.
PLEASE! Keep all my tags and my name.
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thegospelofhayden · 6 years
The Gospel of Hayden Chapter 5:
Zegan took a long draw of his cigarette before flicking off the ash, being careful as to not get any on his new suit, it was Armani after all. He looked out over the warehouse, his kingdom, with piles of fake watches and bags stocked high on tables ready for shipment.
He may have been a lesser demon but he had done well for himself despite his status down below. Most of the other demons were idiots who still believed humans communicated through smoke signals and hunted animals for food rather than sport. Zegan didn't particularly care, he spread misery in his own way and he would gladly leave the hardcore stuff to the likes of Azazel or Crowley. Mass genocide and plagues just weren't his thing, they took too much effort for his tastes.
"You know for someone who makes fakes for a living, you'd think that you would be able to tell a cheap suit when you see one" Hayden stepped out of the shadows, his outfit making him look like the stereotypical bad boy from a teen drama.
"What do you want? I have a business to run here, don't need the likes of you causin' trouble half breed" He took another draw of his cigarette, leaning back on the metal railing. He studied Hayden for a moment, it had been a while since he had seen him, thirty years give or take. The kid still looked the same as ever except this time he wasn't covered in blood and glitter. That was one strange Mardi Gras.
"I'm not looking for trouble, I'm looking for answers. A bottom feeder like you has to know something right?" Hayden smirked, his fangs pushing down on his bottom lip. Zegan couldn't help but glare, if he could he would kill this brat and drag his meat suit back to hell but he knew far too many demons that had tried and failed, he wasn't about to add himself to that list.
"What kinda answers? I ain't got all day to stand here playing guessing games. My time is valuable so you better be ready to pay up brat" Hayden's expression remained impassive and Zegan flicked his cigarette end onto the floor, crushing it under his snakeskin boot. "Well? I can't give an answer to a question I don't know now can I?"
"There's been rumours that someones been summoning demons to track down a boy with a pure soul." Zegan paled, it had been a while since he had heard anyone speak of a pure soul.
"A pure soul? Haven't heard bout one of them for centuries. You sure someone ain't pulling' yer chain kid?" The demon glared, if this was some kinda joke then things were about to get messy in here, he had no time for pranks.
"Pretty low of you to think that even I would joke about this. Plus you know the Angels aren't exactly known for their sense of humour" suddenly everything about Hayden's demeanour became unnerving, it was like going face to face with an angry snake. "Now tell me what you know Zegan, bloods a bitch to get out of polyester"
He took a step forward, and Zegan took one step back, his back pressed up against the railing. He chanced a look down at the concrete floor and gulped. When he looked back up Hayden was staring right at him, he gripped the front of his suit and pushed him harder against the rails, the rusted metal protesting slightly under the force. "Ok! Ok! I... I don't know much but I do know that there's been a few unexplained missin' person cases around town, whoever's behind this isn't summoning demons, there recruiting 'em. Not just demons either. All kinda creatures been going missing lately."
Hayden backed off and put his hands into his jean pockets. "That's all I needed to know, as payment I won't send you back to Hell, this time anyway." Black wisps of smoke curled off of his body as he turned to look back at Zegan, a smirk gracing his lips. "Next time you might not be so lucky" the other demon barely blinked and Hayden was gone. Zegan breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled out another cigarette from his pocket and patted down his suit looking for his lighter.
Lol it’s been a while, please keep all my tags and my name.
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thegospelofhayden · 6 years
The Gospel of Hayden Chapter 4:
The hot steamy water ran down Isaac's back, his forehead pressed against the cold tile.
"Why me?" He sighed, running a hand through his brunette curls. The shower felt great to relax his muscles but did nothing to calm the thoughts flooding his head. He held his face under the stream of running water, scrubbing a hand over his face. He stood there for what felt like an eternity but in reality had only been about 5 minutes, before finally stepping out and drying himself off with a towel.
His footsteps seemed loud against the wooden floor as he went to Hayden's wardrobe, a towel secured around his waist in case the demon vampire decided to make a sudden appearance after saying he wouldn't be back until dinner. The wardrobe seemed old, and there were claw marks running down one of the doors. He opened one out of the three doors, there were shelves with dates scratched onto the wood. "1800's, 1920, 1960, 1980... Wow, are these all his old clothes..." Isaac reached out and pulled what seemed to be a frilly black shirt. He couldn't help but laugh at the mental image of Hayden wearing frilly shirts, and long waistcoats. Folding the item neatly he placed it back and moved on to the next section.
The next two doors seemed to open up into one section revealing a large selection of modern clothing all in varying dark shades. Isaac reached for a pair of grey sweatpants, frowning slightly as he held them to his waist.
"These are far too big." He sighed and looked through the pile finding the same result for all of them.
"There's no way any of these are going to fit me!" He eyed the various piles of t-shirts, now that he thought about it Hayden was a good few inches taller than him, and Isaac was certainly skinnier than him too. He grabbed the first one he saw, dropping the towel and pulled it over his head. As he suspected it fell about mid-thigh, covering everything it needed too. There was no way Hayden's underwear would fit him so he opted for his own, even if they were dirty.
"This will have to do" he went to pick up the towel. His eyes glinting with curiosity when he noticed something sticking out from under the other man's mattress. He knew it was wrong to go through other people's stuff but he couldn't help but wonder what a man like Hayden would hide there. On closer inspection it seemed to be the corner of a document or a magazine, the paper was worn and yellowish. Not wanting to damage anything, Isaac carefully lifted that section of the mattress slightly and pulled it out. Grinning triumphantly Isaac held in his hands an old issue of ... a sports magazine? Or at least that's what he thought. The writing was all in Spanish but the two men on the cover were dressed in football shorts and boots, their chests were bare and they were flexing, showing off the well-defined muscles under smooth, tanned skin.
Isaac licked his lips and sat down on the floor his back against the bed. He flipped open a couple of pages and his eyes went wide, a blush creeping up his neck and face as he stared down at the pages before him. This was definitely no sports magazine, it was one of those old-fashioned porn mags, like the ones they sold on the top racks in shops. Isaac bit down on his bottom lip as he looked through the first few pages. There seemed to be all manner of athletic-looking men, with broad shoulders and bulging muscles.
After a couple more pages the photographs began to become even more explicit and Isaac could feel a familiar feeling building up in his groin.
The sight in front of him began to make him feel uncomfortable like he was praying to deep into Hayden's personal life. He was about to return the magazine to its original place when another odd thing caught Isaac's eye. One of the pages had its corner folded in, and Isaac gulped audibly. Opening up the page, he gasped softly, eyes going so wide that he must have looked like a deer in the headlights. He had to turn the magazine to look at it properly but it was a double page spread of young boy probably no older than eighteen with blond curly hair and dark blue eyes. He was thinner than all the other men and the football shirt he wore was far too big. One hand lay above his head as the other gripped his hard length. Thick hands of another man spread his golden thighs as he was clearly being fucked, judging by the almost blissed out expression the young man had.
He caught a glimpse of himself in the full-length mirror that sat in the corner of the room. His face and neck were a bright shade of pink, and his soft green eyes were blown wide. Parts of his hair were still damp but had begun to curl up as it dried. Looking a little lower he saw the prominent bulge in his boxers along with the way Hayden's shirt fell around his pale thighs. Overall he couldn't disagree with the fact that he looks so similar to the boy on the page.
Slapping the magazine shut and haphazardly placing it back under the mattress. Taking a deep breath he tried to ignore the twitching in his underpants or the protest in his thighs as he tried to stand. Isaac was a good boy, he was always at work in time, he took care of his mother and he most certainly did not masturbate in other people's home. This brought him back to the more pressing matter at hand, why did demons want to kill him? It wasn't like he was anything special, and since the passing of his grandmother, he wasn't all that religious. So why him? And why did Angels then hire someone like Hayden to keep him alive?
With his boner now dead he gathered his clean clothes and threw them in the washing machine. The contrast of new and old technology amazed Isaac to no end, the sheer contrast was enough to make him feel like he was stuck in some kind of twilight zone. Yet it made so much sense, Hayden had been 21 years old for over two centuries, he had seen wars and plagues, watched the people around him grow old and die and then watched their children do the same. Such a morbid reality made Isaac's stomach turn and he felt a pang of guilt for the dark-haired stranger.
please keep my name and tag guys, much appreciated <3 
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thegospelofhayden · 6 years
The Gospel of Hayden Chapter 3:
Isaac peered out of the room, studying his surroundings. He looked up and down the hallway, eyes flicking to the front door at the far end of the hall. From what he could see the apartment was minimally decorated, a mixture of furniture and objects collected over the vampires long life. Age seemed to hang heavy in the apartment and Isaac wondered just how long Hayden had lived here.
The smell of food caught his attention, pulling him nose first to the other end of the hall where it seemed to open up into a spacious kitchen and living room area. A grey marbled counter separated the two rooms, the kitchen seems more modern than the rest of the home. Hayden stood tending to a pan at the stove, the sound of frying food filling the room.
"Morning sleeping beauty, finally decided to get out of bed have we" Hayden's deep chuckle echoed around the room and Isaac couldn't help but smile slightly as well.
"So this is your place huh?" Isaac asked looking around. He took note of a tv in the corner and a blanket lying messily on the couch. A coffee table sat in the middle of the living room space a few empty glass bottles sitting on top of it. The place wasn't a mess but you could tell this was the place of someone who lived alone.
"Yeah I guess, I don't stay here often since I'm usually travelling. It's more of a place where I can come to recover from my wounds" his voice didn't give away much emotion, and Isaac took a seat at the counter watching the dark haired man as he cooked. A clear plastic bottle sat next to Hayden on the worktop and it didn't take a genius to guess what the thick red liquid was inside. It made Isaac's stomach turn.
"Did you sleep on the couch?" Isaac wondered out loud as Hayden put the contents of the pan on a plate before cracking a few eggs into the skillet. Isaac hadn't realised how hungry he was but he was practically drooling over the smell of fresh cooked bacon and eggs. Isaac had somehow managed to survive on microwave meals and instant noodles whilst his mother was in the hospital, family friends occasionally dropping by with leftover stew or casserole whenever she came home for recovery.
Hayden shrugged in answer to his question as he seasoned the eggs.
"It's no big deal, I don't really need to sleep or eat as long as I keep myself satisfied with this stuff" he picked up the bottle of blood to emphasise his point, the liquid inside splashing around slightly from the movement. "I like the familiarity of it I guess" he shrugged again, putting the eggs on each of the two plates that had been set out. He slid the largest portion over to Isaac and it took almost every ounce of strength for the younger male not to dig in immediately.
"Thanks" he smiled softly, he still felt slightly nervous, his fingers fidgeting beneath the table as his other hand picked up the fork and took a bite off eggs. He had to bite his lip to hold back the appreciative moan from escaping his mouth. These had to be the best damn eggs Isaac had ever had.
They eat in silence, Isaac's too busy shovelling food into his mouth to be able to make conversation. Once he finished he licked his lip, looking up to see Hayden's blue eyes watching him closely.
"That was great, thank you," Isaac said sheepishly, smiling softly. He was unsure of how to react under the other man's gaze, an unknown feeling welling in the pit of his stomach.
"I have some things I need to do today, I'll swing by your house and grab some clothes for you and anything else you need," he said, resting his elbows on the counter. Isaac noted the scars that littered his arms.
"Wait for what? Cant I go home? I...I thought it was just one demon..... is this..... earlier you said angels hired you to protect me, why?" Isaac questioned.
Hayden nodded, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Yeah, I don't know why but there are a group of demons after you. Those pigeon winged douche bags didn't give me much to go on. You're safer here. This apartment is warded. Nothing can get in unless it's me.....or human."
Hayden stood and took the plates from the counter, putting them in the sink. Isaac sat frozen, his mind trying to wrap itself around all the information in his head. The sound of running water broke him out of his thoughts, Hayden scrubbed off the plates and set them to dry.
"My laptop... it's the only thing I can't think off except my clothes" Issac said softly, watching as Hayden turned to him with a soft smile.
"If you want you can shower whilst I'm gone, I think I have some old clothes you can borrow." He walked to the door, Isaac following behind. He watched as Hayden pulled on a leather jacket and picked up a set of keys.
"The bathroom is in there and just take whatever you want from my wardrobe in the bedroom. I should be back before dinner so just help yourself to food from the fridge as well. I'll order take out once I'm back." Hayden fixed his appearance in a cracked mirror, sliding a hand through his thick hair. The younger male simply nodded, watching Hayden's movements with soft green eyes.
Hayden turned to Isaac as his hand reached for the door handle.
"I need to lock the door behind me, if anyone comes to the door, do not answer it on any circumstances, even if it sounds like me, do not answer. Do you understand Isaac?" His voice was serious and weighted, the information resting heavy on Isaac's shoulders.
He nodded again. "Yeah, I...I understand" he mumbled, pouting slightly as his eyebrows furrowed. Hayden grinned, his fangs showing in his blinding smile.
"Don't worry kid, I'll be back before you know it" and with that, he left, leaving Isaac alone to explore his new surroundings.
Woooo finaly chapter 3 is out! Sorry for the wait, hopefully i can keep this up over the summer. Pleade keep all my tags and my name. Dont forget to like and share!
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thegospelofhayden · 6 years
The Gospel Of Hayden Chapter 2:
There was the rattle of curtains being drawn and Isaac could feel the edge of the bed dip as someone sat down next to him. "Five more minutes mum." He groaned as he rolled over, for some reason his bed felt more comfortable than normal, a strong, comforting sent encapsulating him as he drew the sheets closer. A deep chuckle caused him to frown, blinking open his crusty eyes and squinting as he adjusted to the early morning light. Finally once his vision cleared he looked up to see a pair of deep blue eyes shining beneath an unruly mop of black hair.
"AHHHHHH!" Isaac screamed and scrambled backwards banging his head on the headboard as a coughing fit erupted from his chest. He felt a hand on his shoulder and tried to squirm away but the strangers grip was strong. He felt something cold being pressed to his lips.
"Drink", was the only instruction, the voice cold and commanding. Isaac took long gulps of what he found to be water, the cool liquid soothing his aching throat. He felt rough fingers glide over his neck causing him to wince.
"Sorry" came the mumbled reply and Isaac looked up at the stranger before him. He had tanned skin and high cheekbones, a strong jawline with the slightest hint of stubble. Black hair hung in front of his eyes that were bluer than any sapphire Isaac had ever seen.
"Who are you?" Isaac asked, his memory of the night before was fuzzy. He remembered being attacked, the pain exploding in his head when he was pushed against the wall. He remembered it was a woman, a woman with black eyes who wanted his soul.
"My name is Hayden Morningstar, I saved you from that demon last night"
When Isaac was younger his grandmother dragged him to church every Sunday, he remembered the stories of creatures with black eyes, shadows who hunted down the souls of humans and dragging them to Hell. Although his faith had always been strong he had always thought demons were metaphorical, something used to scare children and represent the evil people in the world.
"So.... demons are real...." he asked
"Yes" Something about Hayden's tone told him that there was something he wasn't telling him but Isaac had to many questions to dwell on it.
"And what about angels?" He wasn't sure why this was his first question, his mind was on autopilot and he still wasn't sure if he truly believed the blue eyed stranger in front of him.
"Sadly they also exist" he sighed "they hired me to protect you and I have been doing so for the past week. I had planned to stay in the shadows but after that low level bottom feeder managed to almost strangle you to death last night, you'd be better off where I can see you at all times. This place is completely warded, no demon can get in or out without my say so"
"How do you know so much about this?" Isaac asked as he began to wonder what other mythical creatures existed, vampires? Werewolf's? Wizards?
"I'm a demon hunter. It's my job to take out any demon or monster that breaks the mythic code, the rules that keep the balance between good and evil, humans and the supernatural" Hayden explained and Isaac nodded in understanding.
"So you're human?" Isaac asked, his soft green eyes glancing over Hayden who was still leaning over him slightly.
Hayden took a deep breath, if Isaac was going to be around him every hour of every day then he would find out eventually, he needed him to trust him but if this went badly then he was going to kick some scrawny angelic butt.
"Not exactly, I'm a mix breed, a mongrel. Part human, part demon....or at least I was part human once" Hayden pulled down the neck of his shirt, exposing one of the many scars that covered his body. It looked at though he had been attacked by a wild animal, deep teeth marks captured in his flesh as thick white scars.
"Then what are you now?" There was hesitation in Isaac's voice, and Hayden turned to stare out of the window. He let go of his shirt and close his eyes.
"I'm a monster, part demon, part vampire and completely damned for eternity" anger dripped from Hayden's voice and he could hear Isaacs heart race in his chest, the smell of his blood teasing Hayden's primal senses. He licked his lip, feeling the sharp prick of his fangs against his tongue. He bit the inside of his cheek, looking up at Isaac when he felt the bed shift beside him. The younger male gasped and slowly moved back against the headboard. The vampire turned away, pushing himself off the bed and mumbling something about making breakfast as he left the room, leaving Isaac alone with his thoughts once more.
The brunette stared at the door, now completely alone. He ran his hand over the bedding, comforting himself with the soft feel of black silk as he came to terms with what he had just saw. When Hayden had turned to him, his eyes were no longer the soothing blue that he had awoken to but a bright red that seemed to pierce right through him. His heart was racing along with his mind, everything in him told him he should run but he couldn’t, a tiny voice in the back of his head was telling him to stay.
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thegospelofhayden · 6 years
The Gospel Of Hayden Chapter 1:
The hospital was draughty and old, built from sandstone and wood, Issac was convinced that it had been there since the town was first founded. As he pushed open the heavy oak doors he gritted his teeth against the brisk sea wind that seemed to pass through him like a ghost, or maybe it was a ghost who knew with this creepy ass hospital. He shook his head, some strands of light brown hair falling in front of his eyes. Struggling against the weight of the door, he managed to push it open just enough to slip out without hitting his elbow like last time.
Once outside he was hit with the full force of the autumnal weather. Pulling his gloves from his pocket he cursed as one fell onto a pile of wet mushy leaves. He really hated this time of year. Picking up his now damp glove and slipping it on with the other he took a moment to compose his racing mind. His mother was sick again, she always got sick around this time of year and every time it seemed to get worse. This was the third year in a row she had been hospitalised, he wondered if he should call his father but it's not like he would care, he never did. Isaac's father had walked out when he was only ten years old and he has resented him ever since. Taking a seat on a nearby bench he ran his hand through his hair, grimacing when he realised it was the damp one.
"Great. . . " he sighed and stood. His legs were still numb from sitting by his mother's side for so long, the nurses always let him stay past visiting hours as long as he didn't spend the night. He guessed they took pity on him, most of them new of his family situation by now and nearly all of them knew him on a first name basis either from home visits or from the insane amount of time he spent at the hospital with his mother, quietly writing in the corner of her room as she slept or talked about what would happen whilst he was at work. Speaking of work, he would probably have to call in sick, he felt exhausted; both mentally and physically and he currently wanted nothing more than to curl up on the couch with a box of cereal and a Disney movie.
The sun had set and the streetlights flickered, Isaac walked around the side of the large hospital building, making his way to an ally that he normally took as a shortcut. Normally there would only be a nurse sneaking a cigarette during their break or a patient sneaking some fresh air but on a night like this it was quiet and empty which somehow put Isaac more on edge than ever.
"Well don't you smell pure" The voice came out of the darkness and Isaac froze in his tracks. He hadn't seen anyone at first but there was someone there, standing in the darkness at the end of the narrow passage. All he could see was a faint outline but the voice sounded soft and feminine, laced with something dark, something evil. What has she meant by pure? And how could she smell it? Before he could question it more, pain exploded behind his head as all the air suddenly left his lungs. The shadowy figure had pushed him up against the rough brick wall, her strength seeming inhuman compared to her small frame.
"W..what do you want?" He croaked, his lungs still recovering from the suddenly having the wind knocked out of him, it took him a moment but he realised that she was actually holding him off the ground, gripping him by the shirt. The stranger smiled and he tried to focus more on her features, she seemed perfectly normal with her curly black hair and deeply tanned skin, but her eyes, her eyes were black all over, not even the slightest bit of white could be seen.
"Oh not much, just your soul" she giggled, something about the noise making him shiver, it was a cold laugh like something you would hear from a horror movie. Whoever this girl was she was clearly crazy, she wanted his soul! You can't just take someone's soul but something about those dark eyes of hers told him differently. He tried to scream for help but it came out as barely a whisper, one of her slim hands now wrapped around his neck, cutting off the air to his lungs. His vision began to blur and his attempts to free himself became weaker, his lungs burned with pain as he tried to scream out but it only came out as a dry whisper. She cackled at his meek attempts to save himself, relishing in his suffering.
He was going to die, he was sure of it. Consciousness slipped slowly from him until suddenly he was falling. He landed painfully on the ground, gasping as air flooded his lungs, forcing bile from his throat. His head was spinning and his vision was still blurry, he could hear fighting and he looked up to see the outline of a man. He couldn't see the woman anywhere and he wondered if she had been frightened off, Issac tried to stand as something landed next to his foot and he jumped in surprise as it rolled into the light. It was her head. Suddenly arms were around him, pulling him to his feet, a hand covering his mouth although he was sure he couldn't scream if he tried, not that that stopped him though.
Hayden rolled his eyes as the kid struggled in his grasp, he was going to injure himself more if he didn't calm down. Why the angels cared so much about this kid as to go and hire Hayden to protect him was confusing, surely it couldn't simply be because he was pure? Originally he's planned to watch him from a distance but he knew he had to step in once that demon attacked. He hadn't sensed her which meant they knew he was watching him, whoever they are, they're starting to get smart.
"Mmmmph!" Hayden released his hand over Isaac's mouth, turning him around with his hands gripping on to his shoulders tightly.
"You....you cut off her head!" Isaac's voice was still hoarse from almost being choked to death, he looked pale and there was already some dark bruising on his neck.
"I did what I had to, or would you rather she choked you to death and took that pure little soul of your's kid?" Hayden's eyes bore into his, he knew that this was going to be difficult for the kid to understand but he was going to have to or Hayden's job was going to be a lot more difficult than he first thought.
"Plus she was already dead, a demon possessed her body and took her for a spin"
"A demon? My soul? Your just as crazy as she is! Let me go!" Isaac struggled more but Hayden's grip was ironclad, he shook the boy hoping to rattle some sense into him.
"Listen, kid, there are some bad things creeping around this town and one here to protect me. I'll explain it all later but unless you want to become someone else's rag doll I suggest you keep that pouty little mouth of yours shut and follow me" Hayden's crystal blue gaze was stone cold as he kept eye contact with Isaac's. Soft green eyes met his blue ones as the kid studied him.
"How do I know I can trust you?" Isaac's voice was softer but you could still hear the strain I caused him to speak. Hayden dropped his grip, convinced that younger male wouldn't try to run, not that it made much difference, Hayden was faster than any living thing on the planet.
"You saw her eyes, didn't you? Or what about how inhumanly strong she was?" Hayden's lips turned up into a smirk as Isaac slowly nodded, the realisation that it maybe wasn't just his imagination blossoming on his face.
"Plus are you really going to argue with the guy who's holding a sword?"
Yay first chapter done, ill try and be a bit more regular with my posts but college and stuff might get in the way. Please keep all tags and my name
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thegospelofhayden · 6 years
Someday I’ll leave a mark on someone’s precious, brittle heart.
(via oliver-swinford)
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thegospelofhayden · 6 years
The Gospel Of Hayden Prologue:
It was a cold night down by the docks. The sea was still and there was no wind as if the world was holding its breath. Rats scurried through ally's, their claws scratching against the wooden walkway as they searched for food within the trash. It was late, and the sky was pitch black. The full moon hung brightly in the Hallows Eve sky, illuminating the empty streets below. Nobody dared walk out on a night like this, for as small as the seaside town of St Rosalie was, the talk from the inner cities of witches, vampires and other creatures from the darkness scared the townspeople deeply.
Across the town, most of the houses were in darkness except for one, a small wooden home placed close to the sea. Candles blazed in the windows as the fire in the hearth burned brightly, filling the house with warmth. The agonised scream of a young woman broke the silence, a Spanish girl barely in her twenties, laden with the burden of motherhood. She gripped the linen tightly as she pushed, screaming in agony once more. By now she was in her seventh hour of labour, and the grandfather clock chimed it's eleventh. With one final push, her child was born on the last chime of the eleventh hour on Hallows Eve.
Maria lay back onto the bed, and suddenly the world was quiet once more. The tiniest of whines floated to her ears and she looked up as the midwife pressed the child into her arms. A beautiful boy with warm toned skin and thick tufts of jet black hair. He looked like any other baby would except for his eyes, his eyes were deep dark pools of inky black as if they themselves were an endless pit into hell. She cradled him against her chest, to think that this child, her little boy, to think his father was one of them, the creatures that they warned you about in church. She could imagine him clearly, he had been so charming, right up to the moment of bedding her, forcing her to bare his demon offspring. The child in her arms squirmed and in that moment she looked down, seeing the same dark pools she had that night with his father, the night he had revealed his true self. Maria brushed her thumb softly against his round cheek, the child's black eyes recessing into crystal blue, shining up at her with so much hope and promise, so much purity. She knew better than to brand her son as a monster like she knew others would.  "Hayden" she spoke his name softly "Hayden Morningstar, my little angel"
Over 270 years later the dark figure of a man stood above the grown seaside city of St Rosalie. Part vampire, part Demon, the nightmare of St Rosalie had returned to his home like he did every 20 years or so. Hayden looked up at the setting sun as a sea breeze blew through his thick black hair causing it to become even more of a mess than it naturally was. His blue eyes watched as people rushed around, it was the beginning of September and Autumn leaves littered the streets, people were wrapped up warm except for Hayden who's black shirt, jeans and boots clung to him like a second layer of skin but that didn't affect him, he didn't feel the cold so much anymore even when he wished he could. So much had happened since he was born here, so much had changed. He shook his head to expel the thoughts and focused on the task at hand. He had a job to do and he was running out of time.  
please keep my name and tag guys, much appreciated <3 
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