thepoet-ry · 1 year
-in the dream-
In the dream, its much like it is in the poem. anything can happen.
There may be birds and there may be something far more terrifying. There may be something you'd never considered in your waking life. Visions of your mother feeding you black milk or your father coming at you with a dagger. Diggings into your chest in an attempt to find your heart that reveal a withered white and puss-filled sack, more like a miscarriage than a brave, beating vital thing.
In the dream, it is much like it is in the poem. You find yourself walking in green fields, sun on your face, only to fall off the edge of the world like you did in a video game you played while you were still a child. Rainbow roads fade and evaporate just as you were approaching the checkered flag. The end doesn't matter as much as how you got there. Journeys and childhood games look less alike than they really are.
In the dream, it is much like it is in the poem. There is no end in sight and it lasts much shorter it seems. You feel your way in the dark, some unknown watcher guiding your hand. Pressure nonexistent yet you are drawn into the depths of yourself. Finding all manner of creatures and thoughts believed extinct or mythical. You find the leviathan. He swallows you whole. You are in his belly with a candle. You find that ancient fear, that archaic flame. Where is the guide?
In the dream, it is much like it is in the poem.
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thepoet-ry · 2 years
I know the place where the ceremony begins,
where we are together again in tides
of laughter breathing and breaking
on the shore. The stars and satellites
revolve around us the starry dome
of heaven encases us, holds us in its hands.
Danye comes up from behind us
through beach grass and we laugh
and wave as he tells us he wants to spin
his poi, glowing colored balls from strings
and he is now the universe and the stars,
glowing and burning in flow for our eyes.
Two figures from the known right emerge
and ask to share our fire. They are from
the past and cast no shadows. They sit
and watch the movement from Danye,
him with the pins in his hat flashing
reflecting firelight, a reminder of the flame.
A woman with cat ears emerged from aether
do you know who she was? I feel like
she once told me I was a wizard
we had shared nights of wine in comfy beds
but she had fallen asleep as i told her
I loved her.
A silhouette came from the darkened left
beyond the bluffs then disappeared,
with stories of mad meth dances
in his wake, his sound swept away
by the waves and the smell of his memory
washed away by the wind.
We sat sipping booze from the bottle
and felt like new incarnation of uncles
Allen and Jack, of grandfathers Li Po
and Tu Fu and we heard the waves
call our names, tasted the buzz and cellular
singing of nicotine.
I reachedfor my water without looking
and found it like that. We talked
with the sharers of our fire about epic poetry,
Homer, and the Greeks. "Sing in me, O Muse,
of that traveler who strayed so far from home."
Those things we need, always at hand.
-march 12 2020-
Ig: @thepoet.ry
Fb: ry downey
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Subscribe and follow me at the places above, and don't forget, I also have a Patreon if you wanna support me with money. 🖤🖤🖤
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thepoet-ry · 2 years
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I have a Patreon. Check it out for all my newest poems and releases!
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thepoet-ry · 2 years
-a beauty poem-
I want to talk about beauty--
no, not talk--
I want to show
you beauty,
make it felt
in the heart,
somewhere beyond the reach
of words.
Because words
are not
the thing itself--
words are fingers
toward the thing
My mother used to collect
because, she said,
they have mystique
and beauty.
She wasn't wrong,
and what's more,
she said it
Beauty strikes us in places
words can't reach.
A cloud
or a sunset
or a painting of them
is more
than the words we have
to name them
will ever be.
We recognize these things we see
not with words
but by the feelings
ignited within.
What then is ignited in us?
The same unknown spark
that helps us
lift our arms,
dream our dreams,
and reach epiphanies--
the essence of all that is
is reflected
onto us.
We witness without
what is within--
as above,
so below,
Cascading sequences of succulents,
spaces of emptiness
the light at the end
of the tunnel.
All beauty begins
and ends
in harmony--
in unspoken recognition
that All
is One.
-december 2017, seattle wa-
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
-october 1- poem
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-october 1st-
The leaves are on the lawn again.
It seems the time has come
again. October 1st is here again,
cueing thoughts of cabin fever,
they return like droves of birds
to the south, the little magnets
in their brain flipping round
pointing them the opposite
of north. Warmer climates the goal
for all those untethered, feathered
symbols of freedom.
I haven't grown
roots quite yet, unless you count
my lease and invisible tendrils
of emotion. The birds fly south,
I draw the Hermit from my Tarot
deck and I wonder if my friends
will understand when I don't call
them back for the next few months.
It seems like every year I write this
poem where the fact of the winter
becomes real. Its clouds cover the sky
my eyes suddenly the flaming
colors in the trees the razing
of the last of my automatic peace
of mind. My lazy boat floated easily
these past few months, auto pilot
engaged making being alive so much
easier. Vacation season ends now
and the real work begins.
Sun is waving goodbye for now
and my eyes linger on its fading
rays. My part of the earth turns
its face away and the time has come
for my own turn into myself.
Delve deeper, the winter says
to me. Dig for the places that hurt.
Dismantle walls that entomb
your heart. The real work begins.
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
-to a mentor-
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Take my hand, guide me through the halls
of words and lines and tell me how
to write a poem that's not about poetry
or drifting through life by trying not
to make any decisions or action whatsoever
unless it involves sex or food or poetry.
I've learned how to see too but in different
ways. I might explain more than the average
poet but the flower isn't just there.
I'm holding it in my hand. What do you call
that, if not poetry.
I need to find a classroom, I need to find
a temple. Don't tell me what to see,
teach me where to look.
The infinitude of glances, the angles
the eye can take make me dizzy,
vertigo is not just a movie with Kim Novak
with shock white hair. It moves
in the world and in my brain.
I want to know which way is up.
Show me please.
The journey is everything but it is lonely.
The woods are darker and deeper
with nothing to light the way.
I am a hunter with no lantern,
no hound to call or fetch when I say.
Is it possible to be all of these
at once?
I need you (do I?) to help me string
these images like beads along
the line of these lines, make them
more than the sum of their parts.
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
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-it takes time to become a god- You know it's time to read some poetry and it's gonna feel good too after it feels terrible. Watching these gods of the word do their thing. And it comes in entropy of ease and weightlessness you know as of now you only achieve in your dreams. But you never see the slashing and cutting done-- hours and years, grains in the hourglass filtered downward as their mountains in your hands grew higher until they became the Olympus you witness, the book in your hands, the lines that slay and eviscerate your sense of yourself as a poet. You are a fake you are convinced as the book shakes in your grandpa's hand. Take care and have faith, young one, surely your grains are falling and building your own Olympus or Rainier-- the second has lava and can erupt any minute. They stand in awe every time you are out and the mist clears to reveal your peak. Schoolchildren do drills in the event of your eruption. Memory fades but awakens when the match is struck. Take care and have faith. It takes time to become a god. -may 15 2018, seattle wa-
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
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Don't need to see the reality to know it exists. Unfamiliar familiarity buzzes below. Uneasy easiness. The river flows you toward a source you cant see around the bend. Oh God I'm in this boat or body again. I don't like how it feels. Can you teach me to appreciate the sensation of being a person who feels things and sometimes is afraid to say it? Resist comparing this body to that. We are all trees, we are all trees, growing exactly the way we were supposed to grow. Now my growth is hurting. Tell me it's okay. Does the butterfly hurt when it first emerges? Does blossoming feel like bleeding? Right now it's dark, I bob on the surface. Murmurs of water reach my ears and in the echoes I place myself exactly where i think I am like a bat, I need to know my own sounds to steer myself through the world I hear.
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
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-fecundity- The child's pose I'm in places my face to the grass's roots-- the green of the leaves is different struck directly by the sun. Shining through, the blades are animate, bequeathing a new brilliance. My shoulders stretch. I close my lids and open my heart, giving myself to the earth. The smell of the soil fills my head, growing glimpses sowing for me the green heart of life. Moments like these renew, remind-- the building blocks of eternity course through blood, carry through cells, lie quiet but alive in the belly of the mother. -april 24 2018, seattle wa-
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
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The pink blossoms outside my window are blossoming brightly, shouting beauty to the world, inviting notice of any and no eyes, budding only for themselves and maybe the bees, with whom they have their own language. There are languages within a language, speakers tuned to some but not all. Words and grammar not even written like the language of the heart. Letters, symbols do little when it comes to speaking without mouth. How to translate what all this means? Let me not worry about where those bees have been before these flowers. I need to trust that everything is in order. I don’t need to know their language as long as I know ours. I fear I wasn’t made the same as the others. I know just enough of the language. Do you understand that love is not a pie? In this life love exists like life, the end is its beginning. There is no holding on. Only letting go. The more you let go the more you are held. The dangerous mistake lies in wait, and fear is the enemy of these hands.
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
Sometimes you need to go away
from your roommate in the living room
where you both watch TV together
and lay by yourself in your bed,
listening to music on your headphones
curled up like you were in the womb
maybe holding the stone the person you loved
gave to you, holding it up to the light,
letting it shimmer in the dim glow of your bedside lamp
sometimes you have to cry while holding the rock
because this was always its intention,
it holding you when you thought you held it
sometimes you have to write letters to her like journal entries
because sending them through text
would seem a bit obsessive
so many letters like unsent, unsealed ships in a bottle,
unsending out an s.o.s. because only you can save
you, it’s only right you would receive the letters
sent from you to you with no need of a carrier
besides the pen. and your heart.
Sometimes you need to go away
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
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-attic lights-
There's something attractive about an attic
light ablaze at night. I drive these streets
of mine at night and see them illuminated
sometimes. I wonder whose rooms those are.
Have you ever wanted to fly upward,
lift from the ground and alight
on a windowsill and see who lives inside?
Peter Pan did that.
What horrors and wonders lay within?
What things happen to haunt
or enchant a place?
Is there someone drawing pictures
of nooses in their private journal
or reading by flashlight under covers?
I want to ask them what they're doing
and why. And really listen.
What reaches out its hand
in nights like these, in images
like lit attic rooms?
There is a light on for someone.
I want to know who it's for.
For now it seems like it's on for me.
My attic light is on. It is orange.
Such a comforting color.
I come home from the bar
and see it glowing like a beacon,
orange fingers and hand extended
to welcome me home.
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
CHECK IT OUT Y’ALL! My poem, “Ceremony” has been featured on the LKMNDS Podcast! Go check them out and maybe give them a follow! Much love!
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
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-the dance-
What is this dance?
Why does it feel
like blood twirling
through veins
bringing breath
and life to limbs?
Bypassing thought
the feelings form
words in lines
and then comes music.
Logic is finally loose
and unnecessary
in the traditional sense.
Feelings are loosed
upon the world
in images and
and pointing toward
meaning. Does it mean
anything and does it have to?
That's the beauty contained
in this beauty. No rules
no lines except this one
and this one. Each line alive
on it's own and yet part
of a whole greater cosmos.
The only place I see freedom
I write bars to escape bars
sometimes in bars
sometimes not. Anywhere
is the playground, the ballpark,
the stadium of dreams
and their logic.
I play and I play and I play
and no one can call a foul
if I don't let them.
There are no scores
in the traditional sense,
no routine.
The shot is it's own score.
The music swells
and my heart is content.
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
-poem for grandma-
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The world will try to take it from you. The petals of the rose turn to steel. Your joints don’t work so well anymore and your skin itches when someone speaks a word against you. You dislike the taste of your name in other mouths. Sometimes to find it again you have to go away  from the irritant of voices and sounds that are not your own. Go there and I will find you, that presence that feels more like the caress of the sun than metal. You owe it to yourself to like the sound of your own name, your own voice and those of others. You will be here far longer than you think. Or like. Your grandmother’s face swims before you like a koi in a pond too big for its confines. Expand your pool in whatever way you can. Winter’s bones are thawing and become spring. You too can find the softness and rain.
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
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-june 9 2018-
Today is my birthday
and its also apparently
best friends day.
Taking stock of life
and its changes
When you become
your own best friend.
It was spitting rain
last night when i turned
Thirty, but by noon the sun
was out, with cracks
of blue between fluffy
limbs of clouds building
cumulously in the sky
like they were doing it
on purpose
for me,
my eyes gifted a present
I couldt thank no one
besides myself
and the world for--
for making it here
long enough to behold
and for being here
before, after, but especially
now to be beheld.
Who makes a life happen?
No hands clear a path
for another. Hands belong
to someone who clears
the way.
-june 9 2018, seattle wa-
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thepoet-ry · 3 years
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