theprofburg · 4 months
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For this goddess form we have Rosie reach her full potential: Squishy Stromboli! Rosie's body gets so hot that her hair turn into fire while her whole body "melts" and becomes much more liquid and pliable like a slime, she can deliver flaming hits, assume any kind of form without any physical limit and she gets also totally immune to anything harmful like weapons and explosions 
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theprofburg · 4 months
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Rosie Brauer, the Harmony Sage of Laughter and her Guardians. Vulcan, the Roman God of Fire and Forge, Pulcinella, a character from stories in Southern Italy, and Lorelei, an undine, a water nymph from Germany.
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theprofburg · 4 months
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Rosie Brauer, the Harmony Sage of Laughter
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theprofburg · 4 months
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Name: Rosanna "Rosie" Brauer
Nickname: Pinkie Pie
Nationality: German-Italian
Age: 18
Element Title: Sage of Laughter
Powers: Unlimited Elasticity and Shapeshifting
Bio: Always the cheerful and silly one, Rosie Brauer is the girl who just wants to have fun. Her good nature and fun loving attitude can make anyone smile, even the most grumpiest of people. Despite her being seen as rather annoying, it doesn't stop her from being herself. Thanks to her she has managed to help five loners out of their shells and helped them become the best of friends. While cheerful and happy, Rosie has her moments where she believe she is not good for anyone, but due to the help of her friends and family she is able to she is able to bring herself up and fight for those that she loves.
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theprofburg · 4 months
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Now I introduce the concept known as the Goddess form. Where a Harmony Sage reaches their ultimate potential. Now when Tara reaches her goddess form she becomes the Mystical Mistress! Here her body transforms into pure cosmic energy, where she has the power to control over reality and matter.
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theprofburg · 4 months
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So here we have Tara Gordon, the Harmony Sage of Wisdom with her mythical guardians. Anansi the Spider from Akan folklore of Ghana, Morgana La Fey, from British Arthurian legends and the ancestor of Tara and Orunmila, the Yoruba Orisha of Wisdom from Nigeria.
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theprofburg · 4 months
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Tara Gordon, the Harmony Sage of Wisdom.
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theprofburg · 4 months
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Name: Tara Gordon
Nickname: Twilight Sparkle
Nationality: Nigerian American
Age: 18
Element title: Sage of Wisdom
Power: Magical Abilities
Bio: Tara Gordon is book smart honor student who has trouble fitting in and constant bullying from her peers. Despite this trouble, Tara is willing to put her best effort and while hesitant at first she is willing to make new friends and soon grows to love the ones that she has and will protect them the best she can.
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theprofburg · 2 years
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Been in a super One Piece mood for the past year and I've been putting this off for the longest time mainly till after the Wano Arc ended in the manga. So now it's time for me to the draw m version of the Straw Hat Pirates with me adding Carrot and Yamato to the crew even though they didn't make the cut in canon.
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theprofburg · 2 years
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Here Tara is having some fun time..until it's interrupted.
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theprofburg · 2 years
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While the Germans were the first to use the modern jet fighter, it would the Russians who would bring in it into the new era. Using captured Nazi scientists the Soviet Air Force would create the MiG-15 "Fagot" (Blame NATO for it's unfortunate name) and would bring in the new age of the fighter jet. The MiG-15 would first be used in the final days of the Chinese Civil War in 1949. where the MiG fighters would help the Communists take down the Nationalist Chinese's American supplied P-38 Fighter planes and B-25 Bombers. But the MiG 15 would get it's chance to shine over the skies of Korea. After North Korea invaded the South, the UNited States and it's allies would push back the North Korean advanced using their planes from World War II and even their own jet fighters. Wanting to help out their ally, the USSR would send their newest MiG-15s to North Korea and China who just entered the war. Here the MiGs would take down American planes without any mercy. Above the Yalu River that bordered North Korea with China became MiG Alley where many of the US and UN pilots were shot down. While there were some North Korean and Chinese pilots, the MiG-15 was mainly flown by Russian pilots as the Chinese and North Koreans didn't have experienced pilots and the Soviet Union didn't trust their Asian allies with the fighter as much as they should have. This was suspected when many American pilots heard Russian being spoken through the radios, but the Soviet Union denied any involvement and Russia still does to this day, only for it to be confirmed by former pilots.The United States managed to counterattack with their newest jet fighter the F-86 Sabre which proved to be a challenge for the MiG. After the War, A North Korean pilot by the name of No Kum-sok flown his MiG-15 to enemy lines where he would defect giving the US the MiG and receiving $100,000 ( A million in today's money) The study of the MiG would help America's allies in the future. For the other Soviet Allies the MiG would be the standard fighter for the Warsaw Pact and other allies of the USSR. However they would prove to be unsuccessful with them. With Skirmishes being fought in all of Eurasia, but it would be 1956 that would be the MiG 15's greatest failure. During the Suez Crisis, the Egyptian Migs would go head to head with British, French and Israeli planes and while some managed to get good hits in most were obliterated by the allied forces and in that same year the Communists Chinese in an attempt to take Taiwan would use Mig-15s . And despite outnumbering the Taiwanese forces, the Taiwanese pilots managed to hold their own and fend off their Communists counterparts. It was here that the USSR decided it was time for an upgrade and would retire the MiG-15. Today it is still used by the North Korean Air Force as a training jet.
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theprofburg · 2 years
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My tribute to Incredible Hulk #181 which was actually the first appearance of the most popular X-men: Wolverine where he fights the Hulk and the Wendigo! (Though the Marvel version of the creature looks more like a savage Yeti) Wolverine wasn't in the X-men at the time as he worked with the Canadian Government, who they sent to fight the Hulk, as the Hulk went to Quebec to get some peace and quiet and to help out someone who was possessed by the Wendigo and the two end up fighting and it became a free for all between all three beasts. but a year later in Giant-Size X-men #1 Wolvie would join the team.  
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theprofburg · 2 years
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Outside of the main battlefield of the Clone Wars, one group performs underground tasks that not many know about. These are the Clone Commandos! The Republic's best special forces units. Being made up of a four man squad, the Commandos go behind Separatists lines to perform the dirty work for the Republic. They do missions such as scouting, sabotage and assassinations while the being skilled in many abilities that helped them survive on the battlefield. Here we meet  the best known Commando Squad. Scorch (Yellow and gray) the demolitions expert, Sev (Red) the sniper, Fixer, (Green) The technician and Boss (Orange), the leader of the squad. Here these four Commandos go their way to fight the worst of the Clone Wars!
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theprofburg · 2 years
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Jeez it's been a long ass time since I've done anything kaiju related. So let's go with the one that doesn't get enough love: Gamera. Based off the 1971 Gamera vs Zigra where an alien shark monster named Zigra comes into the conquer the earth because humans have ruined the planet so it's up to Gamera to stop him!..The film is sadly not as great as it sounds, but hey still gotta give Gamera his attention.
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theprofburg · 2 years
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When people think of famous last stands, many would think of the 300 Spartans and their allies during the Battle of Thermopylae against the Persian Empire, or The Texans defense at the Alamo against the Mexican army, but one people tend to overlook is when 21 Indian Soldiers took on 10,000 Afghan Rebels in the battle of Saragarhi in 1897. In 1878,The United Kingdom would invade Afghanistan for a second time after they faced a humiliating defeat in the country in 1842. This was an attempt to expand the empire but also to create a buffer zone with it's rival, Russia, who was also aiming for control of Central Asia. Using the help of Indian Colonial troops, the British would conquer the nation in 1880. However the British like many empires before and after it, taking over the country was easy, keeping control was the hard part. Throughout the years, Afghan rebels would target British Personnel and to the British these rebels would become a problem for them. The British would set up their position near a small town called Saragarhi, where it would be called Fort Lockhart. The 36th Sikh Regiment of the British Indian Army was sent to guard the Fort. At first the regiment was originally made up of 912 but several companies were called to help British forces elsewhere thus decreasing the numbers at the fort until only a handful of soldiers guarded the fort. Throughout later August and early September of 1897, Afghan rebels would constantly attack the fort with the Indian Soldiers pushing them back. Until finally on September 12 1897, 10,000 Afghan rebels would band together. With the only 21 Soldiers left at the Fort, the Indian Soldiers were outgunned and outnumbered 100 to 1. At first the Indian Soldiers tried to call for Reinforcement, but the British Commander, Colonel Haugton, told them he couldn't help them. That being said under the leadership of Halvidar (Indian equivalent to Sergeant) Ishar Singh, inspired his men to fight to the bitter end! When the Afghan rebels attacked, the Indians fought hard. At first two soldiers of the company died. At first the leader of the rebels tried to convince the soldiers to surrender but the soldiers refused. The Afghan rebel made two attempts to breach the walls of the Fort, but they failed. The Third time they were more successful. It is here where the Sikhs would face the rebels in one of the most intense moments of hand to hand combat. However, all but one died. One soldier remained by the name of Gurmukh Singh, contacted the British saying he killed 20 Afghans, and that they would have to burn the fort down to kill him. In his last words he yells the Sikh Battle cry "One will be blessed eternally, who says that God is the ultimate truth!" The rebels successful, decided to move on to their next target. But British reinforcements finally came and pushed back the rebels. The Battle of Saragarhi, I believe is one of the most under looked last stands in history. With 21 soldiers of a nation that was conquered by an empire that only saw them as inferior. They fought to the last man, and their heroics should be remembered.
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