In the same vein of people treating fictives like characters i hate how much i see hate for fictives dating.
If they date other fictives from their source they get fakeclaimed (especially if they are fictives from a “popular ship”.)
If they date other fictives not from their source then it’s seen as weird
If they date non-fictives then the non-fictive is fakeclaimed and labeled a “selfshipper”
yeah,, guys please just let introjects be themselves. They can date source mates, that doesn't make them fake, it doesn't mean they're trying to say the introject that they're dating is exactly like their source, they love eachother. Stop comparing introjects relationships to ships as well.
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be so real with yourself rn. you're pro-endo. actively denying science. but bc im anti-endo *IM* the one denying science??? holy shit.
pov: pro-endos try to use their fucking brain challenge! (difficulty: IMPOSSIBLE) (gone wrong!)
-justin (he/him)
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"the future is plural"
Just say you don't care about trauma survivors
The amount of stress a child has to go through for them to put up amnesia barriers to keep themselves safe from the trauma they experienced is horrible and should not be wanted. This disorder sucks its ruined peoples LIVES.
our existence shouldn't have ever been made, a child should never had to have experienced such vile horrible events, do not make trauma the future.
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The future should not be plural.
The future should accommodate for those with dissociative disorders.
The future should have further more thorough research in dissociative disorders.
The future should be more accepting of dissociative disorders.
The future should not be plural.
That means children are getting repeatedly traumatised at an impressionable age.
That means children don't have healthy coping mechanisms.
That means children AREN'T SAFE.
The future should not be plural, but it should be respectful and accepting to those who are.
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‘ur exactly like your source’ die die die die die die die die die
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thesaintsoftheblood · 10 days
"The future is plural" SHOULD mean "the future is more accepting of DID/OSDD" and not "The future has more and more traumatized children" are y'all fucking dense
I might just be hangry and more aggressive as a result but this is pissing me off beyond belief and anyone who's saying this fully meaning "more systems should be around" is stupid
I'm half prepared for people getting mad at me for this but idgaf you suck if you believe more systems should be around
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thesaintsoftheblood · 11 days
that one time in a rather popular syscord, the latest rule was that everyone HAS to have a working PK or they will be booted out. im new to pk so it's a lot on my plate, setting this and that for each headmate. unhappy with the rule, i dropped out of the server. pk should NOT be a requirement.
That's.. so odd?? Why would you *need* pk lmao. What about OSDD-1A systems or polyfrag systems or systems who are often blurry?? What about systems who aren't comfortable with that?? That's so very odd.
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thesaintsoftheblood · 11 days
Erm this may be less then a hot take but:
I want singlets* to shut the fuck up on system matters, you have no place in system related decisions.and honestly it’s funny you try to be a savior after watch ‘split’ (exaggeration) and other bad DiD representations
*does not include people who study it for a living
Singlets stay out of system discourse challenge; impossible.
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thesaintsoftheblood · 12 days
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I’ve seen some art with the line “the future is plural!”
I hope it isn’t.
More systems means more abused kids.
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thesaintsoftheblood · 12 days
you say the future is plural,
that there will be thousands nested in yours,
but i hope that your future is not true.
if it were,
every day, the news would be horrid.
every parent to hold a belt like a whip
every parent dismissive and neglectful
every friend hostile and hissing
every doctor cruel and unwelcome
every priest holding you down, you are devilish
every human to hold you as a freak
every water prepared to sink you.
your future sounds like a nightmare.
i hope the future is unity.
i hope the future is single.
i hope the future is one.
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thesaintsoftheblood · 12 days
addressing something about our post on "the future is plural."
the point of that post wasn't to say that being a system is awful 24/7 and you can't experience system joy, or that we can't be open about being a system.
the point of that post that some of you missed is that the phrasing "the future is plural" means, or at the very least implies, that the future would or should have/be filled with more systems. which is inherently harmful.
we should be allowed to be open about being a system. we can experience system joy. my point was, the future is not plural because it would mean there's more systems. more systems means more traumatized children. the more children that are traumatized, the more we've failed them.
and our mention of hating the term plural does not affect the point we made. we also hate the terms headmate and part, but my point is still valid and is not changed by this. and we use tags like pluralgang and plural system for reach. that's how tags work.
-jinxx (he/they)
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thesaintsoftheblood · 12 days
Do endos realize how anti-recovery they are? Because by pretending their system wasn’t caused by trauma, they can ignore the important steps of coming to terms with their trauma so they can heal from it.
And on the flip side if they’re not actually a system, they’re ignoring the signs that something else is wrong to make them think they are. Because genuinely thinking you’re a system when you’re not is a red flag that some other mental health issue is at play.
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thesaintsoftheblood · 12 days
endos claiming that none of them are trying to say they have DID because being endo isn't the same, but also demanding to use the same terms as us, often creating confusion that needs tags to be checked to clear up if they're endo or not, as well as saying that DID doesn't need trauma is just...so...frustrating.
Like yes. Yes you are. Maybe not you specifically, but we've seen a lot of Endo DID and others claiming that CDDs don't need trauma at all cause it's not listed as a requirement. Just...so frustrating. 🤦‍♀️ No other words for it other than purely infuriating. Genuinely the same arguments I've heard from narc abuse folks being like "nobody is SAYING that about them" but then...yes they are. Yes they very much are. You individually might not be, but your belief in such a thing is allowing for that to exist. That endos will insist on sharing space, using our terms, conflating the two. And the history of endos and Empowered Multiplicity (believe that's what it's called) is so disgusting and shows the damage they've done. It's infuriating, frustrating, and insufferable. And then they'll guilt you endlessly over it. Usually when things start to trigger moral ocd and unreality and possible programming (us being easily gaslit/made to believe anything), then yeah. That's a pretty big red flag to us. And that's what they do. They make us so often feel crazy and guilty and unsure of our own reality. Truly frustrating.
Yeah we've actually gotten a lot of asks going "But we don't say we have a disorder" (they'll claim to be transplural or transdid) then say your abelist like huh???
Honestly, yeah. The same logic endos use are the same that narc abuse users use (which in case it wasn't obvious, a disorder can NOT be abusive!!!!!! If someone who happens to have a disorder is abusive, it's because their abusive. Not the disorder.
Endos are extremely frustrating and we're sorry if they've been bothering you any, just blcok and move on is all we've learned to be able to do.
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thesaintsoftheblood · 12 days
much love to all my "problematic" or just "scared to be open about their source" introjects, you guys are very dope and hearing about your stories of being worried is so sad.
you guys are great and are not your sources, you've done nothing wrong by being the source of something people just happen to dislike, even if their reason to dislike the source is valid, their reason to dislike you due to it is not
much, much, much love 💝
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thesaintsoftheblood · 12 days
”sysmedicalist” is such a goofy fucking term like. yeah. i do think a system is a medical disorder. cause it fucking is? lmao??
i mean aside from the obvious transphobia of the term it’s like. ok??
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thesaintsoftheblood · 12 days
These pro endo post are starting to piss me off having dealt with an endogenic system literally using all of us bodily and mentally.
Its not fun. Its not a fucking trend. If you don’t have trauma you don’t have DID. If you hear voices and you see them then you have some sort of other illness. You do not have DID, stop fucking insisting you do.
DID is caused my consistent mental and physical trauma, REAL trauma, not “omg this really stressed me out” “omg my mom yelled at me.”
Someone has to say it and idc, i will. Shut the fuck up.
Just shut up. Please. You are, at this point, making fun of a real trauma disorder that people have to deal with every day. Going back to what my host said, he made a post saying that people who find this disorder quirky and fun will never understand the pros and cons of it, its hard. Its fucking… hard.
So before you sit there, the one who had a perfect happy fucking childhood, sit there and think about the people who actually have this disorder who went through the worst kind of shit in their early life, do I really have DID? Or do i have something else? Possibly serious enough to get help? Maybe I have trauma thats actually forgotten about and suppressed? And if you do then you might have DID or OCDD, but if you have NO trauma.. then please just get help. Idfk anymore.. just stop.
You people hurt people whether you do it intentionally or not. Then you people wonder “oh why is no one accepting us??? Thats so rude why are you harassing me???” Why the fuck are you ROLEPLAYING saying its an alter???
This was pure anger.. im tired of it. Im tired of seeing pro endo shit after being used by one of you guys. Fuck. Off.
- Don’t worry about who i am.
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thesaintsoftheblood · 12 days
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