#the future isnt plural
digital-undead · 7 months
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us ! expect more system related posts from us !!
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I see alot of people saying things like "the future is plural" when I see that I hope that they mean the future is more accepting of plural people and don't mean that there are more systems.
Being a part of a system can be really hard and troubling and most systems are caused by trauma, even if it can't be remembered.
So I hope the future is more accepting and accessible to systems, and I hope less children suffer from the abuse that can cause systems.
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welldrawnfish · 10 months
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So these last few days has been.. Turbulent. DIFFERENT
I think I may be a System? Infact I KNOW I am a system at this point, but Im also not ready to accept that. Well a part of me isnt, and the other parts of me are like… uh duh of course you are. 
*A system in this context refers to the collective consciousness under the DID / OSDD Umbrella, I dont know the correct terminology in all of this, so im so sorry If i I mess up. I don’t necessarily want to give myself a label, there's .. brain scans and stuff I can get to prove it. And I need those, thats the only way I know this is real. But for now, for my own mental health I am treating it as if it were.. “real “ And I dont really know… what to expect…? I want to find something, ANYTHING, on I guess.. Systems waking up? But I cant find it. So I’ll just do this here Im gonna dump out all our thoughts onto some comic pages and we will figure it out.  I had a bit of an awakening roughly.. 5 days ago, and for the sake of convenience gonna use Plural/System terminology - There are alters, I have met them, the have names and personalities and some of them are really fuckin annoying i just want to punch him in his TEETH
Anyways, since the alter awakening moment, my brain has been in TURMOIL parts of me accept this, parts of me dont, i keep feeling like my face is like shifted 2 inches to the right and everything gets fuzzy in the real world. Not that these alters have names like.. Files are getting sorted  into these proper figures and everything is getting explained and figured out. And its making me feel like I'm not me anymore?
Like I always would argue and barter and fight with my own thoughts, but that's the thing, they wer thoughts, voices in my head with just like, distinct personalities. I just saw it as a different part of me?? Figured that was normal.
But now they are.. stronger ? OR maybe because i'm more aware of them and the personalities I can tell whos out now and like.. Obviously they are happy to get some facetime with the world properly?? But like.. Am *I* just aware of it, aware of them now, aware that it is not just *I* but *We* and so noticing it more, I'm resisting even harder? We feel more fractured than ever.
I have a good friend helping me out, another system, I owe them everything, maybe my life. (PLEASE FOLLOW @transpanda-1 BTW THEY DESERVE IT) They had a few amazing tips, but I cant keep bugging them about every anxiety on my mind thats not fair, so I’ll ask the whole community.
I guess what I want to know is.. Like is this normal? Do all systems go through this? What should I expect in the future and how do I make this more streamlined and stop.. Fighting it? I guess?
I thought I finally had myself figured out, just be the girl who makes the funny relatable trans comics… it was simple.
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boneappleteethsplural · 5 months
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we do not WANT the future to be plural. systems can ONLY occur when they go through repeated childhod trauma. there is NO OTHER POSSIBLE WAY. if the future is plural it means we have fucking FAILED as a society. i should not exist. i KNOW i should not exist. this is NOT a good thing this is NOT a desirable disorder.
to anyone who reblogs these stupid pro-endo posts straight from the source, i really hope you get bonked on the head by an apple and it straightens out your thoughts.
disclaimer: i love my headmates and i am ever so grateful for the excellent communication and i'm so thankful they were here to help through traumatizing times. i'm thankful that despite our horrible childhood experiences, we can still mess around with eachother as friends within headspace and make the most of our situation, considering there is absolutely nothing we can do about it at the moment
that being said! the future is NOT plural. if the future is plural, we have failed as a society. if the future is plural it means that children are going through traumatic events and experiences and quite frankly no one deserves that
(even pro-endos)
(yes even the ones who think this is a wonderful experience. they don't deserve trauma either, they're people too, albeit a bit (very) misinformed)
(endos still go fucking do real research from a source that isnt older than your mother and from a *biased* source aka pro-endo)
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is-this-plural · 22 days
on the plural chonny songs topic, hes got two original songs with some variation of the line "one will turn to two will turn to five"
"End the Dance." and "Devil's Tricks."
the second one is more especially plural all the way through but i think the first one precontextualizes the line
also Pit. is so so plural to me. you just gotta trust me but it matches the themes of both songs... and Devil's Song. has similar graphics to one major section of pit during the "one will turn to two will turn to five" line
obligatory mention of The Ballad of Dr Jekyll and The Mr Hide Jive for obvious reasons
laplaces angel is DEFINITELY PLURAL "one hundred trillion years all piled up in one brain" and just that whole verse
Not Perfect is so plural to us. on its own lyrically not necessarily but wearing different outfits n singing with voices for each section.
the forest for the trees for similar reasons tbh
tomcat disposables isnt necessarily plural but it feels like its about growing up after a particularly food insecure childhood, in a pretty plural way
honestly theres so many with one solo line that are so so plural in otherwise irrelevant songs
Thermodynamic Lawyer, Push, Mayday,
THE MOSS. i mean "well legend says that one and one is two and that one and two is three" which sort of ends up getting thematically reprised over into mucka blucka
we have even less reason for chonny's inferno i dont think theres a single line thats plural but to me its the. its the plural self acceptance and finding community. "an awfully diverse cast of critters resides down here in hell" you get it.
also also the latest project is based on the Ship of Theseus, and hes making a bunch of variations of the same song and theres nothing particular plural about it yet beyond just. the concept of the Ship of Theseus haha.
ok i think thats it
insert image I Can (imagine anything) Make ANY Chonny Jash Song Plural
It's moments like these that I'm glad I accidentally spoke this blog into existence.
End the Dance: your future self was too late to stop you but god damn it she's still going to try. If there aren't already animatics to this song, you know what to do.
Devil's Tricks: welp, she tried, it didn't work. Honestly, this one hits a little too close to home. I'll have to check out the full album
Pit: Even just the fact this is off the same album as the last two is already promising - why is the youtube upload's description "please do not call headspace"
Jekyll/Hyde Jive: oh come on how can I not?
Laplace's Angel: I almost put the original on the playlist when I first made it, and now I'm annoyed I didn't. Let's redefine reality together
Not Perfect: A flawed whole made of flawed parts? A life that never quite feels like it's entirely yours or always worth doing? Yeah, I see it
Forest for the Trees: This is the girl who's inviting me to run away with her in Laplace's Angel, mental health problems and all. Can't really call it a plural song though
Tomcat Disposables: this song just doesn't sound right to me in a major key, but you're right
Push/Mayday: Don't Die Wondering.
The Moss: Look, there's stretch, and then there's "the concept of math is a CCCC Covered in Discontent reference"
Chonny's Inferno: I see it. Dear anon, I see it
Ship of Theseus: "I did say I was working on one song." Track six wasn't out when you sent this ask, but I'd say it has the right vibes
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(Total additions: 4)
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thewertsearch · 1 year
TG: this whole operation is strung together with stable time loops TG: no timeline offshoots cause thats when daves start dying and that isnt no good for nobody EB: daves, plural? TG: yeah
Time sounds like a cool aspect, but Homestuck's time travelers have to contend with some pretty brutal restrictions. Marty McFly had a tough job, trying to fix his timeline - but if you break a timeline in Homestuck, you can't un-doom it. You're screwed.
TG: thats how stable time loops work shit takes a lot of planning and precise choreography TG: ive got some help though EB: help? EB: sounds like you have been talkin' to some trolls! TG: yeah
It could be Terezi, but this isn't her Aspect. Has Aradia finally decided to make a move?
EB: so what is the future like? [...] TG: oh you know TG: noirs outta control TG: rose is crazy jades crazier and youre TG: well youre you
As expected, Dave is trying to avoid spoilers, and none of this is really new information.
...that said, I'm noting that Dave paused very slightly before mentioning John. We've been worried about Rose and Jade for a while now, but maybe they're not the only ones we need to keep an eye on.
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We don't yet know his role in the Scratch plan, except that it's a pivotal one. What's he doing on LOHAC, right before the end?
EB: i have a whole boonbuck now. [...] EB: tell me what you want with it! TG: im working the system here TG: using time loops to manipulate the incipispheres financial sector TG: making a goddamn killing in the lohacse EB: lohacse? TG: lohac stock exchange
Oh my god, is this his Quest?
That's too perfect. This sounds like the kind of quest Dave would design himself, if you told him to craft a Time-themed Sburb objective.
EB: your unpleasant face is what kicks ass!
"Your face kicks ass!" - John Egbert, known heterosexual.
TG: egbert stfu and give me your goddamn boonbuck j3gus fuck
I wonder - does Dave know the meme he stole from Terezi originally came from himself? Even now, he's still inheriting resources from Future Dave.
TG: dont do the vriska thing ok TG: shes messed up we talked about this TG: or will talk
I was initially confused about why Dave would tell John not to do something - after all, if John is going to do it in the Alpha, Dave can't stop him.
But maybe the Alpha required Dave to warn John, knowing he'll be ignored. :(
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proendovents · 4 months
the idea that "the future is plural" means that endos/pro-endos want to traumatize children is extremely concerning to me. not only does it represent an EXTREME lack of critical thinking (even if we did want to make everyone plural, isnt it our whole Thing that that process DOESNT require trauma??) but it's also a really bad sign about how reactionary some anti-endos are. "omg think of the children!! this group i dont like wants to ABUSE AND GROOM them!!" hmmm where have i heard that before? :/
Yeah :/
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
(this is about the response post of yours that you had to get out of your drafts, the one with the ariel gif in it lol)
idk what syscourse post you were responding to about you, but based on your quotes it sounded very victim-blamey (for lack of a better term).
acting like its your duty to treat them with compassion. soooo the group that is telling us we should die, we should always be kind and welcoming to them? we cant call out their bullshit cause thats not compassionate? imo trying to understand the others viewpoint and acknowledging it is being compassionate in an argument.
i get that using deradicalization tactics would be helpful. i do just think just think its important that we shouldnt... have to? like maybe this makes me a bad person and hypocritical, idk, but while overall i do want anti endos to stop being anti endos, a lot of the time i just wanna stand my ground. especially with this new wave of anti endos entering our spaces. like maybe we arent using actual known deradicalization tactics but we are speaking out against the hate. sometimes you have to just band together and stay strong. like with "the future is plural" that maybe isnt a step on deradicalizing anti endos but sometimes us pushing back against them isnt about changing them. its literally just about pushing through. also if calling out anti endos on their bullshit makes you a "perfect enemy" then im joining the party i guess.
(also like you literally do try to convince the other side. you reason through sources and their arguments so like sorry you arent a "professional activist"???)
(apologies if i went too far with this btw lol i think i started thinking of my place in syscourse so i was talking more about being in a pro endo position rather than you specifically)
Very much agreed!
sometimes you have to just band together and stay strong.
One thing I want to add to this is that... I think if you don't call out hate for what it is, you risk normalizing it.
I look around and see anti-endos who are attacking us just for existing and their views are based nothing but hate. And if they treated other marginalized communities the way they treat endogenic systems, people wouldn't stand for it.
But it feels like even a lot of pro-endos and neutrals will treat endo hate differently compared to hate directed at other marginalized communities.
I didn't even call all anti-endos evil. But for the people who are sharing and liking posts wanting us to die, for the people who are invading our spaces specifically to hurt us, for people like Aspen who want to normalize cyberbullying us, I stand by that being evil.
And I stand by the need for calling it out as such.
Denormalizing hate and uniting against it is a higher priority to me than trying to deradicalize the people who are spreading hate.
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impending-day · 3 months
Can you tell me/us what you can about your conlang(s)?
started this conlang in 2019 while taking french. i think its cause i wanted to one-up french [i hated it]. theres 11 different pronouns:
h͡a [i], e͡n [you], fr͡e [he], dr͡e [she], hr͡e [they singular], e [it], heh͡r [we], nr͡er [you all], fo͡er [they male plural], do͡er [they female plural], and ho͡er [they neutral/mixed plural].
theres also four different standard verb conjugations [with no exceptions!!]:
-o͡n verbs, -y͡i verbs, -x verbs, and -s͡h verbs.
the line above two letters indicates that they are actually one letter within the ferise/herise alphabet! they usually have a unique pronounciation that isnt replicated within any other letter or letter combination.
speaking of letters, heres a picture of the alphabet:
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a whopping 42 unique letters! wow!!
each letter has one assigned pronounciation. theres nothing like "o can make 15 different sounds depending on the word" like in english. of theres a letter, you automatically know what sound it makes, cause theres only one sound it can be!
another note is that there are, naturally, some sounds missing, like the "ch" sound and the "th" sound. those are unfortunately not part of ferise [more on herise later].
the grammar of ferise/herise takes inspiration from a lot of languages. as i only speak english fluently, it naturally takes from english. but its also partially inspired by french, russian, japanese, and chinese, and thats only the ones i can come up with off the top of my head!
sentence structure is still very much subject/predicate like it is in english. "thing does action" is fairly standard for germanic languages i think [im not a linguist so feel free to correct me], and naturally ferise/herise also takes from them.
verb conjugations are also fairly standard. theres a certain form each verb takes based on what the subject is. in order to make it future or past tense, all you need to do is add a few letters on the end. to negate a verb, add another few letters onto the very back of the verb, behind past/future indicators. no fancy schmancy "past perfect" whatever the hell that shit is no thank you 😭
adjectives always go after the word they describe, no need for "and" or commas or anything like that. im thinking of adding a word to indicate the end of a description, something simple like "ib".
prepositions are where the chinese influence comes into play! i was reading an article that said they go before the verb, and then describe the first objects relation to the second object after the verb. so i borrowed that! so if you want to say "i am on the road", you would instead say "i on am road" [there are no articles like "a" or "the"].
question words wrap around the entire sentence. the beginning of the sentence always starts with "bom", and the end is a question word! some conditionals like "can" and "must" behave similarly to question words, and go right before question words at the end of a sentence.
making words plural is fun, since theres two methods! the first is for small amounts but still multiple of an object. you repeat the last two letters of the word, tack em onto the end of the word. for larger groups of objects, you disregard the first method and tack on "a͡ef" at the end of the word!
thats most of what i have right now with grammar. im working on trying to do comparisons, but nothing i found is right yet.
Wait! What's "Herise"?
great question!! its a dialect of ferise, complete with its own slightly separate pronounciations and preferences for name lettering.
writing: herise is more commonly written in cursive [which is notably Much Harder but more fun to write]! what makes cursive so difficult is all the letters end up in different spots on the line: some end above the line, some below, some in the middle, its all over the place. very tricky!
pronounciation: theres a few letters that have differing pronounciations from their ferise counterparts, most notably being the letter "d". remember how i said the "th" sound doesnt exist in ferise? well thats the sound it makes in herise, similar to that of a "ð" and not a "þ" [more "the" and less "thick"]. theres some other details i dont really feel like getting into cause this post is already a monster. ill leave you with some examples of ferise/herise writing!
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writing-plurals · 11 days
for a bit of background, i have a lot of ocs who all exist together in the same universe, and im planning to turn them into animations as soon as i develop the skills for it. most of them, if not all, have some sort of childhood trauma, or at least have gone through crap as kids. this is because i love showing characters healing, and also i want to portray how different sorts of trauma can affect people and their futures.
in this universe, there are two plural characters. one of them im not struggling too much which - he isnt as developed as most of the others, but thats just because i havent had enough time for that, he does have a good story though and i feel like he'll be good rep :)
the other one, however.
they're a (paro/tulpa/trauma)genic system, depending on the watcher's interpretation. they come from an abusive family, their parents being Awful to them for as long as they can remember. they have around 5-6 headmates, though ive only focused a lot on 3, of them: their first host, a girl who formed Really early in their childhood, and Vlad. he used to act as their protector, and is also an anger holder, who can get quite aggressive sometimes. (fun fact, his name is inspired by Calma Vladimir by CDN :3 )
in the system's teens (13? or so), CPS take them out of their abusive home, and put them into a nicer one. yet, that's when Vlad's role starts becoming less useful than before, because he's still in survival mode - and out of fight or flight, he's definitely the Fight type. which will get him to act out, get into fights, break stuff... etc etc etc. the others are partially aware of this, and they let him do, because that's what they're used to ("there'll be consequences no matter what we do, why not let him have fun?", or something like that, they're all too used to their previous living situation for this ;w;)
now, in the universe, there is a pretty big... gang? mafia? criminal organization? something like that. it's directed by a man called Judas (it's not a religious reference on my side, he picked his own name and it makes sense he chose that one), who, ignoring the whole crimes thing, is a pretty great guy. he has a habit of taking in ppl going through hardships, mostly ones who are violent, and getting them to join him.
Judas has been seeing the system, mainly Vlad, for a long time. he picked up on how good at fighting they are, and how with a little bit of self-control, Vlad could make a good addition to his Whatever That Is. so one day, when they're 15, he approaches them and suggests they join him. Vlad accepts, and though it wasn't their original plan, everyone else ends up happy with it. so they move in with them, meet a bunch of people, get a found family with Judas and this one girl, yadda yadda happy ending.
the gang's main thing is killing people. they do it mostly to abusers, assholes, the ones who traumatized its members. it's like...their whole thing. which, yeah, makes sense i guess. but putting a system there feels like im pulling the whole "serial killer with multiple personality disorder" trope, which sucks ass.
they are a serial killer, they are a system, but both things just happen to be, no correlation between them. all the alters are aware of and ok with their current living situation, they'd probably pick it over any they've been in, and only bad people are dying anyways. it's not like Vlad is the only one doing that stuff, either - at the beginning he was, but not anymore.
i'll probably leave them this way, the whole storyline is already planned too, but is there any way to make it so it doesn't follow that one trope?
(pd, the other system does not join the gang, he actually escapes his shithole of a town and lives a pretty chill life with his friends. does this help separate being plural from being a criminal? since its 1/2 instead of both of them-)
I'm not sure you can actually have one not be the serial killer trope if they're literally in a murdering gang? But you are making an important balance by not having the second system be in that position. It at least makes an easier distinction between those two facts about the first system. Because theoretically, yeah! Those two things can coincide in a person, and it is possible to make an interesting story about it.
Something that that trope benefits(?) from here, is made less bad by, is that most of the times we see it in shows and movies, it's a one off, or we don't see how they got there, or it's been paired with another offensive trope (see also Split, with the body changing shape).
In the way you're framing it, it's softened by the other system being Not That, and the context as to how they got there. If it fits the characters, some remorse that it's part of their otherwise better life helps? But that's up to if you think that's something that would fit them.
I hope that was helpful
-Mod Tick Tock
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discocandles · 2 years
Y'know, I think True Hearts Day was a good story, but that doesn't make me not want to improve it.
Firstly, Hunter's role. This is my biggest issue with THD. He should've been more active. Up until that point, he seemed to be following his destinies as the huntsman. The only claim he has as a rebel is siding with Raven in the food fight and being vegetarian. Also, Hunter is a big part of the Snow White story. If not for the Huntsman, Snow White would never find the dwarves. But Apple focuses more on Ashlynn than her own story, which is ooc, bc being Snow White is Apple's main motivation. She never seems that worried Hunter is going against his destinies(yes plural. He's also in Red Riding Hood)
In THD, he's barely there. We get him and Ashlynn getting caught, Gunter Guntsman, and the big reveal. There's no reason he's not with Ash in the book end, but he's missing from when they come out until when they break up. And I know, it's a girls show, why focus on the boy? But relationships take at least two people. And the break-up scene really shows how static he's been. Hunter is doing what he'd do for their dates in the forest, but Ashlynn's acting different, bc she's the only one who had development.
To improve this, I say Apple talks to Hunter after the reveal about destiny, bc it's bad enough Raven won't be evil, but Hunter too? Her talk isnt as effective on him as it is Ashlynn, bc he's not close to Apple like his gf is. But he thinks of how dating Ash changes his story. Hunter is talks to Cerise in the forest, who supports it, hinting to her dad's identity, which he misses. The next day, Hunter is excited to see Ash, but less grand gesture-y about it. Instead of a picture frame and flower path, he walks up to her and gives her a flower crown. The break-up ensues and she gives back the flower crown. Ashlynn considers not going to the dance, but Briar won't have that. Longing looks at the dance, Ashlynn confesses, Hunter accepts, and they're together.
Ok, that's the big one.
Next, the love triangle. My beef here is how all of them lose their personality in this plotline. Cupid, who is about the journey of love and taking your time, basically yells about her crush in a library. Dexter, who is very tech involved, says who his crush is on a live broadcast without a voice modifier. Raven, who always believes there is more than what meets the eye jumps to a conclusion and sticks with it. Like all of their personalities had a downgrade. Though I do like Dexter and Cupid's dynamic in THD. The idea that Dexter sees the book about True Hearts Day and knows it's right up Cupid's alley is cute. My biggest issue is Raven's personality shift. I firmly believe Raven should've been far more confused at the idea of Daring giving her a love note. He's a royal, and believed to be Apple's future prince.
I would improve this by Raven deciding the note is a prank from Daring, and Dexter's not sure what's worse, her thinking it's from Daring, or a prank. Raven confronts Daring at school the next day, bc she wants to dismiss it asap, and realizes it has nothing to do with him. So Raven knows it's real, and realizes as she's getting ready "oh. How did I forget Dexter is a Charming?" She tries to calm down, and looks for Dexter at the dance, but he's hiding, trying to gather enough nerve to confess, sees her, and loses all of it. Dexter decides it's hopeless, and sits down to mourn his bad luck. Cupid, who has finally caught a break, sits down and helps cheer him up, which Raven sees and believes she's too late. She and Maddie spend the rest of the dance hanging out. And it's left open ended.
Next, duchess(and sparrow). If I hadn't read the books and known Duchess's motives are bc she wants a story where she doesn't die as a swan, I'd be very confused. All I'd change is in her chat with Ashlynn to mention that she wants to actually see her own happily ever after like Ashlynn has. But it still backfires. And it's also never explained why Duchess and Sparrow are friends to start with. I like the dynamic they have, but a line of how they became friends would probably help given the clashing aesthetics. Like maybe Sparrow and the merry men sometimes have to play for dance class, so he and Duchess had a similar goal for it, and became friends? Idk.
Last but not least, Lizzie should have been stealing any of the heart-shaped decorations shown from cupid, hopper, and briar bc hearts are her whole thing
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is-that-plural · 1 month
urgh not to feed into the whole demonization stuff but postal dude from the POSTAL game franchise is plural coded (and i am allowed to say this having DID.. bc i get so mad when singlets say he has "split/multiple personality disorder" (also bc its the outdated name) but when i see someone who is a system say he is im likd. YES (also most of the time those people who claim MPD on him are doing it to demonize the disorder and add nothing else.. like no nuance or whatever at all or deep discussion) GOING TO RAMBLE SORRY (should also probably content warn. postal is a pretty violent/graphic/dark humor franchise so theres gonna be bringing up of violence and guns, and also some semi disturbing imagery?? mostly it just being eerie, demon visuals, and scopophobia).. oh also religion trauma talk ALSO SPOILERS FOR POSTAL 1997 (?) AND POSTAL BRAIN DAMAGED!!! -------------------------------------------------------------
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so, in POSTAL 1 (1997), theres this whole thing where, if you look at postal dude's voicelines from Rick Hunter, iirc (my memory is a bit rusty) theyre labeled with "demon", and his death/pain sounds are voiced by Vince Desi and arent labelled as such. its also heavily implied that postal dude is TERRIFIED and scared, but then his voicelines are him making snide and mocking remarks. it has been implied that he may be "possessed by a demon" but also that he has multiple mental conditions.
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now, in POSTAL: Brain Damaged, this becomes extremely obvious. we are now more into the future, and Dude has to fight against other dude inside his own head. Other dude is the "demon" from postal 1997.
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(other dude on the left, postal dude on the right.) other dude's speech at the final cutscene, he specifically talks about how they are basically one in the same, while he also cannot be killed or defeated. (and um. after this he gets shot in the head by postal dude, and "dies" but ill get to that.) (i know alter death isnt real, but us, along with other systems weve seen, have said that in headspace , an alter for example may look like they are dead or something happened to them, but that didnt actually kill them and they arent dead. it has been said this is usually a stress thing, or a coping mechanism. we have done stuff like this before.) so i dont believe other dude is dead. ALSO! when postal dude shot him, he brought up not being able to remember things he learned in childhood after that, and his brain was going all dumb,, https://www.kapwing.com/videos/66bab3c776014924d543c4c6 (tumblr wont let me put a video so i hope this link will work!! if it doesnt you can just look up the final cutscene of the game, but like the warnings i put up above they are fighting and he does get shot.) -------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL THOUGHTS my take/headcanon whatever u wanna call it, as a DID system, is that he may have DID or OSDD-1a. but instead of just claiming that and not digging into anything else or finding nuances, here's some other stuff. as a persecutor in our sys myself who also recently fused with postal 1997 being the source, and also our other few postal introjects (a few who are also persecutors), Postal dude and Other dude are system coded. I think Other dude is a mislead persecutor who is fully convinced he is a demon, on top of Postal dude thinking the same about other dude. A big thing that happens with many systems because of trauma, especially religious trauma, is thinking they are possessed (and sometimes even those around the system also calling them possessed,) and because postal dude never got the help they needed, they have some, what i like to call, internalized demonization. the first case we ever see the postal dude is in 1997 (which is also the year the game takes place in and not just the games date), and to my math, postal dude is canonically 53-54 this current year. of course he wouldnt have gotten help, especially how under researched CDDs are still to this day! and i do think they have religious trauma, i mean, the entire thing for postal 1997 is dude thinking he is cleansing the earth for god or something. POSTAL 1997 has "diary entries" (which turn into "war journal" after a bit) and they all have very obvious religious ramblings. so, my conclusion, postal dude has DID or OSDD-1A, heavy internalized demonization, religious trauma, and is system coded. i rest my case. also... just look at this image bro tell me he isnt plural,,
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SORRY FOR THIS BEING SO LONG I JUST LOVE TALKING ABOUT THIS and despite this might being seen as demonizing DID, personally i and a few others ive met who like postal and are systems dont see it that way and postal actually makes us feel seen lol
a rant is actually Really needed, because i can only do so much research myself on media we're unfamiliar with, so for you all to give your reasoning and explanations is absolutely PERFECT !!
Rating: CASE CLOSED: That Dude is Plural !
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plurality-questions · 3 months
/gq here, ive been saying my head friends are parogens for a while but I don't think they're actually sentient yet, and are probably closer to just slightly more sentient verits or paras. would you happen to know if this still counts as plurality or would I still have to develop them more to become sentient to be plural? I *feel* plural because they still affect me and are quite important to me, and to call them just characters and not extensions of me feels wrong. and it still feels right to say "we" and "us" in reference to them. we talk, and I sense some of their feelings. but theyre not quite autonomous. like, they're connected enough that I feel they're more than just a regular para? but I don't know, I only recently realized that what I experienced (maladaptive daydreaming) was even a thing, and I'm unfamiliar with such conversations.
(if you don't mind anon sign-offs, could we/I be ⏳anon?)
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hmm well im assuming you are mixing up the term parogen for something else maybe? as parogen isnt a MaDD/IDD/Neuronararation term? its just kinda another word for tulpa/willowgenic?(you could be not doing that and we r just being dumb lol)
but I degrees!
well even if they arent fully sentient yet but do feel sentient to a point i think its fine to call that plurality/gen
plurality is just having more than one silly goober up in your head that is conscious/gen
so yes in our opinion and we bet in alot of others you are plural :3!!!/gen
good luck on your journey through the messiness that is plurality/gen/lh
note: if you have anymore questions in the future we will be happy to answer them/gen(also if u just wanna chat thats chill 2)
and yes OFC! you can have that anon sign off!!/gen/pos
-Kel and Omori
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mlpbrainrot · 1 year
hi everypony !!!
im venus bloom, the snails collective's ponysona.
-> not an alter, a collective representation <-
main acc: @actuallyverynormalbtw
we use they/them in a plural way. i use neopronouns, but they is always acceptable.
[e/em/eir/emself and haze/hazel/hazels/hazelself]
my cutiemark was only picked from a picrew, so i will likely change it in the future, but i intend to keep the meaning the same. it symbolizes our multiplicity, resiliance, and growth. like different flowers growing together through cracks in cement. this isnt to say my special talent is just being a system, moreso to symbolize that we dont have only one special purpose and that our primary purpose is to help eachother grow.
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[image id: a generation 4 my little pony picrew. the cartoon town, ponyville in the background. a pink watermark reading "Rainbott" in the lower left corner. a brown unicorn with off white hooves and a half pink/half yellow wavy mane and tail stands with one front hoof raised. im the foreground. e has green eyes and three freckles on eir nose and is smiling. e is wearing the seapony shell necklace and has three different colored flowers, yellow/blue/pink, as eir cutiemark. end id]
some things about us:
autistic with adhd
we are all queer and/or trans
we are chronically ill and physically disabled
my little pony is a special interest shared by most of the system
the alters in venus bloom's system are based on our own
we are just strange <3
some details about me, venus bloom:
i've lived in ponyville my whole life
i use a mobility aid, like stellar eclipse's
i worked at the library before twilight lived there, and opened a new one after it was destroyed by tirek
i spend most of my time at the library reading, learning, and writing. as well as offering a listening ear and a helping hoof to the ponies who stop by
i am friends with trixie, starlight, and sunburst
i have alters who aren't unicorns, and alters who aren't ponies (seapony, griffin, changeling, dragon, dog, etc)
different alters have varying interests, like astrology, magic, reading, writing, music, etc...
we have loved my little pony gen 4 since 2011 when we were 7 years old, before that we enjoyed some toys and tapes from gen 3, and now we are a fan of gen 5 as well. it continues to be a huge source of comfort and joy for us. so please interact if you enjoy pony-posting:3
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florenceisfalling · 2 years
ik a particular tumblr user who isnt even plural was gettin real mad about ppl writing the egos as alter-adjacent back in the day but idk. i really like interpretations of the egos where they are facets of a particular person/future iterations of an old identity/etc. ik there have been folks who refer to them as "split personalities" in a way thats like... Really misunderstanding or even unkind to the plural experience. but most times ive seen the alter concept actually extensively fleshed out it Has been by people who actually have a dissociative or personality disorder. and idk i dont particularly Adore the did headcanon for the boys but i do appreciate things that have a similar sort of Feeling. sort of like how i wouldnt describe the door->michael->helen distortion in tma as a plural character or anything like that, but its identity is something i think a lot of ppl with Brain Issues can relate to. yeah
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midwinterwings · 2 months
IW and EW is confusing
so...this isnt even remotely surprising but I'm surprised Pikachu abt it, its surprising to me.
When i initially fronted i assumed I'd act similar to in IW but that literally didn't happen. I dont recall I like writing and drawing in IW but I feel the urge to here...and I'm much cooler headed in EW.
The whiplash makes me go ":0" it's so...weird. especially since I'm still 100 percent me, but I act completely different in EW. Well at the same time the front has some...baggage left of the people who used to be here. Theyre gone. Dunno where they are.
One is something that makes me unable to talk, administered by no one, its just like a cage imposed on my mouth that snaps closed and makes me unable to use my windpipes.
Two is a person left behind made by the old host who's become his own independent being and keeps fronting, shoving me aside and bursting into the body in certain situations. Admittedly, they do a better job than me but it's still violating as I have no choice except to be an observer.
Three...the fact I'm...even thinking so much, is...uncharacteristic. Well, I wasn't exactly devoid of braincells back in IW, but like...I definetly didnt think as much. Especially about plurality. It's unnerving to realize I'm one person and there's others as well who may front in future. Because i feel like one guy if no one else is around, but I know it's not true because I can access memories of the previous fronters and they thought they were the only one too. I can't really talk to the other people. I know I'm technically an alter formed due to trauma of the EW body and past but I only know this from the information base and...thing is, my life is completely different to the EW's and especially since the person who was around during the early years of the External body's life, has gone or died or something. He's just not here so me and the others who aren't fronting are just left with...ourselves, since the fact we exist is coz of that trauma that none of us acrually experienced. Oh, and the memories left behind and stored. So I do have the memories to look into but thats it.
Im not really...conscious of the fact I was formed from EW body's trauma. I get it conceptually but not actually. Coz, you see, I got a whole world I belong in, relationships, a past. I straight up identify 0% of me with the External world body's experience and past...to me the trauma was just kinda the conduit of how I am created but its not important to me at all.
There is some things that jar me. Namely my current fixation on plurality since like...I...wait nvm.
Its coz I'm not a facet I'm a whole person. I dont feel like part of a whole. I'm my own individual. And I'm aware of others coz they appear and because I can access memories in the info base, not very well but enough. And I also get mega pissed off if the same stuff that was the reason the system was a system and not a singlet happens again to me, and I feel kind of...an ancient kind of rage. One I as a singular person didn't create, more of the rage and disappointment left over by one of the people who was in the system long ago. In those moments I see the memories of that person as 'mine', usually I don't do that. I can see memories from former fronters but as a spectator although it's first person.
I guess the rage caused by the same triggers that created the external body's early trauma is deeply rooted in all of us, whoever fronts or is 'conscious' and not doing their own thing in innerworld.
The confusing thing is when that happens I kind of revert to singlet mode and kind of...embody the old alter naturally, the one who pretended to be the only one, basically rping as a singlet and adding all external world events and treating them as 'their experiences' and trying to be 'normal' I, on my own, don't identify with a lot of stuff EW body went through. Purely because it literally didn't happen to me in a Literal sense, and that's coz I was only fully formed a few days ago. So it couldn't happen to me. That being said I do feel what the old alter/s felt so it's kinda like being there but I wasn't actually there, still, I do feel their emotions from that trauma strongly at times and from an outside standpoint you couldn't tell the stuff didnt happen to ME, in a Literal sense.
so what am I getting at here. Its that it's pokemon gasp, kind of a surprise and shock fronting after the old fronter was aware of me existing (they thought I was a character they created)
because stuff is just...totally different from what I'm used to. I act different too and like different things. Then again it's not completely true because the things i do in EW are similar to a lot of stuff I did in IW as a young kid, but its been long since I've been that kid, I barely even remember I was him most of the time due to shit that happened in IW. I guess, doing something I used to do as a young kid and feeling a sense of whiplash and discomfort is actually very simular to if it was in IW and my entire point isn't valid.
-> so in fact jts more...on the surface I act different in EW than IW but acrually I do the same things just in a different context and stuff.
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