Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf & Thranduil Characters: Thranduil (Tolkien), Legolas Greenleaf Additional Tags: Disability, Mute Legolas, Baby Legolas Greenleaf, Parent Thranduil, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 6 of The Strength of Silence Summary:
Thranduil cannot help but dote on his little elfling, especially when it is now only the two of them.
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I just rewatched Lord of the Rings the Two Towers and can I just say I die for Legolas? He’s so cute. He’s like super old, older than everyone in the group but Gandalf, but he’s weirdly kind of like a teenager??? Like maybe he’s a teenager in elf years, like 18 or 19???
LOTR is not the flavor of nerd I am, I’m one of them space gays, so I genuinely don’t know. It’s just a guess.
Also, doesn’t Gimli call Legolas “lad” at some point?? They don’t address that at all and it’s hilarious.
It would be like a fourth grader calling me “kid”. Like “LMAO what?? You’ve never even paid a bill and you have the nerve to call me what?”
But Legolas is just like “lol ok friend.”
Plus, wasn’t he like…not supposed to go on the adventure in the first place??didnt his dad send him to hang out with Elrond for some kind of elf internship and he just was like lmao someone tell my dad I’ll be right back. Then bounced??? What in all hell did Thranduil even say when he got back.
Did Legolas get grounded?
Pls someone who knows more about this answer my questions
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Aragorn: I’m here to fight Sauron and undo the mistakes of my ancestor
Gimli: I’m here to represent the Dwarves in this adventure
Legolas: My dad kicked me out of the house and I didn’t have anything else to do so here I am. 
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i don't remember the books so well, what is legolas' personality like in them? all i remember is tht the books and movie where massively different?
Oh my dear anon. I could go on about book Legolas for hours.
Book Legolas is a sassy little sh*t who skips on the surface of the snow when everyone else is drowning in it up to their waists and carrying the four hobbits. Book Legolas sleeps with his eyes open. He watches Aragorn throw himself to the groud and listen to the sound of running horses, only to say afterwards, “yeah, there are a hundred and five of them, they’re all blond and they all have spears nbd“. Book Legolas cries that Gollum escaped grom Mirkwood right after everyone was like, “phew, it’s good that Thranduil’s elves keep an eye on him, what could go wrong???“. He screams all the time, and occasionally drops his bow too. He kills a warg, shooting it right in the throat with a burning arrow. Book Legolas is a trees stan. Book Legolas walk away singing “To the Sea! To the Sea!“. Book Legolas is not afraid of zombies, thank you very much. He addreses his friends “children“, even though he is probably the youngest elf in Middle-Earth that we know of. And of course, book Legolas takes none of your bs, builds his own grey boat because who says he can’t sail on his own ship right, packs his best friend and shows up in Valinor 120 years late with Starbucks and a dwarf.
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So I was rereading The Two Towers the other day, and it struck me that there is literally one instance in that entire book that Legolas speaks without being prompted to someone he doesn’t know.  And that out of three instances in the entire book that he speaks to someone he doesn’t know at all (one of whom is not even a person, but an Ent, which I don’t think counts since elves talk to trees anyway).  And it made me think back on what we see of Legolas, and come up with the following headcanon which I present for your perusal: shy Legolas.
Legolas who is fine in his woodland home, because they’re all elves; everyone basically gets to know each other, because you have so many centuries in which to develop at least some level of comfort with each other.  But he doesn’t really go very far away very often, particularly if you headcanon him as being kind of young, so he’s not very good at talking to people outside of his immediate sphere.
So, painfully shy Legolas who takes on the role as messenger to Elrond because he feels responsible for what happened to Gollum.  Legolas who spends the entire time before the council sweating in anticipation of having to speak to someone else – to a lot of someone elses, in fact.  Legolas who has been psyching himself up so intensely and for so long that as soon as someone mentions Gollum, he’s blurting out his news – no matter that he’s kind of interrupting someone, he’s been working on these words for the last three days, they’re coming out right now.
Legolas who goes on this journey with a ton of people that he doesn’t know. I imagine he’s met Aragorn, at very least because Aragorn brought Gollum to them, and he knows Gandalf, because who doesn’t know Gandalf.  But other than that, there are all these new intimidating people that he doesn’t know, and they seem great, but he has no idea how to interact with them, and he keeps getting tongue-tied when he tries to say anything.
Legolas who is actually really lovely when you get to know him – he’s sweet, and can wield some devastating sass, and he actually has quite the poetic streak, but you really only get to experience that part of his personality once he’s become comfortable with you.
So, Legolas who spends the first few weeks of the Fellowship’s journey saying almost nothing to anyone but Gandalf and Aragorn. Everyone else thinks he’s stuck-up, but he’s actually just too uncomfortable to know what to say to them. And then he finally starts gaining some confidence on Caradhras, because finally he doesn’t feel like he’s at a terrible disadvantage, but of course he just ends up aggravating everyone because – now that they’re all miserable is when he decides to be cheerful?  So they all just think he’s self-absorbed and kind of rude, when really he’s just socially awkward and terrible at first impressions.
And then Moria happens, and Gandalf “dies,” and they make it to Lothlorien, where Legolas is kind of the only person who CAN negotiate for them.  And he does his duty when he has to – besides, these are wood-elves, the closest to his people he’s run into anywhere else, so he’s at least able to talk to them about the Fellowship and ask them for passage. Besides, Gandalf is dead, and he’s too busy being sad to be anxious.
Legolas who is one of the only ones who can look at Galadriel for very long because a) he’s an elf, and more used to this sort of thing, and b) he’s frankly so relieved he doesn’t have to talk out loud that having her in his mind is nothing.  And maybe she’s able to sort of gently ease his worries about the people around him, at least to the point where he starts relaxing enough around the other members of the Fellowship to interact with them like a regular person – or, elf.
This headcanon actually makes me have even stronger feelings about his relationship with Gimli – because a) once they become friends, the two of them are almost never seen outside of each other’s company, and b) Gimli often seems to be the designated speaker, but what he says applies to both of them. Also, Gimli is very confident, self-assured, and charming.  Legolas is decidedly none of those things.
So, looking back through their relationship starting from the beginning: Gimli’s ready to try to look beyond the elf-dwarf feud, because he’s diplomatic enough to realize that they need to be able to get along for the rest of the Fellowship.  So he makes some cautious overtures towards friendship, which Legolas responds to with one-word answers and lack of eye contact – which leads Gimli to think that he’s giving himself airs, when actually Legolas just has no clue how to do this social thing.  So then Gimli, offended, gets a little snippy towards him, which makes Legolas withdraw further, and before Lothlorien they’re both pretty much ignoring each other, with the occasional snappish comment here and there.  And of course the blindfold business doesn’t help matters.
But in Lothlorien, the Lady gives Gimli the inspiration to try to look beyond the feud again, and gives Legolas a little more confidence.  So Legolas goes to Gimli and tries to apologize for the blindfold thing, and Gimli – while not quite ready to forgive – does sense that he’s really uncomfortable and is honestly trying, so he gives him a chance. They start spending more and more time together, and eventually Gimli realizes that Legolas is actually lovely one-on-one, but he’s just so uncomfortable around unfamiliar people.  
This activates Gimli’s mama-bear instincts, and he sort of becomes Legolas’s protector.  I imagine that the two of them become really good at communicating nonverbally in the presence of other people (though of course they do talk when they’re together), but they just get a really good feel for each other, and usually Gimli is able to just speak for both of them after no more than a shared glance and some facial expressions.  And they become each other’s most important people, and make sure to stay close all the time.
This, of course, makes “he stands not alone” even more touching and poignant, because this is the only time in the entire book that Legolas speaks to someone unfamiliar without first being spoken to. (Which gives me EVEN MORE FEELINGS ABOUT THIS SCENE THAN I ALREADY HAD) The thing is, Gimli is all set to speak for both of them: Eomer asks why the two of them aren’t saying anything, and Gimli immediately goes on the defensive.  Which would make sense because he’s not only defending Galadriel, but also taking some of the heat off of Legolas with his own reaction.  Eomer of course reacts – and then Legolas leaps in to defend Gimli without any prompting. The thing that makes him overcome his reluctance to speak is Gimli being threatened.
I also – to move things into the more romantic angle; forgive my shipper heart – absolutely headcanon that Legolas was the first of the two to realize his feelings, and also the first to bring it up – and I think that that, too, is heightened by Legolas being so timid and awkward.  Because Gimli makes him feel comfortable – enough to tease, enough to defend, and enough to confess.  I think it’s even more meaningful if this poor awkward and socially-anxious elf is the first one to gather the courage to speak.
Basically: Legolas is shy and socially awkward and Gimli is confident and protective and they both deserve all the hugs.
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Legolas: Gimli and I are going to be married!
Arwen: He's asked you already?
Legolas: Oh, he doesn't know yet.
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Tauriel: *to Thranduil, after the war* Great ! Your son bring back his bow ! If you ask me, he should have brought home a man !
Gimli: Excuse me… Does Legolas live here ?
Thranduil and Tauriel:*shockingly point the direction of Legolas’ room*
Tauriel: Oooh, sign me up for the next war !
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Legolas is the biggest awkward dork in all of LOTR, he may be very skilled with his bow and arrow  and be very pretty but he’s still a fucking dork who brags abut his friends to everyone  and brakes out into song randomly and has the biggest dorkiest crush on Gimli which he thinks he’s hiding well but literally everybody knows,even the fucking trees know, 
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what i love about legolas and gimli is that you can’t deny that there was love between them. it is literally stated in the canon appendix
“He was named Elf-friend because of the great love that grew between him and Legolas”
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I’m very curious as to why Tolkien ended Legolas and Gimli’s story with “more cannot be said of this matter" 
What cannot be said?
What are you saying? 
Are you hiding something, sir? 
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Learning that this:
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is like a serious hug to elves
just made this:
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a whole lot funnier
cause Aragorn, raised by elves, knows how to elf hug, and he’s just like, “nope, doesn’t convey my gratitude enough, human hug time, must touch." 
And Haldir is just *shock* "uh, o…okay then, yeah, I guess this is okay, silly human *pat pat*”
(EDIT; Credit to thranduilthings for the first gif; Credit to hobbit​ for the second gif)
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Boromir: My father is a noble man.
Aragorn: Your dad is a dick.
Boromir: But...
Aragorn: Your dad is a dick.
Legolas: He really is.
Aragorn: Your dad is a dick, too, Legolas.
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Imagine Legolas and Gimli, really seeing each other for the first time, no garments or adornments that speak of heritage and culture and difference, just them, in the flesh, shy and exploring. Imagine Gimli, who was raised believing that being tall and thin and soft was unnatural and not something to enjoy, feeling the smooth and unblemished stretch of Legolas’ back and seeing precious marble, not a stray vein of impurity to be seen. Imagine Legolas, taught to look down his nose at anything built so small and hard and rough, feeling the thick cords of muscle in Gimli’s arms and shoulders and seeing roots of trees, strong and winding and proud.
the prettiest thing I’ve ever written about gigolas (via multi-purpose-tool-guy)
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I just love the idea of Legolas being the dorkiest dork that ever did dork and Gimli having his ~unfeeling ethereal creature~ image shattered.
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No but wait!
Can you imagine that moment when Legolas asked Gimli to sail with him to Valinor? He was probably already building the ship and had told the dwarf that he was leaving soon and Gimli, older and wiser, was happy for his friend, yet still sad inside.
It was probably the day when Legolas was meant to leave and Gimli was there to say goodbye when the elf  looked at the sea and looked at the dwarf who stood beside him.
“I’m not leaving without you”
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But all save Legolas said that they must now take their leave and depart either south or west. ‘Come, Gimli!’ said Legolas. ‘Now by Fangorn’s leave I will visit the deep places of the Entwood and see such trees as are nowhere else to be found in Middle-earth. You shall come with me and keep your word; and thus we will journey on together to our own lands in Mirkwood and beyond.’ To this Gimli agreed, though with no great delight, it seemed.
Tolkien, J.R.R. (2012-02-15). The Lord of the Rings: One Volume (p. 981). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
Gimli is the best long-suffering boyfriend, istg.
(via morethanonepage)
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