thirstyxbird · 7 months
Reblog if:
- You support recovery.
- You support those in recovery.
- You support seeking help.
- You want  people to seek help.
- You think everyone is beautiful, regardless of their weight.
- Even if you yourself, aren’t seeking help or are in recovery, want others too.
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thirstyxbird · 7 months
I dont wanna suck my stomach in anymore
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thirstyxbird · 7 months
You may be struggling but you’re not f***ing failing.
Repeat it again and again until you gain control back
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thirstyxbird · 7 months
Ana Diary Day 2
Today I was with some friends, we played some games and cooked together afterwards. I fasted until then because I knew I couldn't turn down the food, as I have never done that before (lol rip) I at least turned down the cake, so that's good.
We made some, admittedly very healthy, home made Döner kebab, but with falafel instead of meat. Everything was done from scratch; the falafel, the sauces, and the host even prepared the flatbread beforehand. So I'm glad to say that I don't have a guilty conscious about having one portion which included the bread, some veggies, 2 tbsp of sauce and one piece of falafel.
When it comes to home cooked stuff I didn't have full control over, I don't tend to try to figure out exactly how many calories where in it. That will just drive me fucking crazy and I'll never be able to know for sure.
(I'm guessing, around 500 cals, probably less than that tho, bc the bread wasn't that big and I picked out the inside. Also, the sauce was basically just yoghurt. )
So given the circumstance, I'm pretty proud of myself.
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thirstyxbird · 7 months
I put my cat on a light diet a few months ago, bc he was a little overweight & he looks sooo healthy now! Granted he obvs could do nothing about it but IF THAT FUCKING GREEDY MUNCHY ASS MF can lose weight then so 👏 can 👏 I 👏 !!!!!! (no hate to my baby ur beautiful)
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thirstyxbird · 7 months
having an ed is so fucking odd when you’re self aware and rational, or have already been through recovery efforts - i’ll catch myself saying some disordered shit in my head then my logical side will but in with facts and science or just call me out on my bs- worse than an angel or a devil, i got a sane person living on my shoulder.
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thirstyxbird · 7 months
Ana Diary Day 1
First time actually posting something. I've been too cosumed by the fear of people not caring about my account and my thoughts and have been completely ignoring the fact that it could help me organise my thoughts and potentially boosting my discipline to stick to the plan. So this is for that purpose and that purpose only:
My first week back into full blown Ed mode has been very successful in that regard. I haven't eaten over 300 cals l, mostly even stuck to 200 cals. I have admittedly not been working out, like at all, all week, except for walking.
Today went a little differently bc I'm visiting my parents for the day, so I got thrown food at left and right. Beginning with an actual lunch of which I was able to purge like 1/3 of or something. (Purging is really hard for me I don't know how ppl are able to get out everything frrr)
Around 4 I had some coffee with milk and two very small pieces of cake, which were really hard not to purge, but I've been tempted to binge a lot these last few days, so I thought it would be smarter to have a treat for once to gain a little control. (also metabolism? Idk)
Dinner is coming shortly, which will be a cucumber salad with joghurt. (Sounds low cal and healthy, but my mom loves adding unnecessary sugar and fat) I could try to get out of it, but that would just mean my mom would pack it up for me to eat at home. And I hate throwing food away, especially food my mom made for me. We'll see.
Won't be eating anything else today, so I'm guessing my calorie input will be around 500-600 cals? I'm not sure. Nevertheless, I'm gonna burn some of them when I get home.
I also ordered a new scale since my glass one shattered across my bathroom floor a few months ago rip. I can't wait to know my actual weight, mot knowing really fucking suckssssss
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thirstyxbird · 7 months
Don’t tell me you lack discipline.
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Portion control mealspø/motovation
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thirstyxbird · 7 months
There are two types of people
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thirstyxbird · 7 months
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thirstyxbird · 7 months
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thirstyxbird · 3 years
i rlly do miss the honeymoon phase of my eating disorder. this shit just so tiring now.
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thirstyxbird · 3 years
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thirstyxbird · 3 years
‘ur quiet’ i am gatekeeping my personality from u
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thirstyxbird · 3 years
stop trying to find yourself and start creating yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thirstyxbird · 3 years
cant wait to lose some tits so they wont ruin my fits
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thirstyxbird · 3 years
sorry i left u on read i didn’t mean to open it
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