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They say the monsters hide under your bed,
But under my bed
There's only a sliver of space
Which makes sense
It has to be small enough
To get inside my brain
And undo the wiring
That everyone has
My monsters started under my bed
But at night
They crawl through to my skull
And make a home for themselves there
I'm scared to befriend them
Because what if they're right?
What if it is ending
And the spot on my chest means nothing?
They must be atoms
Playing games with me
For their own sense of enjoyment
I tame them,
Sometimes we go out for a walk
And stare at that abandoned building
But sometimes
I just want to rip my brain out.
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I'm a writer
It's in me
It's too deep in my veins
To pull out
I bleed words,
And I drink them
Before I wake up,
I find them festering in my dreams
Waiting to be turned into art
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Just say sorry and let’s move on
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Why is getting notes on here so difficult? I used to average a fair few, now I’m lucky if I get two. I find social media so fun yet frustrating. Anyway
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I don't miss you
But I think about you every waking second
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I'm sick of this life,
Watching people on the TV
That seem to know what they're doing
I can't stay here
Wishing to go anywhere
Be with someone else
Feel loved
I do not inhabit my body,
I am my eyes
Watching as my decisions
Bring me no closer to where I want to be
I'm stuck in this life,
I just want to be able to call it mine
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The longer I'm alone The less alone I feel
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If you want to know me,
Really know me,
Trust me or hate me,
Judge it off my writing
This is the only place
I think
I sound okay.
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Why am I so paranoid, I love you, you’re staying, it’s reduuclous what my brain thinks, please help me, I’m drowning, save me, I found things online and I smiled and watched and I didn’t overthink but now I’m overthinking my god help me now
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I watch the same shows
Over and over
Because they're familiar
And I know when to laugh
And cry
And I'm not
That much is clear
I have things from my childhood
Hidden in my wardrobe
Where I can't reach
Because they're haunted,
If I touch them I'll cry
And I don't cry,
I'm good
I'm not a bother
I don't dress up
I don't makeup
I don't anything,
I talk to the same people
And waste my life
On the internet
I read the same books
I watch the same movies
With the same actress
Who is everything to me
I don't revisit the past,
I can't deal with that
I can't deal with anything,
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I have issues
You have issues
But yours should never have come before mine.
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There is no easy way to write about trauma. We are conditioned to think it's not valid, it's dumb, we should get over it. If it's not easy to hear, if it's not easy to believe, how are we meant to live with it? Everyday?
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No one believes me
When I say how bad my year 6 teacher was,
Maybe that's just because it's too much to wrap their heads around
But I get mad either way
No one believes me
When I say I'm sad,
I smile all the time
I must be okay
No one believes me
When I say I hate TikTok
I'm fifteen
I'm meant to cut until I bleed.
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I'm five
Mother tells me not to follow men
Mother tells me not to get in a van
Mother tells me don't leave her side
I'm seven
Mother tells me
If a man approaches
Say my dad's strong
Which is funny
To seven year old me -
I don't have a dad,
Men are bad
I'm ten
My friend tells me everyone has a dad
My mother looks at her
Says "not everyone"
I'm twelve
I have TikTok
What is rape?
Why do we fear men?
I'm thirteen
I'm walking the dog
I get cat-called
At the park.
My mum's in the car,
I tell her,
She sighs,
It was bound to happen
I'm fourteen
I know why my mum flinches whenever rape is mentioned
But I don't say anything
I'm fifteen
I'm walking to the bookstore
A car of boys roll their windows down
Say something
I'm fifteen
Men say it's not their fault
But I've been taught
To fear them
For as long as I've lived.
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Wow. Uhm. Okay. Thank you. I wouldn’t have thought this would happen that quickly. Thank you ❤️
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I am that desperate for connection
I’ll talk to someone
No matter how draining
No matter how much they annoy me
Just because
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