thisissadcat · 6 years
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And another for Fan Expo!
I went full dinosaur this year. Always go full dinosaur.
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thisissadcat · 6 years
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New print for Fan Expo!
Obviously Land Before Time was a favourite of mine as a kid, but gosh looking at those dinos now with their creepy human ears and ball-joint appendages just made me really wanna draw a more realistic take on them (realistic to a point of course--’cause sorry Spike, my dude, you are so very much long dead).
Hopefully enough people will recognize the original cover to know what I was trying to do, haaaaaa...
But yeah, Fan Expo! Come see me at the end of the month at table A354!
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thisissadcat · 6 years
Hi Sadcat! Regarding the state of Awakened, I say go for your new ideas! Maybe leave a written summary of what the webcomic would have been, so current readers could have some sort of closure and there's a sense of finality in your decision. For me personally though, I would love to see what your current, unstifled original ideas are. Whatever your decision, I'd support it!
Thank you very much! I’m excited to share this new story with everyone, and I may have a plan for The Awakened too (approaching it as something new, rather than refurbished). The creative juices are flowing again, haha.
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thisissadcat · 6 years
Gosh, dang, I think you hit the nail on the head, and it’s really encouraging to know I’m not as alone in this as I thought. Thanks so much!
And I’m just generally floored by everyone’s replies, public and private. It’s like a dam has been released. I spent all of yesterday working on stories like I haven’t in years and it felt really great. 8D
So HUGE THANKS for that. And expect to see progress on those stories shared here as I go (and with luck, in comic format soon enough as well).
State of “The Awakened” Comic...
So this is something I’ve been wanting to write for a really long time. I’ve been putting it off for a number of reasons, not least of which is that I still haven’t come up with a decent solution that I feel I can live with, and that won’t upset or anger anyone who has supported me in the past.
Every now and then I’ll get a concerned e-mail or a curious message through Tumblr, Twitter, or a comment directly to the comic’s website, asking what’s up, if I’ll ever continue this project, and sharing their memories of reading new content and following along with me in this weird little horror-fantasy adventure. I have a hard time responding to these messages because, honestly, I don’t know what to say.
I’ve told myself that I haven’t given up on this story. That one day, when I have the time, I’ll get back to it. But there are some realities that I really need to face:
1: I wrote this story when I was 18, and I began posting online during one of the darkest points of my life. The first Awakened story was written for NaNoWriMo when I was a teenager, and I worked it into comic format and began posting online in 2006, not long after I tried to take my own life. A lot has changed. I’m in my mid-thirties now and I’m a very different person. The experiences and goals and worldviews of my 18 and 21-year-old selves differ wildly from the person I am today. The stories a conflicted and confused teenager wants to tell are not the stories a (mostly well-adjusted??) 30-something person wants to tell. I find it difficult to relate to this story now. I am compelled to, at the very least, give it a very significant overhaul to reflect my own personal growth as a storyteller and artist, and incorporate a more mature understanding of the world and its diversity. But this wouldn’t be the first time The Awakened has undergone an overhaul to try and make it work with my own changing world. Will one final re-write now that I’ve settled into my adult life make this comic work again? Maybe. Will it still be the same story my readers were interested in a decade ago? Maybe not.
2: I have numerous new ideas for comics. And I have held them back for years because I feel so guilty for leaving readers hanging with The Awakened. How can I post new comics when people are still sending me kind messages, waiting patiently for this old story to continue? My passion has always been storytelling, and comics are still my favourite medium. It’s been painfully hard limiting my personal creative pursuits to convention art and tabletop games with friends. I badly want to create comics again.
The Awakened is still my homepage. I see it every single day when I turn on my computer and open my browser. I want something to happen with it, one way or another. I’ve even tried to rewrite it when ideas come to mind. I’ve redrawn some of the characters as I rework their backgrounds:
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More than anything I just want to tell stories again.
So this post is a mix of letting you know where I’m at, asking for feedback, and seeking out a sort of blessing to go forth and create again.
Would you be content with an entirely re-worked Awakened story? Or would you be okay with letting it rest as a young artist’s early storytelling attempt, paving the path for something else?
Apologies for the length of this post, and for getting kind of personal. I know a large part of my Tumblr following hasn’t read this comic and knows nothing about it, in which case IGNORE ME! For everyone else, thank you for reading and thank you for your understanding/feedback. If you contacted me over the last while about the comic and I didn’t respond, I’m sorry, your message was set onto the “I’ll answer this as soon as I think of a good reply” anxiety pile. But I hope this helps.
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thisissadcat · 6 years
State of “The Awakened” Comic...
So this is something I’ve been wanting to write for a really long time. I’ve been putting it off for a number of reasons, not least of which is that I still haven’t come up with a decent solution that I feel I can live with, and that won’t upset or anger anyone who has supported me in the past.
Every now and then I’ll get a concerned e-mail or a curious message through Tumblr, Twitter, or a comment directly to the comic’s website, asking what’s up, if I’ll ever continue this project, and sharing their memories of reading new content and following along with me in this weird little horror-fantasy adventure. I have a hard time responding to these messages because, honestly, I don’t know what to say.
I’ve told myself that I haven’t given up on this story. That one day, when I have the time, I’ll get back to it. But there are some realities that I really need to face:
1: I wrote this story when I was 18, and I began posting online during one of the darkest points of my life. The first Awakened story was written for NaNoWriMo when I was a teenager, and I worked it into comic format and began posting online in 2006, not long after I tried to take my own life. A lot has changed. I’m in my mid-thirties now and I’m a very different person. The experiences and goals and worldviews of my 18 and 21-year-old selves differ wildly from the person I am today. The stories a conflicted and confused teenager wants to tell are not the stories a (mostly well-adjusted??) 30-something person wants to tell. I find it difficult to relate to this story now. I am compelled to, at the very least, give it a very significant overhaul to reflect my own personal growth as a storyteller and artist, and incorporate a more mature understanding of the world and its diversity. But this wouldn’t be the first time The Awakened has undergone an overhaul to try and make it work with my own changing world. Will one final re-write now that I’ve settled into my adult life make this comic work again? Maybe. Will it still be the same story my readers were interested in a decade ago? Maybe not.
2: I have numerous new ideas for comics. And I have held them back for years because I feel so guilty for leaving readers hanging with The Awakened. How can I post new comics when people are still sending me kind messages, waiting patiently for this old story to continue? My passion has always been storytelling, and comics are still my favourite medium. It’s been painfully hard limiting my personal creative pursuits to convention art and tabletop games with friends. I badly want to create comics again.
The Awakened is still my homepage. I see it every single day when I turn on my computer and open my browser. I want something to happen with it, one way or another. I’ve even tried to rewrite it when ideas come to mind. I’ve redrawn some of the characters as I rework their backgrounds:
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More than anything I just want to tell stories again.
So this post is a mix of letting you know where I’m at, asking for feedback, and seeking out a sort of blessing to go forth and create again.
Would you be content with an entirely re-worked Awakened story? Or would you be okay with letting it rest as a young artist’s early storytelling attempt, paving the path for something else?
Apologies for the length of this post, and for getting kind of personal. I know a large part of my Tumblr following hasn’t read this comic and knows nothing about it, in which case IGNORE ME! For everyone else, thank you for reading and thank you for your understanding/feedback. If you contacted me over the last while about the comic and I didn’t respond, I’m sorry, your message was set onto the “I’ll answer this as soon as I think of a good reply” anxiety pile. But I hope this helps.
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thisissadcat · 6 years
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Another commission, this one for Unrelenting Usurper of their d&d character!
Commission info is here. Thanks to everyone who has so far commissioned me! It’s been a big help. I was able to buy groceries today. 8D
And a ratty update: Auger has been moved back into the big cage (separated from her buds on the bottom half). Her incisions are healing well despite her finding new and exciting ways each day to mess with them. She’ll be going in to the vet for a follow-up next week and then will hopefully move back in with her cagemates, happy and lump-free.
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thisissadcat · 6 years
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Another finished lineart commission, this one for Emily of her character, Lemon!
Commission info is here! Still have some slots open.
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thisissadcat · 6 years
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Some finished $20 commissions! An espeon for Sara and a swashbuckling fuzzy elf for Rory. See my commission post for more information. :)
Thanks guys!
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thisissadcat · 6 years
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Poor groggy girl. But she made it through! Now begins the battle to keep her away from her sutures.
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thisissadcat · 6 years
Reblogging this as Auger had her surgery today and she came through it wonderfully (though she is currently not the most comfortable ratty).
Unfortunately, the night before, I found a second lump on her. The vet very skillfully removed both, but it meant the surgery was more costly.
So if you know anyone who might like a lineart commission, I’d appreciate it! Money is going to be very tight for a little while.
(I will post some finished commissions next!)
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I’m opening up commissions for the first time in ages as I’m between animation/board contracts right at the moment (I start a new job very soon but have been off for almost a month), and my little Auger is going in for a tumour removal surgery tomorrow. The cost is steep as heck so any money at all coming in right now would be super awesome!
If you’re interested in having a character drawn (OC, fan, human, critter, anthro, what-have-you), drop me an e-mail with some ref and a personality description and I’ll get on it! :)
Thanks all!
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thisissadcat · 6 years
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I’m opening up commissions for the first time in ages as I’m between animation/board contracts right at the moment (I start a new job very soon but have been off for almost a month), and my little Auger is going in for a tumour removal surgery tomorrow. The cost is steep as heck so any money at all coming in right now would be super awesome!
If you’re interested in having a character drawn (OC, fan, human, critter, anthro, what-have-you), drop me an e-mail with some ref and a personality description and I’ll get on it! :)
Thanks all!
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thisissadcat · 6 years
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Last-minute addition to the Ottawa Comiccon line-up. Pally bookmarks!
I had originally intended to have two versions of Keith, two versions of Lance, and an Allura to reflect the lion switching, but ran out of time. Will definitely shoot to have those at Fan Expo!
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thisissadcat · 6 years
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Another print finished for Ottawa Comiccon!
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thisissadcat · 6 years
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A new print for Ottawa Comiccon 2018!
I’ll be in the Artist Alley at table 2610. Come say hello! 8D
I painted this for a friend initially, and turned it into a little keepsake box for her birthday. (Alas, I will not have this guy in box-form at the cons.)
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thisissadcat · 7 years
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Oh yay I can post this now.
T’was my good friend Katey’s (http://www.thedinkydoodle.com/) birthday the other day and I endeavored to create for her a cool box with an illustration mod-podged to the top. I straight up forgot to take photos of the box, but here’s the illustration!
We are very much both huge fans of The Adventure Zone, and you should be too.
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thisissadcat · 7 years
Come see me at Fan Expo in Toronto!
So my Fan Expo table was originally double-booked and I had to do some swapping around to get my first spot back. I believe I am still at A354! It’s still not yet listed on the map, but I should be right next to Allie Laberge of Allieeps!
Hope to see some of you there!
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thisissadcat · 7 years
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And the last four prints for Fan Expo, from my all-time favourite movie! 8D
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