transformerimagines · 7 years
Good little Experiment (Tfp Knockout x Reader x Tfp Breakdown poly)
Requested by http://marionette-warrior.tumblr.com/ . I hope I did your idea justice and you like the direction I took with it.
Knockout was in the med lab, currently waxing his frame whilst Breakdown stayed at the other side of the room and polished his surgery tools all the while admiring Knockout’s frame. Breakdown loved Knockout and Knockout loved Breakdown but both Mechs admitted that there was something missing slightly from their relationship.
“See something you like, big boy?” Knockout smirked as he outstretched his leg and bent over so he could clean it fully. Breakdown let out a chuckle as red eyes waited for his reaction.
“Always.” Breakdown replied ever the smooth talker he was when he was around Knockout. Whilst Knockout was open with flirtations and gaining the interest of others, Breakdown always saved his charms from him specifically. Knockout stood and opened his intake to reply when the door to the med bay slid open, revealing Starscream in its space who was holding a fleshy in his grasp. The Seeker walked in looking triumphant as the small being kicked and punched at his servo.
“Look what I found while I was staking out the Autobot pets.” He spoke as he arrived at an examination table, dropping you on to the cold metal before placing a large glass capsule over you so you couldn’t get out. You had literally only gone out to get some milk for the coffee you were craving that morning, you wore your sunglasses as usual in order to hide the abnormality that was your eye. They had fallen off accidentally when you turned to walk down an alley which was when a jet flew down from the sky and transformed into a giant specimen before grabbing you and taking off again. Now here you were, banging on the glass the robot had used to cover you all the while making sure your glasses remained in place. The last thing you needed was to be experimented on by robots.
“A Human?” Knockout asked in a bored tone as he came to stand next to the Seeker. Breakdown had stopped what he was doing as well, instead opting to look at you as you stood defiantly under three sets of optics.
“This one is different,” Starscream started in an offended screech before he pointed his rocket launcher at you which immediately stopped you from banging the glass, instead you placed your hand up in a surrender position. “Take off your glasses or I will blow you up.”
You saw no room for argument in the angry tone of the robot which is why with shaking hands you carefully removed your glasses to reveal your abnormality to the comrades of the being that captured you. Your right eye was perfectly normal, blue and crystal like, your left eyes however was anything but normal. While the left eye was also blue, it was very hard to tell thanks to the blooming daisy that protruded from your pupil. The white petal of the flower perfectly lined your eye socket, the yellow centre of the daisy was located were your iris would usually be whilst the stem came out of the hole in your pupil. It hadn’t always been like this, it randomly just grew one day and after a month of panicking you had got used to it. It didn’t impair your vision, your right eye didn’t blink and when you fell asleep the flower would close up. Your eyes fell on to the other two robots who seemed too stunned for words, their intakes hung open and the blue one had to grab the shoulder of the red one so that he would start to react.
“Why am I here?” You asked after gaining the courage, you hoped that they wouldn’t just shoot you. The flying one had gone through a lot of trouble to obtain you and bring you back so obviously he had something planned.
“You are the first fleshy who has had that,” Starscream stopped then, trying to find the right word. “Unusual trait and I want to know why.” He explained further, placing his claws on the glass that surrounded you and lifting it up so that you were finally free. “Don’t try and run Human, be a good little experiment.” With that Starscream turned away from you and stomped out of the room that you were in which left you with the two, coloured robots who were currently still stunned by you.
“Why is it in your optic?” Breakdown asked you, being the one to break out of his staring first and crouching so that he was level with you.
“My eye? Eyes are supposed to be windows to the soul.” You explained. You felt weirdly content with these two like you were safe. It was the opposite of what you should have been thinking but honestly you felt like you knew these two. As if they were familiar but you didn’t quite know why. The blue one turned to the red one and nodded his helm before straightening up. Before your eyes a section of their chest opened up revealing a dancing light show of many colours, Knockout’s was more red and sunshine like than Breakdown’s. Breakdown’s was a mixture of yellows and blues that clashed but it weirdly worked.
“These are sparks,” Knockout started in a gentle tone, setting his servo down next to you so that you could stand on it, which you were willing to do without hesitation. He lifted you up once you were stabilised so that you were standing right in front of the two blazing beams. “They’re what our people might call a soul.” It was when he said that, you noticed a small engraving on the bottom of his spark chamber, an engraving that looked exactly like a daisy but that was impossible. You turned then to get a better look at Breakdown’s spark chamber and located a daisy engraving on the roof of the spark chamber. You own hand went to the daisy that was growing from your eye, gently stroking over the petals before you felt a cold digit being placed under your chin so that you could look up to the two mechs who were wearing identical smiles.
“We have been looking for you for a long time.” They both said in unison and in that moment, you couldn’t help but think what the hell you had just walked in to.
“You know all those months ago when I told you to be a good experiment?” Starscream asked me as I leaned on the work station he was standing in front of. After spending a few months with the decepticons, learning about who they were and what they did, you had become quite close to the Seeker that had kidnapped you in the first place. He spent most of his time annoying your boyfriends in the med bay anyway so your friendship was bound to happen. “This is not what I meant.” He screamed then in stress, gesturing towards you stomach which was just starting to swell with children.
You had to laugh at the situation actually, you had only been in a relationship with the Mechs for three months or so when they had brought up the idea of having sparklings. At first you refused purely because of the dynamics. Twenty foot aliens and a five-and-a-half-foot human, there were many things that could go wrong with that. But Knockout, being the stubborn Mech he was used his knowledge of Cybertronian and human biology to come up with a way that would work. You would think it would take a while to get accustomed to being a twenty-foot human but in actuality you took to it like a duck to water. You received regular injections to ensure you would stay at your large height during pregnancy so that you could carry the sparklings full term, the injection also helped with nutrients for the sparkling and any other biological matters.
“Come on, Starscream,” You laughed at him as your hand rested on your stomach, rubbing the bulge slightly as you both waited for Knockout and Breakdown to return from the mission. “Like you aren’t excited to become an honorary Uncle.” You smirked at him to which the seeker rolled his red optics.
“The Sparkling are going to have your sense of adventure, Knockout’s Narcissism and Breakdown’s strength. That is not something I’m looking forward to having running around the ship.” He replied back just as the doors to the med bay opened and in walked the two loves of your life. Knockout reached you first, kissing you softly on the cheek and placing his hand on your stomach before Breakdown wrapped both arms around the two of you, his helm coming to your neck as he massaged your stomach.
“Good mission then?” You giggled before giving the blue mech a kiss and they both stood next to you.
“It went great, the autobots were pitiful.” Knockout boasted before walking further into the med bay to check some samples of energon he took from his patients the other day.
“See you told Screamer.” Breakdown smiled at you before smirking towards Starscream who was too confused to even react to the nickname.
“How did you make sure that she was carrying both of your sparklings?” Starscream asked and your face instantly fell as Knockout quickly spun around from what he was doing with a Cheshire like grin on his face plate. Primus knows if Knockout had a chance for his sexual prowess to be praised he was going to take the opportunity whole heartedly.
“Well you see-.” Knockout began but you quickly spoke up.
“No need to go into detailing of such things.” You spoke very loudly to try and stop Knockout but he was being a stubborn as ever so you shot Breakdown a look to help. Before Knockout could speak again, Breakdown had lifted him over his shoulder and was carrying him to you shared berthroom.
“Come on Doc, let’s get a shower after fighting.” Breakdown echoed as he walked in to the berthroom.
“BREAKDOWN WATCH THE FINISH!” Were the last words heard before the door to the room closed swiftly. You couldn’t help chuckling as you turned back to Starscream who was looking to you with an unimpressed expression.
“Those two are trouble.” He told you, only trying to look out for you of course. You smiled back at him before looking to your belly where you were currently carrying your future sparklings.
“Yes, but they are mine,” You spoke back to him before wiggling your eyebrows. “Want to know a secret?” You asked and of course since Starscream was all about gossip he leaned closer. “I’m having two sets of twins.” You whispered to him which sent him in a choking frenzy that had him holding on to the work station for support.
“Please tell me you are joking?” He asked wholeheartedly. You just shook your head before placing your hand on either side of the flower from you eye, gently closing it to reveal two young red daisies and two young blue daises. With that, Starscream fell into stasis lock and you had to come up with an excuse as to why when the Mech’s came out of the shower.
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Optimus, Ratchet and Wheeljack adopt a Human Teen (Headcanon)
Requested by http://i-fucked-osmosis-jones.tumblr.com/ I hope you like them. It’s the first time I have made headcanons so let me know what you think guys.
-          Ultimate adoptive Dad
-          Will ensure you eat breakfast before you go to school
-          “It’s the most important meal of the day, why don’t you want to eat it?”
-          If you are involved in extracurricular activities he will be at every recital/ game/ award ceremony
-          Parent-teacher conferences are the best
-          “Mr Prime, your child has expressed interest in car and truck mechanics.”
-          He cries with joy
-          Under Optimus’ supervision you are a golden child and star pupil
-          The day a scholarship arrives from an ivy league college, he goes in to stasis lock because he is overwhelmed
-          He’s very protective when it comes to your dating life
-          Secretly sends Bee to spy on you but denies everything
-          Whenever you get captured by the decepticons, which is often, you just remain the diplomat like Optimus and not make a scene or fret. Megatron is very confused by you.
-          “Well done Old friend, you have raised you’re sparkling well.”
-          Proud dad
-          Begrudgingly agrees to look after you
-          The first few months are pretty much him telling you not to touch anything
-          Just doesn’t want you to get hurt, but you are a teen so naturally you rebel
-          Internally screams the first time you shout, “I needed that!”
-          The other bots all groan at the realisation that you had gained his mannerisms
-          “Doc are you crying?”
-          “Don’t be stupid, I’ve got some earth dust in my optic.”
-          When you fall asleep after staying up to revise, he wraps a blanket around you and puts you to bed
-          He’s very defensive when it comes to your teacher reports
-          “Mr Ratchet, Y/N has utter disregard for physics class.”
-          “Your physics is flawed, next complaint.”
-          You take an interest in Cybertronian science and he couldn’t be prouder of you
-          The first time you accidentally call him Dad, he smiles at you before regaining his composure but on the inside, he is losing his shit.
-          Distant but secretly doting Dad
-          He’s so excited to be an adopted Dad
-          He will protect you from all harm
-          He has a good effect on you, at least he thinks it’s good, the other autobots tell him it’s not good that you are picking a fight with everyone who makes a bad comment.
-          PTA meetings are ever eventful, since the other mums secretly shit talk you.
-          “Fuck off Janet, your kid doesn’t know the difference between a plant cell and an animal cell.”
-          You do argue quite a bit though, mostly because you are both so similar
-          “Look! I'm a teenage girl, I'd rather be anywhere than here! I'm all about long sullen silences, followed by mean comments, followed by more silence! So, what's it gonna be: long sullen silence or mean comment? Go on, take your pick.”
-          “...You got me in a box here.”
-          He teaches you how to fight and fly the Jack Hammer which is when he is at his most open with you.
-          God help whoever you go out with
-          Jacky does not understand the meaning of subtlety when it comes to interrupting your dates
-          Always proud when you come home with a black eye but you ultimately won the fight.
-          You are a wrecker, no ifs or buts.
-          Ride-or-die helicopter Dad
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transformerimagines · 7 years
TomMech (Tfp Optimus Prime x Reader)
So glad you liked the last one to request again http://skyannaj.tumblr.com/. I hope I’ve fulfilled your request once again ‘ Hi, me again. I love your writing, & I hope you don't mind another request. TFP Optimus X Reader? The reader's a Femme who's a tomboy.(was a wrecker with Bulkhead & Wheeljack) She's a lot like Bunblebee & Smokescreen in looks, but heavier. (Her alt's a purple 77 Chevy Nova.) She tries to hide that she's in love with Optimus, cuz she's used to being told she's not feminine enough & getting rejected, so she doesn't think someone as wonderful as him would love her back. (he totaly does though) ‘. Enjoy :D
You walked down the corridors of the Autobot base, ablaze with the fires of Primus as anger grew inside you, Smokescreen was just coming out of his berthroom when he smiled at you in a friendly manner.
“Hey, Y/N, how are you doing today?” He asked you in a polite manner but right now you were too angry to engage in polite conversation. You walked past Smokey, barging him out of the way slightly with your purple frame as you continued your pursuit.
“I’m seething Smokes, absolutely seething.” You had hoped that the use of his nickname would ensure he wasn’t mad at you for being rude. It didn’t take you too long to come to the central hub where you laid optics on the Mech who was responsible for your negative emotion.
“Jacky!” You shouted the name of your fellow Wrecker who simply turned to you with an innocent smile. The stupid bot had stolen your last cube of high grade, and how did you know it was him? The glitch had left a sodden IOU note on your berth. Without a second thought, you ran at the bigger mech, wrapping your arms around his mid-section before throwing him to the floor and climbing on top of him to gain a better vantage point. You used all your wrecker training to fight against Wheeljack, you were a hand-to-hand combatant after all so you were much more skilled in that department than the sword wielder.
You aimed a jab at his face plate and managed to get one in before he raised his mask which stopped you from getting that point again. Wheeljack used your smaller frame to his advantage and lifted you up and over his head so you landed, winded, on you back as he climbed on top of you and tried to pin you to the ground.
“Come on, Y/N,” He tried to calm you down as the other autobots watched your wrestling session. It wasn’t like it was a rare occurrence, you would take every opportunity to catch the other Wreckers by surprise and ground them which often led to some funny moments. “I said I’d pay you back.” Now, Jacky might be bigger but he isn’t as flexible. You raised your legs above your shoulders and wrapped then around his helm and used your strength to push him down while you kept hold of his arm which you knew would hurt terribly.
“Not the point, really.” You told him angrily as you rolled over so Jacky was facing the floor, you took that as your chance to remove your legs and instead wrap your arms around the mechs helm so you could pull it back and keep him in the locked position.
“Primus, Y/N, for a femme that’s never been with a Mech, you sure like being on top.” That last comment from Jacky distracted you a little before you shook your helm, trying not to feel embarrassed as all optics, including that of your crush the Prime himself, landed on you. You lifted his helm back more which gained a gasp of pain from Jacky. You leant down to whisper in his audials.
“Frag you, Jacky.” Before letting go of him and standing up so that he could finally breath without you crushing him, you may be small in stature but you were built for battle so naturally your small frame was packed with powerful pistons. Sensing that he had hit a nerve, Jacky sat up and looked at you slightly apologetic.
“I just meant that you’re not the typical femme a mech goes for,” He started off in a very wrong way, you raised your brow ridge at him in a signal to move on before you start attacking him again. “Y’know, you’re more like a mech than a femme.” With that comment, you moved to kick him straight between the legs but luckily both Smokescreen and Bumblebee grabbed hold of you to stop you from doing any damage.
“You’re just digging a hole for yourself, Wheeljack.” Smokescreen told the white Wrecker who sat there with his intake hanging open before he gestured to the other mechs in the room.
“C’mon you know what I mean.” He said to them all which had you fixing them all with a scandalous look, only to see them shy away in embarrassment. That’s when you realised that this wasn’t just what Wheeljack thought, this is what most of them thought about you. They fought you acted too much like a mech to be able to interface with one and honestly it had been a sore point for you for years. You too had feared telling the one Mech who you thought you could be with that you had feelings for him in case he rejected you for the way you acted, the thought of Optimus who was always so kind to you suddenly turning on you because of how you felt was daunting.
With a shake of your helm, you gruffly shoved Smokescreen and Bumblebee off of you, ignoring their hurt looks before you transformed in to your 77 Chevy Nova alt mode and sped off out of the base, leaving nothing but a dust pile in your wake. It was only in that moment did Bulkhead enter the central hub, wondering what the hell had happened.
“What’s gone on?” He asked no one in particular, Arcee stepped forward to respond but not before kicking Wheeljack sharply in the arm.
“Wheeljack has just insulted Y/N and now she’s ran off.” She informed the other Wrecker to which Bulkhead narrowed his optics at his long time best friend.
“What? I just stated the fact that mechs don’t really go for femmes like her.” Wheeljack defended himself as he stood on his pedes, raising his arms in defence as he saw Bulkhead grow very angry, very quickly.
“You said what!” He shouted at Jacky which was a new thing for all the bots to watch. Optimus wasn’t paying attention to the two bickering Wreckers, instead his optics were on the exit that you had just left through. His processor was pulsing with questions regarding your safety and well-being and it didn’t take a genius to see he was worried.
“Go on.” Ratchet whispered quietly and that is all it took before Optimus transformed and sped out of the base to follow you.
“Come on, it’s no big deal. I was only joking.” Wheeljack told Bulkhead to try and calm him down.
“It is a big deal, Jacky. For her it is a very big deal. You don’t know how much she doubts herself and worries that she won’t be able to have sparklings because no one wants her.” Bulkhead told them, becoming less angry and more worried. “I’ve seen her cry because she’s torn between being herself and being someone else in order to please others.” He looked to Jacky again, this time with only disappointment in his optics. “Maybe think about that before opening your intake next time.” He walked away after saying that, not wanting to argue any further. It was only then that Wheeljack began to regret his decision and he too had to retreat to his berthroom in order to think of an appropriate apology.
You had stopped in the middle of the desert, sat on a large boulder which you were slowly taking chunks out of and throwing in to the distance. Jacky obviously had no idea how much his words had affected you, granted you had only confided in Bulkhead of that stuff so maybe when you eventually got back to base you would have to tell Jacky how much it had upset you. That would be after he begged for your forgiveness.
“Y/N.” Optimus had followed your tracks out in to the desert and now stood at the base of the boulder you were sitting on. With a sigh, you wiped a few tears that had escaped you before looking down at him with a straight face.
“Optimus.” You spoke back before throwing another rock at your imaginary target, watching it sail far in to the distance.
“Are you okay?” There it was, that dreaded question that had you breathing deep to compose yourself. There was no way you were going to break down in front of the Mech that you had admired for so long, only dreaming that he thought the same way about you.
“As right as rain.” You replied before jumping off of the boulder, landing in front of Optimus with a loud thump. You smiled at him sarcastically before walking past him. “Come on, we should get back to base.” You didn’t make it that far however, as Optimus had wrapped his servo around your wrist plating to stop you.
“What Wheeljack said-.” He began but you turned around to him with a sad smile.
“It was cruel and unneeded but if he knew how much it would affect me he wouldn’t have said it. It was my fault.” You informed your leader, trying not to become awe struck by the way his optics were looking at you.
“It is in no way your fault, Wheeljack should not have said what he had said, even in jest.” He said, finally letting you go in favour of allowing you to turn to him fully.
“I don’t need your pity Optimus, please don’t pity me after what Wheeljack said. I’m sure there are more important things that need doing at base.” You pleaded with him, the last thing you needed was his pity. You already had the pity of Bulkhead because of your moment of weakness around him and that was more than enough pity for you.
“I do not pity you,” He responded before placing his servo under your chin so that he could look in to your optics fully instead of you previously hanging your head in embarrassment. “And there is nothing more important than your happiness.” He added on the last bit which made energon rise to your faceplate slightly.
“If you don’t pity me, then why are you here?” You asked him the million-dollar question. Why was he here? He needed to make sure that you were okay. Why did he need to make sure you were okay? Because he cared about you deeply. Only, he thought that you would want a Mech who was tougher and more abrasive than him to match your personality.
“I’m here because I care for you, Y/N.” It was shocking to hear him say it so outright and yet it was so endearing at the same time. “I haven’t said anything until now because I thought that perhaps you would prefer someone who wasn’t like me, but now I see that you need to know someone cares. I hope it doesn’t seem to forwa-.” He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence before you all but jumped on him, pressing your dermas to his in a deep kiss. Obviously because he wasn’t expecting that, he fell backwards in surprise which left you straddling his mid-section as he held you too him. You broke apart soon after, both blushing blue uncontrollably and gasping for breath.
“I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t dreamed of you saying those words.” You confessed as Optimus snaked his arm around your mid-section as the other came up to hold your faceplate in his large servo. You smiled down at the Prime lovingly who responded in kind before lowering your head to his dermas so he could place a small kiss on your crown.
“No need to dream anymore, I am yours.”
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Neutrality (Tfp Megatron X Reader X TFP Optimus)
Request from http://comicbookcrazy.tumblr.com/ who requested ‘ Could you do an imagine where there's a very talented warrior but she's a neutral and both Optimus and Megatron have fallen for her and want her on their sides? They kidnap her her (Megatron) or meet her in battle (Optimus) and offer her to be on their side. She used to know both of them before the ear and is indecisive of what she should do.’ Thank you for your request and I hope you like it, you might see some G1 faces and names in here because I just couldn’t help myself.
“Backup is needed. I repeat, backup need-.” The Vehicon had been shouting down his comlink rapidly until you approached him and aimed a perfect blow to the side of his helm, sending him harshly into a pile of rocks inside the cave which sent him into stasis. You looked up and wiggled you digits after disposing of the decepticons who were watching the energon mine you were currently standing in the middle of. You were tall, mechs had often said you were all legs and wingspan, but were built for battle and as a trained gladiator you wore a yellow line of paint that ran through your neutrally green optics. You had attacked the Con soldiers for one purpose only, to get energon for your survival, you wanted no part in the war and only cared about yourself, what the factions decided to do was up to them. As you were placing some energon shards inside your subspace, a swirling ground bridge appeared behind you. Stealthily, you ran behind the nearest column of shards possible to avoid any further confrontation and waited patiently for the sound of pedes on the solid ground. They came not two seconds later when you counted three sets of pedes exiting the ground bridge.
“How did this happen?” An unearthly screech sounded from where the ground bridge had opened, followed by the clicking of struts on the floor which was a decidedly Seeker trait. “Was it the autobots?” The Mech screamed again as he paraded around the open cave.
“L-lord Megatron.” A chocked voice sounded next to you, once you looked down you saw that it was a Vehicon you had previously dealt with. That name though sounded too familiar, and it was so close to a name you wouldn’t forget. This new thought is what made you brazenly kick the vehicon in the faceplate from your hidden position before stepping out with your helm held high. Out of the Mechs that had greeted you, only the tyrannical gladiator in the middle was the one you recognised. You were right in your guess that one of them was a Seeker, the other one only had one optic that was beaming in to you with curiosity.
“Megatron?” You asked in an amused tone as you fully came to a stop in front of them, stretching your magnificent wings out and fixing Megatron with a sarcastic glare. “Is that the name you go by now, Megatronus?” At the use of their Master’s original name, both of his subordinates looked to him with shock. Megatron however couldn’t look away from you, all of a sudden, images of the two of you fighting together in the days before the war surfaced. He remembered the melodic sound of your laughter when you would win against a weaker Mech, the feel of your wings pressed close to him as you recharged due to the small spaces you were forced in to because you were gladiators. When the war broke out, he had tried to find you but you had seemed to disappear from the face of Cybertron itself. He didn’t expect that this would be the next time he got to lay optics on the femme that had stolen his spark. “Wow, I’ve rendered you speechless, you used to be a fun conversational companion, Megatronus.” The statement was followed by a series of ‘tuts’ from you as you currently teased the Deception leader.
“You’re looking good, Y/N.” He told you as he dragged his optics over your frame, you couldn’t help the small smug smile that appeared on your faceplate which all but stunned the other Mechs in the room. You looked over Megatron with your own judging optics, seeing how he had changed his servo since the last time you had seen him but overall, nothing had changed.
“As do you,” You replied with a wink, causing a smirk to appear on the Titan’s dermas. You turned then, looking towards the entrance you had come through before looking back to the three who were with you in the cave. “Now if you’ll excuse me Mechs, I better be leaving.” You told them, preparing to switch to your alt mode before a shot sounded and the rock just above your helm exploded into pieces. You rolled your optics in annoyance, wings drooping slightly as you turned back around to see Megatron with his cannon raised and smoking from its last use.
“I haven’t seen you in Vorns,” Megatron was getting slightly annoyed at your intention to leave after such a brief reunion. “And yet, you try to leave me.” He took a few steps closer to you, attempting to make himself bigger than you, and while he will always be taller, your unusual wingspan would also prove to be daunting. You raised you wings up in the air and spread them out in a counter to his intimidation technique.
“I do. I don’t want any part of this war, Megatronus, and I refuse to pick a side,” You told him as you took a daring step closer yourself, raising a servo so you could poke your digit into his chest plate. “Do you know how many friends I have lost because they chose between the factions?” You asked him seriously, green optics lowered into a glare as he growled at you for laying a digit on him. “Drift, Blitzwing, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Blackarachnia. Do I need to go on?” You asked him, noticing how when you mentioned the Seekers you had befriended in another galaxy who got offlined by some Autobot extremists, the Seeker present raised his head to turn to you.
“You are coming with me, Y/N.” Megatron hissed at you as he grabbed your servo in his much larger one and pulled you to him till you were flush against him chest plate. His other servo reached out to grab your faceplate so that he could force you to look up at him. “Whether you want to or not.” His command rang through you, the harshness in his tone that was a result of the war shook you to the very core. Never did you think that someone who you cared for would speak to you like that. With a hiss, you shook your helm to remove his servo before you utilised your upgraded wings to send him away from you, you did have the power to send him flying into the walls of the cave but you only pushed him back a few feet.
“I am not going anywhere with you, Megatronus.” You told him as you took a defensive stance, you might have rethought his offer if he was nice about it but you could see how much he had changed and that scared the pit out of you. “I’m the second strongest Cybertronian to ever live, I can’t allow myself to be a weapon.”
“Shockwave,” The cyclops turned towards Megatron, “Starscream,” You recognised the name of the Seeker, he was the other member of Thundercracker and Skywarp’s trine and you had heard them mention his name fondly many times. They were trying to reunite with him when they were intercepted. “Ensure she comes back with us.” They both looked to you then, taking an offensive step forward before you heard the tell-tale sign of a Ground bridge opening from behind you. You raised one wing towards the swirling vortex, ready to dismiss any Con that came out of it but you were well and truly shocked when another ghost from you past exited instead.
“Orion!” You shouted to him in shock, not expecting to see the two mechs closest to you spark in the same day after Vorns of not seeing them. The Autobot leader saw you and was completely surprised to see you in this situation. They had picked up another Cybertronian signal but he could have never bet that it would be you that he saw. He had met you one day in the gladiatorial pits while conversing with Megatron, you had literally dropped in to his life as you powerful wings had carried you through the open roof and landed you between the two mechs. You had stunned him instantly with your infectious smile and teasing behaviour which made him come up with excuses to visit Megatron more often.
“Y/N what are you doing here?” He asked you as he made his way to you, ensuring the Autobots kept an eye on the Decepticons so that there were no surprise canon fires. He held your faceplate softly, unlike Megatron had and inspected you for any injury before his optics stared in to yours with interest.
“I was getting some energon when I ran into an old friend,” You told Optimus before looking over to the absolutely seething Decepticon who watched as Optimus ran his servos over your frame, the fires of jealousy burning inside of him. “Seems it’s become a habit today.” You turned back to Optimus with a small smile before placing a servo on the autobots cheek. “It’s good to see you, Orion Pax.” That seemed to send Megatron off the deep end as he shot another round at Optimus who quickly grabbed you and pulled away from the line of fire.
“Get the femme.” Megatron spoke the simple order before Starscream and Shockwave ran towards the other Autobots, who responded in kind by running at them. As the Autobots held the attacking forces back, Optimus turned to you with pleading optics which you tried, but couldn’t ignore.
“Come back to the Autobot base with me Y/N,” He started which had you immediately shaking your head. It seemed hilarious to you that after years of not joining a team, both were vying for your favour. “You will be safe and you could be a great asset to us.” He asked you once again, taking your servos in to his but all you could do was shake your head more.
“My dear Orion,” You spoke softly as you took your servos from him, sending him a small smile as you did. “I don’t want to be an asset to anyone,” You began. “I care for you and Megatronus deeply, I can’t side with one without betraying the other and I won’t do that to either of you.” That was the real reason why you were neutral, you could not imagine a world where you hurt either Mech, Primus, it hurt you just seeing them fight after all that they had been through. “Besides, I have people who depend on me and I need to get back to them,” You smiled at him cheekily then, “So if you don’t mind keeping your old friend at bay as I make my escape, I would be eternally grateful.” Optimus looked between you and the Gladiator who was quickly dealing with his troops, he wasn’t going to push you to choose between the two of them which is why, with sad optics, he nodded to you once before charging at Megatron.
You watched as they clashed with roars of battle, your mind quickly changing to a similar scene before the war when Megatronus was showing Orion some simple defensive moves, since the librarian didn’t want to be violent. You remembered the day vividly as one of laughter and jest, both Megatronus and Orion were anything but serious when it came to their training battles which would often have you doubling over in laughter when they would wrestle like sparklings. It was so bizarre to see them now, fully intent on hurting each other when the last memory you had of both of them was on that training day, rolling around in the rust as you found it hard to watch. With that daunting thought, you transformed in to your alt mode and jetted off into the atmosphere, trying to put the events of the day behind you.
You landed on an old abandoned industrial pier, your pedes hitting the floor as you entered one of the warehouses and removed the energon that you had collected from the day on a steel table. Not seconds after doing this did two sets of engines sound from outside as two Seekers entered the warehouse and walked up to you with identical smiles on their faceplate.
“Hey! Looks like you got a good score!” The purple tinged Seeker shouted happily as he reached for one of the energon shards with a servo before you hit him away with you wings.
“Did something happen?” The blue one asked as he saw the drained look on your faceplate, he was much more courteous than his trine mates.
“You will not believe what sort of day I’ve had, Warp,” You told Skywarp as you kept Thundercracker’s hands off of the limited supplies. “TC, I swear to Primus don’t test me.” You raised your voice at the other trine member who only then noticed your deflated personality.
“Primus, what happened?” TC asked you as he patted your arms in support.
“I ran in to Megatron and Optimus and the Decepticons and the Autobots,” You reeled your lists as you placed your helm in your servos in order to ease the aching instrument. “Starscream was there.” At the mention of their last trine member they both looked to you expectantly.
“Does he think we’re-.” Skywarp began before you butted in.
“Offlined?” You asked the rhetorical question before continuing. “Yeah because I didn’t know it was him at the time, you wanted the Con’s to think you had perished but if I had known he was there I wouldn’t have-.” You rattled on, only for both trine member to come forward and engulf you in their hold, granted they were shorter than you but you still appreciated the gesture.
“Don’t worry, it was an accident.” Skywarp tried to calm you down as you thought you failed them.
“Guess we’re just gonna have to get involved,” TC chimed in with a small grin, “Or at least as involved as we can get as neutrals.” He added once Skywarp sent him a look.
“No, I think you’re right,” You told them both, no longer feeling sorry for yourself but instead thinking back to your confident gladiator days. “We could make this war a little more interesting.” You smirked to them both, silently asking them if they would join you.
“We’re in.” Both trine members said at the same which caused you to grin at them before temptation started to brew inside of you. Time for you to re-enter the fray.
Should I do a sequel to this? Thoughts everyone.
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Sweet Memories (Tfp Knockout x Reader)
This request comes from http://skyannaj.tumblr.com/ who requested ‘ Can I get a Knockout x Reader where the reader is an Autobot fem, but built more like Bee than Arcee, & her alt is a purple 65 mustang? She & Knockout fall in love after discovering they share a love of racing & pristine paint jobs (though she's not as narcissistic as he is) & he leaves the Cons & begs his way into joining the Autobots because he loves her & can't stand the idea of possibly being forced to hurt her. (extra.. Breakdown ends up joining too because Knockout's his best friend).’ Hope this is something along the lines of what you were looking for.
It wasn’t that busy of a day at the Autobot base so you spent it waxing your frame in your berth room. It was a weekly ritual of yours, after a week of fighting Con’s and looking worst for wear it was nice to pamper yourself a little. You had just finished up your waxing session when Optimus called you to the control centre, Bee had been out on a run and it seemed that your partner had a small run in with a Con. Naturally, you were the one called to get him out of his mess, it was always you to go and rescue Bee. You were matched by Bee in most ways, from the shape of your frame to the training as a scout but while he chose a bright yellow alt mode you decided a deep purple best suited your personality.
“Expect hostiles when you arrive at Bumblebee’s location.” Optimus informed you once you arrived and the coordinates were punched in for the Ground bridge.
“Sure thing, Op.” You shouted back as you ran through the now open Ground bridge. The place you were standing was covered by a rain cloud which pelted water droplets on you, it seemed to be a large farming field of sorts. Bee stood out against the grim background, he was in alt mode being chased by a red Con who was hot on his tail. Upon seeing you, Bee changed his course so he didn’t run you over but as his wheels changed direction they kicked up a large wave of mud that washed all over you, covering you from helm to pede.
“Oh god.” The worried beeps of Bee reached your audials as he transformed out of alt mode and promptly backed away from you. He seemed to have the right idea because just as he was out of reach, you lunged at him in anger with a cry of rage.
“Bee!” You screeched his name as he continued to dodge your well-placed punches and kicks, you tired yourself out before he did which is when you actually took in the damage to your once beautiful frame. “I just waxed!” You shouted at him again. Your arguing stopped the Con in his tracks, he was a little blown away that an Autobot would stop a rescue mission because of her ruined paintjob. He transformed and shot a small beam between Bee and yourself so that now your optics were focused on him.
“He all but wrecked my paintjob as well!” Knockout shouted to the two of you making you look over him with a critical optic. The Cherry red Mech had indeed suffered some damage to his chest plate in the form of punch scrapes and burn marks but overall your damage was all over while his was concentrated, you deduced that yours was worse. It was different for a Mech to take such pride in his frame, it was a nice change to the Mechs that you worked with. Primus knows how much Wheeljack would look presentable if he let you give him a paint job.
“He sadly has no respect for things of beauty,” You informed Knockout as Bee stood defensively, you on the other hand was trying to remove as much grime as possible to at least look decent in front of the handsome Mech. “Like yourself.” You smirked as you said the last part, pretending to look over your digits before your optics flickered up to him in a teasing manner. Knockout looked at you quizzically before his intake rose in to a sly smile as he watched you nonchalantly brush some mud from one of your curved legs.
“It takes one to know one, Sweetspark,” He flirted with you, thinking that if you were going to start it then he can very well finish it. “Speaking of, how is it we’ve never met? Did the Autobots try to hide such a delectable specimen as yourself?” You let out a mixture of a chuckle and a scoff at his slick words, the Mech certainly knew how to sweet talk a Femme, that was for sure.
“I’ve been working in the background this whole time, probably because they were worried about what would happen if we did meet.” You explained, much to Bee’s annoyance who beeped irritably at you. In response, you flicked some of the mud from your servo at him. Knockout raised an optic ridge at your answer before grinning at you, a menacing yet enchanting action.
“Oh, what do they expect to happen, were we to meet?” He asked you in an innocent tone but you knew that there were probably thousands of scenarios running through his helm, like they were also running through yours. You opened your intake to reply but was cut off when Bee sent out a electric pulse towards Knockout, putting the Mech in to temporary stasis as he hit the mucky ground.
“Now that you’ve stopped making googly optics at the enemy, mind if we get back to base? I think you need an oil shower.” Bee communicated in an annoyed tone before you smiled sheepishly at him. You glanced one last time at the Con before you walked through the Ground Bridge, hoping that it wouldn’t be the last time you met.
After the fiasco, today with the Con and the muddy situation, you decided to go out and race. Like the pampering sessions, it was a nice way to relax after a strenuous day especially a day like this were you spent a good two hours making sure you were fully rid of the mud you were previously covered in.
“Well aren’t you the most beautiful 65 Mustang I ever laid optics on.” You were barely in the starting line-up for 5 seconds when Knockout’s voice sounded over your Comms and the Red Aston Martin himself pulled up next to you. “You look a lot better than you did earlier.”
“Yeah, I was in the oil shower for hours making sure I was presentable for the race,” You said as your optics scanned his frame, seeing that it now gleamed instead of being marred by scratches and burns. “You clean up nice.” You spoke appreciatively, earning a rev from Knockout’s engines.
“I don’t think we’ve been introduced yet, Sweetspark. I’m Knockout, Decepticon Medic.” He introduced himself, a small buzz of static was passed to you from his frame which jolted you slightly. You also noticed how his electro-field was changing in an attempt to interact with yours, according to Ratchet it was the Earth equivalent to pheromones released when trying to find a mate. It sent a shudder down your spinal strut to think he was already looking at you as a potential mate, while it was true Cybertronians usually knew who their Conjunx Endura was within the first few interaction, it was strange to think it was happening to you. But you would play hard to get for, it was in your nature.
“Y/N, Autobot spy.” You replied, not sending out any sort of electro-field but sending your own version of static his way.
“Oh, you are a little tease.” He purred through the Comms as the human running the race came to stand in front of the line-up of cars. You smirked to yourself at his words, watching as the human lifted up a piece of fabric. As they were about to bring the fabric down, you sent out a wave of electro-field which distracted Knockout so you and the other cars could speed off to the finish line.
“A little tease that’s going to win.” You chuckled happily as you watched Knockout finally start the race, trying his hardest to catch up to the other competitors and, more importantly, you as you lead the way in first place.
“You’re on.” He spoke in an almost threat but you could tell he was excited at the prospect of the chase. That night, you finished in first place barley an inch ahead of Knockout who had managed to catch up to you. You lead Knockout to one of your favourite site’s, a cliff overlooking the ocean, and you spoke of the Autobots and Decepticons, the war you were both stuck in and the wonders of the human planet. You hadn’t even realised you had fallen into recharge until you woke up to find a soundly recharging Knockout lying next to you.
About two months after the race, spending most nights in each other’s company without the knowledge of the factions, Knockout sent out a message to the Autobot base asking for a meeting with the Autobot ranks. You begged to go along with the others, not letting slip about you and Knockout, and after much deliberation Optimus agreed to you tagging along. Once all of the Autobots walked out of the Ground Bridge, you found yourself in a forest clearing surrounded by huge sycamore trees. In the centre of the clearing was Knockout, his arms raised to show he came in peace but that didn’t stop the Autobots from aiming their weapons at him.
“You wished to speak.” Optimus boomed out, staying diplomatic about the situation. You were being shielded by Bumblebee but you couldn’t help your spark pulsing wildly at the look of Knockout so vulnerable to the Autobots.
“I humbly request to join the Autobots.” Knockout spoke slowly and simply, making sure that he got his message well and truly across. You felt your spark drop in your chest plate at what he said, your optics growing wide at the notion he was actually willing to join the Autobots.
“You must be joking,” Wheeljack scoffed from next to you, guns out and focused on Knockout’s helm. “What a load of slag!” The Wrecker yelled out, you turned to him and shushed him non-to silently before motioning to Optimus who seemed like he wanted to speak.
“Why the change of factions?” Optimus asked Knockout once you quieted Wheeljack who was currently glaring holes into your helm. You kept your optics on Knockout, watching how his own red optics switched from Optimus to you momentarily.
“I first and foremost signed up to be a medic, my reasoning for siding with the Decepticons was because I abhorred the idea of caste’s. I fought for that ideal but now it has been blown out of proportion. Megatron now fights for power and to satisfy his hunger for causing pain and damage wherever he goes, and I don’t believe in that.” Knockout informed the autobots who seemed to actually take in to account what he was saying. Knockout had told you of how he was becoming conflicted with the Decepticon regime, you had suggested he join the Autobots in jest and he even laughed at the idea. Yet here he was, requesting to join.
“I’m afraid we can’t allow you to join, Knockout. You say you have changed but we have no proof.” Optimus spoke with authority, his answer surprised you in all honesty, you thought he would have at least gave Knockout a chance.
“Wait, what?” You asked, stepping out from behind Bumblebee so that you were now standing between the Autobots and the lone Decepticon. “How is that a reason for refusing him?” You asked Optimus who looked a bit startled that you put yourself in this situation. Bee looked like he was about to have a spark attack and tried to urge you to come back into the ranks.
“Y/N, you don’t have to do this.” Knockout told you, sending out soothing electro-waves to try and calm you down. It was risky for him to do this, no doubt the Autobots were aware of the waves which is why they turned to the both of you in questioning.
“No Knockout, there is no reason to refuse you,” You told him as you turned your helm towards him before turning back to face the giant that was Optimus Prime. “What about Drift? You allowed him to join once he swore loyalty, in fact I remember you being eager to say yes to him. So why are you hesitant now?” You asked Optimus, betrayal lacing your voice at the fact he was trying to turn away the Mech you had fallen in love with.
“Drift revoked his guns, and he showed his change. I’ve got no evidence that Knockout has changed for the better.” Optimus tried to explain his reasoning but you were having none of it.
“I have spent every night for the past two months with Knockout, there have been times when he has been called to fight you but do you know what he did? He ignored his orders in favour of staying with me. He is giving up the Decepticons because he has found a better life with me!” You raised your voice in plead, trying so hard to get Optimus to see what you saw. What you said struck a nerve amongst the Autobots who one-by-one started to lower their guns, instead opting to look at you with understanding. A few moments passed before Optimus smiled softly toward you, turning his gun back in to his servo before looking over your head to Knockout.
“I trust Y/N’s word, it seems you have changed for the better,” Optimus began before looking back to you. “I’m glad you have found happiness, old friend. Now bring you happiness back to base with you.” Optimus turned around to call for a Ground Bridge which caused a sigh of relief to escape from you, you then turned to Knockout and ran to the Mech who promptly scooped you up into his arms and held you to him. You never wanted to be separate from him again.
“What are you doing awake?” The sleepy voice of your Conjunx Endura crept into your audials as he held you closer to him. You had been kept awake by memories of your past, mainly concerning the milestones in yours and Knockout’s relationship. A smile spread across your faceplate as you turned to face your red eyed love. Knockout’s vanity kept him from changing his optic colour to blue like yours and the rest of the autobots, he liked to keep his appearance uniform and impeccable.
“I could ask you the same question.” You replied cheekily to which the mech placed his derma to yours in a soft kiss.
“I have to go and help Ratchet in the Med lab, apparently Wheeljack has been trying to get his hands on some surgery tools.” Knockout explained, you laughed at the reason he was awake. You could imagine the Comm that he had got from the older medic. You nuzzled into his chest plate for a few seconds before three loud knocks sounded on the door to yours and Knockout’s berthroom, the door slid open to reveal Breakdown who beamed at the two of you while a certain red and purple sparkling hung from his arm.
“This one woke me up again.” Breakdown grumbled in fake annoyance at the antics of your sparkling. You sat up in the berth while Knockout remained laying and opened your arms out to the sparkling who immediately jumped to you.
“That’s because you are her beloved Uncle,” Knockout mumbled before smirking at his best friend. “Plus, I told her to.” He admitted as the little femme began giggling at the faces you were making.
“Mumma, Wheeljack promised to take me flying in the Jack Hammer today,” Your sparkling spoke excitedly before sitting down with a thought struck face. “He said he needed to repair it first though.” You laughed joyfully at your little one, she had been spoilt ever since she was a protoform and had been heavily protected by the Autobot forces.
“That’s why he’s trying to get the tools.” Knockout spoke in a tired manner, trying to slip back in to recharge however his medical assistant wouldn’t allow that.
“Come on Doc, you’ve been called.” Breakdown coaxed Knockout making the red mech groan in annoyance before he gave up and got out of bed, following Breakdown out of the room but not before giving you and your sparkling a kiss on the helm. Once they were gone, your little one turned to you with sparkling optics.
“I haven’t told anyone, Mumma,” She spoke quietly before placing a hand over your spark were not one, but two sparks were pulsing. “About my little brother or sister.” She said as she pressed her helm that looked a lot like Knockout’s against your chest plate.
“Good femme, it’s a surprise for Daddy.” In reality it wasn’t a surprise but you wanted to see the look on Knockout’s face when he realised you were once again carrying his sparkling.
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Weak or Strong (Tfp Predaking x Reader)
Requested by http://rockstarlandis.tumblr.com/ . I hope this is something that you like and i hope i did your idea justice.
As you exited the Ground Bridge Soundwave had prepared for you, lugging a Cybertronian fossil behind you, you were greeted with the sight of Megatron and the newest Mech to join the Decepticon force, Predaking. They watched you as you hauled what appeared to be a rib piece through the portal and slung it at the feet of your boss.
“Excellent, Y/N. I trust there were no complications.” Megatron praised you as Shockwave came to stand above you, inspecting the fossil for any damage that might render it useless. You smiled up to the Gladiator as you moved some strands of hair from your face, not realising that your recent battle scars were displayed until Predaking’s optics stayed trained to your hand.
“Nothing that I couldn’t handle.” Your voice was strong and sure but the Predacon could see past your false hoods. Frankly his gaze was unnerving but you knew if he saw one injury he would surely be looking for more. You hated looking weak in front of the Cons anyway but looking weak in front of Predaking was something you never wanted to endure. After all the word King was in his title and he was stronger and more intimidating than his Decepticon counter parts.
“Very well, you are dismissed for the day.” Megatron dismissed you with a wave of his large servo and you wasted no time in running to your human sized bedroom and retrieving a haphazard first aid kit which is what you had been using since you joined the cons. You refused to visit Knockout with your injuries, as that would only show weakness and in this world of titans and beasts, there was no room for weakness.
Once your kit bag was slung over your shoulder, you silently walked the halls of the Nemesis until you come to the flight deck. Opening the door to the outside sent a wave of cool relaxing air into your face, it almost made you forget about your split knuckles and bruising. Almost. You took your seat at the edge of the flight deck, in the shadows enough to not be spotted but able to see what was going on. You removed the bag from your shoulder and began removing the equipment within which included medical alcohol, cotton, a needle, plasters and some cream for aching joints and muscle damage. Staring down at your knuckles allowed a memory of how they got like that to float into your mind.
You had retrieved the fossil and was exiting the museum when you were cornered by the Autobot scouts so immediately you began to attack. You possessed body modification which heightened your strength and speed however you were still not as powerful as the Autobots and your soft flesh was prone to tearing on the harsh metal of their frames. You had gotten a few good punches in though, they mainly aimed towards your stomach whereas you managed to rupture a wire in Arcee’s helm making energon leak out of her mouth. They gave in when you held Arcee at gun point, deciding it was best to let you win this one. You had finished the fight with both sets of knuckles cracked and peeling, a few ribs badly bruised and a dislocated finger.
“Today has been just great.” You spoke sarcastically as you grabbed your dislocated finger and popped it into place with a small hiss. After that you unscrewed the medical alcohol and carefully held it over one of your hands before pouring a bit on, that hurt quite a bit more than your finger did which is why you swore out loud.
“Is it common for Humans to use the name of their deities when they curse?” Predaking had been watching you after he silently entered the flight deck, he hadn’t meant to speak at all but he was curious. The shock of hearing Predaking made you drop the bottle of alcohol which smashed upon impact of the metal ship.
“Thanks, what am I going to do now?” You asked the Predacon as you glared at him, gesturing to the glass you were sitting next to.
“My apologies, I was just ensuring that you were well,” Predaking began as he looked at you again with a critical eye, he wasn’t just looking at you, it was as if he was seeing right through to your soul. “Are you well, Y/N?”
“I’m perfectly fine, why wouldn’t I be?” You weren’t paying attention to him, instead you were scooping up your supplies into your bag so you could get out of this situation as soon as possible.
“Your behaviour is growing increasingly worrying,” Predaking began to explain as he walked towards you. “You aren’t eating like you usually would or recharging as normal. I found you asleep at a bizarre hour the other day in the training arena, I can only guess that you had worked your body into stasis.” At the last statement, you turned towards the large Cybertronian with a raised eyebrow.
“You were the one that put me to bed?” You were shocked to hear that it was Predaking to help you, you had thought it would have been on Megatron’s orders because you were disrupting training.
“Yes, the mass displacement was quite difficult to be honest-.”
“Predaking!” You shouted to stop him rambling. The Predacon looked down at you with his intake still slightly finished as if he hadn’t stopped speaking. “I don’t need you to take care of me, okay?” You smiled in a sickly-sweet manner before turning towards the door and walking towards it. Predaking didn’t seem satisfied by your reply though, so with a grimace on his face he easily plucked you from the ground and held you between his thumb and index digits.
“That may be so but I am not allowing you to leave until you explain to me why you are not looking after yourself properly.” He was adamant he was going to get some answers from you, whether you liked it or not.
“King, just please let me go.” You pleaded first, trying to guilt him into letting you flee to the safety of your bedroom.
“Please cooperate, I am only doing this because I care about your well-being.” Predaking tried to soothe your frantic kicking and hitting by talking calmly but it had almost the opposite effect when you continued your outburst.
“Why do you care!” You screamed out pathetically, eyes tearing up not just because of this but because of the stress your body had been going through the past couple of days. “You are a King amongst mortals, a strong and kind being who can eradicate his enemies as you please. I am weak and human, nothing but a stain under you pede, today I couldn’t even defeat the weakest Autobot. No matter how much I train, no matter how much I try, I am still weak.” You told him your woes before you could stop yourself. They came out like the water escaping a burst damn, quick and unforgiving.
“You think you are weak?” Predaking asked, seeming to not understand what you had told him. One of his eyebrow ridges were raised in questioning.
“I know I am weak.” You scoffed in response, tears escaping your eyes. Before you could wipe them away, Predaking raised one digit so it softly rested against your cheek as he wiped away your tears.
“My Dear Y/N,” He began with a soft smile as he lifted you closer to his faceplate. “You are one of the strongest aboard this ship.”
“Oh yeah? How?” You replied in sullen disbelief.
“Before the others knew I was sentient, you stood up to Starscream for his maltreatment of me,” As he spoke you recalled the day you had kicked the legs from under the Seeker before hitting him across the faceplate because of the constant prods he would give Predaking. “And when my Kin were destroyed, the others did not come to aid in my revenge, only you. I remember the fear in the Autobots optics as they saw you at my side, ready to fight with me.”
“It was the right thing to do.” You mumbled out.
“It was a strong thing that only a strong woman would be able to do.” He got you there, the stream of tears that fell from your eyes were unable to be held back. Once again, Predaking placed his digit there to catch your tears but you wouldn’t let him. Instead you held his digit to you, not wanting to let it go. This was the most weakness you had shown to him, it was unusual for you to do this so you needed as much comfort as possible. You felt yourself grow tired, a yawn escaping your mouth as you wrapped yourself around Predaking’s servo. “How long has it been since your last recharge?”
“About 36 hours.” You replied sleepily, your eyes already drifting closed as you felt yourself being lifted until you found yourself lying on a warm almost soft surface. You would later find out that you slept in the crook of Predaking’s neck for 10 hours straight.
“Don’t worry Sweetspark, just rest.” With those soothing words, you closed your eyes firmly and drifted to sleep.
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Life worth saving (Tfp Optimus Prime x Reader)
Requested by http://autobotlovermydnight15.tumblr.com/ . I wasn’t sure if you wanted a Bot or Human reader so I went with Bot but if you want a Human reader just send me a message and I’ll get too it :).
It was shocking to see you chained up in his prison abroad the Harbinger. Megatron had been trying to capture or offline you for vorns yet here you were now, seemingly captured by his Second in Command and medic and hanging from the ceiling by chains. You towered over Knockout and Starscream in height and strength so it was impossible to imagine that the two would be able to capture you. As he walked into the prison, his eyes scanning to your smooth faceplate to see it marred with energon he couldn’t help that he was gaining an advantage of the Autobots. First, Optimus had lost his memory and become his servant and now he had you in his claws.
“Well, what do we have here?” Megatron smirked as he approached your restrained form. Your arm plating was starting to ache at the askew angle they were being held. The metal wrapped around you wasn’t the most comfortable thing you had ever had pressed to your body but right now you were part of a plan. At the sound of the titan, you raised your helm to look him in his optics. Your cool blue met his fiery red with an amused look. “I honestly didn’t think I would have you in my grasp yet.”
“It would seem I didn’t get a warm welcome.” You sneered back, optics flickering to Starscream and Knockout who stood to the side of the room. When Starscream noticed the attention, he stepped forward with a flurry of his arm and a flutter of his wings, his pedes making an irritable clang on the floor every time he took a step closer to you.
“She was actually quite easy to capture Master,” Starscream boasted as he came to a halt in front of you, barely coming up to your helm. The Seeker sneered towards his Master before looking back towards you with a smug look. “We found her crying over her amnesiac Leader.” As soon as the words left his intake, you let out a guttural scream. Your legs rose and wrapped around his throat tightly, applying quite a bit of pressure to his wings as you began to squeeze tighter.
“Say that again, Seeker!” You screamed as the silver and red mech began to gasp, he was more worried for his wings then anything but he knew with the sheer strength of your legs that you could decapitate him with enough pressure. “I dare you to sign your sentence.” You whispered in to his audials so only he could hear.
“M-master,” He choked out. “Help me.” You might have felt sorry at the sight of Starscream begging for his life if he wasn’t a fragger. Even then, he had insulted Optimus and there was never a bad word to say about him when you were around. You would defend your leader to the death and follow his order without question, so joking about his condition flicked a switch. Megatron looked from his Second to the snarling Autobot who held him captive, it was laughable seeing as Starscream apprehended you and now he was the one being detained.
“Y/N.” Megatron caught your attention as his servo changed into his cannon, he pointed it straight for your helm which you unfortunately couldn’t hide behind Starscream because of your height. “Let go of that pitiful being.” Regrettably you couldn’t argue, first your left leg came down followed by your right leg. As soon as Starscream was released he turned on you with his rocket launcher placed above your spark chamber.
“I should blow you to smithereens!” He screeched at you, honestly the pitch range of his voice made you wince sometimes. With a roll of your optics, you quickly brought your helm down and connected it with the Seekers own helm. Starscream crumpled to the floor with energon leaking from a wound you had caused.
“Point that toy at me again and you’ll answer for it.” You told him simply, rolling your shoulder pads to try and prevent them from the numbing pain that was slowly settling there.
“You will join us or be offlined.” Megatron boomed once Knockout had gathered Starscream away from you. The former gladiator was in front of you now and once he realised you were ignoring him, he roughly grabbed your faceplate with his sharp digits to force you to face him. “Do you understand the severity of your situation?” You stared at him then, anger in your optics which dissipated into amusement as you began to laugh. This was a strange reaction that Megatron hadn’t seen before which is the reason why he looked to Knockout for advice.
“I’m sorry,” You began, “I just think it’s ironic.”
“What’s ironic?”
“You once told Optimus I shouldn’t be in the field because I was a distraction,” You informed the Gladiator of something he had said during your last battle with him. Optimus had become entranced with your fighting style, it’s something that happened regularly but it was never much of a problem, until that fight when Megatron got the upper hand. “You laughed at the way he looked at me and how easy it was for him to become preoccupied. How funny is it that now you are the one being distracted by me?” A full smile bloomed on your intake, rejoicing in the confusion that swam all over Megatron’s face plate.
“What?” Was the only word that came out Megatron.
“I meant to get captured, it gave the others time.” Megatron suddenly wrapped a servo around your throat, applying all his strength in to that single body part.
“Time to do what?” He spat as he saw your faceplate slowly turning blue as the energon rushed to your cheeks. You opened your mouth to reply but was silenced when a blaster shot hit through the metal doors sending them flying across the room. Megatron let go of you and stood in anger as he saw Optimus, mask up and optics narrowed at him. You were in charge of distracting Megatron whilst Arcee and Jack snuck abroad the ship and restored Optimus’ memory, it seemed that the plan had worked effectively.
“Megatron, step away from Y/N now!” Optimus shouted as he stormed the room and tacked Megatron to the floor. Arcee ran over to you, dodging the blasts from Starscream and Knockout before cutting the chains that were wrapped around your servos and handing you your whip. After a small breather and a crack of your whip, you turned to face Starscream. He tried to run away from you, try being the word, but was stopped when you sent out the whip which wrapped around his midsection. He was in front of you with a single tug, kneeling on the floor before you connected your leg with his helm and sent him flying into the wall.
“Next time you hold me hostage how about you don’t anger me.” You advised him. Optimus jumped away from Megatron as a ground bridge opened, allowing the three of you to retreat back to base after a triumphant day.
“I’m going to go to recharge as well.” Ratchet announced about an earth hour after Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee had decided to call it a night. The medic had stayed up in order to ensure that Optimus was fine after his encounter. “Are you sure you don’t want me to look at that?” Ratchet asked as he walked past you, his digit gesturing to the small cut Starscream had given you when he captured you.
“I told you I’m fine,” You insisted with a small smile as you looked down to the older medic. “We both know Starscream is a bad puncher.” You joked causing Ratchet to let out a chuckle before he agreed to leave you be and head to his suite. It was just you and Optimus now. Optimus hadn’t stepped away from the computer system since he got back to base, he was adamant to break the code before Soundwave could but you could tell he was tired.
“Optimus,” You called to him softly, “You need to go and recharge, you’re no good to anyone if you work yourself into stasis lock.” You spoke quietly, you didn’t want it to come across like you were telling Optimus what to do but you were worried for his health should he continue at the pace he was going.
“I am fine, Y/N,” He told you without looking away from the monitors. “If anything, it is you who should recharge after your ordeal today.” He spoke the last part lowly and in a sad tone which made you curious, you moved from you space leaning on the wall until you come to the side of him.
“My ordeal?” You asked him, watching as his optics remained focused on the monitors as if he were afraid to even look at you.
“You shouldn’t have been put in a situation that endangered your life,” He began, his digits moved rapidly over the keyboard, hitting the buttons harder as he continued. “You put yourself in harm’s way, risked your own life, on a mission that could have ended in disaster. My life is not worth yours.” He spoke in finality, moving away from you to look at another monitor so his back was now facing you.
“Optimus,” You said, gaining no reply. “Optimus!” You spoke louder only for him to continue ignoring you. As a last resort, you balled your servo into a fist and punched into the workstation, not in a way to break it but certainly enough to stop Optimus from working and to look at you. “Your life is worth everything. If we were put in that situation again and there was a small chance that you could be saved I would sacrifice myself every time.” Optimus opened his mouth to argue but you stopped him by pointing a warning digit his way. “You are needed here, more than anyone. If the Autobots lost you, we would be left not knowing what to do.” You took a gulp in preparation for what you were about to say. “If I lost you, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. You mean much more to me than you know Optimus Prime and, by the pits, if I can save you even by putting myself in danger, it will be worth it…You’ll be worth it.” The intense gaze that Optimus was fixing you with became unbearable after a minute or so, you couldn’t help but turn around.
“Is that how you feel?” Optimus asked just as you were about to take a step away from him, you held your ground and didn’t reply until you heard him walking up to you. You felt him come to a stand behind you. “How you truly feel?” You nodded your helm, yes, at his question. His servo landed on your faceplate softly, turning you towards him and lightly tilting your helm up so that you could stare in to his optics. “Then you know why I don’t want you in danger,” A look of confusion crossed your features as he spoke, not fully comprehending what he was saying, “I feel the same way towards you and when I saw you today, with Megatron so close to you and holding you like that, I realised that you can’t be put in danger anymore.”
“You can’t stop me from going on missions Optimus,” You told him sternly, which caused his optics to harden slightly due to your stubbornness. “You’re just going to have to join me on them to make sure I don’t get into any trouble.” You smirked as you finished your sentence before leaning up higher to place a small kiss on his intake. You turned around after kissing them, maybe you were trying to tease him, you’d never actually tell him that. You were halted in your tracks as you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your tall frame, the next thing you knew, Optimus was smashing his intake to yours in a passionate kiss.
“Booyah!” The strange shout caused both you and Optimus to look to the corridor it had originated from, shock washed over you as you saw all your Autobot comrades looking back at you with grins as wide as possible. It appeared to be Ratchet who had shouted and given away there hiding spot as he strutted in front of them and began to boast. “I told you something was going down! Another win for science!” He yelled in the faceplates of the autobots energetically, not noticing how Optimus had to restrain you from walking over and hitting his only medical officer over the helm.
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Soundwave finds a Minibot and makes them his new cassette (SCENARIO)
Scenario requested by http://theverysarcasticpotato.tumblr.com/ many thanks for sending this in, it was fun to write.
Repair and fix, repair and fix. That was your daily life as you pottered around the abandoned scrap yard on Earth. You had escaped during the war, as a Minibot without a friend so you decided to preoccupy yourself with fixing the machines your ship had landed amongst. Your helm didn’t even come to the top of most of the automobiles you worked on which made your plan of fixing them up difficult but you still powered through.
You had just been awoken by the loud sound of crashes outside of the truck you were currently recharging in. In your panicked state, you didn’t even think twice about opening the truck doors. Your optics widened at the sight that you were faced with however. You could see Autobots fighting Decepticons in your little peaceful home, they were trashing everything that you had worked so hard to create by simply standing on the cars. You watched in horror as one of the Con seekers landed a blow on one of the Autobots, who you remembered as Jazz, sending the mech to the ground where he landed on your most recent project.
“Hey!” You shouted angrily despite your meagre size. You jumped down from the back of the truck, your pedes hitting the dirt roughly as you stomped towards the battle. Jazz was the first to notice you, his optics widening slightly at he remembered you from Cybertron. You were a very helpful Minibot back when you worked amongst the greatest, he remembered hearing the news of your ship being attacked and that there were no survivors. It seemed their information was wrong.
“Chérie?” Jazz asked slowly as you were now in front of his fallen form. He didn’t expect you to begin kicking in to his side, not in a way to severely harm him but more in an annoyed way.
“Up, get off of my things!” You yelled at him angrily which is all the mech needed to hear before he scrambled back to a standing position. You inspected the wrecked frames of the cars he had landed on, mumbling incoherently at the way they were now unable to be repaired.
“Y/N?” Optimus Prime had seen your interaction with his comrade and had managed to step away of the fighting so that he could speak to you. You didn’t respond to the Prime, keeping focused on the pieces that you could salvage from the broken cars. “You need to come back to base.” Optimus commanded when you didn’t reply.
“I think I’m going to stay here,” You spoke then, your small servos holding as many pieces of scrap metal as they could. A blaster shot was heard, the blast heading toward you but your only reaction was to calmly side step the ball of energy so that it exploded just behind you. “I have a purpose here.” You added before walking back to the truck, uncaring of the battle field you were walking across.
“Y/N you need to come right now, at least let Ratchet take a look at you.” Jazz attempted to convince you as you dropped the metal pieces on to a pile of other metal pieces.
“No thanks, I’m okay.” You shouted over to the much taller Bot who was now looking at you in shock. Optimus watched his brothers in arms falling victim to the Decepticon attacks and regrettably decided that they had enough for that day.
“So be it,” Optimus spoke to you before letting out an almighty shout. “Autobots, fall back!” It didn’t take long for the Autobots to vacate the area which now only left the Decepticons in the scrap yard. You attempted to pay them no mind, hoping that they would leave eventually, but when you heard high pitched laughter and loud thuds you had to intervene. You turned you helm towards the noise to see two Minicons in the bed of a truck, jumping up and down while hitting the vehicle heavily.
You angrily let out a growl before picking up a large metal rod, storming over to the two Cons. Upon seeing you they stopped what they were doing to inspect you fully, both looked at each other before looking back to you with a wicked grin.
“Hey ar-.” The blue one began before you smacked his helm with the other end of the metal rod, sending him to the floor outside of the truck. The red one opened his intake to say something but you pulled back the rod and hit him on his chest plate, sending him flying out of the truck.
“Stay away from my stuff.” You warned the two with a glare. The blue one was currently rubbing away the energon that had leaked from his intake, his red optics turned to you with a heated look.
“You Glitch!” He shouted at you childishly. With a raise of your brow ridge, you began to approach him again. The metal rod was twirling menacingly in your servos which sent Rumble into a panic. “Soundwave!” The screech erupted from him as you were almost on top of him, you raised the metal rod above your helm to bring down on top of him, only for it to be lifted further into the air. You looked around to see that the metal rod was being lifted by a large blue and silver mech who had his faceplate covered by a mask. You found it hard to fight back in your position, if you jumped from the height he was lifting you to, there was a chance you could be injured in the fall. Soundwave placed you on his open servo before he studied your small frame.
“You- Minibot.” His voice, more robotic than any of the Autobots you heard, stated. You nodded your helm, yes, trying not to feel any fear despite the situation you were in. “Designation?”
“Y/N.” You spoke quickly, suddenly feeling intimidated by the Decepticon. The other Decepticons slowly started to gather around you, some were the same size as you while most where the same size as the mech who held you. You presumed that this was Soundwave, given the blue Minicon’s yell for help.
“Y/N alone.” Soundwave spoke, causing you to look up at him in shock before looking down at his servo.
“The Bots thought I was dead and didn’t bother searching for me,” You explained the hard truth of your situation, a sad smile gracing your faceplate. “I guess I wasn’t needed by them enough to warrant a search mission.” It was true that when you crashed you had held out hope that the Bot’s would come to find you, you even counted the number of Earth days. Soon those days, turned to weeks and weeks turned to months until you saw them again today.
“Function.” Soundwave said, seemingly not affected by your small story.
“Repair and fix.” You answered. It was the only thing you were excellent at doing, you were a good fighter when it was called for but you much preferred working behind the scenes.
“Soundwave, has need of you.” Soundwave replied, making your helm shoot up to look at him and then to the other Decepticons that surrounded him. It seemed as though they daren’t argue with Soundwave but you weren’t sure whether it was out of agreement or fear.
Your processor began to work overtime. This was an offer to join the Decepticons! They had been the sworn enemy of the Autobots since the start of the war and yet here you were, in the servos of a Con opposed to on the shoulder plating of a Bot. The Bots hadn’t bothered to even try to look for you, they had all but abandoned you when your ship was attacked. You bet if it was Bumblebee on the ship then they wouldn’t have stopped searching for their yellow companion, you however were expendable because you weren’t needed. Now, it seemed that you were needed by the Cons and while you didn’t trust them, you knew they wouldn’t get rid of you because you were useful to them.
“Then count me in.” You told him, flashing Soundwave a smile as two yells erupted from below you. You looked down to see the two Minicons that you had attacked before, beaming up at you with cheeky grins.
“We’ve got a little sister, Frenzy!” Rumble yelled at the red one who you assumed was Frenzy.
“Won’t this be exciting, Rumble!” Frenzy shouted back making you chuckle slightly. You hoped that finally you had found somewhere were you belonged.
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transformerimagines · 7 years
The truest love (Tfp Megatron x reader)
It was absolute murder outside. As you stood at the window of the highest level in the medic building you could feel the heat emitted from the war outside. It had only been a day or two since the war erupted but already the Decepticons had made a dent in the Autobot forces, that's why you were here now. Your Brother, the leader of the Autobots, had given you the order of getting the femmes and sparklings to safety and now that they were safely locked behind metal doors you stood outside on guard. Ready to attack anyone with the opposing faction’s symbol. Suddenly a barrage of bullets pelted through the open window, making you quickly tuck and roll away from the opening. Once recovered you stood fully, facing the opponent only to feel your spark stop when you realised that it was the Con Leader that was now standing on the window sill.
You couldn't help the sigh that came out of your mouth when you saw the gladiator’s figure blocking out the light of the sun. His red optics that were once so familiar bored into you, a snarl placed on his lips once he realised what Orion had ordered you to do.
“This is not your fight, Y/N.” He spoke lowly, jumping down from the window so he was only a few feet in front of you. How you used to enjoy his company, it was hard to stand against him now but you knew you couldn't turn your back against Orion.
“Megatronus please,” It felt foreign for you to beg him. It's nothing you ever thought you would be doing, especially with how close Orion and Megatronus had become recently. You couldn't avoid being around the gladiator but you weren't going to complain. “You don't have to do this.”
“That's were you are wrong!” His shout sent you backing up against the doors where the femmes and sparklings were. No doubt they had heard you but they didn't dare to make even a single peep. You weren't a fighter, you doubted that you could even be more than a punch bag for Megatronus but you were going to try. “Your brother betrayed me!”
“He betrayed both of us!” You screamed back, a horrible high pitched screech but it didn't even make him flinch. After a beat of regaining your composure you looked up at him. “Or are you forgetting I was on your side?” You asked, hurt that he would group you with Orion’s decision to fight back. The gladiators deserved the same treatment as the higher caste members so you weren’t surprised when the uprising happened.
Megatronus glared at your outburst, until he saw the energon pooling at the corner of your blue optics. He wasn't the only one who had got hurt when the war began. He didn't just lose Orion, he had lost you as well…Or maybe not.
“You were on my side before,” He began softly, walking up to you. You could only stare as he approached. “Remain at my side now.” You weren't sure whether it was a command or offer but you knew no matter what you couldn't agree. Gulping, you raised your servo to caress the faceplate of the silver Decepticon, watching as he leaned in to your touch and clasped his own servo around yours.
“I'm sorry,” You finally whimpered out, tears now spilling down your faceplate at the betrayed look on his face. It was like he couldn't believe the words that were coming out of your intake. How could you refuse him? “You know I could never care for someone the way I care for you, but I need to stay with my Brother.” That was the last straw for Megatronus who ripped your servo from his person and took five long steps backwards. Once he was a fair distance, he pointed his canon at you in a threatening manner. It was at the moment you saw the rage in his optics, you suddenly felt as if you were in fighting ring as his opponent and that was a daunting thought.
“Then so be it.” After he spoke his last word he shot at you three times, pain registering through your chest plate when you fell to the ground. Vision turning black as energon leaked from your body, the last thing you saw were those eyes. The red eyes of the mech you loved.
“Wait, I thought this was the story of the mech you loved?” Miko sat impatiently on the sofa as you finished your recollection. Mind still in the past, it took Milo waving her hands until you realised she had even spoken.
“It doesn't sound very loving.” Jack commented along with Miko. You smiled down at the three human children. You were explaining how ‘marriage’ worked on Cybertron when they had asked whether you had someone you felt that way about. You looked down at your chest, three singed scars placed at the left side of your spark, marring your otherwise spectacular form.
“Well if he didn't love me, he would have killed me,” You mused in a dream state before turning back to the kids with a small smile. “Don't you think?” Your question left them dumbfounded for a moment. Their mouth hanging open at the conclusion you drew from being shot at, to them it obviously didn’t make sense
“Who is this guy?” Bulkhead asked from behind you in an amused tone, you hadn't realised you had acquired an audience when you told your tale. A smirk slowly crept over your faceplate before you looked over your shoulder at the grouping of Autobots.
“Wouldn't you like to know,” You teased them, feeling amused at the way Orion gave you a knowing smile over the top of everybody's head. “Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and send more beacons. We need more troops.” You instantly transformed and drove out of the base so that you wouldn't have to answer any awkward situations.
You sat patiently on the cliff edge, your legs hanging over the edge as the device to your side sent out messages of the Autobot cause to the far reaches of space. Whilst your eyes were trained on the far off stars, you ears were fine tuned to the sound of a ground bridge opening behind you before loud pedes made their way to you. A grin graced your intake as the sound came closer and closer.
“I knew you would show,” You spoke to the approaching figure, one leg folding up to your chest plate as you continued speaking. “I had an in-depth discussion about the day of my injury today, how long do you think it been since that happened?” You asked as you felt the figure sit behind you, scooping you into their arms and turning you around so that you were face-to-face with the Gladiator while straddling his harsh hips.
“Not long enough for me to stop regretting it.” He admitted before placing his helm on your chest plate, softly kissing the offending marks that he had made all those years ago.
“Regretting hurting me or not killing me?” You teased as your servos grabbed his faceplate like they had done on that day. He smirked at you then, his servos covering yours before he began to speak.
“I haven't decided yet.” He whispered before you placed your intake on his, you missed him when you were with the Autobots but you knew the risks of having the two groups interact. This seemed like the best way to carry on. And at the end of the day, you loved it. Because you loved him.
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transformerimagines · 7 years
One ride (Tfp Knockout x reader)
You hated being a human, especially when you were surrounded by great alien beings of immense power. They were tall, strong and capable fighters. You also had the same abilities but they were never taken into account when compared to their absolute mite. Maybe that's the reason you weren't thinking straight and ran through the ground bridge when Optimus gave the order to roll out. You were older than the teens, over 20 and with the start of a military career under your belt so you should have had this under control. Boy were you wrong.
As soon as you exited the ground bridge you realised you had set foot in a war zone, not just a war zone, an alien war zone. You tried to stay close to the autobots, remaining a little ways behind them so that they couldn't see you but gave you cover. The regular Vehicons were there, firing their weapons unsuccessfully at the autobot ranks while a red Decepticon stayed behind the barrage of them. You had seen clippings of him on the monitors so you knew that this was the Decepticon medic known as Knockout, Bee had told you stories of the narcissistic Mech who cared more about his paint job then the actual cause. To be honest, he looked like a good person to mess around with, and with that thought your target was chosen. You rushed away from your comrades to a nearby rocky hill, easily scaling the harsh stone until you came to the top of the boulder. Taking aim with the gun you had holstered, you fired a shot which headed straight for the Con medic which flew past his helm, not before scratching his paint job however. His optics turned to see you standing proudly, fiery red burning in to your skin like you imagined the pits of hell to shine. It might have been mesmerising, if he wasn't so pissed.
“You imbecilic fleshie!” He screeched while advancing towards you. You couldn't move though, still entranced by his optics. Now that he was getting closer you could fully see the shine of his frame and the way it was reflecting the environment around it. “I waxed just this morning!” He yelled again as he stood in front of you now, servo chaining to a saw. “Any last words?” His voice held a small amount of amusement despite his anger, it was at that moment that you had realised he had an accent. A very compromising accent.
“Damn,” You finally said after a few moments while looking Knockout up and down. “Aren't you enchanting.” You weren't supposed to say that, why the hell did you say that?! The inner turmoil that was consuming you quickly went away as Knockout retracted his saw, his servo coming to rest to the side of your standing form as he lowered to your face level. An optic ridge was raised as he too looked you up and down, noting how you too were also above the ‘normal’ standards of Fleshies. You were immaculate, the bone structure in your face were high and angled. The skin was soft and supple from what he could see and damn were those optics of yours, like you said, enchanting.
“Not too bad yourself,” Knockout smirked as he saw the shock come over your face at his compliment, he could see the small changes in your face colour starting as well. “I don't believe I've seen you around here before, Sweetspark, who might you be?” He questioned, his helm leaning closer to you so that you could get the inner working of the contraption and feel his hot ex-vent all over your body.
“I'm-.” You started but before you could finish a blur of blue crossed your line of sight as Arcee kicked Knockout away from you and stopped in a defensive position.
“Y/N get to the Groundbridge now!” She shouted at you before turning to fight the now armed Knockout who ran at her. This was no time to be arguing, you should be thanking Arcee for breaking you out of your trance. Thanking would have to wait though, right now you needed to scramble down the rock face and get through the swirling vortex at the bottom. Which is exactly what you did.
 Fowler had not been happy when you had returned to base, you tried to explain your actions but the Agent had none of it and sent you home not five minutes after your return. That was where you were now, flicking through TV channels in your underwear and eating a chocolate bar while feeling sorry for yourself. You would have stayed there all night if the sound of beeping hadn't sounded from outside your house. Upon inspection, you were surprised to see a cherry red Aston Martin parked in your driveway. The idea to ignore it sounded in your mind until another beep sounded through to your house. With a sigh you pulled on your favourite hoodie and made your way to the car, bare legs growing colder in the evening air.
“You're kidding right?” You asked in a cocky manner, you expected Knockout to just transform and kill you then but you didn't expect his passenger door to open to you.
“Not at all. Fancy a ride?” He asked seductively, you could have sworn one of his headlight flashed on and off quickly but you tried to dismiss the thought.
“I try not to make a habit of going on rides with Decepticons.” You replied with a sickly sweet smile, your arms crossing over your chest as you stared at the interior of the car.
“But I'm not just any Con, I'm the enchanting Con,” You could hear him smirk just by the sound of his voice, cocky ass hole. “Now come on, I haven't got all night.” He stated impatiently as you raised your eyebrow at him.
“Why should I?” You asked him, leaning against his car door while still looking into the car. You might have been trying to get a rise out of him but you would never actually admit that.
“Do you not want to walk on the wild side?” He purred, you could feel the rev of his engine through the metal door as he spoke. This was probably the most dangerous position you had ever been in but it was such a thrill to taunt the medic. “Come on, you must want to know what it's like to ride with the bad guy. I bet the adrenaline is already running through your body at the thought.” Damn he wasn't wrong, getting into that car would have been the most thrilling way to end the night, not to mention the most dangerous way. Right now you needed a little danger, you needed to rebel after the incident today with Fowler and you didn't care about the consequences. With one final sigh you slid in to the leather seat of Knockouts passenger side, the door closing on its own and the belt wrapping around you securely.
“Just one ride.” You told him sternly while pulling down the end of your hoodie self consciously.
“That's what they all say Sweetspark,” Knockout began as he reversed out of your parking space. “That's what they all say.”
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Cliff falling (Tfp Bumblebee x reader)
This wasn’t supposed to happen. You had gone against Lord Megatron’s wishes when you jetted off to a mountain range, hoping to be left to your own thoughts longer than you might have been on the warship. You were angry at the Second in Command in all honesty, Starscream was abrasive, rude, obnoxious. Starscream was, well Starscream and at times when he is annoying you just needed to go for a flight. Stomping around angrily at the top of a cliff is how you ended up in your crumpled position at the bottom of the cliff, you had stupidly tumbled over the edge and before you could fly off your right wing had been damaged. That wasn’t even the best part, when you landed your pede had twisted under your body in an unnatural position leaving you both unable to walk and unable to fly. The icing on the cake was when the three Autobot pets came rushing around the corner, your day couldn’t have gone any better. You later found out they were on a field trip when they heard Cybertronian sounds and came to see what it was, if it were any other Con they would be dead right now.
“We need to call someone.” The tallest boy said after they had inched closer to you, obviously at ease that you couldn’t fight when you were injured. It wasn’t like you to fight fleshies anyway, however with a reputation as Con assassin it was sensible for them to be worried. You shook your helm as you rested against the cliff side, wincing as you moved your wing slightly.
“The autobots could help you, they won’t want to but they will.” The girl added while prodding at your unbroken wing, she was ballsy to straight up ask if she could feel them. It wasn’t hard to remember your own sparkling curiosity so you didn’t argue. You were too distracted by the designs the human was drawing on you wings to notice the youngest human put a call in to his guardian. It wasn’t until the swirling blue of a ground bridge appeared did you realise what was happening.
“How dare you go against my wishes!” You screeched at the trio, much like Starscream had screeched at you earlier. They looked sheepishly to the ground as the yellow scout exited the ground bridge alone, glaring at you first before turning to the humans.
“Are you hurt?” Bumblebee communicated to them, all the while keeping his blaster pointed towards your head. In turn, your servo switched to a blade glowing the same bright red as your optics.
“No, we’re fine.” The youngest spoke before turning to you with a saddened look. “She isn’t though, she’s hurt pretty bad.” You started to argue as soon as the words left the humans mouth, starting a verbal battle between yourself and the three children while Bee assessed the condition of your body. The askew angle of your wing and the way your ankle bent was not a good sign, there was energon leaking from both injuries that were slowly pooling around you. If he didn’t act then you would have died of energon loss, you couldn’t fly to the warship and he assumed your accident knocked out your communications otherwise you would have contacted the Con’s already.
“Ratchet, I need a ground bridge to base. Y/N isn’t in a good way, she needs your help Doc.” This sound of Bee had stopped your petty argument with the children, instead you looked at him with anger in your eyes.
“I am not going anywhere with you Bot, I would rather offline then seek out your help.” You spat, blade switching to servo again as you attempted to pull yourself up using the side of the cliff. In your weakened state, you looked quite hilarious, maybe even pathetic, at the moment you didn’t care. You only knew you weren’t going to give in to the pity of the autobots.
“You are grounded,” You froze, fully supported against the wall with your back to the Bot. The children saw that what Bee said had hit a nerve, however they weren’t quite sure why. “You are a seeker, without your wings you will perish,” He continued, walking towards you as he beeped melodically. You watched him, fluid brimming at your optics as you realised the severity of your situation. “Now stop being an afthead and come on.” His servo outstretched to you and a smile playing on his face plate.
Was he asking you to trust him? That was never going to happen, the bots had done far too much to you for you to trust them. Your two older brother were killed by the Bot’s during a raid on a Decepticon base leaving only you and your older brother, the only one left of the original triplets. The Con’s had done a lot to them as well, you had murdered too many bots to count all because they had murdered your kin. Bumblebee knew that and yet he was, offering his servo to a femme that could easily kill him but he knew you would take it because you had both lost too much in this war to attack when somebot was injured. You motioned with your helm for him to move to the side, you were to stubborn to allow him to help you and you paid the price when pain shot through you as you placed your injured pede on the ground. You would have fell over if Bee hadn’t come to your side, hooking your arm around his shoulder to take you weight, all the while being cautious of your wings. He knew how sensitive a seeker’s wings were and wasn’t overly fond of getting his helm bit off by an angry femme.
A ground bridge opened just in front of you as Bee told the kids to get back to their ‘teacher’ before he helped you pathetically hobble through the portal into the Autobot base. Your embarrassment wasn’t helped by the fact most of the autobots were waiting for your arrival, throwing questioning looks at Bee when he beeped angrily at them, almost defensively. You held your head high as you both made your way slowly across the room, your presumed Bee was taking your straight to the med bay, you didn’t want to have to deal with the Autobots right now. You were so close to the corridor as well. So, so close before a certain wrecker decided to open his trap.
“Thought we told you not to bring stray’s home, Bee.” Wheeljack smirked at his word choice, knowing it would get a rise from you. You whipped around quickly, fighting against Bee’s hold as your arms waved rapidly trying to get to the fragger who had insulted you. Pain was all but gone, now all you felt was the energon running through your frame.
“Who are you calling a stray, your dirt kissing Glitch!” You exclaimed, temporarily breaking free of Bee’s hold before he grabbed you around your midsection. “I have a family! Your Wreckers are all dead. I should know I offlined them!” Wheeljack’s face turned to thunder as Bulkhead grabbed his friend’s shoulders and wrestled him to the other side of the room. Before you could argue even more, you felt yourself being slung over Bumblebee’s shoulder as he continued his walk to the Med bay.
“That’s enough excitement for one day,” He beeped, you didn’t fight your current position in fear you might injure your wings even more. Your anger had subsided, now was the time to think rationally. “Do you cause this much commotion among the Cons?” He made conversation to make it seem like it wasn’t awkward when it really was. You all of a sudden became all too aware of how close you were to the young scout and that sent you blushing in a way that it shouldn’t have, especially for a con.
“I try,” You admitted, “It’s too funny to watch Knockout and Screamer argue over something they think the other did when really, I’m the one who always starts it.” A sound like laughter came from Bee when you told him, making you smile at how bizarre it sounded.
“Sounds like someone is constantly causing trouble.” He stated before entering the med bay where both Optimus Prime and Ratchet were waiting for you both.
“You have no idea.”
It didn’t take long for the medic to heal you right up. Now you were in the middle of nowhere, waiting for the Cons to come and collect you. Optimus contacted Megatron and told him about your injuries before deciding on a location to meet up so that you could be handed over. No guns, no mess, no battles. You were currently standing in between Bee and Optimus, your wings fluttering happily at the fact that both were functional again. The action obviously annoyed quite a few of the autobots but it was quite intriguing to Bee who now saw the tattooing that you had marking the edges of your wings. He would have reached out and touched them if it weren’t for the sound of engines roaring above the cloud line, once they got closer you realised that it was Megatron, Screamer and Soundwave. Excitement washed over as you transformed, racing in to the sky to meet them, performing various somersaults and tricks and you flew between them. You saved the best till last when you transformed mid-air and slammed into your brother. Starscream wasn’t expecting this but he transformed anyway, spinning you around him and holding you to him as you both landed, Megatron and Soundwave not far behind you.
“How did this happen!” Starscream screamed worriedly, inspecting you to make sure that you were fully healed and the Bots weren’t lying.
“I fell off a cliff.” You responded lowly, looking to your pedes in embarrassment. You felt a large hand on your helm, you tilted your helm upwards to see Megatron looking down at you with a hybrid of a frown and smile on his mouth.
“Maybe don’t disobey orders next time, Y/N,” He spoke softly, caringly rubbing your helm making you smile at him as you nodded. Megatron turned to the Autobots who were on high alert as they watched your interaction, even Bee had his blasters out but thankfully they weren’t pointed towards you. “I owe you my thanks for returning Y/N to us unharmed.” He nodded his head towards Optimus in respect who nodded his own back.
“No thanks is needed, she caused a small disturbance among the Wreckers but other than that she was quite pleasant.” Optimus informed Megatron. Hearing about the Wreckers made Starscream smirk at you before turning his shit-eating grin towards the two bots who only grew angrier by the second. Megatron was satisfied with what Optimus had said and transformed along with the others before jetting off, you didn’t transform yet though. There was one more think you needed to do.
You turned your gaze from the sky to the Bots before walking over to them, your optics focused to Bee who froze when he saw that it was him who you were approaching. You lost all other feelings, instead focusing on not tripping over your own pedes as you came to a stand in front of Bee. You slowly leaned up to him, tilted your helm, and placed a small kiss on the corner of his lips. You stopped for a moment, allowing Bee to look into your optics momentarily before shyness overcame you and you had to look away from him, turning you back to the yellow mech.
“T-thank you for your help.” You stuttered out quickly before you felt Bee lean over your back, shivering as he placed a servo against your wing while his helm rested against your and pressed his own kiss to your cheek.
“Anytime.” He beeped, you might have been imagining but you could have sworn he sounded amused by what was happening. Before you could get further wrapped up in the situation, you cleared your throat before running forward rapidly and transforming. Ascending in to the sky until you joined the other Cons who were waiting for you.
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Don’t leave (Tfp Wheeljack x reader)
You were absolutely livid. Maybe even more angry then livid but right now you couldn’t think of a word that expressed such anger. Miko sat on the couch in front of you, looking down at the floor sheepishly. It was midday when you got a call from the school saying that Miko had been suspended. Ever since Miko came from Japan to live with you and her host family she had been like a little sister to you. You didn’t have any younger siblings so you took Miko under your wing and treated her like your own flesh and blood which was why you were so disappointed you were having this conversation with her.
“Want to explain your side of the story?” You asked her in a harsh tone, one that you had never used around her or the autobots that currently inhabited the base. Bulkhead and Wheeljack stood the closest, Jacky leaning over the railing so that his head was practically behind you.
“It wasn’t my fault,” Miko blurted out after her moment of silence. She looked up at you with sad eyes that contained a fire as she kept on speaking. “It was Vince who started it.” She defended herself, crossing her arms defensively. You had heard her excuse before, when you and Jacky arrived to pick her up from school Jack had ran out and explained how she had jumped to his side when Vince tried to pick a fight with him. You admired her courage and bravery but she was too reckless. Then again what do you expect from a wrecker.
“Just because someone is being a jerk, it doesn’t give you permission to pummel him in the face.” Sighing, you massaged the bridge of your nose. God this kid was going to be the death of you and damn did you know it.
“Of course, it gives her permission,” Jacky added to the conversation as he moved from his bored posture so he was now standing between you and Miko. “If someone tries to get a rise from your teammate you back them up. It’s the wrecker code.” His voice was gruff as always, even when he shot Miko and encouraging smile.
“Jacky,” You began sternly, eyeing the tall bot with annoyance. “She can’t go around fighting people in school, it’s a place of learning not warrior training.” You informed him, hoping that he would leave it at that but who were you kidding. This is Jacky you were talking about.
Ever since you had found out the secret of the Bots, Jacky had become your unofficial Guardian. It made sense since he was close to Bulk that he would be the one watch over you when you were at home. He was also your personal chauffer and drove you from your very exciting day job, call operative, to the Autobot base every day. He would always throw a flirtatious comment your way, it was just his personality, recently you had been responding in kind which is another reason why you were annoyed he was going against you in this situation.
“Why not?” He asked, throwing his hands in the air with a smile on his face. “I say, why learn when you can wreck.” He smirked towards you then, obviously not catching your angered vibes.
“This isn’t Cybertron Jacky, this is earth. Here children need to learn.” You informed him in a slightly risen tone, your jaw clenched in the way Jacky found so amusing and he couldn’t help but smile at your expression.
“Earth, Cybertron, The Moon. It doesn’t matter where you are, some people are just born to be wreckers.” Some of the amusement was lost from his voice now, he knew that he had to take you seriously despite your cute face.
“She isn’t a wrecker!” You exploded loudly, catching the attention of the other bots in the room. To be honest you didn’t like how the two resident wreckers kept pushing the wrecker way of life on Miko when she hadn’t even found her place in her own world yet. She was just going to get confused and when they leaved, which the eventually would, she would be heartbroken and it would be you who had to deal with it.
Jacky was taken back by your sudden outburst, this wasn’t something that you were just angry about he knew that this had been brewing for some time for you to just change so suddenly. He was hurt in all honesty, he never expected you to get angry at him like that. Maybe June or Arcee would bite his head off for initiating Miko but not you, never you. You were the different human. Always indifferent to the Autobots as if they weren’t aliens on your planet and were instead just regular people. You weren’t amazed by their strength or weaponry, you were impressed by their valour and strategy. That’s why he liked you, you treated him like you would anyone. You weren’t overwhelmed, weary or scared. You were caring and genuinely enjoyed his company, and damn if he didn’t look into those fleshy optics and completely fall then he would be lying.
“Newsflash,” Jacky finally spoke with a grimace and narrowed optics. “She isn’t your sister either, Sweetheart.” He instantly regretted the words as they came out of his mouth, your face no longer held the anger but was now an emotionless slate. You were beyond hurt, it was like you had been ripped in two. “Y/N.” He tried to reach for you but you were already gone, clambering up a nearby wall and running of into the mainframe of the base. No doubt you were heading to your favourite spot.
“Damn Jacky.” Bulkhead broke the awkward silence while picking up Miko in his servo, preparing to take her home.
“Wheeljack,” She called out before Bulkhead transformed. The white mech turned to his human friend. “Go after her.” Miko grinned toward Jacky who, after a moment of confusion, nodded towards Miko before making his way through the corridors of the base. He stopped randomly in the middle of a particular corridor, placing his back strut against the wall and sliding down it until he was sitting. You knew of pipes that lead around the base, this was your favourite place to go. You were sat in an open pipe between two sheets of metal that acted as a wall, if you wanted to get out of the wall there was a small vent at the bottom of the wall that lead out into the hallway.
You were crying currently, though the sound of your crying didn’t travel to the corridor, the sound of Jacky sliding down the wall reached your ears. You swallowed back your tears, calming your breathing as you listened to the hum of his spark.
“I’m sorry,” Jacky’s voice echoed to you from outside the corridor. “Look I know I can’t hear you so please just listen.” There was a pause of silence that made you slightly nervous before Jacky let out a loud sigh. “You told me a long time ago of the little sister you lost after birth,” The memory rose in your head for a second before you forced it back, not wanting to start crying again. “You also told me how Miko had become a replacement of what was taken from you so I’m sorry for what I said. It just hurt me, what you said, I just stupidly didn’t think.” Jacky stopped then, waiting for you to react. You jumped down from you pipe, walking through the vent to see that Jacky was already looking to you with those guilty blue optics.
“I’m sorry for what I said too,” It was your turn to be sheepish now as you looked towards your feet. “I know how many wreckers you have lost and how much Miko means to you,” You added before looking up then with teary eyes. “It’s just, I know you are going to leave and Miko… she’ll be heartbroken. I’ll be heartbroken.” There it was, the reason you had snapped at him in the first place. You didn’t want to lose him. He smiled at you then, his poor emotional human before putting his servo down for you to step into. Once you were stabilised he brought you towards his optics, raising your chin with one of his digits and giving you a small smile.
“I’m not going anywhere, Kid.” That’s all it took before you broke down in happy tears, Wheeljack gladly brought his face to your body resting it there as you hugged the top of his nose bridge. It was calm and peaceful, Jacky wasn’t going anywhere and you had finally calmed down.
Wheeljack couldn’t help blowing what the humans called a ‘raspberry’ on your slightly exposed stomach, making you gasp and laugh uncontrollably at the unusual feeling on your sensitive skin.
“Jacky.” You finally shouted as you jumped away from his face, pulling down the shirt that had ridden up. Jacky smirked towards you, that devilish smirk you knew so well.
“Well it was on its way off anyway,” He said, grabbing your attention. “How about we take that off along with the rest of those clothes?”
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Assignments (Tfp Soundwave x Reader)
Shooting a gun was easy. Hitting an Autobot target from 100m was a piece of cake. This drawing however was utterly and unbelievably impossible.
“UGH!” You shouted in frustration, standing up from your usual place on Soundwave’s work console and throwing the note book that was previously on your knee half way across the room. You grabbed your gun next and placed three firm shots into the leather-bound book. Soundwave had heard the ordeal an only turned to you with the blank mask of his visor. “There is no way you can draw that bloody bird!” You huffed before slumping back down again.
“I find drawing calming.” Came the sound of your own voice from Soundwave who had sieved through many recordings of you to find the perfect one to match the situation. Damn that Con was seriously creepy. Maybe that’s why you got along with him so well.
“Yeah well that one isn’t,” Sighing, you turned to face him with your legs crossed. “For our essay we have to draw a figure of a Scarlet Macaw to explain its colour adaptation and, as you know, I can’t draw anything unless its sitting in front of me.” You paused then, allowing Soundwave to nod in order to show he was still listening. He was always listening though, you sometimes had to remind yourself that when you were sleeping in the hab suite next to him. “So how in the hell am I meant to draw the stupid bird!” Once again, your voice raised past your normal level as you continued to scream into your hands before lying back on the control unit, your hands still covering your face.
It was so frustrating at times. Every day you would wake up in a mechanical floating ship surrounded by robotic figures, go to university lectures then come back to the ship and kick some Autobot ass if needed. You honestly had no idea how you became part of the team, it happened so fast that it almost felt like whiplash when you thought about it. Soundwave was your partner, for the first few months he had been your protector against some of the drones and higher ranked officers however when you were given a gun and proceeded to shoot Starscream repeatedly he decided you could handle yourself. Nonetheless you still stayed with him at most times. When he was working, you would sit on his console and do some University work, when you were bed bound with stomach aches or the flu he checked up on you every hour. As you carried on thinking about the mysterious mech you felt metallic claws wrap around your wrists to pry them from your pouting face. He was hovering above you of course, his tentacles firmly around your hands as a pout emoji showed on his visor, obviously in mocking.
“That’s not funny.” You spoke sternly. He released your hands and you crossed them over your chest.
“That’s not funny.” He played back causing you to look at him with a glare. The image of his visor went blank for a moment before a picture of a Scarlet Macaw appeared there. It was as if he was mocking you more, even taunting you about your little outbreak. His servo raised towards his face, pointing at the picture on his visor in questioning.
“Yeah that’s the little blighter who is the bane of my existence.” You told him, moving your hand to gesture at the image. Before your hand was fully extended however, Soundwave had rose to his pedes and picked you up in his servo. Not a second later a swirling ground bridge appeared in front of the both of you which he walked thought without hesitation. Trying to ignore the momentary sickness, you looked around the new environment that you were in, seeing nothing but high trees and vines of green covering the floor and branches. “What the hell are we doing here?” You asked him angrily. You really had to get on with your assignment so being in the middle of nowhere was honestly no help to you right now.
Soundwave only mover a finger in front of his mask before silently moving into the forest, he stopped after taking two or three long steps. That was when he brought you up to the same height as his helm, all the while a finger placed in front of his mask. You turned to him ready to yell when a flash of red sped past your face. Quickly recovering, you whipped back around to follow the red blob only to see it wasn’t a blob but a bird. A Scarlet Macaw to be exact. You took a step back, awe taking over your face as you saw that there wasn’t only one of these miraculous birds but a whole flock, some flying while others were perched on nearby branches. A gasp escaped your throat as your hands came to cover your mouth, tears began to prick at your eyes as you realised what Soundwave had done for you. The Mech in question stayed silent as he watched you. He was recording the whole thing, zooming in on your face of joy to see the minute changes it made as your processed the thoughts in your head. He decided he liked the face you were making, this will be the picture he uses to remind him of your happiest times. Primus knows that when you are in a war happy times are few and far between.
“Soundwave,” You hiccupped with watery eyes before running over to the Cons visor and firmly planting yourself against it, yours arms coming up in a way to hug the visor. Soundwave wasn’t expecting this, it was quite a shock to have your frame fully envelope his optics but he wasn’t going to complain. You were warm and squishy, it was nice to feel such contact from you. “Thank you so much, it means a lot.” Against his better judgement, Soundwave decided to respond in kind.
“Thanks, unneeded. You are welcome.” It had been too long since he had used his own voice making it scratchy in parts but you didn’t care, you were to overwhelmed at the fact that he actually spoke to care about the quality. You wanted to hear him speak again, you marked it in your head as a mission as you stepped away from him, wiping the tears from your eyes.
“Right, let’s draw these suckers.”
“Bee, do you see anything?” Arcee asked the scout next to her as the traipsed through the rainforest undergrowth. The autobots had caught signal of a ground bridge being used in the area, the two stealth bots offered to go and check it out yet had found nothing. Bee sounded something in response before grabbing hold of Arcee and pulling her back. The yellow bot pointed to something in front of her.
The two silently moved a bit closer until the image before them came in to focus. Soundwave was in the middle of the rainforest, leaning against the tree while the Con pet was sat patiently in his servo surrounded by a bunch of red birds. The two watched as a bird came to land on the tip of Soundwave’s visor making the human chuckled with laughter.
“They seem to like you Soundwave, maybe we should take one home as a friend for Laserbeak.” The human spoke in an amused tone as Soundwave carefully shooed the bird away with one of his tentacles. Another tentacle playfully wrapped around the human’s waist, constricting slightly as it pulled the fleshy being towards Soundwave’s visor the nuzzled against the humans back. “Hey stop, you’re freezing.” The fleshy gasped, trying to escape from Soundwave who effortlessly dragged them back whenever they moved away.
Bee looked to Arcee with a few concerned beeps. Arcee pulled her optics away from the scene in front of her with a slight rise in colour of her cheeks. She felt that she had stumbled upon a moment that she should had seen.
“Urm, let’s not tell anyone okay?” Arcee asked before Bee sounded.
“Yeah that’s probably best, who knew Soundy could be so caring?”
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Distractions (Tfa Blitzwing x reader)
It had been a long few days, as a human who worked closely with the Autobots you were often dragged into a lot of mess you would rather not worry about. You were so excited to spend the weekend out of state, you were going to visit your sister in New Orleans. That was until you were walking to your house and a napkin was placed over your mouth, sending your vision black and leaving your limbs limp.
You woke up in an abandoned warehouse tied to a chair via rope around your wrists and ankles. You could hear manically laughter in front of you so you weren’t surprised that you saw Random video calling the autobots when you opened your eyes. Bumblebee was on the other end of the call, you could see him looking very worried on the screen as he yelled at Blitzwing.
“Just let her go Blitzwing!” Bumblebee shouted at the crazy con who released another load of cackling laughter.
“Finders keeper’s, losers veepers.” Random sung down the line causing Bee to growl. At this point you decided to clear your throat so that you got the attention of the Mechs. Icy was the face you were greeted with, Random must have been subdued by his other personalities.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Bee asked worriedly as he began to look for any signs of distress. Honestly you were very chill about the entire thing, you had been kidnapped by Blitzy more times than you could count. He thought you and Bee had a thing going so assumed capturing you was the best way to torture the poor bot. Boy was he wrong.
“I’m absolutely peachy Bee, grab me a burger on your way, will you?” You yelled to your friend. This action obviously annoyed Blitzwing who now had the hot head persona front and centre.
“You vill bring zee shards or I vill kill Y/N!” Hothead roared before abruptly hanging up on Bee before her turned to face you with a glare.
“Come on Blitzy, just let me go already.” You commanded as you yanked against the restraints that held you to your place.
“You are not going anyvhere.” Icy replied before walking over to you, he dropped into a crouch before the haunting face of Random span into view.
“None of zis vould happen if you stayed vis me,” He spoke cheerily, a servo coming down to pat you lightly on the head.  “My fleshy.” He cooed to you causing a smirk to rise to you face and your eyes to roll in your head. You didn’t belong to anyone, never will and never have but this bot in front of you seemed to think differently. Your sharp tongue and witty remarks when he would kidnap you would make him angered, amused and intrigued for the different personalities. Over time, you developed a sort of Stockholm syndrome for the triple changer which you would never tell him about but you swore he knew about already.
“I belong to no man or mech and that’s just how I like it.” You told him with a small grin. If your legs weren’t tied down you would have crossed one leg over the other for dramatic effect, but this was no time for drama.
“You’re lying,” Icy came back in a flash of blue, piercing you with a stare. “Every strong voman vants a strong mech by her side.” He informed you as if it was something that everyone knew, to him it was a fact of nature. You weren’t so sure.
“And you think you’re the strong mech for me?” You asked him, a tone of amusement in your voice at what he was saying.
“Vell who else is going to put up vis you?” Hothead bellowed right into your face making you shake your head with a small chuckle. An alarm sounded through the warehouse a second or so later, the mech smiled at what the sound meant before standing in front of you in an almost protective stance as the Autobots crashed through the door. Bee was the first in due to his speed and instantly spotted you.
“Y/N!” The younger mech called to you, you threw back a smile in reply.
“Hey Bee, hope you didn’t get any lettuce on my burger.” You shouted back to Bee. Blitzwing turned to you once you finished your shout.
“Veally? That guy?” Icy asked you in a bored tone before shooting an ice beam to the advancing team. You sighed at what he said before fixing him with a glare, your voice became serious suddenly.
“I’ve told you a million times, Blitzwing. There isn’t anything going on between me and Bee.” You growled at Icy, he turned to Hothead momentarily to shoot some fire before turning to Random.
“Because he is a squirt and you crave a bad boy.” Random noted before picking up a metal bar that looked like part of a roof and throwing it towards Prowl and Bulkhead who fell from the impact. Astonishingly, Blitzwing was winning against the three autobots that was sent to rescue you. Prowl was now fully out cold, Bulkhead wasn’t far behind and Blitzwing was getting ready to land a blow on Bee who was rushing him, as per usual. Now might be the time to say something to distract him, luckily you had the perfect thing.
“Blitzwing,” You called softly in a sing song voice but he didn’t answer. “Blitzy.” You decided to whine his nickname instead. That got his attention, Random turned to you before Icy took over and nodded for you to continue what you were going to say. You fixed him with a hungry gaze, your lips parted slightly to portray breathlessness and then you started to smile.
“I will gladly have your sparklings if you want me to.” You told him with a seductive tone, your eyes never leaving him. Blitzwing was speechless, his intake dropped open and his optics even offlined for a second. That second was all that was needed for Bee to creep up behind him and land a blow with his stingers that brought Blitzwing to the floor. The yellow mech quickly ran to you and untied the ropes so that you could follow him and the others, they were faster than you were though and were out of ear shot so Blitzwing could speak to you.
“Vere you telling the truth?” Icy asked, Blitzwing was still paralysed but he was able to pin you with a longing gaze. Against your better judgement, you quickly jogged over to the fallen decepticon before leaning close to his cheek and planting a kiss just above his intake.
“Depends on how hard you tie me up next time,” You spoke lowly. “I can’t do anything with my hands tied.” You shot him a wink and waved your hand in goodbye before running back to the entrance of the abandoned warehouse were Bee was waiting with a burger ready for you.
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Spikeblock (Tfp Starscream x Reader)
You were a decepticon lieutenant and a good one at that. You were called in at the same time that Knockout and Breakdown were and while you had met most of the ‘Cons before and amassed a reputation you had yet to meet the commander that called on you for your services. Starscream took a liking to you straightaway, despite you having a vehicle mode opposed to the usual jet mode, he appreciated your fighting style and how you knew your place. His ego inflated each time you would carry out his orders, especially since you weren’t so keen on following Megatron’s orders.
You had just come back from a mission to stake out some of the fleshy children’s families, Megatron thought that if the decepticons ever needed leverage it would be a good idea to create a list of possible captives. You never usually got caught on your missions but unfortunately this time a human toddler ran out in front of you making your tyres screech and the bots to be alerted to your presence. The fight wasn’t a fair one but you gave as good as you got and they left eventually after you threatened a suicide mission. Your pedes echoed loudly as you walked down the halls of the nemesis, finding yourself at the doors of the med bay where you knew Knockout would be. Whether he would be happy to see you or not had yet to be seen. But, as you walked through the doors and locked eyes with the red mech his own cheery face went to one of anger.
“Y/N, what happened to you!” He shouted to no one in particular before waving you over to him. His shout attracted the attention of Breakdown who instantly ran to you and helped you to one of the beds in the room.
“Some kid ran in front of me,” You told Knockout as he began to fret over the dented armour adorning your form. Breakdown was trying both to see if you were alright and calm Knockout down. It was no secret that both men where protective of you, the smaller of the two more so. You had grown up with Knockout and when Breakdown waltzed into the life of his Conjunx he also became a part of your messed-up life. “The bots found me out and promptly dealt with me.”
“Those fraggers!” Knockout seethed. He was fed up of the bots picking on his Amica Endura. You were smaller than most of them and more fragile, that was the reason you were suited to surveillance and your fighting style was more like human acrobatics than fisticuffs.
“Want me to go and get them for you, Y/N?” Breakdown asked you with a small chuckle, his shoulder bashing into you to try and make Knockout at least smile but it wasn’t working in the slightest.
“It’s okay, I think a soak in an oil bath will be all I need.” You huffed before pushing yourself off of the berth, hurriedly leaving the room so that you can go and rest your weary pistons in some hot oil. Knockout and Breakdown watched you exit before Breakdown wrapped and arm around Knockout’s smaller shoulders.
“She’s tougher than you give her credit, KO.” Breakdown spoke lowly before walking back to the task of cleaning some of Knockout’s surgery tools. Knockout stood there for a minute, his arms crossed as his optics focused on the door in front of him. He thought of you, how you weren’t a warrior when you were younger but how you had been changed to be this way.
“Breakdown?” Knockout spoke out of the blue, Breakdown hummed in response to show he was listening. “Did Y/N say she was going to get an oil bath?” He asked the blue mech who nodded his head.
“Yeah, she needs a good soak.” Breakdown told him.
“Didn’t Starscream say he was going to get a bath?” Knockout asked coldly with narrowed optics. The sound of Breakdown dropping a surgical tool occurred immediately after the statement before the two Mechs locked eyes.
On the Nemesis, you were given your own quarters which consisted of a berth and a room with an oil shower but if you wanted an oil bath you would have to go to the communal baths of the high ranked officers. Usually you were lucky to find the bath empty, sometimes you would bathe with Knockout and Breakdown if you had all been fighting and there was one time when you had been bathing and Soundwave had abruptly interrupted, slid into the bath and awkwardly stared at you until you got up. You arrived outside the door of the bath room, said a silent prayer and pulled the door open.
At first you didn’t see anyone in the bath so you closed the door behind you and walked further into the room. It wasn’t till you were at the edge of the bath that you saw a red spike begin to protrude from the oil before Starscream’s helm surfaced quickly. The unexpected appearance of the seeker made you squeal slightly and lose your footing, ending with you falling into the oil and becoming submerged for a few seconds before you broke through the film of oil above your helm.
“What are you doing!” You spluttered out at Starscream. “You almost gave me a spark attack!”  You yelled at him this time before flicking some oil at him. The second in command used his arms to protect his optics from the oil before turning back to you.
“Maybe you should have announced yourself before coming in,” Starscream responded before settling against the back of the bath so he could face you. “You are too stealthy for your own good.” He huffed.
“Well sorry I’m good at my job, sir.” You hissed the last part before trying to find a position that was comfortable with your current injuries. Starscream watched you intently, seeing how you would flinch if a certain part of your body came in contact with the walls of the bath. He put two and two together and assumed that you had been injured in some way. It was bizarre to him how Knockout hadn’t seen to you yet. You didn’t even notice as he swam towards you. You only realised he was near you when he was lifting up your arm with his clawed servo to inspect your chest plates. His close proximity was something you weren’t used to, you knew he had took a liking to you and you wouldn’t admit it but you also took a liking to him. His ambition drew you in.
“What in the pit are you doing?” You asked him, trying to move your arm out of his grip but he just kept you were he wanted to. You couldn’t help the creep of blue from rising to your cheeks.
“You have a burn from a blaster just above your pelvis.” He told you in an annoyed tone before brushing a gentle servo over the spot making you intake sharply as you realised that was what was hurting so badly. “What kind of a medic misses that?” He asked angrily, letting go of your arm so he could raise his servos in annoyance.
“The overprotective kind.” You said with a small smile. Starscream looked from your injury to your face plate then, making you go stiff as a smirk became present on his face.
“Are you blushing, little femme?” He teased, not moving away from your frame. If anything, he was trying to get closer and invade your personal space, if the servo landing next to your head and his frame pressing against yours was any inkling.
“No.” You spat back defiantly, your helm turning to the side to avoid his blood red gaze. He didn’t like the fact you turned away from him and caught the edge of your faceplate before roughly turning you to face him.
“Oh, I think you are.” He grinned before his optics fell to your dermas then back to your own optics. A few seconds passed before you registered the fact that Starscream was leaning in to you, if became real when you felt his hot exvent on your faceplate. By now your vents were ragged, optics as wide as they could go as you processed fully what was happening. Starscream was going to kiss you. Starscream was going to kiss you. Starscream was going to-
You quickly ducked your helm away as sprinkled of oil came to land on both you and Starscream. You looked past the seeker to see Breakdown’s blue form swim to the surface of the oil and break the surface with a wide grin. The sound of pedes next caught your audio receptors, you turned to see Knockout strutting up to you with a sickly-sweet smile on your face making you squirm out from Starscream to float next to Breakdown.
“The sound of an oil bath was delightful, we couldn’t possibly pass it up,” Knockout smirked at Starscream who looked positively livid. You couldn’t help but chuckle at how Knockout was just staring him down. “Hope you don’t mind, Screamer.” Knockout commented before stepping into the bath and pushing himself towards you so that you were now sandwiched between the husbands.
“Not at all.” Starscream spoke through gritted dentas.
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