trust-with-trust · 3 years
All people in this world make friends or partner for their use only,since their needs keep changing so even people will keep changing for them because they are all as......les
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
In case you had an awful past with any person don't quieten down try to learn to live with such people because everywhere such type of people will exist ,if you have problems in breathing you will not stop breathing you try to live with the problem same is life
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
The best medicine for every problem is LOVE by right person can cure anything but LOVE with wrong person also gives you worst pain and suffering.So choose wisely people
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
Which is easy making someone sad or happy????
According to me making someone happy is difficult because now days everyone are sad because of their own problems so making happy is very tiring process but no much effort is required to make a sad person more sad
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
Most important lesson that every one should remember is that you should live your life with some principles and ethics because even animals live for being alive and to full fill their needs
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
Do you know who is the mentally strong person in this world!!!!!!
One who can have full control on his emotions is the mentally strong being in this world
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
We all have target or dreams to achieve, according to me almost 70% achieve it.What is important when you look back the steps you have taken to achieve your dreams.Many of us compromise with your character and attitude to achieve your goal but people get attracted towards you is not your beauty it is your character and attitude.So try to achieve your dream with same character you was before
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
Feelings is something you get after many days of communication or time spent with that person so it's not easy to let go feelings so easily because if you took days to get feelings then to let go also you need same amount of time.Just keep patience and try to know more people around you and help whom you can it will just distract you and slowly automatically you will let go the feelings without you yourself knowing it
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hey my loves!! I need some advice if you've ever had any experience with this -
how do I let go of feelings for someone who I know doesn't feel the same anymore? for someone who just kind of stopped trying and stopped caring?
I need some advice on how to move past the hurt, and any advice/help would be greatly appreciated ❤
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
Who all belive that whatever happens in your life is for reason?Because you have the ability to achieve,you will fall several times while achieving it, because one who fails will only know the happiness of winning,think you always won a cricket match then how will you know you drawbacks and improve it .If your falling down it means you are making yourself ready for something bigger than that
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
There are many people stuck in their past and it's memories.This recurrent flashes of past makes person anxiety ,to slove this you should keep in mind that past is what you were before and what you do or changes you do now defines you not the past .Leave people who judge from your past they don't know beauty of having past and changing it in present and being a completely different person
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
My opinion about love is don't give your partner unconditional love .Reason for it there is fact that if you want to love your partner unconditionally then u should stop loving yourself which is wrong it is like erasing your own existence ,Don't do that mistake in life
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
We all say when you fall in love we do anything for that person but we forget our own existence which is taken for granted by your partner.Never loose your self respect in making your partner happy.If your partner is not responding for your actions then leave them on their own and find the person who will respect your actions and love 💕.
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
In life there is always one which supports in all your bad and good times it is music 🎵🎵🎵.When you are alone put on your earphones and go to another world of music where no one can hurt you and make you feel bad.Music is far better than temporary people,no one in your life is permanent except you yourself so enjoy with yourself with your earphone .Whoever comes to your life never leave music then what is difference between you and that temporary people in your life who left you when someone else came to their life
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
Dealing with past is a difficult process ,it requires time and people to help u heal or healing yourself alone requires much energy and patience .Never give up in the healing process because God heal you so that the new skin formed at the wound is always different than the original skin you had .Trust the process and God.You will always feel like giving up but there is no real happiness if you don't get that happiness by challenging the obstacles and proving yourself
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
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The best kind of people are the ones who come into your life and make you see the sun where you saw clouds before …
poetry-siir ©
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La mejor clase de personas son las que entran en tu vida y te hacen ver el sol donde antes veías nubes …
poetry-siir ©
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trust-with-trust · 3 years
People say always listen to your heart but it is wrong always listen to your mind , people are not worthy of your 💖
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