uniquesweetbaker · 5 years
I’ve been feeling really nervously of recent. Found this little gem.
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“No anxiety.”
[Sigil to decrease or completely eliminate anxiety/feelings of worry, nervousness, or unease]
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
Oh shit today is imbolc????
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
question, why do delicious cakes cost so much to bake? okay cakes are cheap, but delicious ones cost like 30-40$ to get non pantry staple ingredients for
Take a cake mix from a box. Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Duncan Hines, whatever the hell is on-sale.
They usually ask for you to add in some water, some cooking oil, and egg whites. 
Fuck that bullshit. 
Instead, replace water with milk (or buttermilk), use butter instead of oil, and use the whole goddamn egg. Toss in some extra vanilla extract. 
If you want to make it a bit spiced, add in some cinnamon/nutmeg/allspice
Want to make it gently lemony? Zest some lemon peel into the batter. 
Want it extra dense and moist? Add another fucking egg, half a package of vanilla pudding powder mix, and make sure to whip that batter extra hard and long. 
Welcome to rich, moist cakeland, entrance fee: $5
Enjoy impressing your friends. 
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
My only post for the day.
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
This isn’t going to solve anything tumblr. Fix your shit man.
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
Fuck the Salvation Army 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
It’s that time of year to say no to the Salvation Army.
Never forget they let a Trans woman die instead of helping her.
Never forget they have tossed entire families on the street for having an LGBT child.
Never forget they tell non Christian families that unless they convert they will not help them.
Never forget that the Salvation Army is bigoted and hateful, many of the bell ringers routinely heckle and harass LGBT couples.
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
Yule Plants
Yellow cypress
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
A message to witches/pagans/lumberjacks out there: As Christmas/Yuletide comes around I know you’re going to want to burn Yew for both its ceremonial properties and it’s slow burn, but please remember that it is a HIGHLY TOXIC tree with VERY toxic smoke. Fatalities in livestock, children, and even some adults have occurred for CENTURIES because of the handling and burning of this wood. I mean, death due to this stuff dates back to the Roman times and further! I would avoid it in the fires as much as I could.
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
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🕯🌲Yule Log Cake
6 Eggs (creativity, cleansing, psychic power, rebirth) 150 grams Caster Sugar (attraction) 50 grams Cocoa Powder (love, grounding, balance) 1 teaspoon Vanilla (serenity, love, mental clarity) 5 teaspoons Powdered Sugar (attraction, stability) 175 grams Dark Chocolate (grounding, balance, love, attraction, focus) 225 grams Butter (calming, strength, glamour, purification)
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
green winter magick
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❄ pinecones : prosperity, abundance, new beginnings
❄ acorns : personal power, wisdom, youthfulness
❄ balsam fir : strength, breaking up negativity, insight
❄ cedar : confidence, money, protection
❄ cinnamon : spirituality, success, love
❄ clove : exorcism, money, protection
❄ fern : mental clarity, cleansing, purification
❄ ginger : sensuality, energy, liveliness
❄ juniper : attracting good health + good energy
❄ mistletoe : creativity, fertility, protection from ill will
❄ mugwort : instrospection, dreamwork, divination
❄ nutmeg : attracting money, prosperity, luck
❄ orange peel : love, divination, luck, money
❄ peppermint : healing, peace, restfulness
❄ rosemary : healing, preventing nightmares, faerie magick
❄ snowdrop : passing of sorrow
❄ valerian : dream magick, reconciliation, harmony
❄ wintergreen : good fortune
❄ yew : necromancy and death magick
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
pine trees and witchcraft
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as winter months (and yule festivities) approach, pine becomes an excellent component of green witchcraft. evergreen trees, of course, symbolize immortality and perseverance. they are a great addition to any spell involving resilience or overcoming obstacles.
hanging a pine branch above your door will invite good energies, be it spirits or friends, into your space. placing pine above your bed will ward off illness.
throw pine into the fireplace (or bonfire) to summon protective energy.
pinecones work as a health and fertility charm.
pine is also an excellent smoke cleanser for purifying and warming a space’s energy.
pine trees in general are associated with divine harmony, peace, releasing guilt, and clarity. for this reason, meditation under a pine tree (or with a pine sprig in your hand) can be very healing and beneficial spiritually.
whether you have a pine tree in your home this season, you take a walk among some evergreens, or even just light a pine-scented candle in your bedroom, its wintery magick is wonderful.
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
Crystals that are NOT suitable for placing in water / making gem water
This list will explain common stones that are either toxic to use for drinking in gem water or stones that are soluble in water. :)
Alunite: Non toxic but soluble in water
Anglesite: Toxic and slightly soluble in water
Arsenopyrite: Potentially toxic
Azurite: Harmful
Azurite-Malachite: Harmful
Azurite-Pseudomalachite: Harmful
Bunsenite: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact
Calomel: Possibly hazardous to health
Cerussite: Toxic
Chalcanthite: Harmful; easily soluble in water
Cinnabar: Very toxic!
Cinnabar-Opal: The cinnabar stored in the opal is toxic
Crocoite: Toxic 
Cuprite: Harmful
Durangite: Potentially toxic
Eclipse Stone: Limestone with orpiment, toxic
Eilat Stone: Harmful
Erythrite: Potentially toxic
Fiedlerite: Toxic
Fluorite, Antozonite variety: Potentially harmful
Galenite: Toxic and slightly soluble in water
Gaspeite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact
Greenockite: Toxic
Halite: Not toxic in small quantities, but dissolves easily in water
Iron-nickel Meteorite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact
Jamesonite: Potentially toxic
Lemon Chrysoprase: Potentially harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact
Lopezite: Very toxic! Hazardous even through skin contact
Malachite: Harmful
Millerite: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact
Minium: Toxic
Nickeline: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact
Olivenite: Potentially toxic
Orpiment: Toxic
Proustite: Potentially toxic
Psilomelane and Pyrolusite: Harmful
Pyromorphite: Potentially toxic
Rauenthalite: Toxic
Realgar: Toxic. Store in dark, securely locked place.
Scorodite: Potentially toxic
Sphaerocobaltite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact
Stibnite: Harmful
Tetrahedrite: Potentially harmful
Ulexite: Non toxic but slightly soluble in warm water
Valentinite and Senarmontite: Harmful
Vanadinite: Toxic
Wulfentie: Potentially toxic
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
Pie correspondences🥧✨
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🥧Pie: (in general/ round) spirituality
🥧Pie: (in general/ square) prosperity
🍎Apple Pie: healing, love, peace
🍊Apricot Pie: peace
🍌Banana Cream Pie- prosperity
🍇Blackberry Pie: lust, prosperity
🍶Custard Pie: spirituality
🍫Chocolate Cream Pie: love, prosperity
🥥Coconut Cream Pie: spirituality
🍒Cherry Pie: love
🍈Key Lime Pie: love, purification
🍋Lemon Pie: love, purification
🍐Mince Pie: luck, prosperity
🍑Peach Pie: happiness, healing, love, wisdom
🥜Pecan Pie: prosperity
🍍Pineapple Pie: healing, love, prosperity, protection
🎃Pumpkin Pie: healing, prosperity
🍇Raspberry Pie: happiness, love, protection
🍠Rhubarb Pie: love, protection
🍓Strawberry Pie: love
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
🕯️ Reading Candles for Yes-or-No Questions 🕯️
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🔥 High, steady flame - Yes.
🔥 Low, steady flame - No.
🔥 Short, weak flame - No.
🔥 Dancing flame - Needs more focus. Re-ground, concentrate, and ask again. 
🔥 Violently flickering flame - Strong no. Take this as a warning (if you are positive the flickering is not caused by any outside force).
🔥 Sputtering and crackling flame - There is more to your answer than a simple yes or no.
🔥 Dual-Flame - Thinking, wait for your answer. 
🔥 Flame leaning to the left - Yes.
🔥 Flame leaning to the right - No. 
🔥 Candle will not light - Now is not the right time to ask.
🔥 Candle will not go out - You are not done yet. There is more to your answer that you need to hear.
🔥 Candle goes out on its own before giving an answer - Now is not the right time to ask.
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
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If you aren’t totally quaking in your boots at the news of millions of bees dead, yet again, you’re nuts.
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
Starting a Grimoire📙
Ok so somebody asked for some tips on starting their grimoire so here’s this long ass post for anyone who needs it.
You do not need some big fancy notebook it can be a really cheap one or it can be online or in a scrapbook/binder
Ideas of what to put in your Grimoire
🌌Table of contents
🌌A page about you, your birthstone, fav herbs/crystals to make it more personal
🌌Types of magick
🌌Types of witches
🌌The history of magick/witches in your country or local area
🌌About the deities you worship if you worship any
🌌Local myths/legends of interest
🌌herbs and their magickal properties
🌌 Candles and their magickal properties
🌌Essential oils and their magickal properties
🌌Crystals and their magickal propererties
🌌Gemstones and their magickal properties
🌌Casting a circle
🌌Spells and how to cast them
🌌What days/times are best for casting spells
🌌Zodiac signs
🌌Moon phases
🌌Altars, what they are and what you need to set one up
🌌Moon water
🌌Sun water
🌌Spirit work, how to do it and how to stay safe
🌌Put protection sigils over the Grimoire to keep it safe and hidden
🌌Planets and their relation to magick
🌌Witch terminology 101
Organizing a Grimoire
🍁This isn’t needed, if you prefer the write as you go method that’s fine.
🍁For those of us who prefer to have it organized a table of contents is a must.
🍁Try and plan what your going to write down when. If it helps write down in a notebook or in your book of shadows every idea you can think of putting in your grimoire and number them.
🍁It’s ok if it’s not ‘perfect’ chances are this is your first grimoire so not only is ok its natural to make a few mistakes here and there
🍁Write in pencil if you don’t like crossing out mistakes or using tipex
🍁The key thing to remember is that it doesn’t need to look ‘Tumblr perfect’ as long as you understand it
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uniquesweetbaker · 6 years
Modern Witch: I want a TV show with REAL witchcraft
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: shows repeated real folk magic spells, references from grimoire spirits, shows actual rituals used by some witches, explores the relationship between witches and the devil through history and modern practice
Modern Witch: Ew not like that
Y’all need to remember this is a television show.
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