that durge in all of us
my brain went to "he got that dog in him" but durge idk man just go with it
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The Hazbin Lists
So I only got three of these and I'm prob not gonna make more but I'm pretty happy with the Alastor one. Husk was a pain in the ass to put together but that one's pretty okay too
Angel Dust:
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Helluva Playlist
I don't know what I'm doing.
Robo Fizz:
Knowing me I'll be making more at some point but this is all I got so far. Helluva brainrot isn't a joke
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Underworld? I don't know her
Awhile ago I made a playlist I thought would work for a "vampire themed nightclub" and just today I made another playlist I thought would fit werewolves (mainly just because I love Powerwolf and Moonspell) so I figured I'd share the two. Behold: Whatever this is,
Vampire Night Clubbing:
Werewolf Vibes:
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Wolfstar Mixtape?
In light of recent Harry Potter news I thought I'd add my own bit of goodness in a sea of terrible. To be clear, under no circumstances do I support JKR or Hogwarts Legacy and whatever the hell message these two buffoons are putting out. But lately I've been getting back into my maraduers era fanfic phase. So I just want to thank all the lovely writers and artists for making such wonderful content in what can be an otherwise bleak series. Thank you for helping take back these stories and making it your own. Anyways, heres a couple playlists:
Songs I think Remus Lupin would listen to:
Song I think Sirius Black would listen to:
(The Sirius Black Playlist is only longer because I'm more familiar with what I believe is his style. And it took me until half way through said list to realize, canonically, he would not know a lot of these thanks to Azkaban but I don't care anymore they're too good to leave out and I think he'd love them.)
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Centuries In The Making
A Steven Universe FanFiction ~ Pearl X Original Character
Yes I know there are inaccuracies but I can't be assed to fix them. This is just how the piece ended up flowing out. Don't think anyone will get to read this but to any who do feel free to let me know your thoughts! Please don't copy my work anywhere thank you
It's hard to be sad when Pearl is around:
It was surprisingly chilly for a spring evening in Beach City. Granted, one would imagine resting by the waters with the sun down should have a breeze. It was only natural. So why does it feel so odd? So foreign and unnerving? Spending time with friends and family, surrounded by soft tunes and smiling faces. Accompanied by the rhythmic waves of the familiar waters just up ahead. This was home, and yet it all felt so wrong.
“Steven has been worried about you.”
It isn’t often I get caught unguarded. Though I suppose if it would be anyone, it would be Pearl.
“I apologise, I figured he would be spending his time with Connie and the others. Parties this large are rare after all. I imagine he’d want to mingle with Beach City. I see him everyday.”
“Perhaps,” the rustle of the sand shifting under her delicate steps is a welcome distraction. Pearl sits with all her usual grace to my right, looking out toward the ocean. “Considering this party’s partly to celebrate your recovery it is odd seeing you alone to your own devices.”
I could quip and deflect all I want. Pearl is too observant to be victim of a simple trick. I merely continue to watch the blue mingle. Those blues clashing with hints of a lighter ray. An almost white shade, a highlight in the depths. Maybe dancing rather than a clash. Or a fierce might of two forces intermingling to create one entity. One illusion of peace. Hiding the raging currents and the fearful unknown.
I don’t know what I was expecting out of this encounter. If anything I could imagine Pearl leaving at my prompt silence. I never had Garnets foresight nor will I ever. But the gentle bolt of sense coming from my right hand, resting on the golden sands, sends shock throughout. Snapping quickly to see a pale hand ever so slightly making contact with my own blue one is startling.
“I can’t possibly begin to guess what is currently on your mind but I don’t believe it’s anything good.”
Her smile was gentle much like Pearl as a whole. Serene and inviting, yet daunting all the same. How do I respond to that? When I barely know what's plaguing my own thoughts? 
Too much all at once cloud together like a whirlwind of dust. Carelessly thrown about by a force to be reckoned with. My thoughts curl like said wind, taking capture of my being. A gust has hairs tickle my cheek. 
My right cheek.
And it doesn't pass through.
“It stopped.”
At the corner of my eye I see her face screw tight. My lip curls upward in a passing notice. “What do you mean?”
“The wind,” it’s said as breathless as the element, “I didn’t feel it pass through.”
The air turns sombre and I start to miss the adorable way her eyebrows came together earlier. I clearly see the realisation and pity shoot across her features like a raving sea, a part of me grows to hate that look. Although, hate is such a strong word. I believe hate and Pearl don’t mix.
A breath is let out. From relief of tension or pure exhaustion I do not know.
“Your gem has been broken for so long. I must admit looking at you now feels like a dream.”
A blink or two. She looks so beautiful in the moon's light.
 “A dream?” 
Her laugh is magnetic. I want to hear it for as long as she will let me.
“I remember when it was just us and Rose. I saw you most during that time.”
It’s my turn to chuckle. I swear I see her light up like a shining sun.
“After Garnet and the rest joined the cause I had more duties to fulfil. White Diamond would grow suspicious if I left too often.”
“I know that, I can’t help but remember how much more simple everything was. When it was just us the universe didn’t seem so big. We were all focused on each other and a dream. No crystal gems, no wars just yet. Only a promising rebellion and a wish.”
“It never felt simple for me. With White keeping me on a leash as Rose threw everything I knew away. For her dream.”
I regret those words as I’m forced to watch her face drift toward the sand again. Thoughtful and filled with her own regret.
“Sometimes I forget how–” A stabilising breath, “pressing your matters were then.”
In her eyes instead of the love and care I had hoped, I am met with the reality of that pitying look. I feel suffocated.
“The past is just that,” I hadn’t meant for my tone to sound so weak, “I’m happy now. And I’ll never have to suffer at White Diamond's hands again. The fruits of that are gone and I feel well and truly free.”
“Your new face will take getting used to.”
“I expected nothing less. I’m just glad I can protect you all on the field again, after so many centuries.” 
This time a smile shoots across both our faces. And it’s genuine, full of love. My chest tightens.
“I missed this– that, us fighting side by side. I mean–” 
I love when her cheeks tint blue, “I know, Pearl. I know.”
A much more comfortable silence follows. My head is more clean and narrow, stuck on everything that made us. That makes her.
Breaking away for a brief moment has me realising the late hour. Residents of Beach City saying their goodbyes and leaving for their homes. Barely I register the party coming to a new form of energy with our closest loved ones. Our little family stays behind to cap off the night. I start to feel bad, having stolen Pearl away from them all with my sulking. My sulking having stolen myself away to begin with. And yet we still sit side by side. Listening to the blues and whites of this daunting expanse of water clash together in a sort of dance. Dramatic but containing a finite amount of elegance. The blue all consuming those white glimmers, only for the white lights to start taking over. A sea of blue begging for as much light as possible. The white always complied. Bit by bit more and more light would appear, until that colour returned and the waves grew dark. An everlasting cycle, centuries in the making.  
It gets harder keeping my thoughts in check. A one track mind on our past and bright future surrounded by our dearest friends and family. A lovely tune joins in. Greg is playing music, as per Amethyst's request if their position is anything to go by. Garnet taps idly to the beat as Steven and Connie; sans glasses, start bouncing together. Together in a silly sway filled with unrestrained love.
I feel a pang resound deep within my chest. Bouncing in its cavity, almost as a threat.
A hand is outstretched, presented to my face.
“Would you like to dance with me?”
I can’t fight the beam I feel takes over. A pleasant surprise that has me reeling. I grasp her hand in mine and stand with her. Just as we had many times before. In solidarity of a cause, of a promise. In front of our guide, of our war. We’ve stood with each other for longer than many could begin to comprehend. Two similar forces stuck in a triangle of passion. Seemingly lacking a conclusion. Until today.
The dance comes easy to me as I have a being that is grace incarnate leading my steps and showing me the way. We flow like the waters at our sides. Moving closer along with the more gentle tune I gaze at her gem. That white light, a comfort ever present at the forefront of her body. A missile to show the way as does a beacon in the night. My left hand, joined with hers, is brought toward our chests. She rests them against her breast. Blue gem against her she holds me there tight. Looking up from the display I notice those soft eyes on mine and my chest tightens for the uptenth time this day. So much love mixed with something else. A promise perhaps? Of those futures I always dream of but could never seem to reach. And then I notice it. We start to move in a familiar set. Steps matching an old friend thought to be lost to time. She guides me into our routine. One I’ve dreamed of moving again for too many decades. Just as I fully start to get lost in her entire being, impossibly so, I’m able to register a gasp from a short distance away. Everything else is quickly lost on me. All that matters is her hands in mine and the building glow. Her lovely hair, intact but flowing ever so slightly in our presence. Her skirt brushed against my torso. Her gem glowing to a blinding white light. My own with a faint blue hue. We dance and I fall into a dip as I feel our very minds intermingle. Thoughts of promise and care, of new beginnings and memories of old, of us and each other and our love.
I can feel that love in its truest form. For the first time I can feel love like no other. Not one other moment together has this been so pure. Yet I start to recognize its small familiarities. And it’s then I realise that this love is not new. It’s not from a time left to rot. This love was here, festering, hiding away from its owner for reasons that at the moment do not matter. My mind is much too consumed by her and everything that makes her as a whole. And our newly realised love.
The glow swells to its climax and with its final moments,
Hemimorphite is reborn. 
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