viktorr-nikiforovv · 7 months
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Star Shower ⭐✨ 🌟
It's finally raining in California! Time to draw all the rain 🌧️ ☔
HD images and video process are found on my Patreon
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 7 months
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Feared by Life and Death There lays a place cast far away Burning with Lucifer's cold rage Locked in hellfire's tight embrace Yet, Warmth ousts the infernal flames Amidst pandemonium Celestial lightning strikes Ordered by the Gods themselves Cast down into the pits of evil An Angel in search of light For there's a man in hell That deserves to be saved
I wanted to draw a badass Cas (again) and this time I also wrote a little poem about him saving Dean :D
I hope you like this simple piece! 💙🧡
Prints available here!
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 8 months
Last night on Earth
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^don't mind me going absolutely feral over this gif
Navigation, Supernatural
Cas x AFAB!fem!Reader
Supernatural (2005), s05e03 "free to be you and me"
Word count: 6.4K
Summary: following the hooker failure, you feel that sitting alone in a shitty abandoned house is not the best way to spend one's last night on Earth. Cas seems to agree with you.
Content: smut! Yay! First kisses, first time, making out, handjobs, hickeys, penetrative sex, safe sex (yay!), cowgirl, mutual masturbation, fingering, gags? if you squint? maybe? like a hand over the mouth. Discussions of sex work and sex workers (I'm not commenting on anything, it's just there as dialogue due to the nature of the episode, and all dialogue/internal monologue regarding the topic is purely for the furtherment of the plot). Talking during sex, Cas is loud. Sex on a couch, spooning, almost-love-confessions ("like-confessions"). Very light comment on body image, some very vague descriptions of scars (reader is a hunter). Cas is just Cas and I love him for it. He's also a virgin. Dean's probably a warning but I adore him.
Notes: Heyyyy how's it going? One day into my holidays and I churn out this bad boy. Couldn't get the idea out of my head, and hey, I'm a sucker for virgin angels. This show is rapidly taking over my whole life lmao.
It's also been a while so I just thought I'd remind people of the taglist form, and the existence of my AO3 (if you wanna read my stuff there for whatever reason). Anyways enjoy, stay safe out there xx
“That was quick,” you called as the door creaked open, Dean’s low chuckle echoing through the hallway. You closed the book you’d been reading – a shitty paperback you’d picked out of a bargain bin – and watched as the other hunter dropped his jacket onto a rusted dining chair. You’d expected them to be gone for a few hours, hence your foray into the realms of “downtime”, but it had barely been one since they’d left, Dean throwing an obscenely enthusiastic wink your way as he shoved an apprehensive looking Cas out to enjoy his last night on Earth. 
“We had to wrap it up pretty fast.” Dean glanced over his shoulder at Cas, laughter still clinging to his face. You hadn’t seen him look that happy in ages, not for this long. Well, that was something at least. 
You’d had your doubts about the whole idea from the moment Dean had mentioned it. Sure, sex was sex. It was something that could be pretty darn nice and that you were glad for in your life, but you weren’t sure if Dean fully grasped that it was never the same with a hooker. It would never feel as good, it would never be meaningful, it would be a service purchased from a provider. A business transaction. That wasn’t any way to experience it for the first time, in your opinion. 
“Good time not a long time, then?” you asked mildly. 
“Would you say that, Cas?” 
The angel stiffened, hands shoved into the pockets of his trench coat. 
You wrinkled your nose, suddenly wondering if you should feel bad. “Bad time?” 
Dean snorted. “I’m turning in. You tell (Y/N) about it, she’ll give you a pat on the back and tell you it’s alright. And don’t look so… grief stricken.” 
“G’night,” you waved to his retreating back, then turned back to Cas. “Really bad time?” 
He really did look grief stricken, standing stock still in the dimness. Even his hair looked droopier than usual, and you almost got out of your seat just to push it off his face. You settled for putting your book down and leaning forward. 
“She ran away,” he said after a moment. “I think I scared her.” 
“Geez,” you frowned. “How’d you scare a hooker?” 
He shrugged. “I told her it wasn’t her fault that her father Gene ran off.” Then, as if it explained everything; “He hated his job at the post office.” 
You laughed, but stopped quickly. “Oh, Cas. You know the whole–” 
“The whole industry is run on absent fathers, I know.” He sighed. “Dean found it hilarious.” 
This time, you did get up, crossing the room to pat his shoulder. You knew Dean wouldn’t have meant anything by it, wouldn’t have been laughing at Cas. Still, a pang of what was almost pity shot through you. It wasn’t about the sex, not really, as much as Dean played that aspect up. It was more all the coulds that never would. Cas wasn’t human, as much as he could pass it off (mostly), but there were so many things that he wasn’t going to get to try now. You just didn’t understand how he could so casually volunteer to die at the drop of a hat. It was either incredibly selfless, or incredibly selfish. Or maybe just stupid. 
But no, Cas wasn’t stupid. He was razor sharp, a soldier of God, even if you poked fun at him when he didn’t understand your and Dean’s pop-culture reference infused slang. It had only been the last time you’d seen him that you’d vowed to make him sit through all the Star Wars movies, something you hadn’t realised until afterwards had sounded a lot like a “movie and chill” proposal. Luckily, he wouldn’t have picked up on that. Just like he wouldn’t have picked up – like Dean had – the moments where you caught yourself watching him, or the smiles that were just too damned determined to break out on your face when he showed up – either in the real world or in your mind. And thank the heavens nobody but you noticed the tiny flurries of butterflies in your stomach you’d noticed increasingly often when he was around, the surges of warmth that would sneak up and rush over you unexpectedly when you thought of him, the tingles that flooded your skin when he stood that little bit too close to you.  
Which, when you thought about it, was maybe contributing to the ounce of vindication you were feeling regarding the hooker failure. It wasn’t all the “I told you so” type of satisfaction, anyway, and you weren’t too proud to admit when you liked someone. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you assured him now, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. 
“You’re giving me a pat on the back and telling me it’s alright,” he sighed, almost mournfully. “Dean said–” 
You reached up, pressing a finger to his lips and shaking your head. “You wanna know something?” 
He nodded, brows furrowed. He hadn’t drawn back, you noticed. 
“It doesn’t matter how much sex Dean has,” you whispered, hand still floating close by his face. “I wouldn’t take a damn letter of his advice in that department.” 
“Why not?” His breath tickled your skin, and suddenly you realised just how close you were standing. 
You shrugged, dispelling the shiver that had run up your spine. “I just know if a dude came onto me how he comes onto chicks, I’d kick him in the balls.” 
“I’ll make a point to not come onto you like he does, in that case.” 
It took a moment – past the words “like he does”, not that he wouldn’t come onto you full stop, but like Dean does – for the fact that it was a joke to sink in, then you smiled. Maybe there was, or had been, hope for him yet. You took a breath, turning the words over in your mind. It was now or never, you supposed. 
“I want you to know,” you said carefully, “if you die–” 
“When. Tomorrow, when I die.” 
“Uh, yeah.” You swallowed. How could he be so matter of fact about it? How could he just say it like that? It didn’t matter, you supposed. Whether he said it or didn’t, it wasn’t going to change the fact that it was happening. 
“When I die…” he prompted when you were silent. 
“I want you to know that I liked you,” you said simply, then shrugged. “I think I was on the way to really liking you.” 
He frowned, and for a moment you thought you’d made a massive mistake. “You don’t have to do that,” he said. “I don’t mind. I know I’m… a dick.” 
“Jesus, Cas,” you snorted. “Guess we say that a bit too much, don’t we?” 
“And we don’t say ‘thank you’ enough.” 
He shook his head, still holding your hand. “You don’t have to do this,” he repeated.
“It’s not about that. Not all of it, anyway.” You smiled, glancing at your hand where it met his. It looked big, wrapped around your fingers, and it fitted painfully well. “But, you know, if it’s your last night on Earth…” You looked up, wiggling your eyebrows. You could play it off as a joke if you needed to, you weren’t too far in yet. 
That familiar almost-smile you’d come to look for danced over his lips. “You pity me, dying a virgin? Dying,” he added. “A virgin.” 
You laughed. “I don’t… pity you. Not exactly. Not because you’re gonna die a virgin, and definitely not because you’re a virgin.” 
“Because I scared away a prostitute?” 
“Her loss,” you laughed. “And anyway, if it’s your first and last time, it’d be nice to… y’know… feel good.” 
He frowned. “Surely a prostitute would know how to do that?”
“Maybe the technicalities,” you shrugged, “but there’s more to it than that. There’s feelings, y’know?” 
Again, you shrugged, suddenly self conscious. What were you doing? “Two way street kind of thing,” you explained lamely. “Not just someone you want, but someone who wants you. Not just your money.” You were acutely aware of the unspoken words floating beneath the casual sentence. I want you. It could be me.
A pause, where his eyes seemed to bore into your soul. He had a knack for that, you’d noticed. Sometimes you felt like he could see right to the very core of your being. In the dimness, they looked even more startlingly blue than usual. He was so close, you could almost count his eyelashes, almost feel the rise and fall of his chest beneath the coat, jacket, shirt, tie… 
“When it’s…” He paused, his tongue darting over his lips. God, his lips. “Someone you want.” 
“Someone who wants you.” 
“Not just your money.” 
You hadn’t taken your eyes off his mouth through the whole exchange, and your voice, when you asked, sounded softer than you’d meant it to, breathy and faint to your own ears. “Do you want me, Cas? Last night on Earth, and all.” 
The corner of his mouth curled up, brows twitching into a thoughtful frown. No, you thought, not quite a frown. Something else, more curious than confused. Almost quizzical. “I think…” He paused, drawing breath. “I think I do.” 
“Ok,” you smiled, ignoring the butterfly rampage taking place in your stomach. This kind of thing wasn’t supposed to happen in real life. Not your life, anyway, even if it was Cas’s last night on Earth. It didn’t exist outside the pages of those shitty paperbacks. 
“Do you want me?” Cas asked. 
“Mhm.” It was all you could manage, really. Then you were stretching up the last few inches between your face and his, pressing your lips gently against his own. 
He was perfectly still for a heartbeat, two heartbeats, almost three. Then his hand tightened around yours and he pulled you closer, trench coat rustling where your chest met it. He kissed you the way you remembered the first boy who’d ever kissed you – a boy in your year level at school, at a party, playing spin the bottle no less – had kissed you. The want was all there, the enthusiasm and anticipation and the only half-conscious desire for more. His lips remained shut, but you could feel in it that he knew it wasn’t quite right. 
You pulled away briefly, just enough to raise a hand to his mouth and run your thumb over his bottom lip. “Like this,” you murmured, pushing just enough to part his lips. Then your hands were in his hair and you were pulling him down to you, and this time it was perfect. 
He made a little sound of pleasure as your tongue slipped beside his, stroking, caressing, gently as you could. Without any guidance, his hand had found the cloth-shielded contours of your breast, tracing the outline with a sort of awe. His fingers ran along the neckline of your top, dipping under the material, curving around your bare shoulder, exploratory and cautious. 
You let him explore you, his hands mapping out every curve he could touch, tongue darting into every uncharted depth he could find, tasting and learning and discovering parts of you you hadn’t guessed could be felt like this through just a kiss. Your mind spiralled as his hand eased under your shirt, cool fingers tickling the skin of your hip. He squeezed gently, pulling you against him harder, and you gave in completely. You weren’t sure if it was what he had been going for, but when you pushed your pelvis against his he gasped; a quiet, shuddering little sound that went straight to your panties. 
“Ok?” you breathed between kisses, then, at his nod, you did it again. 
His voice was strangled when he said your name, the pads of his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your waist. Oh Cas, you thought. A rush of affection washed over you at how eager he was, where just an hour before he’d been being literally pushed out the door by Dean, looking as terrified as you’d ever seen him at the prospect of sex. Now he was kissing you hungrily, kneading at your skin, inching your shirt up off your torso, his feet at risk of tangling with yours as he walked you backwards. Not to mention the increasingly noticeable bulge pressed against you. 
“Clothes off,” you breathed, already undoing his tie. “On the couch.” 
He paused, then he was shrugging off the trench coat, the blazer following suit – no pun intended – and landing with a soft rustling thump on the floor. You stepped back, just a little, as he deftly unfastened the buttons of his shirt, drinking in every inch of skin like a kid in a lolly shop. Fuck, maybe you had the hots for him even worse than you’d thought. 
“Are you going to undress too?” The question was mild, matter of fact, but something in the way Cas had paused midway through relieving himself of his pants and was watching you, hands still on the belt buckle, made you stomach flip. 
You cleared your throat, but your voice still came out too low, too husky. “Sure.” 
His gaze didn’t leave you for an instant – apart from when he kicked his discarded trousers aside – as you pulled your shirt the rest of the way over your head, slid your jeans as gracefully as you could down your legs. You shivered slightly in the cool night air, acutely aware of your hunter’s body. 
Cas’s eyes widened, scanning over you and taking in every inch of your skin. It wasn’t perfect, you were aware of that. It wasn’t like a hooker’s body, it carried you around as you fought monsters, and was littered with the proof of said monster fights. You wondered if Cas had seen other – normal – human bodies like this, if he’d find the painfully obvious reminders of your mortality somehow repellent. You suddenly felt very, very small and very, very human. 
“Sorry about… y’know…” You shrugged, patting your thigh awkwardly. “The meatsack’s a little dinged up. Most people don’t look like this.” 
“Don’t look like what?” he frowned, finally looking back at your face. 
You shrugged again, poking a long white scar over your side. The first werewolf you’d ever come face to face with, and nearly the last. “Scarred. At least not as much as I am,” you added. 
A shiver shot up your spine as Cas settled his hands on your bare waist, fingers running over the most noticeable marks. “Don’t apologise,” he said softly. “You’re human, and you spend your days killing monsters. It would be more disturbing if you were unblemished.” 
You laughed at that, a small breathy sound. “You think I’m disturbing?” 
He smiled faintly. “You’re not so bad.”
You felt your own mouth curve, matching his. “Neither are you.” 
He leaned down, his lips meeting yours once more. This kiss was softer, more intimate, maybe a little too intimate. You were vaguely aware of the couch behind you. Before your knees knocked against its side, you broke away – a difficult task, given that Cas chased your lips like a lab rat after cheese – and spun, laying your hands firmly on his chest. 
“Couch,” you muttered, giving a gentle push. 
He pulled you with him as he sat down, his hands running down over your hips, your thighs, back up again to your waist. He watched you carefully as his touch slid up the centre of your torso, over your bra, lingering momentarily on the anti-possession sigil tattooed over your heart before he moved on, across the line of your ribs. Unbidden, the memory of the last time he’d touched you there sprang to mind; the sharp, burning pain and throbbing after-ache of the Enochian sigils being literally carved into your bones. 
“I can see them,” he whispered, as if he’d read your mind. “The sigils.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “How do they look?” 
“Foreign,” he said after a moment. “They don’t belong.”
You shrugged, unsure how to respond to that. Sure, the sigils weren’t part of you, and you didn’t exactly know how you felt about angel writing being carved into your ribcage, but there was also something reassuring about knowing it was there, knowing you carried that kind of magic with you. In you. 
Cas’s eyes lifted from your body, fixing on your own. “Can you feel them?” he inquired. 
You shook your head. “Not really. Not physically. But I know they’re there.” 
“Perhaps I should have asked,” he muttered, almost to himself. “It’s your body, after all.” 
“No,” you smiled. “Don’t worry about it. I kinda like the idea of you scribbling on me. Bone graffiti.” 
“Bone graffiti?” 
You felt the smile grow, nodding. “Besides,” you added, “I’ll always have a little bit of you, even after you're gone. Like a… souvenir.” 
“Oh,” was all he said. You supposed people were right about impending death making people sappier. But still, what you said was true. Your own ribs had become a kind of lucky charm, a talisman, a locket of sorts. 
You dragged yourself out of that line of thinking before you went any further, turning your attention back to the angel currently underneath you on the couch. Underneath you and very shirtless. You’d placed your own hands on his chest in an attempt to not fall over on top of him, and now you let yourself touch him – really touch him. His chest heaved under your fingers as you swept over him, a tiny, strangled noise falling from his lips. 
“Alright?” you asked, pausing for a moment. 
He nodded, shifting slightly under you. “It’s good,” he said softly. 
“Keep going?” 
Again, a nod. Cautiously, gently, you spread your fingers over his chest. His heart beat fast, thudding frantically as you moved your other hand lower, down the centre of his torso, following the contours of his lithe muscles. You reached the waistband of his underpants, pausing. 
“Can I?” you asked, your hand hovering over his barely concealed erection. 
“Yes,” he whispered, tongue darting over his lips. His eyes flicked from your face to your hand, back to your face again. 
You smiled as you slipped your fingers under the waistband of his underwear. His dick was hot to the touch, hard and already damp at the tip. “You ever touched yourself?” you asked as you withdrew your hand, spitting into your palm. 
Cas’s breath hitched. “Once.” 
He nodded, licking his lips again. “Dean said I wasn’t supposed to talk about it.” 
“Yeah, well…” You smiled again, wrapping your fingers around his cock and stroking languidly. “You can tell me.” 
He gave a sort of half gasp, half moan, his grip tightening on your thigh. “I found Dean’s magazine,” he confessed. “The one with the women, not the cars.” 
“Mhm?” You kept your voice mild, focussing on the steady motion of your arm and wrist, your fingers sliding effortlessly over him. You could almost see Cas flipping through the pages of one of those god-awful porn mags Dean insisted on carting around, picture his confused little head-tilt and his frown as he looked through the pictures, his hand creeping to where yours was now, his much larger fingers circling–
“It was uncomfortable,” he continued, jerking you back to the present. “Too hot. I really just wanted it to go away.” 
“And did it?” 
“Not until I– oh!” He broke off as your thumb slid over the leaking head of his cock, fingers digging into your thigh. 
You fought off the surge of heat the sound sent shooting through you, watching his slightly parted lips, his wide eyes. “Did you cum?” you asked evenly. 
“Yes,” he panted, hips twitching up slightly. “Oh, (Y/N), yes–” 
“Yes, you did cum?” 
“Yes, yes I did.” 
“Was it good?” 
Another soft moan, then he smiled. “Not as good as this.” 
Maybe it was the praise, maybe the moan, maybe the smile. Either way, the words went straight to your panties. You ignored it, stopping yourself from grinding against him with willpower that would have impressed Jesus. Although, you weren’t sure how he would have felt about you fucking a literal angel. 
You leant forward, kissing his lips gently, then his jaw, then his neck, then his chest. You kept going, tracing a path inexorably downwards, shuffling backwards to straddle his thigh as he shifted with you, now splayed along the couch lengthways. 
“Help me out,” you muttered, your hand moving beside your face as you attempted to pull his underwear off. Obediently, he lifted his hips and kicked them aside, the muscles of his stomach twitching as you placed a kiss on the junction of his hip. And holy shit, you could have just watched his torso moving like that forever. You kissed his hip again, sucking gently at the spot, licking over the mark you conjured. Then you added another beside it, and another, and another. A little belt of hickeys across his pelvis. 
“Do you, hm, touch yourself too?” he asked, breathless and raw. 
“Fuck, Cas.” You paused where you’d been about to kiss the base of his cock, raising your eyes to his. His chest rose and fell, rose and fell again, the skin almost glowing in the dim light. 
He frowned. “Am I not supposed to ask that?” 
“You can ask me anything you want,” you assured him, kissing the little trail of hair below his belly button. “And yeah, I do.” 
“Does it feel good?” 
You smiled. “Yeah.” 
“Do you…” He paused, searching for the words. “Do you want to do it now?” 
“This is about you,” you said softly, giving his cock a gentle squeeze. “Don’t worry about me.” 
“I want you to feel good too.” 
You sat up, studying him. There was nothing by sincerity in his eyes, the genuine desire – and desire there was – for you to enjoy yourself. And why shouldn’t you indulge that? You were having a great time as it was, and there was no denying the throbbing ache that had grown exponentially between your legs. 
“You want me to touch myself?” you asked, double checking. 
He nodded. “Yes, please.”
“Ok.” You shed your own underpants, shivering as the cool air came in contact with your wetness. Slowly, you reached down and ran your finger over your clit, your breath hitching in your chest. You repeated the action, your hand moving further down to circle your entrance, slick gathering on your fingers. You’d done this countless times before, and you weren’t ashamed of it. Masturbation was natural, it was a perfectly normal perfectly human thing to do. This, however was different. You’d never had an audience before, never had anyone watch you with such rapt wonder and awe. 
Cas’s eyes flicked down to your bra, then back to your face. A question, almost a request. 
“Off?” you asked, already reaching behind your back. He nodded, watching carefully as you shed the garment and cast it aside to join the pile of clothes on the floor. Slowly, reverently, he stretched up and kissed your breast, his hand leaving its place on your hip to trace over the other one. 
A shiver ran down your spine and you bit down on your lip, attempting futilely to stifle your moan. Absently, your hand resumed its place between your thighs as Cas’s hand left your chest and found its way to his cock. You’d never in a million years have thought you’d be where you were now; touching yourself on top of an angel touching himself while he did his best to turn your chest into one giant hickey. You were hardly complaining. 
Something rustled in the next room over, and you both froze. Fuck, you thought. Dean was still (hopefully) asleep, only the wall and the hastily closed door to that room barring him from hearing you. Cas seemed to have had exactly the same thought, his head tilted slightly as he listened, his breath raising goosebumps on the spit-damp skin of your chest. There was another rustle, then a quiet snort, then nothing. He hadn’t woken, then. 
“We gotta be quiet,” you whispered. You shifted, biting back another moan. “Ok?” 
“Ok,” Cas nodded. He pressed his lips firmly together, eyes flicking down to where your hand disappeared between your legs. You hissed as you resumed your movement, acutely aware of every possible sound you or Cas made, ears pricked for any other disturbance from nextdoor. 
Cas’s free hand was still resting on your thigh, firmly holding you in place on top of himself. His wrist brushed your own with every stroke of his cock, the skin over his stomach and chest twitching ever so slightly. His own thigh tensed as he thrust into his hand, something that you could only describe as a whimper falling from his lips. Heat surged over you, your mind awash with desire. If only that hooker knew what she was missing. 
“Sorry,” he muttered almost immediately, eyes darting towards the door. 
“‘Salright,” you replied, swallowing hard. Being quiet was a much more difficult task than you’d anticipated, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the possibility of being caught just a little bit. You grunted softly as your finger brushed over a particularly sensitive spot, the familiar rhythm and movements working just as well as ever, and even better when you had Cas to look at. Not to mention the warmth of his mouth where it occasionally found your breasts again. 
But you wanted more, you needed more. The same part of you that was electrified by your own touch craved his, especially when his beautiful hands were right there and his eyes were still fixed on you like you were the centre of the universe, his own movements becoming faster and more frantic, chest heaving. 
You paused, much as it pained you. “Do you wanna go further?” 
He frowned. “What do you mean?” 
Gently, you laid your hand over his and peeled it away from his cock. Wriggling forwards a little, you finally – finally – rocked your hips over his, revelling in the hot hardness of him against your slick. His mouth fell open, fingers tightening on your own. 
“Here, Cas. I want you inside me, wanna fuck you properly.” 
“Oh, (Y/N),” he sighed, his own hips matching your movement. 
“Will you let me? Let me fuck you?” 
“Yes,” he nodded. “Yes, of course.” 
You smiled. “Ok, one second.” You reached over the side of the couch, digging through the pockets of your jeans until you found your wallet – and the little foil package inside it. 
“What are you doing?” Cas asked as you tore it open and set the latex atop his dick. 
“It’s a condom,” you explained. “So I don’t get pregnant. No offence,” you grinned, “but I don’t really wanna have your babies any time soon.” 
“Oh.” He swallowed, processing. “That’s… understandable.”
“All good?” At his nod, you slid the condom the rest of the way down, spitting into your hand once more and resuming your earlier ministrations. “It feels a little different, I know,” you whispered as you moved to grind against him once more. 
“It’s still good,” he assured you, placing his hands gently on your hips.��
You smiled. “Ready?” 
“Yes.” The word was a breath, nothing more, but it was all you needed. Carefully, you lined him up and sank down, watching his face carefully. His eyes widened, his fingers digging into your flesh slightly as a deep groan reverberated through the space between you. 
“Gotta be quiet,” you reminded him, your voice not half as steady as you’d have liked. “Don’t wanna wake Dean up, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he echoed, “quiet.” 
You leaned forwards and placed a soft kiss on his lips, rocking your hips over his. He was everything you’d imagined and so much more. It was like he’d been made for you, the way his cock stroked every inch of your insides, sliding smoothly with how wet you were. You wanted to go back in time and kick your past self for having waited this long. 
“God, Cas,” you sighed. “Oh God.” 
His brows pinched together slightly, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he stretched up and captured your lips with his, moving down over your jaw to your neck, sucking gently just as you’d done to the skin of his hip. Your fingers tangled in his hair, holding him close against you as you lifted and lowered your hips, a faint whine somehow slipping from your lips despite your best efforts. 
“Is this, hm, ok?” he asked, his usually gravelly voice made even more so. 
“Fuck,” you gasped as his hand came to rest on your ass, kneading at the soft flesh, moving up over the front of your hips where your leg met the rest of your body. “So good, Cas.” 
“You’re so good,” he murmured, guiding your movements gently. He thrust into you, his hips meeting yours halfway, stomach muscles flexing.
“Let me,” you said, pushing him backwards into the couch cushions. “You relax, yeah? I’ve got it. I’ve got you.” 
He nodded, head tipping back as you bounced on his dick, the rough fabric of the cushion beneath you scratching at your knees. Fumbling slightly, your hands found purchase on his chest and you locked your elbows in an odd sort of imitation of CPR. If CPR was done from the front rather than the side, you supposed, but you weren’t exactly doing any resuscitation. 
His chest heaved under your touch, another low groan seeming to echo in the otherwise stillness of the night. The tiny part of your brain that wasn’t totally consumed with the wonderful pleasure-ache of his cock hitting deep inside you and the burn of your thighs was torn between telling him to be quiet and just listening to him, but then he was licking his lips again and his mouth was falling open and you were lost. 
“(Y/N),” he panted, his eyes fixed on your face. “Oh, (Y/N), oh my–” 
“Alright?” you asked, biting back a moan as you found a particularly good angle. 
“Yes, yes, of course. It’s, hm, so good.” He glanced momentarily down at where your body met his, another groan rumbling in his chest. 
“Sh–” you whispered, half tempted to press your hand over his mouth. Or maybe your own, given the struggle you were facing to remain quiet yourself. 
“Sorry, sorry I–” 
You cut him off quickly. “It’s alright Cas, you’re fine. Just, fuck–” 
“(Y/N),” he panted, the muscles of his arms and stomach flexing as his fingers gripped the couch cushion, luminescent in the dimness. Again, his eyes flicked downwards, this time to the soft mound of flesh currently on display. 
You smiled, reaching down to take his hand, drawing it up to rest over your pelvis. His skin was warmer than you’d ever felt it, faintly clammy and God his hand was big under your own. You couldn’t count the number of times you’d caught yourself picturing his hands in this kind of context, and you didn’t want to try. His fingers splayed over your skin, moving with you, covering the whole space below your naval. 
“That’s where you are,” you panted. “That’s where I can feel you, Cas, right there.” 
A small, strained noise you could only describe as a whine. “Is it, ah, good? Do you like it? Do you like feeling… me?” 
“Fuck,” you sighed. “Yeah, sure do, Cas. Do you like feeling me?” 
He smiled, biting down hard on his lower lip. “Of course. I like it immensely.” 
You felt yourself clench at his words, and this time you were unable to restrain the downright pornographic moan that tore from your throat. Any other time, you might have been embarrassed, but Cas seemed to like it. Pressing your lips firmly together, you glanced hastily towards the other room, but as far as you could tell there was no disturbance. 
“(Y/N), oh, (Y/N), I don’t think—” He swallowed hard, eyes wide and back on your face. 
“Yeah? What’s wrong?” 
“I can’t— I don’t think I can be quiet, (Y/N) I—”
Affection bloomed alongside the desire in your gut, and you had half a mind to tell him it was alright, he didn’t even have to worry about being quiet at all. It wasn’t like you didn’t love the noises he was making. But Dean was only one room over, and you didn’t want to wake him. 
“You can, Cas,” you breathed, “you can. You’re doing so well already, we just gotta— fuck.”
He’d bucked his hips up into you, the movement jolting the steady knot of pleasure forming low in your stomach. He was close, you could see it as much as hear it, but the thought of the thin walls and your friend sleeping in the next room over had taken root more firmly in your mind now. 
“It’s so much,” Cas gasped. “Oh, oh, (Y/N) it’s so much—”
You managed a smile, slowing down your movements a little. “I know,” you said softly. “You’re ok, yeah?” 
He nodded frantically. “Hm, yes, yes. Please, don’t stop. Keep going, please—” 
Another soft moan slipped from your mouth, Cas’s answering groan enough to make your legs shake. It was too loud, and any other time you’d have soaked up his praises and curses and everything, but not now. After a moment’s hesitation, you clamped your hand firmly over his mouth, sh-ing him gently. If possible, his eyes widened even further and he groaned against your skin. 
“Alright?” you breathed. 
Another frantic nod, an almost-whimper as your grip firmed up. Well I’ll be damned, you thought vaguely. Who’d have guessed he was into that? 
You felt him shiver all over as you continued to rock your hips over his, his hand where it rested on your hip tightening. You wondered if you’d have finger-shaped bruises later. It didn’t matter, you told yourself as he moaned again, his stomach muscles tensing, something that could have been your name squashed under your hand. 
“Sh, shh!” you gasped. Between holy shit I’m so close and holy shit he’s so close, the thought that Dean was right there and would hear you was still rooted in your mind. “Cas, sh, Dean’s right– ah, fuck, Dean’s–” 
You broke off as Cas’s chest heaved, his hips bucking up into you once more. His mouth had fallen open under your hand and he was gasping something, angel curse-words, maybe? It didn’t matter, not when his eyes were screwed shut and his head was tipped back, your name sprinkled into the litany of foreign words like a prayer. 
The sight was enough to make the bomb that had been building in your stomach explode, sparks of pleasure shooting through your aching legs right to your toes and back up again. You might have said Cas’s name, you weren’t sure, but the sentiment was there. You clamped a hand over your own mouth, nothing but the need to be quiet reverberating through your pleasure-blanked mind. 
After what felt like an age, your brain managed to find its way back into your skull and the aftershocks of your orgasm faded from your body. Gently, you removed your hand from Cas’s mouth and looked down at him, smiling. 
“Alright?” you asked. 
His hair was a mess, his brow lightly beaded with sweat, cheeks flushed. There was even a slight red mark where your hand had been, which you stroked gently. 
“I’m more than alright,” he smiled, turning to place a tiny kiss on your fingers. “Are you?” 
“Good,” you nodded as you slid off him, mourning the sudden emptiness momentarily as you peeled off the condom, tying it in a neat knot to be disposed of later. Then he was lifting his arm, wriggling with you as if he could read your mind, and you were being cocooned against his body. 
“I’m sorry,” he said after a moment, “if I was too loud.” 
“You weren’t,” you assured him quickly. “Not at all. Sorry about… gagging you. I should’ve asked. That’s not what usually happens.” 
He hesitated, turning to meet your eyes. “I… didn’t mind.” 
He shook his head, a small, nervous smile dancing across his lips. “No. In fact, I quite liked it.” 
You felt your own smile widen as you placed a soft kiss on his cheek, taking his hand where it rested on his chest. “Good,” you said. “What about  the rest? What do you think?” 
He sighed, a beautifully satisfied noise that flooded you with warmth. “I think I should not have waited this long.” 
You laughed, pressing closer. “Mhm?” 
“Mhm. Thank you, (Y/N), truly.” 
“Oh,” you said softly, turning away to hide the blood rushing to your face. “That’s ok, Cas. Thank you.” 
He gave another little hum, shifting to drape his arm over your waist and pull you into him, fingers skimming your ribs. Getting spooned by a divine warrior of God, you thought with a thrill. Real life really was stranger than fiction. 
“You’re tired,” he murmured, his voice seeming to rumble through you in the best way possible. “You should sleep.” 
“Hold on,” you protested as you felt his arm withdrawing. You grabbed his hand, pulling it firmly back down to rest on your stomach, wiggling closer. “There was a blanket on the back, grab that. I’m staying here.” 
You could almost feel him frowning when he replied. “You’d not rather a bed?” 
You only hesitated a moment before bending to kiss his arm. “I’d rather you.” 
He didn’t seem to know quite what to say to that, but after a beat something heavy and slightly scratchy was being draped over you, and Cas’s arm was tightening around your waist, and his lips were pressing against your shoulder. 
“G’night,” you whispered. 
“Good night, (Y/N).” 
It was Dean who found his two friends curled together on the couch the next morning. He snorted, taking in the gentle rise and fall of your shoulders in tandem with Cas’s, his hand enveloping your smaller one where it rested just above the blanket, the assortment of what was very clearly Cas’s suit and your own clothes scattered over the floor. Well, he supposed, the night hadn’t been a complete failure. He had half a mind to throw something at you, the scene was so jarringly… sweet. 
“Rise n’ shine lovebirds,” he called instead, “we’ve got shit to do.” 
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 8 months
Jack: Y.N said I can't watch Scooby-Doo.
Castiel: Why?
Sam: Y.N find out Dean have crush on Daphne and now no one can watch it.
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 8 months
Guardian Angel
Castiel x Winchester child!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: Castiel gets to know the Winchester’s little sister
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Sam and Dean had a tendency to be cautious around new people. A tendency, they were noticing, that was not passed on to their little sister.
At least not where a certain angel was concerned.
“Why is the sky blue?”
“Because blue light travels in shorter waves than other light, so it’s scattered more than other colors, and therefore blue is the color you see most often in the sky,” Dean looked up to see you, the edge of Cas’s trench coat gripped in your small fist as you followed him around.
“Ok. Why is grass green?”
“Because of the pigment chlorophyll in the leaves and stems.”
“Ok. Why is-“
“Baby, how about we leave Castiel alone,” Sam scooped you into his arms, carrying you to his bed in the dingy motel room.
“I wanted to ask him more questions!” You protested.
“Yeah well, you’ve asked him enough for now, it’s bed time.”
After Sam put you to bed, he stepped over to his angel friend.
“Thanks Cas,” he sighed. “You kept her occupied for quite a while.”
“It was my pleasure,” Sam was surprised at the sincerity in Cas’s voice. “She has some very good questions.”
“Cas?” Sam sighed at the sound of your voice, but Castiel stopped him as he stepped towards you.
“I’ve got her, you had some research to do, right?”
Sam glanced at you, before looking back at the angel. There weren’t many people he trusted with you, and just because you liked Cas didn’t mean that Cas was safe; the angel thing was all relatively new to Sam.
“Cas?” Your voice came again.
“Yeah, alright,” he finally decided. “But I’m right over here if you need anything.”
“I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Cas made his way over to your bedside. “Hello, little one. Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?”
“Can you sing?”
Cas glanced self consciously over at the Winchester brothers, but they were engrossed in research.
“I…have the ability, yes.”
“No, I meant like now. Can you sing me a song?”
“I…I suppose. If it would help you sleep.”
You grinned and settled back against your pillow as Cas began to sing softly.
You were asleep in minutes.
“Castiel? Cas, I have a question.”
“He’s probably busy, why don’t you-“
“What was your question?”
Dean jumped in surprise when Castiel appeared suddenly next to him.
“Why can’t we see your wings?”
“I don’t often show them, as it would be counterproductive to my attempts to appear human.”
“Was that all?” Dean could tell Castiel was eager to return to wherever he’d come from, but he hid it well from you.
“Yeah,” Castiel stiffened in surprise when you ran up to him and hugged his leg. “Thanks, Cas.”
“I…you’re very welcome.”
And just like that, he was gone.
“Castiel?” You curled your legs into your chest. “Cas, I-“ your voice broke, struggling to escape past the lump in your throat. “Cas please come. Please.”
“I really don’t have time for questions now, I’m sorry, I-“ Castiel stopped when he got a good look at you. “Little one, what is it?”
“S-Sam and Dean were supposed to be back by now,” you couldn’t hold back your tears, but you were managing to hold back your sobs. “And-and they won’t answer their phones, and-“
“Hey, hey,” Castiel placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, worried when your tears increased and your breathing labored. “I’m sure they’re just in the middle of a hunt. They’ll call when they’re on their way home, I’m sure.”
“I’m scared,” the fragility in your voice broke Castiel’s heart.
“You don’t have to be scared,” Castiel knelt by your bed and looked you in the eye. “Your brothers are very strong, and they’ll do anything to make it back home to you.”
“W-will you stay until they come back?”
“Of course I will,” Castiel promised. He was surprised when you launched yourself forwards and into his arms, but it only took him a moment before he reciprocated, holding you as though you might break.
“Thank you, Cas.”
“Any time, little one.”
Sam and Dean returned home a few hours later to find you fast asleep in the arms of your favorite angel.
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 9 months
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 10 months
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Moon Knight The Goldfish Problem | 1.01
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 10 months
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Are you an Egyptian Superhero? I am. — Mohamed Diab, dir. Moon Knight:
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 10 months
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 11 months
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 11 months
Catfish: Dark Andy Barber (COMPLETED)
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Words: 40k
Parts: 1-6 plus an alternative ending
After being catfished by 15 year old Jacob Barber, you’re destroyed especially as a student in college to become a school teacher. Distraught and a couple of days later, you’re surprised by a knock on your door late at night during a snowstorm, by none other than Jacob’s father. you soon realize that his intentions when coming to your house that night were far more sinister than you believed. The relationship only gets darker as the infatuation of an unhappy married man grows more and more each day. But what lengths will he go to make sure you never leave him?
Part one
Part Two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six - final chapter
Alternative ending
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 11 months
This is too funny-
Would You Love Me If I Was A Worm? (Spn headcannons)
a/n: Call me cringe all you want, i know this trend is old but i love it lol. also, i am getting to requests but i thought this was cute and i wanted to do it! <3
warnings: not really much, use of y/n and swearing. Characters and reader talk back and forth and i hope it’s not too confusing lol
characters included: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley
reminder that i am accepting requests for spn, but check my boundary page <33
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- he thinks for like two seconds before just nodding.
- “yeah, probably.”
- “i don’t know how i’d kiss you though. what if i accidentally kissed your ass?”
- “I know you wouldn’t mind if you accidentally kissed my worm-ass.”
- “what the hell are you guys talking about?” - a tired Sam
- dean rethinks his statement after like two days and just randomly brings it up again
- “y/n, if you were a worm you could NOT sit in the impala. i don’t want your worm juices on my seats.”
- “oh my god. what if i stepped on you by accident?”
- “this is too much responsibility.” he is overwhelmed LMFAOO
- he would love you if you were a teeny tiny bug
- huh
- flabbergasted
- “say it again?”
- “why are you asking? do you plan on turning into a worm?”
- “no. just curious.”
- he gives you the whole pros and cons
- “we would have a language barrier separation :(“
- thinks about it for a good ten minutes
- “i think it would be too sad, y/n.”
- “what! so you wouldn’t love me? :(“
- “no, no! i would love you i just don’t think we could have a relationship. it would be weird.”
- “SAMMY?”
- in denial smh
- what a loser/j
- he’d love you but it would be a star-crossed lovers type thing i guess smh
- looks at you and tilts his head to the side
- “i would never let you turn into a worm, y/n.”
- “okay but what if i did?”
- “i suppose i’d care for you and feed you?”
- “so would you love me?”
- “maybe?”
- he’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit
- “i know a lot of languages. i could learn worm-talk for you.”
- i love him
- you mean so much to him that nothing, not even wormdom, would stop him from loving you.
- AW
- “a worm?”
- “yeah.”
- “hell no. they’re slimy and gross.”
- “well it’s true, love.”
- he’s honest 🤷‍♀️
- “you’re so mean :(“
- “well you’re not a worm, love. so we have nothing to worry about.”
- “but what if i turned into a worm one day?”
- he js shakes his head
- “how could a worm date a demon? i’d accidentally kill you and your small invertebrate self!”
- “we could make it work!”
- “love.”
- he’s tired LMFAO
- “what would our wedding look like? ugly. that’s what it would look like.”
- “crowley!!”
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 11 months
Small cabbage go brrrrrr
I'd love to see more Supernatural stuff like "would you love me if I was a worm?", please! c:
Calling The Spn Boys Really Cringey Nicknames (preference!)
a/n: i literally love you sm. when you requested this i was fr begging my brain to come up with ANYTHING and then boom here you are so thank you sm for this :)) i wasn’t sure if you meant like preferences or a funny little chaotic write up so i did both :) hope you enjoy!! (wendy williams is such a meme.)
Warnings: swearing, chaos tbh, not proofread
characters included: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley
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Sam was in the room and you know you gotta mess with the moose man
you walk up to dean all innocent and you hand him a beer you got from the fridge.
“here you go, honey bunches.” insert voice you use when talking to a puppy
dean stared for a second before going
“of course, Schmoopie.”
Sam rn:
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You just walk away like it’s normal and go back to doing whatever you’re doing and sam is literally DISGUSTED
after a couple of seconds he just goes
“schmoopie?” bro is about to cry hes so dead cus wtf is that nickname
“yeah?” you respond, shrugging.
“never say that again.” Sam deadpans and Dean gets up to walk to you.
“what the hell was that nickname.” he asks, a HINT of a blush on his face.
you smiled. “i think it’s cute!”
he literally looks scared.
“stop it. never again.” SHIVER ME TIMBERS
you scarred the poor man and his brother
He’s working late on research for a case you guys are in town for and he’s delirious
you bring him a coffee and decide to fuck with him a little bit
“here’s your coffee, Sammy.”
“oh, thank you y/n”
“anything for my cutie patootie!” you kiss his head and walk away
he’s literally going 👁️👄👁️
maybe he’s delirious but he’s not psycho (maybe)
him rn:
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“y/n.. what?”
you just turn around all innocent
“what? cant i call you my cutie patootie? or would you rather me call you my schnuckums?”
“what the fuck.”
“y/n. go to bed.”
you made him go to bed because he thought he was hallucinating
my precious baby
he totally asked dean all about pet names and stuff and dean was like “STAY AWAY FROM THESE ONES..”
so when you call him your poopsie he’s like 🤨
but he dosent wanna do anything weird so he goes
“love you too, Schmoop.”
he fought back
now it’s your turn to actively cringe
you when he fought back:
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he tells dean about it the next day and dean is in absolute SHAMBLES
i love cas he deserves nothing but love and support
he would totally keep calling you that name just to see you die inside every time
he loves you
i love him
he’d research cringe couple names and come across Petite Chou (small cabbage) in french and call you that
everyone would think it was something cute and meant a lot
Small Cabbage
i honest to god feel like crowley has seen so much and you’re so chaotic he wouldn’t even bat an eye
“i love you baby cakes!!”
“mhm. love you too, y/n.”
“hey my schmoople!”
“hi y/n.”
“how was your day, snuffleuffagus?”
“good. how was yours, love?”
he’s so used to you and your antics tbh he honestly thinks it’s hilarious
but he isn’t even phased anymore lol
you guys are a power couple
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 11 months
Language of Lust
summary: a botched hunt means that you need a refresher in latin thankfully sam is there to help.
warnings: mentions of a panic attack. forced orgasm. multiple orgasms. overstimulation. anal sex. unprotected sex. squirting. creampie.
words: 3.2k
notes: so a while ago i saw a post about being dommed in another language. and honestly it unlocked a kink i never knew i had. that post spawned this idea. please ignore the latin translations if they aren’t correct as i used google to translate. :)
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In the days following the botched demon hunt, the atmosphere within the base had become tense, and that meant the three of you had been at each other's throats. It hadn’t mattered how many times you’d apologized or promised to do better next time, how much pie you’d bought for Dean, or that you’d cooked Sam's favorite meal twice; nothing had fixed it.
In truth, you all needed some space.
You most of all.
That panic attack came out of nowhere and left you completely shaken. Even a week later, you were hyperfocused on the details of it—the way the walls of the room had shuddered and groaned as you spoke the ritual words, making dust and old cobwebs fall around you. When you thought about it, your heart would race so fast and slam against your breastbone so hard that you could have sworn it started to crack.
The ringing in your ears had been a deafening crescendo, and your eyes had been a waterfall of tears even when Sam had knelt in front of you and pulled you into his chest. You remembered the sound of his voice and the beating of his heart as he whispered to you soothingly until the tears finally stopped.
You still didn't remember much about what had actually happened, but you knew that the demon had gotten away, and you knew that Dean was pissed and Sam was disappointed. Neither of them needed to say it out loud.
So for the past few days, you've busied yourself with whatever task you could find to take your mind off the entire situation. Dean had very much done the same; you hadn’t seen him since this morning, when he’d come back to grab a few things and then left again.
You knew that Sam was somewhere in the base; you’d seen him in passing a few times, but the two of you hadn’t spoken more than a few words to each other.
Normally, that would have upset you. You hated fighting with the boys, but you were feeling better and in a relatively good mood today.
You sigh as you step into the kitchen after showering to wash the sweat and anxiety from your skin. Your hair is still damp, and you're dressed in one of Dean's old shirts and a tight pair of bicycle shorts. Sam entered soon after, dressed just as casually. He looked entirely undisturbed by the events of the past few days.
"Hey," you say in passing, trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Hey yourself," he answers with a smile. For a moment, there was silence between you, but even that was short-lived. "You got the words wrong, you know," Sam says, leaning a hip against the door frame while he stares at you with arms crossed. He didn't sound angry, but it wasn't like he needed to say it; you knew you'd gotten them wrong.
Your head snaps around to stare at him, eyes narrowing at the fucking audacity he spoke with. Was that really what he wanted to say? "Yeah," you answer, your expression souring and your mouth in a tight-lipped scowl. "I figured that out from the silent treatment." You shrug your shoulders, trying not to let the hurt bleed into your voice as you turn away and busy yourself straightening a piece of paper on the table.
"Silent treatment?" He asks, pushing off the wall to come towards you. "No one is giving you the silent treatment."
"Sure you’re not," you scoff in response.
"We’re not."
"Then where is Dean? He’s running off doing his own thing because he’s pissed off at me for ruining the hunt, and it’s been two days since you said this much to me, Sam." You huff, clearly annoyed, as you cross your arms and glare at him. "No one learns from the silent treatment, Sam. Sure, I messed up. I know I did, and I’ll learn from that. The two of you don’t need to be assholes about it. But whatever, live and let live."
He walks briskly towards you, and you step back, not in fear but because the raw emotions in his eyes stun you—lust and dominance mingling beautifully in the depths of his iridescent orbs. Sam doesn't stop when you back away; instead, he walks until the small of your back is pressed against the edge of the table, and then he cages you between his arms, palms pressed flat against the table top.
"S - Sam?" You stutter when his lips pull into a smooth smirk. One of his hands grabs you by the hip, his fingertips biting into your skin just a little bit too much, and he pulls you against him, painting his body firmly against yours.
And then he’s kissing you, and you kiss him, and whatever anger was on your tongue dies.
Sam does not waste time and pushes his hand into your bicycle shorts, the material so tight that it fits you like a second skin. He wants desperately to rip it down your legs and feast on your pussy, but he shows remarkable restraint.
"If you wanted more lessons," he says between heated kisses that muffle your little gasps when he starts to rub his fingers against your clit. "You just needed to ask, sweetheart." His other hand grasps your jaw hard with his thumb and forefinger, pushing into your cheeks so that you were pouting when he kissed you again, pushing his tongue into your mouth.
You have the notion to argue with him but are silenced when he pushes a finger through your folds, which are slick with desire and anticipation. You grab at his arm when he prods your entrance, making your knees weak. "Sam, I—" you start but are silenced by the stare in his eyes.
"In Latin." 
"In Latin." He says it again, this time with more force, his words accompanied by a second finger being pushed into your tight hole, drawing a wanton moan from your lips. You’re not sure where this behaviour is coming from. Sam had never so much as hinted at liking you, but in truth, you weren’t one to complain—not when he was knuckles deep in your cunt.
Your fingers curl tightly around the edge of the table, nails scratching at the underside, knuckles white under the pressure. You tilt your head back beneath his wandering mouth, enjoying the warmth of his body hovering over yours and how he pulls your shirt up to expose your tits.
Sam trails hot, wet kisses down your neck, his teeth scraping over your racing pulse. He sucks a hickey on your collarbone until a purple-blue bruise forms beneath his lips. The entire time he’s pumping his fingers into your cunt. Lewd, wet squelching fills the room because you’re that fucking wet.
He forces your legs further apart with his knee so that you're perched on the edge of the table, feet dangling in the air. His mouth moves to your chest, his lips closing around your nipple and sucking hard so that it pops from his mouth with an obscene sound and stands hard atop your tit. And then he takes the other one into his mouth, flicking and twirling his tongue so that you had to fist a hand in his hair.
He whispers something that you can’t make out. His mouth is like fire on your skin, leaving little flames of arousal licking through your veins. And then his fingers hit that spongy part of your pussy that has you hurtling towards a climax instead of slowly building to it.
You can’t help the way your nails dig into his shoulders when you cling to him when your thighs tremble. You cling to him when the storm comes out of nowhere, sweeping you away on a cloud of bliss that has you throwing your head back. He feels your walls tighten around his fingers, fresh waves of arousal against the tips, and then he’s kissing you again, rubbing his thumb in circles around your clit to keep the aftershocks of climax trembling through you.
His mouth is hot, stealing the air from your lungs until they are burning, but you don’t mind because you're still coming down from your high.
The next thing you know, it’s been an hour, and Sam has managed to make you cum three more times, twice with his fingers buried knuckle deep in your pussy, scissoring them to send you teetering over the edge of oblivion. And then once more, with his mouth on your pussy, lips encircling around your clit and sucking so hard that all you could do was repeat his name like a heaven’s prayer.
You’re done, but he wasn’t, not by a long shot.
Sam spread you out on your back, laying you out like a feast, your skin flushed and tits heaving with heavy breaths. You feel the rough pad of his thumb rubbing circles around your clit, which is slightly swollen and much too sensitive, and you claw at his wrist to push him away. Sam just smiles at you and pins both your wrists to the mattress with one of his large hands.
"It’s too much," you whine, trying to pull away and wiggle your hips away from his fingers, but you’re trapped. And you love it as much as you hate it. Sam growls softly between his teeth, his thumb prodding through your slick folds and getting nice and wet before drifting lower to push against your asshole. Your breath hitches at the sensation, and your mind spins as he pushes his thumb inside, giving a few shallow thrusts to tease you.
"Hic tam arctus es, infans," he says, his voice heavy with lust and muffled against your heaving tits. His breath is hot against your skin, his teeth scrape over your racing heartbeat, and his tongue leaves your skin inflamed and glistening. There is a knot twisting through your belly, slowly pulling tighter as his thumb pushes in and out of your tight hole.
"Ubi vis me?" His words are lost in the haze of euphoria he’s trapped you in, as meaningless as the world around you has become. You were a slave to the sensations he embodied, desperately moving your hips to take him deeper. "Hic?"
"Sam," you whine, your voice straining as you struggle in his grasp. You need him; you need to feel your pussy stretching around his big, hard cock. You need to feel him buried inside you, fucking you into oblivion.
"Hic?" He says it again, twisting his thumb in a way that has you throwing your head back and bucking your hips desperately. You can feel him smiling against your tit as he mouths it, his teeth tugging at your nipple until your back arches.
Your breath comes quicker, little pants, when he pulls his thumb from your clenching asshole, the feeling exquisite and leaving you desperate for more despite the live wires of overstimulation snaking through your veins. Sam lets go of your wrists long enough to pull one of your legs up, laying the back of your thigh up his torso so that your knee is bent over his shoulder, and then he shackles them again, trapping you beneath him.
You move restlessly when you feel his thumb against your asshole again, except this time it's not his thumb, and your eyes go wide, a whimper falling from your parted lips. You weren’t a virgin, not at all, but this would be the first time you’d ever taken something so big in your ass.
There was no mistaking that Sam Winchester was a behemoth of a man. He’s tall, broad-shouldered, and strong—Hercules reborn. Everything about him is big. His hands, his feet, his thighs, and his cock. Everything about him is solid, cut from marble; he is beautiful. His cock makes your asshole sting beautifully as he pushes the mushroom head in.
Inch by glorious inch, he pushed forward, the prominent vein on the underside of his cock dragging along your stretched hole. "Jesus, tam stricta es," he breathes against your neck, but you still don’t understand. He’s slow, letting you get used to the feeling of his cock splitting you open with short, shallow thrusts, making you moan wantonly.
He loves the little things that you do, the simple things; the pleasure that sears through him as he stretches your tightest hole; the way you’re moaning like a whore, rocking your hips desperately against his, grinding against him. He starts moving with more urgency, drawing back so that only the head of his cock is fitted snugly inside, and then he’s thrusting back in with one stroke, hitting deep, leaving you throwing your head from side to side.
Your thighs quiver, and your toes curl. Sam fucks into you at a merciless pace, stretching you out and filling you completely, and the feeling of it is beyond words. It is beautiful and exquisite—pure euphoric bliss. It makes your pussy creamy with desire, so much so that your slick drips down your crack to mingle with his thrusts. That knot in your belly pulls tighter while your clit throbs and the muscles in your thighs ache. Your lungs burn because of how you’re panting, unable to catch your breath.
His fingers tighten around your wrists when you almost buck out of his grasp, the tips of them biting into your skin so that you can feel bruises starting to form, but you don’t care. You’re so close, so fucking close. His mouth is on your neck, his teeth scraping over your racing pulse, his lips leaving hickeys behind, and his tongue leaving your skin hot and wet.
You can feel the pressure building. Your pussy is clenching desperately around nothing, and you can feel your pulse beating in your toes, your clit, even in your fingertips—you’re that close to breaking. It feels so fucking good, but you’re fighting it because the pleasure is starting to border on pain and overstimulation.
And you’re lost in it, trapped as you are beneath him.
You crave that sweet release, the way fire will race through your blood, and the way your world will be scored with lightning. You need it as much as you need to breathe, but every part of you is alive. You can hear the blood rushing behind your ears; hear the beating of your heart as it slams into your breastbone; your eyes rolling back every time his hips snap forward, pushing every inch of him deep inside you.
"Venire," he growls against your neck, his breath literally burning against your sweat-slicked skin. You don’t know what he says, but the lust in his voice and the feral look in his eyes pull that coil painfully tight. You’re breaking—he’s breaking you. He’s got you on the verge of being fucked stupid, sobbing because of him and how good it feels, but he wants more from you.
"Sam! Sam, please, please," you plead, throwing your head from side to side, desperately trying to tug your hands free. You arch your back when he hits a spot that has dots decorating your vision, your tits thrusting into the air. You can’t figure out what you’re asking for. For him to stop or for him to keep going, it’s a blur.
Every movement of his hips has that knot pulling tighter—so tight that you might die. Your pussy is twitching, clenching around nothing, and you’re so wet that it’s shining on his skin every time he bottoms out.
"Venire," he says again, this time against your ear. Your pleasure-addled brain, so drugged with pleasurable pain and desperate for the release he’s forcing from you, only comprehends what he's saying when two of his fingers are shoved through your slick folds and into your clenching hole, his thumb finding your clit and rubbing harsh circles.
You struggle to close your thighs, tears streaming down your face, tits bouncing as he fucks you harder. His cock is stretching your ass beyond belief while his fingers ram into that spongy spot that has your vision decorated with stars. "I - I - I - can’t!" You manage to stutter out, hips bucking against his, your pussy clenching so tight around his fingers.
Except you can because that dam breaks with so much pressure that you scream. It feels like lightning has hit your body, sizzling through your veins until you’re thrashing beneath him, your thighs quivering violently, and your toes curled so much that it hurts.  Sam doesn’t stop, not even when your ass tightens around his cock to the point of pain. He just presses his thumb against your clit, circling, rubbing, and making you scream for him.
You feel a gush between your thighs, your pussy convulsing around his fingers as you cum in a fountain spray. Sam curls his fingers into your g-spot, scissors them, and pulls them from you to draw out as much cum as possible. If you had any brains left, you might have been embarrassed by the way you came, squirting so hard that it hits his abdomen and drips from the nest of curls at the base of his shaft, how it drenches your thighs and pools on the mattress beneath you.
But you’re gone, lost, and fucked dumb, only able to grunt as he keeps fucking you.
"Tam pulchra, infans, tam formosa, tam mihi dura venit." His own voice is trembling, and his balls draw closer to his body as the muscles in his abdomen tighten. He buries himself deep so that your ass is full and your pussy tingles. And you feel it as he grunts against your neck—feel the white-hot ribbons of cum filling your ass.
Sam keeps thrusting until you've milked him dry, and then he pulls out, drawing a pathetic, desperate moan from your lips because of the sensation. Having let go of your wrists, he sits back on his haunches. You lay there, your thighs still trembling, your mind lost. Sam watches the way your pretty pussy twitches and the way your ass puckers, and his sticky cum drips from it in fat globs.
"What do pretty girls say after being filled with cum?" He asks, his voice soft, his fingers pushing his cum back into your stretched-out ass so that you were whimpering and shaking again. You manage to peel your eyes open to stare at him, tears in them, your chest heaving as he shoves two long fingers into your asshole.
He speaks English this time so that you understand, but you are still slow to react, straining to close your thighs. He kisses you without warning, his tongue in your mouth, licking yours until you're clawing at his shoulders to keep him there, desperate for his kiss.
"Gratias tibi." You managed with a weary smile, and that was enough for him for the moment.
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the translations ::
Hic tam arctus es, infans. - You’re so tight here, baby.
Ubi vis me? - Where do you want me?
Hic? - Here?
Hic? - Here?
Jesus, tam stricta es. - Jesus, you’re so tight.
Venire - Come/cum.
Venire - Come/cum.
Tam pulchra, infans, tam formosa, tam mihi dura venit. - So pretty, baby, so beautiful, coming so hard for me.
Gratias tibi - Thank you.
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likes are silver but comments and reblogs bring me peace
860 notes · View notes
viktorr-nikiforovv · 11 months
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a collection of things that bring joy
11K notes · View notes
viktorr-nikiforovv · 11 months
Temptress. ||Drabbles-NSFW||
Reader x Genshin Men
WOAh! Whats this?! a post???? Must be a dream looool anyway, So yea, no idea where this sprouted from, but they're small drabble length scenarios that have floated around in my head for literal months, so I decided fuck it might as well just write it all down, I like to think of whore like things about the men in Genshin sooo, why not just do some drabbles of reader being a whore with several of 'em lmao some may be longer than others/more detailed, some may be more focused on reader truly being just a pet/whore but in a way all the men do sorta I guess, care, for you lol in their own, uhm, personal ways, in fact some may even come off as more fluffy smut than smut smut as I am probably gonna edit this as I'm writing so, yea, also it may not contain all the boys as well... there is a lot of them now and trying to cram it all in for all the boys is kinda difficult now lmao however hope you like whatever this is lmao also Merry Christmas~ - Mod Diluc.
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Mondstadt was now silent, the night sky had made its arrival and it being a weekday an all even the city of freedom had to follow some basic rules; which was simply sleep because you have work tomorrow, duh. Not a single soul was to be found strolling the streets anymore, well, except one... "Damn you, woman." Okay, two.
Your hands was pressed against the cold surface of the darkened behind of Angel's Share, one of the last establishments to close so late at night, most of the customers inside, drunk or tipsy had already began their dizzy wobbling back to their homes, all, except you.
You had stubbornly refused the whole night to move from a certain stool at a certain table, in full view of a certain red haired man at the bar, constant threatening glares from his crimson fire eyes did little to warn you and wave you off, you remained sat, smug little smirk an all.
And thanks to your little rebellion of not leaving it costed said man that owned Angel's Share a rather unfortunate amount of potential paying customers, which to his obvious position made him rather, angry.
So as a show of how frustrated you had made him all night; being the sly temptress that you are, licking your lips, stealing glances, blowing kisses, hiking up your foot against your other leg to give him a full on showing of your lace panties between your thick thighs that barely remained in your black stockings, you were now bent over, hands pressed against a building, being pounded mercilessly by the red haired man, Diluc Ragnvindr.
His trousers hung down loosely around his waist, his hands having a vice grip on you leaving you no room to even wriggle, your cheek had began to hurt from being pressed against the bricks outer layer for so long. The slapping of his hips meeting yours were echoing more than he'd like, he had a reputation to up hold after all, so with that in mind he bent down over your arched back and pressed his clothed chest against your back.
One hand remained against your thick and curvaceous thigh as the other slithered up past your belly and under your blouse to where your breasts sat confined.
"Stubborn slut." His voice was laced with a certain venom as his slender fingers groped into your breast, kneading the flesh as he pulled himself even closer to you. His words of degradation did nothing but spur the fire in your burning core, if he truly did hate you that would hurt, but when fucking you it sure felt like he did, and it felt good.
He began to practically hump and rut into you from behind now, squeezing your thigh and using it as leverage to force you back onto his throbbing cock with every thrust, the wetness of your slick coated him nicely and allowed him to thrust with blissful ease.
"So damn wet, aren't you?" he spat through gritted teeth, his hand slapping your thigh before squeezing it hard as he continued his pace.
"Should finish with you and leave you begging, then maybe you'd get it through that whore mind of yours to stop interfering with my business just because your hungry for some cock!" He growled lowly, the threat almost sounding genuine, you whimpered softly and shook your head.
You lust ridden and dizzy glare back at him with such a pleading look didn't work on him anymore, but beg or not he would never actually leave you high and dry, he was just too, soft, for such a cruel act.
With every thrust your legs faltered in their strength, he really was big, and thick to add to it and the way he angled and piston into your hips left no room for you to even breathe, but he is right, you were so hungry for this, for him, no one gets you off as well as he does, such a talent he possesses. Maybe if he didn't do such a good job you wouldn't always crawl back for more.
A drop of sweat fell from the red haired mans face as he remained hunched over you like a wolf mounted atop it's bitch, grunting and growling with anger mixed with now sexual frustration.
This had already been going on for far longer than you could remember, your brain becoming too thoroughly fucked out to care anymore, then your eyes widen, just as you was about to cry out in ecstasy a hand grips strongly round your mouth, two fingers sinking past your lips and capturing your tongue.
"Silence, slut, I don't need Mondstadt waking up to the sounds of a needy whore." The man behind you spoke in a low husky tone right at your ear as he continued to mercilessly pound you through your orgasm into overstimulation and possibly another orgasm.
"Feeling good, Hmm? Tsk." He bit your ear lobe, hard, and began to suck on it roughly as his pace quickened and you could tell by his insistent throbbing he was about to-
With a low groan you felt it, hot and sticky coating the backs of your thighs and legs as a guttural growl left him. Then you felt him tear away from you as if you was too hot to touch right now, afraid to get burnt and consumed by your feverish neediness.
Turning around with a slight pout you didn't get to reach a second orgasm he merely scoffed as he pulled his trousers back up and fixed himself instantly, as if he hadn't just abused your now dripping hole for the past what? Thirty minutes?
He already began to turn away from you to walk back around and go back inside Angel's Share to properly finish locking up, and as he did he spoke in a monotone voice.
"I'm warning you Y/N, Don't do that again." and with that he disappeared like always after these fun little encounters you had with him.
You pulled your panties back up and neatly pushed your skirt back down and over your now sticky thighs and giggled licking your lips. His 'Don't do that again' merely meant, 'same time tomorrow.'
And tomorrow you would be back for sure.
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You closed your eyes and calmed your breathing as best as you could, focusing fully on your task at hand; to not gag. But that proved difficult when Kaeya Alberich, Calvary Captain of the Knights of Favonious had his rather thick and long cock buried deep down your throat.
There you sat, between his thighs under a table in Angel's Share, nestled away from public eyes, barely. You couldn't complain however, since this had been your idea right from the start, when the silver tongued devil before you actually for once wasn't in the mood to fool around, solemn look on his face you'd decided you didn't like such an expression on such a pretty face.
You ignored his tired refusals and weak attempts to move away or grab your head and stop you, but silly Kaeya, he's played this game before with you so much now you know all his buttons to press and flick, and it started with a simple kitten lick to the top of his weeping head of his cock that he tried to act wasn't already hard from the moment you'd sat down with him in the tavern.
"Such a... naughty girl." he spoke softly, as to not drawn any unwanted attention, luckily he was on the upper floor, which was normally less busy anyway, but still, it only took one peek to see your knelt down self gagging and swallowing on him like a hungry hound.
You rubbed your tongue on the underneath of his shaft and the man above you hissed gently, clenching his fist on the table before bringing his other hand down under to roughly ball a fist of your hair into, yanking your face flush against his base leaving you to jerk slightly and gag ever so slightly.
"Watch it princess." is all he gave as a warning before releasing your hair and allowing you to pull away and catch your breath as quietly as possible, though you couldn't help the smirk that crept onto your face, you loved when he treated you rough like this, putting you in your place, sometimes you thought maybe the pirate actually had grown a soft spot for you, his favourite little plaything.
Having caught your breath you gave no warning prior before sucking him back down all the way to the base causing him to now jerk, the mug of Death After Noon nearly slipping from his grasp, his furrowed his brows and slammed the mug down, looking around he saw he was the only one up here with you right now, good.
He fisted your hair again and yanked your head up out from under the table, you blinked a few times as the light dangling from the ceiling burned your vision from having been under a dark table for so long, face flushed and lips puffy and wet he merely examined your face before drawing closer.
"Stop testing my patience today Y/N, you will not like the end result do I make myself clear?" You looked up into his lust filled but suddenly dangerous icy cold glare in his blue eye and nodded licking your lips slowly, he brought his other hand to your face and slowly rubbed his thumb along your swollen bottom lip, a gentle hum of approval emitting from him.
"Open." is all he said, to which you obeyed, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out.
He smirked at your obedience, he remembered how nervous and shy you first was when suggested such acts with you, my how you've grown into his perfect cock toy.
He then spat into your mouth with almost a look of disgust but you'd grown use to his domineering stare during such moments, all it did now was turn you on, you closed your mouth and swallowed it happily which he then smirked at, tugging your head up and giving you an ice cold stinging kiss that left you breathless before dropping your head back down below the table.
"There's my good princess, now, back to it Y/N" he said as he took another sip of his favourite drink after a long days work, with his pretty little princess helping him unwind, such a good life to be living.
And there you sat back between his thighs and sucking deeply on his pulsing cock, thinking the exact same thought, such a good life to be living.
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Oh god, make it stop, archons have mercy on me please!
Your pleas fell on deaf ears however, you'd given up begging the tall, lean ginger that sat knelt behind you for mercy hours ago, resorting to the archons for a saving grace now. The slapping sounds resounding all around the room, the room that reeked of nothing but sex and sweat now, how many times had you cum? how many times had he cum again?
Your muscles ached and wept inside for just a moments rest, but they weren't anywhere near as sore as your insides where, and your dripping abused sex, the squelching as his thick veiny length continued to endlessly thrust in an out, your slick, and both of your mixed releases becoming immensely perfect lubricant for his ongoing assault at your insides.
His pace hadn't wavered in the slightest since he'd first tossed you on this bed, your final resting place it was starting to look like however, your head drooped down, your damp hair sticking to your shining sweat coated skin and pooling around your neck and shoulders, one arm coiled round your head in a petty attempt to keep you propped up, the other bent behind you and pinned to your lower back by one of his strong hands, long fingers determined on a goal keeping your hand and arm prisoner.
"Ch- Childe please, 'm... so ...c-cl-" a sudden smack to your rear causing you to yelp and cut your own sentence off, moans immediately breaking through after as his thrust get even faster. As if he was trying to damn you into oblivion by his cock alone.
"Ajax, milaya (dear), told you so many times before." he sounded hoarse, rough, but so damn sexy, the manly grunts and growls seeping from his lips as he selfishly slapped into your behind with each frantic thrust left you speechless, and nearly breathless too.
"A- Aja-ax! Please, I am about to c-" a sudden grip to your chin and a demanding tug forced your silence and sights to look behind you, the sight almost made you cum alone, a beautiful dusted shade of pink across his cheeks, his auburn hair dishevelled and unruly, lifeless ocean eyes drowning in lust and greed with a soft shine of sweat glistening off his skin, his jacket nearly fully discarded now as it drape on his arms already having slipped from his shoulders, his toned and muscular chest and abs constantly coming into view as his jacket lay open.
"Then cum, little zayka (bunny)" he gruffly commanded and that was your undoing, crying out in a plea, pleasure? You truly didn't know at this point, but it hit you, so damn hard and fast, your whole body convulsing against your will as you came for the Nth time today, his hand caging yours finally let go and slithered up tightly squeezing your shoulder, somewhat steadying your shudders and shivers as your body became victim to another hard orgasm.
Pushing with force he broke your weak attempt of propping yourself up, falling flat into the mattress now that was utterly soiled with too many bodily fluids to decipher at this moment. Your cheek pressed into the softness as you felt the weight dip either side your head, opening your glossy and dazed eyes you saw one of his hands, the one still confined in a glove pressed flatly into the mattress beside you.
From above Tartaglia now looked ready in position to start doing push-ups, one of his many basic warm up exercises in the early morning. However the only difference now was he wasn't out in the morning chill, but in a stuffy and stagnant aired room above a quickly melting minded woman that he enjoyed watching fall further into damnation.
"Good, good girl, so obedient for me aren't you?" An almost sadistic smile crept onto the gingers face as he loomed above you like a lion above its dinner, he breathed in deeply through his nose, a deep guttural inhale that left him shakily exhaling as he was becoming intoxicated in all that was you.
Soft whimpers is all you replied with now, you were slipping so fast into madness, your body hurt, it stung with aches and soreness, it begged so dearly to have rest now, but it couldn't deny the gut twisting pleasure that kept being forced onto it, your mind was torn and confused and left you more lost than when this all started, you found it easier to just stop thinking now.
"So beautiful, perfect." he murmured to himself, you'd not had guessed it was about you until you felt dotting caresses to your head and cheek that felt entirely out of place right now. He was petting you like you were some magical creature that he'd nurtured back to health and grown a sense of parenthood for, it felt uncanny to his normal flirtatious playboy style void of any deeper meaning.
With a slight reposition of balance you felt his thick length wedge deeper into your battered insides, reminding you of your situation. How did it get this way? All you remember now as hazy as it was, is you merely saying you felt you had no purpose in this world anymore, having retired from your assassination workforce, realising you no longer had a calling, for your call was always to be the sirens song of death to others, with no victims left to sing too, you were left abandoned. A performer with no audience, on a stage barely intact anymore.
You couldn't decipher the look on his face back then as he went silent, an eerie shadow of ominous tension exuding from him after the words left your mouth. Within mere seconds he had you naked and forced onto the bed in the shared room you both occupied, common occurrence for you both whenever you crossed paths, you had an ongoing fling with him after all. But he'd never been this intense with you before, sure he always fucked you good and proper, with that scary unending stamina of his, but this felt far more goal orientated than ever before now.
A sudden deep chuckle from him dragged you back to the now, as if he too had been lost temporarily in a deep trance, now back with full clarity he'd yet to enlighten you on, but you felt it was about to be shone on you no matter what your protests could've, if it even existed, been.
"You never were a little zayka (bunny) were you Y/N? No, you kill too easily, show no remorse for something innocent like that, but you're so sly, stealthy even, that sharp witted tongue as stinging as your knives that claimed so many lives, no, not a zayka (bunny) at all, but you know what you are?" He sounded so, serious... strong, possessive.
Before you could question his motives for this speech and demand a conclusion his thrusts suddenly started up again, this time slow, painfully slow, but deliciously deep and hard. Rhythmic slapping of your rear as his waist slammed down into you with full force now, his position allowing him to sink deeper and deeper inside your warmth. You began to moan loudly, desperately as he reached new depths within you. Feeling his weight press down into you as he laid almost on you now, his arm slowly slinking round your neck as if getting you into a headlock ready to strangle.
His teeth nibbling against your earlobe as he pants hot bated breaths beside your flushed cheek, so close, so hot, his smell, his weight, him, so much to take in...
"You're my malenʹka lysytsya (little fox), you're mine, all mine, always will be mine, now and forever milaya (dear)." His voice now a husky hot whisper against your ear, cheating entirely as he knows how weak in the knees you become to him using his native language to pet name you and praise you, you began to know what some of them meant, having him repeat them so often to you, it was bound to happen, but that... whatever he just said? 'malenʹka lysytsya' you'd never heard that one...
As if reading your mind he let out a soft chuckle, far too innocent and full of boyish charm for what he was literally doing to you right now. "It means little fox Y/N, bunny doesn't suit a killer, but a hunter in the shadows whose mastery lies in stealth and deceit, fox suits you perfectly, don't you think?" He asked it so nonchalantly as if he wasn't balls deep inside you right now, literally keeping you under him in a tight grip.
You blinked to try clear your vision, but blurry it remained, tears constantly swelling from painful yet blissful overstimulation to your abused body now. He was a harbinger, he was ruthless in battle and an expert with his weapons, and he seemed to dance that dance well, to avoid death, for your first meeting with him was purely because you'd been commissioned to off the young Harbinger. What a joke that ended up, duelling him when he easily caught you trying to stalk him in the shadows, fighting you was capable of, but the element of surprise was your best weapon and he'd disarmed it instantaneously.
Having fallen to the floor and accepting bitter defeat you awaited the sealing blow that was to end you, fully aware of what this work entails if you're to fail, but it never came, instead you felt a hand slink into your own and yank you back up to your feet, amused and lovestruck lifeless blue eyes gleaming back at you. That is how it started, in return for not killing you, you became, friends with benefits, often meeting up with each other when stressed and wanting a way to get out, at first it was just him summoning onto you, but when you grew to like his company and after a certain night where he became nothing but a selfless giver fixated on making you almost die from pleasure, you concluded this wasn't such a bad alternative, plus he was attractive obviously and somewhat... well, ... likeable.
You moaned again loudly as you felt him begin to thrust more harder and faster into you now. Splitting you apart inside and making home in your deepest most intimate places, you felt it, the buzz of another orgasm building, you loved it, but dreaded it all the same for it was becoming ten too many now.
"Come back with me." you heard his gruff voice beside your ear again, your head being forced to remain still as he rutted into you hard and fast. You continued to moan and blinked several times, did you hear that right?
"Y/N, be mine, come back with me, to my homeland, Snezhnaya. You have no reason to remain here anymore, or anywhere, the only place you're ever going to be needed is with me, by my side, in my home, be mine, become a mother to our children-"
"A-ajax?! children wh-what?!"
"Come now little lysytsya (fox) after how many times I have came inside you tonight, you really believe you aren't getting pregnant?"
"I can just go to BuBu Pharmacy and-"
"Over my dead body."
He began to pick up pace now, frighteningly so, drawing your orgasm horrifically nearer at breaking speeds. What had gotten into him?! more importantly what had gotten into you? Why did the sound of becoming his woman and bearing his children sound so inviting to you all of a sudden?
"Sl-slow down A, Ajax... I am gonna c-cum again-eng..."
"Let's, mmh, make a bet then my beautiful milaya (dear), last longer than me, and you're free to go, but if you cum before me, that is your eternal promise to forever holding loyalty to me and me only, and becoming mother to our beautiful multiple children." He chuckled gutturally as he finished having seen the red flush spread like wildfire over your cheeks as you became insanely embarrassed at all these far too loving and endearing promises to what is suppose to be mindless sex only! Wait a fucking second, Did he say multiple children?!
You growled out in a broken and shaky agreement to his proposal not that you had any choice but too from your current position, with that he beamed a far too overly energetic grin before piston slamming into you. Deep, so damn deep and hard, so fast too, dear archons above you wasn't gonna last for shit, why did you even think you could?!
Like clockwork he began to mutter praises into your ear, breath hot and hoarse, coaxing your orgasm closer every native word he rolled off his tongue. It was useless because with in only a few minutes and some perfectly deep angled rolls of his hips you melted and fell apart beneath him, moaning out loudly and shuddering aggressively yet again, your orgasm rattling you entirely, his grip around your neck never did cease.
"Good, gooood girl, my good girl, you hear that milaya (dear)? You're mine now, forever. Sucks to lose, but man do I love always winning." So cocky, you tried to groan but it came out a garbled whimper as your orgasm was still wrecking havoc on your poor body. Then the final straw snapped your sanity as he let out a deep groan finally cumming in you, letting his thick white ropes of seed paint and smother your insides, filling you to the brim yet again, he was right- you were definitely gonna be pregnant after this.
You felt so thoroughly fucked now, so dizzy, tired and exhausted, you felt the tempting blanket of slumber beginning to wrap around you. That and he was fucking you into unconsciousness at this point, he didn't stop thrusting, albeit he'd slowed down a bit, became softer, but movement was still apparent within him as he rested his head between your shoulder blades, panting deeply and heavily.
Finally releasing your head you dropped on to the mattress instantly and you heard him chuckle softly, warmly.
"Rest milaya (dear), you'll need it, it is a long trip back to Snezhnaya, rest." And you couldn't help but obey the order for it sounded too sweet to refuse, as you began to rapidly drift off into sleep the last coherent thought in you mind was; you wouldn't mind having a boy as your first child.
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A loud moan erupted from your lips as your bare ass jiggled and your skin rippled down from the initial contact.
Again you moaned loudly as you were sure the cheeks of your ass were becoming red raw now.
"What are you?" A stern voice bellowed out above you.
You sniffled.
You moaned.
"What are you?" The stern voice repeated, sounding more serious.
"I- I'm sorry!" You whined out through pained sobs. You ass stinging something beyond comprehension right now, and your slick growing more by the second between your thighs.
"That's right, and why are you sorry?" The voice continued to bark out questions demanding answers.
"Be- beause-" you sniffled again finding it hard to find your words.
You moaned out again and attempted to wriggle free from the Lords lap only to have him grab you by your neck and keep you forced bent over his knees.
"Now you try to escape your punishment for your little outburst too? Insane to think it possible with me young lady." Lord Kamisato growls as he deftly shoves two of his fingers into your soaking and unsuspecting sex.
A wanton moan escapes you as he finally gives attention to where you've been dying for it the past forty-five minutes. He curls his fingers constantly in a come hither motion, pressing against so many of your sweet spots that he was far too privy of now.
He tuts and then stops his actions as soon as sees you melting into it too much. You whine but before you can continue your pitiful protest he shushes you loudly.
"Silence, focus your mind Y/N, this is a punishment, remember that. Don't you dare cum unless I say you can, do I make myself clear?" He groans lowly awaiting your response.
You do not want to agree, you know if you do he will edge and tease you for hours, but this is the price you pay for calling him a stubborn man child in front of his subordinates and colleagues, and practically humiliating him in front of people he tries his best to keep reputation upheld with.
You moan out again as he roughly curls his fingers inside you and slaps your ass again, ignoring your sobs and broken garbled moans.
"Do I make myself clear!" He hisses it at you now and for once you actually realise you may have gone a step overboard with your games on the young Lord's patience this time.
"Y-yes sir!" you sob out and inhaled deeply.
"Prepare yourself Y/N, I am not going easy on you this time. Time you learned your place, maid."
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||Special Guest Appearance|| Wanderer
"Brat." The young small looking boy spat the harsh words out from under you, and not because you was topping, absolutely not. He had you on top, faced away from him, but his pelvis was suspended up by the balls of heels as he slammed up into you, lifting and slamming you back down, like you was nothing but a toy to him.
He was mostly intact, his clothes still on just his cock springing out from the top of his shorts to impale into your quivering sex. You however was a hot sweaty mess, clothes half hanging off, your breasts on display bouncing with every hard slap up into you and your bottoms long since thrown along the bedroom floor somewhere.
You continued to moan, tears falling from your eyes, it was starting to hurt, you just wanted to cum so bad now... but every time you felt close-
All movement stopped. You couldn't help but let out a soft sob as you felt your high slowly dissolve painstakingly away. Why must he be so cruel? Sure, you may have been teasing him a bit too much today but this was borderline torture of the sickest degree now, and he says he's a changed man, bullshit.
Suddenly just when your breathing had gone back to normal he picked up pace again, hard, fast and deep, continuous thrust up into you as he pulled you down onto him. Starting the build up all over again, you shook your head as you slightly sob-moaned out, so happy for the pleasure building again but distraught knowing he's only going to leave you hanging yet again.
"Tears, tsk, pathetic." he scoffed sounding completely undisturbed from the exertion on his body as he continuously thrusted up into you in such a position. For a man of such short stature he sure did pack a lot of muscle behind those garments, his fragile look was merely a trick to the eye, a trick he revelled in using to his advantage.
It worked on you like a charm after all, for you never would expected to be in the predicament you're in now just from making some light jabs about him being a 'scrawny puppet.' But as much as you hated to admit it, he sure did excel in having devastating strength and power, remaining half suspended in the air by just the balls of his heels; while slamming you up and down into his throbbing length like a flimsy dummy.
But you had zero time to fully praise him on his outstanding physique, for, he gave little to no care toward the torture and abuse he currently was thrusting into your own this very moment. How he managed to keep himself perfectly angled to reach all your sweetest spots inside was true sadism, for he did it not to help you reach your climax, merely to have you teetering on the precipice only to coldly drag you back.
You squeezed your eyes shut and shakily inhaled before holding your breath, a poor and futile attempt to force focus elsewhere, anywhere but right now, right here with him. If you could just think of nasty things and frightful occurrences maybe you could detour all of this-
"Cute." You heard him gruffly scoff from beneath you, still sounding entirely unaffected through this entire situation, from the smug snicker that slowly seeped from his voice you dreaded the fact that you knew, he knew, what you was desperately trying to do right now. That you were trying to will his sultry siren moves on your body out of your senses, ignore the singing melody of deceitful promises to hold your hand and lead you above the fluffy clouds you found yourself stagnant and forever floating in, to that white static of buzzing euphoria.
You were simply trapped in purgatory, made to feel all the delicious tremors and shudders that attacked your body from all angles, but denied that mind frazzling release. It was seriously starting to drain you of energy, your sanity dwindling in his truly unforgiveable grip, that he had so tightly locked around you, your very being right now.
"Said some hurtful things to me Y/N, puppet or not, still hurts my feelings ya know~" his voice mockingly rose in pitch as he feigned a pout, the sarcasm that dripped from every word like wet paint down a wall, too viscous to dry in time, it made you more angry than anything else now, how he lectures you and now taunts with your dwindling sanity at a time, like this.
"Y-yea? Well it's probably b-because you're a puppet that you cannot g-, g- get me off, in f-fact, can y-you even c-cum yourself r-robot boy? Psh." You spoke through shaky breaths and wobbly gasps, your voice wavering continuously as you did, you sounded far from threatening, more winded and void of any air in your lungs, but hopefully you'd irked that blown out ego of his.
All movement stopped, not abruptly, more so it died down gradually but still rather fast, which was odd given you hadn't reached the very peak of your climb to climax yet, did he slip out of tune with your own body just then? Assuming you'd gotten close when you hadn't, not so smart after all is he, hmph.
"I see." A low thrumming growl seeped from the boy beneath you, the words so quite you only heard them because no movement was being made anymore, it sounded like the words were meant for him more than you however, but that was proven wrong when in the blink of an eye and a gust of cold wind you were swirled round, back laying flushed against the soft mattress beneath you, the boy now above you, caging you in.
"W-wanderer?" Your voice was barely above a whisper as you saw the dim glow of something dangerous spinning in his dark purple eyes, he said nothing in response, merely lifted his head to grab his hat and for once carelessly drop it to the floor, he treated that hat like a second appendage, such unnecessary respect for the item, so seeing him so careless toward it now left you lost for words.
You hadn't even noticed he'd pulled out of you until you felt the glorious burning sensation of him pushing back inside you, your slick so plentiful he slipped back in with ease, for the first few inches at least- wait, there was more!?
He kept sinking deeper, deeper and deeper, kept go-ing, oh! Now having bottomed out in you entirely, reaching unfathomable depths within your moist spasming walls, it dawned on you how much he'd held back on you, how much he'd spared you from right now, and every time that had ever been before, he refused to ever fully strip, refused to ever let you see him naked or even glance at his what from feeling alone now concluded was a clearly thick and massive length.
Always remaining mostly dressed and concealed from your sights you'd never gotten to see his actual size, so you never would've guessed he was so well endowed. But you sure as fuck were feeling it now as it bulged inside you and kept you spread apart for his unimaginable girth that throbbed deep in your very being now.
So deep he was that the slightest thrust he made had your eyes rolling back and your eyelids fluttering, mimicking the way your walls fluttered in a pleasure wracked frenzy around him as he did.
"Can't get you off, huh?" He repeated your words back to you, not that you could in anyway respond now, your brain slowly frying what coherent sanity you had left, your vision blurred immensely but through the onslaught of swelling tears in your eyes from the scary pleasure that pulled you deeper down into the abyss, you could see his smug smirk staring down at you, how easily you unravelled your needy whimpering self beneath the porcelain doll now, no more bite in you, nothing but broken submission.
During your hazy dance in ecstasy your hand weakly lifted up and absentmindedly stroked through his indigo hair, soft and velvety in your touch, your hand dropping to gently cup and stroke his cheek a few frail times before dropping back down, a rare act of tenderness from you indeed, between the pair of you it was always sharp sarcasm and primal lust is all, but your eyes were out of focus, somewhere, far, far away, so it was a shame you missed the dazed expression of disbelief in the dolls face as he glared down at you, his look almost akin to warmth and softness toward you.
He didn't press on the matter, he decided he'd let you have that one broad move against him, not that it mattered, nor would he let it happen again.
His soft gaze as brief as it was, was then replaced with a deadly determination instead. "Don't you worry Y/N, I can cum alright." He punctuated the words with a deep intrusive thrust somewhere inside that he really shouldn't be able to reach let alone remain embedded in, a wanton moan ripping from you as that thrust alone reeled you into a sudden shudder and buzz.
"And how deep." he sneered the response out after watching your face contort and morph into so many beautiful faces for him to see, how pretty you looked finally shutting up and taking his cock in its fully entirety, how he'd always wanted it to be. He despised you'd got under his glass skin, made him, feel, for you, not that he'd ever admit it to you, but now he had the perfect reason to keep you by his side, always.
"I'll have you drunk on my cock in no more time, Y/N, besides, you're not bad on the eyes and I've revealed too much to you to ever let you go now, so congratulations Y/N, you just got upgraded to my personal cum bucket."
As you felt your climax ruthlessly climbing up and ready to burst at the seams, what he was saying didn't matter anymore, in fact... you rather enjoyed the sound of it.
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||Special Guest Appearance|| Pantalone
The sounds of scribbling pen against paper echoed through a nearly empty hall, the source of the sound coming from none other than Pantalone's office, in the headquarters for the Harbingers. That and, a low buzzing vibration from a dildo that was wedged deeply into your dripping sex as you sat on the sofa legs spread eagle.
Face flushed pink as you moaned and mewled, your juices constantly dripping out causing vulgar squelching sounds, the room positively reeked of your musky scent, and maybe a year ago this would've killed you from embarrassment but now, it just fried your already sex addled brain further into the dark desires of bliss.
There he sat, Lord Pantalone, comfortably behind his desk scribbling away on documents and spreadsheets, securing further details, data and funds for the Fatui and her Majesty the Tsaritsa. A swift nonchalant push of his glasses back up the ridge of his nose where they'd momentarily slipped down and sip of his black coffee is the only extra movement he made before going back to work.
You continued to moan and whine as you thrusted the vibrating dildo continuously into your aching core, you'd been edging yourself for nearly three hours now, his orders, and you would be a fool to disobey, not that you ever wanted too; not after his last punishment anyway.
In a way you had asked for this, acting so needy to him and distracting him from his very important work, you should've known better, silly girl. But then again he cannot be mad, you're just a Fatui secretary after all, you'd not a clue how to run such errands he must do daily, but still, respect is key to this man and you'd shown none of it while wagging your ass around his office and speaking in a seductive manner all day.
You could feel the orgasm tipping over the edge yet again, right at your peak, your moans picked up in tone and your legs began to shake, your vision finally going blurry for the Nth time this hour, so close, just a bit longer-
"Stop." You heard his voice clearer than the ringing in your ears of your nearing release, a pitiful and needy whine escaped your lips as you reluctantly pulled the vibrator out from your now twitching opening that was completely slick with your arousal.
"S-...sir pl-"
"Did I give you permission to speak?" He quickly interjected with an all too kind sounding voice to which you slowly shook your head no.
"Mmh, then pray tell, why are your lips moving and why is there sound coming out?" He looked up at you now, that sinister grin on his face like always, to an outsider it seems warm, charming, welcoming even, but to those who know this man, it is merely a mask, almost unremovable like its part of his attire now, to always, be, smiling.
You opened your mouth about to speak but something about his aura made you shut your mouth again, that smile, though he hasn't moved, hasn't changed expression, didn't even raise his voice, you felt deeply in trouble and scared all over, so you remained dead silent.
He simply flared his nostrils as he sighed out slowly, almost humming gently, his smile still there, as he stood from his desk and stretched slowly, the crack of his arms, back and legs an indicator to how long he had been seated today, too long, for even his liking.
He glanced out his window and saw the night sky had blanketed over Teyvat now, perfect he mused to himself as he clapped his hands together in a pleased manner which only made you sink further into doubt and fear. To which he soon clocked onto fast.
"Oh my sweet flower, why so scared hm? You act as if I plan something disastrous, come now." His voice was so smooth, almost like butter, but behind that honey woven voice lay poison and you knew it. You loved it.
He beamed a more genuine smile at you now unable to hide his amusement as he walked around his desk to his cupboard of- well archon knows really, no one is ever allowed to see inside there, period. But you heard it, the slight jingle, and you swallowed down thickly, fear settling in with a pulsing sense of excitement too.
As he turned your eyes fixated on it instantly, the pink dog leash and collar with a baby pink jingling bell that had 'Flower' carved in cursive over it, it was all yours, he so happily said the day he showed you it, bought it custom made just for you! Lucky girl!
When he sat you on his lap that one lonely dark night, asking what your favourite colour is, and your favourite hobby, you didn't think saying pink and picking flowers would have led to all this, but here you are, and deep down, you were happy about it now? Maybe he finally had broken you in, because all you ever wished was for his appraisal now, approval and attention, much like a dog.
He clicked his finger and aimed his index toward the floor by his shoe, and you knew what that meant, you began to slowly close your legs to make your attempt to get off the couch but his tut and sigh stopped you.
Looking at him, collar spinning round his long slender index finger, that had caused you to orgasm more times than you can remember now, his foot tapping impatiently you suddenly realised. Still afraid to speak you spread your legs back open for his full viewing pleasure as you stuck the dildo back in and switched it back on.
Now with a constant muffled buzz and your small whimpers and moans as you slowly crawled over to him he smiled and hummed once again. Placing the collar round your neck and clipping the leash like a cherry on top of a cake he stood back up.
"Good girl, such a precious flower you are, now come, let us go for a walk, you have been showing too much energy around here recently and it is becoming rather distracting, best we fix that now." With a curt tug of your collar followed by a jingle of your bell you began to crawl behind him slowly out his office and into the cold hallway that laid barren and silent.
You are his good girl after all, and as much as he adores seeing you like this, he would much rather keep it to his eyes only, that is why these calming walks only happen at midnight, when everyone is asleep, or away.
See, he does care.
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||Special Guest Appearance|| Dottore
You don't know what he'd injected into you, but it made you horny, fast, desperately so, the moment the needle left your skin your body set itself ablaze with a hunger and desire that threatened to consume you in seconds if you didn't find any sort of friction to ease your burning coiled tension inside.
Falling to your knees and clutching at your stomach as it warped round your very muscles and brain and began to make your mind spin till dizzy, wanting The Doctor to just fuck you then and there, you weakly tugged at his coat, to which he joyfully hummed in response as he set the empty needle down.
"Yes? What is it Y/N." he asked all too carelessly for your liking right now.
"N- need you..." you could barely speak now, you didn't wanna waste time talking! Just wanted him fucking into you good and proper.
"Need me? My dear, you'll have to be more informative than that, need me for what exactly?" His grin only widened, his sharp canines on full display as he peered down at you, not that you could see his eyes, but the way he wore that beak like mask certainly made him look like a bird of prey zeroing in on its prey; you.
"T-touch me, pl-please..." you whimpered, begging with all your might, you could already feel your slick pooling in your underwear, it felt hot, uncomfortable, unbearable.
"Oh I'd be more than happy too dear, if you swear your loyalty to me, now, and not that insufferable man." You knew who he meant, for it was your higher ranking officer in charge of your unit, Sir Capitano.
Il Dottore has had his eye on you for so long now, and ever since finding out you would be working for the knight he has clearly shown his anger to it, demanding your Captain hand you over to him to which he would always refuse before continuing with his day.
"Such a needy little brat, aren't you" The masked, blue haired man hummed down at you, creepy shark toothed grin an all. You merely mewled in response however as you continued to hump yourself shamefully against his leg and shoe.
You didn't think that offering to help Sir Dottore once with his medical report that it would lead to this, being drugged into a raging intoxication of desire and want. Rutting against the mans shoe like a horny rabid animal.
"I won't offer my shoe to you forever dear, so either swear loyalty to me now or leave my office at once." The threat alone had your heart tightening in embarrassment and worry, there was no way in Celestia itself you would walk out here like this!
You wanted to remain loyal to Capitano, you really did, but the drug became too much, your brain had long since lost to it, your body even quicker, you just wanted this man to do all sorts of unspeakable things to you now to relieve you of this burning inside.
"Fine! I- I hereby swear my undying loyalty to you Sir Il Dottore!" you cried it out sounding far more needy than you'd ever heard yourself before.
"Good, good girl." he never did drop his scary grin as he was swift with his actions of bending down and scooping your sweating weak body up and laying you out on his desk, almost like a patient about to undergo surgery.
"That stupid monster, he never did know how to treat such a beautiful specimen, I will open your eyes to wonder you never would've known existed my sweet girl, my loyal subject." he spoke with an eerie tone of endearment that you would've normally found distasteful but now, hearing such beautiful promises set your insides ablaze even hotter.
It took record time for Dottore to have you naked on his desk, nestled between your thighs, his trousers now loosely hung round his lower waist, his thick veiny erection rubbing and pressing against your hot, achy sex that was coated in your slick arousal, desperate to feel him fill you up.
"Close your eyes my beautiful subject, allow yourself to sink into the mind destroying pleasure, that I your new master, and much more generous leader is going to suffocate you in." it sounded like a promise, but also a threat but it also sounded just, so fucking good and you wanted it bad.
When you closed your eyes you heard an animalistic growl leave the man, your obedience seemed to further boost his crazy ego but it probably meant a better thorough fucking for you, so ego boost him all the way man!
When you felt him slowly push inside you, spreading you open and filling you all the way deep inside, till his base press flush against you, you shuddered hard and couldn't help the mind breaking orgasm that simply rocked and cascaded all over your body like a mini seizure. It frightened you almost with how intense it was and all he'd done was enter you!
You heard a dry chuckle from Dottore now and then his deep husky voice.
"Dirty girl, enjoy it, because there is so, so much more from where that came from, you're not leaving here till all you know is the feel of me, and my cock inside you, little slut."
The sudden name calling only fanned your flames of want, and the promise of more of those scarily intense orgasms made your stomach flip inside, yea... you think you can get use to serving Dottore instead now.
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viktorr-nikiforovv · 1 year
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stayc's sumin during teddy bear era 🧸
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