i just got my wisdom teeth out and i think i ripped my stitched out laughing when chris evans whEEZED
I love Chris Evan’s laugh so much, send help.
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yes please lol
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small update :/
hey guys! i know i haven’t posted in a while but i’ve been feeling down lately and not really up to writing. i’ve had a rough week with family and i have a surgery tomorrow, so i will honestly try my best to update all 3 fics i have going (lol @ me) but i can’t promise any updates. i just want my writing to be good and not rushed, so i think i’ll wait until i’m in a better place emotionally to continue the chapters. thanks for understanding :) sorry if this disappoints anybody. i promise i’m not stopping writing, i’m just taking a few days off.
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Reblog if you are insecure about anything below:
-intelligence (or lack of) 
-skills (or lack of) 
-weird hobbies
-friends (or lack of) 
Who ever reblogs this will get a message in their inbox.
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Hiiiii may I please be added to the tag list for star spangled daughter thx xoxoxoxo
yes!! thanks for reading love :)
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A/N: Let me know if I should add a taglist to this post! Or, if you want to be tagged in all future works, message me :)
Ten Things I Hate About You (Bucky x Reader)
Prologue / I Hate the Way You Talk to Me / I Hate the Way You Stare / I Hate the Way You Read My Mind / Coming Soon: I Hate the Way You’re Always Right
Star Spangled Daughter (Steve x OFC)
Chapter One 
Aftermath: An Infinity War Fix-It (Bucky x Reader)
The Snap Heard ‘Round the World(s) / Coming Soon: Reconciliation
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Aftermath (Chapter One): The Snap Heard ‘Round the World(s)
A/N: I am so sorry. This idea came to me and I couldn’t resist writing it. But I am still so sorry. For the title, for the (somewhat) insensitive lines and words thrown in here. I promise I won’t be such a jerk about it as this progresses. Promise. But just a heads up, this is super sad. :/
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Word Count: 764
"Steve? What's going on? Where's Bucky?" Steve collapsed on the ground, surrounded by the remainder of your team. He ignores your question. "Steve. Where is he? What happened?" Anguished screams echo around Wakanda, calling for loved ones and searching for lost family members. It can't be. No, Thor had him, he got him, where is he?
It hits you. He did it. He really did it. "We just lost, didn't we? Where – where's Thanos, and Thor, and..." You trail off. No. No. He can't be gone. I just got him back.  
You sink to the ground, and then you see it. Bucky's gun. The one he was holding right before he saluted you jokingly and ran off to fight Thanos. He was holding it, he was right there, you saw him – Steve sits on the ground, shaking, confused.
A strangled scream leaves your throat. You climb back up and stumble over to the gun. Landing in a pile of dust, you pick it up and cradle it to your chest. "Guys, he was right here. Where did he-" The dust. You slowly lower your hand to the ground. "Oh, no. No, no, no, no."  
Scrambling away from the dust, from Bucky, you lay down on the forest floor, clutching Bucky's gun as if your life depended on it. Bruce's confused voice raises over the rest of your mourning group.  
"Guys, what do we do next?"
The remaining team members slowly make the trek back to the palace. Okoye led the way, tears silently streaming down her face. As soon as the huge building is in your view, the doors open and Shuri stumbles out, shaking and waving frantically at your group. You reach her and she scans your group. Her face falls as she notices Okoye's tears and she backs away, shaking her head. "Where's T'Challa? He said he'd come back. He can't be gone, he's here somewhere, we just have to find him."  
Her face becomes hopeful again and her eyes search your faces. A minute shake of Steve's head is all she needs. She falls to the ground, wailing and crying. Okoye loses her composure and kneels next to her, holding her in her arms and rocking back and forth. Their cries mingle together, filling the air.  
"I want T'Challa back! I already lost him once, where is he, bring him back-" Shuri's voice rings in your ears.
Tears come to your eyes as you watch them. Your breathing speeds up and you double over, crying as well. Soon, your whole group falls apart, clinging onto each other. Steve's arms find their way around you, along with Natasha's. Rocket stands off to the side, fists clenched around dust that might be Groot, who knows. Bruce is next to him, looking afraid and sick.
Minutes pass, but they feel like hours. Once Shuri's tears subside, Okoye helps her up and closes her eyes for a bit, regaining her calm and wrapping an arm around the princess.
"We have to figure out what exactly Thanos just did."
Dust swirls through the air. Tony's hands are caked in blood and...Peter. His last words echo through Tony's mind. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It sounds like he's underwater. He blinks furiously, trying to wake up from this – this nightmare. "Peter." His voice sounds strange. He tries again, louder this time. He’s just messing with you, he’s around here somewhere. "Peter. Hey, kid, where'd you go? You were fine a minute ago-"  
Nebula's voice cuts through the deafening silence in his brain. "They're gone. They're all gone."  
Tony knows this, but he doesn't want to accept it. "No, he was just there, I was holding him, he can't be gone-"
"They're gone, Stark. We need to figure out where Thanos went so I can kill him myself." Of course, Tony agrees, but can't bring himself to stand up. Peter was just here, was just in his arms...Strange is gone, too. Quill and his weird friends, all gone.  
"He did it, didn't he? He really wasn't kidding, he just wiped out half of...everybody." His mind shoots back to his disgustingly normal conversation with Pepper in Central Park. He wanted a kid. She seemed pretty happy to shoot that idea down, but what if? A horrible thought comes to his mind – her ashes in the bathroom, on the counter next to a positive pregnancy test.
He knows this isn't true, isn't real, can't be true, but his mind goes there anyway. Thinking the worst. "We have to get back to Earth, now."
He groans internally, dreading what he's about to say next.
"We have to find Steve Rogers."
A/N: Okay, so I definitely did not come up with that shockingly sad image of Pepper’s ashes in the bathroom but I wanted to throw that in just to make you cry. Sorry. Also, if this gets enough feedback, I will continue. So comment below or shoot me a message if you want me to keep going, if you want me to add you to the taglist, whatever! I love hearing from you guys!
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I Hate the Way You Read My Mind- (Ten Things I Hate About You: Chapter Three)
A/N: Sorry this took me so long. I was so stuck, I rewrote about 11 times before giving up and just taking it where it took me. So sorry. It wasn’t going anywhere I wanted it to, so I kind of let my fingers take over and just type. I just have so many good ideas for the next chapter, that I was getting stuck writing this kind of in-between thing. But it adds drama! And we all love drama, right?
Word Count: 1,442
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You shoot up in bed, heart racing. Screams echo through your mind, screams of those who couldn't survive HYDRA's torture and experimentation. One scream sticks out – screaming Steve's name. Your blood turns to ice as you realize the only person who would remember a name after that much pain and brainwashing.  
Shaking, you throw the covers off of you and trip out of bed, slamming the light switch on and illuminating your room. Your breaths come in short bursts and you grip your head in between your hands, tipping it back against the wall and crying. He couldn't have been there. You had been kept in one of the harshest facilities and you wouldn't wish that on anybody...but it makes sense that he was there, he was supposed to be controlled, he was – he was down the hall from you and could probably hear you sobbing.  
You try and quiet yourself, but only succeed in hyperventilating more as the memories rush back to you. His eyes meeting yours from the dimly lit hallway as he passed your room. The slightest wave of his hand, telling you I see you, I know what you're going through, I'm sorry. Hearing his screams as they wiped his memories, over and over again.  
Slamming into the wall, overcome with remembering, you slip down and cover your face in your knees. You don't realize that you're screaming until you feel arms around you and hear a voice comforting you.
"Hey, hey, hey, look at me. It was a nightmare, you're safe, I've got you. Just breathe." Bucky's deep voice rumbles in his chest, sleepy yet strong.  
Bucky. Why is he here, get away, get away, get away. You shake your head violently, shoving his arms away from you and scrambling across the floor, trying to gain distance between you. "No. No, you can't be here. Get out! Get out of here!" Your voice breaks. "Please, get out, leave me here, you need to save yourself-"  
Realization hits his face and his expression changes. His eyes fill with fear, with worry, panic, and – guilt? He shakes his head, holding his arms out, surrendering. "No. You were there, weren't you? This whole time I thought I was dreaming it up but – you knew me. I knew you. I left you there, with them, I could have helped you."
He sinks onto the ground, continuing to mumble and shake, holding his head in his human hand and trying to distance himself from his metal arm. The two of you sit in fear for what feels like hours. Your tears start to subside and his voice quiets down.  
The moonlight shining on the floor seems to mock you, glinting happily against your tears. Deafening silence fills the space between you and Bucky. He chews his lip for a second, then speaks.
"I knew I recognized you from somewhere. I can't believe how stupid I was. I didn't even think-" His fists clench and his jaw tightens. "I knew it sounded familiar when you screamed during your nightmares. Those screams...I heard them every night at th-that place."
You feel like ice water has been dumped all over you. He knows me? He remembers? Your voice is scratchy with tears, but you talk anyway. "What do you remember?" His bitter laugh is all you get in response for a moment.  
"All of it."
Your chest tightens at this. "I remember the day they brought you there, and I knew, I just knew that you wouldn't last long, because you looked so small. So fragile, and all they wanted to do was break you. Every time you screamed, I thought it would be the last. But you always made it out. You survived it."
His voice cracks at that, but strengthens again. "I didn't even know your name, all I knew was every time I passed your room, your eyes would meet mine and they weren't full of tears – they were full of anger. There was fire in your eyes and I knew one day, you would escape. You were going to make it out alive."
"When they finished with their experiments, you were moved into the cell next to mine. It took you awhile to talk, but when you finally did, you didn't stop. Even when I'd come back from a mission and I was...him, you would reach your hand through the bars and wait for me to grab it. Once I did, we'd stay up all night, you talking and me listening."
Your head starts to hurt from the steady flow of memories returning to you. You can almost feel it – his combat boots thudding on the floor as his handlers dumped him in the cell. His back hitting the bars right next to where yours was resting, and his head leaning against your own. You would see the bloodstains and not know whose blood it was. But you would stick your hand through anyway and he would inevitably hang on to you like a lifeline.
The night passes similar to those you spent in HYDRA together – leaning against a wall together, gripping each other's hands like your lives depended on it. You don't sleep a wink, instead silent tears stream down your face, not stopping. Bucky notices but doesn't say a word since his own tears are stopping him from speaking.
Morning breaks and you are still sitting there, hand numb from holding Bucky's all night long. You don't move, and neither does he. No reaction comes from either of you when Steve comes and pulls Bucky's arm over his shoulder and lifts him off of the floor, or when Wanda and Natasha wrap their arms around you and help you into your room.  
Your heart still hasn't slowed down and your neurons are still firing faster than your brain can comprehend. You can feel soft hands helping you out of your sweat-soaked clothes and into clean ones. Voices murmur above you, but they don't lull you to sleep. The fog in your brain clears up for just a moment and you grab Wanda's hand.  
"He was there...I knew him. I knew him and I didn't help him, I didn't help him, I couldn't save-"  
A soft "I'm sorry" comes from above you and you see trailing wisps of scarlet above you before you slip into the blissful comfort of sleep.
Instead of waking up in your own bed, you wake up in the medbay. Soft beeping surrounds you and the shade-covered window creates a surreal glow around everything. Peeking to your right, you see the back of a head of brown hair, spilling over the pillow. His metal arm glints in the gentle sunlight and you squint against it. Almost as if he can sense you being awake, he slowly rolls over, his blue eyes meeting your own.  
An unspoken connection has formed between the two of you – something indescribable. A bond that nobody else can share because nobody else has experienced the things you have. You swing your legs off the side of the bed, minding the monitors and machines hooked up to you. He does the opposite, instead ripping them out and lunging across the room towards you.
You fall into each other's arms. Your tears mingle, full of guilt, sadness, regret, but tinged with a little bit of hope. Hope that you can overcome what those monsters did to you. Hope that somehow, some way, you can get through this together.
You're not sure who speaks first. What to even say in this situation? Instead of last night's events, your brain springs to the night before, when he kissed you and you kissed him back. You can't believe how stupid that was of you, you barely even knew him, but you bring it up anyway.  
"I'm sorry - I'm sorry I kissed you. I was drunk and I didn't know-" He interrupts with a short, sharp laugh. "No, I'm the one that should be sorry. I can't believe I took advantage of you like that. You were emotionally vulnerable and I shouldn't have pushed it. I'm so sorry, that was so stupid of me."
Silence falls between the two of you. He brushes a piece of hair off of your face. Your eyes stare into his, searching for the words to talk about what happened last night. The door bursts open right as you open your mouth. Steve and Tony practically fall into the room.  
Tony coughs. "Sorry we're late. Are we interrupt-" His brief sentence is cut off by a swift jab to the side.  
Steve smiles tentatively. "So. Do you want to explain what...happened, or how you know each other?" A side glance at Bucky.
"Or why you didn't tell us you knew each other?"
TAGLIST: (message me if you want to be added)
@thewinterhunter @smutblogmakerandcollector @izzy206-2001 @rodkrake @writing-in-winter @itlookslikeyouneedadoctor @thunderous-flower @theblueinyour-eyes @i-am-anthem-made @mamallama613 @moni-poloni @psychobitchgonepsycho @lilypalmer1987 @loki7ms @stevieboyharrington @bucktoherstevie
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Founded (Chapter 1)
A/N: Hey guys! So this is the first chapter for Founded. Thank you so much for the love! I really appreciate it! If you guys want to be tagged or if you have any requests , just tell me. Leave a message or whatever.
Warnings: Idk
After a few weeks camping in the woods, you and Charles discussed about your own powers. You didn’t know you had one. Not until you’ve woken up because of a nightmare. Telekinesis and fire. You kept on practicing, trying not to start a forest fire. You can’t risk practicing out in the real world. Charles showed you his, teleportation and energy manipulation. After all those things happened, both of you stayed in you grandparents’ house. Helping them with their farm, attempting to live a normal life.
You grew up there. For 14 years, you managed to be normal. But you never went out of the house, not wanting to go out. Scared of the real world, hiding from people. They took care of you, Charles and your grandparents. But after another 3 years, they died, leaving you and Charles alone. They had a proper funeral unlike your parents. Both of you didn’t dare to come back. Scared of what you might see.
Everthing changed when Charles insisted that both of you should go out once. Went to the city without any cash. ‘Well, this is dumb.’ You thought. What’s worse is that you went there in a bad time. You’re starting to regret it. You want to come back home. He said, “There’s no turning back.” When suddenly… people are screaming, running for their lives. A loud crash is ringing through your ears. You ran as fast as you can, but you stopped, looking back, you saw Charles standing on the same spot. You called out to him. No answer. You screamed his name again. Nothing. You ran back to him.
“What the fuck are you doing? We have to go! Now is the best time to teleport! Charles!”
“We need to help,” He whispered.
“We need to help!” He repeated. He ran to the nearest building. You were standing there, dumbfounded. Not sure what your next move is. You noticed he’s already inside the unstabled building.
“Charles, wait!” You ran before him.
Inside, you saw people scrambling out. You looked for him, but he was nowhere in sight. You don’t know what to do. You saw a boy crying in the corner, so you head over where he was cradling hisself.
“Hey, are you okay?” You asked in a concerned voice. He didn’t answer. So you picked him up, carried him, and ran outside. But the exit is blocked. Two robots were coming towards you.
You put him down, trying to calm him. Still, he kept crying, you’re guessing it’s because of the robots. Robots. 'Seriously?’ You thought. You charged at them. Screaming, fire in your eyes, taken over by the power completely. They hadn’t got the time to attack since they’re both consumed in flames. Melting. You ripped their parts, trying not to touch them. Flaming robot parts are scattered on the floor. 'Well, that was easy.’ You went back to the boy and both of you ran to the exit. You were surprised that there are more of them. Most of them are charging to a blue suited man and a red metal man. You ignored them and continued findin the boy’s mother.
“Joseph? Joseph!” A woman in tears came towards you. He let go of you and ran to the lady.
“Mom! Mom!” He called out and hugged his mother.
“Oh, Joseph, are you alright? I was worried! Please don’t leave me again, please.”
You just watched the two figures. But then, you sense something. You heard a loud clunk behind you. You turned around only to find a man in red, white, and blue tights carrying a round shiny shield. You can only see his eyes and the half bottom of his face.
“Ma'am, it’s dangerous here. I would suggest that you leave this place.”
You couldn’t speak. Your mouth is completely shut. Your throat became dry. You tried to respond but nothing came. He is the first person to talk to you since you came here. Not including the kid, since your trying to comfort him. But you’re not surprised at all. He only talked to you because he’s warning you. You took all your strength to say,
“Ma'am, it’s dangerous.”
“You don’t tell me what to do, blue tights. And stop calling me ma'am,” You spat at him. At that comment, he looked offended. If you’re not in a danger zone, you would’ve laughed your ass off at his face. But a thought went in your mind. Charles. Where is that prick? You started to panic. Your eyes widened. Your eyes watering. You looked around the area. No sign of him.
“Charles! Charles!” Still looking for him, leaving the man alone. You screamed his name, hoping he could hear you. You can’t imagine living without him, evenif it’s only for a few minutes.
Then, he suddenly appeared in front of you. You stared at him for a few seconds then tackled him in a tight hug. You were so happy to see him. He was startled by your actions, but he returned the hug. You stepped back to look at his face. He is the only family you have now. You can’t risk losing him too.
You kept on rambling about why he shouldn’t leave you that you didn’t noticed the smoke coming from your clothes.
“Y/N, calm down. Y/N– shit!” He tried to touch you.
“Calm down! Look at yourself!”
You looked down, noticing scorches on your clothes. You cursed. You forgot you don’t own fire resistant clothes.
“Oh, c'mon! Shit!” You tried to put out the fire. Cahrles removed his jacket and put it on you. You felt the warmth of it. You’re not cold but it comforts you. You mumbled a thanks. He only smiled. You looked around to see burning buildings. Again, you were speachless. You saw the blue tights man with a handful of people. You approached them, Charles followed you. You saw them staring at you.
“Hey! What’s going on here?”
You asked them.
“We just got here, then this place turned into a shit hole.” Charles said behind you. You nodded at his words.
“Ma'am, I already warned you, it’s dangerous here.”
“What did I told you earlier, mister? Don’t. Call. Me. Ma'am.”
“I’m sorry. I’m Captain America, and we’re the Avengers .”
A/N: Okay!! You survived!! Congratulations!! This Chapter is short but I promise to make the other chapters longer. Message me if you guys want to be tagged. Send some requests!
Tags: @whitehairedwhitegirl @condy-wants-a-cookie
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Star Spangled Daughter- Chapter One
A/N: This is a request from the lovely @inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs​ and as soon as she asked me to write it, I was in love with this idea!! It’s definitely going to be a bit of a confusing chapter since I had to set up an entirely different plot and world, with original characters, but if you stick it out, I promise, it’s gonna be good! 
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Also P.S: I know that “Autograph Seeker” in TFA is technically the same actress as Starlord’s mom, but we’re ignoring that and just making her a character. Too complicated. WAAAY too complicated. 
Words: 2,220
Steve finished signing a little boy's comic, fighting his way down the stairs through the throng of people. The sound of voices mixing filled the air, clouding his brain with noise and distractions, until she walked up. Her blonde curls bounced, and her smile brightened the air around him as she held out her book for him to sign.  
The air around him seemed to still as he looked, really looked at her face. Her blue eyes met his own, and almost as if somebody else (probably Bucky) possessed his body, he found himself asking her out. Dancing, specifically. That night, at a bar downtown. She accepted with a blush and wrote down the address and time to meet, before she disappeared into the crowd with a timid wave.
Steve had to fight, really fight, against Brandt to convince him to let him leave that night. He used some lame excuse, like "Captain America needs to be seen by the public" or something of the sort. Once again, he had to fight through the crowds to find that mystery girl.  
Once he reached the lit up bar with festive music coming from inside, he scanned the people millilng around outside, looking for that shiny blonde hair he couldn't take his mind off of. Then, he felt a small tap on his arm and he, once again, found himself staring into those blue eyes.
She smiled at him. He smiled back. "So. You clearly know who I am, but I don't know who you are. Care to tell me a little about yourself?" She laughed, a soft, happy sound and replied.
"My name's Judith, but my friends call me Judy. And I know you're technically 'Captain America' but that seems a little bit too formal for a night of dancing." A joke shone in her eyes and Steve relaxed, just a tad. "You can call me Steve."
The night flew by in a blur of dancing, talking, laughing, and drinking. Judith's eyes sparkled when she walked home with him, stopping in front of a small apartment building and shyly twisting her hair around her finger as she stood on her tiptoes to give him a goodnight kiss on the cheek before turning on her heel and opening the door.
Steve recovered from the shock of that kiss and found his voice. "Maybe we could-uh, maybe we could do this again sometime." Judy smiled. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot."  
Her face danced in his dreams that night, replaying her smile over and over. Steve's thoughts were reeling. I could get used to this.
One month and three days. That's all the time Steve had with Judy – because after those days and weeks passed, he was on the move. Senator Brandt had wanted to stay longer once he saw how much happier Steve was in this particular area. He went out more, smiled more, and always had his eyes on a single, fixed spot in the crowd.  
Before they left, Steve and Judith had their final goodbye – at least until the war ended and Steve could come back. Judy had given him a... special gift before he left, one that was on his mind for a fairly long time. Steve's last thought before hitting the water was of her. It was always of her.
"Come on, push! You can do it, baby, you just gotta give a few more good pushes!" Judy screamed as the nurse repeated the same words she had been shouting for a good few hours. Finally, the pressure released and she heard a beautiful sound – her child, Steve's child, crying.  
"Congratulations, mama. She's precious." Tears streamed down Judy's face as she held her new baby, wishing Steve could be here with her. "Your daddy would have loved you so much, sweetheart. He would be here if he could, I just know it."  
The next few weeks were the hardest ones Judy had ever been through. She had yet to tell her parents that she was even pregnant, given the fact that she wasn't married and that the father, the love of her life, was dead. She had a certain sense of pride, though – her daughter, Stella, would grow up knowing that her dad saved the world.  
Three weeks after Stella was born, their little world was torn apart. HYDRA had found out about Steve's little love affair with Judith and checked hospital records, discovering that Captain America had a daughter.  
Judith was awakened by a shrill scream coming from Stella's little room across the hall and she shot out of bed, wrapping her robe around her as she darted towards the door. She stopped short when she saw a short man wearing round glasses, sporting a lab coat, hovering over her baby's crib. His accent filled her ears. She barely registered his words as he began to speak, lifting her daughter's writhing body out of the bed.
"We cannot risk losing any trace of the serum. Perhaps your baby could be of use to our experimentations. I am so terribly sorry about this, but luckily, you will be too dead to remember ever seeing us."
Judith screamed as he handed Stella to a strange man holding a gun, but it was cut short as a gunshot rang out through the apartment.
Years passed. HYDRA assigned a low-ranking female scientist to raise Stella. As soon as she was able to walk and talk, they killed her caretaker and started the experiments and procedures.  
She was too little to understand what was going on, and why it hurt so bad, but she did know that these people did not love her. They acted like they did, but the things they did didn't show that.  
Experiment after experiment failed, until Zola decided that he wanted to try the serum on her. Since she was Captain America's daughter, it was already in her blood, so they knew it was compatible with her system. So, they tried it. Small doses at first, until she was up to the same dosage that Steve had received. She almost died, but her genetics saved her. She became super-humanly strong, but they didn't stop there.  
More and more experiments were undertaken inside her. Zola knew that it wasn't enough to just have another super-soldier. He wanted somebody enhanced. Finally, he knew they had succeeded when she reached her hands out to ask them to stop and instead, flames burst out of her hands and engulfed the room. When the smoke cleared, she was completely unharmed, but her hands this time were covered in ice.  
After tests, studies, and more experiments, they discovered that she could manipulate extreme heat or cold and create fire and ice without straining a single muscle. She was trained, taught to fight like the Winter Soldier, and when she had control over her powers, Zola decided what to do with her.  
His first decision? Wipe her memories. "She cannot remember what we did to her in order to make her the way she is. Turn her into a compliant Asset."  
His next decision was a scarier one. She was to be put into cryofreeze. One brave scientist spoke up. "But, sir, she's barely 15. Her body might not be able to handle it-" He was interrupted by Zola. "Dear sir, the serum will protect her." He clears his throat, caressing the face of the now unconscious and drugged girl.  
"Someday, we may need her. She will be a great help to HYDRA's true, final plan." Zola laughed, and on her cryochamber, inscribed the name "Ignatia."
"Hey Steve, we got signs of life coming from...the warehouse, I think?" Tony's voice crackled over the comms. Steve's reply came through, only slightly interrupted by the sound of someone getting a giant metal frisbee thrown into their sternum.
"Buck, you and Wanda go check that out. Nat and I will clear out the rest of the floors."
Bucky lifts his gun, slowly walking down the hall to the set of doors leading to the storage warehouse of HYDRA's last known facility. Red tendrils floated out from Wanda's hands, crushing the locking mechanism. Bucky meets her eyes, and she nods. He counts down from three, kicks the door open, and is greeted with a mostly empty warehouse full of boxes and shelves.  
"Stark, you said there were signs of life in here. Where were they radiating from? There's nobody here." Tony cursed and the sound of his repulsors firing filled everybody's earpieces before he shouted his response. "Back left corner, pinned in between two shelves, it looks like."
Bucky jerks his head at Wanda and she takes the lead, followed closely by Bucky holding his rifle in front of the both of them. He stops her with a hand on her shoulder and steps in front of her, throwing the shelf to the side.  
His heart drops into his stomach when he sees what was hiding back here. A cryochamber.
Once they manage to get the cryochamber onto the Quinjet, the team gathered around it. Somebody had wiped the frost away and they were all shocked into silence when they were greeted with the sleeping face of a teenager, no more than 16 or so years old. Tony was the first to speak. "Who would do this to a kid?" Steve simply nodded, stunned and unable to speak. He felt drawn to this girl- she reminded him of...Judith. "Oh- oh my gosh, Tony, she looks exactly like..." He couldn't finish the sentence, but Natasha finished it for him.  
"She looks exactly like you, Steve."
The ride back to the compound was dead silent. Steve stayed firmly by the chamber, a hand on the glass, constantly watching over this strange girl. Bucky was next to him, worried and waiting for a reaction of some sort. The rest of the team just sat quietly, staring at Steve and wondering who this could possibly be.
As soon as the jet landed, everybody helped push the chamber into the compound. "Take it to my lab, I bet we can figure out a way to safely defrost her there," Tony piped up from the back. "FRIDAY, any idea how we can get her out of this thing?" FRIDAY responded and they had a rapid-fire conversation before they reached Tony's lab.  
It was a long procedure, but once she was defrosted, they moved her to the medbay, strapping her down in a bed and waiting for her to wake up.
The night passed with Steve by her bedside the whole time, anxiously staring at her, waiting for Tony to come back with the DNA test results he'd sent for when he took a blood sample. The team rotated in and out, hoping that she would wake up simply confused instead of being a HYDRA murder machine.  
Steve almost missed it when her head shifted and a soft groan left her lips. "Tony, Tony get in here!" He stood up quickly, almost knocking his chair over as he did so. Tony and the rest of the team burst through the door. "Um, Steve, you're gonna want to see this- er, I guess hear this." Tony's worried voice cuts through the chatter in the air. He grabs Steve's arm and yanks him out of the room. "I don't really know how to tell you this..." He throws his arms in the air. 
"Congratulations, Captain America. It's a girl!"
Steve's head spun. How in the name of all that is holy did Judith not tell me that she was pregnant? I have a kid? A daughter? Here? He couldn't breathe. His chest felt like it was collapsing. Tony's voice echoed through his ears. "Cap, her name's Stella. Stella Sloane. Stella Sloane-Rogers, if you will. Steve? Are you okay?"
Inside the room, Wanda and Natasha were quietly asking the girl questions. "How are you feeling, sweetie? Do you know where you are?" Her voice was shaky and quiet, but she replied all the same. "I don't know. I don't know. Who are you people?"
Steve finally got the nerve up to walk into the room. "Hey, kiddo. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Everyone in the room exchanged looks and slowly backed out. Steve sat on the edge of her bed, gently unstrapping the bands around her wrists. She looked at him strangely, but thanked him all the same. He dismissed it with a nod, wringing his hands together. "I don't know how to tell you everything I need to, but here's the first thing you should know. Your name is Stella Sloane."  
Her blue eyes met his as she repeated it. "Stella. I like that." He laughed bitterly, blinking away sudden tears. She looked so much like Judy, so much like her. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't feel the small hand on his own. "Are you okay?" He exhaled. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Stella, I have to tell you a few things and hearing them is going to come as a shock. Are you ready?" Her unsure smile met his and she nodded.
"First of all, you have been asleep for a very long time. Since 1958. It's- it's been 60 years, sweetheart. It's 2018." Her breath caught in her throat, and then he delivered the real kicker.  
"Stella, I'm your dad. My name's Steve Rogers."
TAGLIST: (message me if you want to be added)
@inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs @yknott81 @andreatriesherbest @nicholasbich
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Founded (Prologue)
A/N: Hey guys! I apologize in advance because I don’t know how this is going to turn out. Sorry. Cut me some slack this is my first fic.
Warnings: idk
You’re having a hard time to sleep. Laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling, only seeing darkness. Your brother, Charles, who is 5 years older then you, making him 16, knew something was wrong. Something is not right.
“Y/N, are you awake?”
“Yeah,” you responded. Surprised to hear his voice knowing that he always fall asleep right away. Tonight was different. Something. You thought. Something is about to happen.
“You wanna talk?” He asked curiously that you’re awake.
“No,” you simply replied.
Minutes of silence felt like hours. Then you heard people, arguing. The conversation is blurry. You immediately sat up and went to your brother’s bed.
“Come on,” he didn’t say anything, he just followed you to the door. You opened the door slightly. Now you can hear them clearly.
“Mark, put the gun down, please. Let’s talk this through.” your father said. Gun? Why is there a gun? You looked at Charles, confused and scared.
“Mark, please. Just put the gun down-”
“Shut up! Just shut up!” Mark said. ‘Mark? Why is Uncle Mark here?’ You wondered. You knew that that man was insane. Sent to the mental 6 years ago after he tried to kill you. Now it seems like he’s trying to kill your parents.
Both you and Charles made your way to the stairs, not making a sound. Even though you can’t see his face, you knew he’s scared.
“You know what? I’m tired of this! I’m tired of giving a fuck about you and your dumbass family! All of you are freaks! Freaks I say! I know what you can do. Now, it’s time to say goodbye dear brother.”
And with that, you heard gun shots. 5 to be exact. You covered your ears while screaming. After it stopped, Charles took your hand, went to your room and locked the door. He knew this time would come. He knew your parents would be dead one day, but he didn’t expect it to happen this night.
“Y/N, look at me. Y/N. Shhhh. It’s okay. I’m here. I won’t let him hurt you, okay?”
Your face wet because of the tears flowing through your eyes. He’s stroking your hair, trying to calm you down, but it doesn’t work. You’re parents are dead. There’s nothing you can do.
“Hey, kids! Uncle Mark is back!”
You can hear his voice getting closer and closer. You shut your eyes trying to think that this is just another bad dream. It will go away. But nothing works.
“Kids! Open the goddamn door! Or else I’ll shoot you both. You don’t want to end up like your parents do you?”
You heard him laugh. What a maniac. But Charles. Charles? What’s happening to him? He doesn’t move a muscle. He looks… calm. You don’t know why, but he looks calm and ready to fight. He can’t win this fight. He’s just a teenager. A grown up man with a gun versus a puny teenager without any weapons?
“Open the door!”
And the next thing you know is Mark standing at the doorway. With his mischievous smile, he put the gun in front of him and said, “There’s nowhere to run, kids.”
Just gun shots.
“What?! That’s not possible!”
He fired again and again and again until he ran out.
“No please don’t hurt me.”
You looked up to see Charles, standing, but there’s something different about him. He has an aura. Black. You were shock. But in front of him was Mark, down on his knees, begging for mercy, the same person who didn’t give any mercy to your parents. You were furious. You don’t care if your brother has magic or whatever it is, you just want Mark to be dead. You want to see him laying on the floor, lifeless.
“You killed them,” Charles said.
“Please I’m begging you, don’t hurt me.”
“You killed them!”
And with that, he was dead, just like you wanted. But you’re not satisfied with what your brother did. You wanted a slow, painful death. He turned to face you. The aura was gone. Watery eyes looking at yours.
“We have to leave.”
“What?! After what just happened, you want to leave? You– you want to leave our parents downstairs? And what is going on with you? You just killed a man! And–”
“We’re not safe here anymore, Y/N! Can’t you see?! We have to leave. Take my hand.”
“Just take it!”
You took his hand hesitantly. Not sure what he’s up to. The next second, you’re not in your room anymore. Trees. Trees everywhere.
“Charles?! Where are we?!”
Hope you enjoyed that. FYI this is gonna be an Avengers fanfic, so it’s still on going. This is just a background for you guys. Tell me if you guys want to be tagged!
Tags: @whitehairedwhitegirl
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I Hate the Way You Stare- (Ten Things I Hate About You: Chapter Two)
A/N: Here’s Chapter Two! I am loving all of the sweet responses this has been getting! Thank you all for your feedback and helpful tips, it really means a lot. Also, my summer just started, so I’ll be able to write a lot more frequently, which means a lot more updates! Hope you guys like this! LOVE YOU ALL <3
Word Count: 1,316
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Sunlight streams into your now-permanent room. Your head is pounding, your eyes are dry, and your throat is hoarse. You move to sit up but stop abruptly when you notice somebody else laying on your bed. Bucky is...asleep next to you, on top of the covers, breathing slowly and steadily. What happened last night? You run over all the possible outcomes, stopping on one particularly...embarrassing scenario when he stirs next to you. You hurriedly turn over and try to steady your breathing, pretending to be asleep. He rolls slightly and you feel the bed shift as he angles his body towards you.
His breath tickles the back of your neck. You relax a little bit more. Maybe he'll go back to sleep. Then I can leave. But, to your shock, his hand moves up to your hair. Achingly gentle fingers stroke through it, untangling the knots, and as he does this, memories of last night flood back to you. The tears, the confessions, the arms wrapped around you. Your head spins.  
You feel eyes on you, skating up and down your back, watching you. The sensation of hands, one metal and one flesh, running through your hair is soothing and you soon find yourself drifting off once again.
You wake to the smell of pancakes cooking and laughter echoing throughout Bucky's floor. You brace yourself, give your hair a few good fluffs, and walk out the door. Sam's smiling face greets you, along with Steve's, Wanda's, and Natasha's. Bucky waves at you from the stove where he's helping Sam flip the pancakes. Their conversation dies down a little bit, but Natasha breaks the silence. "So, Tony's planning a welcome party for you if you ever make a decision to join the team." Oh. Right. The last few days have been pretty much a blur and you totally forgot about their invitation.
"About that... I would love to stay here, really would love to, but I don't know how you all are trusting me so easily." Sam guffaws, pointing his spatula at you. "Honey, we live with a shy scientist who, at any given moment, can turn into an 'enormous green rage monster', as Tony so...delicately puts it." The spatula moves to Wanda. "She can move things with her mind. Bucky has a metal arm. Natasha could kill you in .6 seconds, and Clint is just...scary. You really aren't anything new. We regularly have an Asgardian God visit us, so trust me, trust me, you're not the worst we've seen."
Your relief is almost immediate. "Well. In that case, I'd love to be on the team, if you guys will have me." The kitchen erupts in cheers and Bucky runs towards you, enveloping you in his arms. Natasha's rare grin meets your own. "Guess I'll call Tony and tell him to get ready for a party tonight."
"Do I really have to wear a dress? I'd be more comfortable wearing, I don't know, nice pants and a blouse." This remark is met with an open laugh from Natasha, and a warning look and a small head shake from Wanda, seeming to say, “Don’t push it.”
"There is absolutely no way that I'm letting into Tony Stark's party wearing slacks, honey." Natasha throws another dress at you from her spot in her closet, where she is rifling through dress after dress.
This one, though, catches your eye. Black, floor length, halter neckline, with lace detailing on the bodice. It's gorgeous. Wanda sees your expression change and clears her throat. Natasha emerges from the closet, sees you holding the dress, and grins. "That's the one."
After being forced into the bathroom to change, you stare at yourself in the mirror. Your hair, while decidedly healthier-looking, is a mess. These four days here have been both the greatest and hardest days of your life. The bags under your eyes are slightly less defined than they were on the first day, and you've put on a little bit of healthy weight, so you don't look so gaunt.
You shake your head to dislodge the strange stupor you put yourself into and strip down, sliding the smooth material of the dress up your hips. Once on, you look in the mirror and tears spring to your eyes. You look... pretty. For the first time since HYDRA took you, you feel beautiful and elegant.
Opening the door, you shyly spin in a little circle and Wanda squeals in excitement. Her smooth accent sweetens her words. "You look stunning. That is definitely the dress you're wearing tonight."
The next few hours are a blur of makeup, curling irons, Natasha modeling her own dress selections, and Wanda demonstrating the usefulness of her powers during a makeover. The three of you emerge from the elevator right as the party is starting. The room seems to spin to a stop, and six smiling men make their way over to you, one of whom you don't recognize, but you can guess.
Your guess is confirmed when, instead of shaking your hand, he pulls you into a bear hug, laughing the whole time. "So, this is the newest Lady Avenger! I am Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard, and it is truly an honor to meet you."
You smile at him, slightly shocked at this introduction. Where even is Asgard? Is that a real place? Steve sees your confused look and smiles gently. "You'll get used to it, I promise." You see Bucky standing slightly off to the side, talking with Wanda, but you feel his eyes coming back to you, multiple times.
The night spins on, music swirling around, drinks flowing freely, and Tony making multiple speeches about how "shocking" your abilities are. That pun gets old after about five times of him making it, getting increasingly more drunk each time.
After a few drinks, you feel pretty buzzed and the room is starting to blur so you step onto one of the many balconies to get some air. You hear a few songs pass, and then you hear someone sliding the glass door open. You're not interested enough to turn around, but then you see who it is. Bucky. He gives you a soft smile and hands you a bottle of water.
"I was getting worried about you. You've been out here awhile, you’re drunk, and it's getting pretty cold." You shrug. "HYDRA was a lot worse. I can handle the cold." His hand slips over to your own, resting atop the railing of the balcony. "That's the thing. You don't have to. Not anymore."
You give a bitter laugh. "I feel like I don't deserve all of this, so the least I can do is be a little chilly for one night." You stop and stare at the city lights flickering across the landscape of New York. You feel his eyes on you for the third time that day. A sigh bursts out of your mouth before you can stop it.
"Can you stop? You keep staring at me like I'll break or something."  
A single heartbeat of a pause.
"That's not why I'm staring, doll."
Another beat.
"And why's that? I felt you this morning, you know." He laughs. "I knew you were awake the whole time, sugar. That's why I did that." He pauses, thinking. "Well, that's not the only reason."
He turns so he's fully facing you, gently grabbing your shoulders and turning you to face him as well. His eyes stare into your own, and his hands slip to the back of your neck, questioning and gentle. You're slightly out of breath, nervous for what's coming. "And what's the other reason?"  
His fingers twist around your curled hair at the nape of your neck, blue eyes peering into your own, seeking approval to continue. "I just can't seem to keep my eyes off you." You raise your hands to his broad shoulders, answering his unspoken question, and raise on your tiptoes. You hesitate for just a moment, thinking over all of the outcomes of this, but he bridges the gap between the two of you and gently presses his lips to your own.
TAGLIST: (message me if you want to be added)
@thewinterhunter @smutblogmakerandcollector @izzy206-2001 @rodkrake @writing-in-winter @itlookslikeyouneedadoctor @thunderous-flower @theblueinyour-eyes @i-am-anthem-made @mamallama613 @moni-poloni @psychobitchgonepsycho @lilypalmer1987 @loki7ms
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Prompt list!
Here is the prompt list! Please make some requests the queue is widddeeeee open right now. Feel free to request any character, not just the ones I have already written! Alright let’s have some fun!
1.     “I love you, you idiot.”
2.     “That’s never going to happen.”
3.     “I can’t believe you don’t like Disney movies.”
4.     “Damn, when did y/n get hot?”
5.     “Only if you give me a piggy back ride!”
6.     “Who doesn’t like waffles?”
7.      “Just shut up and kiss me.”
8.     “Is there a reason your crawling through my window?”
9.     “You’re everything to me.”
10.  “I had the weirdest dream about you and now I can’t stop thinking about you naked.”
11.  “just tAKE THE JACKET”
12.  “I can’t stop blushing… You’re not helping!”
13.  “I’ll always be here.”
14.  “You’re my nerd.”
15.  “We could just make a fort…”
16.  “Hey! Don’t do that! You can’t do that to me!”
17.  “I don’t regret it, not even for a second!”
18.  “They’re right behind me aren’t they?”
19.  “Then come here and make me.”
20.  “Sometimes I wish the sun wouldn’t go down.”
21.  “Were you ever going to tell me?”
22.  “I’ve never said that to any one before.”
23.  “In your dreams!”
24.  “Oh bite me!”
25.  “I’ve never been more in love with you.”
26.  “Can you just hold me?”
27.  “Nothing would make me happier.”
28.  “Dance with me?” “But there’s no music!”
29.  “Where’s your shirt?”
30.  “The least you could do is not hog the blanket.”
31.  “You should stay hydrated.” “What?” “You should-“ “I heard you…”
32.  “Have you seen my… oh”
33.  “You’re not always right you know!
34.  “I can fix that.”
35.  “For the last time I AM NOT JEALOUS!”
36.  “Is this you trying to seduce me?”
37.  “Wait… is this a date?”
38.  “If I did anything right in my life, it was falling in love with you.”
39.  “ I just can’t stop thinking about you.”
40.  “I just miss you every second of every day.”
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Use these to request! I’d love to write them :)
Dialogue Prompt List 2
You can use these for your own stories, or you can request one for me to do. If there’s any specific stories you want me to do with the prompts you choose, let me know in the request. If you do choose to do one of these prompts, tag me in it so I can read it!
1. “I feel like I’m losing my damn mind.”
2. “Gah! Why are you so cold? Get off of me you icicle!”
3. “Marry me?”
4. “God, I was so worried!” “I was only gone for five minutes!”
5. “Please don’t shut me out.”
6. “I can’t believe you haven’t noticed. I’m screaming for someone to notice, to help me, and yet no one does!”
7. “Who the hell do you think you are?”
8. “This is going to hurt, I’m so sorry.”
9. “Who did this to you?”
10. “I’m gonna kill him!”
11. “Cuddle me you weirdo.”
12. “I’m pregnant.”
13. “Are you…crying? You? Mister/Miss, ‘I don’t cry, I’m tough as hell’?” “Oh shut up, we all have our weaknesses!”
14. “You’re part of the family now, don’t ever think you’re not.”
15. “Breathe, can you do that for me?”
16. “I’m a burden to you!”
17. “I’m better off dead.” “You’re better off alive, with me.”
18. “You’re beautiful, and if anyone says that you’re not, know that they’re damn well wrong.”
19. “You’re warm, s'great for cuddling.”
20. “Send help, the kids are out of control!”
21. “C'mere you sexy thing!”
22. “I, um, might’ve gone a little bit overboard on the shopping.” “A little bit?!”
23. “You did this all for me?” “No, I did this for Jeffrey across the street. Yes I did this for you!”
24. “What the hell is happening to me?”
25. “You aren’t dreaming, look, I’m here, this is real.”
26. “There’s so much blood, it won’t come off!”
27. “Woah, slow down, what’s going on?”
28. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
29. “You mess with her/him, you mess with me.”
30. “That’s it, you’re staying here until I can get this sorted.” “But I–” “No buts!”
31. “I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.”
32. “I love you, you know that right?”
33. “I’m coming to get you, stay there.”
34. “Okay, so don’t freak out, but I got flour everywhere…”
35. “Is it supposed to look like that?” “I think so?” “Is that a question or a statement?”
36. “Woah, I never knew you had a tattoo!”
37. “Are you safe?” “I-I don’t know.”
38. “S/he deserves better than me.”
39. “We’re more than just friends and you know it.”
40. “It’s me! It’s me! Calm down, baby, please.”
41. “What have you been doing? Actually, don’t answer that, I don’t want to know.”
42. “Is the movie too scary? I can stop it if you want and we could watch something else.”
44. “Touch her again, and I’ll kill you.” “Will you? Because last time I checked, petty threats don’t do shit, ____. They just piss me off more.”
45. “You don’t mess with my family.”
46. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
47. “Please don’t leave me.”
48. “Did you just slap my ass?” “Actually, I firmly grasped it.” “Did you just quote Spongebob?”
49. “Beautiful.”
50. “Let her/him go, please! I’m the one you want!” “Oh really now? What can you do for me?”
51. “I’ve got you, you’re safe now.”
52. “And you didn’t think to tell me about this until now?” “I didn’t think it was that important…”
53. “I can’t carry on this way anymore, I can’t live like this.”
54. “You know if you wanted sex, you could’ve just asked.”
55. “Stop freaking out, you’re making me freak out! And I’m the level headed one of the house!”
56. “Please don’t do this, your family needs you, your friends need you, I need you.”
57. “You can’t hide from me!”
58. “Well this is a nice change of scenery.” “_____, we’re in a prison cell.” “I was being sarcastic.”
59. “How sweet, sacrificing yourself for her, when did you get a heart?”
60. “Um, I don’t think that what you’re doing is legal, so if you could just let me go, that would be great.”
61. “I thought you said you knew where we were going.” “Yeah I lied.”
62. “Shit, you’re freezing, let’s get you warmed up, alright?”
63. “What happened to me?”
64. “I’m not letting you sleep on the floor, get up here.”
65. “It’s not like I’m some broken vase that you can just glue back together and then expect that everything will be okay again! It doesn’t work like that!”
66. “Everything I’ve done is for you, you’re the only thing in the world that matters to me.”
67. “Are you seriously stuck right now?” “Don’t just stand there! Help me!”
68. “I can’t do the things that you can do.”
69. “Please don’t post that, no!” “Oops, too late.”
70. “What game is that?”
71. “I said create a distraction, not this!”
72. “We’re in public, stop that.”
73. “I had some food from your fridge, I hope you don’t mind.”
74. “Hand over the girl.” “That’s not gonna happen in your lifetime.”
75. “Can you stop poking me?!” “I’m not poking you.”
76. “I’ve already told you this, we’re not killing anyone!”
77. “I’m about seventy five percent sure that this bridge won’t break.” “Only seventy five?!”
78. “I need you to be my girlfriend for about five minutes.”
79. “I don’t need protecting!”
80. “You know they’re going to use the things you love against you.”
81. “It’s locked!” “You mean we’re stuck in here?”
82. “Shut up.” “I didn’t say anything.” “I don’t care, shut up.”
83. “Hey! I was watching that!”
84. “I thought they’d killed you, I’m glad I thought wrong.”
85. “Not now, I’m busy.” “But it’s been so long!”
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Send In Requests!
Guys!! I love writing for you, but sometimes if I stay writing one thing, then I lose the flow and go absolutely bonkers! So I would absolutely LOVE it if you sent in requests! I mainly would feel comfortable writing for MCU, mostly Avengers, but I also have seen some Supernatural and would feel a little comfortable writing that! I am also willing to learn, so ask if I can do anything and I’ll tell you!
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Can I please be tagged in the ten things I hate about you? I love it so much!!!
yes, of course! thank you ❤️
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GOODNESS I LOVE "ten things I hate about you" can I please please be tagged on it(if its still open)💞💕💞💞
Yes! Taglist is always open, love! Thanks so much
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