wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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Redraw of a meme from @/oura3n on Instagram
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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I had a few months to make comics for when I finally caught up to where I left off last year.
Did I actually do that? Nope.
Anyways, here's a drawing of Christabol. I think I'm going to take a break for a little while and just post some sketches I've done for the time being.
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[ID: A color drawing of Christabol with his right claw up to his face saying, "I think I'm the most mentally stable of the group." and "I don't like it. Too much pressure." End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"The End" This isn't the actual end, but it was the last comic I made for my senior project. It's also most people's favorite. Including the college's president, which I was not expecting.
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[ID: Two panel color comic of Neopolitan sitting outside on a brown bench with their knees pulled up to their chest. There are clouds in the sky, two birds, and a tree on the right. In the first panel, they're saying (with each sentence in a different word bubble), "When I first started college, I was told it would be the best experience of my life. And I knew back then that was a lie." In the second panel, their ears are down and they look sad, saying, "But man, what the fuck was that?!?" End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Dishes" You can tell a lot about how a person is doing mentally by the amount of dishes piling up
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[ID: A two panel black and white comic of Yeeyee and Neopolitan in Neo's house at the round table sitting in oval chairs. Yeeyee looks concerned and asks, "Neo, are you sure you're doing okay?", to which they respond, "Yeah? Why do you ask?" The next panel is of a counter with a sink that has dishes piling up both in and around it. Yeeyee says off screen, "Oh, no reason..." End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Soup Store" During this point in the year I watch this video like 20 times a day. I never seen Code Geass btw. Nor Code MENT, which is apparently what this is from.
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[ID: A two panel black and white comic cut diagonally. In the first one, Christabol is in his house holding his phone to his face with question marks all around him, saying, "Why are you buying clothes at the soup store?" The second is Greg holding his phone with one claw raised looking angry. Behind him are shelves of soup cans. Greg is saying, "Fuck you!" End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Body Image" Having scars can really mess with one's body image. It's nice to be reminded that not everyone has the same feelings you do.
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[ID: A five panel color comic where the last one is the biggest. The first is of Strawberry looking at a red dress on a mannequin in a dark store with her reflection in front of the dress. She's looking sad and thinking, "I didn't realize how much the scars would mess with my body image." A small word bubble towards the bottom of the panel pointing off screen is saying, "Um, excuse me." The second panel is of a blue baby monkey smiling with their eyes closed and holding their hands in front of them standing on the sidewalk outside the store saying, "Uh, I just wanted to say... you're really pretty!" A word bubble pointing to someone off screen is saying, "Baby!" The third is of Strawberry still standing in front of the window with her head turned so her face isn't seen. A purple adult monkey is standing next to the baby and looking scared with her arm reaching out to the baby. She's saying, "Don't run off like that!", and the baby is holding her hand and saying in small letters, "Sorry, mom". Her head whips up to Strawberry, and she says, "Oh, I love your sweater!" The fourth panel is of Strawberry standing in front of the window with a neutral expression. The last is her giggling with her eyes closed. End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Art Show Pt. 2" I've been watching lots of early 2000s cartoons lately. I'm starting to sound like a valley girl.
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[ID: A four panel colored comic in a light blue room with white floors. The first panel is a close up of Christabol smiling wide with his eyes closed and pincher raised saying "Good morning every--". The second panel is of him opening his eyes looking shocked and frowning. The third is Strawberry and Rocky sitting on opposite ends of a light brown table in brown square chairs. Strawberry is working on her tablet and Rocky is drawing with some pages of colorful squiggles set next to zir and crumpled up paper on the floor by zir. Both look angry and have dark circles under their eyes. Off screen, Christabol asks, "Did you even sleep!?!", to which Rocky and Strawberry say, "No." Rocky then says, "We need to work on our art show." The last panel is Christabol saying off screen, "But... that's bad!", to which Strawberry replies with her tablet pencil pointed at him, "Listen, Christabol, pain is temporary. GPA is forever!". Rocky says, "Yeah, Christabol!" Greg is under the table smiling and holding a paper with a blue frowny face in his mouth. End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Art Show Pt. 1" Based on a conversation I had with my dad (who gave me full permission to make this comic).
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[ID: A three panel colored comic of Yeeyee and Strawberry laying on grass with little flowers all around, their heads facing each other. Strawberry looks sad and her ears are lowered, and Yeeyee has a neutral expression with their arms on their chest. Strawberry is saying in two bubbles broken up by each sentence, "The senior thesis project is stressing me out so much! That, plus all of the club responsibilities I have, I don't have any free time. Just drawing and leading clubs." The second panel is Yeeyee saying, "Wow. Have you been doing any art to destress?" Strawberry looks surprised and her ears shoot up. The last panel is Strawberry sitting up with a raised fist, red triangle eyes, and a pulsing vein on her head, and only part of her face and body is shown. She's saying, "That's all I've been doing!!! Were you even listening!?!" with "all" underlined. Yeeyee is rubbing their head with a sweat mark running down their face. In tiny letters, they're saying, "Sorry, sorry". End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Fairy Tale" I constantly make jokes about how people who say life isn't a fairy tale obviously never read fairy tales. Everyone is sick of them XD
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[ID: A two panel color comic of Christabol holding a coffee cup in a room with light blue walls and a white floor. In the first panel he's holding the cup towards his body and saying, "I was always told life wouldn't be like a fairy tale." In the second, he's holding the cup out and saying in two word bubbles broken up by each sentence, "But the thing is, I'm German. This is pretty close to what I was promised." End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"One Of Those Days" When I bought this pin, I thought it was the funniest thing in the world. Wasn't expecting it to predict the pandemic.
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[ID: A two panel black and white comic of Neopolitan holding a pin. The panel on the left is labeled "2018", and it shows Neo smiling with their eyes closed. There's a circular part at the top showing their paw holding the button that says, "It's been "one of those days" for like, 3 years now", and Neo is saying, "Ha! Okay, I'm buying this!" The one on the right is labeled "2022", and Neo looks sad with their ears down saying, "This didn't age well." End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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When I first started this, perfectionism often times petrified me. I was so worried that if it wasn't perfect, then I couldn't present it! But seriously, using ink really helped. If this is an issue for you, then maybe give it a try. It wouldn't hurt, anyways :)
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[ID: A two panel color comic of Rocky and Greg on a light blue couch. Rocky is laying upside down. In the first panel, zir eyes are closed, and ze's saying, "Perfectionism is part of my problem, and I don't know what to do about it! Greg says with his right claw raised, "Draw in pen!" In the second panel, Rocky's eyes are open, and ze says, "What?" Greg's eyes are closed, and both his claws are raised now. He's saying, "Once you make a mark, there's no going back. You just have to deal with it!" and in smaller words underneath, "Does wonders". End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Scars Pt. 4"
Self harm can take many different forms, and it's very important to remember that.
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[ID: A two panel black and white comic of Strawberry addressing the audience. In the first panel, her hands are clasped together in front of her and she's saying, "Self harm isn't just cutting. Burning, hitting, and scratching can also be considered self harm." and, "But society has equated the two, assuming it always means cutting." The second panel, her arms and ears are lowered, and she's sighing, saying, "And downplays all other forms.", as well as, "And all the pain that comes with." and in smaller words underneath, "I've been clean for years, but it still hurts." End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Scars Pt. 3"
I didn't think about putting the different arcs together until after I already posted the first two of this one. Kinda regret that now lol
Anyways my professor who was working with me on this project made a comment the roses being a metaphor for beauty and I was like, whoa, hang on! That wasn't what I was trying to do! But his conclusion is very understandable. I probably should have thought about before, but I can't really change that now sooo... anyways, this was just unfortunate planning, not romanticism of self harm. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
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[ID: A three panel black and white comic of Strawberry talking directly to the audience. In the first panel, her hands are clasped together in front of her chest, and she's saying, "I feel like I need to justify why I used roses as a metaphor for scars." The second she's turned a bit towards the right of the drawing, and her hands are still together pointed out. She's saying, "It wasn't to turn something horrific into something beautiful. I'm not trying to romanticize self harm." The third panel, she's facing the front again, and her arms are raised on either side of her. She's saying, "Part of it was because simple stitches didn't show up well on fabric, and I needed something bigger." and in smaller words underneath it, "And I know how to make roses...". The word bubble on the right says, "But it was also because... well, it's closer to what mine actually look like." End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Real Life Art Block"
Posted this out of order so the last arc could be together but anyways this is based on a conversation I had with my friend. But instead of saying, "What?" I said, "Oh shit, you right!" Because she is.
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[ID: Posted this out of order so the last arc could be together but anyways this is based on a conversation I had with my friend. But instead of saying, "What?" I said, "Oh shit, you right!" Because she is. End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Self Diagnosis Pt. 3"
Therapy is a lot harder when you're aspec. And obviously not every aspec person has had this experience... but I have, which is part of the reason why I'm such an advocate for self diagnosis.
And that concludes this arc! Now back to your regularly scheduled bullshit.
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[ID: A four panel color comic. The first panel is of Yeeyee in a purple room rubbing their head with a drop of sweat on their head saying "I feel like I should take a step back. I'm not anti-professional diagnosis or anything. It's just harder because I'm queer." with smaller words that say "I think everyone can benefit from therapy." The second panel is white with the asexual flag (from top to bottom: black, grey, white, and purple) in the center. A narration box at the top says, "Specifically, I'm a nonbinary aromantic asexual, but let's focus on the last one. It means I don't experience sexual attraction." A narration box at the bottom says, "Up until 2011, asexuality was still considered a mental illness. In the DSMV, there's something called "hypoactive sexual desire disorder" that exactly explains asexuality, but with a clause saying if the patient already identifies as ace, it's okay." In the third panel, Yeeyee is in a red room with white floors in a purple chair facing the left of the panel talking to someone not shown. The narration box at the top says, "But even then, therapists don't really care, even if the claim to be lgbtq+ safe." The mystery person off screen is saying, "Maybe moving forward, we can work on this not being an identity, but just a thing." Yeeyee is mad and saying, "You literally have no problem with me being nonbinary." with "no" underlined. The narration box at the bottom says, "I've never had a therapist that didn't try to talk me out of identifying as asexual." The last panel has a purple background. Yeeyee is facing the right of the panel looking sad and rubbing their right arm saying, "So, yeah, forgive me if I'm not too eager to hear what the professionals have to say about me." End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Self Diagnosis Pt. 2"
Obviously there can be issues with self diagnosis, but like most things in life, it isn't black and white. Sometimes you just know.
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[ID: A four panel color comic. In the first panel, Yeeyee is in a purple room slightly turned towards the right with their left arm on their hip and their right arm raised, and they're saying "Y'know what? I can see people are so against self diagnosis." The second panel has an orange background with a blue penguin in the center. There's a narration box at the top that says, "There's lots of misinformation, so it's easy to get mixed up and misdiagnose." The penguin is saying, "Because of the way bipolar disorder is portrayed in media, I thought that's what I have. Surprise! It's borderline personality disorder!" The third panel has a berry color background with a narration box at the top that says, "But for many people, getting diagnosed can be inaccessible." There's a dark green duck with a tuft of hair, blue eyes, an orange beak, and a purple scarf that is saying, "Therapy cost too much.", a light blue crab with yellow eyes looking sad and saying, "My family won't allow it.", and a light red cat with white button eyes saying, "I don't have a car, and there isn't a place in walking distance." The last panel is Yeeyee facing the right with their eyes closed and shrugging saying, "Besides, why do I need a neurotypical, mentally healthy person to tell me what I already know?" End ID]
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wish-ful-comics · 2 years
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"Self Diagnosis"
And now to kick off a really serious arc I have a lot of opinions about. There'll be two more episodes in tis series, so if you're going to yell at me, maybe wait until the end ^^;
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[ID: A two panel black and white comic of Yeeyee looking off to the right at someone not shown. In the first panel, the mystery person is saying, "People shouldn't self diagnose. Just leave it to the professionals!" In the second panel, Yeeyee is saying, "I've never been officially diagnosed with anything." End ID]
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