witch-of-the-mountain · 2 months
Tarot cheat sheets!
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witch-of-the-mountain · 2 months
Tarot cheat sheets!
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witch-of-the-mountain · 2 months
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witch-of-the-mountain · 2 months
Money/Financial Abundance Magick
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witch-of-the-mountain · 2 months
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You know, healthy obsessions 💅
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witch-of-the-mountain · 2 months
How do I connect with local spirits?
Most witches consider local spirits to be a cornerstone of their practice. It's much easier to cast a ward on your home when the local forest spirit will back it up. Ask five witches how to connect to spirits and you'll get seven answers and three arguments.
So I'm going to give you a foolproof answer.
If you live in the united states, your state will have a list of endangered and threatened species. It will also have a list of invasive species. Look through these. There's a pretty good chance that you'll be surprised and find something you've seen before. "I didn't know that was endangered! I've seen that in my grandma's backyard."
Great! You are now that species guardian angel.
Figure out how to protect it. Find out how to spread it. Then do it. It spreads from cuttings? Awesome! Take some cuttings and sprout them, then plant them somewhere.
You don't have anywhere to plant them? That's okay. Get a high-vis vest, pull over onto the side of the highway in a nice spot, plant them, and leave. No one questions the high-vis vest. Someone does? "I'm a volenteer at an endangered species reintroduction program." It's not even a lie, it's just a program of one. Hell, that program may actually exist and you may actually be able to volenteer for it.
"But how does this help me connect with local spirits?" You are actively protecting your local ecosystems that your local spirits are a reflection of. They will appreciate that far more than any other offering you can give.
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witch-of-the-mountain · 2 months
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By Jana Heidersdorf
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witch-of-the-mountain · 3 months
Spirit Work Foundations - Warding Basics
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Warding is one of the most important skills that one can learn when starting spirit work, if not the most important. There are spirits all around us, no matter where we are, and not all of them have our best intentions at heart. Most will leave humans alone who aren't aware of them, but when the door cracks open, it becomes a possibility for them to see you as a target.
It can seem difficult at first, but there are many different and easy ways to build wards that will last a long time. Once you get into a good rhythm, it's easy to make it part of your regular routine. They can be as simple as asking a deity you worship to help protect you, or as complicated as an involved crystal grid for which the research and building of can take months.
One of the most important things to remember is that you should never settle for just one ward. There are many different kinds of energy, and many different forms of attack. Having only one layer of protections leaves you vulnerable. There is almost always going to be someone stronger than you, more powerful, more involved. If they can pop your single protection, or find a loophole in it, you're completely exposed.
The hardest part of setting wards is writing out your intentions, and anchoring them in an external energy source. Some of your wards can build on your own energy, but you don't want all, or even most, of your protections to rely solely on you. If your energy drops for any reason, your wards will be compromised, and if they're wiped out at once, it will leave you exhausted and completely unable to defend yourself. However, having them rooted in your own energy can also protect them from being manipulated if the outside energy is affected. Having the wards that rely solely on your energy closest to your skin and personal body can be a great way to balance the pros and cons of this.
There are a lot of things to consider when setting wards:
How does it work? How does it protect you?
Is it purely defensive or offensive?
If it attacks back when threatened, what mechanism does it attack by?
Is it sentient?
Are there energetic constructs attached to it
How is it set?
How is it cleansed or charged?
What does it protect you from? How do you define "harm?" Is a malicious blessing the same thing as a curse?
What energetic (or physical) layers is it active on?
How is it shaped? Does it surround you in a sphere, or just on the ground layer?
What do you allow inside your wards?
Where are the loopholes in your wording so far, and how do you close them?
It might sound overwhelming, but keep in mind that not every ward you place needs to do everything.
Specific intentions are stronger than general ones, and can keep you from being locked out of forming friendly connections.
Ward setting can be a lot like the story of Goldilocks. Too strong, and nothing can come in or out and you can't sense anything outside of the wards. Too weak, and you're vulnerable. Figuring out this balance can take trial and error.
There are many ways you can set wards:
Ask a deity, spiritual companion, or spiritual guide to add some wards. You can ask them to add as many as you'd like, provided you trust them enough. Don't rely solely on them, but they can be an important layer
Create energetic constructs as guards, or ask your deities or companions to give you guards that walk around your territory
Connect them to sigils and hide the sigils all over your house or wear them on your person
Charge jewelry or witch bags with your intentions. There is an instruction for an easy DIY warded bracelet at the end of this post, and Death Witch Envy has a wonderful blog post on this topic here.
Charge gemstones and/or statues and place these at regular points around your home or person in a crystal grid
Weave protections using bones, herbs, what have you into a macramé tapestry
Anchor protections into plants you've placed on your property
Create energetic bubbles around yourself
Do monthly spell rituals to refresh, at times during specific phases of the moon/astrological times, and so on. You can include candles, oils, sigils, etc. Having a specific way to carve and dress your candles with oil for these rituals can help amplify your intention
Use cultural symbols from your path to call protections upon yourself
These are just some suggestions, but really the sky is the limit.
Using sigils in gifs or images, or even charging a VPN is a way you can use wards to protect your technology as well!
If you're new to warding, I encourage you to try at little bit of everything, and see what works best.
While you're getting set up, learning, and experimenting with wards, there's no shame in relying heavily on your deities and companions to help you with your basic protections. While I don't recommend this as a long term strategy, we all have to start somewhere, and it can help your peace of mind to know that someone has your back as you build on your own abilities.
Start small, and build from there. If you don't get it right the first time, keep trying!
Learn. Build. Grow.
It's how we all begin.
If you're overwhelmed and don't even know how to start, I've included instructions for a basic warded bracelet below. The gemstones listed are not an exhaustive list, but rather stones that are both associated in some way with different kinds of protection, and also easy to get. Feel free to use whatever other materials you're called to.
Happy Warding!
Instructions on a DIY warded bracelet:
Get some elastic. Elastic will break eventually but until then it's strong and easy to get. Clear elastic will work fine, but there's also the colored sort that is made of many different strands. That kind will fray before it snaps, so you'll have a warning. Either will work, as it's not the elastic itself that's important.
Make sure you make it a few inches longer than it takes for you to tie it around your wrist before you trim it. Make sure you have glue.
Get some beads of the following sorts (I recommend 4mm so you can string more on):
- rainbow moonstone
- black tourmaline
- Amethyst
- Smoky Quartz
- Clear quartz
- Tigers eye (tiger iron also works)
- obsidian
- And another stone you feel called to that will represent you. Can be anything.
This is not a definitive list. If you want to make it most of one but not another, or want to add more kinds of gemstones, then do so. Whatever you feel called to.
String them on the elastic until its a comfortable length. Tie it off and glue the knot before trimming the ends.
Cleanse by lighting a candle and trailing the bracelet above it enough that the fire doesn't touch it.
Pull the bracelet close to you, holding in both hands. Concentrate on the fire of the candle, and keep your intention for the bracelet (in this case, protecting you physically and mentally from spiritual entities and magic) at the forefront of your mind. Feel the energy of the candle, and envision it surrounding the bracelet and charging it with your intentions. Keep in mind that specific intentions are more likely to be stronger.
If this is all too complicated to keep in your mind at one time, you can write down a list of what you want the bracelet to do, and how. You can include the names of deities or companions you want to help strengthen it. When it's written down, put it under the candle before you burn it. You can also use flash or wish paper, which is made to be burned, and then waft the bracelet through the smoke.
(Note: paper is usually full of chemicals, and so is ink. Be mindful of what materials you use when you intend to burn a piece of spellwork. Make sure that you are in a well ventilated area, and do not set off any fire alarms, or choke on the smoke. Do not leave an open flame unattended. Have a glass or bucket of water nearby in case things get out of control).
When you feel you are done, blow out the candle. Put the bracelet on. Leave it on as much as possible, unless cleansing or recharging it.
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witch-of-the-mountain · 3 months
Confusion and misdirection spell jar 
Many people will do tarot readings on you, whether you know about them or not. So lets throw off some salty hoes and confuse the ever loving fuck out of them! This spell is similar to a decoy jar, and it is used to create confusion and misdirection in any sort of divination that is being done about you without your consent. 
What you will need: 
Jar or container of choice
Yarrow - Banishing  (properties : banishing, death, courage, psychic powers)
cloves: banishes hostility/negativity, used for protection.
black peppercorn: banishing negativity, protection from evil. 
Paper with sigils correlating to your intention
Some sort of reflective object to bounce the reading off of you
Teeth for defense 
Any sort of baneful ingredients you enjoy to give them a little punishment for trying to divine about you 
Black salt(regular works fine) to protect you from prying eyes. 
Cleanse your jar with your preferred method 
Fill it with the physical ingredients 
Write on a piece of paper, or say this out loud whichever you prefer
“Curiosity will kill the cat and no amount of satisfaction can bring it back. Anyone who tries to divine me in hopes of an upper hand will get back only nonsense and a prick back. Your tarot will turn against you, your bones will break, your runes will never fall into place. Your scrying and divination will only show your own ugliness. May this spell confuse and blind those who wish to spy on me
Write your sigils on the back of this paper, activate it by dabbing oil onto it, i used yarrow oil 
Seal your jar with black wax and string
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witch-of-the-mountain · 3 months
P.1 Common Herbs A-Z
This is A-C of some common herbs and their uses
*longer read*
Good luck
Personal power
A dried acorn is an excellent natural amulet for keeping a youthful appearance.
Obtaining treasure
Provides added determination and energy to any spells and charms. Burn crushed allspice to attract luck and money. Use in herbal baths for healing.
Invokes the healing energy of the deities. Provides magickal help for overcoming dependencies & addiction. Associated with Candlemas and Beltane. Carry, wear, or use as incense to attract abundance.
Place on the grave of a loved one to promote peaceful energy. Thought to relieve loneliness and assist with success. Hang in the home to attract luck and protection for those who live there. Grow in the home to provide protection from household accidents. Burn on the night of a full moon to bring a new lover by the new moon.
Garden Magick
Place seven apple seeds in a bag with Orris Root to attract sexual love. Use in rituals to give honor to gods and goddesses of fertility. Considered the food of the dead, which is why Samhain is called the 'Feast of Apples'. Symbolizes the soul and is burned at Samhain in honor of those who will be reborn in the spring. When doing a house blessing, cut an apple in half -- eat half and put the other half outside of the home as an offering.
Add leaves and flowers to love sachets or carry apricot pits to attract love.
Dispels confusion, fears & weakness. Drives off hostile spirits. Associated with Candlemas. Carry to move forward in a positive manner despite perilous danger. Strewn on floors to provide protection from evil. Sprinkle an infusion of basil outside of the building where you hope to be employed for luck in a job interview or in your business to attract money and success. Wear or carry to aid in attracting money and prosperity.
Bay leaf
Good fortune
Psychic powers
Write wishes on the leaves and then burn the leaves to make the wishes come true. Place under the pillow (or use in dream pillow) to induce prophetic dreams. Place in the corner of each room in the house to protect all that dwell there. Carry bay leaf to protect yourself against black magick.
Black pepper
Banishing negativity
Protection from evil
Sacred to Brighid. Leaves and berries said to attract wealth and healing.
Incorporate into rituals of death & dying to comfort those left behind and ease their sorrow.
Though not recommended, blueberry is said to cause confusion & strife when tossed in the doorway or path of an enemy.
Used for cleansing magick when feeling highly negative about oneself or others. Use in protection incenses and spells. Rinse with a decoction of burdock to remove negative feelings about yourself or others.
Good luck
Lunar magick
Money magick
Bury with other banishing symbols for protection. Grow in the home or garden to prevent unwanted intrusions. Place in all directions of the home (north, south, east, and west) for full protection.
Mental powers
Psychic powers
Male potency
Reducing stress.
Add to a sachet or spell to increase the chances of its success. Sprinkle an infusion of chamomile around the house to remove hexes, curses and spells. Burn or add to prosperity bags to increase money. Burn as incense for de-stressing, meditation, and restful sleep. Wash hands in an infusion of chamomile for luck before gambling or playing cards. Use in bath magick to attract love. Keep a packet of the herb with lottery tickets for luck.
Chilli Pepper
Hex breaking
Scatter powder around the house to break hexes and spells against you. Use in love charms & spells.
Weight loss *weight loss spells can be dangerous*
Burn as an incense or use in a sachet to raise spiritual and protective vibrations, draw money, and stimulate psychic powers. A popular herb for use in charms to draw money & prosperity. Wear in an amulet to bring passion.
Draws friends to the home, customers to the business. Promotes eloquence, persuasiveness, and prosperity. Protects and cleanses the aura. Encourages self-expression and creativity (great for writers & actors!) and brings clarity to the mind. Repels insects and deodorizes
Helps to dispel nightmares and negative thoughts and to overcome internal blockages. Provides peace of mind and grounding.
Tie fresh coriander with a ribbon and hang in the home to bring peace & protection. Add to love charms and spells to bring romance or use in ritual work to ease the pain of a broken love affair. Promotes peace among those who are unable to get along. Throw the seeds in lieu of rice during Handfastings and other rituals of union. Use the seeds in love sachets and spells. Add powdered seeds to wine for an effective lust potion. Wear or carry the seeds to ward off disease and migraines.
The seed is said to prevent the theft of any object which contains it. Burn with frankincense for protection. Scatter on the floor alone or with salt to drive out evil. Use in love spells to promote fidelity. Steep in wine to make love potions.
Burn curry powder to keep evil forces away.
And as always, merry meet <3
(photo - attichaos)
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witch-of-the-mountain · 5 months
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witch-of-the-mountain · 5 months
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The 2nd full moon of August 2023 l Rami Ammoun
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witch-of-the-mountain · 5 months
Quick witch tip: washing your hands with chamomile attracts money! Let it steep in boiling water for several minutes, let it cool to room temperature, and then wash your hands in the water. This is especially effective before gambling. If you are struggling with finding the herb itself, a tea packet would do. It'll bring you good luck in general, so use it when you need it before leaving the house!
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witch-of-the-mountain · 5 months
An Easy Spell for Good Luck
A green candle
A piece of paper
A pen
A four-leaf clover
A pinch of salt
A pinch of sugar
Write down on the piece of paper what you hope to achieve with this spell. Be specific and positive.
Fold the piece of paper in half and place it under the green candle.
Place the four-leaf clover on top of the piece of paper.
Sprinkle the salt and sugar around the candle.
Close your eyes and meditate on your goal. Visualize yourself achieving it.
Light the green candle.
When you are finished meditating, open your eyes and say the following affirmation:
“I am open to receiving good luck. I am grateful for all the good things in my life.”
Let the candle burn down completely.
You can repeat this spell as often as you like.
Here are some additional tips for casting this spell:
Choose a time when you are feeling positive and focused.
Do not perform the spell if you are feeling negative or stressed.
Be specific about what you want to achieve with the spell.
Visualize yourself achieving your goal.
Believe in yourself and your ability to attract good luck.
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witch-of-the-mountain · 5 months
Hi! I'm in love with your recipes and spells, and I was wondering if you had anything for success, specifically when it comes to jobs and job hunting? I've been doing small spells, but they've mostly been luck spells, just using moon salt to season my dishes and a couple other spices and herbs. My supplies and wallet are running low, and I've got what's potentially the most important interview in my career coming up.
The weather did not feel like being favorable when I asked for fair weather so there's that unfortunate already rip the universe decided to punish me for all my storm spells earlier in the month
Hi! Thank you so much! I wish you the best luck for your job interview ^_^
And I totally understand the weather thing, I live in a place that's always raining and storming haha.
The great thing about luck spells is they are very versatile, and heavily intention based. So whether you use a bunch of herbs and crystals or only a little. It usually has similar effects.
Here's a recipe!
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This recipe helps in a change of luck, or gives you that boost you need! Whether it be a job interview, a new work environment, an exam, or if you feel like you've been having terrible luck recently. Give this a try!
Olive Oil
1 yellow onion
1 cup chopped carrots
4 cloves garlic ~ Remove Negative Energy
1 lemon
Salt and pepper
Fresh chopped Dill ~ luck, abundance, success
1 potato, cubed
1 1/2 cup lentils, soaked
2 boxes of chicken stock/vegetable stock
Shredded Kale
Grated Ginger ~ luck, healing, protection, prosperity
Basil flakes or fresh basil ~ prosperity, money, protection, success
1 red bell pepper
One bay leaf ~ luck, protection, wisdom, strength
1 tsp turmeric ~ vitality
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander ~ longevity, prosperity
1 tsp cumin ~ protection
On medium heat, cook onion, garlic, red bell pepper, and carrots until fragrant and soft. Add broth, juice of half a lemon, potato, grated ginger (as much as you'd like), basil flakes, bay leaf, turmeric, coriander, salt, pepper, and cumin, along with your lentils. Let it come up to a slow boil, and then simmer for a little over half an hour on a lower heat with a lid on, or until lentils are cooked tender. You can add lemon slices to the top if desired.
Add in shredded kale, and cook until soft. About 3-5 minutes. Add more seasoning and lemon juice if desired.
Top with fresh dill. Enjoy!
Here are a bunch of little tips + a recipe that are pretty cheap to do:
Drinking Chai tea.
Draw some sigils of luck and success onto the fruit or food you are about to eat.
you can sew little sigils on the inside lining of your clothes (that way they stay hidden)
If you drink coffee, you could add a little cinnamon for good luck!
You can make makeshift spell jars with old empty jars, spice bottles, pencil lead containers, or empty mint boxes with anything that is green, a little bit of cinnamon, bay leaf, intention written down on paper, and your favorite crystal. Keep it in a pocket.
Ring magic is pretty nifty if it's subtle for a job interview. Simple things like wearing a ring on your middle(association with intelligence, rationality, and quick thinking), or thumb(Creativity, and inspiration). Bonus points if you give it an intention!
You could burn a green candle while thinking of your intentions.
Saturdays are the best day to cast luck spells
The afternoon is also a really good time for luck and career spells
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witch-of-the-mountain · 6 months
Nontraditional Baneful Work (1)
For the hardcore crystal witch:
Specific harm
On a very sunny day, write on paper: "[Name Of Enemy] will [experience a great misfortune] before [date]" or similar, or use a sigil. Take a sphere of quartz, hold above the paper, and allow the sun to stream through it until the victim's name is scorched from the paper.
Harm in love
Write their name on a slip of paper. On another, write "your/their heart will not find love", similar, or use a sigil. Wrap in cloth or tinfoil with a piece of rose quartz. Unwrap to release.
(Even if you do not cleanse your crystals, I would recommend doing so after using them as described above)
For the elemental witch:
General harm
Create a vial of strong sun water, then "corrupt" with a pinch of pepper or a splash of red dye. On paper, write the name of your victim, and cast them into the vial. Shake vigorously to expedite.
Productivity-related harm
Cast a small item taken from your victim into a vial of ocean water. They now feel as if they are drowning in their responsibilities. Pour out to release.
There are always alternatives to the risk of pickpocketing items on and off of people, but this is a method I have always had success with.
For the nature witch:
Long-term harm
Healthy acorns sink in water, while rotten ones will float (most of the time). Take a floating acorn and and whisper to it its purpose. Sneak it into your victim's belongings and let it take root.
Bad luck
Paint the name of your victim in water on a maple leaf. Place the maple leaf under the candlestick of a black candle and let burn for as long as you like. Negative energy, including that of any standing hexes against you, will be captured and sent on to your victim, even if they are its originator.
(All are based on my own research, practice, experience, and theory. I encourage you to modify these for your own use if I have inspired you.)
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witch-of-the-mountain · 6 months
Protective witchcraft
Witchcraft can be a powerful tool for protection, but it is important to approach it with respect and caution. Here are some tips for using witchcraft to protect yourself:
Set intentions: Before you begin any ritual or spell, it is important to set clear intentions for what you want to achieve. Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective energy that keeps you safe and secure.
Use protective symbols: There are many symbols that are commonly used for protection in witchcraft, such as the pentacle, the evil eye, and the hamsa. You can wear these symbols as jewelry or draw them on talismans to carry with you.
Use herbs & crystals: There are many herbs and crystals that are believed to have protective properties in witchcraft. Some popular options include black pepper, rosemary, black tourmaline, and amethyst. You can use these herbs and crystals in spells or carry them with you in a sachet or pouch.
Create a protective charm: You can create a protective charm by combining herbs, crystals, and other materials in a small pouch or container. This charm can be carried with you or placed in your home to provide ongoing protection.
Use visualization: Visualization is a powerful tool in witchcraft. Visualize a protective bubble of energy surrounding you, or imagine yourself surrounded by a circle of protective light.
Call on deities or spirits: If you work with deities or spirits in your witchcraft practice, you can call on them for protection. Some popular options include Hecate, Artemis, and Archangel Michael.
Cast a protection spell: You can cast a spell to protect yourself from harm. This can involve creating a protective circle, calling on the elements, and using candles, herbs, and other tools to set your intention and create a protective energy.
Create a protective sigil: A sigil is a symbol that is created to represent a specific intention or desire. You can create a sigil for protection by writing out your intention and then using the letters to create a unique symbol. This symbol can then be charged with energy and used for protection.
Use divination: Divination can be a helpful tool for identifying potential sources of harm or danger. You can use tarot cards, runes, or other divination tools to gain insight into potential threats and take steps to protect yourself.
Practice grounding & centering: Grounding and centering can help you stay grounded and focused, even in stressful or dangerous situations. This involves connecting with the earth and your own inner strength to create a sense of stability and protection.
Remember that protection is not a one-time event, but an ongoing practice. Incorporate these tips into your daily witchcraft practice to create a strong and lasting protective energy around yourself.
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