witchboychan · 4 hours
Witch Tip 122
Is shadow work difficult for you? Can you not focus? Is it too boring? Too intense?
Well guess what?
Its no longer shadow work. You're no longer a witch staring at a blank page or shadow work prompts or whatever you do.
Those are soliloquies now.
You are [insert your favorite shakespeare character here]
Go off Iago ✨️
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witchboychan · 2 days
The chaos witch in me is saying to say/scream "I CAN T HEAR YOU BUT I KNOW YOU RE THERE!"
But seriously tho if you can't hear them have you tried using a pendulum to ask if they wanna work with you? Also theres a few tarot spreads online that you can use to try and get their message if you can't hear them. If you want to learn how to actually hear them, meditation helped me. And frequent practice!
Having a hard time
For a while now I've been interested in deity work and have found myself most interested in Hathor, Freya, and Aphrodite, and sometimes taking interest in other deities. They all have been super frequent in my life and kind of pop in and out? sometimes all i see is things about one or the other and then for a bit nothing. Recently though I think Freya and Aphrodite have taken more of an interest in me. Whenever I do tarot Freya seems to always come up in my cards, and Aphrodite appears a lot through everything i see when i open my phone. I do have a hard time sort of listening and connecting like hearing them, and actually listening. Does anyone have advice?
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witchboychan · 3 days
Witch Tip 121
Love spells aren't bad until you're targetting one person. No ones stopping you from taking a general list of things you find attractive and manifesting that person into existance.
For example, targetting Becky in your math class and spelling your way into sex with her is a no.
However writing out the traits that you want in your future lover, giving the spell a deadline of 1 year, and sleeping with it under your mattress for a couple months won't kill anyone.
So anyways thats how I caught an adorable blonde girlfriend. Any questions?
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witchboychan · 5 days
Witch Tip 120:
You can use anything as a divination method if you try hard enough. Some offhanded examples of items you can use include:
Playing cards
A pendulum/necklace
The earth
Random conversations you accidentally overhear
And honestly theres probavly more i'm missing but i just thought this was neat :)
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witchboychan · 8 days
Took a nice comfortable mental health break, discovered Shanin Blake, and decided to come back since her presence undid all my hard work. How are yall doing?
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witchboychan · 3 months
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witchboychan · 3 months
Good luck friend!!! You can do it!!!
I believe in you :O
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Cheers to a new year, starting my first ever grimoire.
Blessed be!
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witchboychan · 4 months
Witch Tip 119:
Mirrors amplify EVERYTHING
So do your nice positive spells in front of them!
Or enchant with a mirror!
Or at the very least ward off your mirrors ;_;
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witchboychan · 4 months
Witch Tip 118:
Want a plant thats easy to tend to? Are you sick of mourning the death of your leafy friends?
Get bamboo
I had the same bamboo plant since 2020
Its still alive and I water it once every 2 weeks when i occasionally remember it needs water. Its my neglected child but its still thriving.
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witchboychan · 4 months
Witch Tip 117
Always listen to that gut feeling!
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witchboychan · 4 months
Witch Tip 116:
If you feel like no one gets you, or that you aren't enough: remember that theres always someone behind the scenes cheering for you. And if you disagree, i m right here. I m cheering for you. Keep going! Don't stop!
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I love you 🩷
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witchboychan · 4 months
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Behold! Two wildly different ends of the witchy spectrum 💀
Out of sheer curiousity:
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witchboychan · 5 months
Witch Tip 115:
Do your shadow work!
...or at least journal...
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witchboychan · 5 months
Hi there, I was wondering if you have advice on how to do lust spells or something close to that? If you're not comfortable with answering the question I can ask a different question. Thank you!
I have little to no sex experience, i am barely 18, and i'm the spitting image of a virgin [i'm literally some random "human" on tumblr]. But i'm a writer and I work with Lady Aphrodite sooooo... we can make this work.
This topic is kindaaaa iffy...because its on the same grounds as love spells. Free will is important, despite what medieval times wants you to believe. So for ethical reasons imma say don't target one person, target the general demographic of people that you want.
For example, don't specifically target your crush, thats suspicious. HOWEVER, you can target the general group of people you wanna smash.
When it comes to actually spells like this I do have experience, so you better be VERY VERY CLEAR the types of people you wanna target with this spell. Because I had a total of three [3] dudes who thought i was cute, and they were nasty, and I prefer wamen ;_; so thats my horror story.
When it comes to components/ingredients for the actual spellwork, your best friend is the color pink because it is the color of love, or red if you really wanna focus on the lusty parts. Also rose quartz is the best love crystal out there, but carnelian is good if you wanna get more flirty [link: https://parade.com/astrology/best-crystals-for-love-sex-romance ]. Also this is either my intuition acting up or my tulpa being a lil crazy, but casting naked might help? Look into sex magic as well, i'm like 5% sure you can do that solo. I don't do sex magic though, not really my cup of tea. But it might be yours!
I do have a spell that I drew up a while ago, if you want something to springboard off of. Its very simple. Get all of those supplies mentioned before, a piece of paper, and a pen [preferably red or pink]. And write out that criteria for that lust spell. Do it. Just do it.
Another one I found on pinterest;
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[ @simplemagicality ]
Full credit to that dude, they made my life much easier with this spell. I'm sure it'll work when it comes to lust as well, even though its not a lust spell. I mean, attention, lust, close enough.
I really hope my ramble helped, thanks for being so considerste about my boundaries as well <3
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witchboychan · 5 months
I love Taylor and her willow/witch vibe
Well, now she has more of a football players billionare girlfriend kinda vibe imo, but i see where you're coming from. I still have that are we outta the woods yet song stuck in my head, and i only heard it once.
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witchboychan · 5 months
Out of sheer curiousity:
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witchboychan · 5 months
Witch Tip 114:
"Oh no, i don't have a representation for [insert element here] in my spelllll!"
Your body is made of all the elements
Air is in your lungs
Fire is literally your body heat [assuming your not a corpse]
Earth is literally your BONES and all the minerals you eat
And water is literally most of your body anyway
Just be selective with this method since this method will definetly bind the spell to you
You're welcome ;)
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