wordsuponmyheart · 5 years
~love you most~
It’s when I love you most. When I see you as you. When you get passionate about something, and not care what others think. When you shake off the world and focus on something. When you stop trying to always impress me, and you let down your guards, and just be you. I have to catch my breath sometimes in those moments, as I realize I’ve just fallen a little more in love with who you really are.
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
She thinks in chaos, but when she writes, it’s as if all the stars align
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
You literally made me lose my appetite. Do you understand how manipulative you’re trying to be? Baiting me? Trying to win me over by complimenting me, saying you’re going to come see my show (which I never believed anyway), telling me you still keep that Polaroid of us in your wallet, asking me to come visit you, and then when I say I can’t, telling me that it’s okay....cause you’ll just have another girl come instead. Trying to make me jealous that the other girl gets your attention and flirtations instead of me? That’s cruel, and manipulative, and selfish. It proves nothing except your own insecurity and the love you have only for yourself. It treats both me and the other girl as an object, your play thing, to be punished when we don’t give you exactly what you want.
You make me sick. Literally. I’m no longer hungry, my stomach hurts, and I feel like throwing up. But you know what’s sad? I’m to afraid to send you this message, because I know I wasn’t innocent in the past, and I’m too afraid of what you would do or say about me if I make you upset. So I sit and I cry and feel hurt and ashamed for things you say and do to me, and the way I’ve acted in the past. And you get to go on being free, not knowing just how much I’m hurting under your cruelty.
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
“Slowly and carefully he’s picking up all the pieces of me that I’ve lost along the way”
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
“You hurt me so bad that pain lost it’s meaning”
- (C.B)
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
He kissed me.
I broke his heart, and he kissed me.
One last time, before we parted forever, he kissed me softly and slowly, like he wanted it to last a lifetime.
It broke my heart. But I let him kiss me.
And for a moment everything else faded away. And it was just him and me and our lips together, and nothing else in the world mattered.
I think I will remember that moment always.
The sweet sadness of a final kiss goodbye.
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
Someday you’ll find that perfect someone who just gets you. He’ll look at you and smile, and you’ll just feel warm. The warmth starts in your heart and slowly starts to thaw the hardness that has formed over years of not being understood. And as he continues to gaze into your soul, your heart continues to heal, and the warmth continues to spread. It reaches its fingers around the sharpest corners and fixes its eyes into the smallest holes until it finally reaches every last space of your heart and you just feel warm. You feel whole. You feel seen. You feel loved.
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
And then suddenly, you were in my life, and I didn’t know how to breathe anymore.
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
When I hear your name, it’s like a firework goes off and I was standing too close - it stops me in my tracks, hurts to hear, and excites me all at once. But just as quickly, it fades to nothing and the sky is dark again.
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love your naked soul.
Charlie Chaplin
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
Sometimes I hate people. And then I realize I have no one to blame except myself. And then I hate myself even more.
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
What’s in a promise?
Hopes and dreams about times to come.
Love and trust from the heart you hold.
Joy and peace in the eyes so bright.
Devotion to a soul and the plans you make.
What’s in a promise?
Fears and doubts with what time’s become.
Hate and betrayal from the heart so cold.
Pain and sorrow in the eyes shut tight.
Division from a soul and the plans you now break.
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
I can’t fix you, but I promise I’ll help you hold all your pieces.
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
I will forever be trying to heal you, while you will forever be trying to kill me.
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
Are you proud of yourself? Does hurting me make you happier?
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wordsuponmyheart · 6 years
~strong girl~
Sometimes the strong girl is the one who walks away instead of letting herself get treated like dirt.
The one who has the courage to say “no” instead of allowing someone to use her.
The one who stands up for herself instead of burying her hurt.
The one who expresses her opinions instead of following along.
The one who says “enough of this” when being lead on.
The one who tries knew things despite her lack of knowledge.
The one who loves again even after years of pain.
The one who cries because she’s not afraid to be vulnerable.
The one who laughs around those who tear her down.
The one who prays to the God she believes in, though thousands ridicule.
The one who stands by the honest friend during their hour of self doubt.
The one who remembers she wasn’t always this strong, but has learned from her mistakes and shines for all the others to find their way as well.
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