a royal who’s trained for assassination attempts, specifically poisoning. building up a resistance by taking small doses, getting sick, writhing in pain, and healing only to do it again and again and again until their body no longer reacts to it anymore.
then they switch to a different poison.
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Romance Drabble - Festival Kiss - Introducing my OC's
Also I wrote this randomly because the scene was stuck in my head so this is kinda taking place mid-plot but ya know just enjoy the writing and the fluff!
Context because this is very out of context to the whole lore of the world I'm writing 😭:
Galbana is a country in this universe (They're not actually from there tho)
Opal is Neo’s (the narrator’s) cousin
Mia and Neo are roommates and also coworkers and also vigilante idiots (:
This is a fantasy world so magic is a thing but its not really talked about here-
Obviously, I was a little tipsy. What's a festival for if not to try the various colourful ales random merchants hand you while dancing. Mia seemed to think the same, as soon as I was done talking to my brother I saw her with Opal across the field, holding a glass of a bubbly liquid such a bright yellow it almost glowed against the darkness of the night. She was smiling wider than I had ever seen her do so before. It was either the booze or Opal’s delightful sense of humour, but considering my cousin's depressed demeanour tonight I assumed it was the booze.
The band sped up to the tempo of abnormally fast folk music, urging us to dance. I couldn’t bring myself to move from my spot, leaning against the buffet table, looking at Mia. I watched as Opal and her interlocked arms and approached the dancing, both swaying a little as they walked. The purple dress the festival organisers somehow forced Mia into twirled as she moved, the fabric reflecting the fairy lights illuminating the field, it was like she was wearing a skirt made of starlight. Even without her drunken smiles, I had never seen her like this, partying in a dress, laughing with girlfriends, or relaxing at all really. It was pretty, it made me feel like relaxing too. Not that I wasn’t, after all I make it a sport to be pretty much unbothered all the time. But at this particular moment I was bothered, I was bothered because instead of dancing with the girl I love I was standing there gawking at her like an idiot.
I approached the cultish- I mean jolly- circle of frolicking losers from behind and I waited until Mia and Opal danced themselves into the direction of where I was standing. I tapped my cousin on the shoulder to swap out and she gave me the dirtiest look I’d ever received. I waited for 2 more spins until I tapped her out again. Opal groaned and stepped out of the circle. Mia looked confused and as she found an awfully handsome gentleman next to her.
She giggled, “Neo I thought you were getting pissed.”
Oh man, the impressions I give to people...
“No, actually I was bonding with my brother.” I said with dismay but I couldn’t help but grin at how in awe she looked at me, usually it was the other way around.
“Okay.” She said softly as she looped her arm through mine.
We continued dancing like this for a while. A while, until my back reminded me that it was still fractured only a month ago. Before I could escape back to the buffet table of peace Mia tugged on my sleeve.
“Neo,” she said, “my leg’s starting to hurt again, let's chill somewhere.”
And so we did. I took her hand and led her to a clearing in the field where the music was a bit quieter and the people were a bit sparser, but the lights shone just as brightly.
The band in the distance was beginning to slow down, the tempo was now at a lazy waltz. Unfortunately for my two left feet and broken back, Mia seemed to have heard the new music and looked at me expectantly. But of course, she knew me like the back of her hand so before I could speak she had her arms over my neck and said,
“Just sway with me.”
And so I did. My heart was pounding in my chest like it was going to pop out and kiss her for me.
Why was I even being like this? Did my flirty ballsy act officially die?
We lived together, spent every waking moment together, and yet that night more than ever I wanted her to be mine. I suppose it was special since she was the one holding onto me, just for a second it didn’t feel like an empty pursuit. I knew that when the morning fell, things would be the same again, and then we’d go home into our apartment and keep going about our business as if I don’t love her more than anyone else in this world.
“So, how are you liking Galbana?” I asked quietly, in awe of how magical this stupid country can be sometimes.
“I love it. It’s beautiful.” She said, but when she did she never once looked away from my eyes.
I gazed into hers with the same severity and chuckled.
“Thank you for taking me here.” She crooned.
Before I even had the chance to melt at her sweetness, her head shot up and she pecked me softly on the lips, standing on tiptoes. She exploded into giggles and I just stood there, stunned.
“Mia did you just kiss me?” I asked in disbelief.
“Yeah~” She replied with a sing-songy voice, still holding on to me. It’s a good thing she was since I felt as if I was going to drop dead from shock, and probably sheer joy.
My cheeks hurt from the, probably ludicrous, expression I was making.
“Why, how bold of you.” I teased as I caressed her cheek with my hand. She didn’t flinch away from this touch which I counted as a win. We swayed for a few more seconds until the flirt in me finally got the memo.
“May I return the favour?” I suggested cheekily.
Mia nodded, also smiling massively. I rested my other hand on her face as well.
She gave a little hiccup.
And then it hit me,
“Mia, are you drunk?”
“ Hic - probably…” She replied guiltily.
I dropped my hands from her face immediately. When this passed she was going to kill me.
“Have you even drunk before? Woman, you just kissed me?!? How are you this shit-faced?” I demanded, while also imagining how tomorrow I’m somehow going to get kicked out of an apartment signed under my name.
She looked at the ground in embarrassment, “I don’t really drink…”
I frowned, “Well, how much did you have?”
“Dunno” She replied.
“Oh boy,” I grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her in the direction of the boarding house we were staying in, “that’s it we’re going to bed.”
“No!” Mia whined.
“Come on.” I pushed her gently away from the site of the festival.
“I wanna party.” She moaned some more.
Never thought I would live to hear her say that. I sighed, as cute as she was, she was not in her right mind.
“Trust me, you’re gonna thank me in the morning…”
Somebody please let me know if u like these characters and wanna know more about them and their world because I will make that happen!
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I want to cry
I spent the past hour writing up the most meticulously crafted drabble after plotting out the scene for a previous other hour. I ended up deleting it...
Yeaaah, I’m not the smartest person you’ll ever meet. I had the text on my clipboard but I accidentally copied a diff image while I was fixing something on my account. So uh, enjoy the product of my hard work:
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Yes, I lost my work to an ace meme.
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I'm having kind of a rough time lately, but I had an idea- would y'all be interested in submitting maybe whump sketch ideas in my asks and I'll draw them for you? I'm not sure how many I can do, but it'd certainly be fun and help keep me busy :)
Just please, no super sexual content type stuff. Injury good! Blood good! Tears good! nsfw sexy stuff bad 😞 hurts the asexual (me)
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Also consider whumpee having kept a diary before they were captured. It would be full of mundane tasks described with little doodles next to them and light hearted stuff like crushes. Now imagine whumpee finding that later and breaking down at the innocence of their past self. OR, OR, OR caretaker finding the old journal and learning about who once was whumpee.
rescued whumpees being given a journal to write out their thoughts and feelings. whumpees in captivity finding an old, empty book to write in and document what’s been happening to them as a way to keep their sanity. caretaker discovering an old journal / diary of whumpee’s. whumpee reading through an old journal / diary they kept while in captivity, years down the line, reflecting on that time in their life that seems so distant yet so close all at once. 
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World Building- Culture
As some one who has had to meticulously come up with an entire universe with too many different countries and cultures, WORLD BUILDING CIVILISATIONS CAN BE SUPER TRICKY.
This becomes especially true when it comes to sitting down and writing the religions and culture of different places in your wonderful little fictional world. Yet, going through and implementing these details can make your characters so much more interesting, it’ed easier to justify some of their actions and lay out their moral code!
Ok, enough essay sounding shit, here are some aspects to think about that could help with this!
Deities/Role Models of a religion:
Do these people believe in Gods?
If so, how many? Just one? A couple? Thousands?
How do they worship these deities?
If not, what do they believe in? Do they have any religion at all?
Do they worship any prophets? 
Do they worship or stand by any Philosophers?
What did these deities do to be worshiped?
What are absolute taboos in your world? What are the kinds of that should absolutely never talked about over the dinner table?
Are there any controversies that should not be brought up?
Is there anything that goes against the general beliefs of the public amongst these peoples?
Are some actions taboo? (For example, people who worship animals, might find it taboo to eat meat.)
Is looking a certain way taboo? (For example, a society that values practicality might find it taboo to keep hair long?)
Does gender or identity play any role in what is taboo?
Some things might just be taboo for no particular reason.
Morals and Values:
Does this society value family or individual prosperity more?
Are these people very hard-workers? If so, they might value honesty and effort.
Has this society faced a lot of hardship together? If so, they might value generosity and community.
Some peoples might have a very screwed up moral code. Does your society condone murder? 
What is the most unforgivable crime in this world? You can take the answer to this and lead it back to a moral.
What is a lesson all parents in this world teach their children? Why?
What is a silly superstition people have?
No but actually, food, people bond over it, some meals symbolise important things, etc, etc.
Do any plants or animals have significance to these people?
And write thats about all of the helpy questions I can churn out rn! If there is anything else for me to produce a page like this about, pleaseeee ask meeee. I love writing this stuff so any drabble, prompts, whatever, you would like to see me write, please go ahead and tell me!
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