writing-and-art · 1 day
little sneak peak of what im currently working on...
A few months after the siege, Jiang Cheng wakes up craving soup.
yeah actually I lied but would you like to hear about my plans? yes you would so this is actually all I have on my word document right now but I have the entire story planned out in my head its essentially going to be a
'dealing with the shit life has thrown at you with increasingly questionable coping mechanisms while raising the kid of your dead sister who sacrificed her life for the guy you have a complicated relationship because hes such a fundamental part of your life and now youre not sure who you are without him overshadowing all your achievements and you have a weird jealousy thing of him you've never been able to get over also your father kept comparing you two also you kinda helped kill him also he orphaned your nephew and now everyone you have ever loved is dead apart from the SON of your DEAD sister who is dead btw and now you have to keep everything running smoothly while still recovering from the sunshot campaign and I guess you never really ever let go of anything because years later the guy who was Weird about your weird brother-person is weird (negative) to you and also now you torture people who practice what your brother practiced. for funnies.'
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writing-and-art · 30 days
Part 2/? for svsss peaks head canons, pt 1 here
this one has: xianshu peak cultivation stuff, how and what ifs, kuxing peak what they do plus names, liu qingge
kuxing peak (it keeps autocorrecting to coxing)
ive also given kuxing peak lord a name, ai qinggua 艾清寡, gua as in 'few; scant' (or so pleco tells me…) (also note: ive given no thought to the last names)
I did some research on asceticism and it was just abstinence and spiritual and finding inner peace and stuff unsure if its disrespectful but I think it'd be neat if they were opening their third eye
this is bc asceticism has been observed in a multitude of religions including buddhism and hinduism and the third eye thing comes up with hinduism and buddhism
xianshu peak - why only females, random thoughts, cultivation style thoughts (I mean yeah it could be because. no males and they wanted an all female peak bc bc but also looking at it cultivation wise)
I think it'd be funny if they all hated kuxing peak
it'd be cool if wanjian peak (sword peak) hated them bc theyre the ones with more unique weapons (fans, flutes, scythes, axes) so they just dont use swords
OR what if they like condense their qi? they use their qi as their weapon, svsss definitely has qi as vry important (think: qi deviations) so they'd undergo some really fucking intense training to avoid more qi deviation than normal
bc yin is 'feminine energy' obviously they'd be more focused on harnessing and expanding - but why? well I went on google and while I could have searched in chinese, im not gonna make myself read articles I cant understand. English it is! underneath are quotes and links:
''Yin' is retractive, passive and receptive while 'yang' is active, repelling and expansive;' from wikipedia
'the body's physical form belongs to yin while the body's activities or functions belong to yang.' from shen-nong
'Yin represents the substantial resources of life while Yang is the motivating force that works with these resources...the Yang aspect creating a constrictive energetic field. As this constrictive field gathers, the condensation of gas creates the dust that densifies into matter. In this way, Yang initiates the formation of Yin. In other words, function creates form.' from this site
obviously I dont check my sources but like !!! summarising: yin is retractive, 'body' and 'form' which works for the 'condensing qi' thing
anyways badass qi weapon condensing warriors sign me up
liu Qingge
ngl I thought his last name was 刘 not 柳 which is kinda sad bc I was rooting for us to share a last name
does he ever find out liumingyan writes porn? I desperately want to see this man reading his sisters porn
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writing-and-art · 30 days
Part 1/? for svsss peaks head canons
svsss time and todays topic is: peaks, names, what they do, etc! stuff mentioned in this post: Qing Jing peak, thoughts and stuff, an original peak specialising in research, mentions of beast taming peak from grand unified theory fic
next post includes but not limited to xianshu (all girls) peak and why all girls (spoiler: badass cultivation), Ku Xing peak lord name + what it might do,
made my own research peak (bc I am a nerd at heart, unfortunately) anyways this peak explores topics like how qi? why qi?
occasionally badgers qingjing peak disciples to write their thesis neatly so they can publish (going by ancient chinese methods here, where they carved stuff and inked, other wise known as 'woodblock printing')
bullies an ding peak disciples to help publish (Shang Qinghua finds their 'new' discoveries hilarious, he came up with half of them in his novel! and sometimes nudges disciples in the right direction when theyre stuck on something (that he already invented)
ive named it so it literally translates to research: 研究峰, yan jiu feng (note, 峰 is peak)and my peak lord is 言清寻; Yán Qīngxún (original, I know)
they'd invent caffeine if airplanes shitty worldbuilding hasn't already invented it
a bunch of ppl all nerding out abt their latest discovery
sometimes works with qiancao peak to research medicinal properties of certain plants!
slightly yuck details: live testing on animals (currently some are going like 'no bad' (actually this may be a subplot in my non-existent fic)
also they'd def dabble in talismans which I imagine is a bit like coding, after the initiation they get tossed around for a few years where along with their regular training, rotate between specialties and eventually get a feel for what they wanna do. or they remain undecided and live out their mad scientist dreams forever
areas of study include: talismans! qi! why there are so many porn plants!!!
anyways ive been reading fanfics and a bunch of them go like 'Qing Jing peak, the peak of scholars and tacticians' then I read canon and it was just the four arts (im pretty sure this was mentioned in canon but um my memory is trash forgive me)
I did a bit of reading: 琴棋書畫; qínqíshūhuà. aka describes the four arts (guqin, weiqi, calligraphy, painting)
having a fun time imagining spoilt rich kids doing the entrance thingy, severely out of shape bc they wanna be in qinging peak aka peak of Not Physical Exercise stuff
imagining Shen Qingqiu playing weiqi (and failing) after his qi deviation
did luobinghe play guqin for his wives in PIDW later that would have been cute I bet it was a porn device at some point. guqin sex aka the svsss equivalent of piano sex maybe they use the strings for bondage, but safely, bc PIDW porn mechanics (fuck you airplane)
beast taming from unified theory, I think a peak for monsters and stuff is cool and beast taming is cool but ngl I want a more general focus rather than taming specifically, in the fanfic it said líng yòu peak
im trash at chinese and I dont think there were any characters so idk what this means ngl so I went on pleco: 兽 shòu is like animal/beast sooo 兽类峰 (shòu lèi fěng)
林清晖 (Lin Qinghui) I wanted Lin as the last name bc it means forest and when I think of animals I think of forests pleco says this means clear and bright
they hate yanjiu peak bc of their 'horrific, cruel methods' aka animal testing
theyre involved in the subplot I mentioned earlier
yanjiu peak hates them too bc they get animal fur and droppings everywhere in their carefully kept environment which is necessary for some tests!!!!
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writing-and-art · 2 months
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:( how to draw hair? :(((((((
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writing-and-art · 2 months
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god knew giving me drawing skills would make me too powerful
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writing-and-art · 2 months
The day Chuuya dies is a bright day. The sky is painted a soft blue, and the sun shines its iridescent rays on the world’s undeserving participants. It’s a wonderful day, all things considered, and Dazai has never felt more at peace.
“The slug’s gone now, Ane-san,” he says brightly, and Kouyou nods. Her red lips curl into a smile, all soft and sweet like syrup. It holds none of that typical sharpness he’s come to associate with her over the years- none of the familiar blood, rust, and unassuming perfume.
Dazai wanders out onto the streets, where Yokohama picks itself up after its latest disaster. He side steps debris and the occasional organ on the sidewalk. The breeze blows gently, and he feels whole- content. He meanders over to where The Flags are buried, and sits on the latest headstone.
“I’m so glad you’re gone,” he says to the wind.
There is no reply.
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writing-and-art · 5 months
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congrats on 5k @lotus-pear
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writing-and-art · 5 months
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writing-and-art · 5 months
so i posted a chuuya-centric eating disorder fic
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writing-and-art · 5 months
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Happy new year!
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writing-and-art · 6 months
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writing-and-art · 6 months
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*screams into the void*
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writing-and-art · 6 months
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writing-and-art · 6 months
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quick dazai
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writing-and-art · 6 months
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congrats on coming out, chuuya
chuuya on his own under the cut
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writing-and-art · 6 months
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i'm beginning to enjoy art, actually
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writing-and-art · 6 months
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he's so stupid i love him
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